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The Tar Baby and the Tomahawk: Race and Ethnic Images in American Children's Literature, 1880-1939

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THE volume [note] containing an instalment of thirty-four negro legends, which was given to the public three years ago, was accompanied by an apology for both the matter and the manner. Perhaps such an apology is more necessary now than it was then; but the warm reception given to the book on all sides—by literary critics, as well as by ethnologists and students of folk-lore, in this country and in Europe—has led the author to believe that a volume embodying everything, or nearly everything, of importance in the oral literature of the negroes of the Southern States, would be as heartily welcomed.

The thirty-four legends in the first volume were merely selections from the large body of plantation folk-lore familiar to the author from his childhood, and these selections were made less with an eye to their ethnological importance than with a view to presenting certain quaint and curious race characteristics, of which the world at large had had either vague or greatly exaggerated notions.

The first book, therefore, must be the excuse and apology for the present volume. Indeed, the first book made the second a necessity; for, immediately upon its appearance, letters and correspondence began to pour in upon the author from all parts of the South. Much of this correspondence
was very valuable, for it embodied legends that had escaped the author's memory, and contained hints and suggestions that led to some very interesting discoveries. The result is, that the present volume is about as complete as it could be made under the circumstances, though there is no doubt of the existence of legends and myths, especially upon the rice plantations, and Sea Islands of the Georgia and Carolina sea-coast, which, owing to the difficulties that stand in the way of those who attempt to gather them, are not included in this collection.

It is safe to say, however, that the best and most characteristic of the legends current on the rice plantations and Sea Islands, are also current on the cotton plantations. Indeed, this has been abundantly verified in the correspondence of those who kindly consented to aid the author in his efforts to secure stories told by the negroes on the sea-coast. The great majority of legends and stories collected and forwarded by these generous collaborators had already been collected among the negroes on the cotton plantations and uplands of Georgia and other Southern States. This will account for the comparatively meagre contribution which Daddy Jack, the old African of the rice plantations, makes towards the entertainment of the little boy.

The difficulty of verifying the legends, which came to hand from various sources, has been almost as great as the attempt to procure them at first hands. It is a difficulty hard to describe. It is sometimes amusing, and sometimes irritating, but finally comes to be recognized as the result of a very serious and impressive combination of negro characteristics. The late Professor Charles F. Hartt, of Cornell University, in his admirable monograph [note] on the folk-lore of
the Amazon regions of Brazil, found the same difficulty among the Amazonian Indians. Exploring the Amazonian valley, Professor Hartt discovered that a great body of myths and legends had its existence among the Indians of that region. Being aware of the great value of these myths, he set himself to work to collect them; but for a long time he found the task an impossible one, for the whites were unacquainted with the Indian folk-lore, and neither by coaxing nor by offers of money could an Indian be persuaded to relate a myth. In most instances, Professor Hartt was met with statements to the effect that some old woman of the neighborbood was the story-teller, who could make him laugh with tales of the animals; but he never could find this old woman.

But one night, Professor Hartt heard his Indian steersman telling the Indian boatmen a story in order to keep them awake. This Indian steersman was full of these stories, but, for a long time, Professor Hartt found it impossible to coax this steersman to tell him another. He discovered that the Indian myth is always related without mental effort, simply to pass the time away, and that all the surroundings must be congenial and familiar.

In the introduction to the first volume of "Uncle Remus" [note] occurs this statement: "Curiously enough, I have found few negroes who will acknowledge to a stranger that they know anything of these legends; and yet to relate one is the surest road to their confidence and esteem."

This statement was scarcely emphatic enough. The thirty-four legends in the first volume were comparatively easy to verify, for the reason that they were the most popular among the negroes, and were easily remembered. This is
also true of many stories in the present volume; but some of them appear to be known only to the negroes who have the gift of story-telling,--a gift that is as rare among the blacks as among the whites. There is good reason to suppose, too, that many of the negroes born near the close of the war or since, are unfamiliar with the great body of their own folk-lore. They have heard such legends as the "Tar- Baby" story and "The Moon in the Mill-Pond," and some others equally as graphic; but, in the tumult and confusion incident to their changed condition, they have had few opportunities to become acquainted with that wonderful collection of tales which their ancestors told in the kitchens and cabins of the Old Plantation. The older negroes are as fond of the legends as ever, but the occasion, or the excuse, for telling them becomes less frequent year by year.

With a fair knowledge of the negro character, and long familiarity with the manifold peculiarities of the negro mind and temperament, the writer has, nevertheless, found it a difficult task to verify such legends as he had not already heard in some shape or other. But, as their importance depended upon such verification, he has spared neither pains nor patience to make it complete. The difficulties in the way of this verification would undoubtedly have been fewer if the writer could have had an opportunity to pursue his investigations in the plantation districts of Middle Georgia; but circumstances prevented, and he has been compelled to depend upon such opportunities as casually or unexpectedly presented themselves.

One of these opportunities occurred in the summer of 1882, at Norcross, a little railroad station, twenty miles north-east of Atlanta. The writer was waiting to take the train to Atlanta, and this train, as it fortunately
happened, was delayed. At the station were a number of negroes, who had been engaged in working on the railroad. It was night, and, with nothing better to do, they were waiting to see the train go by. Some were sitting in little groups up and down the platform of the station, and some were perched upon a pile of cross-ties. They seemed to be in great good-humor, and cracked jokes at each other's expense in the midst of boisterous shouts of laughter. The writer sat next to one of the liveliest talkers in the party; and, after listening and laughing awhile, told the "Tar Baby" story by way of a feeler, the excuse being that some one in the crowd mentioned "Ole Molly Har'." The story was told in a low tone, as if to avoid attracting attention, but the comments of the negro, who was a little past middle age, were loud and frequent. "Dar now!" he would exclaim, or, "He's a honey, mon!" or, "Gentermens! git out de way, an' gin 'im room!"

These comments, and the peals of unrestrained and unrestrainable laughter that accompanied them, drew the attention of the other negroes, and before the climax of the story had been reached, where Brother Rabbit is cruelly thrown into the brier-patch, they had all gathered around and made themselves comfortable. Without waiting to see what the effect of the "Tar Baby" legend would be, the writer told the story of "Brother Rabbit and the Mosquitoes," and this had the effect of convulsing them. Two or three could hardly wait for the conclusion, so anxious were they to tell stories of their own. The result was that, for almost two hours, a crowd of thirty or more negroes vied with each other to see which could tell the most and the best stories. Some told them poorly, giving only meagre outlines, while others told them passing well; but one or two, if their language
and their gestures could have been taken down, would have put Uncle Remus to shame. Some of the stories told had already been gathered and verified, and a few had been printed in the first volume; but the great majority were either new or had been entirely forgotten. It was night, and impossible to take notes; but that fact was not to be regretted. The darkness gave greater scope and freedom to the narratives of the negroes, and but for this friendly curtain, it is doubtful if the conditions would have been favorable to story-telling. But however favorable the conditions might have been, the appearance of a note-book and pencil would have dissipated them as utterly as if they had never existed. Moreover, it was comparatively an easy matter for the writer to take the stories away in his memory, since many of them gave point to a large collection of notes and unrelated fragments already in his possession.

Theal, in the preface to his collection of Kaffir Tales, [note] lays great stress upon the fact that the tales he gives "have all undergone a thorough revision by a circle of natives. They were not only told by natives, but were copied down by natives." It is more than likely that his carefulness in this respect has led him to overlook a body of folk-lore among the Kaffirs precisely similar to that which exists among the negroes of the Southern States. If comparative evidence is worth anything,—​ and it may be worthless in this instance,—​ the educated natives have "cooked" the stories to suit themselves. In the "Story of the Bird that Made Milk," the children of Masilo tell other children that their father has a bird which makes milk. [note] The others asked to
see the bird, whereupon Masilo's children took it from the place where their father has concealed it, and ordered it to make milk. Of this milk the other children drank greedily, and then asked to see the bird dance. The bird was untied, but it said the house was too small, and the children carried it outside. While they were laughing and enjoying themselves the bird flew away, to their great dismay. Compare this with the story of how the little girl catches Brother Rabbit in the garden (of which several variants are given), and afterwards unties him in order to see him dance. [note] There is still another version of this story, where Mr. Man puts a bridle on Brother Rabbit and ties him to the fence. Mr. Man leaves the throat-latch of the bridle unfastened, and so Brother Rabbit slips his head out, and afterwards induces Brother Fox to have the bridle put on, taking care to fasten the throat-latch.

The Brother Rabbit of the negroes is the hare, and what is "The Story of Hlakanyana" [note] but the story of the hare and
other animals curiously tangled, and changed, and inverted? Hlakanyana, after some highly suggestive adventures, kills two cows and smears the blood upon a sleeping boy. [note] The men find the cows dead, and ask who did it. They then see the blood upon the boy, and kill him, under the impression that he is the robber. Compare this with the story in the first volume of Uncle Remus, where Brother Rabbit eats the butter, and then greases Brother Possum's feet and mouth, thus proving the latter to be the rogue. Hlakanyana also eats all the meat in the pot, and smears fat on the mouth of a sleeping old man. Hlakanyana's feat of pretending to cure an old woman, by cooking her in a pot of boiling water, is identical with the negro story of how Brother Rabbit disposes of Grinny-Granny Wolf. The new story of Brother Terrapin and Brother Mink, relating how they had a diving- match, in order to see who should become the possessor of a string of fish, is a variant of the Kaffir story of Hlakanyana's diving-match with the boy for some birds. Hlakanyana eats the birds while the boy is under water, and Brother Terrapin disposes of the fish in the same way; but there is this curious difference: while Hlakanyana has aided the boy to catch the birds, Brother Terrapin has no sort of interest in the fish. The negro story of how Brother Rabbit nailed Brother Fox's tail to the roof of the house, and thus succeeded in getting the Fox's dinner, is identical with Hlakanyana's feat of sewing the Hyena's tail to the thatch. When this had been accomplished, Hlakanyana ate all the meat in the pot, and threw the bones at the Hyena.

But the most curious parallel of all exists between an episode in "The Story of Hlalkanyana," and the story of how the Bear nursed the Alligators (p. 353). This story was
gathered by Mrs. Helen S. Barclay, of Darien, Georgia, whose appreciative knowledge of the character and dialect of the coast negro has been of great service to the writer. Hlakanyana came to the house of a Leopardess, and proposed to take care of her children while the Leopardess went to hunt animals. To this the Leopardess agreed. There were four cubs, and, after the mother was gone, Hlakanyana took one of the cubs and ate it. When the Leopardess returned, she asked for her children, that she might suckle them. Hlakanyana gave one, but the mother asked for all. Hlakanyana replied that it was better one should drink and then another; and to this the Leopardess agreed. After three had suckled, he gave the first one back a second time. This continued until the last cub was eaten, whereupon Hlakanyana ran away. The Leopardess saw him, and gave pursuit. He ran under a big rock, and began to cry for help. The Leopardess asked him what the matter was. "Do you not see that this rock is falling?" replied Hlakanyana. "Just hold it up while I get a prop and put under it." While the Leopardess was thus engaged, he made his escape. This, it will be observed, is the climax of a negro legend entirely different from Daddy Jack's story of the Bear that nursed the Alligators, though the rock becomes a fallen tree. In the "Story of the Lion and the Little Jackal," [note] the same climax takes the shape of an episode. The Lion pursues the Jackal, and the latter runs under an overhanging rock, crying "Help! help! this rock is falling on me!" The Lion goes for a pole with which to prop up the rock, and so the Jackal escapes. It is worthy of note that a tortoise or terrapin, which stands next to Brother Rabbit in the folk-lore of the Southern negroes, is the cause of Hlakanyana's death. He places a
Tortoise on his back and carries it home. His mother asks him what he has there, and he tells her to take it off his back. But the Tortoise would not be pulled off, Hlakanyana's mother then heated some fat, and attempted to pour it on the Tortoise, but the Tortoise let go quickly, and the fat fell on Hlakanyana and burnt him so that he died. The story concludes: "That is the end of this cunning little fellow."

Theal also gives the story of Demane and Demazana, [note] a brother and sister, who were compelled to run away from their relatives on account of bad treatment. They went to live in a cave which had a very strong door. Demane went hunting by day, and told his sister not to roast any meat in his absence, lest the cannibals should smell it and discover their hiding-place. But Demazana would not obey. She roasted some meat, a cannibal smelt it, and went to the cave, but found the door fastened. Thereupon he tried to imitate Demane's voice, singing:

"Demazana, Demazana,
Child of my mother,
Open this cave to me.
The swallows can enter it.
It has two apertures."

The cannibal's voice was hoarse, and the girl would not let him in. Finally, he has his throat burned with a hot iron, his voice is changed, and the girl is deceived. He enters and captures her. Compare this with the story of the Pigs, and also with the group of stories of which Daddy Jack's "Cutta Cord-la!" is the most characteristic. In Middle Georgia, it will be observed, Brother Rabbit and his children
are substituted for the boy and his sister; though Miss Devereux, of Raleigh, North Carolina, who, together with her father, Mr. John Devereux, has laid the writer under many obligations, gathered a story among the North Carolina negroes in which the boy and the sister appear. But to return to the Kaffir story: When the cannibal is carrying Demazana away, she drops ashes along the path. Demane returns shortly after with a swarm of bees which he has captured, and finds his sister gone. By means of the ashes, he follows the path until he comes to the cannibal's house. The family are out gathering wood, but the cannibal himself is at home, and has just put Demazana in a big bag where he intends to keep her until the fire is made. The brother asks for a drink of water. The cannibal says he will get him some if he will promise not to touch his bag. Demane promises; but, while the cannibal is gone for the water, he takes his sister out of the bag and substitutes the swarm of bees. When the cannibal returns with the water, his family also return with the firewood. He tells his wife there is something nice in the bag, and asks her to bring it. She says it bites. He then drives them all out, closes the door, and opens the bag. The bees fly out aud sting him about the head and eyes until he can no longer see. Compare this with the negro story (No. LXX.) of how Brother Fox captures Brother Terrapin. Brother Terrapin is rescued by Brother Rabbit, who substitutes a hornet's nest. This story was told to the writer by a colored Baptist preacher of Atlanta, named Robert Dupree, and also by a Henry County negro, named George Ellis.

Compare, also, the Kaffir "Story of the Great Chief of the Animals," [note] with the negro story of "The Fate of Mr. Jack
Sparrow." [note] In the Kaffir story, a woman sees the chief of the animals and calls out that she is hunting for her children. The animal replies: "Come, nearer; I cannot hear you." He then swallows the woman. In the negro story, Mr. Jack Sparrow has something to tell Brother Fox; but the latter pretends he is deaf, and asks Jack Sparrow to jump on his tail, on his back, and finally on his tooth. There is a variant of this story current among the coast negroes where the Alligator is substituted for the Fox. The Kaffir "Story of the Hare," is almost identical with the story of Wattle Weasel in the present volume. The story of Wattle Weasel was among those told by the railroad hands at Norcross, but had been previously sent to the writer by a lady in Selma, Alabama, and by a correspondent in Galveston. In another Kaffir story, the Jackal runs into a hole under a tree, but the Lion catches him by the tail. The Jackal cries out: That is not my tail you have hold of. It is a root of the tree. If you don't believe, take a stone and strike it and see if any blood comes." The Lion goes to hunt for a stone, and the Jackal crawls far into the hole. In the first volume of Uncle Remus, Brother Fox tries to drown Brother Terrapin; but the latter declares that his tail is a stump-root, and so escapes. The Amazonian Indians tell of a Jaguar who catches a Tortoise by the hind leg as he is disappearing in his hole; but the Tortoise convinces him that he is holding a tree-root. [note] In the Kaffir story of the Lion and the Jackal, the latter made himself some horns from beeswax in order to attend a meeting of the horned cattle. He sat near the fire and went to sleep, and the horns melted, so that he was discovered and pursued by the Lion. In a negro story that is
very popular, Brother Fox ties two sticks to his head, and attends the meeting of the horned cattle, but is cleverly exposed by Brother Rabbit.

There is a plantation proverb current among the negroes which is very expressive. Thus, when one accidentally steps in mud or filth, he consoles himself by saying "Good thing foot aint got no nose." Among the Kaffirs there is a similar proverb,—​ "The foot has no nose,"—but Mr. Theal's educated natives have given it a queer meaning. It is thus interpreted: "This proverb is an exhortation to be hospitable. It is as if one said: Give food to the traveller, because when you are on a journey your foot will not be able to smell out a man whom you have turned from your door, but, to your shame, may carry you to his." It need not be said that this is rather ahead of even the educated Southern negroes.

To compare the negro stories in the present volume with those translated by Bleek [note] would extend this introduction beyond its prescribed limits, but such a comparison would show some very curious parallels. It is interesting to observe, among other things, that the story of How the Tortoise Outran the Deer,—​ current among the Amazonian Indians, and among the negroes of the South,—​ the deer sometimes becoming the Rabbit in the South, and the carapato, or cow-tick, sometimes taking the place of the Tortoise on the Amazonas,—​ has a curious counterpart in the Hottentot Fables. [note] One day, to quote from Bleek, "the Tortoises held a council how they might hunt Ostriches, and they said: 'Let us, on both sides, stand in rows, near each other, and let one go to hunt
the Ostriches, so that they must flee along through the midst of us.' They did so, and as they were many, the Ostriches were obliged to run along through the midst of them. During this they did not move, but, remaining always in the same places, called each to the other: 'Are you there?' and each one answered: 'I am here.' The Ostriches, hearing this, ran so tremendously that they quite exhausted their strength, and fell down. Then the Tortoises assembled by and by at the place where the Ostriches had fallen, and devoured them." There is also a curious variant [note] of the negro story of how Brother Rabbit escapes from Brother Fox by persuading him to fold his hands and say grace. In the Hottentot story, the Jackal catches the Cock, and is about to eat him, when the latter says: "Please pray before you kill me, as the white man does." The Jackal desires to know how the white man prays. "He folds his hands in praying," says the Cock. This the Jackal does, but the Cock tells the Jackal he should also shut his eyes. Whereupon the Cock flies away.

In his preface, Bleek says that the Hottentot fable of the White Man and the Snake is clearly of European origin; but this is at least doubtful. The Man rescues the Snake from beneath a rock, whereupon the Snake announces her intention of biting her deliverer. The matter is referred to the Hyena, who says to the Man: "If you were bitten, what would it matter?" But the Man proposed to consult other wise people before being bit, and after a while they met the Jackal. The case was laid before him. The Jackal said he would not believe that the Snake could be covered by a stone so that she could not rise, unless he saw it with his two eyes. The Snake submitted to the test, and when she was
covered by the stone the Jackal advised the Man to go away and leave her. Now, there is not only a variant of this story current among the Southern negroes (which is given in the present volume), where Brother Rabbit takes the place of the Man, Brother Wolf the place of the Snake, and Brother Terrapin the place of the Jackal, but Dr. Couto De Magalhães [note] gives in modern Tupi, a story where the Fox or Opossum finds a Jaguar in a hole. He helps the Jaguar out, and the latter then threatens to eat him. The Fox or Opossum proposes to lay the matter before a wise man who is passing by, with the result that the Jaguar is placed back in the hole and left there.

With respect to the Tortoise myths, and other animal stories gathered on the Amazons, by Professor Hartt, and Mr. Herbert Smith, it may be said that all or nearly all of them, have their variants among the negroes of the Southern plantations. This would constitute a very curious fact if the matter were left where Professor Hartt left it when his monograph was written. In that monograph [note] he says: "The myths I have placed on record in this little paper have, without doubt, a wide currency on the Amazonas, but I have found them only among the Indian population, and they are all collected in the Lingua Geral. All my attempts to obtain myths from the negroes on the Amazonas proved failures. Dr. Couto de Magalhães, who has recently followed me in these researches, has had the same experience. The probability, therefore, seems to be that the myths are indigenous, but I do not yet consider the case proven." Professor Hartt lived to prove just the contrary; but, unfortunately, he did
not live to publish the result of his investigations. Mr. Orville A. Derby, a friend of Professor Hartt, writes as follows from Rio de Janeiro:

Dear Sir,

In reading the preface to Uncle Remus, [note] it occurred to me that an observation made by my late friend Professor Charles Fred. Hartt, would be of interest to you.

At the time of the publication of his Amazonian Tortoise Myths, Professor Hartt was in doubt whether to regard the myths of the Amazonian Indians as indigenous or introduced from Africa. To this question he devoted a great deal of attention, making a careful and, for a long time, fruitless search among the Africans of this city for some one who could give undoubted African myths. Finally he had the good fortune to find an intelligent English-speaking Mina black, whose only knowledge of Portuguese was a very few words which he had picked up during the short time he had been in this country, a circumstance which strongly confirms his statement that the myths related by him were really brought from Africa. From this man Professor Hartt obtained variants of all or nearly all of the best known Brazilian animal myths and convinced himself that this class is not native to this country. The spread of these myths among the Amazonian Indians is readily explained by the intimate association of the two races for over two hundred years, the taking character of the myths, and the Indian's love for stories of this class, in which he naturally introduces the animals familiar to him. . . . . . .

Yours truly,
ORVILLE A. DERBY. Caixa em Correio, No. 721, Rio de Janeiro.

Those who are best acquainted with the spirit, movement, and motive of African legends will accept Mr. Derby's statement as conclusive. It has been suspected even by Professor J. W. Powell, of the Smithsonian Institution, that the
Southern negroes obtained their myths and legends from the Indians, but it is impossible to adduce in support of such a theory a scintilla of evidence that cannot be used in support of just the opposite theory—namely: that the Indians borrowed their stories from the negroes. The truth seems to be that, while both the Indians and the negroes have stories peculiar to their widely different races and temperaments, and to their widely different ideas of humor, the Indians have not hesitated to borrow from the negroes. The "Tar Baby" story, which is unquestionably a negro legend in its conception, is current among many tribes of Indians. So with the story of how the Rabbit makes a riding-horse of the Fox or the Wolf. This story is also current among the Amazonian Indians. The same may be said of the negro coast story "Why the Alligator's Back is Rough." Mr. W. O. Tuggle, of Georgia, who has recently made an exhaustive study of the folk-lore of the Creek Indians, has discovered among them many legends, which were undoubtedly borrowed from the negroes, including those already mentioned, the story of how the Terrapin outran the Deer, and the story of the discontented Rabbit, who asks his Creator to give him more sense. In the negro legend, it will be observed, the Rabbit seeks out Mammy-Bammy Big-Money, the old Witch-Rabbit. It may be mentioned here, that the various branches of the Algonkian family of Indians, allude to the Great White Rabbit as their common ancestor. [note] All inquiries among the negroes, as to the origin and personality of Mammy-Bammy Big-Money, elicit but two replies. Some know, or even pretend to know, nothing about her. The rest say, with entire unanimity, "Hit's des de old Witch-Rabbit w'at you done year'd talk un 'fo' now. It's this the old With-Rabbit what you done heard talking before now. " Mrs. Prioleau, of Memphis, sent
the writer a negro story in which the name "Big-Money" was vaguely used. It was some time before that story could be verified. In conversation one day with a negro, casual allusion was made to "Big-Money." "Aha!" said the negro, "Now I know. You talkin' 'bout ole Mammy-Bammy Big-Money You talking about old Mammy-Bammy Big-Money ," and then he went on to tell, not only the story which Mrs. Prioleau had kindly sent, but the story of Brother Rabbit's visit to the old Witch-Rabbit.

Mr. Tuggle's collection of Creek legends will probably be published under the auspices of the Smithsonian Institution, and it will form a noteworthy contribution to the literature of American folk-lore. In the Creek version of the origin of the ocean, the stream which the Lion jumps across is called Throwing-Hot-Ashes-on-You. Another Creek legend, which bears the ear-marks of the negroes, but which the writer has been unable to find among them, explains why the Possum has no hair on his tail. It seems that Noah, in taking the animals into the ark, forgot the Possums, but a female Possum clung to the side of the vessel, and her tail dragging in the water, all the hair came off. No male Possum, according to the story, was saved. Mr. Tuggle has also found among the Creeks a legend which gives the origin of fire. One time, in the beginning, the people all wanted fire, and they came together to discuss the best plan of getting it. It was finally agreed that the Rabbit (Chufee) should go for it. He went across the great water to the east, and was there received with acclamation as a visitor from the New World. A great dance was ordered in his honor. They danced around a large fire, and the Rabbit entered the circle dressed very gayly. He had a peculiar cap upon his head, and in this cap, in place of feathers, he had stuck four sticks of resin, or resinous pine. As the
people danced, they came near the fire in the centre of the circle, and the Rabbit also approached near the fire. Some of the dancers would reach down and touch the fire as they danced, while the Rabbit, as he came near the fire, would bow his head to the flame. No one thought anything of this, and he continued to bow to the fire, each time bowing his head lower. At last he touched the flame with his cap, and the sticks of resin caught on fire and blazed forth. Away he ran, the people pursuing the sacrilegious visitor. The Rabbit ran to the great water, plunged in, and swam away to the New World; and thus was fire obtained for the people.

The student of folk-lore, who will take into consideration the widely differing peculiarities and characteristics of the negroes and the Indians, will have no difficulty, after making due allowance for the apparent universality of all primitive folk-stories, in distinguishing between the myths or legends of the two races, though it sometimes happens, as in the case of the negro story of the Rabbit, the Wildcat, and the Turkeys, that the stories are built upon until they are made to fit the peculiarities of the race that borrows them. The Creek version of the Rabbit, Wildcat, and Turkey story is to the effect that the Wildcat pretended to be dead, and the Rabbit persuaded the Turkeys to go near him. When they are near enough, the Rabbit exclaims: "Jump up and catch a red-leg! jump up and catch a red-leg!" The Wildcat catches one, and proceeds to eat it, whereupon the Turkeys pursue the Rabbit, and peck and nip him until his tail comes off, and this is the reason the Rabbit has a short tail. The Creeks, as well as other tribes, were long in contact with the negroes, some of them were owners of slaves, and it is perhaps in this way that the animal
stories of the two races became in a measure blended. The discussion of this subject cannot be pursued here, but it is an interesting one. It offers a wide field for both speculation and investigation.

The "Cutta Cord-la" story (p. 241) of Daddy Jack is in some respects unique. It was sent to the writer by Mrs. Martha B. Washington, of Charleston, South Carolina, and there seems to be no doubt that it originated in San Domingo, or Martinique. The story of how Brother Rabbit drove all the other animals out of the new house they had built, by firing a cannon and pouring a tub of water down the stairway, has its variant in Demerara. Indeed, it was by means of this variant, sent by Mr. Wendell P. Garrison, of "The Nation" (New York), that the negro story was procured.

In the introduction to the first volume of Uncle Remus, a lame apology was made for inflicting a book of dialect upon the public. Perhaps a similar apology should be made here; but the discriminating reader does not need to be told that it would be impossible to separate these stories from the idiom in which they have been recited for generations. The dialect is a part of the legends themselves, and to present them in any other way would be to rob them of everything that gives them vitality. The dialect of Daddy Jack, which is that of the negroes on the Sea Islands and the rice plantations, though it may seem at first glance to be more difficult than that of Uncle Remus, is, in reality, simpler and more direct. It is the negro dialect in its most primitive state—the "Gullah" talk of some of the negroes on the Sea Islands, being merely a confused and untranslatable mixture of English and African words. In the introductory notes to "Slave Songs of the United States" may be found an exposition of Daddy Jack's dialect as complete as any that
can be given here. A key to the dialect may be given very briefly. The vocabulary is not an extensive one—more depending upon the manner, the form of expression, and the inflection, than upon the words employed. It is thus an admirable vehicle for story-telling. It recognizes no gender, and scorns the use of the plural number except accidentally. "'E" stands for "he" "she" or "it," and "dem" may allude to one thing, or may include a thousand. The dialect is laconic and yet rambling, full of repetitions, and abounding in curious elisions, that give an unexpected quaintness to the simplest statements. A glance at the following vocabulary will enable the reader to understand Daddy Jack's dialect perfectly, though allowance must be made for inversions and elisions.

  • brother.
  • Beer,
  • bear.
  • Bittle,
  • victuals.
  • Bre't,
  • breath.
  • Buckra,
  • white man, overseer, boss.
  • Churrah, churray,
  • spill, splash.
  • Da,
  • the, that.
  • Dey-dey,
  • here, down there, right here.
  • Dey,
  • there.
  • Enty,
  • ain't he? an exclamation of astonishment or assent.
  • Gwan,
  • going.
  • Leaf,
  • leave.
  • Lif,
  • live.
  • Lil, lil-a, or lilly,
  • little.
  • Lun,
  • learn.
  • Mek,
  • make.
  • Oona,
  • you, all of you.
  • Neat', or nead,
  • underneath, beneath.
  • Sem,
  • same.
  • Shum,
  • see them, saw them.
  • Tam,
  • time.
  • 'Tan',
  • stand.
  • Tankee,
  • thanks, thank you.
  • Tark, or tahlk,
  • talk.
  • Tek,
  • take.
  • Teer,
  • tear.
  • T'ink, or t'ought,
  • think, thought.
  • Titty, or titter,
  • sissy, sister.
  • T'row,
  • throw.
  • Trute,
  • truth.
  • Turrer,
  • or tarrah, the other.
  • Tusty,
  • thirsty.
  • Urrer,
  • other.
  • Wey,
  • where.
  • Wun,
  • when.
  • Wut,
  • what.
  • Y'et or ut,
  • earth.
  • Yeddy, or yerry,
  • heard, hear.
  • Yent,
  • aint, isn't.


The trick of adding a vowel to sound words is not unpleasing to the ear. Thus: "I bin-a wait fer you; come-a ring-a dem bell. Wut mek-a (or mekky) you stay so?" "Yeddy," "yerry," and probably "churry" are the result of this—heard-a, yeard-a, yeddy; hear-a, year-a, yerry; chur-a churray. When "eye" is written "y-eye," it is to be pronounced "yi." In such words as "back," "ax," a has the sound of ah. They are written "bahk," "ahx."

Professor J. A. Harrison of the Washington and Lee University, Lexington, Virginia, has recently written a paper on "The Creole patois of Louisiana," [note] which is full of interest to those interested in the study of dialects. In the course of his paper, Professor Harrison says: "Many philologists have noted the felicitous αіɩоπíÇɛɩʋ of Uncle Remus in the negro dialect of the South. The Creole lends itself no less felicitously to the récit and to the conte, as we may say on good authority. The fables of La Fontaine and Perrin, and the Gospel of St. John have, indeed, been translated into the dialect of San Domingo or Martinique; lately we have had a Greek plenipotentiary turning Dante into the idiom of New Hellas; what next? Any one who has seen the delightful 'Chansons Canadiennes' of M. Ernest Gagnon (Quebec, 1880) knows what pleasant things may spring from the naïve consciousness of the people. The Creole of Louisiana lends itself admirably to those petits poèmes, those simple little dramatic tales, compositions, improvisations, which, shunning the regions of abstraction and metaphysics, recount the experiences of a story-teller, put into striking and pregnant syllabuses the memorabilia of some simple life, or sum up in pointed monosyllables the humor of plantation anecdote." Professor Harrison alludes to interesting examples of the
Creole negro dialect that occur in the works of Mr. George W. Cable, and in "L'Habitation Saint-Ybars," by Dr. Alfred Mercier, an accomplished physician and litterateur of New Orleans. In order to show the possibilities of the Creole negro dialect, the following Conte Nègre, after Dr. Mercier, is given. The story is quoted by Professor Harrison, and the literal interlinear version is inserted by him to give a clue to the meaning. The Miss Meadows of the Georgia negro, it will be perceived, becomes Mamzel Calinda, and the story is one with which the readers of the first volume of Uncle Remus are familiar. It is entitled "Mariage Mlle. Calinda."

  • 1:
    Dan tan lé zote foi, compair Chivreil avé compair
    Dans temps les autres fois, compère Chevreuil avec compère
  • 2:
    Torti té tou lé dé apé fé lamou à Mamzel Calinda.
    Tortue étaient tous les deux après faire l'amour à Mademoiselle Calinda.
  • 3:
    Mamzel Calinda té linmin mié compair Chivreil, cofair
    Mlle. Calinda avait aimé mieux compère Chevreuil, [pour] quoi faire
  • 4:
    li pli vaïan; mé li té linmin compair Torti oucite,
    le plus vaillant; mais elle avait aimé compère Tortue aussi,
  • 5:
    li si tan gagnin bon tchor! Popa Mamzel Calinda di li:
    il si tant gagner bon cœur! Papa Mlle. Calinda dire lui:
  • 6:
    "Mo fie, li tan to maïé; fo to soizi cila to oulé." Landimin,
    "Ma fille, il (est) temps te marier; faut te choisir cela tu voulez." Lendemain,
  • 7:
    compair Chivreil avé compair Torti rivé tou yé dé coté Mlle. C.
    compère Chevreuil avec compère Tortue arriver tous eux de côté Mlle. C.
  • 8:
    Mamzel C., qui té zonglé tou la nouite, di yé: "Michié Chivreil avé
    Mlle. C., qui avait songé toute la nuit, dire eux: "Monsieur Chevreuil avec

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  • 9:
    Michié Torti, mo papa oulé mo maïe. Mo pa oulé di ain
    Monsieur Tortue, mon papa vouloir me marier. Moi pas vouloir dire un
  • 10:
    dan ouzote non. Ouzote a galopé ain lacourse dice foi cate
    dans vous autres non. Vous autres va galopper une la course dix fois quatre
  • 11:
    narpan; cila qui sorti divan, ma maïe avé li. Apé dimin
    arpents; cela qui sortir devant, moi va marier avec lui. Après demain
  • 12:
    dimance, ouzote a galopé." Yé parti couri, compair Chivreil
    dimanche, vous autres va galopper." Eux partir courir, compère Chevreuil
  • 13:
    zo tchor contan; compair Torti apé zonglé li-minme:
    son cœur content; compère Tortue après songer lui-même:
  • 14:
    "Dan tan pacé, mo granpopa bate compair Lapin pou
    "Dans temps passé, mon grandpapa battre compère Lapin pour
  • 15:
    galopé. Pa conin coman ma fé pou bate compair Chivreil."
    galopper. Pas conner (= connaître) comment moi va faire pour battre compère Chevreuil."
  • 16:
    Dan tan cila, navé ain vié, vié cocodri qui té gagnin
    Dans temps cela en avait un vieux, vieux crocodile qui avait gagné
  • 17:
    plice pacé cincante di zan. Li té si malin, yé té pélé li
    plus passé cinquante dix ans. Lui était si malin, eux avaient appelé lui
  • 18:
    compair Zavoca. La nouite vini, compair Torti couri trouvé
    compère Avocat. La nuit venir, compère Tortue courir trouver
  • 19:
    compair Zavoca, é conté li coman li baracé pou so
    compère Avocat, et conter lui comment lui embarrasser pour sa
  • 20:
    lacourse. Compair Zavoca di compair Torti: "Mo ben
    la course. Compère Avocat dire compère Tortue: "Moi bien
  • 21:
    oulé idé toi, mo gaçon; nou proce minme famie; la tair
    vouloir aider toi, mon garçon; nous proche même famille; la terre
  • 22:
    avé do lo minme kichoge pou nizote. Mo zonglé zafair
    avec de l'eau même quelquechose pour nous autres. Moi va songer cette affaire

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  • 23:
    To vini dimin bon matin; ma di toi qui pou fé."
    Toi venir demain bon matin; moi va dire toi que pour faire."
  • 24:
    Compair Torti couri coucé; mé li pas dromi boucou
    Compère Tortue courir coucher; mais lui pas dormir beaucoup,
  • 25:
    li té si tan tracassé. Bon matin li parti couri
    lui était si tant tracassé. Bon matin lui partir courir
  • 26:
    coté compair Zavoca. Compair Zavoca dija diboute apé
    côté compère Avocat. Compère Avocat déjà debout après
  • 27:
    boi so café. "Bonzou, Michié Zavoca." "Bouzou, mo
    boire son café. "Bonjour, Monsieur Avocat." "Bonjour, mon
  • 28:
    gaçon. Zafair cila donne moin boucou traca; min mo
    garçon. Cette affaire cela donne moi beaucoup tracas; mais moi
  • 29:
    cré ta bate compair Chivreil, si to fé mékié ma di toi.
    crois toi va battre compère Chevreuil, si toi fais métier moi va dire toi.
  • 30:
    "Vouzote a pranne jige jordi pou misiré chimin au ra
    "Vous autres va prendre juge aujourd'hui pour mesurer chemin au ras
  • 31:
    bayou; chac cate narpan mété jalon. Compair Chivreil a
    bayou; chaque quatre arpents mettez jalon. Compère Chevreuil va
  • 32:
    galopé on la tair; toi, ta galopé dan dolo. To ben compranne
    galopper en la terre; toi, tu va galopper dans de l'eau. Toi bien comprendre
  • 33:
    ça mo di toi?" "O, oui, compair Zavoca, mo ben
    cela moi dire toi?" "O, oui, compère Avocat, moi bien
  • 34:
    couté tou ça vapé di." "A soua, can la nouite vini,
    écouter tout cela vous après dire." "Le soir, quand la nuit venir,
  • 35:
    ta couri pranne nef dan to zami, é ta chaché aine dan
    toi va courir prendre neuf dans tes amis, et toi va cacher un dans
  • 36:
    zerb au ra chakène zalon yé. Toi, ta couri caché au ra
    herbe au ras chacun jalon eux. Toi, toi va courir cacher au ras
  • 37:
    la mison Mamzel Calinda. To ben compranne ça mo di toi?"
    la maison Mlle. Calinda. Toi bien comprendre cela moi dire toi?"
  • 38:
    "O, oui, compair Zavoca, mo tou compranne mékié ça vou
    "O, oui, compère Avocat, moi tout comprendre métier cela vous

  • har1883.2007.001.0044.jpg
  • 39:
    di." "Eben! couri paré pou sové lonnair nou nachion,"
    dire." "Eh bien! courir préparer pour sauver l'honneur notre nation."
  • 40:
    Compair Torti couri coté compair Chivreil é rangé tou
    Compère Tortue courir côté compère Chevreuil et arranger tout
  • 41:
    kichoge compair Zavoca di li. Compair Chivreil si tan sire
    quelquechose compère Avocat dire lui. Compère Chevreuil si tant sûr
  • 42:
    gagnin lacourse, li di oui tou ça compair Torti oulé.
    gagner la course, lui dire oui tout cela compère Tortue vouloir
  • 43:
    Landimin bon matin, tou zabitan semblé pou oua
    Lendemain bon matin, tous habitants assembler pour voir
  • 44:
    gran lacourse. Can lhair rivé, compair Chivreil avé
    grande la course. Quand l'heure arriver, compère Chevreuil avec
  • 45:
    compair Torti tou lé dé paré. Jige la crié: "Go!" é yé
    compère Tortue tous les deux préparés. Juge là crier: "Go!" et eux
  • 46:
    parti galopé. Tan compair Chivreil rivé coté primié
    partir galopper. Temps compère Chevreuil arriver côté premier
  • 47:
    zalon, li hélé: "Halo, compair Torti!" "Mo la, compair
    jalon, lui héler: "Halo, compère Tortue!" "Moi là, compère
  • 48:
    Chivreil!" Tan yé rivé dézième zalon, compair Chivreil
    Chevreuil!" Temps eux arriver deuxième jalon, compère Chevreuil
  • 49:
    siffle: "Fioute!" Compair Torti réponne: "Croak!" Troisième
    siffler: "Fioute!" Compère Tortue répondre: "Croak!" Troisième
  • 50:
    zalon bouté, compair Torti tink-à-tink avé compair
    jalon au bout, compère Tortue tingue-à-tingue avec compère
  • 51:
    Chivreil. "Diâbe! Torti la galopé pli vite
    Chevreuil. "Diable! Tortue là galopper plus vite
  • 52:
    pacé stimbotte; fo mo grouyé mo cor." Tan compair
    passé steamboat; faut moi grouiller mon corps." Temps compère
  • 53:
    Chivreil rivé coté névième zalon, li oua compair Torti
    Chevreuil arriver côté neuvième jalon, lui voir compère Tortue

  • har1883.2007.001.0045.jpg
  • 54:
    apé patchiou dan dolo. Li mété tou so laforce
    après patchiou! dans de l'eau. Lui mettre toute sa la force
  • 55:
    dihior pou aïen; avan li rivé coté bite, li tendé
    dehors pour rien; avant lui arriver côté but, lui entendre
  • 56:
    tou monne apé hélé: "Houra! houra! pou compair Torti!"
    tout monde après héler: "Hourra! hourra! pour compère Tortue!"
  • 57:
    Tan li rivé, li oua compair Torti on la garlie apé
    Temps lui arriver, lui voir compère Tortue en la galerie après
  • 58:
    brassé Mamzel Calinda. Ça fé Ii si tan mal, li
    embrasser Mlle. Calinda. Cela faire lui si tant mal, lui
  • 59:
    sapé dan boi. Compair Torti maïé avé Mamzel Calinda
    s'échapper dans bois. Compère Tortue marier avec Mlle. Calinda
  • 60:
    samedi apé vini, é tou monne manzé, boi, jika
    samedi après venir, et tout monde manger, boire jusqu'à
  • 61:
    y tchiak.Tchiak is the name given by the Creole negroes to the starling, which, Dr. Mercier tells me, is applied adjectively to express various states of spirituous exhilaration.--Note by Prof. Harrison.
    eux griser.

It only remains to be said that none of the stories given in the present volume are "cooked." They are given in the simple but picturesque language of the negroes, just as the negroes tell them. The Ghost-story, in which the dead woman returns in search of the silver that had been placed upon her eyes, is undoubtedly of white origin; but Mr. Samuel L. Clemens (Mark Twain) heard it among the negroes of Florida, Missouri, where it was "The Woman with the Golden Arm." Fortunately, it was placed in the mouth of 'Tildy, the house-girl, who must be supposed to have heard her mistress tell it. But it has been negroized to such an extent that it may be classed as a negro legend; and it is possible that the white version is itself based upon a
negro story. At any rate, it was told to the writer by different negroes ; and he saw no reason to doubt its authenticity until after a large portion of the book was in type. His relations to the stories are simply those of editor and compiler. He has written them as they came to him, and he is responsible only for the setting. He has endeavored to project them upon the background and to give them the surroundings which they had in the old days that are no more; and it has been his purpose to give in their recital a glimpse of plantation life in the South before the war. If the reader, therefore, will exercise his imagination to the extent of believing that the stories are told to a little boy by a group of negroes on a plantation in Middle Georgia, before the war, he will need neither foot-note nor explanation to guide him.

In the preparation of this volume the writer has been placed under obligations to many kind friends. But for the ready sympathy and encouragement of the proprietors of "The Atlanta Constitution"--but for their generosity, it may be said--the writer would never have found opportunity to verify the stories and prepare them for the press. He is also indebted to hundreds of kind correspondents in all parts of the Southern States, who have interested themselves in the work of collecting the legends. He is particularly indebted to Mrs. Helen S. Barclay, of Darien, to Mr. W. O. Tuggle, to Hon. Charles C. Jones, Jr., to the accomplished daughters of Mr. Griswold, of Clinton, Georgia, and to Mr. John Devereux, Jr., and Miss Devereux, of Raleigh, North Carolina.

J. C. H.





To give a cue to the imagination of the reader, it may be necessary to state that the stories related in this volume are supposed to be told to a little boy on a Southern plantation, before the war, by an old family servant.



It had been raining all day so that Uncle Remus found it impossible to go out. The storm had begun, the old man declared, just as the chickens were crowing for day, and it had continued almost without intermission. The dark gray clouds had blotted out the sun, and the leafless limbs of the tall oaks surrendered themselves drearily to the fantastic gusts that drove the drizzle fitfully before them. The lady to whom Uncle Remus belonged had been thoughtful of the old man, and 'Tildy, the house-girl, had been commissioned to carry him his meals. This arrangement came to the knowledge of the little boy at supper time, and he lost no time in obtaining permission to accompany 'Tildy.

Uncle Remus made a great demonstration over the thoughful kindness of his "Miss Sally."

"Ef she aint one blessid w'ite 'oman," "If she ain't one blessed white woman," he said, in his simple, fervent way, "den dey aint none un um 'roun' in deze parts." "then they ain't none of them around these parts."

With that he addressed himself to the supper, while the little boy sat by and eyed him with that familiar curiosity
common to children. Finally the youngster disturbed the old man with an inquiry:

"Uncle Remus, do geese stand on one leg all night, or do they sit down to sleep?"

"Tooby sho' dey does, honey; dey sets down same ez you does. Co'se, dey don't cross der legs," “To be sure they does, honey; they sit down same as you does. Course, they don’t cross their legs,” he added, cautiously, "kase dey sets down right flat-footed." “because they set down right flat-footed.”

"Well, I saw one the other day, and he was standing on one foot, and I watched him and watched him, and he kept on standing there."

"Ez ter dat," As to that," responded Uncle Remus, "dey mought stan' on one foot an drap off ter sleep en fergit deyse'f. Deze yer gooses," “they might stand on one foot and drop off to sleep and forget theyselves. These your gooses,” he continued, wiping the crumbs from his beard with his coat-tail, "is mighty kuse fowls; deyer mighty kuse. In ole times dey wuz 'mongs de big-bugs, en in dem days, w'en ole Miss Goose gun a dinin', all de quality wuz dere. Likewise, en needer wuz dey stuck-up, kase wid all der kyar'n's on, Miss Goose wer'n't too proud fer ter take in washin' fer de neighborhoods, en she make money, en get slick en fat lak Sis Tempy. “is mighty curious fowls; they are mighty curious. In old times they was among the big-bugs, and in those days when old Miss Goose gone a dining, all the quality was there. Likewise, and neither was they stuck-up, because with all their carryings-on, Miss Goose weren’t too proud for to take in washing for the neighborhoods, and she make money and get slick and fat like Sis Tempy.

"Dis de way marters stan' w'en one day Brer Fox en Brer Rabbit, dey wuz settin' up at de cotton-patch, one on one side de fence, en t'er one on t'er side, gwine on wid one er n'er, w'en fus' news dey know, dey year sump'n—blim, blim, blim! This the way matters stand when one day Brer Fox and Brer Rabbit, they was sitting up at the cotton-patch, one on one side of the fence and the other on the other side, going on with one another, when first news they know, they hear somethin—blim blim blim!

"Brer Fox, he ax w'at dat fuss is, en Brer Rabbit, he up'n 'spon' dat it's ole Miss Goose down at de spring. Den Brer Fox, he up'n ax w'at she doin', en Brer Rabbit, he say, sezee, dat she battlin' cloze." “Brer Fox, he ask what that fuss is, and Brer Rabbit, he up and respond that it’s ole Miss Goose down at the spring. Then Brer Fox, he up and ask what she doing, and Brer Rabbit, he say, says he that she battling clothes.


"Battling clothes, Uncle Remus?" said the little boy.

"Dat w'at dey call it dem days, honey. Deze times, dey rubs cloze on deze yer bodes w'at got furrers in um, but dem days dey des tuck'n tuck de cloze en lay um out on a bench, en ketch holt er de battlin'-stick en natally paddle de fillin' outen um. “That what they call it them days, honey. These times, they rubs clothes on these here boards what got furrows in them, but them days they just took and took the clothes an lay them out on a bench, and catch hold of the battling-stick and naturally paddled the filling out of them.

"W'en Brer Fox year dat ole Miss Goose wuz down dar dabblin' in soapsuds en washin' cloze, he sorter lick he chops, en 'low dat some er dese odd-come-shorts he gwine ter call en pay he 'specks. De minnit he say dat, Brer Rabbit, he know sump'n 'uz up, en he 'low ter hisse'f dat he 'speck he better whirl in en have some fun w'iles it gwine on. Bimeby Brer Fox up'n say ter Brer Rabbit, dat he bleedzd ter be movin' 'long todes home, en wid dat dey bofe say good-bye. “When Brer Fox hear that old Miss Goose was down there dabbling in soap suds and washing clothes, he sort of lick his chops, and allow that some of these odd-come-shorts he going to call and pay he respects. The minute he say that, Brer Rabbit, he know something was up, and he allow to hisself that he expect he better whirl in and have some fun while it going on. By and by Brer Fox up and sat to Brer Rabbit, that he pleased to be moving along towards home, and with that they both say good-bye.

"Brer Fox, he put out ter whar his fambly wuz, but Brer Rabbit, he slip 'roun', he did, en call on ole Miss Goose. Ole Miss Goose she wuz down at de spring, washin', en b'ilin', en battlin' cloze; but Brer Rabbit he march up en ax her howdy, en den she tuck'n ax Brer Rabbit howdy. “Brer Fox, he put out to where his family was, but Brer Rabbit, he slip around, he did, and call on ole Miss Goose. Ole Miss Goose she was down at the spring, washing, and boiling, and battling clothes; but Brer Rabbit he march up and ask her howdy, and then she took and ask Brer Rabbit howdy.

"'I'd shake han's 'long wid you, Brer Rabbit,' sez she, 'but dey er all full er suds,' sez she. "’I’d shake hands along with you, Brer Rabbit,’ says she, ‘but they are all full of suds,’ says she.

"'No marter 'bout dat, Miss Goose,' sez Brer Rabbit, sezee, 'so long ez yo' will's good,' sezee. "'No matter about that, Miss Goose,’ says Brer Rabbit, says he, 'so long as you will’s good,' says he.

"A goose with hands, Uncle Remus!" the little boy exclaimed.

"How you know goose aint got han's?" "How you know geese ain't got hands?" Uncle Remus inquired, with a frown. "Is you been sleepin' longer ole
man Know-All? Little mo' en you'll up'n stan' me down dat snakes aint got no foots, and yit you take en lay a snake down yer 'fo' de fier, en his foots 'll come out right 'fo' yo' eyes."
"Have you been sleeping longer old
man Know-All? Little more and you’ll up and stand me down that snakes ain’t got no foots, and yet you take and lay a snake down here before the fire, and his foots will come out right before your eyes.”

Uncle Remus paused here, but presently continued:

"Atter ole Miss Goose en Brer Rabbit done pass de time er day wid one er n'er, Brer Rabbit, he ax 'er, he did, how she come on deze days, en Miss Goose say, mighty po'ly. “After old Miss Goose and Brer Rabbit done pass the time of day with one another, Brer Rabbit, he ask her, he did how she come on these days, and Miss Goose say, mighty politely.

"'I'm gittin' stiff en I'm gittin' clumpsy,' sez she, 'en mo'n dat I'm gittin' bline,' sez she. 'Des 'fo' you happen 'long, Brer Rabbit, I drap my specks in de tub yer, en ef you'd 'a' come 'long 'bout dat time,' sez ole Miss Goose, sez she, 'I lay I'd er tuck you for dat nasty, owdashus Brer Fox, en it ud er bin a born blessin' ef I hadn't er scald you wid er pan er b'ilin suds,' sez she. 'I'm dat glad I foun' my specks I dunner w'at ter do,' sez ole Miss Goose, sez she. "'I’m getting stiff and I’m getting clumsy,'says she, 'and more than that I'm getting blind,' says she. 'Just before you happen along, Brer Rabbit, I drop my spectacles in the tub here, and if you’d have come along about that time,' says ole Miss Goose, says she 'I lay I’d have took you for that nasty, audacious Brer Fox, and it would have been a born blessing if I hadn’t of scald you with a pan of boiling suds,' says she. I’m that glad I found my spectacles I don’t know what to do, says ole Miss Goose, says she.

"Den Brer Rabbit, he up'n say dat bein's how Sis Goose done fotch up Brer Fox name, he got sump'n fer ter tell 'er, en den he let out 'bout Brer Fox gwine ter call on 'er. "Then Brer Rabbit, he up and say that being how Sis Goose done fetch up Brer Fox name, he got something for to tell her, and then he let out about Brer Fox going to call on her.

"'He comin',' sez Brer Rabbit, sezee; 'he comin' sho', en w'en he come hit'll be des 'fo' day,' sezee. "'He coming,' says Brer Rabbit, says he; 'he coming sure, and when he come it’ll be just before day,' says he.

"'Wid dat, ole Miss Goose wipe 'er han's on 'er apun, en put 'er specks up on 'er forrerd, en look lak she done got trouble in 'er mine. “With that, ole Miss Goose wipe her hands on her apron, and put her spectacles up on her forehead, and look like she done got trouble on her mind.

"'Laws-a-massy!' sez she, 'spozen he come, Brer Rabbit! W'at I gwine do? En dey aint a man 'bout de house, n'er,' sez she. "'Lord-a-mercy!' says she, 'suppose he come, Brer Rabbit! What I going do? And they ain’t a man about the house, neither,' says she.




"Den Brer Rabbit, he shot one eye, en he say, sezee: "Then Brer Rabbit, he shut one eye, and he say, says he:

"'Sis Goose, de time done come w'en you bleedzd ter roos' high. You look lak you got de dropsy,' sezee, 'but don't mine dat, kase ef you don't roos' high, youer goner,' sezee. "'Sis Goose, the time done come when you pleased to roost high. You look like you got the dropsy,' says he, 'but don’t mind that, because if you don’t roost high, you’re a goner,' says he.

"Den ole Miss Goose ax Brer Rabbit w'at she gwine do, en Brer Rabbit he up en tell Miss Goose dat she mus' go home en tie up a bundle er de w'ite folks cloze, en put um on de bed, en den she mus' fly up on a rafter, en let Brer Fox grab de cloze en run off wid um. "Then ole Miss Goose ask Brer Rabbit what she going to do, and Brer Rabbit he up and tell Miss Goose that she must go home and tie up a bundle of the white folk’s clothes, and put them on the bed, and then she must fly up on a rafter, and let Brer Fox grab the clothes and run off with them.”

"Ole Miss Goose say she much 'blige, en she tuck'n tuck her things en waddle off home, en dat night she do lak Brer Rabbit say wid de bundle er cloze, en den she sont wud ter Mr. Dog, en Mr. Dog he come down, en say he'd sorter set up wid 'er. “Ole miss Goose say she much obliged and she took and took her things and waddle off home, and that night she do like Brer Rabbit say with the bundle of clothes, and then she sent word to Mr. Dog, and Mr. Dog he come down, and say he’d set up with her.

"Des 'fo' day, yer come Brer Fox creepin' up, en he went en push on de do' easy, en de do' open, en he see sump'n w'ite on de bed w'ich he took fer Miss Goose, en he grab it en run. 'Bout dat time Mr. Dog sail out fum und' de house, he did, en ef Brer Fox hadn't er drapt de cloze, he'd er got kotch. Fum dat, wud went 'roun' dat Brer Fox bin tryin ter steal Miss Goose cloze, en he come mighty nigh losin' his stannin' at Miss Meadows. Down ter dis day," Uncle Remus continued, preparing to fill his pipe, "Brer Fox b'leeve dat Brer Rabbit wuz de 'casion er Mr. Dog bein' in de neighborhoods at dat time er night, en Brer Rabbit aint 'spute it. De bad feelin' 'twix' Brer Fox en Mr. Dog
start right dar, en hits bin agwine on twel now dey aint git in smellin' distuns er one er n'er widout deys a row."
“Just before day, here come Brer Fox creeping up, and he went and push on the door easy, and the door open, and he see something white on the bed which he took for Miss Goose, and he grab it and he run. About that time Mr. Dog sail out from under the house, he did, and if Brer Fox hadn’t of dropped the clothes, he have got caught. From that, word went round that Brer Fox been trying to steal Miss Goose clothes, and he come might nigh loosing his standing at Miss Meadows. Down to this day,” Uncle Remus continued, preparing to fill his pipe, “Brer Fox believe that Brer Rabbit was the occasion of Mr. Dog being in the neighborhoods at that time of night, and Brer Rabbit ain’t dispute it. The Bad feeling between Brer Fox and Mr. Dog
start right there, and hits been a-going on to well now they ain’t get in smelling distance of one or another without days in a row.”


There was a pause after the story of old Miss Goose. The culmination was hardly sensational enough to win the hearty applause of the little boy, and this fact appeared to have a depressing influence upon Uncle Remus. As he leaned slightly forward, gazing into the depths of the great fireplace, his attitude was one of pensiveness.

"I 'speck I done wo' out my welcome up at de big house," he said, after a while. "I mos' knows I is," he continued, setting himself resignedly in his deep-bottomed chair. "Kaze de las' time I uz up dar, I had my eye on Miss Sally mighty nigh de whole blessid time, en w'en you see Miss Sally rustlin' 'roun' makin' lak she fixin' things up dar on de mantle-shelf, en bouncin' de cheers 'roun', en breshin' dus' whar dey aint no dus', en flyin' 'roun' singin' sorter louder dan common, den I des knows sump'n' done gone en rile 'er. “I expect I done wore out my welcome up at the big house,” he said, after a while. “I most knows I is,” he continued, setting himself resignedly in his deep-bottomed chair. “Because the last time I was up there, I had my eye on Miss Sally mighty nigh the whole blessed time, and when you see Miss Sally rustling around, making like she fixing things up there on the mantle-shelf, and bouncing the chairs around and brushing dust where they ain’t no dust, and flying around singing sorter louder than common, then I just knows something done gone and rile her.”

"Why, Uncle Remus!" exclaimed the little boy; "Mamma was just glad because I was feeling so good."

"Mought er bin," the old man remarked, in a tone that
was far from implying conviction. "Ef 'twa'n't dat, den she wuz gittin' tired er seein' me lounjun' 'roun' up dar night atter night, en ef 'twa'n't dat, den she wuz watchin' a chance fer ter preach ter yo' pa. Oh, I done bin know Miss Sally long fo' yo' pa is!" exclaimed Uncle Remus, in response to the astonishment depicted upon the child's face. "I bin knowin' 'er sence she wuz so high, en endurin' er all dat time I aint seed no mo' up'n spoken w'ite 'oman dan w'at Miss Sally is.
"Might have been," the old man remarked, in a tone that
was far from implying conviction. "If it wasn’t that, then she was getting tired of seeing me just lounging around up there night after night, and if it wasn’t that, then she was watching a chance for to preach to your pa. Oh, I done been know Miss Sally long before your pa is!" exclaimed Uncle Remus, in response to the astonishment depicted upon the child's face. "I been knowing her since she was so high, and enduring her all that time I ain’t seen no more outspoken white woman than what Miss Sally is.

"But dat aint needer yer ner dar. You done got so youk'n rush down yer des like you useter, en we kin set yer en smoke, en tell tales, en study up 'musements same like we wuz gwine on 'fo' you got dat splinter in yo' foot. "But that ain’t neither here nor there. You done got so you can rush down here just like you used to, and we can set here and smoke, and tell tales, and study up amusements some like we was going on before you got that splinter in your foot.

"I mines me er one time"—with an infectious laugh—"w'en ole Brer Rabbit got Brer Fox in de wuss trubble w'at a man wuz mos' ever got in yit, en dat 'uz w'en he fool 'im 'bout de hoss. Aint I never tell you 'bout dat? But no marter ef I is. Hoe-cake aint cook done good twel hit's turnt over a couple er times. "I reminds me of one time"—with an infectious laugh—"when old Brer Rabbit got Brer Fox in the worst trouble what a man was most ever got in yet, and that was when he fool him about the horse. Ain’t I never tell you about that? But no matter if I is. Hoe-cake ain’t cook done good until its turned over a couple of times.

"Well, atter Brer Fox done git rested fum keepin' out er de way er Mr. Dog, en sorter ketch up wid his rations, he say ter hisse'f dat he be dog his cats ef he don't slorate ole Brer Rabbit ef it take 'im a mont'; en dat, too, on top er all de 'spe'unce w'at he done bin had wid um. Brer Rabbit he sorter git win' er dis, en one day, w'iles he gwine 'long de road studyin' how he gwineter hol' he hand wid Brer Fox, he see a great big Hoss layin' stretch out flat on he side in de pastur'; en he tuck'n crope up,
he did, fer ter see ef dish yer Hoss done gone en die. He crope up en he crope 'roun', en bimeby he see de Hoss switch he tail, en den Brer Rabbit know he aint dead. Wid dat, Brer Rabbit lope back ter de big road, en mos' de fus' man w'at he see gwine on by wuz Brer Fox, en Brer Rabbit he tuck atter 'im, en holler:
"Well, after Brer Fox done got rested from keeping out of the way of Mr. Dog, and sort of catch up with his rations, he say to himself that he be dog his cats if he don’t slorate ole Brer Rabbit if it take him a month; en that, too, on top of all the ‘spe’unce what he done been had with him. Brer Rabbit he sort of get wind of this, and one day, while he going along the road studying how he going to hold he hand with Brer Fox, he see a great big horse laying stretch out flat on the side on the pasture; and he took and creep up,
he did, for to see if this here horse done gone and die. He creep up and he creep around, and by and by he see the horse swish his tail, and then Brer Rabbit know he ain’t dead. With that, Brer Rabbit lope back up to the big road, and most the first man what he see going on by was Brer Fox, and Brer Rabbit he took after him, and holler:

"'Brer Fox! O Brer Fox! Come back! I got some good news fer you. Come back, Brer Fox,' sezee. "'Brer Fox! O Brer Fox! Come back! I got some good news for you. Come back, Brer Fox,' says he.

"Brer Fox, he tu'n 'roun', he did, en w'en he see who callin' 'im, he come gallopin' back, kaze it seem like dat des ez gooder time ez any fer ter nab Brer Rabbit; but 'fo' he git in nabbin' distance, Brer Rabbit he up'n say, sezee: "Brer Fox, he turn around, he did, and when he see who calling him, he come galloping back, because it seem like that this is good a time as any for to nab Brer Rabbit; but before he get in nabbing distance, Brer Rabbit he up and say, says he:

"'Come on, Brer Fox! I done fine de place whar you kin lay in fresh meat 'nuff fer ter las' you plum twel de middle er nex' year,' sezee. "'Come on Brer Fox! I done fine the place where you can lay in fresh meat enough for to last you plum until the middle of next year,’ says he.

"Brer Fox, he ax wharbouts, en Brer Rabbit, he say, right over dar in de pastur', en Brer Fox ax w'at is it, en Brer Rabbit, he say w'ich 'twuz a whole Hoss layin down on de groun' whar dey kin ketch 'im en tie 'im. Wid dat, Brer Fox, he say come on, en off dey put. “Brer Fox, he ask whereabouts, and Brer Rabbit, he say, right over there in the pasture, and Brer Fox ask what it is, and Brer Rabbit, he say which it was a whole horse laying down on the ground where they can catch him and tie him. With that, Brer Fox, he say come on, and off they put.

"W'en dey got dar, sho' nuff, dar lay de Hoss all stretch out in de sun, fas' 'sleep, en den Brer Fox en Brer Rabbit, dey had a 'spute 'bout how dey gwineter fix de Hoss so he can't git loose. One say one way en de yuther say n'er way, en dar dey had it, twel atter w'ile Brer Rabbit, he say, sezee: “When they got there, sure enough, there lay the horse all stretch out in the sun, fast asleep, and then Brer Fox and Brer Rabbit, they has a dispute about how they going to fix the horse so he can’t get loose. One say one way and the other say another way, and there they had it, until after while Brer Rabbit, he say, says he:

"'De onliest plan w'at I knows un, Brer Fox,' sezee, 'is fer you ter git down dar en lemme tie you ter de Hoss'
tail, en den, w'en he try ter git up, you kin hol' 'im down,' sezee. 'Ef I wuz big man like w'at you is,' sez Brer Rabbit, sezee, 'you mought tie me ter dat Hoss' tail, en ef I aint hol' 'im down, den Joe's dead en Sal's a widder. I des knows you kin hol' 'im down,' sez Brer Rabbit, sezee, 'but yit, ef you 'feared, we des better drap dat idee en study out some yuther plan,' sezee.
"'The onliest plan what I knows one, Brer Fox,’ says he, 'is for you to get down there and let me tie you to the horse’s
tail, and then, when he try to get up, you can hold him down,' says he. 'If I was big man like what you is,' says Brer Rabbit, says he, 'you might tie me to that horse tail, and if I ain’t hold him down, the Joe’s dead and Sal’s a widow. I just knows you can hold him down,' says Brer Rabbit, says he, 'but yet if you afraid, we just better drop that idea and study out some other plan,' says he.

"Brer Fox sorter jubus 'bout dis, but he bleedzd ter play biggity 'fo' Brer Rabbit, en he tuck'n 'gree ter de progrance, en den Brer Rabbit, he tuck'n tie Brer Fox ter de Hoss' tail, en atter he git 'im tie dar hard en fas', he sorter step back, he did, en put he han's 'kimbo, en grin, en den he say, sezee: "Brer Fox sort of dubious about this, but he pleased to play biggity for Brer Rabbit, and he took and agree to the progrance, and then Brer Rabbit, he took and tie Brer Fox to the horse’s tail, and after he get him tie there hard and fast, he sort of step back, he did, and put he hands akimbo, and grin, and then he say, says he:

"'Ef ever dey wuz a Hoss kotch, den we done kotch dis un. Look sorter lak we done put de bridle on de wrong een',' sezee, 'but I lay Brer Fox is got de strenk fer ter hol' 'im,' sezee. "'If ever they was a horse caught, then we done caught this one. Look sort of like we done put the bridle on the wrong end,’ says he, 'but I lay Brer Fox is got the strength for to hold him,' says he.

"Wid dat, Brer Rabbit cut 'im a long switch en trim it up, en w'en he get it fix, up he step en hit de Hoss a rap—pow! De Hoss 'uz dat s'prise at dat kinder doin's dat he make one jump, en lan' on he foots. W'en he do dat, dar wuz Brer Fox danglin' in de a'r, en Brer Rabbit, he dart out de way en holler: "With that, Brer Rabbit cut him a long switch and trim it up, and when he get it fix, up he step and hit the horse a rap—pow! The horse was that surprised at that kind of doings that he make one jump, and land on he foots. When he do that, there was Brer Fox dangling in the air, and Brer Rabbit, he dart out the way and holler:

"'Hol' 'im down, Brer Fox! Hol' 'im down! I'll stan' out yer en see fa'r play. Hol' 'im down, Brer Fox! Hol' 'im down!' "'Hold him down, Brer Fox! Hold him down! I’ll stand out here and see fair play. Hold him down, Brer Fox! Hold him down!'

"Co'se, w'en de Hoss feel Brer Fox hangin' dar onter he tail, he thunk sump'n kuse wuz de marter, en dis make 'im jump en r'ar wusser en wusser, en he shake up Brer
Fox same like he wuz a rag in de win', en Brer Rabbit, he jump en holler:
"Of course, when the horse feel Brer Fox hanging there onto he tail, he think something curious was the matter, and this make him jump and rear worse and worse, and he shake up Brer
Fox same like he was a rag in the wind, and Brer Rabbit, he jump and holler:

"'Hol' 'im down, Brer Fox! Hol' 'im down! You got 'im now, sho'! Hol' yo' grip, en hol' 'im down,' sezee. "'Hold him down, Brer Fox! Hold him down! You got him now, sure! Hold your grip and hold him down,' says he.

"De Hoss, he jump en he hump, en he rip en he r'ar, en he snort en he t'ar. But yit Brer Fox hang on, en still Brer Rabbit skip 'roun' en holler: "The horse, he jump and he hump, and he rip and he roar, and he snort and he tear. But yet Brer Fox hang on, and still Brer Rabbit skip around and holler:

"'Hol' 'im down, Brer Fox! You got 'im whar he can't needer back ner squall. Hol' 'im down, Brer Fox!' sezee. "'Hold him down, Brer Fox! You got him where he can’t neither back nor squall. Hold him down, Brer Fox!' says he.

"Bimeby, w'en Brer Fox git chance, he holler back, he did: "By and by, when Brer Fox get a chance, he holler back, he did:

"'How in de name er goodness I gwineter hol' de Hoss down 'less I git my claw in de groun'?' "'How in the name of goodness I going to hold the horse down unless I get my claw in the ground?'

"Den Brer Rabbit, he stan' back little furder en holler little louder: "Then Brer Rabbit, he stand back a little further and holler a little louder:

"'Hol' 'im down, Brer Fox! Hol' 'im down ! You got 'im now, sho'! Hol' 'im down!' "'Hold him down, Brer Fox! Hold him down! You got him now, sure! Hold him down!'

"Bimeby de hoss 'gun ter kick wid he behime legs, en de fus' news you know, he fetch Brer Fox a lick in de stomach dat fa'rly make 'im squall, en den he kick 'im ag'in, en dis time he break Brer Fox loose, en sont 'im a-whirlin'; en Brer Rabbit, he keep on a-jumpin' 'roun' en hollerin': "By and by the horse begun to kick with his behind legs, and the first news you know, he fetch Brer Fox a lick in the stomach that fairly make him squeal, and then he kick him again, and this time he break Brer Fox loose, and sent him a-whirling; and Brer Rabbit, he keep on a-jumping round and hollering:

"'Hol' 'im down, Brer Fox!'" "'Hold him down, Brer Fox!'"

"Did the fox get killed, Uncle Remus?" asked the little boy.

"He wa'n't 'zackly kilt, honey," replied the old man,
"but he wuz de nex' do' ter't. He 'uz all broke up, en w'iles he 'uz gittin' well, hit sorter come 'cross he min' dat Brer Rabbit done play n'er game on 'im."
"He wasn’t exactly killed, honey," replied the old man,
"but he was the next door to it. He was all broke up, and while he was getting well, it sort of come across his mind that Brer Rabbit done play another game on him."


"What did Brother Rabbit do after that?" the little boy asked, presently.

"Now, den, you don't wanter push ole Brer Rabbit too close," replied Uncle Remus, significantly. "He mighty tender-footed creetur, en de mo' w'at you push 'im, de furder he lef' you." "Now, then, you don't want to push ole Brer Rabbit too close," replied Uncle Remus, significantly. "He mighty tender-footed creature, and the more what you push him, the further he left you."

There was prolonged silence in the old man's cabin, until, seeing that the little boy was growing restless enough to cast several curious glances in the direction of the tool-chest in the corner, Uncle Remus lifted one leg over the other, scratched his head reflectively, and began:

"One time, atter Brer Rabbit done bin trompin' 'roun' huntin' up some sallid fer ter make out he dinner wid, he fine hisse'f in de neighborhoods er Mr. Man house, en he pass 'long twel he come ter de gyardin-gate, en nigh de gyardin-gate he see Little Gal playin' 'roun' in de san'. W'en Brer Rabbit look 'twix' de gyardin-palin's en see de colluds, en de sparrer-grass, en de yuther gyardin truck growin' dar, hit make he mouf water. Den he take en walk up ter de Little Gal, Brer Rabbit did, en pull he
roach, en bow, en scrape he foot, en talk mighty nice en slick.
"One time, after Brer Rabbit done been tromping around hunting up some salad for to make out he dinner with, he fine himself in the neighborhood of Mr. Man house, and he pass along until he come to the garden-gate, and nigh the garden-gate he see Little Gal playing around in the sand. When Brer Rabbit look between the garden-palings and see the collards, and the sparrow-grass, and the other garden truck growing there, it make his mouth water. Then he take and walk up to the Little Gal, Brer Rabbit did, an pull he
roach, and scrape his foot, and talk mighty nice and slick.


"'Howdy, Little Gal,' sez Brer Rabbit, sezee; 'how you come on?' sezee. "'Howdy, Little Gal,' says Brer Rabbit, says he; 'how you come on?' says he.

"Den de Little Gal, she 'spon' howdy, she did, en she ax Brer Rabbit how he come on, en Brer Rabbit, he 'low he mighty po'ly, en den he ax ef dis de Little Gal w'at 'er pa live up dar in de big w'ite house, w'ich de Little Gal, she up'n say twer'. Brer Rabbit, he say he mighty glad, kaze he des bin up dar fer to see 'er pa, en he say dat 'er pa, he sont 'im out dar fer ter tell de Little Gal dat she mus' open de gyardin-gate so Brer Rabbit kin go in en git some truck. Den de Little Gal, she jump 'roun', she did, en she open de gate, en wid dat, Brer Rabbit, he hop in, he did, en got 'im a mess er greens, en hop out ag'in, en w'en he gwine off he make a bow, he did, en tell de Little Gal dat he much 'blije', en den atter dat he put out fer home. Then the Little Gal, she respond howdy, she did, and she ask Brer Rabbit how he come on, and Brer Rabbit, he allow he mighty po'ly, and then he ask if this the Little Gal what her pa live up there in the big white house, which the Little Gal, she up and say it were. Brer Rabbit, he say he mighty glad, because he just been up up there for to see her pa, and he say that her pa, he sent him out there for to tell the Little Gal that she must open the garden-gate so Brer Rabbit can go in and get some truck. Then the Little Gal, she jump 'round, she did, and she open the gate, and with that, Brer Rabbit, he hop in, he did, and got him a mess of greens, and hop out again, and when he going off he make a bow, he did, and tell the Little Gal that he much obliged, and the after that he put out for home.

"Nex' day, Brer Rabbit, he hide out, he did, twel he see de Little Gal come out ter play, en den he put up de same tale, en walk off wid a n'er mess er truck, en hit keep on dis away, twel bimeby Mr. Man, he 'gun ter miss his greens, en he keep on a-missin' un um, twel he got ter excusin' eve'ybody on de place er 'stroyin un um, en w'en dat come ter pass', de Little Gal, she up'n say: "Next day, Brer Rabbit, he hide out, he did, until he see the Little Gal come out to play, and then he put up the same tale, and walk off with another mess of truck, and it keep on this this away, until by and by Mr. Man, he going to miss his greens, and he keep on a-missing on them, until he got to excusing everybody on the place or storying on them, and when that come to pass, the Little Gal, she up and say:

"'My goodness, pa!' sez she, 'you done tole Mr. Rabbit fer ter come and make me let 'im in de gyardin atter some greens, en aint he done come en ax me, en aint I done gone en let 'im in?' sez she. "'My goodness, pa!' says she, 'you done told Mr. Rabbit for to come and make me let him in the garden after some greens, and ain't he done come and ask me, and ain't I done gone and let him in?' says she.


"Mr. Man aint hatter study long 'fo' he see how de lan' lay, en den he laff, en tell de Little Gal dat he done gone en disremember all 'bout Mr. Rabbit, en den he up'n say, sezee: Mr. Man ain't have to study long before he see how the land lay, and then he laugh, and tell the Little Gal that he done gone and disremember all about Mr. Rabbit, and then he up and say, says he:

"'Nex' time Mr. Rabbit come, you tak'n tu'n 'im in, en den you run des ez fas' ez you kin en come en tell me, kase I got some bizness wid dat young chap dat's bleedze ter be 'ten' ter,' sezee. "'Next time Mr. Rabbit come, you take and turn him in, and then you run just as fast as you can and come and tell me, because I got some business with that young chap that’s pleased to be attended to,' says he.

"Sho nuff, nex' mawnin' dar wuz de Little Gal playin' roun', en yer come Brer Rabbit atter he 'lowance er greens. He wuz ready wid de same tale, en den de Little Gal, she tu'n 'im in, she did, en den she run up ter de house en holler: "Sure enough, next morning there was the Little Gal playing round, and here come Brer Rabbit after his allowance of greens. He was ready with the same tale, and then the Little Gal, she turn him in, she did, and the she run up to the house and holler:

"'O pa! pa! O pa! Yer Brer Rabbit in de gyardin now! Yer he is, pa!' "'O pa! pa! O pa! Here Brer Rabbit in the gardin now! Here he is, pa!'

"Den Mr. Man, he rush out, en grab up a fishin'-line w'at bin hangin' in de back po'ch, en mak fer de gyardin, en w'en he git dar, dar wuz Brer Rabbit tromplin' 'roun' on de strawbe'y-bed en mashin' down de termartusses. W'en Brer Rabbit see Mr. Man, he squot behime a collud leaf, but 'twa'n't no use. Mr. Man done seed him, en 'fo' you kin count 'lev'm, he done got ole Brer Rabbit tie hard en fas' wid de fishin'-line. Atter he got him tie good, Mr. Man step back, he did, en say, sezee: "Then Mr. Man, he rush out, and grab up a fishing-line what been hanging in the back porch, and he make for the garden, and when he get there, there was Brer Rabbit trampling around on the strawberry-bed and mashing down the tomatoes. When Brer Rabbit see Mr. Man, he squat behind a collard leaf, but it wasn’t no use. Mr. Man done seen him, and before you can count eleven, he done got ole Brer Rabbit tie hard and fast with the fishing-line. After he got him tie good, Mr. Man step back, he did, and say, says he:

"'You done bin fool me lots er time, but dis time youer mine. I'm gwine ter take you en gin you a larrupin',' sezee, 'en den I'm gwine ter skin you en nail yo' hide on de stable do',' sezee; 'en den ter make sho dat you git de right kinder larrupin', I'll des step up ter de house,' sezee,
'en fetch de little red cowhide, en den I'll take en gin you brinjer,' sezee.
"'You done been fool me lots of time, but this time you’re mine. I’m going to take you and gin you a larruping,' says he, 'and then I’m going to skin you and nail your hide on the stable door,' says he; 'and then to make sure that you get the right kind of larruping, I’ll just step up to the house,' says he,
'and fetch the little red cowhide, and then I'll take and gin you brinjer,' says he.

"Den Mr. Man call to der Little Gal ter watch Brer Rabbit w'iles he gone. "Then Mr. Man call to the Little Gal to watch Brer Rabbit whiles he gone.

"Brer Rabbit aint sayin' nothin', but Mr. Man aint mo'n out de gate 'fo' he 'gun ter sing; en in dem days Brer Rabbit wuz a singer, mon," “Brer Rabbit ain’t saying nothing, but Mr. Man ain’t more than out the gate before he begun to sing; and in them days Brer Rabbit was a singer, man,” continued Uncle Remus, with unusual emphasis, "en w'en he chuned up fer ter sing he make dem yuther creeters hol' der bref." “and when he tuned up for to sing he make them other creatures hold their breath.”

"What did he sing, Uncle Remus?" asked the little boy.

"Ef I aint fergit dat song off'n my min'," said Uncle Remus, looking over his spectacles at the fire, with a curious air of attempting to remember something, "hit run sorter dish yer way: "If I ain’t forget that song off of my mind," said Uncle Remus, looking over his spectacles at the fire, with a curious air of attempting to remember something, it run sort of this here way:

"'De jay-bird hunt de sparrer-nes', "'The jay-bird hunt the sparrow's nest,
De bee-martin sail all 'roun'; The bee-martin sail all around;
De squer'l, he holler from de top er de tree, The squirrel, he holler from the top of the tree,
Mr. Mole, he stay in de groun'; Mr. Mole, he stay in the ground;
He hide en he stay twel de dark drap down— He hide and he stay till the dark drop down—
Mr. Mole, he hide in de groun'.' Mr. Mole, he hide in the ground.'

"W'en de Little Gal year dat, she laugh, she did, and she up'n ax Brer Rabbit fer ter sing some mo', but Brer Rabbit, he sorter cough, he did, en 'low dat he got a mighty bad ho'seness down inter he win'pipe some'rs. De Little Gal, she swade, en swade, en bimeby Brer Rabbit, he up'n 'low dat he kin dance mo' samer dan w'at he kin sing. "When the Little Gal hear that, she laugh, she did, and she up and ask Brer Rabbit for to sing some more, but Brer Rabbit, he sort of cough, he did, and allow that he got a mighty bad horseness down into he windpipes somewheres. The Little Gal, she persuaded, and persuaded, and by and by Brer Rabbit, he up and allow that he can dance mo' samer than what he can sing. [note]


Den de Little Gal, she ax 'im wont he dance, en Brer Rabbit, he 'spon' how in de name er goodness kin a man dance w'iles he all tie up dis away, en den de Little Gal, she say she kin ontie 'im, en Brer Rabbit, he say he aint keerin' ef she do. Wid dat de Little Gal, she retch down en onloose de fish-line, en Brer Rabbit, he sorter stretch hisse'f en look 'roun'." Then the Little Gal, she ask him won’t he dance, and Brer Rabbit, he respond how in the name of goodness can a man dance while he all tie up this away, and then the Little Gal, she say she can untie him, and Brer Rabbit, he say he ain’t caring if she do. With that the Little Gal, she reach down and loosen the fish-line, and Brer Rabbit, he sort of stretch himself and look around."

Here Uncle Remus paused and sighed, as though he had relieved his mind of a great burden. The little boy waited a few minutes for the old man to resume, and finally he asked:

"Did the Rabbit dance, Uncle Remus?"

"Who? Him?" exclaimed the old man, with a queer affectation of elation. "Bless yo' soul, honey! Brer Rabbit gedder up his foots und' 'im, en he dance outer dat gyardin, en he dance home. He did dat! Sho'ly you don't speck dat a ole-timer w'at done had 'spe'unce like Brer Rabbit gwine ter stay dar en let dat ar Mr. Man sackyfice 'im? Shoo! Brer Rabbit dance, but he dance home. You year me!" "Who? Him?" exclaimed the old man, with a queer affectation of elation. "Bless your soul, honey! Brer Rabbit gather up his foots under him, and he dance out of that garden, and he dance home. He did that! Surely you don’t expect that a old-timer what done had experience like Brer Rabbit going to stay there and let that there Mr. Man sacrifice him? Shoo! Brer Rabbit dance, but he dance home. You hear me!"


Uncle Remus chuckled a moment over the escape of Brother Rabbit, and then turned his gaze upward toward the cobwebbed gloom that seemed to lie just beyond the
rafters. He sat thus silent and serious a little while, but finally squared himself around in his chair and looked the little boy full in the face. The old man's countenance expressed a curious mixture of sorrow and bewilderment. Catching the child by the coat-sleeve, Uncle Remus pulled him gently to attract his attention.

"Hit look like ter me," "It look like to me," he said, presently, in the tone of one approaching an unpleasant subject, "dat no longer'n yistiddy I see one er dem ar Favers chillun clim'in' dat ar big red-oak out yan', en den it seem like dat a little chap 'bout yo' size, he tuck'n start up ter see ef he can't play smarty like de Favers's yearlin's. I dunner w'at in de name er goodness you wanter be a copyin' atter dem ar Faverses fer. Ef youer gwine ter copy atter yuther folks, copy atter dem w'at's some 'count. Yo' pa, he got de idee dat some folks is good ez yuther folks; but Miss Sally, she know better. She know dat dey aint no Favers 'pon de top side er de yeth w'at kin hol' der han' wid de Abercrombies in p'int er breedin' en raisin'. Dat w'at Miss Sally know. I bin keepin' track er dem Faverses sence way back yan' long 'fo' Miss Sally wuz born'd. Ole Cajy Favers, he went ter de po'house, en ez ter dat Jim Favers, I boun' you he know de inside er all de jails in dish yer State er Jawjy. Dey allers did hate niggers kaze dey aint had none, en dey hates um down ter dis day. "that no longer than yesterday I see one of them there Favers children climbing that there big red-oak out yonder, and then it seem like that a little chap about your size, he taken start up to see if he can't play smarty like the Favers's yearlings. I don't know what in the name of goodness you want to be a copying after them there Faverses for. If you're going to copy after other folks, copy after them what's some account. Your pa, he got the idea that some folks is good as other folks; but Miss Sally, she know better. She know that they ain't no Faverses upon the top side of the earth what kin hold the hand with the Ambercrombies in point of breeding and raising. That what Miss Sally know. I been keeping track of them Favers since way back and long before Miss Sally was borned. Old Cajy Favers, he went to the poorhouse, and as to that Jim Favers, I bound you he know the inside of all the jails in this here State of Georgia. They always did hate niggers because they ain't had none, and they hates them down to this day.

"Year 'fo' las'," "Year before last," Uncle Remus continued, "I year yo' Unk' Jeems Abercrombie tell dat same Jim Favers dat ef he lay de weight er he han' on one er his niggers, he'd slap a load er buck-shot in 'im; en, bless yo' soul, honey,
yo' Unk' Jeems wuz des de man ter do it. But dey er monst'us perlite unter me, dem Faverses is,"
"I hear your Uncle James Abercrombie tell that same Jim Favers that if he lay the weight of he hand on one of his niggers, he'd slap a load of buck-shot in him; and, bless your soul, honey,
your Uncle James was just the man to do it. But they are monstrous polite unto me, them Faverses is,"
pursued the old man, allowing his indignation, which had risen to a white heat, to cool off, "en dey better be," "and they better be," he added, spitefully, "kase I knows der pedigree fum de fus' ter de las', en w'en I gits my Affikin up, dey aint nobody, 'less it's Miss Sally 'erse'f, w'at kin keep me down. "because I knows their pedigree from the first to the last, and when I gets my affection up, thay ain't nobody, unless it's Miss Sally herself, what can keep me down.

"But dat aint needer yer ner dar," "But that ain't neither here nor there," said Uncle Remus, renewing his attack upon the little boy. "W'at you wanter go copyin' atter dem Favers chillun fer? Youer settin' back dar, right dis minnit, bettin' longer yo'se'f dat I aint gwine ter tell Miss Sally, en dar whar youer lettin' yo' foot slip, kaze I'm gwine ter let it pass dis time, but de ve'y nex' time w'at I ketches you in hollerin' distuns er dem Faverses, right den en dar I'm gwine ter take my foot in my han' en go en tell Miss Sally, en ef she don't natally skin you 'live, den she aint de same 'oman w'at she useter be. "What you want to go copying after them favers children for? You're sitting back there, right this minute, betting longer yourself that I ain't going to tell Miss Sally, and there where you're letting your foot slip, because I'm going to let it pass this time, but the very next time what I catches you in hollering distance of them Faverses, right then and there I'm going to take my foot in my hand and go and tell Miss Sally, and if she don't naturally skin you alive, then she ain't the same woman what she used to be.

"All dish yer copyin' atter deze yer Faverses put me in min' er de time w'en Brer Fox got ter copyin' atter Brer Rabbit. I done tole you 'bout de time w'en Brer Rabbit git de game fum Brer Fox by makin' like he dead?" "All this your copying after these here Faverses put me in mind of the time when Brer Fox got to copying after Brer Rabbit. I done told you about the time when Brer Rabbit Get the game from Brer Fox by making like he dead? [note]

The little boy remembered it very distinctly, and said as much.

"Well, den, old Brer Fox, w'en he see how slick de trick wuk wid Brer Rabbit, he say ter hisse'f dat he
b'leeve he'll up' n try de same kinder game on some yuther man, en he keep on watchin' fer he chance, twel bimeby, one day, he year Mr. Man comin' down de big road in a one- hoss waggin, kyar'n some chickens, en some eggs, en some butter, ter town. Brer Fox year 'im comin', he did, en w'at do he do but go en lay down in de road front er de waggin. Mr. Man, he druv 'long, he did, cluckin' ter de hoss en hummin' ter hisse'f, en w'en dey git mos' up ter Brer Fox, de hoss, he shy, he did, en Mr. Man, he tuck'n holler Wo! en de hoss, he tuck'n wo'd. Den Mr. Man, he look down, en he see Brer Fox layin' out dar on de groun' des like he cole en stiff, en we'n Mr. Man see dis, he holler out:
"Well, then, old Brer Fox, when he see how slick the trick work with Brer Rabbit, he say to hisself that he
believe he'll up and try the same kind of game on some other man, and he keep on watching for the chance, until by and by, one day, he hear Mr. Man coming down the big road in a one-horse wagon, carrying some chickens, and some eggs, and some butter, to town. Brer Fox hear him coming, he did, and what do he do but go and lay down in the road front of the wagon. Mr. Man, he drove along, he did, clucking to the horse and humming to hisself, and when they get most up to Brer Fox, the horse, he shy, he did, and Mr. Man, he tooking holler Woah! and the horse, he tooking woah-ed. Then Mr. Man, he look down, and he see Brer Fox laying out there on the ground just like he cold and stiff, and when Mr. Man see this, he holler out:

"'Heyo! Dar de chap w'at been nabbin' up my chickens, en somebody done gone en shot off a gun at 'im, w'ich I wish she'd er bin two guns—dat I does!' 'Hey! There the chap what been nabbing up my chickens, and somebody done gone and shot off a gun at him, which I wish she'd of been two guns—that I does!'

"Wid dat, Mr. Man, he druv on en lef' Brer Fox layin' dar. Den Brer Fox, he git up en run 'roun' thoo de woods en lay down front er Mr. Man ag'in, en Mr. Man come drivin' 'long, en he see Brer Fox, en he say, sezee: "With that, Mr. Man, he drove on and left. Brer Fox laying there. Then Brer Fox, he get up and run around through the woods and lay down front of Mr. Man again, and Mr. Man come driving along, and he see Brer Fox, and he say, says he:

"'Heyo! Yer de ve'y chap what been 'stroyin' my pigs. Somebody done gone en kilt 'im, en I wish dey'd er kilt 'im long time ago.' 'Hey! Here the very chap what been destroying my pigs. Somebody done gone and killed him, and I wish they'd of killed him long time ago.'

"Den Mr. Man, he druv on, en de waggin-w'eel come mighty nigh mashin' Brer Fox nose; yit, all de same, Brer Fox lipt up en run 'roun' 'head er Mr. Man, en lay down in de road, en w'en Mr. Man come 'long, dar he wuz all stretch out like he big 'nuff fer ter fill a two-
bushel baskit, en he look like he dead 'nuff fer ter be skint. Mr. Man druv up, he did, en stop. He look down pun Brer Fox, en den he look all 'roun' fer ter see w'at de 'casion er all deze yer dead Fox is. Mr. Man look all 'roun', he did, but he aint see nothin', en needer do he year nothin'. Den he set dar en study, en bimeby he 'low ter hisse'f, he did, dat he had better 'zamin' w'at kinder kuse zeeze [note] done bin got inter Brer Fox fambly, en wid dat he lit down outer de waggin, en feel er Brer Fox year; Brer Fox year feel right wom. Den he feel Brer Fox neck; Brer Fox neck right wom. Den he feel er Brer Fox in de short ribs; Brer Fox all soun' in de short ribs. Den he feel er Brer Fox lim's; Brer Fox all soun' in de lim's. Den he tu'n Brer Fox over, en, lo en beholes, Brer Fox right limber. W'en Mr. Man see dis, he say ter hisse'f, sezee:
"Then Mr. Man, he drove on, and the wagon-wheel come mighty nigh mashing Brer Fox nose; yet, all the same, Brer Fox leapt up and run around ahead of Mr. Man, and he lay down in the road, and when Mr. Man come along, there he was all stretch out like he big enough to fill a two-
bushel basket, and he look like he dead enough for to be skinned. Mr. Man drove up, he did, and stop. He look down upon Brer Fox, and then he look all around for to see what the occasion of all these here dead Fox is. Mr. Man look all around, he did, but he ain't see nothing, and neither do he hear nothing. Then he sat there and study, and by and by he allow to hisself, he did, that he had better examine what kind of kuse disease done been got into Brer Fox family, and with that he let down out of the wagon, and feel of Brer Fox ear; Brer Fox ear feel right warm. Then he feel Brer Fox neck; Brer Fox neck right warm. Then he feel of Brer Fox in the short ribs; Brer Fox all sound in the short ribs. The he feel of Brer Fox limbs; Brer Fox all sound in the limbs. Then he turn Brer Fox over, and, lo and behold, Brer Fox right limber. When Mr. Man see this, he say to hisself, says he:

"'Heyo, yer! how come dis? Dish yer chicken-nabber look lak he dead, but dey aint no bones broked, en I aint see no blood, en needer does I feel no bruise; en mo'n dat he wom en he limber,' sezee. 'Sump'n' wrong yer, sho'! Dish yer pig-grabber mought be dead, en den ag'in he moughtent,' sezee; 'but ter make sho' dat he is, I'll des gin 'im a whack wid my w'ip-han'le,' sezee; en wid dat, Mr. Man draw back en fotch Brer Fox a clip behime de years—pow!—en de lick come so hard en it come so quick dat Brer Fox thunk sho' he's a goner; but 'fo' Mr. Man kin draw back fer ter fetch 'im a n'er wipe, Brer Fox, he
scramble ter his feet, he did, en des make tracks 'way fum dar."
'Hey, here! how come this? This here chicken-nabber look like he dead, but they ain't no bones broken, and I see no blood, and neither does I feel no bruise; an more than that he warm and limber,' says he. Something wrong here, sure! This her pig grabber ought be dead, and then again he oughtn't,' says he; 'but to make sure that he is, I'll just give him a whack with my whip-handle' says he; and with that, Mr. Man draw back and fetch Brer Fox a clip behind the ears —pow!—and the lick come so hard and it come so quick that Brer Fox thought sure he's a goner; but before Mr. Man can draw back for to fetch him another wipe, Brer Fox, he
scramble to his feet, he did, and just make tracks away from there."

Uncle Remus paused and shook the cold ashes from his pipe, and then applied the moral:

"Dat w'at Brer Fox git fer playin' Mr. Smarty en copyin' atter yuther folks, en dat des de way de whole Smarty fambly gwine ter come out." "That what Brer Fox get for playing Mr. Smarty and copying after other folks, and that just the way the whole Smarty family going to come out."


"I speck dat 'uz de reas'n w'at make ole Brer Rabbit git 'long so well, kaze he aint copy atter none er de yuther creeturs," "I expect that was the reason what make old brer Rabbit get along so well, because he ain't copy after none of the other creatures," Uncle Remus continued, after a while. "W'en he make his disappearance 'fo' um, hit 'uz allers in some bran new place. Dey aint know wharbouts fer ter watch out fer 'im. He wuz de funniest creetur er de whole gang. Some folks moughter call him lucky, en yit, w'en he git in bad luck, hit look lak he mos' allers come out on top. Hit look mighty kuse now, but 'twan't kuse in dem days, kaze hit 'uz done gun up dat, strike 'im w'en you might en whar you would, Brer Rabbit wuz de soopless creeter gwine. "When he make his disappearance before them, it was always in some brand new place They ain't know whereabouts for to watch out for him. he was the funniest creature of the whole gang. Some folks ought to call him lucky, and yet, when he get in bad luck, it look like he most always come out on top. It look mighty kuse now, but it wasn't kuse in them days, because it was done gone up that, strike him when you might and where you would, Brer Rabbit was the supplest creature going.

"One time, he sorter tuck a notion, ole Brer Rabbit did, dat he'd pay Brer B'ar a call, en no sooner do de notion strike 'im dan he pick hisse'f up en put out fer Brer B'ar house." "one time, he sort of took a notion, old Brer Rabbit did, that he'd pay Brer B'ar a call, and no soon do the notion strike him than he pick hisself up and put out for Brer B'ar house."


"Why, I thought they were mad with each other," the little boy exclaimed.

"Brer Rabbit make he call w'en Brer B'ar en his fambly wuz off fum home," "Brer Rabbit make he call when Brer B'ar and his family was off from home," Uncle Remus explained, with a chuckle which was in the nature of a hearty tribute to the crafty judgment of Brother Rabbit.

"He sot down by de road, en he see um go by,—ole Brer B'ar en ole Miss B'ar, en der two twin-chilluns, w'ich one un um wuz name Kubs en de t'er one wuz name Klibs." "He sat down by the road, and he see them go by,—old Brer B'ar and old Miss B'ar, and their two twin-children, which one of them was name Kubs and the other one was name Klibs.

The little boy laughed, but the severe seriousness of Uncle Remus would have served for a study, as he continued:

"Ole Brer B'ar en Miss B'ar, dey went 'long ahead, en Kubs en Klibs, dey come shufflin' en scramblin' 'long behime. W'en Brer Rabbit see dis, he say ter hisse'f dat he 'speck he better go see how Brer B'ar gittin' on; en off he put. En 'twa'n't long n'er 'fo' he 'uz ransackin' de premmuses same like he 'uz sho' 'nuff patter-roller. W'iles he wuz gwine 'roun' peepin' in yer en pokin' in dar, he got ter foolin' 'mong de shelfs, en a bucket er honey w'at Brer B'ar got hid in de cubbud fall down en spill on top er Brer Rabbit, en little mo'n he'd er bin drown. Fum head ter heels dat creetur wuz kiver'd wid honey; he wa'n't des only bedobble wid it, he wuz des kiver'd. He hatter set dar en let de natal sweetness drip outen he eyeballs 'fo' he kin see he han' befo' 'im, en den, atter he look 'roun' little, he say to hisse'f; sezee: "Old Brer B'ar and Miss B'ar, they went along ahead, and Kubs and Klibs, they come Shuffling and scrambling along behind. When Brer Rabbit see this, he say to hisself that he expect he better go see how Brer B'ar getting on; and off he put. And it wasn't long neither before he was ransacking the premises same like he was sure enough patter-roller. While he was going around peeping in there and poking in there, he got to fooling among the shelves, and a bucket of honey what Brer B'ar got hid in the cubbord fall down and spill on top of brer Rabbit, and little more and he'd been drown. From head to heels that creature was covered with honey; he wasn't just only bedabble with it, he was covered. he had to sit there and let the natural sweetness drip out of his eyeballs before he can see his hand before him, and then, after he look around a little, he say to hisself, says he:

"'Heyo, yer! W'at I gwine do now? Ef I go out
in de sunshine, de bumly-bees en de flies dey'll swom up'n take me, en if I stay yer, Brer B'ar'll come back en ketch me, en I dunner w'at in de name er gracious I gwine do.'
'Hey, there! What I going do now? If I go out
in the sunshine, the bumblebees and the flies they'll swarm up an take me, and if I stay here, Brer B'ar'll come back and catch me, and I don't know what in the name of gracious I going do."

"Ennyhow, bimeby a notion strike Brer Rabbit, en he tip 'long twel he git in de woods, en w'en he git out dar, w'at do he do but roll in de leafs en trash en try fer ter rub de honey off'n 'im dat a-way. He roll, he did, en de leafs dey stick; Brer Rabbit roll, en de leafs dey stick, en he keep on rollin' en de leafs keep on stickin', twel atter w'ile Brer Rabbit wuz de mos' owdashus-lookin' creetur w'at you ever sot eyes on. En ef Miss Meadows en de gals could er seed 'im den en dar, dey wouldn't er bin no mo' Brer Rabbit call at der house; 'deed, en dat dey wouldn't. "Anyhow, by and by a notion strike Brer Rabbite, and he tip along until he get in the woods, and when he get out there, what do he do but roll the leaves and trash and try for to rub the honey off of him that-a-way. He roll, he did, and the leaves they stick; Brer Rabbit roll, and the leaves they stick, and he kept on rolling and the leaves keep on sticking, until after while Brer Rabbit was the most audacious-looking creature what you ever set eyes on. And if Miss Meadows and the gals could of seed him then and then, they wouldn't of been no more Brer Rabbit call at their house; indeed, in that they wouldn't."

"Brer Rabbit, he jump 'roun', he did, en try ter shake de leafs off'n 'im, but de leafs, dey aint gwine ter be shuck off. Brer Rabbit, he shake en he shiver, but de leafs dey stick; en de capers dat creetur cut up out dar in de woods by he own-alone se'f wuz scan'lous—dey wuz dat; dey wuz scan'lous. "Brer Rabbit, he jump around, he did, and try to shake the leaves off of him, but the leaves, they ain't going to be shook off. Brer Rabbit, he shake and he shiver, but the leaves ther stick; and the capers that creature cut up out there in the woods by he own-alone self was scandalous—they was that; they was scandalous.

"Brer Rabbit see dis wa'n't gwine ter do, en he 'low ter hisse'f dat he better be gittin' on todes home, en off he put. I 'speck you done year talk ez deze yer booggers w'at gits atter bad chilluns," "Brer Rabbit see this wasn't going to do, and he allow hisself that he better be getting on towards home, and off he put. I expect you done hear talk of these here boogers what gets after bad childrens," continued Uncle Remus, in a tone so seriously confidential as to be altogether depressing; "well, den, des 'zactly dat away Brer Rabbit look, en ef you'd er seed 'im you'd er made sho' he de gran'-daddy er all de boogers. Brer Rabbit pace 'long, he did, en ev'y motion he make, de leafs dey'd go swishy-swushy,
splushy-splishy, en, fum de fuss he make en de way he look, you'd er tuck 'im ter be de mos' suvvigus varment w'at disappear fum de face er de yeth sence ole man Noah let down de draw-bars er de ark en tu'n de creeturs loose; en I boun' ef you'd er struck up long wid 'im, you'd er been mighty good en glad ef you'd er got off wid dat.
"well, then, just exactly that away Brer Rabbit look, and if you'd of seed him you'd of made sure he de grand-daddy of all the boogers. Brer Rabbit pace along, he did, and every motion he make, the leaves they'd go swishy-swushy,
splushy-splishy, and, from the fuss he make and the way he look, you'd of took him to be the most suvvigus varment what disappear from the face of the earth since old man Noah let down the draw-bars of the ark and turn the creatures loose; and I bound if you'd of struck up long with him, you'd of been mighty good and glad if you'd of got off with that.

"De fus' man w'at Brer Rabbit come up wid wuz ole Sis Cow, en no sooner is she lay eyes on 'im dan she h'ist up 'er tail in de elements, en put out like a pack er dogs wuz atter 'er. Dis make Brer Rabbit laff, kaze he know dat w'en a ole settle' 'oman like Sis Cow run 'stracted in de broad open day-time, dat dey mus' be sump'n' mighty kuse 'bout dem leafs en dat honey, en he keep on a-rackin' down de road. De nex' man w'at he meet wuz a black gal tollin' a whole passel er plantation shotes, en w'en de gal see Brer Rabbit come prancin' 'long, she fling down 'er basket er corn en des fa'rly fly, en de shotes, dey tuck thoo de woods, en sech n'er racket ez dey kick up wid der runnin', en der snortin', en der squealin' aint never bin year in dat settlement needer befo' ner since. Hit keep on dis away long ez Brer Rabbit meet anybody—dey des broke en run like de Ole Boy wuz atter um. "The first man what Brer Rabbit come up with was old Sis Cow, and no sooner is she lay eyes on him than she hikes up her tail in the elements, and put out like a pack of dogs was after her. This make Brer Rabbit laugh, because he know that when a old settled woman like Sis Cow run distracted in the broad open day-time, that they must be somthing mighty kuse about the leaves and that honey, and he keep on a-racking down the road. The next man what he meet was a black gal tolling a whole parcel of plantation shoots, and when the gal see Brer Rabbit come prancing along, she fling down her basket of corn and just fairly fly, and the shoots, they took through the woods, and such another racket as they kick up with the running, and the snorting, and the squealing ain't never been hear in that settlement neither before nor since. It keep on this-a-way long as Brer Rabbit meet anybody—they just broke and run like the Old Boy was after them.

"C'ose, dis make Brer Rabbit feel monst'us biggity, en he 'low ter hisse'f dat he 'speck he better drap 'roun' en skummish in de neighborhoods er Brer Fox house. En w'iles he wuz stannin' dar runnin' dis 'roun' in he min', yer come old Brer B'ar en all er he fambly. Brer Rabbit, he git crossways de road, he did, en he sorter sidle todes um. Ole Brer B'ar, he stop en look, but Brer Rabbit, he
keep on sidlin' todes um. Ole Miss B'ar, she stan' it long ez she kin, en den she fling down 'er parrysol en tuck a tree. Brer B'ar look lak he gwine ter stan' his groun', but Brer Rabbit he jump straight up in de a'r en gin hisse'f a shake, en, bless yo' soul, honey! ole Brer B'ar make a break, en dey tells me he to' down a whole panel er fence gittin' 'way fum dar. En ez ter Kubs en Klibs, dey tuck der hats in der han's, en dey went skaddlin' thoo de bushes des same ez a drove er hosses."
"Of course, this make Brer Rabbit feel monstrously biggity, and he allow to hisself that he expect he better drop around and skirmish in the neighborhoods of Brer Fox house. And whiles he was standing there running this around in he mind, here come old Brer B'ar and all of the family. Brer Rabbit, he get crossways the road, he did, and he sorter siddle towards them. Old Brer B'ar, he stop and look, but Brer Rabbit he
keeping on siddling towards them. Old Miss B'ar, she stand it long as she can, and then she fling down her parasol and took a tree. Brer B'ar look like he going to stand his ground, but Brer Rabbit he jump straight up in the air and give hisself a shake, and, bless your soul, honey! old Brer B'ar make a break, and the tells me he tore down a whole panel of fench getting away from there. And as to Kubs and Klibs, they took their hats in their hands, and they went skedaddling through the bushes just the same as a drove of horses."

"And then what?" the little boy asked.

"Brer Rabbit p'raded on down de road," "Brer Rabbit paraded on down the road," continued Uncle Remus, "en bimeby yer come Brer Fox en Brer Wolf, fixin' up a plan fer ter nab Brer Rabbit, en dey wuz so intents on der confab dat dey got right on Brer Rabbit 'fo' dey seed 'im; but, gentermens! w'en dey is ketch a glimpse un 'im, dey gun 'im all de room he want. Brer Wolf, he try ter show off, he did, kase he wanter play big 'fo' Brer Fox, en he stop en ax Brer Rabbit who is he. Brer Rabbit, he jump up en down in de middle er de road, en holler out: "and by and by here come Brer Fox and Brer Wolf, fixing up a plan fBrer Rabbit before they seed him; but, gentlemens! when they is catch a glimpse on him, they give him all the room he want. Brer Wolf, he try to show off, he did, because he want to play big before Brer Fox, and he stop and ask Brer Rabbit who he is. Brer Rabbit, he jump up and down in the middle of the road, and holler out:

"'I'm de Wull-er-de-Wust. [note] I'm de Wull-er-de-Wust, en youer de man I'm atter!' 'I'm the Wull-er-de-Wust. I'm the Wull-er-de-Wust, and you're the man I'm after!'

"Den Brer Rabbit jump up en down en make lak he gwine atter Brer Fox en Brer Wolf, en de way dem creeturs lit out fum dar wuz a caution. "Then Brer Rabbit jump up and down and make like he going after Brer Fox and Brer Wolf, and the way them creatures lit out from there was a caution.

"Long time atter dat," "Long time after that," continued Uncle Remus folding his hands placidly in his lap, with the air of one who has


performed a pleasant duty,—"long time atter dat, Brer Rabbit come up wid Brer Fox en Brer Wolf, en he git behime a stump, Brer Rabbit did, en holler out: "long time after that, Brer Rabbit come up with Brer Fox and Brer Wolf, and he get behind a stump, Brer Rabbit did, and holler out:

"'I'm de Wull-er-de-Wust, en youer de mens I'm atter!' 'I'm the Wull-er-de-Wust, and you're the mens I'm after!'

"Brer Fox en Brer Wolf, dey broke, but 'fo' dey got outer sight en outer year'n', Brer Rabbit show hisse'f, he did, en laugh fit ter kill hisse'f. Atterwuds, Miss Meadows she year 'bout it, en de nex' time Brer Fox call, de gals dey up en giggle, en ax 'im ef he aint feard de Wull-er-de-Wust mought drap in." "Brer Fox and Brer Wolf, they broke, but before the got out of sight and out of hearing, Brer Rabbit show hisself, he did, and laugh fit to kill hisself. Afterwards, Miss Meadows she hear about it, and the next time Brer Fox call, the gals they up and giggle, and ask him if he ain't feared the Wull-er-de-Wust might drop in."


The rain continued to fall the next day, but the little boy made arrangements to go with 'Tildy when she carried Uncle Remus his supper. This happened to be a waiter full of things left over from dinner. There was so much that the old man was moved to remark:

"I cl'ar ter gracious, hit look lak Miss Sally done got my name in de pot dis time, sho'. I des wish you look at dat pone er co'n-bread, honey, en dem ar greens, en see ef dey aint got Remus writ some'rs on um. Dat ar chick'n fixin's, dey look lak deyer good, yet 'taint familious wid me lak dat ar bile ham. Dem ar sweet-taters, dey stan's fa'r
fer dividjun, but dem ar puzzuv, [note] I lay dey fit yo' palate mo' samer dan dey does mine. Dish yer hunk er beef, we kin talk 'bout dat w'en de time come, en dem ar biscuits, I des nat'ally knows Miss Sally put um in dar fer some little chap w'ich his name I aint gwine ter call in comp'ny."
"I declare to gracious, it loot like Miss Sally done got my name in the pot this time, sure. I just wish you look at that portion of corn-bread, honey, and them there greens, and see if they ain't got Remus writ somewheres on them. That there chicken fixings, they look like they are good, yet it ain't familiar with me like that there pile ham Them there sweet-potatoes, they stads fair
for division, but them there preserves,I lay they fit your palate more samer than they does mine. This here hunk of beef, we can talk about that when the time come, and them there biscuits, I just naturally knows Miss Sally put them in there for some little chap which his name I ain't going to call in company.

It was easy to perceive that the sight of the supper had put Uncle Remus in rare good-humor. He moved around briskly, taking the plates from the waiter and distributing them with exaggerated carefulness around upon his little pine table. Meanwhile he kept up a running fire of conversation.

"Folks w'at kin set down en have der vittles brung en put down right spang und' der nose—dem kinder folks aint got no needs er no umbrell. Night 'fo' las', w'iles I wuz settin' dar in de do', I year dem Willis-whistlers, en den I des knowed we 'uz gwine ter git a season." "Folks what can sit down and have the vittles brung and put down right spang under their nose—them kind of folks ain't got no needs of no umbrella. Night before last, whiles I was sitting there in the door, I hear them Willis-whistlers, and then I just knowed we was going to get a season." [note]

"The Willis-whistlers, Uncle Remus," exclaimed the little boy."What are they?"

"Youer too hard fer me now, honey. Dat wat I knows I don't min' tellin', but w'en you axes me 'bout dat wat I dunno, den youer too hard fer me, sho'. Deze yer Willis-whistlers, dey bangs my time, en I bin knockin' 'roun' in dish yer low-groun' now gwine on eighty year. Some folks wanter make out deyer frogs, yit I wish dey p'int out unter me how frogs kin holler so dat de nigher
you come t'um, de furder you is off; I be mighty glad ef some un 'ud come 'long en tell me dat. Many en many's de time is I gone atter deze yer Willis-whistlers, en, no diffunce whar I goes, deyer allers off yander. You kin put de shovel in de fier en make de squinch-owl hush he fuss, en you kin go out en put yo' han' on de trees en make deze yere locus'-bugs quit der racket, but dem ar Willis-whistlers deyer allers 'way off yander."
"You're too hard for me now, honey. That what I knows I don't mind telling, but when you asks me about what I don't know, then you're too hard for me, sure. These here Willis-whistlers, they bangs my time, and I been knocking around in this here low-ground now going on eighty year. Some folks want to make out they're frogs, yet I wish they point out unto me how frogs can holler so that the nigher
you come to them, the further you is off; I'd be mighty glad if someone would come along and tell me that. Many and manys the time is I gone after there here Willis-whistlers, and, no difference where I goes, they're always off yonder. You can put the shovel in the fire and make the screech-owl hush he fuss, and you can go out and put your hand on the trees and make there here locust-bugs quit their racket, but them there Willis-whistlers, they're always away off yonder."

Suddenly Uncle Remus paused over one of the dishes, and exclaimed:

"Gracious en de goodness! W'at kinder doin's is dis Miss Sally done gone en sont us?" "Gracious and the goodness! What kind of doings is this Miss Sally done gone and sent us?"

"That," said the little boy, after making an investigation, "is what mamma calls a floating island."

"Well, den then ," Uncle Remus remarked, in a relieved tone, "dat's diffunt. I wuz mos' fear'd it 'uz some er dat ar syllabub, w'ich a whole jugful aint ska'cely 'nuff fer ter make you seem like you dremp 'bout smellin' dram. Ef I'm gwine ter be fed on foam," "that's different. I was most feared it was some of that there syllabub, which a whole jugful ain't scarcely enough for to make you seem like you drape about smelling dram. If I'm going to be fed on foam," continued the old man, by way of explaining his position on the subject of syllabub, "let it be foam, en ef I'm gwine ter git dram, lemme git in reach un it w'ile she got some strenk lef'. Dat's me up and down. W'en it come ter yo' floatin' ilun, des gimme a hunk er ginger-cake en a mug er 'simmon-beer, en dey wont fine no nigger w'ats got no slicker feeling' dan w'at I is. "let it be foam, and if I'm going to get dram, let me get in reach of it while she got got some strength left. That's me up and down. When it come to your floating island, just give me a hunk of ginger-cake and a mug of persimmon-beer, and they won't find no nigger what's got no slicker feeling than what I is.


"Miss Sally mighty kuse w'ite 'oman," "Miss Sally mighty kuse white woman," Uncle Remus went on. "She sendin' all deze doin's en fixin's down yer, en I 'speck deyer monst'us nice, but no longer'n las' Chuseday she had all de niggers on de place, big en little, gwine squallin' 'roun' fer Remus. Hit 'uz Remus yer en Remus dar, en, lo en beholes, w'en I come ter fine out, Miss Sally want Remus fer ter whirl in en cook 'er one er deze yer ole-time ash-cakes. She bleedzd ter have it den en dar; en w'en I git it done, Miss Sally, she got a glass er buttermilk, en tuck'n sot right flat down on de flo', des like she useter w'en she wuz little gal." "She sending all these doings and fixings down there, and I expect they're monstrous nice, but no longer than last Tuesday she had all the niggers on the place, big and little, going squealing around for Remus. It was Remus here and Remus there, and, low and behold, when I come to find out, Miss Sally want Remus for to whirl in and cook her one of these old-time ash-cakes. She pleased to have it then and there; and when I get it done, Miss Sally, she got a glass of buttermilk, and took them and sat right flat down on the floor, just like she used to when she was a little gal." The old man paused, straightened up, looked at the child over his spectacles, and continued, with emphasis: "En I be bless ef she aint eat a hunk er dat ash-cake mighty nigh ez big ez yo' head, en den she tuck'n make out 'twa'n't cook right. "And I be bless if she ain't eat a hunk of that ash-cake might nigh as big as your head, and then she took and make out it wasn't cook right.

"Now, den, honey, all deze done fix. You set over dar, and I'll set over yer, en 'twix' en 'tween us we'll sample dish yer truck en see w'at is it Miss Sally done gone en sont us; en w'iles we er makin' 'way wid it, I'll sorter rustle 'roun' wid my 'membunce, en se ef I kin call ter min' de tale 'bout how ole Brer Rabbit got 'im a two-story house widout layin' out much cash." "Now, then, honey, all these done fix. You sit over there, and I'll sit over here, and betwixt and between us we'll sample this here trick and see what it is Miss Sally done gone and sent us; and whiles we are making away with it, I'll sort of rustle around with my remembrance, and see if I can call to mind the tale about how old Brer Rabbit got him a two-story house without laying out much cash."

Uncle Remus stopped talking a little while and pretended to be trying to remember something,—an effort that was accompanied by a curious humming sound in his throat. Finally, he brightened up and began:

"Hit tu'n out one time dat a whole lot er de creeters tuck a notion dat dey'd go in cahoots wid buil'n' un um a
house. Ole Brer B'ar, he was 'mongs' um, en Brer Fox, en Brer Wolf, en Brer 'Coon, en Brer 'Possum. I wont make sho', but it seem like ter me dat plum down ter ole Brer Mink 'uz 'mongs' um. Leas'ways, dey wuz a whole passel un um, en dey whirl in, dey did, en dey buil' de house in less'n no time. Brer Rabbit, he make lak it make he head swim fer ter climb up on de scaffle, en likewise he say it make 'im ketch de palsy fer ter wuk in de sun, but he got 'im a squar', en he stuck a pencil behime he year, en he went 'roun' medjun [note] en markin'—medjun en markin'—en he wuz dat busy dat de yuther creeturs say ter deyse'f he doin' monst'us sight er wuk, en folks gwine 'long de big road say Brer Rabbit doin' mo' hard wuk dan de whole kit en bilin' un um. Yit all de time Brer Rabbit aint doin' nothin', en he des well bin layin' off in de shade scratchin' de fleas off'n 'im. De yuther creeturs, dey buil' de house, en, gentermens! she 'uz a fine un, too, mon. She'd 'a' bin a fine un deze days, let 'lone dem days. She had er upsta'rs en downsta'rs, en chimbleys all 'roun', en she had rooms fer all de creeturs w'at went inter cahoots en hope make it.
"It turn out one time that a whole lot of the creatures took a notion that they'd go in cahoots with building of them a
house. Old Brer B'ar, he was amongst them, and Brer Fox, and Brer Wolf, and Brer 'Coon, and Brer 'Possum. I won't make sure, but it seem like to me that plum down to old Brer Mink was amongst them. Leastways, they was a whole parcel of them, they whirl in, they did, and they built the house in less than no time. Brer Rabbit, he make like it make he head swim for to climb up on the scafolding, and likewise he say it make him catch the palsy for to work in the sun, but he got him a square, and he stuck a pencil behind he ear, and he went round measuring and marking—measuring and marking—and he was that busy that the other creatures say to theyself he doing more hard work that the whole kit and billing of them. Yet all the time Brer Rabbit ain't doing nothing, and he just well been laying off in the shade scratching the fleas off of him. The other creatures, they build the house, and gentlemens! she was a fine one, too, man. She'd of been a fine one these days, let alone them days. She had her upstairs and her downstairs, and chimneys all around, and she had rooms for all the creatures what went into cahoots and help make it.

"Brer Rabbit, he pick out one er de upsta'rs rooms, en he tuck'n' got 'im a gun, en one er deze yer brass cannons, en he tuck'n' put um in dar w'en de yuther creeturs aint lookin', en den he tuck'n' got 'im a tub er nasty slop- water, w'ich likewise he put in dar w'en dey aint lookin'. So den, w'en dey git de house all fix, en w'iles dey wuz
all a-settin' in de parlor atter supper, Brer Rabbit, he sorter gap en stretch hisse'f, en make his 'skuses en say he b'leeve he'll go ter he room. W'en he git dar, en w'iles all de yuther creeturs wuz a-laughin' an a-chattin' des ez sociable ez you please, Brer Rabbit, he stick he head out er de do' er he room en sing out:
"Brer Rabbit, he pick out one of the upstairs rooms, and he took and got him a gun, and one of these here brass cannons, and he took and put them in there when the other creatures ain't looking, and then he took and got him a tub of nasty slop-water, which likewise he put in there when they ain't looking. So then, when they get the house all fix, and whiles they was
all a-setting in the parlor after supper, Brer Rabbit, he sort of gap and stretch hisself, and make his excuses and say he believe he'll go to he room. When he get there, and whiles all the other creatures was a-laughing and a-chatting just as sociable as you please, Brer Rabbit, he stick he head out of the door of he room and sing out:

" 'W'en a big man like me wanter set down, wharbouts he gwine ter set?' sezee. 'When a big man like me want to sit down, wherabouts he going to sit?' says he.

"Den de yuther creeturs dey laugh, en holler back: "Then the other creatures they laugh, and holler back:

"'Ef big man like you can't set in a cheer, he better set down on de flo'.' "If big man like you can't sit in a chair, he better sit down on the floor.'

"'Watch out down dar, den,' sez ole Brer Rabbit, sezee. 'Kaze I'm a gwine ter set down,' sezee. 'Watch out down there, then' says old Brer Rabbit, says he. 'Because I'm a going to sit down,' says he.

"Wid dat, bang! went Brer Rabbit gun. Co'se, dis sorter 'stonish de creeturs, en dey look 'roun' at one er n'er much ez ter say, W'at in de name er gracious is dat? Dey lissen en lissen, but dey don't year no mo' fuss, en 'twa'n't long 'fo' dey got ter chattin' en jabberin' some mo'. Bimeby, Brer Rabbit stick he head outer he room do', en sing out: "With that, bang! went brer Rabbit gun. Of course, this sort of astonish the creatures, and they look around at one another much as to say, What in the name of gracious is that? They listen, but they don't hear no more fuss, and it wasn't long before they got to chatting and jabbering some more. By and by, Brer Rabbit stick he head out of he room door, and sing out:

"'W'en a big man like me wanter sneeze, wharbouts he gwine ter sneeze at?' 'When a big man like me want to sneeze, whereabouts he going to sneeze at?'

"Den de yuther creeturs, dey tuck'n' holler back: "Then the other creatures, they took and holler back:

"'Ef big man like you aint a gone gump, he kin sneeze anywhar he please.' 'If big man like you ain't a gone gimp, he can sneeze anywhere he please.'

"'Watch out down dar, den,' sez Brer Rabbit, sezee. 'Kaze I'm gwineter tu'n loose en sneeze right yer,' sezee. 'Watch out down there, then,' says Brer Rabbit, says he. 'Because I'm going to turn loose and sneeze right here,'

"Wid dat, Brer Rabbit let off his cannon—bulderum- m-m! De winder-glass dey shuck en rattle, en de house
shuck like she gwine ter come down, en ole Brer B'ar, he fell out de rockin'-cheer—kerblump! W'en de creeturs git sorter settle, Brer 'Possum en Brer Mink, dey up'n' 'low dat Brer Rabbit got sech a monst'us bad cole, dey b'leeve dey'll step out and git some fresh a'r, but dem yuther creeturs, dey say dey gwine ter stick it out; en atter w'ile, w'en dey git der h'ar smoove down, dey 'gun ter jower 'mongs' deyse'f. 'Bout dat time, w'en dey get in a good way, Brer Rabbit, he sing out:
"With that, Brer Rabbit let off his cannon—bulderum- m-m! The window-glass they shook and rattle, and the house
shook like she going to come down, and old Brer B'ar, he fell out the rocking-chair—kerblump! When the creatures get sort of settle, Brer 'Possum and Brer Mink, they up and allow that Brer Rabbit got such a monstrous bad cole, they believe they'll step out and get some fresh air, but them other cretures, they say they going to stick it out; and after while, when they get there hair smooth down, they begun to jower amongst theyself. About that time, when they get in a good way, Brer Rabbit, he sing out:

"'When a big man like me take a chaw terbacker, wharbouts he gwine ter spit?' 'When a big man like me take a chew tobacco, whereabouts he going to spit?'

"Den de yuther creeturs, dey holler back, dey did, sorter like deyer mad: "Then the other creatures, they holler back, they did, sort of like they're mad:

"'Big man er little man, spit whar you please.' 'Big man or little man, spit where you please.'

"Den Brer Rabbit, he squall out: "Then Brer Rabbit, he squeal out:

"'Dis de way a big man spit!' en wid dat he tilt over de tub er slop-water, en w'en de yuther creeturs year it come a-sloshin' down de sta'r-steps, gentermens! dey des histed deyse'f outer dar. Some un um went out de back do', en some un um went out de front do', en some un um fell out de winders; some went one way en some went n'er way; but dey all went sailin' out." "'This the way a big man spit!' and with that he tilt over the tub of slop-water, and when the other creatures hear it come a-sloshing down the stair-steps, gentlemens! they just hoisted theyself out of there. Some of them went out the back door, and some of them went out the front door, and some of them fell out the windows; some went one way and some went another way; but they all went sailing out."

"But what became of Brother Rabbit?" the little boy asked.

"Brer Rabbit, he des tuck'n' shot up de house en fassen de winders, en den he go ter bed, he did, en pull de coverled up 'roun' he years, en he sleep like a man w'at aint owe nobody nuthin'; en needer do he owe um, kaze ef dem yuther creeturs gwine git skeer'd en run off fum
der own house, w'at bizness is dat er Brer Rabbit? Dat w'at I like ter know."
"Brer Rabbit, he just took and shut up the house and fasten the windows, and then he go to bed, he did, and pull the covers up around he ears, and he sleep like a man what ain't owe nobody nothing; and neither do he owe them, because if them other creatures hadn't going get scared and run off from
their own house, what business is that of Brer Rabbit? That what I like to know."


Uncle Remus sighed heavily as he lifted the trivet on the head of his walking-cane, and hung it carefully by the side of the griddle in the cavernous fireplace.

"Folks kin come 'long wid der watchermaycollums," "Folks can come along with the watermelons," he said, presently, turning to the little boy, who was supplementing his supper by biting off a chew of shoemaker's-wax, "en likewise dey kin fetch 'roun' der watziznames. Dey kin walk biggity, en dey kin talk biggity, en, mo'n dat, dey kin feel biggity, but yit all de same deyer gwine ter git kotch up wid. Dey go 'long en dey go 'long, en den bimeby yer come trouble en snatch um slonchways, en de mo' bigger w'at dey is, de wusser does dey git snatched." "and likewise they can fetch around their what's-his-names. They can walk biggity, and they can talk biggity, and more than that, they can feel biggity, but it all the same they're going to get caught up with. They go along and they go along, and then by and by here come trouble and snatch them sideways, and the more bigger what they is, the worser does they get snatched.

The little boy didn't understand this harangue at all, but he appreciated it because he recognized it as the prelude to a story.

"Dar wuz Mr. Lion," "There was Mr. Lion," Uncle Remus went on; "he tuck'n' sot hisse'f up fer ter be de boss er all de yuther
creeturs, en he feel so biggity dat he go ro'in' en rampin' 'roun' de neighborhoods 'wuss'n dat ar speckle bull w'at you see down at yo' Unk' Jeems Abercrombie place las' year. He went ro'in' 'roun', he did, en eve'ywhar he go he year talk er Mr. Man. Right in de middle er he braggin', some un 'ud up'n' tell 'im 'bout w'at Mr. Man done done. Mr. Lion, he say he done dis, en den he year 'bout how Mr. Man done dat. Hit went on dis a-way twel bimeby Mr. Lion shake he mane, he did, en he up'n' say dat he gwine ter s'arch 'roun' en 'roun', en high en low, fer ter see ef he can't fine Mr. Man, en he 'low, Mr. Lion did, dat w'en he do fine 'im, he gwine ter tu'n in en gin Mr. Man sech n'er larrupin' w'at nobody aint never had yit. Dem yuther creeturs, dey tuck'n' tell Mr. Lion dat he better let Mr. Man 'lone, but Mr. Lion say he gwine ter hunt 'im down spite er all dey kin do.
"he took and sat hisself up for to be the boss of all the other
creatures, and he feel so biggity that he go rolling and ramping around the neighborhoods worse than that there special bull what you see down at your Uncle James Abercrombie place last year. He went rolling around, he did, and everywhere he go he hear talk of Mr. Man. Right in the middle of he bragging, some one would up and tell him about what Mr. Man done done. Mr. Lion, he say he done this, and then he hear about how Mr. Man done that. It went on this-a-way until by and by Mr. Lion shake he man, he did, and he up and say that he going to search around and around, and high and low, for to see if he going to turn in and give Mr. Man such another larruping what nobody ain't never had yet. Them other creatures, they took and tell Mr. Lion that he better let Mr. Man alone, but Mr. Lion say he going to hunt him down spite of all they can do.

"Sho' nuff, atter he done tuck some res', Mr. Lion, he put out down de big road. Sun, she rise up en shine hot, but Mr. Lion, he keep on; win', hit come up en blow, en fill de elements full er dust; rain, hit drif' up en drizzle down; but Mr. Lion, he keep on. Bimeby, w'iles he gwine on dis away, wid he tongue hangin' out, he come up wid Mr. Steer, grazin' 'long on de side er de road. Mr. Lion, he up'n' ax 'im howdy, he did, monst'us perlite, en Mr. Steer likewise he bow en scrape en show his manners. Den Mr. Lion, he do lak he wanter have some confab wid 'im, en he up'n' say, sezee: "Sure enough, after he done took some rest, Mr. Lion, he put out down the big road. Sun, she rise up and shine hot, but Mr. Lion, he keep on; wind, it come up and blow, and fill the elements full of dust; rain, it drift up and drizzle down; but Mr. Lion, he come up with Mr. Steer, grazing along on the side of the road. Mr. Lion, he up and ask him howdy, he did, monstrous polite, and Mr. Steer likewise he bow and scrape and show his manners. Then Mr. Lion, he do like he want to have some confab with him, and he up and say, says he:

"'Is dey anybody 'roun' in deze parts name Mr. Man?' sezee. 'Is they anybody around in these parts name Mr. Man?' says he.


"'Tooby sho' dey is,' sez Mr. Steer, sezee; 'anybody kin tell you dat. I knows 'im mighty well,' sezee. 'To be sure they is,' says Mr. Steer, says he; 'anybody can tell you thet. I knows him mighty well,'

"'Well, den, he de ve'y chap I'm atter,' sezee. 'Well, then, he the very chap I'm after,' says he.

"'W'at mought be yo' bizness wid Mr. Man?' sez Mr. Steer, sezee. 'What might be your business with Mr. Man?' says Mr. Steer, says he.

"'I done come dis long ways fer ter gin 'im a larrupin,' sez Mr. Lion, sezee. 'I'm gwine ter show 'im who de boss er deze neighborhoods,' sezee, en wid dat Mr. Lion, he shake he mane, en switch he tail, en strut up en down wuss'n one er deze yer town niggers. 'I done come this long ways for to give him a larruping, says Mr. Lion, says he. 'I'm going to show him who the boss of these neighborhoods,' says he, and with that Mr. Lion, he shake he mane, and switch he tail, and strut up and down worse than one of these here town niggers.

"'Well, den, ef dat w'at you come atter,' sez Mr. Steer, sezee. 'you des better slew yo'se'f 'roun' en p'int yo' nose todes home, kaze you fixin' fer ter git in sho' 'nuff trouble,' sezee. 'Well then, if that what you come after,' says Mr. Steer, says he. 'you just better slow yourself around and point your nose towards home, because you fixing for to get in sure enough trouble,' says he.

"'I'm gwine ter larrup dat same Mr. Man,' sez Mr. Lion, sezee; 'I done come fer dat, en dat w'at I'm gwine ter do,' sezee. 'I'm going to larrup that some Mr. Man,' says Mr. Lion, says he; 'I done come for that, and that what I'm going to do,' says he.

"Mr. Steer, he draw long breff, he did, en chaw he cud slow, en atter w'ile he say, sezee: "Mr. Steer, he draw long breath, he did, and chew he cud slow, and after while he say, says he:

"'You see me stannin' yer front er yo' eyes, en you see how big I is, en w'at long, sharp hawns I got. Well, big ez my heft is, en sharp dough my hawns be, yit Mr. Man, he come out yer en he ketch me, en he put me und' a yoke, en he hitch me up in a kyart, en he make me haul he wood, en he drive me anywhar he min'ter. He do dat. Better let Mr. Man 'lone,' sezee. 'Ef you fool 'long wid 'im, watch out dat he don't hitch you up en have you prancin' 'roun' yer pullin' he kyart,' sezee. 'you see me standing here front of your eyes, and you see how big I is, and what long, sharp horns I got. Well, big as my heft is, and sharp though my horns be, yet Mr. Man, he come out and catch me, and he put me under a yoke, and he hitch me up in a cart, and he make me haul wood, and he drive me anywhere he mind to. He do that. Better let Mr. Man alone,' says he. 'If you fool along with him, watch out the he don't hitch you up and have you prancing around here pulling the cart,' says he.


"Mr. Lion, he fotch a roar, en put out down de road, en 'twa'n't so mighty long 'fo' he come up wid Mr. Hoss, w'ich he wuz a-nibblin' en a-croppin' de grass. Mr. Lion make hisse'f know'd, en den he tuck'n' ax Mr. Hoss do he know Mr. Man. "Mr. Lion, he fetch a roar, and put out down the road, and it wasn't so mighty long before he come up with Mr. Hoss, which he was a-nibbling and a-cropping the grass. Mr. Lion make hisself knowed, and then he took and ask Mr. Hoss do he know Mr. Man.

"'Mighty well,' sez Mr. Hoss, sezee, 'en mo'n dat, I bin a-knowin' 'im a long time. W'at you want wid Mr. Man?' sezee. "'Mighty well,' says Mr. Hoss, says he, 'and more than that, I been knowing him a long time. What you want with Mr. Man? says he.

"'I'm a huntin' 'im up fer ter larrup 'im,' sez Mr. Lion, sezee. 'Dey tels me he mighty stuck up,' sezee, 'en I gwine take 'im down a peg,' sezee. "'I'm a hunting him up for to larrup him,' says Mr. Lion, says he. 'They tells me he mighty stuck up,' says he, 'and I going to take him down a peg,' says he.

"Mr. Hoss look at Mr. Lion like he sorry, en bimeby he up'n say: "Mr. Hoss look at Mr. Lion like he sorry, and by and by he up and say:

"'I 'speck you better let Mr. Man 'lone,' sezee. 'You see how big I is, en how much strenk w'at I got, en how tough my foots is,' sezee; 'well dish yer Mr. Man, he kin take'n' take me en hitch me up in he buggy, en make me haul 'im all 'roun', en den he kin take'n' fassen me ter de plow en make me break up all his new groun',' sezee. 'You better go 'long back home. Fus' news you know, Mr. Man'll have you breakin' up his new groun',' sezee. "'I expect you better let Mr. Man alone,' says he. 'You see how big I is, and how much strength what I got, and how tough my foots is,' says he; 'well this here Mr. Man, he can take and take me and hitch me up in the buggy, and make me haul him all around, and then he can take and fasten me to the plow and make me break up all his new ground,' says he. 'You better go along back home. First news you know, Mr. Man'll have you breaking up his new ground,' says he.

"Spite er all dis, Mr. Lion, he shake he mane en say he gwine ter larrup Mr. Man anyhow. He went on down de big road, he did, en bimeby he come up wid Mr. Jack Sparrer, settin' up in de top er de tree. Mr. Jack Sparrer, he whirl 'roun' en chirp, en flutter 'bout up dar, en 'pariently make a great 'miration. "Spite of all this, Mr. Lion, he shake he mane and say he going to larrup Mr. Ma anyhow. he went on down the big road, he did, and by and by he come up with Mr. Jack Sparrer, sitting up in the top of the tree. Mr. Jack Sparrer, he whirl around and chirp, and flutter about up there, and apparently make a great admiration.

"'Heyo yer!' sezee; 'who'd er 'speckted fer ter see
Mr. Lion 'way down yer in dis neighborhoods?' sezee. 'Whar you gwine, Mr. Lion?' sezee.
"'Hello there! says he; 'who'd of expected for to see
Mr. Lion away down here in this neighborhoods?' says he. 'Where you going, Mr. Lion?' says he.

"Den Mr. Lion ax ef Mr. Jack Sparrer know Mr. Man, en Mr. Jack Sparrer say he know Mr. Man mighty well. Den Mr. Lion, he ax ef Mr. Jack Sparrer know whar he stay, w'ich Mr. Jack Sparrer say dat he do. Mr. Lion ax wharbouts is Mr. Man, en Mr. Jack Sparrer say he right 'cross dar in de new groun', en he up'n' ax Mr. Lion w'at he want wid 'im, w'ich Mr. Lion 'spon' dat he gwine larrup Mr. Man, en wid dat, Mr. Jack Sparrer, he up'n' say, sezee: "Then Mr. Lion ask if Mr. Jack Sparrer know Mr. Man, and Mr. Jack Sparrer say he know Mr. Man mighty well. Then Mr. Lion, he ask if Mr. Jack Sparrer know whereabouts he stay, which Mr. Jack Sparrer say that he do. Mr. Lion ask whereabouts is Mr. Man, and Mr. Jack Sparrer say he right across there in the new ground, and he up and ask Mr. Lion what he want with him, which Mr. Lion respond that he going larrup Mr. Man, and with that, Mr. Jack Sparrer, he up and say, says he:

"'You better let Mr. Man 'lone. You see how little I is, en likewise how high I kin fly; yit, 'spite er dat, Mr. Man, he kin fetch me down w'en he git good and ready,' sezee. 'You better tuck yo' tail en put out home,' sez Mr. Jack Sparrer, sezee, 'kaze bimeby Mr. Man'll fetch you down,' sezee. "'You better let Mr. Man alone. You see how little I is, and likewise how high I can fly; yet, in spite of all that, Mr. Man, he can fetch me down when he get good and ready,' says he. 'You better tuck your tail and put out for home,' says Mr. Jack Sparrer, says he, 'because by and by Mr. Man'll fetch you down,' says he.

"But Mr. Lion des vow he gwine atter Mr. Man, en go he would, en go he did. He aint never see Mr. Man, Mr. Lion aint, en he dunner w'at he look lak, but he go on todes de new groun'. Sho' 'nuff, dar wuz Mr. Man, out dar maulin' rails fer ter make 'im a fence. He 'uz rippin' up de butt cut, Mr. Man wuz, en he druv in his wedge en den he stuck in de glut. He 'uz splittin' 'way, w'en bimeby he year rustlin' out dar in de bushes, en he look up, en dar wuz Mr. Lion. Mr. Lion ax 'im do he know Mr. Man, en Mr. Man 'low dat he know 'im mo' samer dan ef he wer' his twin brer. Den Mr. Lion 'low dat he wanter see 'im, en den Mr. Man say, sezee, dat ef
Mr. Lion will come stick his paw in de split fer ter hol' de log open twel he git back, he go fetch Mr. Man. Mr. Lion he march up en slap his paw in de place, en den Mr. Man, he tuck'n' knock de glut out, en de split close up, en dar Mr. Lion wuz. Mr. Man, he stan' off en say, sezee:
"But Mr. Lion just vow he going after Mr. Man, and go he would, and go he did. He ain't never see Mr. Man, Mr. Lion ain't, and he don't know what he look like, but he go on towards the new ground. Sure enough, there was Mr. Man, out there mauling rails for to make him a fence. he was ripping up the butt cut, Mr. Man was, and he drove in his wedge and then he stuck in the glut. He was splitting away, when by and by he hear rustling out there in the bushes, and he look up, and there was Mr. Lion. Mr. Lion ask him do he know Mr. Man, and Mr. Man allow that he know him more samer than if he were his twin brother. Then Mr. Lion allow that he want to see him, and then Mr. Man say, says he, that if
Mr. Lion will come stick his paw in the split for to hold the log open until he get back, he go fetch Mr. Man. Mr. Lion he march up and slap his paw in the place, and then Mr. Man, he took and knock the glut out, and the split close up, and there Mr. Lion was. Mr. Man, he stand off and say, says he:

"'Ef you'd 'a' bin a steer er hoss, you mought er run'd, en ef you'd 'a' bin a sparrer, you mought er flew'd, but yer you is, en you kotch yo'se'f,' sezee. "'If you'd a been a steer or horse, you might of runned, and if you'd have been a sparrow, you might of flewed, but here you is, and you catch yourself,' says he.

"Wid dat, Mr. Man sa'nter out in de bushes en cut 'im a hick'ry, en he let in on Mr. Lion, en he frail en frail 'im twel frailin' un 'im wuz a sin. En down ter dis day," "With that, Mr. Man saunter out in the bushes and cut him a hickory, and he let in on Mr. Lion, and he flail and flail him until flailing of him was a sin. And down to this day," continued Uncle Remus, in a tone calculated to destroy all doubt, "you can't git no Lion ter come up whar dey's a Man a-maulin' rails en put he paw in de split. Dat you can't!" "you can't get no Lion to come up where they's a Man a-mauling rails and put he paw in the split. That you can't!"


Uncle Remus relapsed into silence again, and the little boy, with nothing better to do, turned his attention to the bench upon which the old man kept his shoemaker's tools. Prosecuting his investigations in this direction, the youngster finally suggested that the supply of bristles was about exhausted.


"I dunner w'at Miss Sally wanter be sendin' un you down yer fer, ef you gwine ter be stirr'n' en bodderin' 'longer dem ar doin's," I don't know what Miss Sally wants to be sending of you down here for, if you going to be stirring and bothering along of them there doings," exclaimed Uncle Remus, indignantly. "Now don't you scatter dem hog-bristle! De time wuz w'en folks had a mighty slim chance fer ter git bristle, en dey aint no tellin' w'en dat time gwine come ag'in. Let 'lone dat, de time wuz w'en de breed er hogs wuz done run down ter one po' little pig, en it look lak mighty sorry chance fer dem w'at was bleedzd ter have bristle." "Now don't you scatter them hog-bristle! The time was when folks had a mighty slim chance for to get bristle, and they ain't no telling when that time going come again. Let alone that, the time was when the breed of hogs was done run down to one poor little pig, and it look like mighty sorry chance for them what was pleased to have bristle."

By this time Uncle Remus's indignation had vanished, disappearing as suddenly and unexpectedly as it came. The little boy was curious to know when and where and how the bristle famine occurred.

"I done tole you 'bout dat too 'long 'go ter talk 'bout," "I done told you about that too along ago to talk about," the old man declared; but the little boy insisted that he had never heard about it before, and he was so persistent that at last Uncle Remus, in self-defence, consented to tell the story of the Pigs.

"One time, 'way back yander, de ole Sow en er chilluns wuz all livin' longer de yuther creeturs. Hit seem lak ter me dat de ole Sow wuz a widder 'oman, en ef I don't run inter no mistakes, hit look like ter me dat she got five chilluns. Lemme see," "One time, away back yonder, the old Sow and her childrens was all living longer the other creatures. It seem like to me that the old Sow was a widowed woman, and if I don't run into no mistakes, it loke like to me that she got five childrens. Let me see," continued Uncle Remus, with the air of one determined to justify his memory by a reference to the record, and enumerating with great deliberation,—"dar wuz Big Pig, en dar wuz Little Pig, en dar wuz Speckle Pig, en dar wuz Blunt, en las' en lonesomes', dar wuz Runt. "There was Big Pig, and there was little Pig, and there was Speckle Pig, and there was Blunt, and last and lonesomest, there was Runt

"One day, deze yer Pig ma she know she gwine kick
de bucket, and she tuck'n' call up all 'er chilluns en tell um dat de time done come w'en dey got ter look out fer deyse'f, en den she up'n' tell um good ez she kin, dough 'er breff mighty scant, 'bout w'at a bad man is ole Brer Wolf. She say, sez she, dat if dey kin make der 'scape from ole Brer Wolf, dey'll be doin' monst'us well. Big Pig 'low she aint skeer'd, Speckle Pig 'low she aint skeer'd, Blunt, he say he mos' big a man ez Brer Wolf hisse'f, en Runt, she des tuck'n' root 'roun' in de straw en grunt. But ole Widder Sow, she lay dar, she did, en keep on tellin' um dat dey better keep der eye on Brer Wolf, kaze he mighty mean en 'seetful man.
"One day, these here Pig ma she know she going kick
the bucket, and she took and call up all of her childrens and tell them that the time done come when they got to look out for theyself, and then she up and tell them good as she can, though her breath mighty scant, about what a bad man is old Brer Wolf. She say, says she, that if they can make their escape from old Brer Wolf, they'll be doing monstrous well. Big Pig allow she ain't scared, Speckle Pig allow she ain't scared, Blunt, he say he most big a man as Brer Wolf hisself, and Runt, she just took and root around in the straw and grunt. But old Widder Sow, she lay there, she did, and keep on telling them that they better keep their eye on Brer Wolf, because he mighty mean and resentful man.

"Not long atter dat, sho' 'nuff ole Miss Sow lay down en die, en all dem ar chilluns er hern wuz flung back on deyse'f, en dey whirl in, dey did, en dey buil' um all a house ter live in. Big Pig, she tuck'n' buil' 'er a house outer bresh; Little Pig, she tuck'n' buil' a stick house; Speckle Pig, she tuck'n' buil' a mud house; Blunt, he tuck'n' buil' a plank house; en Runt, she don't make no great ter-do, en no great brags, but she went ter wuk, she did, en buil' a rock house. "Not long after that, sure enough old Miss Sow lay down and die, and all them there childrens her herd was flung back on theyself, and the whirl in, they did, and they build them all a house to live in. Big Pig, she took and built her a house out of brush; Little Pig, she took and built a stick house; Speckle Pig, she took and built a mud house; Blunt, he took and built a plank house; and Runt, she don't make no great to-do, and no great brags, but she went to work, she did, and built a rock house.

"Bimeby, w'en dey done got all fix, en marters wuz sorter settle, soon one mawnin' yer come ole Brer Wolf, a-lickin' un his chops en a-shakin' un his tail. Fus' house he come ter wuz Big Pig house. Brer Wolf walk ter de do', he did, en he knock sorter saf'—blim! blim! blim! Nobody aint answer. Den he knock loud—blam! blam! blam! Dis wake up Big Pig, en she come ter de do', en
she ax who dat. Brer Wolf 'low it's a fr'en', en den he sing out:
"By and by, when the done got all fix, and matters was sort of settle, soon one morning here come old Brer Wolf, a-licking of his chops and a-shaking of his tail. First house he come to was Big Pig House. Brer Wolf walk to the door, he did, and he knock sort of safe—blim! blim! blim! Nobody ain't answer. Then he knock loud—blam! blam! blam! This wake up Big Pig, and she come to the door, and
she ask who that. Brer Wolf allow it's a friend, and then he sing out:

"'Ef you'll open de do' en let me in, "'If you'll open the door and let me in,
I'll wom my han's en go home ag'in.' I'll warm my hands and go home again.'

"Still Big Pig ax who dat, en den Brer Wolf, he up'n' say, sezee: "Still Big Pig ask who that, and then Brer Wolf, he up and say, says he:

"'How yo' ma?' sezee. "'How your ma?' says he.

"'My ma done dead,' sez Big Pig, sezee, 'en 'fo' she die she tell me fer ter keep my eye on Brer Wolf. I sees you thoo de crack er de do', en you look mighty like Brer Wolf,' sezee. "'My ma done dead,' says Big Pig, says he, 'and before she die she tell me for to keep my eye on Brer Wolf. I sees you through the crack of the door, and you look might like Brer Wolf,' says he.

"Den ole Brer Wolf, he draw a long breff lak he feel mighty bad, en he up'n' say, sezee: "Then old Brer Wolf, he draw a long breath like he feel mighty bad, and he up and say, says he:

"'I dunner w'at change yo' ma so bad, less'n she 'uz out'n 'er head. I year tell dat ole Miss Sow wuz sick, en I say ter myse'f dat I'd kinder drap 'roun' en see how de ole lady is, en fetch 'er dish yer bag er roas'n'-years. Mighty well does I know dat ef yo' ma wuz yer right now, en in 'er min', she'd take de roas'n'-years en be glad fer ter git um, en mo'n dat, she'd take'n' ax me in by de fire fer ter wom my han's,' sez ole Brer Wolf, sezee. "'I don't know what change your ma so bad, unless she was out of her head. I hear tell that old Miss Sow was sick, and I say to myself that I'd kind of drop around and see how the old lady is, and fetch her this here bag of roasting-ears. Mighty well does I know that if your ma was here right now, and in her mind, she'd take the roasting-ears and be glad for to get them, and more and that, she'd take and ask me in by the fire for to warm my hands,' says old Brer Wolf.

"De talk 'bout de roas'n'-ears make Big Pig mouf water, en bimeby, atter some mo' palaver, she open de do' en let Brer Wolf in, en bless yo' soul, honey! dat uz de las' er Big Pig. She aint had time fer ter squeal en needer fer ter grunt 'fo' Brer Wolf gobble 'er up. "The talk about the roasting-ears make Big Pig mouth water, and by and by, after some more palaver, she open the door and let Brer Wolf in, and bless your soul, honey! that was the last of Big Pig. She ain't had time for to squeal and neither for to grunt before Brer Wolf gobble her up.

"Next day, ole Brer Wolf put up de same game on Little Pig; he go en he sing he song, en Little Pig, she
tuck'n' let 'im in, en den Brer Wolf he tuck'n' 'turn de compelerments [note] en let Little Pig in."
"Next day, old Brer Wolf put up the same game on Little Pig; he go an he sing he song, and Little Pig, she
took and let him in, and then Brer Wolf he took and return the compliments and let Little Pig in."

Here Uncle Remus laughed long and loud at his conceit, and he took occasion to repeat it several times.

"Little Pig, she let Brer Wolf in, en Brer Wolf, he let Little Pig in, en w'at mo' kin you ax dan dat? Nex' time Brer Wolf pay a call, he drop in on Speckle Pig, en rap at de do' en sing his song: "Little Pig, she let Brer Wolf in, and Brer Wolf, he let Little Pig in, and what more can you ask than that? Next time Brer Wolf pay a call, he drop in on Speckle Pig, and rap at the door and sing his song:

'Ef you'll open de do' en let me in,
I'll wom my han's en go home ag'in.'

"But Speckle Pig, she kinder 'spicion sump'n', en she 'fuse ter open de do'. Yit Brer Wolf mighty 'seetful man, en he talk mighty saf' en he talk mighty sweet. Bimeby, he git he nose in de crack er de do' en he say ter Speckle Pig, sezee, fer ter des let 'im git one paw in, en den he wont go no furder. He git de paw in, en den he beg fer ter git de yuther paw in, en den w'en he git dat in he beg fer ter git he head in, en den w'en he git he head in, en he paws in, co'se all he got ter do is ter shove de do' open en walk right in; en w'en marters stan' dat way, 'twa'n't long 'fo' he done make fresh meat er Speckle Pig.

"Nex' day, he make way wid Blunt, en de day atter, he 'low dat he make a pass at Runt. Now, den, right dar whar ole Brer Wolf slip up at. He lak some folks w'at I knows. He'd 'a' bin mighty smart, ef he hadn't er bin too smart. Runt wuz de littles' one er de whole gang, yit
all de same news done got out dat she 'uz pestered wid sense like grown folks.

"Brer Wolf, he crope up ter Runt house, en he got un'need de winder, he did, en he sing out:

"'Ef you'll open de do' en let me in, "'If you'll open the door and let me in,
'll wom my han's en go home ag'in.' I'll warm my hands and go home again.'

"But all de same, Brer Wolf can't coax Runt fer ter open de do', en needer kin he break in, kaze de house done made outer rock. Bimeby Brer Wolf make out he done gone off, en den atter while he come back en knock at de do'—blam, blam, blam! "But all the same, Brer Wolf can't coax Runt for to open the door, and neither can he break in, because the house done made out of rock. By and by Brer Wolf make out he done gone off, and the after while he come back and knock at the door—blam, blam, blam!

"Runt she sot by de fier, she did, en sorter scratch 'er year, en holler out: "Runt she sat by the fire, she did, and sort of scratch her ear, and holler out:

"'Who dat?' sez she. 'Who that?' says she.

"‘Hit's Speckle Pig,' sez ole Brer Wolf, sezee, 'twix' a snort en a grunt. ‘I fotch yer some peas fer yo' dinner!' 'It's Speckle Pig,' says old Brer Wolf, says he, between a snort and a grunt. 'I fetch you some peas for your dinner!'

"Runt, she tuck'n' laugh, she did, en holler back: "Runt, she took and laugh, she did, and holler back:"

"'Sis' Speckle Pig aint never talk thoo dat many toofies.' "'Sister Speckle Pig ain't never talk through that many tooths.'

"Brer Wolf go off 'g'in, en bimeby he come back en knock. Runt she sot en rock, en holler out: "Brer Wolf go off again, and by and by he come back and knock. Runt she sat and rock, and holler out:

"'Who dat?' "'Who that?'

"'Big Pig,' sez Brer Wolf. ‘I fotch some sweet-co'n fer yo' supper.' 'Big Pig,' says Brer Wolf. 'I fetch some sweet-corn for your supper.'

"Runt, she look thoo de crack un'need de do', en laugh en say, sez she: "Runt, she look through the crack underneath the door, and laugh and say, says she:

"'Sis Big Pig aint had no ha'r on 'er huff.' 'Sister Big Pig ain't had no hair on her hoof.'


"Den old Brer Wolf, he git mad, he did, en say he gwine come down de chimbley, en Runt, she say, sez she, dat de onliest way w'at he kin git in; en den, w'en she year Brer Wolf clam'in' up on de outside er de chimbley, she tuck'n' pile up a whole lot er broom sage front er de h'a'th, en w'en she year 'im clam'in' down on de inside, she tuck de tongs en shove de straw on de fier, en de smoke make Brer Wolf head swim, en he drap down, en 'fo' he know it, he 'uz done bu'nt ter a cracklin'; en dat wuz de las' er ole Brer Wolf. Leas'ways," "Then old Brer Wolf, he get mad, he did, and say he going come down the chimney, and Runt, she say, says she, that the onliest way what he can get in; and then, when she hear Brer Wolf climbing up on the outside of the chimney, she took and pile up a whole lot of broom sage front of the heath, and when she hear him climbing down on the inside, she took the tongs and shove the straw on the fire, and the smoke make Brer Wolf head swim, and he drop down, and before he know it, he was done burnt to a crackling; and that was the last of old Brer Wolf. Leastways," added Uncle Remus, putting in a cautious proviso to fall back upon in case of an emergency, "leas'ways, hit 'uz de las' er dat Brer Wolf." "leastways, it was the last of that Brer Wolf."


"I 'speck you done year tell er ole man Benjermun Ram," "I expect you done hear tell of old man Benjermun Ram," said Uncle Remus, with a great affectation of indifference, after a pause.

>"Old man who?" asked the little boy.

"Old man Benjermun Ram. I'speck you done year tell er him too long 'go ter talk 'bout." "Old man Benjermun Ram. I expect you done hear tell of him too long ago to talk about."

"Why, no, I haven't, Uncle Remus!" exclaimed the little boy, protesting and laughing. "He must have been a mighty funny old man."


"Dat's ez may be," "That's as may be," responded Uncle Remus, sententiously. "Fun deze days wouldn't er counted fer fun in dem days; en many's de time w'at I see folks laughin'," "Fun these days wouldn't of counted for fun in them days; and many's the time what I see folks laughing," continued the old man, with such withering sarcasm that the little boy immediately became serious,—"many's de time w'at I sees um laughin' en laughin', w'en I lay dey aint kin tell w'at deyer laughin' at deyse'f. En 'taint der laughin' w'at pesters me, nudder," many's the time what I sees them laughing and laughing, when I lay they ain't can tell me what they're laughing at theyself. And it ain't their laughing what pesters me, neither," —relenting a little,—"hit's dish yer ev'lastin' snickle en giggle, giggle en snickle." "it's this here everlasting snickle and giggle, giggle and snickle."

Having thus mapped out, in a dim and uncertain way, what older people than the little boy might have been excused for accepting as a sort of moral basis, Uncle Remus proceeded:

"Dish yer Mr. Benjermun Ram, w'ich he done come up inter my min', wuz one er deze yer ole-timers. Dey tells me dat he 'uz a fiddler fum away back yander—one er dem ar kinder fiddlers w'at can't git de chune down fine 'less dey pats der foot. He stay all by he own-alone se'f 'way out in de middle un a big new-groun', en he sech a handy man fer ter have at a frolic dat de yuther creeturs like 'im mighty well, en w'en dey tuck a notion fer ter shake der foot, w'ich de notion tuck'n' struck um eve'y once in a w'ile, nuthin' 'ud do but dey mus' sen' fer ole man Benjermun Ram en he fiddle; en dey do say," "This here Mr. Benjermun Ram, which he done come up into my mind, was one of these here old-timers. They tells me that he was a fiddler from away back yonder—one of the there kind of fidlers what can't get the tune down fine unless they pats their foot. He stay all by he own-alone self away out in the middle of a big new-ground, and he such a handy man for to have at a frolic that the other creatures like him mighty well, and when they took a notion for to shake their foot, which the notion took and struck the every once in a while, nothing would do but they must send for old man Mr. Benjermun Ram and he fiddle; and they do say," continued Uncle Remus, closing his eyes in a sort of ecstasy, "dat w'en he squar' hisse'f back in a cheer, en git in a weavin' way, he kin des snatch dem ole-time chunes fum
who lay de rail. [note] En den, w'en de frolic wuz done, dey'd all fling in, dem yuther creeturs would, en fill up a bag er peas fer ole Mr. Benjermun Ram fer ter kyar home wid'im.
"that when he square hisself back in a cheer, and git in a weaving way, he can just snatch them old-time tunes from
who lay the rail. And then, when the frolic was done , they'd all fling in, the other creatures would, and fill up a bag of peas for old Mr. Menjermun Ram for to carry home with him.

"One time, des 'bout Christmas, Miss Meadows en Miss Motts en de gals, dey up'n' say dat dey'd sorter gin a blow-out, en dey got wud ter ole man Benjermun Ram w'ich dey 'speckted 'im fer ter be on han'. W'en de time done come fer Mr. Benjermun Ram fer ter start, de win' blow cole en de cloud 'gun ter spread out 'cross de elements—but no marter fer dat; ole man Benjermun Ram tuck down he walkin'-cane, he did, en tie up he fiddle in a bag, en sot out fer Miss Meadows. He thunk he know de way, but hit keep on gittin' col'er en col'er, en mo' cloudy, twel bimeby, fus' news you know, ole Mr. Benjermun Ram done lose de way. Ef he'd er kep' on down de big road fum de start, it moughter bin diffunt, but he tuck a nigh-cut, en he aint git fur 'fo’ he done los' sho' 'nuff. He go dis away, en he go dat away, en he go de yuther way, yit all de same he wuz done los'. Some folks would er sot right flat down whar dey wuz en study out de way, but ole man Benjermun Ram aint got wrinkle on he hawn fer nothin', kaze he done got de name er ole Billy Hardhead long ‘fo’ dat. Den a'g'in, some folks would er stop right still in der tracks en holler en bawl fer ter see ef dey can't roust up some er de neighbors, but ole Mr. Benjermun Ram, he des stick he jowl in de win', he did, en he march right on des 'zackly like he know he aint gwine de wrong way. He keep on, but 'twa'nt long 'fo’ he 'gun ter
feel right lonesome, mo' speshually w'en hit come up in he min' how Miss Meadows en de gals en all de comp'ny be bleedz ter do de bes' dey kin bidout any fiddlin'; en hit kinder make he marrer git cole w'en he study 'bout how he gotter sleep out dar in de woods by hisse'f.
"One time, just about Christmas, Miss Meadows and Miss Motts and the gall, they up and say that they'd sort of gin a blow-out, and they got word to old man Benjermun Ram which ther expected him for to be on hand. When the time done come for Mr. Benjermun Ram for to start, the wind blow cold and the cloud begun to spread out across the elements—but no matter for that; old man Benjermun Ram took down his walking-cane, he did, and tie up the fiddle in a bag, and sat out for Miss Meadows. He thunk he know the way, but it keep getting colder and colder, and more cloudy, until by and by, first news you know, old Mr. Benjermun Ram done lose his way. If he's of kept on down the big road from the start, it might of ben different, but he tok a nigh-cut, and he ain't get far before he done lost sure enough. He go this a-way, and he go that a-way, and he go the other way, yet all the same he was done lost. Some would would of sat right down on he hand for nothing, because he done got the name of old Billy Hardhead long before that. Then again, some folks would of stop right still in their tracks and holler and bawl for to see if they can't roust up some of the neighbors, but old Mr. Benjermun Ram, he just stick he jowl in the wind, he did, and he march right on just exactly like he know he ain't going the wrong way. He keep on, but it ain't long before he begun to
feel right lonesome, most especially when it come up in he mind how Miss Meadows and the gals and all the company be pleased to do the best they can without any fiddling; and it kind of make he mane get cold when he study about how he got to sleep out there in the woods by hisself.

Yit, all de same, he keep on twel de' dark 'gun ter drap down, en den he keep on still, en bimeby he come ter a little rise whar dey wuz a clay-gall. W'en he git dar he stop en look 'roun', he did, en 'way off down in de holler, dar he see a light shinin', en w'en he see dis, ole man Benjermun Ram tuck he foot in he han', en make he way todes it des lak it de ve'y place w'at he bin huntin'. 'Twa'n't long 'fo’ he come ter de house whar de light is, en, bless you soul, he don't make no bones er knockin'. Den somebody holler out: "Yet, all the same, he keep on until the dark begun to drop down, and then he keepn on still, and by and by he come to a little rise where they was a clay-gall. When he get there he stop and look around, he did, and away off in the holler, there he see a light shining, and when he see this, old man Benjermun Ram took he foot in he hand, and make he way toward it just like it the very place what he been hunting. It ain't long before he come to the house where the light is, and, bless you soul, he don't make no bones of knocking. The somebody holler out:

"'Who dat?' 'Who that?'

"'I'm Mr. Benjermun Ram, en I done lose de way, en I come fer ter ax you ef you can't take me in fer de night,' sezee. "'I'm Mr. Benjermun Ram, and I done lose the way, and I come for to ask you if you can't take me in for the night,' says he.

"In common," continued Uncle Remus, "ole Mr. Benjermun Ram wuz a mighty rough-en-spoken somebody, but you better b'leeve he talk monst'us perlite dis time. "old Mr. Benjermun Ram was a mighty roung-and-spoken somebody, but you better believe he talk monstrous polite this time.

"Den some un on t'er side er de do' ax Mr. Benjermun Ram fer ter walk right in, en wid dat he open de do' en walk in, en make a bow like fiddlin' folks does w'en dey goes in comp'ny; but he aint no sooner make he bow en look 'roun' twel he 'gun ter shake en shiver lak he done bin strucken wid de swamp-ager, kaze, settin right dar 'fo’ de fier wuz ole Brer Wolf, wid his toofies showin' up all


w'ite en shiny like dey wuz bran new. Ef ole Mr. Benjermun Ram aint bin so ole en stiff I boun' you he'd er broke en run, but 'mos' 'fo' he had time fer ter study 'bout gittin' 'way, ole Brer Wolf done bin jump up en shet de do' en fassen 'er wid a great big chain. Ole Mr. Benjermun Ram he know he in fer't, en he tuck'n put on a bol' face ez he kin, but he des nat'ally hone [note] fer ter be los' in de woods some mo'. Den he make n'er low bow, en he hope Brer Wolf and all his folks is well, en den he say, sezee, dat he des drap in fer ter wom hisse'f, en 'quire uv de way ter Miss Meadows', en ef Brer Wolf be so good ez ter set 'im in de road ag'in, he be off putty soon en be much 'blige in de bargains.
"Then some one on the other side of the door ask Mr. Benjermun Ram for to walk right in, and with that he open the door and walk in, and make a bow like fiddling folks does when they go in company; but he ain't no sooner make he bow and look around until he begun to shake and shiver like he done been stricken with the swamp-ager, because, setting right there before the fire was old Brer Wolf, with his tooths showing up all


white and shiny like they was brand new. If old Mr. Benjermun Ram ain't been so old and stiff I bound you he'd of broke and run, but almost before he had time for to study about getting away, old Brer Wolf done been jump up and and shut the door and fasten her with a great big chain. Old Mr. Benjermun Ram he know he in for it, and he took and put on a bold face as he can, but he just naturally hone for to be lost in the woods some more. Then he make another low bow and he hope Brer Wolf and all his folks is well, and then he say, says he, that he just drape in for to warm hisself, and acquire of the way to Miss Meadows', and if Brer Wolf be so good as to set him in the road again, he be off pretty soon and be much obliged in the bargains.

"‘Tooby sho', Mr. Ram,' sez Brer Wolf, sezee, w'iles he lick he chops en grin; ‘des put yo' walkin'-cane in de cornder over dar, en set yo' bag down on de flo', en make yo'se'f at home,' sezee. ‘We aint got much,' sezee, ‘but w'at we is got is yone w'iles you stays, en I boun' we'll take good keer un you,' sezee; en wid dat Brer Wolf laugh en show his toofies so bad dat ole man Benjermun Ram come mighty nigh havin' n'er ager. "'To be sure, Mr. Ram,' say Brer Wolf, says he, whiles he lick he chops and grin; 'just put your walking-cane in the coridor over there, and set your bag down on the floor, and make yourself at home,' says he. 'but what we is got is gone whiles you stays, and I bound we'll take good care of you,' says he; and with that Brer Wolf laugh and show his teeths so bad that old man Benjermun Ram come mighty nigh having another ager

"Den Brer Wolf tuck'n flung 'n'er lighter'd-knot on de fier, en den he slip inter de back room, en present'y, w'iles ole Mr. Benjermun Ram wuz settin' dar shakin' in he shoes, he year Brer Wolf whispun' ter he ole 'oman: "Then Brer Wolf took and flung another lightered-knot on the fire, and then he slip into the back room, and presently, whiles old Mr. Benjermun Ram was sitting there shaking in he shoes, he hear Brer Wolf whispering to he old woman:

"‘Ole 'oman! ole 'oman! Fling 'way yo' smoke meat
—fresh meat fer supper! Fling 'way yo' smoke meat-- fresh meat fer supper!'
'Old woman! old woman! Fling away your smoke meat
—fresh meat for supper! Fling away your smoke meat—fresh meat for supper!'

"Den ole Miss Wolf, she talk out loud, so Mr. Benjermun Ram kin year: "Then old Miss Wlf, she talk out loud, so Mr. Benjermun Ram can hear:

"‘Tooby sho' I'll fix 'im some supper. We er 'way off yer in de woods, so fur fum comp'ny dat goodness knows I'm mighty glad ter see Mr. Benjermun Ram.' 'To be sure I'll fix him some supper. We are away off here in the woods, so far from company that goodness knows I'm mighty glad to see Mr. Benjermun Ram.'

"Den Mr. Benjermun Ram year ole Miss Wolf whettin' 'er knife on a rock—shirrah! shirrah! shirrah!— en ev'y time he year de knife say shirrah! he know he dat much nigher de dinner-pot. He know he can't git 'way, en w'iles he settin' dar studyin', hit 'come 'cross he min' dat he des mought ez well play one mo' chune on he fiddle 'fo’ de wuss come ter de wuss. Wid dat he ontie de bag en take out de fiddle, en 'gun ter chune 'er up—plink, plank, plunk, plink! plunk, plank, plink, plunk!" "The Mr. Benjermun Ram hear old Miss Wolf whetting her knife on a rock—sirrah! sirrah! sirrah!— and every time he hear the knife say sirrah! he know he that much nigher de dinner-pot. He know he can't get away, and whiles he sitting there studying, it come across he mind that he just might as well play one more tune on he fiddle, and begun to tune her up—plink, plank, plunk, plink! plunk, plank, plink, plunk!"

Uncle Remus's imitation of the tuning of a fiddle was marvellous enough to produce a startling effect upon a much less enthusiastic listener than the little boy. It was given in perfect good faith, but the serious expression on the old man's face was so irresistibly comic that the child laughed until the tears ran down his face. Uncle Remus very properly accepted this as a tribute to his wonderful resources as a story-teller, and continued, in great good-humor:

"W'en ole Miss Wolf year dat kinder fuss, co'se she dunner w'at is it, en she drap 'er knife en lissen. Ole Mr. Benjermun Ram aint know dis, en he keep on chunin'
up--plank, plink, plunk, plank! Den ole Miss Wolf, she tuck'n' hunch Brer Wolf wid 'er elbow, en she say, sez she:
"When old Miss Wolf hear that kind of fuss, because she don't know what is it, and she drape her knife and listen. Old Mr. Benjermun Ram ain't know this, and he keep on tuning
up—plank, plink, plunk, plank! Then old Miss Wolf, she took and hunch Brer Wolf with her elbow, and she say, says she:

"‘Hey, ole man! w'at dat?' 'Hey, old man! what that?'

"Den bofe un um cock up der years en lissen, en des 'bout dat time, ole Mr. Benjermun Ram he sling de butt er de fiddle up und' he chin, en struck up one er dem ole-time chunes." "Then both of them cock up their ears an listen, and just about that time, old Mr. Benjermun Ram he sling the butt of the fiddle up under he chin, and struck up one of them old-time tunes."

"Well, what tune was it, Uncle Remus?" the little boy asked, with some display of impatience.

"Ef I aint done gone en fergit dat chune off'n my min'," "If I ain't done gone and forgit that tune off in my mind," continued Uncle Remus; "hit sorter went like dat ar song 'bout ‘Sheep shell co'n wid de rattle er his ho'n,' en yit hit mout er been dat ar yuther one 'bout ‘Roll de key, ladies, roll dem keys.' Brer Wolf en ole Miss Wolf, dey lissen en lissen, en de mo' w'at dey lissen de skeerder dey git, twel bimeby dey tuck ter der heels en make a break fer de swamp at de back er de house des lak de patter-rollers wuz atter um. "it sort of went like that there song about 'Sheep shell cone with the rattle of his horn,' and yet it must of been that there other one about 'Roll the key, ladies, roll them keys.' Brer Wolf and old Miss WOlf, they listen and listen, and the more what they listen the scareder they get, until by and by they took their heels and make a break for the swamp at the back of the house just like the patter-rollers was after them.

"W'en ole man Benjermun Ram sorter let up wid he fiddlin', he don't see no Brer Wolf, en he don't year no ole Miss Wolf. Den he look in de back room; no Wolf dar. Den he look in de back po'ch; no Wolf dar. Den he look in de closet en de cubberd; no Wolf aint dar yit. Den ole Mr. Benjermun Ram, he tuck'n' shot all de do's en lock um, en he s'arch 'roun' en he fine some peas en fodder in de lof', w'ich he et um fer he supper, en den he lie down front er de fier en sleep soun' ez a log. "When old man Benjermun Ram sort of let up with he fiddling, he don't see no Brer Wolf, and he don't hear no old Miss Wolf. Then he look in the back room; no Wolf there. Then he look in the back porch; no Wolf there. Then he look in the closet and the cubbard; no Wolf ain't there yet. Then old Mr. Benjermun Ram, he took and shot all the doors and lock them, and he search around and he find some peas and fodder in the loft, which he eat them for he supper, and then he lie down front of the fire and sleep sound as a log.

"Nex' mawnin' he 'uz up en stirrin' monst'us soon, en
he put out fum dar, en he fine de way ter Miss Meadows' time 'nuff fer ter play at de frolic. W'en he git dar, Miss Meadows en de gals, dey run ter de gate fer ter meet 'im, en dis un tuck he hat, en dat un tuck he cane, en t'er'n tuck he fiddle, en den dey up'n' say:
"Next morning he was up and stirring monstrous soon, and
he put out from there, and he find the way to Miss Meadows' time enough for to play at the frolic. When he get there, Miss Meadows and the gals, they run to the gate for to meet him, and this one took he hat, and this one took he cane, and the other one took he fiddle, and then they up and say:

"‘Law, Mr. Ram! whar de name er goodness is you bin? We so glad you come. Stir 'roun' yer, folks, en git Mr. Ram a cup er hot coffee.' 'Law, Mr. Ram! where the name of goodness is you been? We so glad you come. Stir around here, folks, and get Mr. Ram a cup of hot coffee.'

"Dey make a mighty big ter-do 'bout Mr. Benjermun Ram, Miss Meadows en Miss Motts en de gals did, but 'twix' you en me en de bedpos', honey, dey'd er had der frolic wh'er de ole chap 'uz dar er not, kaze de gals done make 'rangerments wid Brer Rabbit fer ter pat fer um, en in dem days Brer Rabbit wuz a patter, mon. He mos' sho'ly wuz." "They make a mighty big to-do about Mr. Benjermun Ram, Miss Meadows and Miss Motts and the gals did, but betwixt you and me and the bedpost, honey, they'd of had their frolic whether the old chap was there or not, because the gals done make arrangements with Brer Rabbit for to pat for them, and in them days Brer Rabbit was a patter, man, He most surely was."


"Could Brother Rabbit pat a tune, sure enough, Uncle Remus?" asked the little boy, his thoughts apparently dwelling upon the new accomplishment of Brother Rabbit at which the old man had hinted in his story of Mr. Benjamin Ram. Uncle Remus pretended to be greatly surprised that anyone could be so unfamiliar with the accomplishments of Brother Rabbit as to venture to ask such a question. His response was in the nature of a comment:

"Name er goodness! w'at kinder pass dish yer we comin' ter w'en a great big grow'd up young un axin' 'bout
Brer Rabbit? Bless yo' soul, honey! dey wa'n't no chune gwine dat Brer Rabbit can't pat. Let 'lone dat, w'en dey wuz some un else fer ter do de pattin', Brer Rabbit kin jump out inter de middle er de flo' en des nat'ally shake de eyel'ds off'en dem yuther creeturs. En 'twa'nt none er dish yer bowin' en scrapin', en slippin' en slidin', en han's all 'roun', w'at folks does deze days. Hit uz dish yer up en down kinder dancin', whar dey des lips up in de a'r fer ter cut de pidjin-wing, en lights on de flo' right in de middle er de double-shuffle. Shoo! Dey aint no dancin' deze days; folks' shoes too tight, en dey aint got dat limbersomeness in de hips w'at dey useter is. Dat dey aint.
"Name of goodness! what kind of pass dish are we coming to when a great big growed up young one asking about
Brer Rabbit? Bless your soul, honey! they wasn't no tune going that Brer Rabbit can't pat. Let alone that, when they was some one else for to do the patting, Brer Rabbit can jump out into the middle of the floor and just naturally shake the eyelids off of them other creatures. And it wasn't none of the here bowing and scraing, and slipping and sliding, and hands all around, what folks does these days. It was this here up and down kind of dancing, where in the middle of the double-shuffle. Shoo! They ain't no dancing these days; folks' shoes too tight, and they ain't got that limbersomeness in the hips what they used to is. That they ain't.

"En yit," "And yet," Uncle Remus continued, in a tone which seemed to imply that he deemed it necessary to apologize for the apparent frivolity of Brother Rabbit,—"en yit de time come w'en old Brer Rabbit 'gun ter put dis en dat tergedder, en de notion strak 'im dat he better be home lookin' atter de intruss er he fambly, 'stidder trapesin' en trollopin' 'roun' ter all de frolics in de settlement. He tuck'n' study dis in he min' twel bimeby he sot out 'termin' fer ter 'arn he own livelihoods, en den he up'n' lay off a piece er groun' en plant 'im a tater-patch. "and yet the time come when old Brer Rabbit begun to put this and that together, and the notion struck him that he better be home looking after the interests of he family, instead of trapesing and trolloping around to all the frolics in the settlement. He took and study this in he mind until by and by he sort out determined for to earn he own livelihoods, and then he up and lay off a piece of ground and plant him a potato-patch.

"Brer Fox, he see all dish yer gwine on, he did, en he 'low ter hisse'f clat he 'speck Brer Rabbit rashfulness done bin supjued kaze he skeer'd, en den Brer Fox make up his min' dat he gwine ter pay Brer Rabbit back fer all he 'seetfulness. He start in, Brer Fox did, en fum dat time forrerd he aggervate Brer Rabbit 'bout he tater-patch. One night he leave de draw-bars down, 'n'er night he
fling off de top rails, en nex' night he t'ar down a whole panel er fence, en he keep on dis away twel 'pariently Brer Rabbit dunner w'at ter do. All dis time Brer Fox keep on foolin' wid de tater-patch, en w'en he see w'ich Brer Rabbit aint makin' no motion, Brer Fox 'low dat he done skeer'd sho' 'nuff, en dat de time done come fer ter gobble him up bidout lief er license. So he call on Brer Rabbit, Brer Fox did, en he ax 'im will he take a walk. Brer Rabbit, he ax wharbouts. Brer Fox say, right out yander. Brer Rabbit, he ax w'at is dey right out yander? Brer Fox say he know whar dey some mighty fine peaches, en he want Brer Rabbit fer ter go 'long en climb de tree en fling um down. Brer Rabbit say he don't keer ef he do, mo' speshually fer ter 'blige Brer Fox.
"Brer Fox, he see all this here going on, he did, and he alow to hisself that he expect Brer Rabbit rashfulness done been subdued because he scared, and then brer Fox make up his mind that he going to pay Brer Rabbit back for all he deceitfulness. He start in, Brer Fox did, and from that time forward he aggravate Brer Rabbit about he potato-patch. one night he leave the draw-bars down, another night he
fling off the top rails, and next night he tear down a whole panel of fence, and he keep on this a-way until apparently Brer Rabbit don't know what to do. All this time Brer Fox keep on fooling with the potato-patch, and when he see which Brer Rabbit ain't making no motion, Brer Fox allow that he done scared sure enough, and that time done come for to gobble him up without life or licence. So he call on Brer Rabbit, Brer Fox did, and he ask him will he take a walk. Brer Rabbit, he ask whereabouts. Brer Fox say, right out yonder. Brer Rabbit, he ask what is they right out yonder? Brer Fox say he know where they some mighty fine peaches, and he want Brer Rabbit for to go along and climb the tree and flng them down. Brer Rabbit say he don't care if he do, most especially for to oblige Brer Fox.

"Dey sot out, dey did, en atter w'ile, sho' 'nuff, dey come ter de peach-orchud, en Brer Rabbit, w'at do he do but pick out a good tree, en up he clum. Brer Fox, he sot hisse'f at de root er de tree, kaze he 'low dat w'en Brer Rabbit come down he hatter come down backerds, en den dat 'ud be de time fer ter nab 'im. But, bless yo' soul, Brer Rabbit dun see w'at Brer Fox atter 'fo' he clum up. W'en he pull de peaches, Brer Fox say, sezee: "They sort out, they did, and after while, sure enough, they come to the peach-orchard, and Brer Rabbit, what do he do but pick out a good tree, and up he climb. Brer Fox, he sat hisself at the root of the tree, because he alow that when Brer Rabbit come down he have to come down backwards, and then that would be the time for to nab him. But, bless your soul, Brer Rabbit done see what Brer Fox after before he climb up. When he pull the peaches, Brer Fox say, says he:

"'Fling um down yer, Brer Rabbit—fling um right down yer so I kin ketch um,' sezee. "'Fling them down here, Brer Rabbit—fling them right down here so I can catch them,' says he.

"Brer Rabbit, he sorter wunk de furdest eye fum Brer Fox, en he holler back, he did: "Brer Rabbit, he sort of winked the furthes eye from Brer Fox, and he holler back, he did:

"'Ef I fling um down dar whar you is, Brer Fox, en you misses um, dey'll git squshed,' sezee, 'so I'll des
sorter pitch um out yander in de grass whar dey wont git bus',' sezee.
"'If I fling them down there where you is, Brer Fox, and you misses them, they'll get squished,' says he, 'so I'll just
sort of pitch them out yonder in the grass where they won't get bust,' says he.

"Den he tuck'n' flung de peaches out in de grass, en w'iles Brer Fox went atter um, Brer Rabbit, he skint down outer de tree, en hustle hisse'f twel he git elbow- room. W'en he git off little ways, he up'n' holler back ter Brer Fox dat he got a riddle he want 'im ter read. Brer Fox, he ax w'at is it. Wid dat, Brer Rabbit, he gun it out ter Brer Fox lak a man sayin' a speech: "Then he took and flung the peaches out in the grass, and whiles Brer Fox went after them, Brer Rabbit, he skinned down out of the tree, and hustler hisself until he get elbow-room. When he get off little ways, he up and holler back to Brer Fox that he got a riddle he want him to read. Brer Fox, he ask what it is. With that, Brer Rabbit, he gun it out to Brer Fox like a man saying a speech:

"'Big bird rob en little bird sing, "'Big bird rob and little bird sing,
De big bee zoon en little bee sting, The big bee zoom and little bee sting
De little man lead en big hoss foller— The little man lead and big horse follow—
Kin you tell w'at's good fer a head in a holler?' Can you tell what's good for a head in a holler?'

"Ole Brer Fox scratch he head en study, en study en scratch he head, but de mo' he study de wuss he git mix up wid de riddle, en atter w'ile he tuck'n' tell Brer Rabbit dat he dunno how in de name er goodness ter onriddle dat riddle. "Old Brer Fox scratch he head and study, and study and scratch he head, but the more he study the worse he get mix up with the riddle, and after while he took and tell Brer Rabbit that he don't know how in the name of goodness to un-riddle that riddle.

"'Come en go 'longer me,' sez ole Brer Rabbit, sezee, 'en I boun' you I show you how ter read dat same riddle. Hit's one er dem ar kinder riddle,' sez ole man Rabbit, sezee, 'w'ich 'fo' you read 'er, you got ter eat a bait er honey, en I done got my eye sot on de place whar we kin git de honey at,' sezee. "'Come and go along of me,' says old Brer Rabbit, says he, 'and I bound you I show you how to read that same riddle,' says old man Rabbit, says he, 'which before you read her, you got to eat a bait of honey, and I done got my eye set on the place where we can get the honey at,' says he.

"Brer Fox, he ax wharbouts is it, en Brer Rabbit, he say up dar in ole Brer B'ar cotton-patch, whar he got a whole passel er bee-gums. Brer Fox, he 'low, he did, dat he aint got no sweet-toof much, yit he wan ter git at
de innerds er dat ar riddle, en he don't keer ef he do go 'long.
"Brer Fox, he ask whereabouts is it, and Brer Rabbit, he say up there in old Brer B'ar cotton-patch, where he got a whole passle of bee-gums. Brer Fox, he alow, he did, that he ain't fot no sweet-tooth much, yet he want to get at
The innards of that riddle, and he don't care if he do go along.

"Dey put out, dey did, en 'twa'n't long 'fo' dey come ter ole Brer B'ar bee-gums, en ole Brer Rabbit, he up'n' gun um a rap wid he walkin'-cane, des lak folks thumps water-millions fer ter see ef dey er ripe. He tap en he rap, en bimeby he come ter one un um w'ich she soun' like she plum full, en den he go 'roun' behime it, ole Brer Rabbit did, en he up'n' say, sezee: "They put out, they did, and it wasn't long before they come to old Brer B'ar bee-gums, and old Brer Rabbit, he up and gun them up a rap with he walking-cane, just like folks thumps watermelons for to see if they are ripe. He tap and he rap, and by and by he come to one of them which she sound like she plum full, and then he go around behind it, old brer Rabbit did, and he up and say, says he:

"'I'll des sorter tilt 'er up, Brer Fox,' sezee, 'en you kin put yo' head und' dar en git some er de drippin's,' sezee. "'I'll just sort of tilt her up, Brer Fox,' says he, 'and you can put your head ender there and get some of the drippings,' says he.

"Brer Rabbit, he tilt her up, en, sho' 'nuff, Brer Fox, he jam he head un'need de gum. Hit make me laugh," "Brer Rabbit, he tilt her up, and, sure enough, Brer Fox, he jam he head underneath the gum. It make me laugh, Uncle Remus continued, with a chuckle, "fer ter see w'at a fresh man is Brer Fox, kaze he aint no sooner stuck he head un'need dat ar bee-gum, dan Brer Rabbit turnt 'er aloose, en down she come—ker-swosh!—right on Brer Fox neck, en dar he wuz. Brer Fox, he kick; he squeal; he jump; he squall; he dance; he prance; he beg; he pray; yit dar he wuz, en w'en Brer Rabbit git 'way off, en tu'n 'roun' fer ter look back, he see Brer Fox des a-wigglin' en a-squ'min', en right den en dar Brer Rabbit gun one ole-time whoop, en des put out fer home. "for to see what a fresh man is Brer Fox, because he ain't no sooner stuck he head underneath that there bee-gum, than Brer Rabbit turned her a-loose, and down she came—ker-swosh!—right on Brer Fox neck, and there he was. Brer Fox, he kickl he squeal; he jump; he squall; he dance; he prance; he beg; he pray; yet there he was, and when Brer Rabbit get way off, and turn around for to look back, he see Brer Fox just a-wiggling and a-squirming, and right then and there Brer Rabbit begun one old-time whoop, and just put out for home.

"W'en he git dar, de fus' man he see wuz Brer Fox gran'daddy, w'ich folks all call 'im Gran'sir' Gray Fox. W'en Brer Rabbit see 'im, he say, sezee: "When he get there, the first man he see was Brer Fox grandaddy, which folks all call him Gran'sir' Gray Fox. When Brer Rabbit see him, he say, says he:

"'How you come on, Gran'sir' Gray Fox?' 'How you come on, Gran'sir' Gray Fox?

"'I still keeps po'ly, I'm 'blije ter you, Brer Rabbit.'
sez Gran'sir' Gray Fox, sezee. 'Is you seed any sign er my gran'son dis mawnin'?' sezee.
"'I still keeps poorly, I'm oblige to you, Brer Rabbit.'
says Gran'sir' Gray Fox, says he. 'Is you seed any sign of my grandson this morning?' says he.

"Wid dat Brer Rabbit laugh en say w'ich him en Brer Fox bin a-ramblin' 'roun' wid one er 'n'er havin' mo' fun dan w'at a man kin shake a stick at. "With that Brer Rabbit laugh and say which him and Brer Fox been a-rambling aroung with one of another having more fun that what a man can shake a stick at.

"'We bin a-riggin' up riddles en a-readin' un um,' sez Brer Rabbit, sezee. 'Brer Fox is settin' off some'rs in de bushes right now, aimin' fer ter read one w'at I gun 'im. I'll des drap you one,' sez ole Brer Rabbit, sezee, 'w'ich, ef you kin read it, hit'll take you right spang ter whar yo' gran'son is, en you can't git dar none too soon,' sez Brer Rabbit, sezee. "'We been a-rigging up riddles and a-reading of them,' says Brer Rabbit, says he. 'Brer Fox is sitting off somewheres in the bushes right nor, aiming for to read one what I gun him. I'll just drop you one,' says old Brer Rabbit, says he, 'which, if you can read it, it'll take you right sprang to where your grandson is, and you can't get there none too soon,' says Brer Rabbit, says he.

"Den ole Gran'sir' Gray Fox, he up'n' ax w'at is it, en Brer Rabbit, he sing out, he did: "Then old Gran'sir' Gray Fox, he ap and ask what is it, and Brer Rabbit, he sing out, he did:

"'Big bird rob en little bird sing, "'Big bird rob and little bird sing,
De big bee zoon en little bee sting, The big bee zoom and little bee sting
De little man lead en big hoss foller— The little man lead and big horse follow—
Kin you tell w'at's good fer a head in a holler?' Can you tell what's good for a head in a holler?'

"Gran'sir Gray Fox, he tuck a pinch er snuff en cough easy ter hisse'f, en study en study, but he aint make it out, en Brer Rabbit, he laugh en sing: "Gran'sir' Gray Fox, he took a pinch of snuff and cough easy to hisself, and study and study, but he ain't make it out, and Brer Rabbit, he laugh and sing:

" 'Bee-gum mighty big fer ter make Fox collar, Kin you tell w'at's good fer a head in a holler?' 'Bee-gum mighty big for to make Fox collar, can you tell what's good for a head in a holler?'

"Atter so long a time, Gran'sir' Gray Fox sorter ketch a glimpse er w'at Brer Rabbit tryin' ter gin 'im, en he tip Brer Rabbit good-day, en shuffle on fer ter hunt up he gran'son." "After so long a time, Gran'sir' Gray Fox sort of catch a glimpse of what Brer Rabbit trying to gin him, and he tip Brer Rabbit good-day, and suffle on for to hunt up he grandson."


"And did he find him, Uncle Remus?" asked the little boy.

"Tooby sho', honey. Brer B'ar year de racket w'at Brer Fox kickin' up, en he go down dar fer ter see w'at de marter is. Soon ez he see how de lan' lay, co'se he tuck a notion dat Brer Fox bin robbin' de bee-gums, en he got 'im a han'ful er hick'ries, Brer B'ar did, en he let 'in on Brer Fox en he wom he jacket scannerlous, en den he tuck'n' tu'n 'im loose; but 'twa'n't long 'fo' all de neighbors git wud dat Brer Fox bin robbin' Brer B'ar bee-gums." "To be sure, honey. Brer B'ar hear the racket what Brer Fox kicking up, and he go down there for to see what the matter is. Soon as he see how the land lay, course he took a notion that Brer Fox been robbing the bee-gums, and he got him a handful of hickeries, Brer B'ar did, and he let in on Brer Fox and he warm he jacket scandalous, and then he took and turn him loose; but it wasn't long before all the neighbors get word that Brer Fox been robbing Brer B'ar bee-gums."


It seemed that the rainy season had set in in earnest, but the little boy went down to Uncle Remus's cabin before dark. In some mysterious way, it appeared to the child, the gloom of twilight fastened itself upon the dusky clouds, and the great trees without, and the dismal perspective beyond, gradually became one with the darkness. Uncle Remus had thoughtfully placed a tin pan under a leak in the roof, and the drip-drip-drip of the water, as it fell in the resonant vessel, made a not unmusical accompaniment to the storm.

The old man fumbled around under his bed, and presently dragged forth a large bag filled with lightwood knots, which, with an instinctive economy in this particular direction, he had stored away for an emergency. A bright
but flickering flame was the result of this timely discovery, and the effect it produced was quite in keeping with all the surrounding. The rain, and wind, and darkness held sway without, while within, the unsteady lightwood blaze seemed to rhyme with the drip-drip-drip in the pan. Sometimes the shadow of Uncle Remus, as he leaned over the hearth, would tower and fill the cabin, and again it would fade and disappear among the swaying and swinging cobwebs that curtained the rafters.

"W'en bed-time come, honey," "When bed-time come, honey," said Uncle Remus, in a soothing tone, "I'll des snatch down yo' pa buggy umbrell' fum up dar in de cornder, des lak I bin a-doin', en I'll take'n' take you und' my arm en set you down on Miss Sally h'a'th des ez dry en ez worn ez a rat'-nes' inside a fodder-stack." "I'll just snatch down your pa buggy umbrella from up there in the corner, just like I been a-doing, and I'll take and take you under my arm and set you down on Miss Sally hearth just as dry as a rat's-nest insider a fodder-stack.

At this juncture 'Tildy, the house-girl, rushed in out of the rain and darkness with a water-proof cloak and an umbrella, and announced her mission to the little boy without taking time to catch her breath.

"Miss Sally say you got ter come right back," "Miss Sally say you got to come right back," she exclaimed. "Kaze she skeerd lightnin' gwine strak 'roun' in yer 'mongs' deze high trees some'rs." "Because she scared lightning going strike around in here amongst these high trees somewheres."

Uncle Remus rose from his stooping posture in front of the hearth and assumed a threatening attitude.

"Well, is anybody year de beat er dat!" "Well, is anybody hear the beat of that!" was his indignant exclamation. "Look yer, gal! don't you come foolin' 'longer me—now, don't you do it. Kaze ef yer does, I'll take'n' hit you a clip w'at'll put you ter bed 'fo' bed-time comes. Dat's w'at!" "Look here, gal! don't you come fooling along of me—now don't you do it. Because if your does, I'll take nd hit you a clip what'll put you to bed before bed-time comes. That's what!"


"Lawdy! w'at I done gone en done ter Unk' Remus now?" "Lordy! what I dont gone and dont to Uncle Remus now?" asked 'Tildy, with a great affectation of innocent ignorance.

"I'm gwine ter put on my coat en take dat ar umbrell', en I'm gwine right straight up ter de big house en ax Miss Sally ef she sont dat kinder wud down yer, w'en she know dat chile sittin' yer 'longer me. I'm gwine ter ax her," I'm going to put on my coat and take that there umbrella, and I'm going right straight up to the big house and ask Miss Sally if she sent that kind of word down here, when she know that child sitting here along of me. I'm going to ask her." continued Uncle Remus, "en if she aint sont dat wud, den I'm gwine ter fetch myse'f back. Now, you des watch my motions." "and if she ain't sent that word, then I'm going to fetch myself back. Now, you just watch my motions."

"Well, I year Miss Sally say she 'feard lightnin' gwine ter strak some'rs on de place," "Well, I hear Miss Sally say she afraid lightning going to strike somewheres on the place," said 'Tildy, in a tone which manifested her willingness to compromise all differences, "en den I axt 'er kin I come down yer, en den she say I better bring deze yer cloak en pairsol." "and then I asked her cn I come down here, and then she say I better bring these here cloak and pairsol."

"Now you dun brung um," "now you done brung them," responded Uncle Remus, "you des better put um in dat cheer over dar, en take yo'se'f off. Thunder mighty ap' ter hit close ter whar deze here slick-head niggers is." "you just better put them in that cheer over there, and take yourself off. Thunder mighty apt to hit close to where these here slick-headed niggers is."

But the little boy finally prevailed upon the old man to allow 'Tildy to remain, and after a while he put matters on a peace footing by inquiring if roosters crowed at night when it was raining.

"Dat dey duz," "That they does," responded Uncle Remus. "Wet er dry, dey flops der wings en wakes up all de neighbors. Law, bless my soul!" "Wet or dry, they flops their wings and wakes up all the neighbors. Lord, bless my soul!" he exclaimed, suddenly, "w'at make I done gone en fergit 'bout Mr. Rooster?" "what make I done gone and forget about Mr Rooster?"

"What about him?" inquired the little boy.

"One time, 'way back yander," "One time, a-way back yonder," said Uncle Remus,
knocking the ashes off his hands and knees, "dey wuz two plan'ations right 'longside one er ne'r, en on bofe er deze plan'ations wuz a whole passel of fowls. Dey was mighty sociable in dem days, en it tu'n out dat de fowls on one plan'ation gun a party, w'ich dey sont out der invites ter de fowls on de 't'er plan'ation. "they was two plantations right alongside one another, and on both of these plantations was a whole passel of fowls. They was mighty sociable in them days, and it turn out that the fowls on the one plantation begun a party, which they sent out the invites to the fowls on the other plantation.

"W'en de day come, Mr. Rooster, he blow his hawn, he did, en 'semble um all tergedder, en atter dey 'semble dey got in line. Mr. Rooster, he tuck de head, en atter 'im come ole lady Hen en Miss Pullet, en den dar wuz Mr. Peafowl, en Mr. Tukkey Gobbler, en Miss Guinny Hen, en Miss Puddle Duck, en all de balance un um. Dey start off sorter raggedy, but 'twa'nt long 'fo' dey all kotch de step, en den dey march down by de spring, up thoo de hoss-lot en 'cross by de gin-house, en 'twa'n't long 'fo' dey git ter whar de frolic wuz. "When the day come, Mr. Roost, he blow his horn, he did, and assemble them all together, and after they assemble they got in line. Mr. Rooster, he took the head, and after him come old lady Hen and Miss Pullet, and then there was Mr. Peafowl, and Mr. Tukkey Gobbler, and Miss Guinny Hen, and Miss Puddle Duck, and all the blalance of them. They start off sort of raggedy, but is wasn't long before they all catch the step, and then they march down by the spring, up through the horse-lot and across by the gin-house, and it wasn't long before they get to where the frolic was.

"Dey dance, en dey play, en dey sing. Mo' 'speshually did dey play en sing dat ar song w'ich it run on lak dis: "They dance, and they play, and they sing. Most especially did they play and sing that there song which it run on like this:

"'Come under, come under,
My honey, my love, my own true love;
My heart bin a-weepin' My Heart been a-weeping
Way down in Galilee.'

"Dey wuz gwine on dis away, havin' del' 'musements, w'en, bimeby, ole Mr. Peafowl, he got on de comb er de barn en blow de dinner-hawn. Dey all wash der face en han's in de back-po'ch, en den dey went in ter dinner. W'en dey git in dar, dey don't see nothin' on de table but a great big pile er co'n-bread. De pones was pile up on
pones, en on de top wuz a great big ash-cake. Mr. Rooster, he look at dis en he tu'n up he nose, en bimeby, atter aw'ile, out he strut. Ole Miss Guinny Hen, she watchin' Mr. Rooster motions, en w'en she see dis, she take'n' squall out, she did:
"They was going on this a-way, having del' amusements, when, by and by, old Mr. Peafowl, he got on the comb of the barn and blow the dinner-horn. They all wash their face and hands in the back porch, and then they went in to dinner. When they get in there, they don't see nothing on the table but a great big pile of corn-bread. The pones was pile up on
pones, and on the top was a great big ash-cake. Mr. Rooster, he look at this and he turn up he nose, and by and by, after a while, out he strut. Old Miss Guinny Hen, she watching Mr. Rooster motions, and while she see this, she take and squeal out, she did:

"‘Pot-rack! Pot-rack! Mr. Rooster gone back! Pot- rack! Pot-rack! Mr. Rooster gone back!'

"Wid dat dey all make a great ter-do. Miss Hen en Miss Pullet, dey cackle en squall, Mr. Gobbler, he gobble, en Miss Puddle Duck, she shake 'er tail en say, quickity-quack-quack. But Mr. Rooster, he ruffle up he cape, en march on out. "With that they all make a great to-do. Miss Hen and Miss Pullet, they cackle and squeal, Mr Gobbler, he gobble, and Miss Puddle Duck, she shake her tail and say, quickity-quack-quack. But Mr. Rooster, he ruffle up he cape, and march out."

"Dis sorter put a damper on de yuthers, but 'fo' Mr. Rooster git outer sight en year'n dey went ter wuk on de pile w'at wuz 'pariently co'n-bread, en, lo en beholes, un'need dem pone er bread wuz a whole passel er meat en greens, en bake' taters, en bile' turnips. Mr. Rooster, he year de ladies makin' great 'miration, en he stop en look thoo de crack, en dar he see all de doin's en fixin's. He feel mighty bad, Mr. Rooster did, w'en he see all dis, en de yuther fowls dey holler en ax 'im fer ter come back, en he craw, w'ich it mighty empty, likewise, it up'n' ax 'im, but he mighty biggity en stuck up, en he strut off, crow in' ez he go; but he 'speunce er dat time done las' him en all er his fambly down ter dis day. En you neenter take my wud fer't, ne'r, kaze ef you'll des keep yo' eye open en watch, you'll ketch a glimse er ole Mr. Rooster folks scratchin' whar dey specks ter fine der rations, en mo' dan dat, dey'll scratch wid der
rations in plain sight. Since dat time, dey aint none er de Mr. Roosters bin fool' by dat w'at dey see on top. Dey aint res' twel dey see w'at und' dar. Dey'll scratch spite er all creation."
"This sort of put a damper on the others, but before Mr. Rooster get out of sight and hearing they went to work on the pile what was apparently corn-bread, and, lo and behold, underneather them pone of bread was a whole passel of meat and greens, and baked potatoes, and biled turnips. Mr Rooster, he hear the ladies making great admiration, and he stop and look through the crack , and there he see all the doings and fixings. He feel mighty bad, Mr. Rooster did, when he see all this, and the other fowls they holler and ask him for to come back, and he crow, which it might empty, likewise, it up and ask him, but he mighty biggity and stuck up, and he strut off, crowing as he go; but he 'speunce of that time done last him and all his family down to this day. And you neenter take my word for it, neither, because if you'll just keep your eye open nd watch, you'll catch a glimpse of old Mr. Rooster folks scratching where they expect to find the rations, and more than that, they'll scratch with their
rations in plain sight. Since that time, they ain't none of the Mr. Roosters been fooling by what they see on top. They ain't rest until they see what under there. They'll scratch despite of all creation."

"Dat's de Lord's truth!" "That's the Lord's truth!" said 'Tildy, with unction. "I done seed um wid my own eyes. Dat I is." "I done see-ed them with my own eyes. That I is."

This was 'Tildy's method of renewing peaceful relations with Uncle Remus, but the old man was disposed to resist the attempt.

"You better be up yander washin' up dishes, stidder hoppin' down yer wid er whole packet er stuff w'at Miss Sally aint dreamp er sayin'." "You better be up yonder washing up dishes, instead of hopping down here with a whole packet of stuff what Mis Sally ain't dreamed of saying."


As long as Uncle Remus allowed 'Tildy to remain in the cabin, the little boy was not particularly interested in preventing the perfunctory abuse which the old man might feel disposed to bestow upon the complacent girl. The truth is, the child's mind was occupied with the episode in the story of Mr. Benjamin Ram which treats of the style in which this romantic old wag put Mr. and Mrs. Wolf to flight by playing a tune upon his fiddle. The little boy was particularly struck with this remarkable feat, as many a youngster before him had been, and he made bold to recur to it again by asking Uncle remus for all the details.
It was plain to the latter that the child regarded Mr. Ram as the typical hero of all the animals, and this was by no means gratifying to the old man. He answered the little boy's questions as well as he could, and, when nothing more remained to be said about Mr. Ram, he settled himself back in his chair and resumed the curious history of Brother Rabbit:

"Co'se Mr. Ram mighty smart man. I aint 'spute dat; but needer Mr. Ram ner yet Mr. Lam is soon creeturs lak Brer Rabbit. Mr. Benjermun Ram, he tuck'n' skeer off Brer Wolf en his ole 'oman wid his fiddle, but, bless yo' soul, ole Brer Rabbit he gone en done wuss'n dat." "Course Mr. Ram mighty smart man. I ain't dispute that; but neither Mr Ram nor yet Mr. Lam is soon creatures like Brer Rabbit. Mr. Benjermun Ram, he took and scared off Brer Wolf and his old woman with his fiddle, but, bless your soul, old Brer Rabbit he gone and done worse than that."

"What did Brother Rabbit do?" asked the little boy.

"One time," said Uncle Remus, "Brer Fox, he tuck'n' ax some er de yuther creeturs ter he house. He ax Brer B'ar, en Brer Wolf, en Brer 'Coon, but he aint ax Brer Rabbit. All de same, Brer Rabbit got win' un it, en he 'low dat ef he don't go, he speck he have much fun ez de nex' man. "Brer Fox, he took and ask some of the other creatures to he house. He ask Brer B'ar, and Brer Wolf, and Brer 'Coon, but he ain't ask Brer Rabbit. All the same, Brer Rabbit got wind of it, and he allow that if he don't go, he expect he have as much fun as the next man.

"De creeturs w'at git de invite, dey tuck'n' 'semble at Brer Fox house, en Brer Fox, he ax um in en got um cheers, en dey sot dar en laugh en talk, twel, bimeby, Brer Fox, he fotch out a bottle er dram en lay 'er out on de side-bode, en den he sorter step back en say, sezee: "The creature what get the invite, they took and assemble at Brer Fox house, and Brer Fox, he ask them in and got them chairs, and they sat there and laugh and talk, until, by and bye, Brer Fox, he fetch out a bottle of dram and lay her out on the side-board, and then he sort of step back and say, says he:

"'Des step up, gentermens, en he'p yo'se'f,' en you better b'lieve dey he'p derse'f. 'Just step up, gentlemens, and help yourself,' and you better believe they help theirself.

"W'iles dey wuz drinkin' en drammin' en gwine on, w'at you speck Brer Rabbit doin'? You des well make up yo' min' dat Brer Rabbit monst'us busy, kase he 'uz sailin'
'roun' fixin' up his tricks. Long time 'fo' dat, Brer Rabbit had bin at a bobbycue whar dey wuz a muster, en w'iles all de folks 'uz down at de spring eatin' dinner, Brer Rabbit he crape up en run off wid one er de drums. Dey wuz a big drum en a little drum, en Brer Rabbit he snatch up de littles' one en run home.
"Whiles they was drinking and dramming and going on, what you expect Brer Rabbit doing? You just well make up your mind that Brer Rabbit monstrous busy, because he was sailing
around fixing up his tricks. Long time before that, Brer Rabbit had been at a barbecue where ther was a master, and whiles all the folks was down at the spring eating dinner, Brer Rabbit he creep up and run off with one of the drums. They was a big drum and a little drum, and Brer Rabbit he snatch up the littlest one and run home.

"Now, den, w'en he year 'bout de yuther creeturs gwine ter Brer Fox house, w'at do Brer Rabbit do but git out dis rattlin' drum en make de way down de road todes whar dey is. He tuck dat drum," "Now, then, when he hear about the other creatures going to Brer Fox house, what do Brer Rabbit do but get out this rattling drum and make the way down the road towards where they is. He took that drum," continued Uncle Remus, with great elation of voice and manner, "en he went down de road todes Brer Fox house, en he make 'er talk like thunner mix up wid hail. Hit talk lak dis: "and he went down the road towards Brer Fox house, and he make her talk like thunder mix up with hail. It talk like this:

"'Diddybum, diddybum, diddybum-bum-bum-- diddybum!'

"De creeturs, dey 'uz a-drinkin', en a-drammin', en a-gwine on at a terrible rate, en dey aint year de racket, but all de same, yer come Brer Rabbit: "The creatures, they was a-drinking, and a-dramming, and a-going on at a terrible rate, and they ain't hear the racket, but all the same, here come Brer Rabbit:

"'Diddybum, diddybum, diddybum-bum-bum-- diddybum!'

"Bimeby Brer 'Coon, w'ich he allers got one year hung out fer de news, he up'n' ax Brer Fox w'at dat, en by dat time all de creeturs stop en lissen; but all de same, yer come Brer Rabbit: "By and by brer 'Coon, which he always got one ear hung out for the news, he up an ask Brer Fox what that, and by that time all the creatures stop and listen; but all the same, here come Brer Rabbit:

"'Diddybum, diddybum, diddybum-bum-bum-- diddybum!'

"De creeturs dey keep on lis'nin', en Brer Rabbit keep on gittin' nigher, twel bimeby Brer 'Coon retch und' de cheer for he hat, en say, sezee: "The creatures they keep on listening, and Brer Rabbit keep on getting nigher, until by and by Brer 'Coon reach under the chair for he hat, and say, says he:


"'Well, gents, I speck I better be gwine. I tole my ole 'oman dat I wont be gone a minnit, en yer 'tis 'way 'long in de day.' 'Well, gents, I expect I better be going. I told my old woman that I won't be gone a minute, and here it is a-way along in the day.'

"Wid dat Brer 'Coon, he skip out, but he aint git much furder dan de back gate, 'fo' yer come all de yuther creeturs like dey 'uz runnin' a foot-race, en ole Brer Fox wuz wukkin' in de lead." "With that Brer 'Coon, he skip out, but he ain't get much farther than the back gate, before here come all the other creatures like they was running a foot-race, and old Brer Fox was walking in the lead."

"Dar, now!" "There, now!" exclaimed 'Tildy, with great fervor.

"Yasser! dar dey wuz, en dar dey went," "Yes sir! there they was, and there they went," continued Uncle Remus. "Dey tuck nigh cuts, en dey scramble over one er n'er, en dey aint res' twel dey git in de bushes. "They took night cuts, and they sramble over one another, and they ain't rest until the get in the bushes.

"Ole Brer Rabbit, he came on down de road—diddybum, diddybum, diddybum-bum-bum—en bless gracious! w'en he git ter Brer Fox house dey aint nobody dar. Brer Rabbit is dat owdacious, dat he hunt all 'roun' twel he fine de a'r-hole er de drum, en he put his mouf ter dut en sing out, sezee: "Old Brer Rabbit, he came on down the raod—diddybum, diddybum, diddybum-bum-bum—and bless gracious! when he get to Brer Fox house they ain't nobody there. Brer Rabbit is that audacious, that he hunt all around until he find the air-hole of the drum, and he put his mouth to that and sing out, says he:

"'Is dey anybody home?' en den he answer hisse'f, sezee, 'Law, no, honey—folks all gone.' "'Is they anybody home?' and then he answer hisself, says he, 'Lord, no, honey—folks all done.'

"Wid dat, ole Brer Rabbit break loose en laugh, he did, fit ter kill hisse'f, en den he slam Brer Fox front gate wide open, en march up ter de house. W'en he git dar, he kick de do' open en hail Brer Fox, but nobody aint dar, en Brer Rabbit he walk in en take a cheer, en make hisse'f at home wid puttin' his foots on de sofy en spittin' on de flo'. "With that, old Brer Rabbit break loose and laugh, he did, fit to kill hisself, and then he slam Brer Fox gate wide open, and march up to the house. When he get there, he kick the door open and hail Brer Fox, but nobody ain't there, and Brer Rabbit he walk in and take a cheer, and make hisself at home with putting his foots on the sofa and spitting on the floor.

"Brer Rabbit aint sot dar long ’fo’ he ketch a whiff er de dram—" "Brer Rabbit ain't sat there long before he catch a whiff of the dram—"


"You year dat?" "You hear that? exclaimed 'Tildy, with convulsive admiration.

"—'Fo' he ketch a whiff er de dram, en den he see it on de side-bode, en he step up en drap 'bout a tumbeler full some'rs down in de neighborhoods er de goozle. Brer Rabbit mighty lak some folks I knows. He tuck one tumbeler full, en 'twa'n't long 'fo' he tuck 'n'er'n, en w'en a man do dis away," "—Before he catch a whiff og the dram, and then he see it on the side-board, and he step up and drop about a tumbler full somewheres down in the neighborhood of the goozle. Brer Rabbit mighty like some folks I knows. He took one tumbler full, and it wasn't long before he took another, and when a man do this away," continued Uncle Remus, somewhat apologetically, "he bleedz ter git drammy." "he pleased to get drammy."

"Truth, too!" said 'Tildy, by way of hearty confirmation.

"All des time de yuther creeturs wuz down in de bushes lissenin' fer de diddybum, en makin' ready fer ter light out fum dar at de drop uv a hat. But dey aint year no mo' fuss, en bimeby Brer Fox, he say he gwine back en look atter he plunder, en de yuther creeturs say dey b'leeve dey'll go 'long wid 'im. Dey start out, dey did, en dey crope todes Brer Fox house, but dey crope mighty keerful, en I boun' ef somebody'd 'a' shuck a bush, dem ar creeturs 'ud a nat'ally to' up de ye'th gittin' 'way fum dar. Yit dey still aint year no fuss, en dey keep on creepin' twel dey git in de house. "All this time the other creatures was down in the bushes listening for the diddybum, and making ready for to light out from there at the drop of a hat. But they ain't hear no more fuss, and by and by Brer Fox, he say that he going back and look after he plunder, and the other creatures say they believe they'll go along with him. They start out, they did, and they creeped towards Brer Fox house, but they creeped mighty careful, and I bound if somebody'd a-shook a bush, them there creatures would a naturally to' up the ye'th getting away from there. Yet they still ain't hear no fuss and they keep on creeping, until they get in the house.

"W'en dey git in dar, de fus' sight dey see wuz ole Brer Rabbit stannin' up by de dram-bottle mixin' up a toddy, en he wa'n't so stiff-kneed n'er, kase he sorter swage fum side ter side, en he look lak he mighty limbersome, w'ich, goodness knows, a man bleedz ter be limbersome w'en he drink dat kinder licker w'at Brer Fox perwide fer dem creeturs. "When they get in there, the first sight they see was old brer Rabbit standing up by the dram-bottle mixing up a toddy, and he wasn't so stiff-kneed either neither, because he sort of swung from side to side, and he look mighty limbersome, which, goodness knows, a man pleased to be limbersome when he drank that kind of liquor what Brer Fox provide for them creatures.


"W'en Brer Fox see Brer Rabbit makin' free wid he doin's dat away, w'at you speck he do?" "When Brer Fox see Brer Rabbit making free with he doings that away, what do you expect he do?" inquired Uncle Remus, with the air of one seeking general information.

"I speck he cusst," "I expect he cussed." said 'Tildy, who was apt to take a vividly practical view of matters.

"He was glad," said the little boy, "because he had a good chance to catch Brother Rabbit."

"Tooby sho' he wuz," "To be sure he was," continued Uncle Remus, heartily assenting to the child's interpretation of the situation; "tooby sho' he wuz. He stan' dar, Brer Fox did, en he watch Brer Rabbit motions. Bimeby he holler out, sezee: "to be sure he was. He stand there, Brer Fox did, and he watch Brer Rabbit motions. By and by he holler out, says he:

"'Ah yi!

A corruption of "aye, aye." It is used as an expression of triumph, and its enployment in this connection is both droll and picturesque. [back]

Brer Rabbit!' sezee. ‘Many a time is you made yo' 'scape, but now, I got you!' En wid dat, Brer Fox en de yuther creeturs cloze in on Brer Rabbit. "'Ah yi! Brer Rabbit!' says he. 'Many a time is you made your escape, but now, I got you!' And with that, brer Fox and the other creatures close in on Brer Rabbit.

"Seem like I done tole you dat Brer Rabbit done gone en tuck mo' dram dan w'at 'uz good fer he wholesome. Yit he head aint swim so bad dat he dunner w'at he doin', en time he lay eyes on Brer Fox, he know he done got in close quarters. Soon ez he see dis, Brer Rabbit make like he bin down in de cup mo' deeper dan w'at he is, en he stagger 'roun' like town gal stannin' in a batteau, en he seem lak he des ez limber ez a wet rag. He stagger up ter Brer Fox, he did, en he roll he eyeballs 'roun', en slap 'im on he back en ax 'im how he ma. Den w'en he see de yuther creeturs," "Seem like I done told you that brer Rabbit done gone took more dram than what was good for he wholesome. Yet he heas ain't swim so bad that he don't know what he doing, and time he lay eyes on Brer Fox, he know he done got in close quarters. Soon as he see this, Brer Rabbit make like he been down in the cup more deeper that what he is, and he stagger around like a town gal satnding in a batteau, and he roll he eyeballs around, and slap him on the back and ask how he ma. Then when he see the other creatures," continued Uncle Remus, "he holler out, he did:

"'Vents yo' uppance, gentermens! Vents yo'

Southern readers will rccognize this and "han'-roomance" as terms used by negroes in playing marbles,—a favorite game on the plantations Sunday afternoons. These terms were curt and expressive enough to gain currency among the whites. [back]

Ef you'll des gimme han'-roomance en come one at a time, de tussle'll las' longer. How you all come on, nohow?' sezee. "'Vents your uppance, gentlemens! Vents your
uppance! If you'll just gimme han-roomance and come one at a time, the tussle will last longer. How you all come on now, anyhow?" says he.

"Ole Brer Rabbit talk so kuse dat de yuther creeturs have mo' fun dan w'at youk'n shake a stick at, but bimeby Brer Fox say dey better git down ter business, en den dey all cloze in on Brer Rabbit, en dar he wuz. "Old Brer Rabbit talk so curious that the other creatures have more fun that what you can shake a stick at, but by and by Brer Fox say they'd better get down to business, and then they all close in on Brer Rabbit, and there he was."

"In dem days, ole man B'ar wuz a jedge 'mongs' de creeturs, en dey all ax 'im w'at dey gwine do 'long wid Brer Rabbit, en Jedge B'ar, he put on his specks, en cle'r up his throat, en say dat de bes' way ter do wid a man w'at kick up sech a racket, en run de neighbors outer der own house, en go in dar en level

Levy. [back]

on de pantry, is ter take 'im out en drown 'im; en ole Brer Fox, w'ich he settin' on de jury, he up'n' smack he hands togedder, en cry, en say, sezee, dat atter dis he bleedz ter b'leeve dat Jedge B' ar done got all-under holt on de lawyer-books, kaze dat 'zackly w'at dey say w'en a man level on he neighbor pantry. "In them days, old man B'ar was a judge amongst the creatures, and they all ask him what to going do along with Brer Rabbit, and Judge B'ar, he put on his specs, and clear up his throat, and say that the best way to do with a man what kick up such a racket, and run the neighbors out of their own house, and go in there and levy on the pantry, is to take him out and drown him; and old Brer Fox, which he sitting on the jury, he up and smack he hands together, and cry, and say, says he, that after this he pleased to believe that Judge B'ar done got all-under hold on the lawyer-books, because that exactly what they say when a man levy on he neighbor pantry.

"Den Brer Rabbit, he make out he skeerd, en he holler en cry, en beg um, in de name er goodness, don't fling 'im in de spring branch, kaze dey all know he dunner how ter swim; but ef dey bleedz fer ter pitch 'im in, den for mussy sake gin 'im a walkin'-cane, so he kin have sumpin' ter hol' ter w'iles he drownin'. "Then Brer Rabbit, he make out he scared, and he holler and cry, and beg them, in the name of goodness, don't fling him in the spring branch, because they all know he don't know how to swim; but if they pleased for to pitch him in, then for mercy sake give him a walking-cane, so he can have something to hold to whiles he drowning.


"Ole Brer B'ar scratch his head en say, sezee, dat, fur ez his 'membunce go back, he aint come 'cross nothin' in de lawyer-book ter de contraries er dat, en den dey all 'gree dat Brer Rabbit kin have a walkin'-cane. "Old Brer B'ar scratch his head and say, says he, far as his remembrance go back, he ain't come across nothing in the lawyer-book to the contrary of that, and then they all agree that Brer Rabbit can have a walking-cane.

"Wid dat, dey ketch up Brer Rabbit en put 'im in a wheelbarrow en kyar 'im down ter de branch, en fling 'im in." "With that, they catch up Brer Rabbit and put him in a wheelbarrow and carry him down to the branch, and fling him in."

"Eh-eh!" exclaimed 'Tildy, with well-feigned astonishment.

"Dey fling 'im in," "They fling him in," continued Uncle Remus, "en Brer Rabbit light on he foots, same ez a tomeat, en pick his way out by de helps er de walkin'-cane. De water wuz dat shaller dat it don't mo'n come over Brer Rabbit slipper, en w'en he git out on t'er side, he holler back, sezee: "and Brer Rabbit light on he foots, same as a tomeat, and pick his way out by the helps of the walking-cane. The water was that shallower that it don't more than come over Brer Rabbit slipper, and when he git out on the other side, he holler back, says he:

"‘So long Brer Fox!'"


Notwithstanding Brother Rabbit's success with the drum, the little boy was still inclined to refer to Mr. Benjamin Ram and his fiddle; but Uncle Remus was not, by any means, willing that such an ancient vagabond as Mr. Ram should figure as a hero, and he said that,
while it was possible that Brother Rabbit was no great hand with the fiddle, he was a drummer, and a capital singer to boot. Furthermore, Uncle Remus declared that Brother Rabbit could perform upon the quills,

The veritable Pan's pipes. A simple but very effective musical instrument made of reeds, and in great favor on the plantations. [back]

an accomplishment to which none of the other animals could lay claim. There was a time, too, the old man pointedly suggested, when the romantic rascal used his musical abilities to win the smiles of a nice young lady of quality—no less a personage, indeed, than King Deer's daughter. As a matter of course, the little boy was anxious to hear the particulars, and Uncle Remus was in nowise loath to give them.

"W'en you come ter ax me 'bout de year en day er de mont'," "When you come to ask me about the year and day of the month," said the old man, cunningly arranging a defence against criticism, "den I'm done, kaze de almanick w'at dey got in dem times wont pass muster deze days, but, let 'lone dat, I speck dey aint had none yit; en ef dey is, dey aint none bin handed down ter Remus. "then I'm done, because the almanack what they got in them times won't pass muster these days, but, let alone that, I expect they ain't had none yet; and if they is, they ain't none been handed down to Remus.

"Well, den, some time 'long in dar, ole Brer Fox en Brer Rabbit got ter flyin' 'roun' King Deer daughter. Dey tells me she 'uz a monst'us likely gal, en I speck may be she wuz; leas'ways, Brer Fox, he hanker atter 'er, en likewise Brer Rabbit, he hanker atter 'er. Ole King Deer look lak he sorter lean todes Brer Fox, kaze ter a settle man like him, hit seem lak dat Brer Fox kin stir 'roun' en keep de pot a b'ilin', mo' speshually bein's he de bigges'. Hit go on dis away twel hardly a day pass
dat one er de yuther er dem creeturs don't go sparklin' 'roun' King Deer daughter, en it got so atter w'ile dat all day long Brer Rabbit en Brer Fox keep de front gate a skreakin', en King Deer daughter aint ska'cely had time fer ter eat a meal vittels in no peace er min'.
"Well, then, some time along in there, old Brer Fox and Brer Rabbit got to flying around King Deer daughter. They tells me she was a monstrous likely gal, and I expect maybe she was; leastways, Brer Fox, he hanker after her, and likewise Brer Rabbit, he hanker after her. Old King Deer look like he sort of lean towards Brer Fox, because to a settle man like him, it seem like that Brer Fox can stir around and keep the pot a-boiling, most especially being as he the biggest. It go on this a-way until hardly a day pass
that one or the other of them creatures don't go sparkling around King Deer daughter, and it got so after a while that all day long Brer Rabbit and Brer Fox keep the front gate a screaching, and King Dear daughter ain't scarcely had time for to eat a meal vittels in no peace of mind.

"In dem days," "In them days," pursued Uncle Remus, in a tone of unmistakable historical fervor, "w'en a creetur go a courtin' dey wa'n't none er dish yer bokay doin's mix' up 'longer der co'tship, en dey aint cut up no capers like folks does now. Stidder scollopin' 'roun' en bowin' en scrapin', dey des go right straight atter de gal. Ole Brer Rabbit, he mouter had some bubby-blossoms

A species of sweet-shrub growing wild in the South. [back]

wrop up in his hankcher, but mostly him en Brer Fox 'ud des drap in on King Deer daughter en 'gin ter cas' sheep-eyes at 'er time dey sot down en cross der legs." "when a creature go a-courting they wasn't none of this here bokay doings mixing up along of their courtship, and they ain't cut up no capers like folks does now. Instead of scolloping around and bowing and scraping, they just go straight after the gal. Old Brer Rabbit, he might have had some bubby-blossoms wrap up in his hankerchief, but mostly him and Brer Fox would just drop in on King Deer daughter and begin to cast sheep-eyes at her time they sat down and cross her legs."

"En I bet," "And I bet," said 'Tildy, by way of comment, and looking as though she wanted to blush, "dat dey wa'n't 'shame', nuther." "that they wasn't ashamed, neither."

"Dey went 'long dis away," "They went along this a-way," continued Uncle Remus, "twel it 'gun ter look sorter skittish wid Brer Rabbit, kaze old King Deer done good ez say, sezee, dat he gwine ter take Brer Fox inter de fambly. Brer Rabbit, he 'low, he did, dat dis aint gwine ter do, en he study en study how he gwine ter cut Brer Fox out. "until it begun to look sort of skittish with Brer Rabbit, because old King deer done good and say, says he, that he going to take Brer Fox into the family. Brer Rabbit, he allow, he did, that this ain't going to do, and he study and study how he going to cut Brer Fox out.

"Las', one day, w'iles he gwine thoo King Deer pastur' lot, he up wid a rock en kilt two er King Deer goats. W'en he git ter de house, he ax King Deer daughter whar'bouts her pa, en she up'n' say she go call 'im, en w'en


Brer Rabbit see 'im, he ax w'en de weddin' tuck place, en King Deer ax w'ich weddin', en Brer Rabbit say de weddin' 'twix' Brer Fox en King Deer daughter. Wid dat, ole King Deer ax Brer Rabbit w'at make he go on so, en Brer Rabbit, he up'n' 'spon' dat he see Brer Fox makin' monst'us free wid de fambly, gwine 'roun' chunkin' de chickens en killin' up de goats.
"Last, one day, whiles he going through King Deer pasture lot, he up with a rock and killed two of King Deer goats. When he get to the house he ask King Deer daughter wherabouts her pa, and she up and say she go call him, and when


Brer Rabbit see him, he ask when the wedding take place, and King Deer ask which wedding, and Brer Rabbit say the wedding betwixt Brer Fox and King Deer daughter. With that, old King Deer ask Brer Rabbit what make he go on so, and Brer Rabbit, he up and respond that he see Brer Fox making monstrous free with the family, going around chunking the chickens and killing the goats.

"Ole King Deer strak he walkin'-cane down 'pon de flo', en 'low dat he don't put no 'pennunce in no sech tale lak dat, en den Brer Rabbit tell 'im dat ef he'll des take a walk down in de pastur' lot, he kin see de kyarkiss er de goats. Ole King Deer, he put out, en bimeby he come back, en he 'low he gwine ter settle marters wid Brer Fox ef it 'take 'im a mont'. "Old king Deer struck he walking-cane down upon the floor, and allow that he don't put no comeuppance in no such a tale like that, and then Brer Rabbit tell him that if he'll just take a walk down in the pasture lot, he can see the carcasses of the goats. Old King Deer, he put out, and by and by he come back, and he allow he going to settle matters with Brer Fox if it take him a month.

"Brer Rabbit say he a good frien' ter Brer Fox, en he aint got no room ter talk 'bout 'im, but yit w'en he see 'im 'stroyin' King Deer goats en chunkin' at his chickens, en rattlin' on de palin's fer ter make de dog bark, he bleedz ter come lay de case 'fo' de fambly. "Brer Rabbit say he a good friend to Brer Fox, and he ain't got no rom to talk about him, but yet when he see him destroying King Deer goats and chunking at his chickens, and rattling on the palings for to make the dogs bark, he pleased to come lay the case before the family.

"'En mo'n dat,' sez ole Brer Rabbit, sezee, 'I'm de man w'at kin make Brer Fox come en stan' right at de front gate en tell you dat he is kill dem goat; en ef you des wait twel ter-night, I wont ax you ter take my wud,' sezee. "'And more than that, says old Brer Rabbit, says he, 'I'm the man what can make Brer fox come and stand right at the front gate and tell you that he is kill them goat; and if you just wait until tonight, I won't ask you to take my word,' says he.

"King Deer say ef Brer Rabbit man 'nuff ter do dat, den he kin git de gal en thanky, too. Wid dat, Brer Rabbit jump up en crack he heels tergedder, en put out fer ter fine Brer Fox. He aint git fur 'fo' he see Brer
Fox comin' down de road all primp up. Brer Rabbit, he sing out, he did:
"King Deer say if Brer Rabbit man enough to do that, then he can get the gal and thanky, too. With that, Brer Rabbit jump up and crack he heels together, and put out for to find Brer Fox. He ain't get far before he see Brer
Fox coming down that road all primp up. Brer Rabbit, he sing out, he did:

"'Brer Foxy, whar you gwine?' 'Brer Foxy, where you going?'

"En Brer Fox, he holler back: "And Brer Fox, he holler back:

"'Go 'way, Rab; don't bodder wid me. I'm gwine fer ter see my gal.' 'Go away, Rab; don't bother with me. I'm going for to see my gal.'

"Brer Rabbit, he laugh 'way down in his stomach, but he don't let on, en atter some mo' chat, he up'n' say dat ole King Deer done tell 'im 'bout how Brer Fox gwine ter marry he daughter, en den he tell Brer Fox dat he done promise King Deer dat dey'd drap 'roun' ter-night en gin 'im some music. "Brer Rabbit, he laugh a-way down in his stomach, but he don't let on, and after some more chat, he up and say that old King Deer done tell him about how Brer Fox going to marry he daughter, and then he tell Brer Fox that he done promise King Deer that they'd drop around tonight and gin him some music.

"'En I up'n' tole 'im,' sez Brer Rabbit, sezee, 'dat de music w'at we can't make aint wuth makin',—me wid my quills, en you wid yo' tr'angle.

Triangle. [back]

De nex' motion we makes,' sezee, 'we'll hatter go off some'rs en practise up on de song we'll sing, en I got one yer dat'll tickle um dat bad,' sez Brer Rabbit, sezee, 'twel I lay dey'll fetch out a hunk er dat big chicken-pie w'at I see um puttin' in de pot des now,' sezee. "'And I up and told him,' says Brer Rabbit, says he, 'that the music what we can't make ain't worth making,—me with my quills, and you with your triangle. The next motion we makes,' says he, 'we'll have to go off somewheres and practice up on the song we'll sing, and I got one here that'll tickle them that bad,' says Brer Rabbit, says he, 'until I lay they'll fetch out a hunk of that big chicken-pie what I see them putting in the pot just now,' says he.

"In a 'casion lak dis, Brer Fox say he de ve'y man w'at Brer Rabbit huntin', en he 'low dat he'll des 'bout put off payin' he call ter King Deer house en go wid Brer Rabbit fer ter practise on dat song. "In an occasion like this, Brer Fox say he the very man what Brer Rabbit hunting, and he allow that he'll just about put off paying he call to King Deer house and go with Brer Rabbit for to practice on that song.

"Den Brer Rabbit, he git he quills en Brer Fox he git he tr'angle, en dey went down on de spring branch en dar dey sing en play, twell dey git it all by heart. Ole Brer Rabbit, he make up de song he own se'f, en he fix it
so dat he sing de call, lak de captain er de co'n-pile, en ole Brer Fox, he hatter sing de answer."

That is to say, Brother Rabbit sang the air and Brother Fox the refrain. [back]

"Then Brer Rabbit, he get he quills and Brer Fox he get he triangle, and they went down on the spring branch and there they sing and play, until they get it all by heart. Old Brer rabbit, he make up the song he own self, and he fix it so that he sing the call, like the captain of the corn-pile, and old Brer Fox, he have to sing the answer."

At this point Uncle Remus paused to indulge in one of his suggestive chuckles, and then proceeded:

"Don't talk 'bout no songs ter me. Gentermens! dat 'uz a funny song fum de wud go. Bimeby, w'en dey practise long time, dey gits up en goes 'roun' in de neighborhoods er King Deer house, en w'en night come dey tuck der stan' at de front gate, en atter all got still, Brer Rabbit, he gun de wink, en dey broke loose wid der music. Dey played a chune er two on de quills en tr'angle, en den dey got ter de song. Ole Brer Rabbit, he got de eall, en he open up lak dis: "Don't talk about no songs to me. Gentlemens! that was a funny song from the word go. By and by, when they practice long time, they gets up and goes around in the neighborhoods of King Deer house, and when night come they took their stand at the front gate, and after all got still, Brer Rabbit, he begun the wink, and they brok loose with their music. They played a tune or two and the quills and triangle, and then they got to the song. Old Brer Rabbit, he got the call, and he open up like this:

"'Some folks pile up mo'n dey kin tote, "'Some folks pile up more than they can tote,
En dat w'at de marter wid King Deer goat,' En that what the matter with King Deer goat,'

en den Brer Fox, he make answer: and then Brer Fox, he make answer:

"'Dat's so, dat's so, en I'm glad dat it's so!' "'That's so, that's so, and I'm glad that it's so!'

Den de quills en de tr'angle, dey come in, en den Brer Rabbit pursue on wid de call: Then the quills and the triangle, they come in, and then Brer Rabbit pursue on with the call:

"'Some kill sheep en some kill shote, "'Some kill sheep and some kill shote,
But Brer Fox kill King Deer goat,'

en den Brer Fox, he jine in wid de answer:

"'I did, dat I did, en I'm glad dat I did!'

En des 'bout dat time King Deer, he walk outer de gate en hit Brer Fox a clip wid his walkin'-cane, cn he foller it up wid 'n'er'n, dat make Brer Fox fa'rly squall, en you des
better b'lieve he make tracks 'way fum dar, en de gal she come out, en dey ax Brer Rabbit in."

"Did Brother Rabbit marry King Deer's daughter, Uncle Remus?" asked the little boy.

"Now, den, honey, you're crowdin' me," responded the old man. "Dey ax 'im in, en dey gun 'im a great big hunk er chicken-pie, but I won't make sho' dat he tuck'n' marry de gal. De p'int wid me is de way Brer Rabbit run Brer Fox off fum dar."


There was a pause here, which was finally broken by 'Tildy, whose remark was in the shape of a very undignified yawn. Uncle Remus regarded her for a moment with an expression of undisguised scorn, which quickly expressed itself in words:

"Ef you'd er bin outer de house dat whack, you'd er tuck us all in. Pity dey aint some place er 'n'er whar deze yer trollops kin go en l'arn manners."

'Tildy, however, ignored the old man, and, with a toss of her head, said to the little boy in a cool, exasperating tone, employing a pet name she had heard the child's mother use:

"Well, Pinx, I speck we better go. De rain done mos'
hilt up now, en bimeby de stars'll be a-shinin'. Miss Sally lookin' fer you right now."

"You better go whar you gwine, you triflin' huzzy, you!" exclaimed Uncle Remus. "You better go git yo' Jim Crow kyard en straighten out dem wrops in yo' ha'r. I allers year w'ite folks say you better keep yo' eye on niggers w'at got der ha'r wrop up in strings. Now I done gun you fa'r warnin's."

"Uncle Remus," said the little boy, when the old man's wrath had somewhat subsided, "why do they call them Jim Crow cards?"

"I be bless ef I know, honey, 'ceppin' it's kaze dey er de onliest machine wa't deze yer low-life niggers kin oncomb der kinks wid. Now, den," continued the old man, straightening up and speaking with considerable animation, "dat min's me 'bout a riddle w'at been runnin' 'roun' in my head. En dat riddle--it's de outdoin'es' riddle w'at I mos' ever year tell un. Hit go lak dis: Ef he come, he don't come; ef he don't come, he come. Now, I boun' you can't tell w'at is dat."

After some time spent in vain guessing, the little boy confessed that he didn't know.

"Hit's crow en co'n," said UncleRemus, sententiously.

"Crow and corn, Uncle Remus?"

"Co'se, honey. Crow come, de co'n don't come; crow don't come, den de co'n come."

"Dat's so," said 'Tildy. "I done see um pull up co'n, en I done see co'n grow w'at dey don't pull up."

If 'Tildy thought to propitiate Uncle Remus, she was
mistaken. He scowled at her, and addressed himself to the little boy:

"De Crow, he mighty close kin ter de Buzzud, en dat puts me in min' dat we aint bin a-keepin' up wid ole Brer Buzzud close ez we might er done. "The Crow, he mighty close kin to the Buzzard, and that puts me in mind that we aint been a-keeping up with old Brother Bear close as we might have done.

"W'at de case mout be deze days, I aint a-sayin', but, in dem times, ole Brer Tarrypin love honey mo' samer dan Brer B'ar, but he wuz dat flat-footed dat, w'en he fine a bee-tree, he can't climb it, en he go so slow dat he can't hardly fine um. Bimeby, one day, w'en he gwine 'long down de road des a-honin' atter honey, who should he meet but ole Brer Buzzud. "What the cast might be these days, I aint a-saying, but, in them times, old Brother Tarrypin love honey, more samer than Brother Bear, but he was that float-footed that, when he find a bee-tree, he can't climb it, and he go slow dat he can't hardly find them. By and By, one day, when he going along down the road there was a-hunting after honey, who should he meet but old Brother Buzzard.

"Dey shuck han's mighty sociable en ax 'bout de news er de neighborhoods, en den, atter w'ile, Brer Tarrypin say ter ole Brer Buzzud, sezee, dat he wanter go inter cahoots wid 'im 'longer gittin' honey, en 'twa'n't long 'fo’ dey struck a trade. Brer Buzzud wuz ter fly 'roun' en look fer de bee-tree, en Brer Tarrypin he wuz ter creep en crawl, en hunt on de groun'. "They shook hands mighty sociable and asked about the news of the neighborhoods, and the, after a while, Brother Tarrypin say to old Brother Buzzard, says, that he want to go into cahoots with him longer getting honey, and it wasn't long before they struck a trade. Brother Buzzard was to fly around and look for the bee-tree, and Brother Tarrypin he was to creep and crawl, and hunt on the ground.

"Dey start out, dey did, ole Brer Buzzud sailin' 'roun' in de elements, en ole Brer Tarrypin shufflin' en shamblin' on de groun'. 'Mos' de ve'y fus' fiel' w'at he come ter, Brer Tarrypin strak up wid a great big bumbly-bee nes' in de groun'. He look 'roun', ole Brer Tarrypin did, en bimeby he stick he head in en tas'e de honey, en den he pull it out en look all 'roun' fer ter see ef he kin ketch a glimpse er Brer Buzzud; but Brer Buzzud don't seem lak he nowhar. Den Brer Tarrypin say to hisse'f, sezee, dat he speck dat bumbly-bee honey aint de kinder honey w'at
dey been talkin' 'bout, en dey aint no great shakes er honey dar nohow. Wid dat, Brer Tarrypin crope inter de hole en gobble up de las' drop er de bumbly-bee honey by he own-alone se'f. Atter he done make 'way wid it, he come out, he did, en he whirl in en lick it all off'n his footses, so ole Brer Buzzud can't tell dat he done bin git a mess er honey.
"They start out, they did, old Brother Buzzard sailing around in the elements, and old Brother Tarrypin shuffling and shambling on the ground. Almost the very first field what he come to, Brother Tarrypin strak up with a great big bumbly-bee nest in the ground. He looked around, old Brother Tarrypin did, and by and by he stick his head in and taste the honey, and then he pull it out and look all around for to seeif he can ketch a glimpse of Brother Buzzard; but Brother Buzzard don't seem like he no where. Then Brother Tarrypin say to hisself, says, that he suspects that bumbly-bee honey aint the kind of honey what
they been talking about, and they aint not great shakes of honey there no how. With that, Brother Tarrypin crope into the hole and gobble up the last drop of the bumbly-bee honey by his own-alone self. After he done make away with it, he come out, he did, and he whirl in and lick it all off of his footsies, so old Brother Buzzard can't tell dat he done been got a mess of honey.

"Den ole Brer Tarrypin stretch out he neck en try ter lick de honey off'n he back, but he neck too short; en he try ter scrape it off up 'g'in' a tree, but it don't come off; en den he waller on de groun', but still it don't come off. Den old Brer Tarrypin jump up, en say ter hisse'f dat he'll des 'bout rack off home, en w'en Brer Buzzud come he kin lie on he back en say he sick, so ole Brer Buzzud can't see de honey. "Then old Brother Tarrypin stretch out his neck and try to lick the honey off of his back, but his neck too short; and he try to scrape it off up against a tree, but it don't come off; and den he wallow on the ground, but still it don't come off. Then old Brother Tarrypin jump up, and say to hisself that he'll just about rack off home, and when Brother Buzzard come he can lie on his back and say he sick, so old Brother Buzzard can't see the honey.

"Brer Tarrypin start off, he did, but he happen ter look up, en, lo en beholes, dar wuz Brer Buzzud huv'rin' right spang over de spot whar he is. Brer Tarrypin know Brer Buzzud bleedz ter see 'im ef he start off home, en mo'n dat, he know he be fine out ef he don't stir 'roun' en do sump'n' mighty quick. Wid dat, Brer Tarrypin shuffle back ter de bumbly-bee nes' swif' ez he kin, en buil' 'im a fier in dar, en den he crawl out en holler: Brother Tarrypin start off, he did, but he happen to look up, and, low and behold, there was Brother Buzzard hovering right spang over the spot where he is. Brother Tarrypin know Brer Buzzard pleased to see them if he star of home, and more than that he knew he be fine out if he don't stir around and do something mighty quick. With that, Brother Tarrypin shuffle back to de bumbly- bees nest swift as he can, and build them a fire in that, and then he cral out and holler:

"'Brer Buzzud! O Brer Buzzud! Run yer, fer gracious sake, Brer Buzzud, en look how much honey I done fine! I des crope in a little ways, en it des drip all down my back, same like water. Run yer, Brer Buzzud! Half yone en half mine, Brer Buzzud!' "'Brother Buzzard! O Brother Buzzard! Run over here, for graciou sake, Brother Buzzard, and look hom much honey I done foid. I there's crept in a little ways, and it does drip all down my back, same like water. Run you, Brother Buzzard! Half is your and hald mine, Brother Buzzard!'

"Brer Buzzud, he flop down, en he laugh en say he
mighty glad, kaze he done git hongry up dar whar he bin. Den Brer Tarrypin tell Brer Buzzud fer ter creep in little ways en tas'e en see how he like um, w'iles he take his stan' on de outside en watch fer somebody. But no sooner is Brer Buzzud crope in de bumbly-bee nes' dan Brer Tarrypin take'n' roll a great big rock front er de hole. Terreckly, de fier 'gun ter bu'n Brer Buzzud, en he sing out like a man in trouble:
"Brother Buzzard, he flap down, and laugh and say he
mighty glad, cause he done got hungry up there where he been. Then Brother Tarrypin tell Brother Buzzard for to creep in a little ways and taste and see how he like thme, while he tkes his stand on the outside and watch for somebody. But no sooner is Brother Buzzard crept in the bumbly-bee nest than Brother Tarrypin take and roll a great big rock in front of the hole. Directly, the the fire gone to the bun Brother Buzzard, and he sang out like a man in trouble:

"'Sump'n' bitin' me, Brer Tarrypin--sump'n' bitin' me, Brer Tarrypin!' "'Somthing's biting me, Brother Tarrypin--something's biting me, Brother Tarrypin!'

"Den ole Brer Tarrypin, he holler back: "The old Brother Tarrypin, he holler back:

"‘It's de bumbly-bees a-stingin' you, Brer Buzzud; stan' up en flop yo' wings, Brer Buzzud. Stan' up en flop yo' wings, Brer Buzzud, en you'll drive um off,' sezee. "'It's the bumbly-bees a-stinging you, Brother Buzzard; stand up and flap your wings, Brother Buzzard. Stand up and flap your wings, Brother Buzzard and you'll drive them off,' says he.

"Brer Buzzud flop en flop he wings, but de mo' w'at he flop, de mo' he fan de fier, en twa'n't long 'fo' he done bodaciously bu'n up, all 'ceppin' de big een er his wing- fedders, en dern ole Brer Tarrypin tuck en make inter some quills, w'ich he go 'roun' a-playin un um, en de chune w'at he play was dish yer: "Brother Buzzard flapped and flapped his wings, but the more what he flapped, the more he fanned the fier, and twern't long before he done bodaciously burned up, all execpting the big end of his wing feather, and then old Brother Tarryping took and make into quils, which he go around a-playing on them, and the tune what he play was this here:

"'I foolee, I foolee, I foolee po' Buzzud;
Po' Buzzud I foolee, I foolee, I foolee.'"
"'I fooled ye, I fooled ye, I fooled ye poor Buzzard;
Poor Buzzard I fooled ye, I fooled ye, I fooled ye.'"Po' Buzzud I foolee, I foolee, I foolee.'"



"That must have been a mighty funny song," said the little boy.

"Fun one time aint fun n'er time; some folks fines fun whar yuther folks fines trouble. Pig may laugh w'en he see de rock a-heatin', but dey aint no fun dar fer de pig. "Fun one time aint fun in every time; some folks find fun where other folks find trouble. Pig may laugh when he see the rock a-heating, but they aint no fun that for the pig.

An allusion to the primitive mode of cleaning hogs by heating rocks, and placing them in a barrel or tank of water. [back]

"Yit, fun er no fun, dat de song w'at Brer Tarrypin play on de quills: "Yet, fun or no fun, that's the song what Brother Tarrypin play on the quills:

"'I foolee, I foolee, I foolee po' Buzzud;
Po' Buzzud I foolee, I foolee, I foolee.'
"'I fool ye, I fool ye, I fool ye poor Buzzard; Poor Buzzard I fool ye, I fool ye, I fool ye.'

"Nobody dunner whar de quills cum fum, kase Brer Tarrypin, he aint makin' no brags how he git um; yit ev'ybody want um on account er der playin' sech a lonesome "Nobody don't know where the quills some from, cause Brother Tarrypin, he aint making no brags how he got them; yet everybody want them on account of there playing such a lonesome This word "lonesome," as used by the negroes, is the equivalent of "thrilling," "romantic," etc., and in that sense is very expressive.


chune, en ole Brer Fox, he want um wuss'n all. He beg en he beg Brer Tarrypin fer ter sell 'im dem quills; but Brer Tarrypin, he hol' on t'um tight, en say eh-eh! Den he ax Brer Tarrypin fer ter loan um t'um des a week, so he kin play fer he chilluns, but Brer Tarrypin, he shake he head en put he foot down, en keep on playin': tune, and old Brother Fox, he want them worst of all. He beg and beg Brother Tarrypin for to sell him them quills; but Brother Tarrypin, he hold on to them tigh, and say eh-eh! Den he ask Brother Tarrypin for to laon them to him this just a week, so he anc play for his children, but Brother Tarrypin, he sake his head and put his foot down, and keep on playing:

"'I foolee, I foolee, I foolee po' Buzzud;
Po' Buzzud I foolee, I foolee, I foolee.'
"'I fool ye, I fool ye, I fool ye poor Buzzard; Poor Buzzard I fool ye, I fool ye, I fool ye.'

"But Brer Fox, he aint got no peace er min' on account er dem quills, en one day he meet Brer Tarrypin en he ax 'im how he seem ter segashuate "But Brother Fox, he aint got no peace of mind on account of them quills, and one day he meet Brother Tarrypin and he ask him how he seem to segashuate

An inquiry after his health. Another form is: "How does yo' corporosity seem ter segashuate?" "How does your corporosity see to segashuate?" [back]

en he fambly en all he chilluns; en den Brer Fox ax Brer Tarrypin ef he can't des look at de quills, kaze he got some goose-fedders at he house, en if he kin des get a glimpse er Brer Tarrypin quills, he speck he kin make some mighty like um. and his family and all his children; and the Brother Fox ask Brother Tarrypin if he can't the look at the quills, caouse he got some goose-feathers at his house, and if he can just get a glimpse of Brer Tarrypin quills, he speck he can make some mighty like them.

"Brer Tarrypin, he study 'bout dis, but he hate ter 'ny small favors like dat, en bimeby he hol' out dem quills whar Brer Fox kin see um. Wid dat, Brer Fox, he tuck'n' juk de quills outen Brer Tarrypin han', he did, and dash off des ez hard ez he kin go. Brer Tarrypin, he holler en holler at 'im des loud ez he kin holler, but he know he can't ketch 'im, en he des sot dar, Brer Tarrypin did, en look lak he done los' all de kin-folks w'at he got in de roun' worrul'. "Brother Tarrypin, he study about this, but he hat to do any small favors like that, and by and by he hold out them quils where Brother Tarrypin han, he did, and dash off just as hard as he can go. Brother Tarrypin, he holler and holler at him just as loud as he can holler, but he know he can't catch him, and he just sat there, Brother Tarrypin did, and look like he done lost all the kin-folks what he got in the round world.

"Atter dis, Brer Fox he strut 'roun' en play mighty biggity, en eve'y time he meet Brer Tarrypin in de road he walk all 'roun' 'im en play on de quills like dis: "After this, Brother Fox he strut around and play might biggity, and every time he meet Brother Tarrypin in the road he walk all around him and play on the quills like this:

"'I foolee, l foolee, po' Buzzud;
I foolee ole Tarrypin, too.'
"'I fool yee, I fool ye, poor Buzzard; I fool ye old Tarrypin, too.'

"Brer Tarrypin, he feel mighty bad, but he aint sayin' nothin.' Las', one day w'iles old Brer Tarrypin was settin' on a log sunnin' hisse'f, yer come Brer Fox playin' dat same old chune on de quills, but Brer Tarrypin, he stay still. Brer Fox, he come up little nigher en play, but Brer Tarrypin, he keep he eyes shot en he stay still. Brer Fox, "Brother Tarrypin, he feel mighty bad, but he aint saying nothing. ' At last, one day whiles old Brother Tarrypin was sitting on a long sunning hisself, here come Brother Fox playing that same old tune on the quill, but Brother Tarrypin, he stay still. Brother Fox, he come up little nearer and play, but Brother Tarrypin, he keep his eys shut and he stay still. Brother Fox,
he come nigher en git on de log; Brer Tarrypin aint sayin nothin'. Brer Fox still git up nigher en play on de quills; still Brer Tarrypin aint sayin' nothin'. he come nigher, nearer and got on the log; quills; still Brother Tarrypin ain't saying nothing.

"'Brer Tarrypin mighty sleepy dis mawnin',' sez Brer Fox, sezee. "'Brother Tarrypin mighty sleepy this morning,'says Brother Fox, says he.

"Still Brer Tarrypin keep he eyes shot en stay still. Brer Fox keep on gittin' nigher en nigher, twel bimeby Brer Tarrypin open he eyes en he mouf bofe, en he make a grab at Brer Fox en miss 'im. "Still Brother Tarrypin keep his eyes shut and say still. Brother Fox keep on gitting nearer and nearer, till by and by Brother Tarrypin open his eyes and his mouth both, and he make a grab at Brother Fox and miss him.

"But hol' on!" "But hold on!" exclaimed Uncle Remus, in response to an expression of intense disappointment in the child's face. "You des wait a minnit. Nex' mawnin', Brer Tarrypin take hisse'f off en waller in a mud-hole, en smear hisse'f wid mud twel he look des 'zackly lak a clod er dirt. Den he crawl off en lay down un'need a log whar he know Brer Fox come eve'y mawnin' fer ter freshen

Exercise himself. [back]

hisse'f. "You just wait a minute. Next morning, Brother Tarrypin take hisself off and wallow in the mud-hole, and smear hisself with mud till he look just exactly like a clod of dirt. Then he crawl off and lay down underneath a log where he know Brother Fox come every morning fro to freshenhisself.

"Brer Tarrypin lay dar, he did, en terreckly yer come Brer Fox. Time he git dar, Brer Fox 'gun ter lip backerds en forerds 'cross de log, and Brer Tarrypin he crope nigher en nigher, twel bimeby he make a grab at Brer Fox en kotch him by de foot. Dey tells me," "Brother Tarrypin lay there, he did, and directly here come Brother Fox. Time he got there, Brother Fox gone turned a flip backwards and fowards across the log, and Brother Tarrypin he crept nearer and nearer, till by and by he make a grab at Brother Fox and caught him by the foot. They tells me," continued Uncle Remus, rubbing his hands together in token of great satisfaction,--"dey tells me dat w'en Brer Tarrypin ketch holt, hit got ter thunder 'fo’ he let go. All I know, Brer Tarrypin git Brer Fox by de foot, en he hilt 'im dar. Brer Fox he jump en he r'ar, but Brer Tarrypin done got 'im. Brer Fox, he holler out: "they tells me that when Brother Tarrypin done got him. Brother Fox he holler out:

"'Brer Tarrypin. please lemme go!' "'Brother Tarrypin. please let me go!'


"Brer Tarrypin talk way down in his th'oat: "Brother Tarrypin talk way down in his throat:

"'Gim' my quills!' 'Give me my quills!'

"'Lemme go en fetch um.' 'Let me go and fetch them.'

"'Gim' my quills!' 'Give me my quills!'

"'Do pray lemme go git um.' 'Do pray let me go get them.'

"'Gim' my quills!' 'Give me my quills!'

"En, bless gracious! dis all Brer Fox kin git outer Brer Tarrypin. Las', Brer Fox foot hu't 'im so bad dat he bleedz ter do sump'n, en he sing out fer his ole 'oman fer ter fetch de quills, but he ole 'oman, she busy 'bout de house, en she don't year 'im. Den he call he son, w'ich he name Tobe. He holler en bawl, en Tobe make answer: "And, bless gracious! this all Brother Fox can get out of Brother Tarrypin. Last, Brother Fox foot hurt him so bad that he pleased to do something, and he sing out for his old woman for to fetch the quills, but his old woman, she busy about the house, and she don't hear him. Then he call his son, which his name Tobe. He holler and bawl, and Tobe make answer:

"'Tobe! O Tobe! You Tobe!'

"'W'at you want, daddy?' 'What you want, daddy?'

"'Fetch Brer Tarrypin quills.' 'Fetch Bother Tarrypin's quills.'

"'W'at you say, daddy? Fetch de big tray ter git de honey in ?' 'What you say, daddy? Fetch the big tray to get the honey in?'

"'No, you crazy-head! Fetch Brer Tarrypin quills!' 'No, you crazy-head! Fetch Brother Tarrypin quills!'

"'W'at you say, daddy? Fetch de dipper ter ketch de minners in?' 'What you say, daddy? Fetch the dipper for to catch the minners in?'

"'No, you fool! Fetch Brer Tarrypin quills!' "'No, you fool! Fetch Brother Tarrypin's quills!'

"'W'at you say, daddy ? Water done been spill?'

"Hit went on dis away twel atter w'ile ole Miss Fox year de racket, en den she lissen, en she know dat 'er ole man holler'n' fer de quills, en she fotch um out en gun um ter Brer Tarrypin, en Brer Tarrypin, he let go he holt. He let go he holt," "Hit went on this way till after a while old Miss Fox hear the racket, and then she listened, and she know that her old man hollering for the quill, and she fetched them out and gave them to Brother Tarrypin, and Brother Tarrypin, he let go his hold. He let go his hold," Uncle Remus went on, "but long time


atter dat, w'en Brer Fox go ter pay he calls, he hatter go hoppity-fetchity, hoppity-fetchity." after that, when Brother Fox go to pay his calls, he have to go hoppity-fetchity, hoppity-fetchity.

The old man folded his hands in his lap, and sat quietly gazing into the lightwood fire. Presently he said:

"I speck Miss Sally blessin' us all right now, en fus' news you know she'll h'ist up en have Mars John a- trapesin' down yer; en ef she do dat, den ter-morrer mawnin' my brekkuss'll be col', en lakwise my dinner, en ef dey's sump'n' w'at I 'spizes hits col' vittels." "I suspect Miss Sally blessing us all right now, and first news you know she'll h'ist, hissiedup and have Master John a trapesing down here; and if she do that, then tomorrow morning my breakfast will be cold, and likewise my dinner, and if there's something what I despise it;s cold vittles."

Thereupon Uncle Remus arose, shook himself, peered out into the night to discover that the rain had nearly ceased, and then made ready to carry the little boy to his mother. Long before the chickens had crowed for midnight, the child, as well as the old man, had been transported to the land where myths and fables cease to be wonderful,--the land of pleasant dreams.


One night the little boy failed to make his appearance at the accustomed hour, and the next morning the intelligence that the child was sick went forth from the "big house." Uncle Remus was told that it had been necessary
during the night to call in two physicians. When this information was imparted to the old man, there was an expression upon his countenance of awe not unmixed with indignation. He gave vent to the latter:

"Dar now! Two un um! W'en dat chile rize up, ef rize up he do, he'll des natally be a shadder. Yer I is, gwine on eighty year, en I aint tuck none er dat ar docter truck yit, ceppin' it's dish yer flas' er poke-root w'at ole Miss Favers fix up fer de stiffness in my j'ints. Dey'll come en dey'll go, en dey'll po' in der jollup yer en slap on der fly-plarster dar, en sprinkle der calomy yander, twel bimeby dat chile won't look like hisse'f. Dat's wat! En mo'n dat, hit's mighty kuse unter me dat ole folks kin go 'long en stan' up ter de rack en gobble up der 'lowance, en yit chilluns is got ter be strucken down. Ef Miss Sally'll des tu'n dem docter mens loose onter me, I lay I lick up der physic twel dey go off 'stonish'd." "There now! Two of them! When that child rise up, if rise up he do, he'll just naturally be a shadder. Here I is, going on eighty year, and I aint took none of that at the doctor truck yet, excepting it's this here flash of poke-root what old Miss Faver fix up for the stiffness in my joints. They'll come and they go, and they'll pour in there jollup here and slap on the fly-plaster there, and sprinkle the calomy younder, till by and by that child won't look like hisself. That's what! And more than that, it's mighty curious under me that old folks can go along and stand up to the rack and gobble up there allowance, and yet children is got to be strucken down. If Miss Sally'll just turn them doctor me loose onto me, I lay I lick up their physic till they go off astonished.

But no appeal of this nature was made to Uncle Remus. The illness of the little boy was severe, but not fatal. He took his medicine and improved, until finally even the doctors pronounced him convalescent. But he was very weak, and it was a fortnight before he was permitted to leave his bed. He was restless, and yet his term of imprisonment was full of pleasure. Every night after supper Uncle Remus would creep softly into the back piazza, place his hat carefully on the floor, rap gently on the door by way of announcement, and so pass into the nursery. How patient his vigils, how tender his ministrations, only the mother of the little boy knew; how comfortable and refreshing
the change from the bed to the strong arms of Uncle Remus, only the little boy could say.

Almost the first manifestation of the child's convalescence was the renewal of his interest in the wonderful adventures of Brother Rabbit, Brother Fox, and the other brethren who flourished in that strange past over which this modern Aesop had thrown the veil of fable. "Miss Sally," as Uncle Remus called the little boy's mother, sitting in an adjoining room, heard the youngster pleading for a story, and after a while she heard the old man clear up his throat with a great affectation of formality and begin.

"Dey aint skacely no p'int whar ole Brer Rabbit en ole Brer Fox made der 'greements side wid one er n'er; let 'lone dat, dey wuz one p'int 'twix' um w'ich it wuz same ez fier en tow, en dat wuz Miss Meadows en de gals. Little ez you might speck, dem same creeturs wuz bofe un um flyin' 'roun' Miss Meadows en de gals. Ole Brer Rabbit, he'd go dar, en dar he'd fine ole Brer Fox settin' up gigglin' wid de gals, en den he'd skuze hisse'f, he would, en gallop down de big road a piece, en paw up de san' same lak dat ar ball-face steer w'at tuck'n tuck off yo' pa' coat-tail las' Feberwary. En lakwise ole Brer Fox, he'd sa'nter in, en fine old man Rab. settin' 'longside er de gals, en den he'd go out down de road en grab a simmon-bush in he mouf, en natally gnyaw de bark off'n it. In dem days, honey," "They aint exactly no point where Brother Rabbit and old Brother Fox mad the agreements side with one or the other; let alon that, they was one point between them which it was same as fier in toe, and dat was Miss Meadows and the gals. Little as you might suspect, them same creatures was both of them flying around Miss Meadows and the gals. Old Brother Rabbit, he'd go there, and there he'd find old Brother Fox settin gup giggling with the gals, and then he's excuse hisself, he would and gallop down the big road a piece, and paw up the exactsame lake that our ball-face steer what tuck'n tuck off your pa's coat-til last February. And likewise old Brother Fox, he'd saunter in, and find old man Rab. setting alongside of the gals, and then he'd go out down the road and grab a simmon-bush in his mouth, and naturally gnawed the bark off of it. In them days, honey," continued Uncle Remus, responding to a look of perplexity on the child's face, "crceturs wuz wuss dan w'at dey is now. Dey wuz dat --lots wuss. "creatures was worst than what they is now. They was that--lots worst.


"Dey went on dis a way twel, bimeby, Brer Rabbit 'gun ter cas' 'roun', he did, fer ter see ef he can't bus' inter some er Brer Fox 'rangerments, en, atter w'ile, one day w'en he wer' settin' down by de side er de road wukkin up de diffunt oggyment w'at strak pun he mine, en fixin' up he tricks, des 'bout dat time he year a clatter up de long green lane, en yer come ole Brer Fox-- too-bookity--bookity--bookity-book--lopin' 'long mo' samer dan a bay colt in de bolly-patch. En he wuz all primp up, too, mon, en he look slick en shiny lak he des come outen de sto'. Ole man Rab., he sot dar, he did, en w'en ole Brer Fox come gallopin' long, Brer Rabbit, he up'n hail 'im. Brer Fox, he fotch up, en dey pass de time er day wid one er nudder monst'us perlite; en den, bimeby atter w'ile, Brer Rabbit, he up'n say, sezee, dat he got some mighty good news fer Brer Fox; en Brer Fox, he up'n ax 'im w'at is it. Den Brer Rabbit, he sorter scratch he year 'wid his behime foot en say, sezee: "They went on this a way till, by and by, Brother Rabbit gone to cast around, he did, for to see if he can't bust into Brother Fox arrangments, and, after a while, one day when he were setting down by the side of the road working up the different oggyment what struck upon his mind, and fixing up his tricks, just about that time he hear a clatter up the long green lane, and here come old Brother Fox-- too-bookity--bookity--bookity-book--loping along the same than a bay colt in the bolly-patch. And he was all primped up, too, man, and he look slick and shiny like he just come out of the store. Old man Rab., he saw there, he did, and when old Brother Fox come galloping along, Brother Rabbit, he up and hailed him. Brother Fox, he fetch up, and they pass the time of day with one another monstrous polite; and then, by and by after a while, Brother Rabbit, he up and say, says he, that he got some mighty good news for Brother Fox; and Brother Fox, he up and ask him what is it. Then Brother Rabbit, he sorter scratch his ear with his behind foot and say, says he:

"'I wuz takin' a walk day 'fo' yistiddy,' sezee, 'w'en de fus' news I know'd I run up gin de bigges' en de fattes' bunch er grapes dat I ever lay eyes on. Dey wuz dat fat en dat big,' sezee, 'dat de natal juice wuz des drappin' fum um, en de bees wuz a swawmin' atter de honey, en little ole Jack Sparrer en all er his fambly conneckshun wuz skeetin' 'roun' dar dippin' in der bills,' sezee. "'I was taking a walk day before yesterday,' says he, 'when the first news I knew I run up gin de bigges' and the fattest bunch or grapes that I ever lay eyes on. They was that fat and that big,' says he, 'that the natal juice was just dropping from them, and the bees was a swarming after the honey, and little old Jack Sparrer and all of his family connections was skeetin around there dipping in their bills,' says he.

"Right den en dar," "Right then and there," Uncle Remus went on, "Brer Fox mouf 'gun ter water, en he look outer he eye like he de bes' frien' w'at Brer Rabbit got in de roun' worl'. He
done fergit all 'bout de gals, en he sorter sidle up ter Brer Rabbit, he did, en he say, sezee:
"Brother Fox mouth begun to water, and he look out of his eye like he the best friend what Brother Rabbit got in the round world. He
done forgot all about the gals, and he sort of sidle up to Brother Rabbit, he did, and he say, says he:

"'Come on, Brer Rabbit,' sezee, 'en less you'n me go git dem ar grapes 'fo’ deyer all gone,' sezee. En den ole Brer Rabbit, he laff, he did, en up'n 'spon', sezee: "'Come on, Brother Rabbit,' says he, 'en less you and me go get them our grapes before they're all gone,' says he. and then old Brother Rabbit, he laugh, he did, and up and responded, says he:

"'I hungry myse'f, Brer Fox,' sezee, 'but I aint hankerin' atter grapes, en I'll be in monst'us big luck ef I kin rush 'roun' yer some'rs en scrape up a bait er pusley time nuff fer ter keep de breff in my body. En yit,' sezee, 'ef you take'n rack off atter deze yer grapes, w'at Miss Meadows en de gals gwine do? I lay dey got yo' name in de pot,' sezee. "'I hungry myself, Brother Fox,' says he,'but I aint hankerin' after grapes, and I'll be in monstrous big luch if I can rush around your somewheres and scrape up a bait or pusley time enough for to keep the breath in my body. And yet,' says he,'if you take and rack off after these here grapes, what Miss Meadows and the gals going to do? I lay they got your name in the pot,' says he.

"'Ez ter dat,' sez ole Brer Fox, sezee, 'I kin drap 'roun' en see de ladies atterwards,' sezee. "'Asto tht,' sez old Brother Fox, says he, 'I can drap around and see the ladies afterwards,' says he.

"'Well, den, ef dat's yo' game,' sez ole man Rab., sezee, 'I kin squot right flat down yer on de groun' en p'int out de way des de same ez leadin' you dar by de han',' sezee; en den Brer Rabbit sorter chaw on he cud lak he gedder'n up his 'membunce, en he up'n say, sezee: "'Well, then, if that's your game,' says old man Rab., says he, 'I can squat right flat down there on the ground and point out the way just the same as leading you there by the hand,' says; and then say, says he:

"'You know dat ar place whar you went atter sweetgum fer Miss Meadows en de gals t'er day?' sezee. "'You know that is the place where you went after sweetgum for Miss Meadow and the gals the other day?' says he.

"Brer Fox 'low dat he know dat ar place same ez he do he own tater-patch. "Brother Fox below that he know that is the place same as he do his own tater-patch.

"'Well, den,' sez Brer Rabbit, sezee, 'de grapes aint dar. You git ter de sweetgum,' sezee, 'en den you go up de branch twel you come ter a little patch er bamboo- brier--but de grapes aint dar. Den you follow yo' lef' han' en strike 'cross de hill twel you come ter dat big red-
oak root --but de grapes aint dar. On you goes down de hill twel you come ter n'er branch, en on dat branch dars a dog-wood tree leanin' 'way over, en nigh dat dogwood dars a vine, en in dat vine, dar you'll fine yo' grapes. Deyer dat ripe,' sez ole Brer Rabbit, sezee, ‘dat dey look like deyer done melt tergedder, en I speck you'll fine um full er bugs, but you kin take dat fine bushy tail er yone, Brer Fox,' sezee, ‘en bresh dem bugs away.'
"'Well, the,' says Brother Rabbit, says he,'the grapes aint therr. You get to de sweetgum,' says Brother Rabbit, says he, 'and then you go up the brand till you come to a little patch of bamboo- briar--but the grapes aint there. Then you follow up left hand and strike across the hill till you come to that big red-
oak root --but the graped aint there. On you goes down the hill till you come to another branch, and on that branks ther's a dog-wod tree leaning way over, an near that dogwood there's a vine, and in that vine, there you'll find your grapes. They're that ripe,' says Brother Rabbit, says he, 'that they look like they're done melt together, and I suspect you'll find them full of bugs, but you can take that fin bushy tail of yone, Brother Fox, says he, 'en brush them bugs away.'

"Brer Fox 'low he much 'blige, en den he put out atter de grapes in a han'-gallop, en w'en he done got outer sight, en likewise outer year'n, Brer Rabbit, he take'n git a blade er grass, he did, en tickle hisse'f in de year, en den he holler en laff, en laff en holler, twel he hatter lay down fer ter git he breff back 'gin. "Brother Fox low he much obliged, and then he put out after the grapes in a hand-gallop, and when he done got out of sight, and likewise out of ear, Brother Rabbit, he take and got a blade or grass, he did, and he tickle hisself in the ear, and then he holler and laugh, and laugh and holler, till he had to lay down for to get his breath back again.

"Den, atter so long time, Brer Rabbit he jump up, he do, en take atter Brer Fox, but Brer Fox, he aint look ter de right ner de lef', en needer do he look behime; he des keep a rackin' 'long twel he come ter de sweetgum-tree, en den he tu'n up de branch twel he come ter de bamboo- brier, en den he tu'n squar ter de lef' twel he come ter de big red-oak root, en den he keep on down he hill twel he come ter de yuther branch, en dar he see de dogwood; en mo'n dat, dar nigh de dogwood he see de vine, en in dat vine dar wuz de big bunch er grapes. Sho' nuff, dey wuz all kivvud wid bugs. "Then, after so long time, Brother Rabbit he jump up, he do, and take after Brother Fox, but Brother Fox, he aint look to the right nor the left, and neither do he look behind him; he just keep a racking along till he come to the sweetgum-tree, and then he tu'n, turn, took up the branch till he come to the bamboo- briar, and then he turn square to the left till he come to the big red oak root, and then he keep on down the hill till he come to the other branche, and ther he see the dogwood; and morn than that, there near the dogwood he see the vine, and in that vine there was the big bunch of grapes. Sure enoug, the was all covered with bugs.

"Ole Brer Rabbit, he'd bin a pushin' 'long atter Brer Fox, but he des hatter scratch gravel fer ter keep up. Las' he hove in sight, en he lay off in de weeds, he did, fer ter watch Brer Fox motions. Present'y Brer Fox
crope up de leanin' dogwood-tree twel he come nigh de grapes, en den he sorter ballunce hisse'f on a lim' en gun um a swipe wid his big bushy tail, fer ter bresh off de bugs. But, bless yo' soul, honey! no sooner is he done dat dan he fetch a squall w'ich Miss Meadows vow atterwards she year plum ter her house, en down he come-- ker-blim!"
"Old Brother Rabbit, he'd been a pushing a long after Brother Fox, but he just had to scratch gravel for to keep up. Last he hove, hovered in sight, and he lay off in the weeds, he did, for to watch Brother Fox motions. Presently Brother Fox
crept up the leaning dogwood-tree till he come near the grapes, and then he sorter ballance hisself on a limb and gave them a swipe with his busy tail, for to brush off the bugs. But bless your soul, honey! no sooner is he dont that he fetch a squal wich Miss Meadows vow afterwards she hear plum to her house, and down he come--ka-blum!"

"What was the matter, Uncle Remus?" the little boy asked.

"Law, honey! dat seetful Brer Rabbit done fool ole Brer Fox. Dem ar grapes all so fine wuz needer mo' ner less dan a great big was'-nes', en dem bugs wuz deze yer red wassies--deze yer speeshy wat's rank pizen fum een' ter een'. W'en Brer Fox drap fum de tree de wassies dey drap wid 'im, en de way dey wom ole Brer Fox up wuz sinful. Dey aint mo'n tetch 'im 'fo’ dey had 'im het up ter de b'ilin' p'int. Brer Fox, he run, en he kick, en he scratch, en he bite, en he scramble, en he holler, en he howl, but look lak dey git wuss en wuss. One time, hit seem lak Brer Fox en his new 'quaintance wuz makin' todes Brer Rabbit, but dey aint no sooner p'int dat way, dan ole Brer Rabbit, he up'n make a break, en he went sailin' thoo de woods wuss'n wunner dese whully-win's, en he ain't stop twel he fetch up at Miss Meadows. "Lord, honey!, that deceitful Brother Rabbit done fool old Brother Box. Them are grapes all so fine was neither more nor less that a great big wasp's nest; and them bugs was these here red wassies--these here species what is raned pizen from end to end. When Brother Fox drop from the tree of wassies they drop with him, and the way wom old Brother Fox up was sinful. They aint more than touched him before they hd him hot up to the boiling point. Brother Fox, he run, and he kick, and he scratch, and he bite, en he scramble, and he holler, and he howl, but look like they got worst and worst. One time, it seem like Brother Fox and his new acquaintance was making towards Brother Rabbit, but they aint no sooner point that way, than old Brother Rabbit, he up and make a break, and he went through the woods worst than wunner these whully-win's, and he ain't stop till he fetch up at Miss Meadows.

"Miss Meadows en de gals, dey ax 'im, dey did, wharbouts wuz Brer Fox, en Brer Rabbit, he up'n 'spon' dat he done gone a grape-huntin', en den Miss Meadows, she 'low, she did: "Miss Meadows and the gals, the asked him, they did, whereabouts was Brother Fox, and Brother Rabbit, he up and responed that he dont gone a grape-hunting, and then Miss Meadows, she low, she did:

"'Law, gals! is you ever year de beat er dat? En dat,
too, w'en Brer Fox done say he comin' ter dinner,' sez she. 'I lay I done wid Brer Fox, kaze you can't put no pennunce in deze yer men-folks,' sez she. 'Yer de dinner bin done dis long time, en we bin a waiting lak de quality. But now I'm done wid Brer Fox,' sez she.
"'Lord, gals! is you ever hear the beat of that? And that,
too, when Brother Fox done say he coming to dinner,' says she. 'I lay I done with Brother Fox, cause you can't put penance in these here men-folks,' says she. 'Here the dinner been done this long time, and we bin waiting like the quality. But now I'm done with Brother Fox,' says she.

"Wid dat, Miss Meadows en de gals dey ax Brer Rabbit fer ter stay ter dinner, en Brer Rabbit, he sorter make like he wan ter be skuze, but bimeby he tuck a cheer en sot um out. He tuck a cheer," "With that, Miss Meadows and the gals they ask Brother Rabbit for to stay to dinner, and Brother Rabbit, he sort of make like he want to be excused, but by and by he took a chair and sot, sat, sought them out. He took a chair," continued Uncle Remus, "en he aint bin dar long twel he look out en spy ole Brer Fox gwine 'long by, en w'at do Brer Rabbit do but call Miss Meadows en de gals en p'int 'im out? Soon's dey seed 'im dey sot up a monst'us gigglement, kaze Brer Fox wuz dat swell up twel little mo'n he'd a bus'. He head wuz swell up, en down ter he legs, dey wuz swell up. Miss Meadows, she up'n say dat Brer Fox look like he done gone en got all de grapes dey wuz in de neighberhoods, en one er de yuther gals, she squeal, she did, en say: "and he aint been there long till he look and spy old Brother Fox going along by, and what do Brother Rabbit do but call Miss Meadows and the gals and point him out? Soon's they saw him they set up a monstrous gigglement, cause Brother Fox was that swell up till little more he'd have burst. His head was swell up, and down to his legs, they was swell up. Miss Meadows, she up and say that Brother Fox look like he done gone and got all the grapes they was in the neighborhoods, and one of the other gals, she squeal, she did and say:

"'Law, aint you 'shame', en right yer 'fo' Brer Rabbit!' "'Lord, aint you ashamed, and right here before Brother Rabbit!'

"En den dey hilt der han's 'fo' der face en giggle des like gals duz deze days." "And then they hid their hands before their face and giggle just like gals does these days."



The next night the little boy had been thoughtful enough to save some of his supper for Uncle Remus, and to this "Miss Sally" had added, on her own account, a large piece of fruit-cake. The old man appeared to be highly pleased.

"Ef ders enny kinder cake w'at I likes de mos', hits dish yer kine w'at's got reezins strowed 'mongs' it. Wid sick folks, now," "If there's any kind of cake what I likes the most, it's this here kind what's got raisins strowed amongst it. With sick folks, now," he continued, holding up the cake and subjecting it to a critical examination, "dish yer hunk 'ud mighty nigh las' a mont', but wid a well man lak I is, hit won't las' a minnit." "this here hunk would mighty near last a, up to a critical examination,

And it didn't. It disappeared so suddenly that the little boy laughed aloud, and wanted Uncle Remus to have some more cake; but the latter protested that he didn't come there "fer ter git founder'd," "for to get foundered," but merely to see "ef somebody's strenk uz strong nuff fer ter stan' n'er tale." "if somebody's strength is strong enough for to stand another tale." The little boy said if Uncle Remus meant him, he was sure his health was good enough to listen to any number of stories. Whereupon, the old man, without any tantalizing preliminaries, began:

"Brer Fox done bin fool so much by Brer Rabbit dat he sorter look 'roun' fer ter see ef he can't ketch up wid
some er de yuther creeturs, en so, one day, w'iles he gwine long down de big road, who should he strak up wid but old Brer Tarrypin. Brer Fox sorter lick his chops, en 'low dat ef he kin fling ennybody en gin um all-under holt, Brer Tarrypin de man, en he march up, mighty biggity, like he gwine ter make spote un 'im. W'en he git up nigh nuff, Brer Fox hail 'im:
"Brother Fox done been fooled so much by Brother Rabbit that he sort of look around for to see if he can't ketch up with
some of the other creature, and so, one day, whiles he going long down the big road, who should he strike up with but old Brother Tarrypin. Brother Fox sort of lick his chops, and 'low that if he can fling anybody and get them all-under hold, Brother Tarrypin the man, and he march up, might biggity, like he going to make spote un him. When he get up near enough, Brother Fox hail him:

"‘How you speck you fine yo'se'f dis mawnin', Brer Tarrypin?' sezee. "'How you suspect you find yourself this morning, Brother Tarrypin?' says he.

"‘Slow, Brer Fox--mighty slow,' sez Brer Tarrypin, sezee. ‘Day in en day out I'm mighty slow, en it look lak I'm a-gittin' slower; I'm slow en po'ly, Brer Fox-- how you come on?' sezee. "'Slow, Brother Fox--mighty slow,' says Brother Tarrypin, says he. 'Day in and day out I'm mighty slow, and it look like I'm a-getting slower; I'm slow and po'ly, poorly, Brother Fox-- how you come one?' says he.

"‘Oh, I'm slanchindickler, same ez I allers is,' sez Brer Fox, sezee. ‘W'at make yo' eye so red, Brer Tarrypin?' sezee. "'Oh, I'm slanchindickler, same as I always is,' says Brother Fox, says he. 'What make you eye so red, Brother Tarrypin?'

"‘Hit's all 'longer de trouble I see, Brer Fox,' sez Brer Tarrypin, sezee. ‘I see trouble en you see none; trouble come en pile up on trouble,' sezee. "'It's all 'longer, belong of the trouble I see, Brother Fox,' says Brother Tarrypin, says he.'I see trouble and you see none; trouble come and pile up on trouble,' says he.

"'Law, Brer Tarrypin!' sez Brer Fox, sezee, ‘you aint see no trouble yit. Ef you wanter see sho' nuff trouble, you des oughter go 'longer me; I'm de man w'at kin show you trouble,' sezee. "'Lord, Brother Tarrypin!' says Brother Fox, says he, 'you aint seen no trouble yet. If you want to see shore enough trouble, you just ought to go along with me; I'm the man what can show you trouble.' says he.

"‘Well, den,' sez ole Brer Tarrypin, sezee, 'ef youer de man w'at kin show me trouble, den I'm de man w'at want a glimpse un it,' sezee. "'Well, the,' says old Brother Tarrypin, says he, 'if you are the man what can show me trouble, then I'm the man what wanat a glimpse of it,' says he.

"Den Brer Fox, he ax Brer Tarrypin is he seed de Ole Boy, en den Brer Tarrypin, he make answer dat he aint
seed 'im yit, but he year tell un 'im. Wid dat, Brer Fox 'low de Ole Boy de kinder trouble he bin talkin' 'bout, en den Brer Tarrypin, he up'n ax how he gwine see 'im. Brer Fox, he tak'n lay out de pogrance, en he up'n tell Brer Tarrypin dat ef he'll step up dar in de middle er dat ole broom-sage fiel', en squot dar a spell, 'twon't be no time 'fo' he'll ketch a glimpse er de Ole Boy.
"Then Brother Fox, he ask Brother Tarrypin if he seeed the Old Boy, and then Brother Tarrypin, he make answer that he aint
seed him yet, but he hear tell on him. With that Brother Fox 'low the Old Boy the kind of trouble he been talking about, and then Brother Tarrypin, he up and ask how he going to see him. Brother Fox, he take and lay out the pogrance, and he up and tell Brother Tarrypin that if he'll step up there in the middle of the old broom-sage field, and squot there a spell, it wont be not time before he'll catch a glimpse of the Old Boy.

"Brer Tarrypin know'd ders sump'n wrong some'rs, yit he mos' too flat-flooted fer ter have enny scuffle wid Brer Fox, en he say ter hisse'f dat he'll go 'long en des trus'ter luck; en den he 'low dat ef Brer Fox he'p 'im 'cross de fence, he b'lieve he'll go up en resk one eye on de Old Boy. Co'se Brer Fox hope 'im 'cross, en no sooner is he good en gone, dan Brer Fox, he fix up fer ter make 'im see trouble. He lipt out ter Miss Meadows house, Brer Fox did, en make like he wanter borry a chunk er fier fer ter light he pipe, en he tuck dat chunk, en he run 'roun' de fiel', en he sot de grass a fier, en 'twan't long 'fo' it look lak de whole face er de yeth waz a-blazin' up." "Brother Tarrypin known there was something wrong somewheres, yet he much too flat-footed for to have any scuffle with Brother Fox, and he say to hisself that he'll go along and just trust luck; and then he 'low that if Brother Fox help him across the fence, he believe he'll go up and risk one eye on the Old Boy. Of course Brother Fox hope, help him across, and not sooner is he good and gone, than Brother Fox, he fix up for to make him see trouble. He lift out to Miss Meadows house, Brother Fox did, and make like he want to borrow a chunk of fier for to light his pipe, and he took that chunk, and he run around the field', and he sat the grass a fire, and twernt long before it look like the whold face of the earth was a-blazing up."

"Did it burn the Terrapin up?" interrupted the little boy.

"Don't push me, honey; don't make me git de kyart 'fo' de hoss. W'en ole Brer Tarrypin 'gun ter wade thoo de straw, de ve'y fus' man w'at he strak up wid wuz ole man Rabbit layin' dar sleepin' on de shady side uv a tussock. Brer Rabbit, he one er deze yer kinder mens w'at sleep wid der eye wide open, en he wuz 'wake d'reckly he year Brer Tarrypin scufflin' en scramblin' 'long thoo de
grass. Atter dey shuck han's en ax 'bout one er n'er fambly, hit aint take long fer Brer Tarrypin fer ter tell Brer Rabbit w'at fotch 'im dar, en Brer Rabbit, he up'n say, sezee:
"Don't push me, honey; don't make me get the cart before the horse. When old Brother Tarrypin begun to wade through the straw, the very first man what he struck up with was old man Rabbit laying there sleeping on the shady side of a tussock. Brother Rabbit, he one of there kind of men what sleep with the eye wide open, and he was awake directly he hear Brother Tarrypin scuffling and scrambling along through the
grass. After the shook hands and ask about one of another family, it aint take long for Brother Tarrypin for to tell Brother Rabbit what fetch him there, and Brother Rabbit, he up and say, says he:

"'Hit's des natally a born blessin dat you struck up wid me w'en you did,' sezee, 'kaze little mo' en bofe un us would a bin bobbycu'd,' sezee. "'It's just a naturally born blessing that you struck up with me when you did,' says he, 'cause little more and both of us would a been boobycu'd,' says he.

"Dis kinder tarrify Brer Tarrypin, en he say he wanter git out fum dar; but Brer Rabbit he 'low he'd take keer un 'im, en he tuck'n tuck Brer Tarrypin in de middle er de fiel' whar dey wuz a big holler stump. Onter dis stump Brer Rabbit lif' Brer Tarrypin, en den he lip up hisse'f en crope in de holler, en, bless yo' soul, honey, w'en de fier come a-snippin' en a-snappin', dar dey sot des ez safe en ez snug ez you iz in yo' bed dis minit. "This kind of terrify Brother Tarrypin, and he say he want to get out from there; but Brother Rabbit he 'low he'd take care of him, and he tuck'n tuck, took and tuck Brother Tarrypin in the middle of the field where they was a bid hollow stump. Onto this stump Brother Rabbit lift Brother Tarrypin, and then he lift up hisself and crept in the hollow, and, bless your soul, honey, when the fire come a-snipping and a-snapping, there they sat just as safe and as snug as you is in your bed this minute.

"'W'en de blaze blow over, Brer Tarrypin look 'roun', en he see Brer Fox runnin' up'n down de fence lak he huntin' sump'n. Den Brer Rabbit, he stick his head up outen de hole, en likewise he seed 'im, and den he holler like Brer Tarrypin" "'When the blaze blow over, Brother Tarryping look around, and he see Brother Fox running up and down the fence like he hunting something. Then Brother Rabbit, he stick his head up out of the hole, and likewise he seed him, and then he holler like Brother Tarrypin" (Here Uncle Remus puckered his voice, so to say, in a most amusing squeak):

"'Brer Fox! Brer Fox! O Brer Fox! Run yer-- we done kotch Brer Rabbit!' 'Brother Fox! Brother Fox! O Brother Fox! Run here-- we done caught Brother Rabbit!'

"En den Brer Fox, he jump up on de top rail er de fence en fetch a spring dat lan' 'im 'way out in de bu'nin' grass, en it hurted 'im en sting 'im in de footses dat bad, dat he squeal en he roll, en de mo' he roll de wus it bu'n him, en Brer Rabbit en Brer Tarrypin dey des holler en laff. Bimeby Brer Fox git out, en off he put down de road, limpin' fus on one foot en den on de yuther." "And then Brother Fox, he jump up on the top rail of the fence and fetch a spring that lang' him way out in the burning grass, and it hurted him and sting him in the footsies that bad, that he squeal and he roll, and the more he roll, and the more he roll the worst it burn him, and brother Rabbit and Brother Tarrypin they just holler and laugh. By and By Brother Fox get out, and off he put down the road, limping first on one foot and then the other."


The little boy laughed, and then there was a long silence --so long, indeed, that Uncle Remus's "Miss Sally," sewing in the next room, concluded to investigate it. An exceedingly interesting tableau met her sight. The little child had wandered into the land of dreams with a smile on his face. He lay with one of his little hands buried in both of Uncle Remus's, while the old man himself was fast asleep, with his head thrown back and his mouth wide open. "Miss Sally" shook him by the shoulder and held up her finger to prevent him from speaking. He was quiet until she held the lamp for him to get down the back steps, and then she heard him say, in an indignantly mortified tone:

"Now den, Miss Sally'll be a-riggin' me 'bout noddin', but stidder dat she better be glad dat I aint bus loose en sno' en 'larm de house--let 'lone dat sick baby. Dat's w'at!" "Now then, Miss Sally'll be a-riggin' me about nodding, but stidder that she better be glad that I aint bus loose and sno' and alarm the house--let alone that sick baby. That's what!"


"I dreamed all about Brother Fox and Brother Rabbit last night, Uncle Remus," exclaimed the little boy when the old man came in after supper and took his seat by the side of the trundle-bed; "I dreamed that Brother Fox had wings and tried to catch Brother Rabbit by flying after him."

"I don't 'spute it, honey, dat I don't!" "I don't dispute it, honey, that I don't!" replied the old
man, in a tone which implied that he was quite prepared to believe the dream itself was true. "Manys en manys de time, deze long nights en deze rainy spells, dat I sets down dar in my house over ag'in de chimbley-jam--I sets dar en I dozes, en it seem lak dat ole Brer Rabbit, he'll stick he head in de crack er de do' en see my eye periently shot, en den he'll beckon back at de yuther creeturs, en den dey'll all come slippin' in on der tip-toes, en dey'll set dar en run over de ole times wid one er n'er, en crack der jokes same ez dey useter. En den ag'in," "Manys and manys of time, these long nights and these rainy spells, that I sets down there in my house over again the chimbley-jam--I sets there and I dozes, and it seem like that old Brother Rabbit, he'll stick his head in the crack of the door and see my eye permanently shut, and then he'll beckon back at the other creatures, and then they'll all come slipping in on their tip-toes, and they'll set there and run over the old times with one another, and crack their jokes same as they use to. And the again," continued the old man, shutting his eyes and giving to his voice a gruesome intonation quite impossible to describe,--"en den ag'in hit look lak dat Brer Rabbit'll gin de wink all 'roun', en den dey'll tu'n in en git up a reg'lar juberlee. Brer Rabbit, he'll retch up en take down de trivet, en Brer Fox, he'll snatch up de griddle, en Brer B'ar, he'll lay holt er de pot-hooks, en ole Brer Tarrypin, he'll grab up de fryin'- pan, en dar dey'll have it, up en down, en 'roun' en 'roun'. Hit seem like ter me dat ef I kin git my mine smoove down en ketch up some er dem ar chunes w'at dey sets dar en plays, den I'd lean back yer in dish yer cheer en I'd intrance you wid um, twel, by dis time termorrer night, you'd be settin' up dar at de supper-table 'sputin' 'longer yo' little brer 'bout de 'lasses pitcher. Dem creeturs dey sets dar," "and then again it look like that Brother Rabbit'll begin the wink all around, and then they'll tune in and get a regular jamboree. Brother Rabbit, he'll retch up and take down the trivet, and Brother Fox, hw'll snatch up the griddle, and Brother Bear, he'll lay hold of the pot-hooks, and old Brother Tarrypin, he'll grab up the frying-pan, and there they'll have it, up and down and around and around. It seem like to me that if I can get my mind smooth down and catch up some of them there tunes what they sets there and plays, then I'd lean back here in this here chair and I'd entrance you with them, till by this time tomorrow night, you'd be setting up there at the supper-table disputing along with your little brother about the molasses pitcher. Them creatures they sets there," Uncle Remus went on, "en dey plays dem kinder chunes w'at moves you fum 'way back yander; en manys de time w'en I gits lonesome kaze dey aint nobody year um 'ceppin' it's me. Dey aint no tell in' de chumes dey is in dat trivet, en in dat griddle, en in dat fryin'-pan


er mine; dat dey aint. W'en dem creeturs walks in en snatches um down, dey lays Miss Sally's pianner in de shade, en Mars John's flute, hit aint no-whars."
and they plays them kind of tunes what moves you from way back yonder; and manys the time when I gets lonesome cause they aint nobody here thm except if it's me. They aint no tell in the tunes they is in that trivet, and in that gribble, and in that frying-pan pb facs="har1883.2007.001.0157.jpg"/>

of mine; that they aint. When them creatures walks in and snatches them down, they lays Miss Sally's piano in the shade, Master John's flute, it aint no-wheres."

"Do they play on them just like a band, Uncle Remus?" inquired the little boy, who was secretly in hopes that the illusion would not be destroyed.

"Dey comes des lak I tell you, honey. W'en I shets my eyes en dozes, dey comes en dey plays, but w'en I opens my eyes dey aint dar. Now, den, w'en dat's de shape er marters, w'at duz I do? I des shets my eyes en hol' um shot, en let um come en play dem ole time chunes twel long atter bed-time done come en gone." "They comes just like I tell you, honey. When I shuts my eyes and dozes, the comes and they plays, but when I opens my eyes they aint there. Now, then, when that's the shape of matters, what does I do? I just shuts my eyes and hold them shut, and let them come and play them old time tunes till long after bed-time done come and gone."

Uncle Remus paused, as though he expected the little boy to ask some question or make some comment, but the child said nothing, and presently the old man resumed, in a matter-of-fact tone:

"Dat dream er yone, honey, 'bout Brer Fox wid wings, fetches up de time w'en Brer Fox en Brer Wolf had der fallin' out wid one er n'er--but I speck I done tole you 'bout dat." "That dream of yours, honey, aobut Brother Fox with wings, fetches up the time when Brother Fox and Brother Wolf had the falling out with one another--but I suspect I dont told you about that."

"Oh, no, you haven't, Uncle Remus! You know you haven't!" the little boy exclaimed.

"Well, den, one day, atter so long a time, Brer Wolf en Brer Fox dey got ter 'sputin' 'longer one er n'er. Brer Wolf, he tuck'n 'buse Brer Fox kaze Brer Fox let Brer Rabbit fool 'im, en den Brer Fox, he tuck'n quol back at Brer Wolf, kaze Brer Wolf let ole man Rabbit lakwise fool 'im. Dey keep on 'sputin' en 'sputin', twel bimeby dey clinch, en Brer Wolf bein' de bigges' man, 'twouldn't
a bin long 'fo' he'd a wool Brer Fox, but Erer Fox, he watch he chance, he did, en he gin 'im leg bail."
"Well, then, one day, after so long a time, Brother Wolf and Brother Fox they got to disputing along with one of another. Brother Wolf, he took and 'buse Brother Fox cause Brother Fox let Brother Rabbit fool him, and then Brother Fox, he took and quol, called back at Brother Wolf, cause Brother Wolf let old man Rabbit likewise fool him. They keep on disputing and disputing, till by and by the clinch, and Brother Wolf being the biggest man, wouldn't
a been long before he'd a wool Brother Fox, but Erer, Brother, he watch his chance, he did, andhe gin him leg bail."

"Gave him what, Uncle Remus?"

"Gin 'im leg bail, honey. He juk loose fum Brer Wolf, Brer Fox did, en, gentermens, he des mosey thoo de woods. Brer Wolf, he tuck atter'm, he did, en dar dey had it, en Brer Wolf push Brer Fox so close, dat de onliest way Brer Fox kin save he hide is ter fine a hole some'rs, en de fus holler tree dat he come 'cross, inter it he dove. Brer Wolf fetcht a grab at 'im, but he wuz des in time fer ter be too late. "Gin 'im, him leg bail, honey. He jerk loose from Brother Wolf, Brother Fox did, and, gentlemen, he just mosey through the woods. Brother Wold, he took after him, he did, and there they had it, and Brother Wolf push Brother Fox so close, that the onliest way Brother Fox can save his hide is to find a hole somewheres, and the first hollow tree that he com across, into it he dove. Brother Wolf fetched a grab at him, but he was just in time for to be too late.

"Den Brer Wolf, he sot dar, he did, en he study en study how he gwine git Brer Fox out, en Brer Fox, he lay in dar, he did, en he study en study w'at Brer Wolf gwine do. Bimeby, Brer Wolf, he tuck'n gedder up a whole lot er chunks, en rocks, en sticks, en den he tuck'n fill up de hole whar Brer Fox went in so Brer Fox can't git out. W'iles dis wuz gwine on, ole Brer Tukky Buzzud, he wuz sailin' 'roun' 'way up in de elements, wid he eye peel fer bizness, en 'twan't long 'fo' he glance lit on Brer Wolf, en he 'low ter hisse'f, sezee: "The Brother Wolf, he sat there, he did, and he study and study how he going to get Brother Fox our, and Brother Fox, he lay in there, he did, and he study and study what Brother Wolf going to do. By and By, Brother Wolf, he took and gathered up a whole lot of chunks, and rocks, and sticks, and then he took and fill up the hole where Brother Fox went in so Brother Fox can't get out. Whiles this was going on, old Brother Turkey Buzzard, he was sailing around away up in the elements, with his eye peel for business, and twasn't long before he glance light on Brother Wolf, and he 'low to his hisself, says he:

"'I'll des sorter flop down,' sezee, 'en look inter dis, kase ef Brer Wolf hidin' he dinner dar wid de expeck'shun er findin' it dar w'en he come back, den he done gone en put it in de wrong place,' sezee. "I'll just sort of flap down,' says he, 'en look into this, cause if Brother Wolf hiding his dinner there with the exception of finding it there when he come back, then he done gone and put it in the wrong place,' says he.

"Wid dat ole Brer Tukky Buzzud, he flop down en sail 'roun' nigher, en he soon see dat Brer Wolf aint hidin' no dinner. Den he flop down furder, ole Brer Buzzud did, twel he lit on de top er de holler tree. Brer
Wolf, he done kotch a glimpse er ole Brer Buzzud shadder, but he keep on puttin' chunks en rocks in de holler. Den, present'y, Brer Buzzud, he open up:
"With that old Brother Turkey Buzzard, he flap down and sail around nearer, and he soon see that Brother Wolf aint hiding no dinner. The he flap down further, old Brother Buzzard did, till he lit on the top of the hollow tree. Brother
Wolf, he done caught a glimpse of old Brother Buzzard shaddow, but he keep on putting chunks and rocks in the hollow. Then, presently, Brother Buzzard, he open up:

"‘W'at you doin' dar, Brer Wolf?' "'What you doing there, Brother Wolf?'

"‘Makin' a toom-stone, Brer Buzzud.' "'Making a tomb-stone, Brother Buzzard.'

"Co'se Brer Buzzud sorter feel like he got intruss in marters like dis, en he holler back: "Of course Brother Buzzard sort of feel like he got intreset in matter like this, and he holler back:

"‘Who dead now, Brer Wolf?'

"‘Wunner yo' 'quaintance, w'ich he name Brer Fox, Brer Buzzud.' "'One of your acquaintance, which his name Brother Fox, Brother Buzzard.'

"‘W'en he die, Brer Wolf?' "'When he die, Brother Wolf?'

"‘He aint dead yit, but he won't las' long in yer, Brer Buzzud.' "'He aint dead yet, but he won't last long in here, Brother Buzzard.'

"Brer Wolf, he keep on, he did, twel he done stop up de hole good, en den he bresh de trash off'n his cloze, en put out fer home. Brer Tukky Buzzud, he sot up dar, he did, en ontankle his tail fedders, en lissen en lissen, but Brer Fox, he keep dark, en Brer Buzzud aint year nuthin'. Den Brer Buzzud, he flop he wings en sail away. "Brother Wolf, he keep on, he did, till he done stop up the hole good, and then be brush the trash off of his cloths, and put out for home. Brother Turkey Buzzard, he sat up there, he did, and untangle his feather, and listen and listen, but Brother Fox, he keep dark, and Brother Buzzard aint hear nothing. Then Brother Buzzard, he flap his wings and sail away.

"Bimeby, nex' day, bright en early, yer he come back, en he sail all 'roun' en 'roun' de tree, but Brer Fox he lay low en keep dark, en Brer Buzzud aint year nuthin'. Atter w'ile, Brer Buzzud he sail 'roun' ag'in, en dis time he sing, en de song w'at he sing is dish yer: "By and by, next day, bright and early, here he come back, and he sail all around and around the tree, but Brother Fox he lay low and keep dark, and Brother Buzzard aint hear nothing. After a while Brother Buzzard he sail around again, and this time he sing, and the song what he sing is there here:

"'Boo, boo, boo, my filler-mer-loo,
Man out yer wid news fer you!' Man out here with news for you!'

"Den he sail all 'roun' en 'roun' n'er time en listen, en bimeby he year Brer Fox sing back: "Then he sail all around and around another time and listem, and by and by he hear Brother Fox sing back:

"'Go 'way, go 'way, my little jug er beer, "'Go away, go away, my little jug of beer,
De news you bring, I yeard las' year.' The news you bring, I heared last year.'

"Beer, Uncle Remus? What kind of beer did they have then?" the little boy inquired.

"Now, den, honey, youer gittin' me up in a close cornder," "Now, then, honey, you are getting me up in a close corner," responded the old man, in an unusually serious tone. "Beer is de way de tale runs, but w'at kinder beer it moughter bin aint come down ter me--en yit hit seem lak I year talk some'rs dat dish yer beer wus mos' prins'ply 'simmon beer." "Beer is the way the tale runs, but what kind of beer it might of been aint come down to me--and yet it seem like I hear talk somewhere's that this here beer was most principally persimmon beef."

This seemed to satisfy the small but exacting audience, and Uncle Remus continued:

"So, den, w'en Brer Buzzud year Brer Fox sing back, he 'low he aint dead, en wid dat, Brer Buzzud, he sail off en 'ten' ter he yuther business. Nex' day back he come, en Brer Fox, he sing back, he did, des ez lively ez a cricket in de ashes, en it keep on dis way twel Brer Fox stomach 'gun ter pinch him, en den he know dat he gotter study up some kinder plans fer ter git out fum dar. N'er day pass, en Brer Fox, he tuck'n lay low, en it keep on dat away twel hit look like ter Brer Fox, pent up in dar, dat he mus' sholy pe'sh. Las', one day Brer Buzzud Come sailin' all 'roun' en 'roun' wid dat "So, then when Brother Buzzard hear Brother Fox sing back, he 'low, knowed he aint dead, and with that, Brother Buzzard, he sail off and attend to other business. Next day back he come, and Brother Fox, he sing back, he did just as lively as a cricket in the ashes, and it keep on this way till Brother Fox stomach begun to pinch him, and then he know that he got to study up some kind of plans for to et out from there. Another day pass, and Brother Fox, he tuck and lay low, and it keep on that way till it look like to Brother Fox, pent up in there, that he must surely perish. Las', At last, Last, Alas, one day Brother Buzzard Come sailing all around and around with that

"'Boo, boo, boo, my filler-mer-loo,'

but Brer Fox, he keep dark, en Brer Buzzud, he tuck'n spishun dat Brer Fox Wuz done dead. Brer Buzzud, he keep on singin', en Brer Fox he keep on layin low, twel bimeby Brer Buzzud lit en 'gun ter cle'r 'way de trash en
truck fum de holler. He hop up, he did, en tuck out one chunk, en den he hop back en lissen, but Brer Fox stay still. Den Brer Buzzud hop up en tuck out n'er chunk, en den hop back en lissen, en all dis time Brer Fox mouf 'uz waterin' w'iles he lay back in dar en des natally honed atter Brer Buzzud. Hit went on dis away, twel des 'fo' he got de hole unkivvud, Brer Fox, he break out he did, en grab Brer Buzzud by de back er de neck. Dey wuz a kinder scuffle mongs' um, but 'twan't fer long, en dat wuz de las' er ole Brer Tukky Buzzud."
but Brother Fox, he keep dark, and Brother Buzzard, he took a suspicion that Brother Fox Was done dead. Brother Buzzard, he keep on singing, and Brother Fox he keep on laying low, till by and by Brother Buzzard lit in and begun to clear away the trash and
truck from the hollow. He hop up, he did, and took out one chunk, and then he hop back and listen, but Brother Fox stay still. Then Brother Buzzard hop up and took out another chunk, and then hop back and listen, and all this time Brother Fox, mouth is watering whiles he lay back in there and just naturally honed after Brother Buzzard. It went on this way, till just before he got the hole uncovered, Brother Fox, he break out he did, and grab Brother Buzzard by the back of the neck. There was a kind of a scuffle amongst them, but twasn't before long, and that was the last of old Brother Turkey Buzzard."


One night when the little boy made his usual visit to Uncle Remus, he found the old man sitting up in his chair fast asleep. The child said nothing. He was prepared to exercise a good deal of patience upon occasion, and the occasion was when he wanted to hear a story. But, in making himself comfortable, he aroused Uncle Remus from his nap.

"I let you know, honey," said the old man, adjusting his spectacles, and laughing rather sheepishly,--"I let you know, honey, w'en I git's my head r'ar'd back dut away, en my eyeleds shot, en my mouf open, en my chin p'intin' at de rafters, den dey's some mighty quare gwines on in
my min'. Dey is dat, des ez sho ez youer settin' dar, W'en I fus year you comin' down de paf,"
"I let you know, honey when I gets my head r'ar'd back that way, and my eyelids shut, and my mouth open, and my chin pointing at the rafters, then there's something might queer going on in
my mind. There is that, just as sure as you're sitting there, When I first hear you coming down the path,"
Uncle Remus contiuned, rubbing his beard thoughtfully, "I 'uz sorter fear'd you mought 'spicion dat I done gone off on my journeys fer ter see ole man Nod." "I was sort of a feared you might suspicion that I done gone off on my journeys for to see old man Nod."

This was accompanied by a glance of inquiry, to which the little boy thought it best to respond.

"Well, Uncle Remus," he said, "I did think I heard you snoring when I came in."

"Now you see dat!" "Now you see that!" exclaimed Uncle Remus, in a tone of grieved astonishment; "you see dat! Man can't lean hisse'f 'pun his 'membunce, 'ceppin' dey's some un fer ter come high-primin' roun' en 'lowin' dat he done gone ter sleep. Shoo! W'en you stept in dat do' dar I 'uz right in 'mungs some mighty quare notions--mighty quare notions. Dey aint no two ways; ef I 'uz ter up en let on 'bout all de notions w'at I gits in 'mungs, folks 'ud hatter come en kyar me off ter de place whar dey puts 'stracted people. "you see that! Man can't lean hisself upon his remembrance, excpeting there's some one for to come high-primin' around and knowning that he done gone to sleep. Shoo! When you stepped in that door there I was right in amongst some mighty queer notions--mighty queer notions. They aint no two ways; if I was to up and let on about all the notion what I gets in amongst, folks'd have to come and carry off to the place where they puts distracted people.

"Atter I sop up my supper," "After I sop, slurp my supper," Uncle Remus went on, "I tuck'n year some flutterments up dar 'mungs de rafters, en I look up, en dar wuz a Bat sailin' 'roun'. 'Roun' en roun', en 'roun' she go--und' de rafters, 'bove de rafters --en ez she sail she make noise lak she grittin' 'er toofies. Now, w'at dat Bat atter, I be bless ef I kin tell you, but dar she wuz; 'roun' en 'roun', over en under. I ax 'er w'at do she want up dar, but she aint got no time fer ter tell; 'roun' en 'roun', en over en under. En bimeby, out she flip, en I boun' she grittin' 'er toofies en gwine 'roun'
en 'roun' out dar, en dodgin' en flippin' des lak de elements wuz full er rafters en cobwebs.
"I took and hear flutterments up there amongst the rafters, and I look up, and there was a Bat sailing around. Around and around, and around she go--under the rafters, above the rafters --and as she sail she make noise like she gritting her toofies, toffees. Now, what tht Bat after, I be blessed if I can tell you, but there she was; around and around over and under. I ask her what do she want up ther, but she aint got not time for to tell; around and around, and over and under. And by and by, out she flip, and I bound she grittin' 'er toffies and going around
and around out there, and dodging and flipping just like the elements was full of rafters and cobwebx.

"W'en she flip out I le'nt my head back, I did, en 'twa'nt no time 'fo' I git mix up wid my notions. Dat Bat wings so limber en 'er will so good dat she done done 'er day's work dar 'fo' you could 'er run ter de big house en back. De Bat put me in min' er folks," "When she flipout I leaned my head back, I did, and twasn't no time before I get mixed up with my notions. That Bat wings so limber and her will so good that she done done her days work there bore you could of run to the big house and back. The Bat put me in mind of folks," continued Uncle Remus, settling himself back in his chair, "en folks put me in min' er de creeturs." "and folks put me in mind of the creatures."

Immediately the little boy was all attention.

"Dey wuz times," "There were times," said the old man, with something like a sigh, "w'en de creeturs 'ud segashuate tergedder des like dey aint had no fallin' out. Dem wuz de times w'en ole Brer Rabbit 'ud 'ten' lak he gwine quit he 'havishness, en dey'd all go 'roun' des lak dey b'long ter de same fambly connexion. "when the creatures 'ud segashuate together just like they aint had no falling out. Them was the times when old Brother Rabbit would pretend like he going to quit his 'havishness, and they'd all go around just like they belong to the same family connection.

"One time atter dey bin gwine in cohoots dis away, Brer Rabbit 'gun ter feel his fat, he did, en dis make 'im git projecky terreckly. De mo' peace w'at dey had, de mo' wuss Brer Rabbit feel, twel bimeby he git restless in de min'. W'en de sun shine he'd go en layoff in de grass en kick at de gnats, en nibble at de mullen stalk en waller in de san'. One night atter supper, w'iles he 'uz romancin' 'roun', he run up wid ole Brer Tarrypin, en atter dey shuck han's dey sot down on de side er de road en run on 'bout ole times. Dey talk en dey talk, dey did, en bimeby Brer Rabbit say it done come ter dat pass whar he bleedz ter have some fun, en Brer Tarrypin 'low dat Brer Rabbit des de ve'y man he bin lookin fer. "One time after they been going in cahoots this way, Brother Rabbit begun to feel his fat, he did, and this make him get projecky directly. The more peace what they had, the more worse Brother Ravvit feel, till by and by he got restless in the mind. When the sun shine he'd go and layoff in the grass and kick at the gnats, and nibble at the mellon stalk while in the sand. One night after supper, whiles he was romancing around, he run up with old Brother Tarrypin, and after they shook hands they sat down on the side of the road and run on about old times. They talk and they talk, they did, and by and by Brother Rabbit say it done come to that pass where he pleased to have some fun, and Brother Tarrypin 'low that Brother Rabbit this the very man he been looking for.


"'Well den,' sez Brer Rabbit, sezee, 'we'll des put Brer Fox, en Brer Wolf, en Brer B'ar on notice, en termorrer night we'll meet down by de mill-pon' en have a little fishin' frolic. I'll do de talkin',' sez Brer Rabbit, sezee, ‘en you kin set back en say yea,' sezee. "'Well the,' says Brother Rabbit, says he,'we'll just put Brother Fox, and Brother Wolf, and Brother Bear on notice, and tomorrow night we'll meet down by the mill-pond and have a little fishining frolic. I'll do the talking,' says Brother Rabbit, says he, 'and you can set back and say yeah,' says he.

"Brer Tarrypin laugh. "Brother Tarrypin laugh.

"‘Ef I aint dar,' sezee, ‘den you may know de grasshopper done fly 'way wid me,' sezee. "'If I ain't there,' says he, 'then you may know the grasshopper done fly away with me,' says he.

"‘En you neenter bring no fiddle, n'er,' sez Brer Rabbit, sezee, ‘kaze dey aint gwineter be no dancin' dar,' sezee. "'And you neenter, need to bring no fiddle, never,' says Brother Rabbit, says he, 'cause they ain't going to be no dancing there,' says he.

"Wid dat,""With that," continued Uncle Remus, "Brer Rabbit put out fer home, en went ter bed, en Brer Tarrypin bruise 'roun' en make his way todes de place so he kin be dar 'gin 'de 'p'inted time. "Brother Rabbit put out for home, and went to bed, and Brother Tarrypin bruise around and make his way towards the place so he can be there 'gin the appointed time.

"Nex' day Brer Rabbit sont wud ter de yuther creeturs, en dey all make great 'miration, kaze dey aint think 'bout dis deyse'f. Brer Fox, he 'low, he did, dat he gwine atter Miss Meadows en Miss Motts, en de yuther gals. "Next day Brother Rabbit sont would to the other creatures, and they all make great migration, cause they ain't think about this themself. Brother Fox, he say, he did, that he going after Miss Meadows and Miss Motts, and the other gals.

"Sho nuff, w'en de time come dey wuz all dar. Brer B'ar, he fotch a hook en line; Brer Wolf, he fotch a hook en line; Brer Fox, he fotch a dip-net, en Brer Tarrypin, not ter be outdone, he fotch de bait." "Sure enough, when the time come they was all there. Brother Bear, he fetched a hook and line; Brother Wolf, he fetched a hook and line; Brother Fox, he fetched a dip-net, and Brother Tarrypin, not to be outdone, he fetched the bait."

"What did Miss Meadows and Miss Motts bring?" the little boy asked.

Uncle Remus dropped his head slightly to one side, and looked over his spectacles at the little boy.

"Miss Meadows en Miss Motts, Miss Meadows and Miss Motts, " he continued, "dey
tuck'n stan' way back fum de aidge er de pon' en squeal eve'y time Brer Tarrypin shuck de box er bait at um. Brer B'ar 'low he gwine ter fish fer mud-cats; Ber Wolf 'low he gwine ter fish fer horneyheads; Brer Fox 'low he gwine ter fish fer peerch fer de ladies; Brer Tarrypin 'low he gwine ter fish fer minners, en Brer Rabbit wink at Brer Tarrypin' en 'low he gwine ter fish fer suckers.
took and stand way back from the edge of the pond and squeal every time Brother Tarrypin shook the box of bait at them. Brother Bear say he going to fish for mud-cats; Brother Wolf say he going to fish for horneyhears; Brother Fox say he going to fish for peerch for the ladies; Brother Tarrypin say he going to fish for minnows, and Brother Rabbit wink at Brother Tarrypin and say he going to fis for suckers.

"Dey all git ready, dey did, en Brer Rabbit march up ter de pon' en make fer ter th'ow he hook in de water, but des 'bout dat time hit seem lak he see sump'n. De t'er creeturs, dey stop en watch his motions. Brer Rabbit, he drap he pole, he did, en he stan' dar scratchin' he head en lookin' down in de water. "They all got ready, they did, and Brother Rabbit march up to the pond and make for to throw his hook in the water, but just about that time it seem like he see somthin. The there creatures, they stop and watch his motions. Brother Rabbit, he dropped his pole, he did, and he stand there scratching his head and looking down in the water.

"De gals dey 'gun ter git oneasy w'en dey see dis, en Miss Meadows, she up en holler out, she did: "The gals they begun to get ansy when the see this, and Miss Meadows, she up and holler out, she did:

"'Law, Brer Rabbit, w'at de name er goodness de marter in dar?' "Lord, Brother Rabbit, what the name of goodness the matter in there?'

"Brer Rabbit scratch he head en look in de water. Miss Motts, she hilt up 'er petticoats, she did, en 'low she monstus fear'd er snakes. Brer Rabbit keep on scratchin' en lookin'. "Brother Rabbit scratch his head and look in the water. Miss Motts, she held up her petticoats, she did, and say she monstrous feared of snakes. Brother Rabbit keep on scratchining and looking.

"Bimeby he fetch a long bref, be did, en he 'low: "By and by he fetched a long breath, he did, and he say:

"'Ladies en gentermuns all, we des might ez well make tracks fum dish yer place, kaze dey aint no fishin' in dat pon' for none er dish yer crowd.' 'Ladies and gentlmen all, we just might as well make tracks from this here place, cause they ain't no fishing in that pond for none of this here crowd.'

"'Wid dat, Brer Tarrypin, he scramble up ter de aidge en look over, en he shake he head, and 'low: "'With that, Brother Tarrypin, he scramble up to the edge and look over, and he shake his head, and say:


"'Tooby sho'--tooby sho'! Tut-tut-tut!' en den he crawl back, he did, en do lak he wukkin' he min'. and then he crawl back, he did, and do like he working his mind.

"'Don't be skeert, ladies, kaze we er boun' ter take keer un you, let come w'at will, let go w'at mus',' sez Brer Rabbit, sezee. 'Accidents got ter happen unter we all, des same ez dey is unter yuther folks; en dey aint nuthin' much de marter, 'ceppin' dat de Moon done drap in de water. Ef you don't b'leeve me you kin look fer yo'se'f,' sezee. "'Don't be scared, ladies, cause we are bound to take care of you, let come what will, let go what must,' says Brother Rabbit, says he.'Accidents got to happen unto we all, the same as they is unto other folks; and they ain't nothing much the matter, exepting that the Moon done drop in the water. If you don't believe me you can look for yourself,' says he.

"Wid dat dey all went ter de bank en lookt in; en, sho nuff, dar lay de Moon, a-swingin' an' a-swayin' at de bottom er de pon'."

The little boy laughed. He had often seen the reflection of the sky in shallow pools of water, and the startling depths that seemed to lie at his feet had caused him to draw back with a shudder.

"Brer Fox, he look in, he did, en he 'low, 'Well, well, well!' Brer Wolf, he look in, en he 'low, 'Mighty bad, mighty bad!' Brer B'ar, he look in, en he 'low, 'Tum, tum, tum!' De ladies dey look in, en Miss Meadows she squall out, ‘Ain't dat too much?' Brer Rabbit, he look in ag'in, en he up en 'low, he did: "Brother Fox, he look in, he did, and he say, "Well, well, well!' Brother Wolf he look in, and he say "Might bad, mighty bad!' Brother Bear, he look in, and he say, 'Tum, tum, tum!' The ladies they look in, and Miss Meadows she squall out, 'Ain't that too much?' Brother Rabbit, he look in again and he up and say, he did:

"'Ladies en gentermuns, you all kin hum en haw, but less'n we gits dat Moon out er de pon', dey aint no fish kin be ketch 'roun' yer dis night; en ef you'll ax Brer Tarrypin, he'll tell you de same.' 'Ladies and gentlemen, you all can hum and haw, but unless we get that Moon out of the pond, they ain't no fishing can be caught around here this night; and if you'll ask Brother Tarrypin, he'll tell you the same.'

"Den dey ax how kin dey git de Moon out er dar, en Brer Tarrypin 'low dey better lef' dat wid Brer Rabbit.
Brer Rabbit he shot he eyes, he did, en make lak he wukkin he min'. Bimeby, he up'n 'low:
"Then they ask how can they get the Moon out of there, and Brother Tarrypin say they better leave that with Brother Rabbit.
Brother Rabbit he shut his eyes, he did, and make like he was working his mind. By and by, he up and say:

"'De nighes' way out'n dish yer diffikil is fer ter sen' roun' yer too ole Mr. Mud-Turkle en borry his sane, en drag dar Moon up fum dar,' sezee. "'The nearest way out of this here difficulty is for to send round here to old Mr. Mud-Turtle and borrow his sane, sand, and drag the Moon up from there,' says he.

"'I 'clar' ter gracious I mighty glad you mention dat,' says Brer Tarrypin, sezee. 'Mr. Mud-Turkle is setch clos't kin ter me dat I calls 'im Unk Muck, en I lay ef you sen' dar atter dat sane you won't fine Unk Muck so mighty disaccomerdatin'.' "'I declare to gracious I mightly glad you mentioned that,' says Brother Tarrypin, says he. 'Mr. Mud-Turtle is such closest kin to me that I calls 'him Uncle Muck, and I lay if you send there after that san you won't find Uncle Muck so mighty disaccomodatng.'

"Well," continued Uncle Remus, after one of his tantalizing pauses, "dey sont atter de sane, en wiles Brer Rabbit wuz gone, Brer Tarrypin, he 'low dat he done year tell time en time ag'in dat dem w'at fine de Moon in de water en fetch 'im out, lakwise dey ull fetch out a pot er money. Dis make Brer Fox, en Brer Wolf, en Brer B'ar feel mighty good, en dey 'low, dey did, dat long ez Brer Rabbit been so good ez ter run atter de sane, dey ull do de sanein'. "they sent after the sane, and while Brother Rabbit was gone, Brother Tarrypin, he say that he done hear tell time and time again that them what find the Moon in the water and fetch him out, likewise the will fetch out a pot of money. This make Brother Fox, and Brother Wolf, and Brother Bear feel mighty good, and they say, they did, that long as Brother Rabbit been so good as to run after the sane, they whill do the saneing

"Time Brer Rabbit git back, he see how de lan' lay, en he make lak he wanter go in atter de Moon. He pull off he coat, en he 'uz fixin' fer ter shuck he wescut, but de yuther creeturs dey 'low dey wan't gwine ter let dry- foot man lak Brer Rabbit go in de water. So Brer Fox, he tuck holt er one staff er de sane, Brer Wolf he tuck holt er de yuther staff, en Brer B'ar he wade' long behime fer ter lif' de sane 'cross logs en snags. "Time Brother Rabbit get back, he see how the land lay, and he make like he want to go in after the Moon. He pull off his coat, and he was fixing for to shake his wescut, but the other creatures they say they weren't going to let dry- foot man like Brother Rabbit go in the water. So Brother Fox, he took hold of one staff of the sane, Brother Wolf he took hold of the other staff, and Brother Bear he wade long behind for to life the sane across logs and snags.

"Dey make one haul--no Moon; n'er haul--no Moon; n'er haul--no Moon. Den bimeby dey git out furder
fum de bank. Water run in Brer Fox year, he shake he head; water run in Brer Wolf year, he shake he head; water run in Brer B'ar year, he shake he head. En de fus news you know, w'iles dey wuz a-shakin', dey come to whar de bottom shelfed off. Brer Fox he step off en duck hisse'f; den Brer Wolf duck hisse'f; en Brer B'ar he make a splunge en duck hisse'f; en, bless gracious, dey kick en splatter twel it look lak dey 'uz gwine ter slosh all de water outer de mill pon'.
"They make one haul--no Moon; another haul--no Moon; antoher haul--no Moon. The by and by the get out further
from the bank. Water run in Brother Fox's ear, he shake his head; water run in Brother Wolf's ear, he shake his head; water run in Brother Bear's ear, he shake his head. And the first news you know, while they was a-shaking, they come to where a bottom shelved off. Brother Fox he stop off and duck hisself; and, bless gracious, they kick and spatter till it look like they was going to slosh all the water out of the mill pond.

"W'en dey come out, de gals 'uz all a-snickerin' en a- gigglin', en dey well mought, 'kase go whar you would, dey want no wuss lookin' creeturs dan dem; en Brer Rabbit, he holler, sezee: "When they come out, the gals was all a-snickering and a-giggleing, and they well might, cause go where you would, there werent no worst looking creatures than them; and Brother Rabbit, he holler, says he:

"'I speck you all, gents, better go home en git some dry duds, en n'er time we'll be in better luck,' sezee. 'I hear talk dat de Moon'll bite at a hook ef you take fools fer baits, en I lay dat's de onliest way fer ter ketch 'er,' sezee. "'I suspect you all, gents, better go home and get some dry duds, and next time we'll be in better luck,' says he.

"Brer Fox en Brer Wolf en Brer B'ar went drippin' off, en Brer Rabbit en Brer Tarrypin, dey went home wid de gals." "Brother Fox and Brother Wolf and Brother Bear went dripping off, and Brother Rabbit and Brother Tarrypin, they went home with the gals."



One night while the little boy was sitting in Uncle Remus's cabin, waiting for the old man to finish his hoe-cake, and refresh his memory as to the further adventures of Brother Rabbit, his friends and his enemies, something dropped upon the top of the house with a noise like the crack of a pistol. The little boy jumped, but Uncle Remus looked up and exclaimed, "Ah-yi!" in a tone of triumph.

"What was that, Uncle Remus?" the child asked, after waiting a moment to see what else would happen.

"News fum Jack Fros', honey. W'en dat hick'y-nut tree out dar year 'im comin' she 'gins ter drap w'at she got. I mighty glad," "News from Jack Frost, honey, When that hickory-nut tree out there hear him coming she begins to drop what she got. I might glad," he continued, scraping the burnt crust from his hoe-cake with an old case-knife, "I mighty glad hick'y-nuts aint big en heavy ez grinestones." "I mighty glad hickory-nuts ain't big and heavy as grindstones."

He waited a moment to see what effect this queer statement would have on the child.

"Yasser, I mighty glad--dat I is. 'Kase of hick'y- nuts 'uz big ez grine-stones dish yer ole callyboose 'ud be a leakin' long 'fo' Chris'mus." "Yes sir, I mighty glad--dat I is. Because if hickory-nuts was big as grind-stones this here old callyboose would be leaking long before Christmas."

Just then another hickory-nut dropped upon the roof, and the little boy jumped again. This seemed to amuse Uncle Remus, and he laughed until he was near to choking himself with his smoking hoe-cake.


"You does des 'zackly lak ole Brer Rabbit done, I 'clar' to gracious ef you don't!" "You does just exactly like old Brother Rabbit done, I declare to gracious if you don't! the old man cried, as soon as he could get his breath; "dez zackly fer de worl'." "just exactly for the wold.

The child was immensely flattered, and at once he wanted to know how Brother Rabbit did. Uncle Remus was in such good humor that he needed no coaxing. He pushed his spectacles back on his forehead, wiped his mouth on his sleeve, and began:

"Hit come 'bout dat soon one mawnin' todes de fall er de year, Brer Rabbit wuz stirrin' 'roun' in de woods atter some bergamot fer ter make 'im some h'ar-grease. De win' blow so col' dat it make 'im feel right frisky, en eve'y time he year de bushes rattle he make lak he skeerd. He 'uz gwine on dis away, hoppity-skippity, w'en bimeby he year Mr. Man cuttin' on a tree way off in de woods. He fotch up, Brer Rabbit did, en lissen fus wid one year en den wid de yuther. "It come about soon one morning towards the fall of the year, Brother Rabbit was stirring aournd in the woods after some bergamot for to make him some hair-grease. The wind blow so cold that it make him feel right frisky, and every time he hear the bushes rattle he make like he skeerd. He was going on this way, hoppity-skippity, when by and by he hear Mr. Man cutting on a tree way off in the woods. He fetched up, Brother Rabbit did, and listened first with one ear then with the other.

"Man, he cut en cut, en Brer Rabbit, he lissen en lissen. Bimeby, w'iles all dis was gwine on, down come de tree--kubber-lang-bang-blam! Brer Rabbit, he tuck'n jump des lak you jump, en let 'lone dat, he make a break, he did, en he lipt out fum dar lak de dogs wuz atter 'im." "Man, he cut and cut, and Brother Rabbit, he listened and listened. By and by, whiles all this was going on, dawn come the tree--kubber-lang-bang-blam! Brother Rabbit, he tuck and jump just liek you jump and let alone that, he make a break, he did, and he lept out from there like the dogs was after him."

"Was he scared, Uncle Remus?" asked the little boy.

"Skeerd! Who? Him? Shoo! don't you fret yo'se'f 'bout Brer Rabbit, honey. In dem days dey want nothin' gwine dat kin skeer Brer Rabbit. Tooby sho', he tuck
keer hisse'f, en ef you know de man w'at 'fuse ter take keer hisse'f, I lak mighty well ef you p'int 'im out. Deed'n dat I would!"
"Scared! Who? Him? Shoo! don't you fret yourself about Brother Rabbit, honey. In them days weren't nothing going that can scare Brother Rabbit. To be sure, he took
care hisself, I like mighty well if you point him out. Indeed that I would!"

Uncle Remus seemed to boil over with argumentative indignation.

"Well, den," "Well, then," he continued, "Brer Rabbit run twel he git sorter het up like, en des 'bout de time he makin' ready fer ter squat en ketch he win', who should he meet but Brer Coon gwine home atter settin' up wid ole Brer Bull-Frog. Brer Coon see 'im runnin', en he hail 'im. "Brother Rabbit run till he got sort of heat up like, and just about the time he making ready for to squat and catch his wind, who should he meet but Brother Coon going home after setting up with old Brother Bull-Frog. Brother Coon see him running, and he hailed him.

"'W'at yo' hurry, Brer Rabbit?' 'What your hurry, Brother Rabbit?'

"'Aint got time ter tarry.' 'Aint got time to tarry.'

"'Folks sick?'

"'No, my Lord! Aint got time ter tarry!' 'No, my Lord! Aint got time to tarry!'

"'Tryin' yo' soopleness?' 'Trying your soopleness?'

"'No, my Lord! Aint got time ter tarry!' 'No, my Lord! Aint got time to tarry!'

"'Do pray, Brer Rabbit, tell me de news!' 'Do pray, Brother Rabbit, tell me the news!'

"'Mighty big fuss back dar in de woods. Aint got time ter tarry!' 'Mighty big fuss back there in the woods. Ain't got time to tarry!'

"Dis make Brer Coon feel mighty skittish, 'kaze he fur ways from home, en he des lipt out, he did, en went a b'ilin' thoo de woods. Brer Coon aint gone fur twel he meet Brer Fox. "This make Brother Coon feel mighty skittish, cause his far ways from home, and he just lept out, he did, and went a b'liln' through the woods. Brother Coon aint gone far till he meet Brother Fox.

"'Hey, Brer Coon, whar you gwine?' 'Hey, Brother Coon, where you going?'

"'Aint got time ter 'tarry!' 'Aint got time to 'tarry!'

"'Gwine at' de doctor?' 'Going at the doctor?'

"'No, my Lord! Aint got time ter tarry.' 'No my Lord! Aint got time to tarry.'

"'Do pray, Brer Coon, tell me de news.' 'Do pray, Brother Coon, tell me the news.'


"‘Mighty quare racket back dar in de woods! Aint got time ter tarry!' 'Mighty queer racket back there in the woods! Ain't got time to tarry!'

"Wid dat, Brer Fox lipt out, he did, en fa'rly split de win'. He aint gone fur twel he meet Brer Wolf. "With dat, Brother Fox lept out, he did, and fairly split the wind. He aint gone far till he meet Brother Wolf.

"‘Hey, Brer Fox! Stop en res' yo'se'f!' 'Hey, Brother Fox! Stop on rest yourself!'

"‘Aint got time ter tarry!' 'Aint got time to tarry!'

"'Who bin want de doctor?' 'Who been want the doctor?'

"'No'ne, my Lord! Aint got time ter tarry!' 'None, my Lord! Ain't got time to tarry!'

"'Do pray, Brer Fox, good er bad, tell me de news.' 'Do pray, Brother Fox, good or bad, tell me the news.'

"'Mighty kuse fuss back dar in de woods! Aint got time ter tarry!' 'Mighty curious fuss back there in the woods! Ain't got time to tarry!'

"Wid dat, Brer Wolf shuck hisse'f loose fum de face er de yeth, an he aint git fur twel he meet Brer B'ar. Brer B'ar he ax, en Brer Wolf make ans'er, en bimeby Brer B'ar he fotch a snort en runn'd off; en, bless gracious! twant long 'fo' de las' one er de creeturs wuz a skaddlin' thoo de woods lak de Ole Boy was atter um--en all 'kaze Brer Rabbit year Mr. Man cut tree down. "With that, Brother Wolf shuck hisself loose from the face of the Earth, and he ain't got far till he meet Brother Bear. Brother Bear he ask, and Brother Wolf make answer, and by and by Brother Bear he fetched a snort and runned off; and, bless gracious! twern't long before the last one of the creatures was a skaddling through the woods like the Old Boy was after him--and all cause Brother Rabbit hear Mr. Man cut tree down.

"Dey run'd en dey run'd," "Dey ran and they ran" Uncle Remus went on, "twel dey come ter Brer Tarrypin house, en dey sorter slack up 'kaze dey done mighty nigh los' der win'. Brer Tarrypin, he up'n ax um wharbouts dey gwine, en dey 'low dey wuz a monstus tarryfyin' racket back dar in de woods. Brer Tarrypin, he ax w'at she soun' lak. One say he dunno, n'er say he dunno, den dey all say dey dunno. Den Brer Tarrypin, he up'n ax who year dis monstus racket. One say he dunno, n'er say he dunno, den dey all say dey dunno. Dis make ole Brer Tarrypin laff 'way down in he insides, en he up'n say, sezee: "till the come to Brother Tarrypin house, and they sort of slack up cause they done mighty near lost their wind. Brother Tarrypin, he up and ask them whereabouts they going, and they say they was a monstrous tarryfyin racket back there in the woods. Brother Tarrypin, he ask what she sound like. One say he don't know, another say he don't know, then they all say they don't know. Then Brother Tarrypin, he up and ask who hear this monstrous racket. One say he don't know, another say he don't, then they all say don't. This make old Brother Tarrypin laugh way down in his insides, and he up and say, says he:




"'You all kin run 'long ef you feel skittish,' 'You all kin run along if you feel skittish,' sezee. 'Atter I cook my brekkus en wash up de dishes, ef I gits win' er any 'spicious racket maybe I mought take down my pairsol en foller long atter you,' sezee. "'You all can run along if you feel skittish,' 'You all can run along if you feel skittish,' says he.'After I cook breakfast and wash up the dishes, if I gets wind of any suspicious racket maybe I might take down my parosal and follow long after you,' says he.

"W'en de creeturs come ter make inquirements 'mungs one er n'er 'bout who start de news, hit went right spang back ter Brer Rabbit, but, lo en beholes! Brer Rabbit aint dar, en it tu'n out dat Brer Coon is de man w'at seed 'im las'. Den dey got ter layin' de blame un it on one er n'er, en little mo' en dey'd er fit dar scan'lous, but ole Brer Tarrypin, he up'n 'low dat ef dey want ter git de straight un it, dey better go see Brer Rabbit. "When the creatures come to make inquirements amongst one another about who start the news, it went right spang back to Brother Rabbit, but, low and behold! Brother Rabbit ain't there, and it turn out that Brother Coon is the man what seen him last. Then they got to laying the blame or it on one another, and little more an they'd of fit there scan'lous, but old Brother Tarrypin, he up and say that if they want to get the straight on it, they better go see Brother Rabbit.

"All de creeturs wuz 'gree'ble, en dey put out ter Brer Rabbit house. W'en dey git dar, Brer Rabbit wuz a-settin' cross-legged in de front po'ch winkin' he eye at de sun. Brer B'ar, he speak up: "All the creatures was agreeable, and they put out to Brother Rabbit house. When they get there, Brother Rabbit was a-sitting crossed-legged in the front porch winking his eye at the sun. Brother Bear, he speak up:

"'W'at make you fool me, Brer Rabbit?' 'What make you fool, me Brother Rabbit?'

"'Fool who, Brer B'ar?' 'Fool who, Brother Bear?'

"'Me, Brer Rabbit, dat's who.' 'Me, Brother Rabbit, that's who.'

"'Dish yer de fus' tim’ I seed you dis day, Brer B'ar, en you er mo' dan welcome ter dat.' 'This here the first time I seen you this day, Brother Bear, and you are more than welcome to that.'

"Dey all ax 'im en git de same ans'er, en den Brer Coon put in: "They all ask him and get the same answer, and then Brother Raccoon put in:

"'W'at make you fool me, Brer Rabbit?' 'What make you fool me, Brother Rabbit?'

"'How I fool you, Brer Coon?' 'How I fool you, Brother Raccoon?'

"'You make lak dey wuz a big racket, Brer Rabbit.' 'You make like there was a big racket, Brother Rabbit.'

"'Dey sholy wuz a big racket, Brer Coon' 'There surely was a big racket, Brother Raccoon

"'W'at kinder racket, Brer Rabbit?' 'What kind or racket, Brother Rabbit?'

"'Ah-yi! You oughter ax me dat fus', Brer Coon.' You ought to ask me that first, Brother Raccoon.'


"'I axes you now, Brer Rabbit.' 'I ask you now, Brother Rabbit.'

"'Mr. Man cut tree down, Brer Coon.' 'Mr. Man cut tree down, Brother Raccoon

"'Co'se dis make Brer Coon feel like a nat'al-born Slink, en 'twa'n't long 'fo' all de creeturs make der bow ter Brer Rabbit en mozey off home." "'Of course this make Brother Raccoon feel like a natural born Slink, and twern't long before all the creatures make their bow to Brother Rabbit and mozey off hom."

"Brother Rabbit had the best of it all along," said the little boy, after waiting to see whether there was a sequel to the story.

"Oh, he did dat away!" "Oh, he did that away!" exclaimed Uncle Remus. "Brer Rabbit was a mighty man in dem days." "Brother Rabbit was a might man in them days."


"I 'clar' ter gracious, honey," "I declare to gracious, honey," Uncle Remus exclaimed one night, as the little boy ran in, "you sholy aint chaw'd yo' vittles. Hit aint bin no time, skacely, sence de supper-bell rung, en ef you go on dis away, you'll des nat'ally pe'sh yo'se'f out." "you surely aint chewed your vittles. It aint been no time, scarcely, since the supper-bell rung, and if you go on this way, you'll just naturally pe'sh yourself out."

"Oh, I wasn't hungry," said the little boy. "I had something before supper, and I wasn't hungry anyway."

The old man looked keenly at the child, and presently he said:

"De ins en de outs er dat kinder talk all come ter de same p'int in my min'. Youer bin a-cuttin' up at de table, en Mars. John, he tuck'n sont you 'way fum dar, en w'iles
he think youer off some'rs a-snifflin' en a-feelin' bad, yer you is a-high-primin' 'roun' des lak you done had mo' supper dan de King er Philanders."
"The ins and the outs of taht kind of talk all come to the same point in my mind. You've been a-cutting up at the table, and Master John, he tuck and sont you away from there, and whiles
he think you're off some wheres a-sniffling and a-feeling bad, here you is a-high-priming around just like you done had more supper than the King of Flanders."

Before the little boy could inquire about the King of Philanders he heard his father calling him. He started to go out, but Uncle Remus motioned him back.

"Des set right whar you is, honey,--des set right still." "Just set right where you is, honey,--just set right still."

Then Uncle Remus went to the door and answered for the child; and a very queer answer it was--one that could be heard half over the plantation:

"Mars. John, I wish you en Miss Sally be so good ez ter let dat chile 'lone. He down yer cryin' he eyes out, en he aint bodderin' 'long er nobody in de roun' worl'." "Master John, I wish you and Miss Sally be so good as to let that child alone. He down here crying his eyes out, and he aint boddering along of nobdy in the round world."

Uncle Remus stood in the door a moment to see what the reply would be, but he heard none. Thereupon he continued, in the same loud tone:

"I aint bin use ter no sich gwines on in Ole Miss time, en I aint gwine git use ter it now. Dat I aint." "I aint been use to no such goings on in Old Miss time, and I aint going get use to it now. That I aint."

Presently Tildy, the house-girl, brought the little boy his supper, and the girl was no sooner out of hearing than the child swapped it with Uncle Remus for a roasted yam, and the enjoyment of both seemed to be complete.

"Uncle Remus," said the little boy, after a while, "you know I wasn't crying just now."

"Dat's so, honey," "That's so, honey," the old man replied, "but 'twouldn't er bin long 'fo' you would er bin, kaze Mars. John bawl out lak a man w'at got a strop in he han', so w'at de diff'unce?" "but it wouldn't of been long before you would of been, casue Master John bawl out like a man what got a strap in his hand, so what the difference?"


When they had finished eating, Uncle Remus busied himself in cutting and trimming some sole-leather for future use. His knife was so keen, and the leather fell away from it so smoothly and easily, that the little boy wanted to trim some himself. But to this Uncle Remus would not listen.

"'Taint on'y chilluns w'at got de consate er doin' eve'ything dey see yuther folks do. Hit's grown folks w'at oughter know better," "Twasn't only children what got the consate or concept of doing everything they see other folks do. It's grown folks what ought to know better," said the old man. "Dat's des de way Brer B'ar git his tail broke off smick-smack-smoove, en down ter dis day he de funniest-lookin' creetur w'at wobble on top er dry ground." "That's just the way Brother Bear get his tail brok off smick-smack-smoove, and down to this day he the funniest-looking creature what wobble or walked on top of dry ground."

Instantly the little boy forgot all about Uncle Remus' sharp knife.

"Hit seem lak dat in dem days Brer Rabbit en Brer Tarrypin done gone in cohoots fer ter outdo de t'er creeturs. One time Brer Rabbit tuck'n make a call on Brer Tarrypin, but w'en he git ter Brer Tarrypin house, he year talk fum Miss Tarrypin dat her ole man done gone fer ter spen' de day wid Mr. Mud-Turkle, w'ich dey wuz blood kin. Brer Rabbit he put out atter Brer Tarrypin, en w'en he got ter Mr. Mud-Turkle house, dey all sot up, dey did, en tole tales, en den w'en twelf er'clock come dey had crawfish fer dinner, en dey 'joy deyse'f right erlong. Atter dinner dey went down ter Mr. Mud-Turkle mill-pon', en w'en dey git dar Mr. Mud-Turkle en Brer Tarrypin dey 'muse deyse'f, dey did, wid slidin' fum de top uv a big slantin' rock down inter de water. "It seem like that in them days Brother Rabbit and Brother Tarrypin done gone in cahoots for to out do the other creatures. One time Brother Rabbit took and made a call on Brother Tarrypin, but when he got there Brother Tarrypin house, he here talk from Miss Tarrypin that her old man done gone for to spend the day with Mr. Mud-Turtle, which they was blood kin. Brother Rabbt he put out after Brother Tarrypin, and when he got to Mr. Mud-Turtle house, they all sat up, they did, and told tales, and then when twelve o'clock come they had crawfish for dinner, and they enjoy theyselves right erelong. After dinner they went down to Mr. Mud-Turtle mill-pond, and when they got ther Mr. Mud-Turtle and Brother Tarrypin they amused theyselves, they did, with sliding from the top of a big slanting rock down into the water.


"I speck you moughter seen rocks in de water 'fo' now, whar dey git green en slipp'y," "I suspect you might of seen rocks in the water before now, wher they get green and slippy," said Uncle Remus.

The little boy had not only seen them, but had found them to be very dangerous to walk upon, and the old man continued:

"Well, den, dish yer rock wuz mighty slick en mighty slantin'. Mr. Mud-Turkle, he'd crawl ter de top, en tu'n loose, en go a-sailin' down inter de water--kersplash! Ole Brer Tarrypin, he'd foller atter, en slide down inter de water--kersplash! Ole Brer Rabbit, he sot off, he did, en praise um up. "Well, then, this here rock was mighty slick and mighty slanting. Mr. Mud-Turtle, he'd crawl to the top, and turn loose, and go a sailing down into the water--"kerslpash! Old Brother Tarrypin, he'd follw after, and slide down into the water--kersplash! Old Brother Rabbit, he sat off, he did, and praised them up.

"W'iles dey wuz a-gwine on dis away, a-havin' der fun, en 'joyin' deyse'f, yer come ole Brer B'ar. He year um 'laffin' en holl'in', en he hail 'um. "Whiles they was a-going on this way, a-having their fun, and enjoying theyselves, here come old Brother Bear. He hear them laughing and hollering, and he hail them.

"'Heyo, folks! W'at all dis? Ef my eye aint 'ceive me, dish yer's Brer Rabbit, en Brer Tarrypin, en old Unk' Tommy Mud-Turkle,' sez Brer B'ar, sezee. "'Heyo, folks! What all this? If my eye aint deceiving me, this here Brother Rabbit, and Brother Tarrypin, and old Unckle Tommy Mud-Turtle,' says Brother Bear, says he.

"'De same,' sez Brer Rabbit, sezee, ‘en yer we is 'joyin' de day dat passes des lak dey wan't no hard times.' "'The same,' says Brother Rabbit, says he, 'and yes we is enjoying the day that passes just like there weren't no hard times.'

"'Well, well, well!' sez ole Brer B'ar, sezee, 'a-slippin' en a-slidin' en makin' free! En w'at de matter wid Brer Rabbit dat he aint j'inin' in?' sezee. "'Well, well, well!' says old Brother Bear, says he, 'a-slipping and a-sliding and making free! And what the matter with Brother Rabbit that he aint joining in?' says he.

"Ole Brer Rabbit he wink at Brer Tarrypin, en Brer Tarrypin he hunch Mr. Mud-Turkle, en den Brer Rabbit he up'n 'low, he did: "Old Brother Rabbit he wink at Brother Tarrypin, and Brother Tarrypin he hunch Mr. Mud-Turtle, and then Brother Rabbit he up and allow, he did:

"'My goodness, Brer B'ar! you can't 'speck a man fer ter slip en slide de whole blessid day, kin you? I done had my fun, en now I'm a-settin' out yer lettin' my cloze
dry. Hit's tu'n en tu'n about wid me en deze gents w'en dey's any fun gwine on,' sezee.
"'My goodness, Brother Bear! you can't suspect a man for to slip and slide the whole blessed day, can you? I done had my fun, and now I'm a-setting out here letting my clothes
dry. It's tu'n and tu'n about with me and these gents when there's any fun going on,' says he.

"'Maybe Brer B'ar might jine in wid us,' sez Brer Tarrypin, sezee. "'Maybe Brother Bear might join with us,' says Brother Tarrypin, says he.

"Brer Rabbit he des holler en laff. "Brother Rabbit he just hollered and laughed.

"'Shoo!' sezee, 'Brer B'ar foot too big en he tail too long fer ter slide down dat rock,' sezee. "'Shoo!' says he, 'Brother Bear foot too big and his tail too long for to slide down that rock,' says he.

"Dis kinder put Brer B'ar on he mettle, en he up'n 'spon', he did: "This kind of put Brother Bear on his mette, and he up and respond, he did:

"'Maybe dey is, en maybe dey aint, yit I aint afeared ter try.' 'Maybe they is, and maybe they aint, yet I aint a feared to try.'

"'Shoo!' sezee, 'Brer B'ar foot too big en he tail too long fer ter slide down dat rock,' sezee.

"Dis kinder put Brer B'ar on he mettle, en he up'n 'spon', he did:

"'Maybe dey is, en maybe dey aint, yit I aint afeared ter try.'

"Wid dat de yuthers tuck'n made way fer 'im, en ole Brer B'ar he git up on de rock, he did, en squot down on he hunkers, en quile he tail und' 'im, en start down. Fus' he go sorter slow, en he grin lak he feel good; den he go sorter peart, en he grin lak he feel bad; den he go mo' pearter, en he grin lak he skeerd; den he strack de slick part, en, gentermens! he swaller de grin en fetch a howl dat moughter bin yeard a mile, en he hit de water lak a chimbly a-fallin'. "With that the others took and made way for him, and old Brother Bear he got up on the rock, he did, and squat down down on he hunkers, and quile his tail under him, and start down. First he go sort of slow, and he grin like he feel good; then he go sort of peart, and he grin like he feel bad; then he more pearter, and he grin like he scared; then he struck the slick part, and gentlemens! he swallowed the grin and fetch a howl that might of been heard a mile, and he hit the water like a chimney a-falling.

"You kin gimme denial," "You can give me denial," Uncle Remus continued after a little pause, "but des ez sho' ez you er settin' dar, w'en Brer B'ar slick'd up en flew down dat rock, he break off he tail right smick-smack-smoove, en mo'n dat, w'en he make his disappear'nce up de big road, Brer Rabbit holler out: "but just as sure as you are sitting there, when Brother Bear slicked up and flew down that rock, he break off his tail right smick-smack-smooth, and more than that, when he make his disappearance up the big road, Brother Rabbit holler out:

"'Brer B'ar!--O Brer B'ar! I year tell dat flaxseed poultices is mighty good fer so' places!' 'Brer Bear!--O Brother Bear! I hear tell that flaxsee poultices is might good for such places!'

"Yit Brer B'ar ain't look back." "Yet Brother Bear aint look back."





When Uncle Remus was in a good humor he turned the most trifling incidents into excuses for amusing the little boy with his stories. One night while he was hunting for a piece of candle on the shelf that took the place of a mantel over the fireplace, he knocked down a tin plate. It fell upon the hearth with a tremendous clatter.

"Dar now!" "There now!" exclaimed Uncle Remus. "Hit's a blessin' dat dat ar platter is got mo' backbone dan de common run er crockery, 'kaze 'twould er bin bust all ter flinderations long time ago. Dat ar platter is got dents on it w'at Miss Sally put dar w'en she 'uz a little bit er gal. Yet dar 'tis, en right dis minnit hit'll hol' mo' vittles dan w'at I got ter put in it. "It's a blessing that that are platter is got more backbone than the common run of crockery, cause twould of been bust all to flinderations long time ago. That our platter is got dents on it what Miss Sally put there when she was a litte bit of gal. Yet there it is, and right this minute it'll hold my vittles then what I got to put in it.

"I lay," the old man continued, leaning his hand against the chimney and gazing at the little boy reflectively,--"I lay ef de creeturs had a bin yer w'iles all dat clatterment gwine on dey'd a lef' bidout tellin' anybody good bye. All 'ceppin' Brer Rabbit. Bless yo' soul, he'd er stayed fer ter see de fun, des lak he did dat t'er time w'en he skeer um all so. I 'speck I done tole you 'bout dat." "I lay if the creatures had a been here whiles all that clatterment going on they'd of left without telling anybody good bye. All excepting Brother Rabbit. Bless your soul, he'd of stayed for to see the fun, just like he did that other time when he scared them all so. I suspect I done told you about that."

"When he got the honey on him and rolled in the leaves?"


Uncle Remus thought a moment.

"Ef I make no mistakes in my 'membunce, dat wuz de time w'en he call hisse'f de Wull-er-de-Wust." "If I make no mistakes in my rememberance, that was the time when he call hisself the Wull-er-de-Wust."

The little boy corroborated Uncle Remus' memory.

"Well, den, dish yer wuz n'er time, en he lak ter skeer um plum out'n de settlement. En it all come 'bout 'kaze dey wanter play smarty." "Well, then, this here was never time, and he like to scared them plum out and of settlement. And it all come about cause they want to play smarty."

"Who wanted to play smarty, Uncle Remus?" asked the child.

"Oh, des dem t'er creeturs. Dey wuz allers a-layin' traps fer Brer Rabbit en gittin' cotch in um deyse'f, en dey wuz allers a-pursooin' atter 'im day in en day out. I aint 'nyin' but w'at some er Brer Rabbit pranks wuz mighty ha'sh, but w'y'n't dey let 'im 'lone deyse'f?" "Oh, just them creatures. They was always a-laying traps for Brother Rabbit and getting caught in them theyself, and they was always a-pursuing after him day in and day out. I aint denying but what some of Brother Rabbit pranks was mightly harsh but whyn't they let him alone theyself?"

Naturally, the little boy was not prepared to meet these arguments, even had their gravity been less impressive, so he said nothing.

"In dem days," "In them days," Uncle Remus went on, "de creeturs wuz same lak folks. Dey had der ups en dey had der downs; dey had der hard times, and dey had der saf' times. Some seasons der craps 'ud be good, en some seasons dey'd be bad. Brer Rabbit, he far'd lak de res' un um. W'at he'd make, dat he'd spen'. One season he tuck'n made a fine chance er goobers, en he 'low, he did, dat ef dey fetch 'im anywhars nigh de money w'at he speck dey would, he go ter town en buy de truck w'at needcessity call fer. "the creatures was same like folks. They had their ups and they had their downs; they had their hard times, and they had their soft times. Some seasons the crops would be good, and some seasons they'd be bad. Brother Rabbit, he faired like the rest of them. What he'd make, that he'd spend. One season he took and made a fine chane or goobers, and he allow, he did, that if they fetch him anywheres nigh de money what he suspect they would, he got to town and buy the truck what necessity call for.

"He aint no sooner say dat dan ole Miss Rabbit, she vow, she did, dat it be a scannul en a shame ef he don't
whirl in en git sevin tin cups fer de chilluns fer ter drink out'n, en sevin tin plates fer'm fer ter sop out'n, en a coffee-pot fer de fambly. Brer Rabbit say dat des zackly w'at he gwine do, en he 'low, he did, dat he gwine ter town de comin' We'n'sday."
"He ain't no sooner say that than old Miss Rabbit, she vow, she did, that it be a scandel and a shame if he don't
whirl in and get seven tin cups for the children for to drink out of, and seven tin plates for them to soup out of, and a coffee-pot for the famliy. Brother Rabbit say that just exactly what he going to do, and he allow, he did, that he going to town the coming Wednesday."

Uncle Remus paused, and indulged in a hearty laugh before he resumed:

"Brer Rabbit wa'n't mo'n out'n de gate 'fo' Miss Rabbit, she slap on 'er bonnet, she did, en rush 'cross ter Miss Mink house, en she aint been dar a minnit 'fo' she up'n tell Miss Mink dat Brer Rabbit done promise ter go ter town We'n'sday comin' en git de chilluns sump'n. Co'se, we'n Mr. Mink come horne, Miss Mink she up'n 'low she want ter know w'at de reason he can't buy sump'n fer his chilluns same ez Brer Rabbit do fer his'n, en dey quo'll en quo'll des lak folks. Atter dat Miss Mink she kyar de news ter Miss Fox, en den Brer Fox he tuck'n got a rakin' over de coals. Miss Fox she tell Miss Wolf, en Miss Wolf she tell Miss B'ar, en 'twant long 'fo' ev'ybody in dem diggins know dat Brer Rabbit gwine ter town de comin' We'n'sday fer ter get his chilluns sump'n; en all de yuther creeturs' chilluns ax der ma w'at de reason der pa can't git dem sump'n. So dar it went. "Brother Rabbit wouldn't move out of the gate for Miss Rabbit, she slap on her bonnet, she did, and rush across to Miss Mink house, and she ain't been there a minute before she up and tell Miss Mink that Brother Rabbit done promise to go to town Wednesday coming and get the children something. Of course, when Mr. Mink come home, Miss Mink she up and allow she want to know what the reason he can't buy something for his children same as Brother Rabbit do for his, and they quarrel and quarrel just like folks. After that Miss Mink she carry the news to Miss Fox, and then Brother Fox he took and got a raking over de the coals. Miss Fox she tell Miss Wolf, and Miss Wolf she tell Miss Bear, and it wasn't long before everybody in them diggings know that Brother Rabbit going to town the coming Wednesday for to get his children something; and all the other creatures children ask their ma what the reason their pa can't get them something. So there it went

"Brer Fox, en Brer Wolf, en Brer B'ar, dey make up der mines, dey did, dat ef dey gwine ter ketch up wid Brer Rabbit, dat wuz de time, en dey fix up a plan dat dey'd lay fer Brer Rabbit en nab 'im w'en he come back fum town. Dey tuck'n make all der 'rangerments, en wait fer de day. "Brother Fox, and Brother Wolf, and Brother Bear, they make up their minds, the did, that if they going to catch up with Brother Rabbit, that was the time, and they fix up a plan that they'd lay for Brother Rabbit and nab him when he come back from town. They took and make all their arrangements, and wait for the day.


"Sho nuff, w'en We'n'sday come, Brer Rabbit e't he brekkus 'fo' sun-up, en put out fer town. He tuck'n got hisse'f a dram, en a plug er terbarker, en a pocket-hank- cher, en he got de ole 'oman a coffee-pot, en he got de chillun sevin tin cups en sevin tin plates, en den todes sundown he start back home. He walk 'long, he did, feelin' mighty biggity, but bimeby w'en he git sorter tired, he sot down und' a black-jack tree, en 'gun to fan hisse'f wid one er der platters. "Sure enough, when Wednesday come, Brother Rabbit ate his breakfast before sun-up, and put out for town. He took and got hisself a dram, and a plug to terbarker, and a pocket-handkercheif, and he got the old woman a coffee-pot, and he got the children seven tin cups and seven tin plates, and then towards sundown he start back home. He walk along, he did, feeling mighty biggity, but by and by when he got sort of tired, he sat down under a black-jack tree, and begun to fan hisself with one of the platter.

"W'iles he doin' dis a little bit er teenchy sap-sucker run up'n down de tree en keep on makin' mighty quare fuss. Atter w'ile Brer Rabbit tuck'n shoo at 'im wid de platter. Seem lak dis make de teenchy little sap-sucker mighty mad, en he rush out on a lim' right over Brer Rabbit, en he sing out:

'Pilly-pee, pilly-wee!
I see w'at he no see!
I see, pilly-pee,
I see, w'at he no see!'
"While he was doing this a little bit of teenchy sap-sucker run up and down the tree and keep on making mighty queer fuss. After while Brother Rabbit took and shoot at him with the platter. Seem like this make the teenchy little sap-sucker mighty mad, and he rush out on a limb right over Brother Rabbit, and he sing out:
'Pilly-pee, pilly-wee!
I see what he no see!
I see, pilly-pee,
I see, what he no see!'

"He keep on singin' dis, he did, twel Brer Rabbit 'gun ter look 'roun', en he aint no sooner do dis dan he see marks in de san' whar sum un done bin dar 'fo' 'im, en he look little closer en den he see w'at de sap-sucker drivin' at. He scratch his head, Brer Rabbit did, en he 'low ter hisse'f: "He keep on singing this, he did, till Brother Rabbit begun to look around, and he ain't no sooner do this than he see marks in the sand where some one done been there before him, and he look little closer and then he see what the sap-sucker driving at. He scratch his head, Brother Rabbit did, and he allow to hisself:

"'Ah-yi! Yer whar Brer Fox been settin', en dar de print er he nice bushy tail. Yer whar Brer Wolf bin settin', en dar de print er he fine long tail. Yer whar
Brer B'ar bin squattin' on he' hunkers, en dar de print w'ich he aint got no tail. Dey er all bin yer, en I lay dey er hidin' out in de big gully down dar in de holler.'
'Ah-yi! You're where Brother Fox been sitting, and there the print of his nice bushy tail. You're where Brother Wolf been sitting, and there print of his fine long tail. You're where
Brother Bear been squatting on his hunkers, and there the print which he ain't got no tail. They've all been here, and I lay the are hiding out in the big gully down there in the hollow.'

"Wid dat, ole man Rab tuck'n put he truck in de bushes, en den he run 'way 'roun' fer ter see w'at he kin see. Sho nuff," "With that, old man Rab took and put his truck in the bushes, and then he run away round for to see what he can see. Sure enough," continued Uncle Remus, with a curious air of elation,--sho nuff, w'en Brer Rabbit git over agin de big gully down in de holler, dar dey wuz. Brer Fox, he 'uz on one side er de road, en Brer Wolf 'uz on de t'er side; en ole Brer B'ar he 'uz quiled up in de gully takin' a nap. Sure enough, when Brother Rabbit get over again the big gully down in the hollow, ther they was. Brother Fox, he was on one side of the road, and Brother Wolf was on the other side; and old Brother Bear he was curled in the gully taking a nap.

"Brer Rabbit, he tuck'n peep at um, he did, en he lick he foot en roach back he h'ar, en den hol' his han's 'cross he mouf en laff lak some chilluns does w'en dey think dey er foolin' der ma." "Brother Rabbit, he took and peep at them, he did, and he lick his foot and roach back his hair, and then hold his hands across his mouth and laugh like some children does when they think they are fooling their ma."

"Not me , Uncle Remus--not me!" exclaimed the little boy promptly.

"Heyo dar! don't kick 'fo' you er spurred, honey! Brer Rabbit, he seed um all dar, en he tuck'n grin, he did, en den he lit out t'er whar he done lef' he truck, en w'en he git dar he dance 'roun' en slap hise'f on de leg, en make all sorts er kuse motions. Den he go ter wuk en tu'n de coffee-pot upside down en stick it on he head; den he run he gallus thoo de han'les er de cups, en sling um crosst he shoulder; den he 'vide de platters, some in one han' en some in de yuther. Atter he git good en ready, he crope ter de top er de hill, he did, en tuck a runnin' start, en flew down like a harrycane--rickety, rackety, slambang!" "Hey ho there! don't kick before you're spurred, honey! Brother Rabbit, he seed them all there, and he took and grin he did, and then he lit out of there where he done left his truck, and when he get there he dance around and slap hisself on the leg, and make all sorts of curious motions. Then he go to work and took the coffee-pot upside down and stick it on his head; then he run his glasses through the handles of the cups, and sling them acrossed his shoulder; then he divided the platters, some in one hand and some in the other. After he got good and ready, he crept to the top of the hil, he did, and took a running start, and flew down like a hurrican--rickety, rackety, slambang!"


The little boy clapped his hands enthusiastically.

"Bless yo' soul, dem creeturs aint year no fuss lak dat, en dey aint seed no man w'at look lak Brer Rabbit do, wid de coffee-pot on he head, en de cups a-rattlin' on he gallus, en de platters a-wavin' en a-shinin' in de a'r. "Bless your soul, them creatures ain't here no fuss like that, and they ain't seen no man what look like Brother Rabbit do, with the coffee-pot on his head, and the cups a-rattling on his glasses, and the platters a-waving and a shining in the air.

"Now, mine you, ole Brer B'ar wuz layin' off up de gully takin' a nap, en de fuss skeer 'im so bad dat he make a break en run over Brer Fox. He rush out in de road, he did, en w'en he see de sight, he whirl roun' en run over Brer Wolf. Wid der scramblin' en der scuf- flin', Brer Rabbit got right on um 'fo' dey kin git away. He holler out’ he did: "Now, mind you, old Brother Bear was laying off up the gully taking a nap, and the fuss scared him so bad that he make a break and run over Brother Fox. He rush out in the road, he did, and when he see the sight, he whirl around and run over Brother Wolf. With the scrambling and the scuffling. Brother Rabbit got right on them before they can get away. He holler out' he did:

"'Gimme room! Tu'n me loose! I'm ole man Spewter-Splutter wid long claws, en scales on my back! I'm snaggle-toofed en double-j'inted! Gimme room!' 'Give me room! Turn me loose! I'm old man Spewter-Splutter Give me room!'

"Eve'y time he'd fetch a whoop, he'd rattle de cups en slap de platters tergedder--rickety, rackety, slambang! En I let you know w'en dem creeturs got dey lim's ter- gedder dey split de win', dey did dat. Ole Brer B'ar, he struck a stump w'at stan' in de way, en I aint gwine tell you how he to' it up kaze you won't b'leeve me, but de next mawnin' Brer Rabbit en his chilluns went back dar, dey did, an dey got nuff splinters fer ter make um kin'lin' wood all de winter. Yasser! Des ez sho ez I'm a-settin' by dish yer h'ath." "Every time he'd fetch a whoop, he'd rattle the cups and slap the platters together-- rickety, rackety, slambang! And I let you know when them creatures got they limbs together the split the wind, they did that. Old Brother Bear, he struck a stump what's standing in the way, and I ain't going to tell you how he took it up cause you won't believe me, but the next morning Brother Rabbit and his children went back there, they did, and they got enough splinters for to make them kindling wood all the winter. Yes sir! Just as sure as I'm sitting by this here hearth.



The little boy sat watching Uncle Remus sharpen his shoe-knife. The old man's head moved in sympathy with his hands, and he mumbled fragments of a song. Occasionally he would feel of the edge of the blade with his thumb, and then begin to sharpen it again. The comical appearance of the venerable darkey finally had its effect upon the child, for suddenly he broke into a hearty peal of laughter; whereupon Uncle Remus stopped shaking his head and singing his mumbly-song, and assumed a very dignified attitude. Then he drew a long, deep breath, and said:

"W'en folks git ole en strucken wid de palsy, dey mus' speck ter be laff'd at. Goodness knows, I bin use ter dat sence de day my whiskers 'gun to bleach." "When folks get old and shrucken with the palsy, they must expect to be laughed at. Goodness knows, I been use to that since they day my whiskers begun to bleach."

"Why, I wasn't laughing at you, Uncle Remus; I declare I wasn't," cried the little boy. "I thought maybe you might be doing your head like Brother Rabbit did when he was fixing to cut his meat."

Uncle Remus' seriousness was immediately driven away by a broad and appreciative grin.

"Now, dat de way ter talk, honey, en I boun' you wan't fur wrong, n'er, kaze fer all dey'll tell you dat Brer Rabbit make he livin' 'long er nibblin' at grass en greens, hit 'twan't dat away in dem days, 'kaze I got in my membunce
right now de 'casion whar Brer Rabbit is tuck'n e't meat."
"Now, that the way to talk, honey, and I bound you want it for wrong, never, cause for all they'll tell you that Brothe Rabbit make his living long of nibbling at grass and greens, it wasn't that way in them days, cause I got in my rememberance
right now the occasion where Brother Rabbit is took and ate meat."

The little boy had learned that it was not best to make any display of impatience, and so he waited quietly while Uncle Remus busied himself with arranging the tools on his shoe-bench. Presently the old man began:

"Hit so happen dat one day Brer Rabbit meet up wid Brer Fox, en w'en dey 'quire atter der corporosity, dey fine out dat bofe un um mighty po'ly. Brer Fox, he 'low, he do, dat he monstus hongry, en Brer Rabbit he 'spon' dat he got a mighty hankerin' atter vittles hisse'f. Bimeby dey look up dey big road, en dey see Mr. Man comin' 'long wid a great big hunk er beef und' he arm. Brer Fox he up'n 'low, he did, dat he lak mighty well fer ter git a tas'e er dat, en Brer Rabbit he 'low dat de sight er dat nice meat all lineded wid taller is nuff fer ter run a body 'stracted. "It so happen that on day Brother Rabbit meet up with Brother Fox, and when they inquire after the coporosity, they find out that both of um might poorly. Brothe rFox, he allow, he do, that he montrous hungry, and Brother Rabbit he respon that he got a mighty hankering after vittle hisself. By and by they look up the big road, and they see Mr. Man coming along with a great big hunk of beef under his arm. Brother Fox he up and allow, he did, that he like mighty well for to get a tast of that, and Brother Rabbit he allow that the sight of that nice meat all lineded with taller is enough for to run a body distracted.

"Mr. Man he come en he come 'long. Brer Rabbit en Brer Fox dey look en dey look at 'im. Dey wink der eye en der mouf water. Brer Rabbit he 'low he bleedz ter git some er dat meat. Brer Fox he 'spon', he did, dat it look mighty fur off ter him. Den Brer Rabbit tell Brer Fox fer ter foller 'long atter 'im in hailin' distuns, an wid dat he put out, he did, en 'twan't long 'fo' he kotch up wid Mr. Man. "Mr. Man he come and he come along. Brother Rabbit and Brother Fox the look and they look at him. They wind their eye and their mouth water. Brother Rabbit he allow was pleased to get some of that meat. Brother Fox he respond, he did, that it look mighty far off to him. Then Brother Rabbit tell Brother Fox for to follw along after him in hailing distance, on with that he put out, he did, and it wasn't long before he caught up with Mr. Man.

"Dey pass de time er day, en den dey went joggin' 'long de road same lak dey 'uz gwine 'pun a journey. Brer Rabbit he keep on snuffin' de a'r. Mr. Man up'n ax 'im is he got a bad cole, en Brer Rabbit 'spon' dat he smell
sump'n' w'ich it don't smell like ripe peaches. Bimeby, Brer Rabbit 'gun to hol' he nose, he did, an atter w'ile he sing out:
"They pass the time of day, and then they went jogging along the road same like they was going upon a journey. Brother Rabbit he keep on sniffing the air. Mr. Man up and ask him is he got a bad cold, and Brother Rabbit respond that he smell
something which it don't smell like ripe peaches. By and by, Brother Rabbit begun to hold his nose, he did, and after while he sing out:

"'Gracious en de goodness, Mr. Man! hit's dat meat er yone. Phew! Whar'bouts is you pick up dat meat at?' 'Gracious and the goodness, Mr. Man! it's that meat of yours.Phew! Where abouts is you pick up that meat at?'

"Dis make Mr. Man feel sorter 'shame hisse'f, en ter make marters wuss, yer come a great big green fly a-zoonin' 'roun'. Brer Rabbit he git way off on ter side er de road, en he keep on hol'in' he nose. Mr. Man, he look sorter sheepish, be did, en dey aint gone fur 'fo' he put de meat down on de side er de road, en he tuck'n ax Brer Rabbit w'at dey gwine do 'bout it. Brer Rabbit he 'low, he did: "This make Mr. Man feel sorter ashamed hisself, and to make matter worst, here come a great big green fly a-zooming around. Brother Rabbit he get way off on the side of the road, and he keep on holding his nose. Mr. Man, he look sort of sheepish, he did, and they ain't gone far before he put the meat down on the side of the road, and he took and ask Brother Rabbit what they going to do about it. Brother Rabbit allow, he did:

"'I year tell in my time dat ef you take'n drag a piece er meat thoo' de dus' hit'll fetch back hits freshness. I aint no superspicious man myse'f,' sezee, 'en I aint got no 'speunce wid no sech doin's, but dem w'at tell me say dey done try it. Yit I knows dis,' says Brer Rabbit, sezee,--'I knows dat 'taint gwine do no harm, kase de grit w'at gits on de meat kin be wash off,' sez Brer Rabbit, sezee. "'I hear tell in my time that if you take and drag a piece of meat through the dust it'll fetch back it's freshness. I ain't no supersticious man myself,' says he, 'and I ain't got no expense with no such doings, but them what tell me say they done try it. Yet I knows this,' says Brother Rabbit, says he,-- 'I knows that it ain't going do no harm, cause the grit what gits on the meat can be washed off,' says Brother Rabbit, says he.

"'I aint got no string,' sez Mr. Man, sezee. "'I ain't got no string,' says Mr. Man, says he.

"Brer Rabbit laff hearty, but still he hol' he nose. "Brother Rabbit laugh hearty, but still he hold his nose.

"'Time you bin in de bushes long ez I is, you won't miss strings,' sez Brer Rabbit, sezee. 'Time you been in the bushes long as I is, you won't miss strings,' syas Brother Rabbit, says he.

"Wid dat Brer Rabbit lipt out, en he aint gone long 'fo he come hoppin' back wid a whole passel er bamboo vines all tied tergedder. Mr. Man, he 'low: "With that Brother Rabbit lept out, and he ain't gone long before he come hopping back with a whole passel of bamboo vines all tied together. Mr. Man, he allow:

"'Dat line mighty long.' 'That line mighty long.'


"Brer Rabbit he 'low: "Brother Rabbit he allow:

"‘Tooby sho', you' want de win' fer ter git 'twix' you en dat meat.' 'To by sure, you want the wind for to get between you and that meen.

"Den Mr. Man tuck'n tied de bamboo line ter de meat. Brer Rabbit he broke off a 'simmon bush, he did, en 'low dat he'd stay behime en keep de flies off. Mr. Man he go on befo' en drag de meat, en Brer Rabbit he stay behime, he did, en take keer un it." "Then Mr. Man took and tied the bamboo line to the meat. Brother Rabbit he broke off a persimmon bush, he did, and allow that he'd stay behind and keep the flies off. Mr. Man he go on before and drag the meat, and Brother Rabbit he stay behind, he did, and take care of it."

Here Uncle Remus was compelled to pause and. laugh before he could proceed with the story.

"En he is take keer un it, mon--dat he is. He tuck'n git 'im a rock, en w'iles Mr. Man gwine 'long bidout lookin' back, he ondo de meat en tie de rock ter de bamboo line, en w'en Brer Fox foller' on, sho' 'nuff, dar lay de meat. Mr. Man, he drug de rock, he did, en Brer Rabbit he keep de flies off, twel atter dey gone on right smart piece, en den w'en Mr. Man look 'roun', whar wuz ole man Rabbit? "And he take care of it, man--that he is. He took and get him a rock and whiles Mr. Man going along without looking back, he undo the meat and tie the rock to the bamboo line, and when Brother Fox follow on, sure enough, there lay the meat. Mr. Man, he drug the rock, he did and Brother Rabbit he keep the flies off, till after they gone right smart piece, and then when Mr. Man look around, where was old man Rabbit?

"Bless yo' soul, Brer Rabbit done gone back en jine Brer Fox, en he wuz des in time, at dat, 'kase little mo' en Brer Fox would 'a' done bin outer sight en yearin'. En so dat de way Brer Rabbit git Mr. Man meat." "Bless your soul, Brother Rabbit done gone back and join Brother Fox, and he was just in time, at that, cause a little more and Brother Fox would a done been out of sight and hearing. And so that was Brother Rabbit get Mr. Man meat."

The little boy reflected a little, and then said:

"Uncle Remus, wasn't that stealing?"

"Well, I tell you 'bout dat, honey," "Well, I tell you about that, honey," responded the old man, with the air of one who is willing to compromise. "In dem days de creeturs bleedz ter look out fer deyse'f, mo' speshually dem w'at aint got hawn an' huff. Brer
Rabbit aint got no hawn an' huff, en he bleedz ter be he own lawyer."
"In them days the creatures pleased to look out for theyselves, most especially them what ain't got hawn and huff. Brother
Rabbit ain't go not hawn and huff, and he pleased to be his own lawyer."

Just then the little boy heard his father's buggy rattling down the avenue, and he ran out into the darkness to meet it. After he was gone, Uncle Remus sat a long time rubbing his hands and looking serious. Finally he leaned back in his chair, and exclaimed:

"Dat little chap gittin' too much fer ole Remus--dat he is!" "That little chap getting too much for old Remus--that he is!"


When the little boy next visited Uncle Remus the cabin was dark and empty and the door shut. The old man was gone. He was absent for several nights, but at last one night the little boy saw a welcome light in the cabin, and he made haste to pay Uncle Remus a visit. He was full of questions:

"Goodness, Uncle Remus! Where in the world have you been? I thought you were gone for good. Mamma said she reckoned the treatment here didn't suit you, and you had gone off to get some of your town friends to hire you."

"Is Miss Sally tell you dat, honey ? Well, ef she aint de beatenes' w'ite 'oman dis side er kingdom come, you kin des shoot me. Miss Sally tuck'n writ me a pass wid
her own han's fer to go see some er my kin down dar in de Ashbank settlement. Yo' mammy quare 'oman, honey, sho'!
"Is Miss Sally tell you that, honey? Well, if she ain't the beatenest white woman this side of kingdome come, you can just shoot me. Miss Sally took and wrote me a pass with
her own hands for to go see some of my kin down there in the Ashbank settlement. Your mammy queer woman, honey, sure!

"En yit, w'at de good er my stayin' yer? T'er night, I aint mo'n git good en started 'fo' you er up en gone, en I aint seed ha'r ner hide un you sence. W'en I see you do dat, I 'low ter myse'f' dat hit's des 'bout time fer ole man Remus fer ter pack up he duds an go hunt comp'ny some'r's else." "And yet, what the good of my staying here? Tonight, I ain't mo'n get good and started before you are up and gone, and I ain't seed hair nor hide of you since. When I see you do that, I allow to myself that it's just about time old man Remus for to pack up his duds and go hunt company somewheres else."

"Well, Uncle Remus," exclaimed the little boy, in a tone of expostulation, "didn't Brother Fox get the meat, and wasn't that the end of the story?"

Uncle Remus started to laugh, but he changed his mind so suddenly that the little boy was convulsed. The old man groaned and looked at the rafters with a curious air of disinterestedness. After a while he went on with great seriousness:

"I dunner w'at kinder idee folks got 'bout Brer Rabbit nohow, dat I don't. S'pozen you lays de plans so some yuther chap kin git a big hunk er goody, is you gwine ter set off some'r's en see 'im make way wid 'it?" "I don't know what kind of idea folks got about Brother Rabbit now, that I don't know. Supposing you lays the plan so some other chap can get a big hunk of goody, and is you going to set off somewheres and see them make way with it?"

"What kind of goody, Uncle Remus?"

"Dish yer kinder goody w'at town folks keeps. Mint draps and reezins, en sweet doin's lak Miss Sally keep und' lock en key . Well, den, if you gits some er dat, er may be some yuther kinder goody, w'ich I wish 'twuz yer right dis blessid minnit, is you gwine ter set quile up in dat cheer en let n'er chap run off wid it? Dat you aint --dat you aint!" "This here kind of goody what town folks keeps. Mint drops and raisins and sweet doings like Miss Sally keep under lock and key. Well, then, if you gets some of that, or maybe some other kind of goody, which I wish it was you right just blessed minute, is you going to set quite up in that chair and let another chap run off with it? That you ain't--that you ain't!"


"Oh, I know!" exclaimed the little boy. "Brother Rabbit went back and made Brother Fox give him his part of the meat."

"Des lak I tell you, honey; dey wan't no man mungs de creeturs w'at kin stan' right flat-footed en wuk he min' quick lak Brer Rabbit. He tuck'n tie de rock on de string, stidder de meat, en he pursue long att’r it, he did, twel Mr. Man tu'n a ben' in de road, en den Brer Rabbit, he des lit out fum dar--terbuckity-buckity, buck-buck- buckity! en 'twan't long 'fo' he tuck'n kotch up wid Brer Fox. Dey tuck de meat, dey did, en kyar'd it way off in de woods, en laid it down on a clean place on de groun'. "Just like I tell you, honey; they wanted no man among the creatures what can stand right flat-footed and work his mind quick like Brother Rabbit. He took and tie the rock on the string, instead of the meat, and he pursue long after it, he did, till Mr. Man turn a bend in the road, and then Brother Rabbit, he just lit out from there--terbuckity-buckity, buck-buck- buckity! and it wasn't long before he took and caught up with Brother Fox. They took the meat, they did, and carried it way off in the woods, and laid it down on a clean place on the ground.

"Dey laid it down, dey did," "They laid it down, they did," continued Uncle Remus, drawing his chair up closer to the little boy, "en den Brer Fox 'low dey better sample it, en Brer Rabbit he 'gree. Wid dat, Brer Fox he tuck'n gnyaw off a hunk, en he shut bofe eyes, he did, en he chaw en chaw, en tas'e en tas'e, en chaw en tas'e. Brer Rabbit, he watch 'im, but Brer Fox, he keep bofe eyes shot, en he chaw en tas'e, en tas'e en chaw." "and then Brother Fox allow they better sample it, and Brother Rabbit he agreed. With that, Brother Fox he took and knaw off a hunk, and he shut both eyes, he did, and he chaw and chaw, and tast and taste, and chaw and taste. Brother Rabbit, he watch him, but Brother Fox, he keep both eyes shut, and he chaw and taste, and taste and chaw."

Uncle Remus not only furnished a pantomime accompaniment to this recital by shutting his eyes and pretending to taste, but he lowered his voice to a pitch of tragical significance in reporting the dialogue that ensued:

"Den Brer Fox smack he mouf en look at de meat mo' closeter, en up'n 'low: "Then Brother Fox smack his mouth and look at the meat more closer, and up and allow:

"'Brer Rabbit, hit's lam'! 'Brother Rabbit, it's lamb! '

"'No, Brer Fox! sho'ly not!' 'No, Brother Fox! surely not!'

"'Brer Rabbit, hit's lam!' 'Brother Rabbit, it's lamb!'


"'Brer Fox, tooby sho'ly not!' 'Brother Fox, to be surely not!'

"Den Brer Rabbit, he tuck'n gnyaw off a hunk, en he shot bofe eyes, en chaw en tas'e, en tas'e en chaw. Den he smack he mouf, en up'n 'low: "Then Brother Rabbit, he took and knaw off a hunk, and he shut both eyes, and chaw and taste, and taste and chaw. Then he smack his mouth, and up and allow:

"'Brer Fox, hit's shote! 'Brother Fox, it's shote!

"'Brer Rabbit, you foolin' me!' 'Brother Rabbit, you fooling me!'

"'Brer Fox, I vow hit's shote!' 'Brother Fox, I vow it's shote!

"'Brer Rabbit, hit des can't be!' 'Brother Rabbit, it just can't be!'

"'Brer Fox, hit sho'ly is!' 'Brother Fox, it surely is!'

"Dey tas'e en dey 'spute, en dey 'spute en dey tas'e. Atter w'ile, Brer Rabbit make lak he want some water, en he rush off in de bushes, en d'reckly yer he come back wipin' he mouf en cl'erin' up he th'oat. Den Brer Fox he want some water sho' nuff: "They taste and they dispute, and they dispute and they taste. After a while, Brother Rabbit make like he want some water, and he rush off in the bushes, and directly here he come back wiping his mouth and clearing up his throat. Then Brother Fox he want some water sure enough:

"'Brer Rabbit, whar you fin' de spring?' 'Brother Rabbit, where you find the spring?'

"'Cross de road, en down de hill en up de big gully.' 'Cross the road, and down the hill and up the big gullly.'

"Brer Fox, he lope off, he did, en atter he gone Brer Rabbit totch he year wid he behime foot lak he flippin' 'im good-bye. Brer Fox, he cross de road en rush down de hill, he did, yit he aint fin' no big gully. He keep on gwine twel he fin' de big gully, yit he aint fin' no spring. "Brother Fox, he lept off, he did, and after he gone Brother Rabbit touch his ear with his behind foot like he flipping him good-bye. Brother Fox, he cross the road and rush down the hill, he did, yet ain't find no big gully. He keep on going till he find the big gully, yet he ain't find no big gully. He keep on going till he find the big gully, yet he ain't find no spring.

"W'iles all dish yer gwine on, Brer Rabbit he tuck'n grabble a hole in de groun', he did, en dat hole he hid de meat. Atter he git it good en hid, he tuck'n cut 'im a long keen hick'ry, en atter so long a time, w'en he year Brer Fox comin' back he got in a clump er bushes, en tuck dat hick'ry en let in on a saplin', en ev'y time
he hit de saplin', he 'ud squall out, Brer Rabbit would, des lak de patter-rollers had 'im:
"Whiles all this here going on, Brother Rabbit he took grabble a hole in the ground, he did, and that hole he hid the meat. After he got it good and hid, he took and cut him a long keen hickory, and after so long a time, when he hear Brother Fox coming back he got in a clump or bushes, and took that hickory and let in on a sapling, and every time
he hit the sapling, he would squall out, Brother Rabbit would, just like the patter-rollers had him:

"Pow, pow! 'Oh, pray, Mr. Man!'--Pow, pow! 'Oh, pray, Mr. Man!'--Chippy-row, pow! 'Oh, Lordy, Mr. Man! Brer Fox tuck yo' meat!' 'Oh, Lordy, Mr. Man! Brother Fox took your meat!' --Pow! 'Oh, pray, Mr. Man! Brer Fox tuck yo' meat!' 'Oh, pray, Mr. Man! Brother Fox took your meat!' "

Every time Uncle Remus said "Pow!" he struck himself in the palm of his hand with a shoe-sole by way of illustration.

"'Co'se," "'Cause," he went on, "w'en Brer Fox year dis kinder doin's, he fotch up, he did, en lissen, en ev'y time he year de hick'ry come down pow! he tuck'n grin en 'low ter hisse'f, ‘Ah-yi ! you fool me 'bout de water! Ah-yi! you fool me 'bout de water!' "when Brother Fox hear this kind of doings, he fetch up, he did, and listened, and every time he hear the hickory come down pow! he took and grinned and allow to hisself, 'Ah-y! you fool me about the water! Ah-yi! you fool me about the water!'

"Atter so long a time, de racket sorter die out, en seem lak Mr. Man wuz draggin' Brer Rabbit off. Dis make Brer Fox feel mighty skittish. Bimeby Brer Rabbit come a cally-hootin' back des a-holler in': "After so long a time, the racket sor of die out, and seem like Mr. Man was dragging Brother Rabbit off. This make Brother Fox feel mighty skittish. By and by Brother Rabbit come a cally-hooting back just a- hollering:

"'Run, Brer Fox, run! Mr. Man say he gwine to kyar dat meat up de road ter whar he son is, en den he's a-comin' back atter you. Run, Brer Fox, run!' 'Run, Brother Fox, run! Mr. Man say he going to carry that meat up the road to where his son is, and then he's a-coming back after you. Run Brother Fox, run!'

"En I let you know," "and I let you know," said Uncle Remus, leaning back and laughing to see the little boy laugh, "I let you know Brer Fox got mighty skace in dat neighborhood!" "I let you know Brother Fox got mighty scarce in that neighborhood!"



Usually, the little boy, who regarded himself as Uncle Remus' partner, was not at all pleased when he found the old man entertaining, in his simple way, any of his colored friends; but he was secretly delighted when he called one night and found Daddy Jack sitting by Uncle Remus's hearth. Daddy Jack was an object of curiosity to older people than the little boy. He was a genuine African, and for that reason he was known as African Jack, though the child had been taught to call him Daddy Jack. He was brought to Georgia in a slave-ship when he was about twenty years old, and remained upon one of the sea-islands for several years. Finally, he fell into the hands of the family of which Uncle Remus's little partner was the youngest representative, and became the trusted foreman of a plantation, in the southern part of Georgia, known as the Walthall Place. Once every year he was in the habit of visiting the Home Place in Middle Georgia, and it was during one of these annual visits that the little boy found him in Uncle Remus's cabin.

Daddy Jack appeared to be quite a hundred years old, but he was probably not more than eighty. He was a little, dried-up old man, whose weazened, dwarfish appearance, while it was calculated to inspire awe in the minds of the superstitious, was not without its pathetic suggestions.
The child had been told that the old African was a wizard, a conjurer, and a snake-charmer; but he was not afraid, for, in any event,--conjuration, witchcraft, or what not,--he was assured of the protection of Uncle Remus.

As the little boy entered the cabin Uncle Remus smiled and nodded pleasantly, and made a place for him on a little stool upon which had been piled the odds and ends of work. Daddy Jack paid no attention to the child; his thoughts seemed to be elsewhere.

"Go en shake han's, honey, en tell Daddy Jack howdy. He laks good chilluns." "Go on shake hands, honey, and tell Daddy Jack howdy. He likes good children Then to Daddy Jack: "Brer Jack, dish yer de chap w'at I bin tellin' you 'bout." "Brother Jack, this here the cahp what i been telling you about."

The little boy did as he was bid, but Daddy Jack grunted ungraciously and made no response to the salutation. He was evidently not fond of children. Uncle Remus glanced curiously at the dwarfed and withered figure, and spoke a little more emphatically:

"Brer Jack, ef you take good look at dis chap, I lay you’ll see mo'n you speck ter see. You'll see sump'n' dat'll make you grunt wusser dan you grunted deze many long year. Go up dar, honey, whar Daddy Jack kin see you." "Brother Jack, if you take good look at this chap, I lay you'll see more than you suspect to see. You'll see something that'll make you grunt worers than you grunted these many long year. Go up there, honey, where Daddy Jack can see you."

The child went shyly up to the old African and stood at his knee. The sorrows and perplexities of nearly a hundred years lay between them; and now, as always, the baffled eyes of age gazed into the Sphinx-like face of youth, as if by this means to unravel the mysteries of the past and solve the problems of the future.

Daddy Jack took the plump, rosy hands of the little
boy in his black, withered ones, and gazed into his face so long and steadily, and with such curious earnestness, that the child didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Presently the old African flung his hands to his head, and rocked his body from side to side, moaning and mumbling, and talking to himself, while the tears ran down his face like rain.

"Ole Missy! Ole Missy! 'E come back! I bin shum dey-day, I bin shum de night! I bin yeddy 'e v'ice, I bin yeddy de sign!" "Old Missy! Old Missy! He come back! I been shum the day, I been shum the night! I been yeddyof advice, I been yeddy of sign!"

"Ah-yi!" exclaimed Uncle Remus, into whose arms the little boy had fled; "I des know'd dat 'ud fetch 'im. Hit's bin manys de long days sence Brer Jack seed ole Miss, yit ef he aint seed 'er dat whack, den I aint settin' yer." "I just knew that would fetch him. It's been manys the long setting here."


After a while Daddy Jack ceased his rocking, and his moaning, and his crying, and sat gazing wistfully into the fireplace. Whatever he saw there fixed his attention, for Uncle Remus spoke to him several times without receiving a response. Presently, however, Daddy Jack exclaimed with characteristic, but laughable irrelevance:

"I no lakky dem gal wut is bin-a stan' pidjin-toe. Wun 'e fetch pail er water on 'e head, water churray, churray. I no lakky dem gal wut tie 'e wool up wit' string; mekky him stan' ugly fer true. I bin ahx da' 'Tildy gal fer marry me, un'e no crack 'im bre't' fer mek answer 'cep' 'e bre'k out un lahf by me werry face. Da' gal do holler un lahf un stomp 'e fut dey-dey, un dun I shum done gone pidjin-toe. Oona bin know da' 'Tildy gal?" "I no likey them gal what is been-a standing pidgeon-toe. When she fetch pail of water on she head, water churray, churray. I no likey them gal what tie me wool up with string; makey him stand ugly for true. I been ask the Tildy gal for marry me, and no creack him better for make answer except he break out and laugh by me very face. The gal do holler and laugh and stomp her foot dey-dey, and then I shum done gone pidgeon-toe. Oona been knew the Tildy gal?"

"I bin a-knowin' 'dat gal," "I been a-knowing that gal," said Uncle Remus, grimly regarding the old African; "I bin a-knowin' dat gal now gwine on sence she 'uz knee-high ter one er deze yer puddle-ducks; en I bin noticin' lately dat she mighty likely nigger." "I been a-knowing that gal now going on since she was knee-high to one of these here puddle-ducks; and I been noticing lately that she maighty likely nigger."

"Enty!" "Isn't she!" exclaimed Daddy Jack, enthusiastically, "I did bin mek up ter da' lilly gal troo t'ick un t'in. I bin fetch 'im one fine 'possum, un mo' ez one, two, t'ree peck-a taty, un bumbye I bin fetch 'im one bag pop-co'n. Wun I bin do dat, I is fley roun' da' lilly gal so long tam, un I yeddy 'im talk wit' turrer gal. 'E do say: 'Daddy Jack fine ole man fer true.' Dun I is bin talk: 'Oona no call-a me Daddy Jack wun dem preacher man come
fer marry we.' Dun da' lilly gal t'row 'e head back; 'e squeal lak filly in canebrake."
"I did been make up to that lilly gal through thick and thin. I been fetch him one fine possum, and more than one, two, three peck-a taty, and by and by I been fetch him one bag pop-corn. When I been do that, I is fley around the lilly gal so long time, and I ready him talk with turrer gal. He do say: 'Daddy Jack fine old man for true.' Then I is been talk: 'Oona no call-a me Daddy Jack when them preacher man come
for marry we. Then the lilly gal throw her head back; she squeal like filly in canebrake."

The little boy understood this rapidly-spoken lingo perfectly well, but he would have laughed anyhow, for there was more than a suggestion of the comic in the shrewd seriousness that seemed to focus itself in Daddy Jack's pinched and wrinkled face.

"She tuck de truck w'at you tuck'n fotch 'er," "She took the truck what you took and fetch her," said Uncle Remus, with the air of one carefully and deliberately laying the basis of a judicial opinion, "en den w'en you sail in en talk bizness, den she up en gun you de flat un 'er foot en de back un 'er han', en den, atter dat, she tuck'n laff en make spote un you." "and then when you sail in and talk business, then she up and gun you the flat of her foot and back of her hand, and then, after that, she took and laugh and make spote of you."

"Enty!" "Isn't she!" assented Daddy Jack, admiringly.

"Well, den, Brer Jack, youer mighty ole, en yit hit seem lak youer mighty young; kaze a man w'at aint got no mo' speunce wid wimmen folks dan w'at you is neenter creep 'roun' yer call in' deyse'f ole. Dem kinder folks aint ole nuff, let 'lone bein' too ole. W'en de gal tuck'n laff, Brer Jack, w'at 'uz yo' nex' move?" "Well, then, Brother Jack, you're mighty old, and yet it seem like you're mighty young; cause a man what ain't got no more experience with women folks than what you is neenter creep around here calling theyself old. Them kind of folks ain't old enough, let alon being too old. When the gal took and laugh, Brother Jack, what was your next move?" demanded Uncle Remus, looking down upon the shrivelled old man with an air of superiority.

Daddy Jack shut his shrewd little eyes tightly and held them so, as if by that means to recall all the details of the flirtation. Then he said:

"Da' lilly gal is bin tek dem t'ing. 'E is bin say 'T'anky, t'anky.' Him eaty da' 'possum, him eaty da' pop-co'n, him roas'n da' taty. 'E do say, 'T'anky, t'anky!' Wun I talk marry, 'e is bin ris 'e v'ice un
squeal lak lilly pig stuck in 'e t'roat. 'E do holler: 'Hi, Daddy Jack! wut is noung gal gwan do wit' so ole man lak dis?' Un I is bin say: 'Wut noung gal gwan do wit' ole Chrismus' cep' 'e do 'joy 'ese'f?' Un da lil gal 'e do lahff un flut 'ese'f way fum dey-dey."
"The lilly gal is been take them things. 'e is been say 'Thanky, thanky.' Him eaty the opossum, him eaty the popcorn, him roasting the taty. He do say, 'Thanky, thanky!' When I talk marry, he is been raise his voice and squeal like pig stuck in he throat. He do holler: 'Hi, Daddy Jack! what is noung gal gonna do with so old man like this?' And I been say: 'What noung gal gonna do with old Christmas excepting she do enjoy herself?' And the lil gal she do laugh and flurt herself way from day-day."

"I know'd a nigger one time," said Uncle Remus, after pondering a moment, "w'at tuck a notion dat he want a bait er 'simmons, en de mo' w'at de notion tuck 'im de mo' w'at he want um, en bimeby, hit look lak he des natally erbleedz ter have um. He want de 'simmons, en dar dey is in de tree. He mouf water, en dar hang de 'simmons. Now, den, w'at do dat nigger do? W'en you en me en dish yer chile yer wants 'simmons, we goes out en shakes de tree, en ef deyer good en ripe, down dey comes, en ef deyer good en green, dar dey stays. But dish yer yuther nigger, he too smart fer dat. He des tuck'n tuck he stan' und' de tree, en he open he mouf, he did, en wait fer de 'simmons fer ter drap in dar. Dey aint none drap in yit," "what took a notion that he want a bait a persimmons, and the more what the notion took him the more what he want them, and by and by, it look like he just naturally pleased to have them. He want the persimmons, and there they is in the tree. His mouth water, and there hang the persimmons, we goes out and shakes the tree, and if they're good and ripe, down they comes, and if they're good and green, there they stays. But this here other nigger, he too smart for that. He just took and took his stand under the tree, and he open his mouth, he did, and wait for the persimmons for to drop in there. They ain't non drop in yet," continued Uncle Remus, gently knocking the cold ashes out of his pipe; "en w'at's mo', dey aint none gwine ter drap in dar. Dat des zackly de way wid Brer Jack yer, 'bout marryin'; he stan' dar, he do, en he hol’ bofe han's wide open en he speck de gal gwine ter drap right spang in um. Man want gal, he des got ter grab 'er--dat's w'at. Dey may squall en dey may flutter, but flutter'n' en squallin' aint done no damage yit ez I knows un, en 'taint gwine ter. Young chaps kin make great 'miration 'bout gals, but w'en dey gits ole ez I is, dey ull know dat folks is folks, en w'en it come ter
bein' folks, de wimmen ain gut none de 'vantage er de men. Now dat's des de plain up en down tale I'm a tellin' un you."
"and what's more, they ain't none going to drop in there. That just exactly the way with Brother Jack here, about marrying; he standing there, he do, and he hold both hands wide open and expect the gal going to drop right spang in them. Man want gal, he just got to grab her--that's what. They may squall and they may flutter, but fluttering and squalling ain't no damage yet as I knows one, and it ain't going to. Young chaps can make great admiration about gals, but when they gets old as I is, they'll know that folks is folks, and when it come to
being folks, the women ain't got none the advantage of the men. Now that's just the plain up and down tal I'm a telling you."

This deliverance from so respectable an authority seemed to please Daddy Jack immensely. He rubbed his withered hands together, smacked his lips and chuckled. After a few restless movements he got up and went shuffling to the door, his quick, short steps causing Uncle Remus to remark:

"De gal w'at git ole Brer Jack 'ull git a natchul pacer, sho'. He move mo' one-sideder dan ole Zip Coon, w'ich he rack up de branch all night long wid he nose p'int lak he gwine 'cross." "The gal what get old Brother Jack'll get a natural pacer, sure. He move more one-side there than old Zip Coon, which he rack up the branch all night long with his nose pink like he going across."

While the little boy was endeavoring to get Uncle Remus to explain the nature of Daddy Jack's grievances, muffled laughter was heard outside, and almost immediately 'Tildy rushed in the door. 'Tildy flung herself upon the floor and rolled and laughed until, apparently, she could laugh no more. Then she seemed to grow severely angry. She arose from the floor and flopped herself down in a chair, and glared at Uncle Remus with indignation in her eyes. As soon as she could control her inflamed feelings, she cried:

"W'at is I done ter you, Unk' Remus? 'Fo' de Lord, ef anybody wuz ter come en tole me dat you gwine ter put de Ole Boy in dat ole Affikin nigger head, I wouldn't er b'leeved um--dat I wouldn't. Unk' Remus, w'at is I done ter you?" "What is I done to you, Uncle Remus? Before the Lord, if anybody was to come and tell me that you going to put Old Boy in that old African nigger head, I wouldn't of believed them-- dat I wouldn't. Uncle Remus, what is I done to you?"


Uncle Remus made no direct response; but he leaned over, reached out his hand, and picked up an unfinished axe-helve that stood in the corner. Then he took the little boy by the arm, and pushed him out of the way, saying in his gentlest and most persuasive tone:

"Stan' sorter 'roun' dar, honey, kase w' en de splinters 'gin ter fly, I want you ter be out'n de way. Miss Sally never gimme 'er fergivance in de 'roun' worl' ef you 'uz ter git hurted on account er de frazzlin' er dish yer piece er timber." "Stand sort of around there, honey cause when the splinters begin to fly, I want you to be out of the way. Miss Sally never give me her forgivness in the round world if you was to get hurted on account of the frazzling of this here piece of timber."

Uncle Remus's movements and remarks had a wonderful effect on 'Tildy. Her anger disappeared, her eyes lost their malignant expression, and her voice fell to a conversational tone.

"Now, Unk' Remus, you oughtn't ter do me dat a-way, kase' I aint done nothin' ter you. I 'uz settin' up yon' in Aunt Tempy house, des now, runnin' on wid Riah, en yer come dat ole Affikin Jack en say you say he kin marry me ef he ketch me, en he try ter put he arm 'roun' me en kiss me." "Now, Uncle Remus, you ought not to do me that a-way, cuase I ain't done nothing to you. I was setting up yonder in Aunt Tempy house, just now, running on with Riah, and here come that old African Jack and say you say he can marry me if he catch me, and he try to put his arm around me and kiss me."

'Tildy tossed her head and puckered her mouth at the bare remembrance of it.

"W'at wud did you gin Brer Jack?" "What word did you give Brother Jack?" inquired Uncle Remus, not without asperity.

"W'at I gwine tell him?" "What I going to tell him? exclaimed 'Tildy disdainfully. "I des tuck'n up en tole 'im he foolin' wid de wrong nigger." "I just took and up and told him he fooling with the wrong nigger."

'Tildy would have continued her narration, but just at that moment the shuffling of feet was heard outside, and
Daddy Jack came in, puffing and blowing and smiling. Evidently he had been hunting for 'Tildy in every house in the negro quarter.

"Hi!" he exclaimed, "lil gal, 'e bin skeet sem lak ma'sh hen. 'E no run no mo." "little gal, she been skeet, sweet seem like ma'sh hen. She no run no more."

"Pick 'er up, Brer Jack," "Pick her up, Brother Jack," exclaimed Uncle Remus; "she's yone." "she's young."

'Tildy was angry as well as frightened. She would have fled, but Daddy Jack stood near the door.

"Look yer, nigger man!" "Look here, nigger man!" she exclaimed, "ef you come slobbun 'roun' me, I'll take one er deze yer dog-iuns en brain you wid it. I aint gwine ter have no web-foot nigger follerin' atter me. Now you des come!--I aint feard er yo' cunjun. Unk' Remus, ef you got any intruss in dat ole Affikin ape, you better make 'im lemme 'lone. G'way fum yer now!" "if you come slobbering around me, I'll take one of these here dog-iuns and brain you with it. I ain't going to have no web-foot nigger following after me. Now you just come!--I ain't feared of your conjuring. Uncle Remus, if you got any interest in that old African ape, you better make him leave me alone. Go away from here now!"

All this time Daddy Jack was slowly approaching 'Tildy, bowing and smiling, and looking quite dandified, as Uncle Remus afterward said. Just as the old African was about to lay hands upon 'Tildy, she made a rush for the door. The movement was so unexpected that Daddy Jack was upset. He fell upon Uncle Remus's shoe-bench, and then rolled off on the floor, where he lay clutching at the air, and talking so rapidly that nobody could understand a word he said. Uncle Remus lifted him to his feet, with much dignity, and it soon became apparent that he was neither hurt nor angry. The little boy laughed immoderately, and he was still laughing when 'Tildy put her head in the door and exclaimed:


"Unk' Remus, I aint kilt dat ole nigger, is I? Kaze ef I got ter go ter de gallus, I want to go dar fer sump'n n'er bigger'n dat." "Uncle Remus, I ain't killed that old nigger, is I? Cause if I got to go to the gallows, I want to go for something near bigger than that?"

Uncle Remus, disdained to make any reply, but Daddy Jack chuckled and patted himself on the knee as he cried:

"Come 'long, lilly gal! come 'long! I no mad. I fall down dey fer laff. Come 'long, lilly gal, come 'long." "Come along, lilly gal! come along! I no mad. I fall down there for a laugh. Coem along lilly gal! come along."

'Tildy went on laughing loudly and talking to herself. After awhile Uncle Remus said:

"Honey, I speck Miss Sally lookin' und' de bed en axin' whar you is. You better leak out fum yer now, en by dis time ter-morrer night I'll git Brer Jack all primed up, en he'll whirl in en tell you a tale." "Honey, I suspect Miss Sally looking under the bed and asking where you is. You better leak out from here now, and by this time tomorrow night I'll get Brother Jack all primed up, and he'll whirl in and tell you a tale."

Daddy Jack nodded assent, and the little boy ran laughing to the "big house."


The night after the violent flirtation between Daddy Jack and 'Tildy, the latter coaxed and bribed the little boy to wait until she had finished her work about the house. After she had set things to rights in the dining- room and elsewhere, she took the child by the hand, and together they went to Uncle Remus's cabin. The old
man was making a door-mat of shucks and grass and white-oak splits, and Daddy Jack was dozing in the corner.

"W'at I tell you, Brer Jack?" "What I tell you, Brother Jack?" said Uncle Remus, as 'Tildy came in. "Dat gal atter you, mon!" "That gal after you, man!"

"Fer de Lord sake, Unk' Remus, don't start dat ole nigger. I done promise Miss Sally dat I wont kill 'im, en I like ter be good ez my word; but ef he come foolin' longer me I'm des natally gwine ter onj'int 'im. Now you year me say de word." "For the Lord sake, Uncle Remus, don't start that old nigger. I done promise Miss Sally that I won't kill him, and I like to be good as my word; but if he come fooling longer me I'm just naturally going to onj'int him. Now you hear me say the word."

But Daddy Jack made no demonstration. He sat with his eyes closed, and paid no attention to 'Tildy. After awhile the little boy grew restless, and presently he said:

"Daddy Jack, you know you promised to tell me a story to-night."

"He wukkin' wid it now, honey," "He working with it now, honey," said Uncle Remus, soothingly. "Brer Jack," "Brother Jack," he continued, "wa'n't dey sump'n' n'er 'bout ole man Yalligater?" "wasn't they something or anther about old man Alligator?"

"Hi!" exclaimed Daddy Jack, arousing himself, "'e 'bout B'er 'Gater fer true. Oona no bin see da' B'er 'Gater?" "'e about Brother Alligator for true. Oona no been see the Brother Alligator?"

The child had seen one, but it was such a very little one he hardly knew whether to claim an acquaintance with Daddy Jack's 'Gater.

"Dem all sem," "Them all same," continued Daddy Jack. "Big mout', pop-eye, walk on 'e belly; 'e is bin got bump, bump, bump 'pon 'e bahk, bump, bump, bump 'pon 'e tail. E dife 'neat' de water, 'e do lif 'pon de lan'. "Big mouth, pop-eye, walk on his belly; he is ben got bump, bump, bump upon the back, bump, bump, bump upon the tail. He dive beneath the water, he do live upon the land.


"One tam Dog is bin run B'er Rabbit, tel 'e do git tire; da' Dog is bin run 'im tell him ent mos' hab no bre't' in 'e body; 'e hide 'ese'f by de crik side. 'E come close 'pon B'er 'Gater, en B'er 'Gater, 'e do say: "One time Dog is been run Brother Rabbit, till he do get tired; the Dog is been run him till him most have no breath in his body; he hide hisself by the creek side. He come close upon Brother Alligator, he do say:

"'Ki, B'er Rabbit! wut dis is mek you blow so? Wut mekky you' bre't' come so?' 'Hi, Brother Rabbit! what this is make you blow so? What makky you breath come so?'

"'Eh-eh! B'er 'Gater, I hab bin come 'pon' trouble. Dog, 'e do run un-a run me.' 'Eh-eh! Brother Alligator, I have been come upon trouble. Dog,he do run un-a run me.'

"'Wey you no fetch 'im 'long, B'er Rabbit? I is bin git fat on all da' trouble lak dem. I proud fer yeddy Dog bark, ef 'e is bin fetch-a me trouble lak dem.' 'Where you fetch him along, Brother Rabbit? I is been get fat on all the trouble like them. I proud for yeddy Dog bark, if he is been fetch-a me trouble like them.'

"'Wait, B'er 'Gater! Trouble come bisitin' wey you lif; 'e mekky you' side puff; 'e mekky you' bre't' come so.' 'Wait, Brother Alligator! Trouble come visiting where you live; he makey your side puff; he makey your breath come so.'

"'Gater, he do flup 'e tail un 'tretch 'ese'f, un lahff. 'E say: "'Alligator, he do flup/fluff up his tail and stretch hisself, and laugh. He say:

"'I lak fer see dem trouble. Nuddin' no bodder me. I ketch-a dem swimp, I ketch-a dem crahb, I mekky my bed wey de sun shiun hot, un I do 'joy mese'f. I proud fer see dem trouble.' 'I like for see them trouble. Nothing no bother me. I catch-a them shrimp, I cath-a them crab, I makey my bed where the sun shine hot, and I do enjoy meself. I proud for see them trouble.

"''E come 'pon you, B'er 'Gater, wun you bin hab you' eye shed; 'e come 'pon you fum de turrer side. Ef 'e no come 'pon you in da crik, dun 'e come 'pon you in da broom-grass.' 'He come upon you, Brother Alligator, when you been have your eye shed; he come upon you from the other side. If he no come upon you in the creek, then he come upon you in the broom-groass.'

"'Dun I shekky um by de han', Brer Rabbit; I ahx um howdy.' 'Then I shakey him by the hand, Brother Rabbit; I ask him howdy.'

"'Eh-eh, B'er 'Gater! you bin-a lahff at me; you no lahff wun dem trouble come. Dem trouble bin ketch-a you yit.' 'Eh-eh, Brother Gator! you been-a laugh at me; you no laugh when them trouble come. Them trouble been catch-a you yet.' "


Daddy Jack paused to wipe his face. He had reported the dialogue between Brother Rabbit and Brother Alligator with considerable animation, and had illustrated it as he went along with many curious inflections of the voice, and many queer gestures of head and hands impossible to describe here, but which added picturesqueness to the story. After awhile he went on:

"B'er Rabbit, 'e do blow un 'e do ketch um bre't'. 'E pit one year wey Dog is bin-a bark; 'e pit one eye 'pon B'er 'Gater. 'E lissen, 'e look; 'e look, 'e lissen. 'E no yeddy Dog, un 'e comforts come back. Bumbye B'er 'Gater, e' come drowsy; 'e do nod, nod, un 'e head sway down, tel ma'sh-grass tickle 'e nose, un 'e do cough sem lak 'e teer up da crik by da root. 'E no lak dis place fer sleep at, un 'e is crawl troo da ma'sh 'pon dry lan' ; 'e is mek fer da broom-grass fiel'. 'E mek 'e bed wid 'e long tail, un 'e is 'tretch 'ese'f out at 'e lenk. 'E is shed 'e y-eye, un opun 'e mout', un tek 'e nap. "Brother Rabbit, he do blow and he do catch them bre't. He put one ear where Dog is bin-a bark; he put one eye upon Brother Alligator. He listen, he look; he look, he listen. He no yeddy Dog, and he comforts come back. By and by Brother Alligator, he come drowsy; he do nod, nod, and his head sway down till marsh-grass tickle his nose, and he do cough seem like he tear up the creek by the root. He no like this place for sleep at, and he is crawl through the marsh upon dry land; he is make for that broom-grass field. He make his bed with his long tail, and he is stretch hisself out at his length. He is shed his y-eye, and open his mouth, and take a nap.

"B'er Rabbit, 'e do hol' 'e y-eye 'pon B'er 'Gater. Him talk no wud; him wallup 'e cud; him stan' still. B'er 'Gater, 'e do tek 'e nap; B'er Rabbit 'e do watch. Bumbye, B'er 'Gater bre't', 'e do come loud; 'e is bin sno' hard! 'E dream lilly dream; 'e wuk 'e fut un shek 'e tail in 'e dream. B'er Rabbit wink 'e y-eye, un 'e do watch. B'er 'Gater, he do leaf 'e dream bahine, un 'e sleep soun'. B'er Rabbit watch lil, wait lil. Bumbye, 'e do go wey fier bu'n in da' stump, un 'e is fetch some. 'E say 'Dis day I is mek you know dem trouble; I is mek you know dem well.' 'E hop 'roun' dey-dey, un 'e
do light da' broom-grass; 'e bu'n, bu'n--bu'n, bu'n; 'e do bu'n smaht.
"Brother Rabbit, he do hold his y-eye upon Brother Alligator. Him talk no word; him wallup his cud; him stand still. Brother Alligator bre't', he do come loud; he is been snow hard! he dream lilly dream; he work his foot and shake his tail in the dream. Brother Rabbit wink his y-eye, and he do watch. Brother Alligator, he do leave his dream behind, and he sleep sound. Brother Rabbit watch lil, wait lil. By and by, he do go where fire burn in the stump, and he is fetch some. He say 'This day I is make you know them trouble; I is make you know them well.' He hop around there-there, and he
do light the broom-grass; he burn, burn--burn, burn,; he do burn smart.

"B'er 'Gater, 'e is dream some mo' lilly dream. 'E do wuk 'e fut, 'e do shek 'e tail. Broom-grass bu'n, bu'n; B'er 'Gater dream. 'E dream da sun is shiun' hot; 'e wom 'e back, 'e wom 'e belly; 'e wuk 'e fut, e' shek 'e tail. Broom-grass bu'n high, 'e bu'n low; 'e bu'n smaht, e' bu'n hot. Bumbye, B'er 'Gater is wek fum 'e dream; 'e smell-a da' smoke, 'e feel-a da' fier. 'E run dis way, 'e run turrer way; no diffran' wey 'e is run, dey da' smoke, dey da fier. Bu'n, bu'n, bu'n! B'er 'Gater lash 'e tail, un grine 'e toof. Bumbye,'e do roll un holler: "Brother Alligator, he is dream some more lilly dream. He do work his foot, he do shake his tail. Broom-grass burn, burn; Brother Alligator dream. He dream the sun is shining hot; he warm his backk, he warm his belly; he work his foot, he shake his tail. Broom-grass burn high, he burn low; he burn smart, he burn hot. By and by, Brother Alligator is wake from his dream; he smell-a the smoke, he feel-a the fire. He run this way, 'he run the other way; no differant where he is run, there the smoke, there the fire. Burn, burn, burn! Brother Alligator lash his tail, and grind his teeth. By and by, he do roll and holler:

"'Trouble, trouble, trouble! Trouble, trouble!'

"B'er Rabbit, 'e is stan' pas' da' fier, un 'e do say: "Brother Rabbit, he is stand past the fire, and he do say:

"'Ki! B'er 'Gater! Wey you fer l'arn-a dis talk 'bout dem trouble?' 'Ki/Hi Brother Alligator! Where you for learned-a this talk about them trouble?'

"B'er 'Gater, 'e lash 'e tail, 'e fair teer da' ye't,

Tear the earth. [back]

un 'e do holler: "Brother Alligator, he las his tail, he fair tear the earth, and he do holler:

"'Oh, ma Lord! Trouble! 'Oh, my Lord! Trouble! Trouble, trouble, trouble!'

"'Shekky um by de han', B'er 'Gater. Ahx um howdy!' 'Shakey um by the hand, Brother Alligator. Ask them howdy!

"'Ow, ma Lord! 'Ow, my Lord! Trouble, trouble, trouble!'

"'Lahff wit' dem trouble, B'er 'Gater, lahff wit' dem! Ahx dem is dey he'lt' bin well! You bin-a-cry fer dey 'quaintun ',

Acquaintance. [back]

B'er' 'Gater; now you mus' beer wit' dem trouble!' 'Laugh with them trouble, Brother Alligator, laugh with them! Ask them is they health been well! You been-a-cry for they aquainting', Brother Alligator; now you must bear with them trouble!'

"B'er 'Gater come so mad, 'e mek dash troo da' broom- grass; 'e fair teer um down. 'E bin scatter da' fier wide
'part, un 'e do run un dife in da' crik fer squinch da' fier 'pon e' bahk. 'E bahk swivel, 'e tail swivel wit' da' fier, un fum dat dey is bin stan' so. Bump, bump 'pon 'e tail; bump, bump 'pon 'e bahk, wey da' fier bu'n."
"Brother Alligator come so mad, he make dask through the broom- grass; he fair tear them down. He been scatter the fire wide
apart, and he do run and dive in the creek for squench the fire upon his back. He back swivel, he tail swivel with the fire, and from that they is been stand so. Bump, bump upon his tail; bump, bump, upon his back, where the fire burn."

"Hit's des lak Brer Jack tell you, honey," "It's just like Brother Jack tell you, honey," said Uncle Remus, as Daddy Jack closed his eyes and relapsed into silence. "I done seed um wid my own eyes. En deyer mighty kuse creeturs, mon'. Dey back is all ruffed up en down ter dis day en time, en mo'n dat, you aint gwineter ketch Brer Rabbit rackin' 'roun' whar de Yallergaters is. En de Yallergaters deyse'f, w'en dey years any crackin' en rattlin' gwine on in de bushes, dey des makes a break fer de creek en splunges in." "I done seen them with my own eyes. And they're mighty curious creatures, man. They back is all ruffed up and down to this day and time, and moon that, you ain't going to catch Brother Rabbit racking around where the Alligators is. And the Alligators theyselfs, when they hears any cracking and rattling going on in the bushes, they just makes a break for the creek and splunges in."

"Enty!" "Isn't he!" exclaimed Daddy Jack, with momentary enthusiasm. "'E do tu'n go da' bahnk, un dife 'neat' da' crik. 'E bin so wom wit' da' fier, 'e mek de crik go si-z-z-z!" "He do turn go the bank, and dive beneath the creek. He been so warm with the fire, he make the creek go si-z-z-!"

Here Daddy Jack looked around and smiled. His glance fell on 'Tildy, and he seemed suddenly to remember that he had failed to be as polite as circumstances demanded.

"Come-a set nex' me, lilly gal. I gwan tell you one tale." "Come-a sit next me, lilly gal. I going to telly you one tale."

"Come 'long, Pinx," "Come along, Pinx," said 'Tildy, tossing her head disdainfully, and taking the little boy by the hand. "Come 'long, Pinx; we better be gwine. I done say I won't kill dat ole nigger man. Yit ef he start atter me dis blessid night, I lay I roust de whole plantation. Come on, honey; less go." "Come along, Pinx; we better be going. I done say I won't kill that old nigger man. Yet if he start me this blessed night, I lay I roust the whole plantation. Come on, honey; let's go."




The little boy was not anxious to go, but Uncle Remus seconded 'Tildy's suggestion.

"Better let dat gal mozey 'long, honey, kaze she mout start in fer ter cut up some 'er capers in yer, en I hate mighty bad ter bus' up dis yer axe-helve, w'ich I'm in needs un it eve'y hour er de day." "Better let that gal mozey along, honey, cause she might start in for to cut up some her caper in here, and I hate mighty bac to bust up this here axe-halve, which i'm in needs of it every hour of the day."

Whereupon the two old negroes were left sitting by the hearth.


'Tildy, the house-girl, made such a terrible report of the carryings on of Daddy Jack that the little boy's mother thought it prudent not to allow him to visit Uncle Remus so often. The child amused himself as best he could for several nights, but his playthings and picture-books finally lost their interest. He cried so hard to be allowed to go to see Uncle Remus that his mother placed him under the care of Aunt Tempy,--a woman of large authority on the place, and who stood next to Uncle Remus in the confidence of her mistress. Aunt Tempy was a fat, middle-aged woman, who always wore a head-handkerchief, and kept her sleeves rolled up, displaying her plump, black arms, winter and summer. She never hesitated to exercise her authority, and the younger negroes on the place regarded her as a tyrant; but in spite of her loud voice and brusque manners she was
thoroughly good-natured, usually good-humored, and always trustworthy. Aunt Tempy and Uncle Remus were secretly jealous of each other, but they were careful never to come in conflict, and, to all appearances, the most cordial relations existed between them.

"Well de goodness knows!" "Well the goodness knows!" exclaimed Uncle Remus, as Aunt Tempy went in with the little boy. "How you come on, Sis Tempy? De rainy season aint so mighty fur off w'en you come a-sojourneyin' in dis house. Ef I'd a-know'd you'd a-bin a-comin' I'd a-sorter steered 'roun' en bresh'd de cobwebs out'n de cornders." "How you come, Sister Tempy? The rainy season ain't so mighty far off when you come a-sojourneying in this house. If I'd a-know'd you'd a-been a coming I'd a-sort of steered around and brushed the cobwebs out of the corners."

"Don't min' me, Brer Remus. Luck in de house whar de cobwebs hangs low. I 'uz des a-passin'--a-passin' 'long--en Miss Sally ax me ef I kin come fur ez de do' wid dat chile dar, but bless you, taint in my manners ter tu'n back at de do'. How you come on, Brer Remus?" "Don't mind me, Brother Remus. Luck in the house where they cobwebs hangs low. I was just a-passing--a--passing along--and Miss Sally ask me if I can come far as they do with that child there, but bless you, it ain't in my manner to turn back at the door. How you come on Brother Remus?"

"Po'ly, Sis Tempy; en yit I aint complainin'. Pain yer, en a ketch yander, wid de cramps th'ow'd in, aint no mo' dan ole folks kin speck. How you is, Sis Tempy?" "Probably, Sister Tempy; and yet I ain't complaining. Pain here, and a catch yonder, with the cramps throw'd in, ain't no more than old folks can expect. How you is Sister Tempy?"

"I thank de Lord I'm able to crawl, Brer Remus, en dat's 'bout all. Ef I wa'n't so sot in my ways, deze yer niggers would er run me 'stracted d'reckly." "I thank the Lord I'm able to crawl, Brother Remus, and that's about all. If I wasn't so set in my ways, these here niggers would of run me distracted directly."

Daddy Jack was sitting in the corner laughing and talking to himself, and the little boy watched him not without a feeling of awe. After a while he said:

"Uncle Remus, won't Daddy Jack tell us a story to-night?"

"Now, den, honey," "Now, then honey," responded the old man, "we aint got ter push Brer Jack too closte; we ull des hatter creep
up on 'im en ketch 'im fer er tale wence he in de humors. Sometime hoss pull, sometime he aint pull. You aint bin down yer so long, hit sorter look lak it my tu'n; kaze it done come 'cross my 'membunce dat dey wuz one time w'en Brer Wolf kotch Brer Rabbit, w'ich I aint never gun it out ter you yit."
"we ain't got to push Brother Jack to closte; we will just have to creep
up on him and cath him for a tale one he in the humors. Sometime hoss pull, sometime he ain't pull. You ain't been down here so long, it sort a look like it my town; cause it done come across my rememberance that they was one time when Brother Wolf caught Brother Rabbit, which I ain't never gun it out to you yet."

"Brother Wolf caught Brother Rabbit, Uncle Remus?" exclaimed the little boy, incredulously.

"Yasser! dat's de up en down un it, sho," "Yes sir! that's the up and down of it, shot," responded the old man with emphasis, "en I be mighty glad ef Sis Tempty yer will 'scuze me w'iles I runs over de tale 'long wid you." "and I be mighty glad if Sister Tempty/Tempy here will excuse me whiles I runs over the tale along with you."

"Bless yo' soul, Brer Remus, don't pay no 'tention ter me," "Bless your soul, Brother Remus, don't pay no attention to me," said Aunt Tempy, folding her fat arms upon her ample bosom, and assuming an attitude of rest and contentment. "I'm bad ez de chillun 'bout dem ole tales, 'kase I kin des set up yer un lissen at um de whole blessid night, un a good part er de day. Yass, Lord!" "I'm bad as the children about them old tales, caus I can just sit up here and listen to them the whole blessed night, and a good part of the day. Yes, Lord!"

"Well, den," "Well, then," said Uncle Remus, "we ull des huddle up yer en see w'at 'come er Brer Rabbit w'en ole Brer Wolf kotch 'im. In dem days," "we you'll just huddle up here and see what come of Brother Rabbit when old Brother Wolf caught him. In them days," he continued, looking at Daddy Jack and smiling broadly, "de creeturs wux constant gwine a-courtin'. Ef 'twan't Miss Meadows en de gals dey wuz flyin' 'roun', hit 'uz Miss Motts. Dey wuz constant a-courtin'. En 'twan't none er dish yer 'Howdy-do- ma'm-I-speck-I-better-be-gwine,' n'er. Hit 'uz go atter brekkus and stay twel atter supper. Brer Rabbit, he got tuk wid a-likin' fer Miss Motts, en soon one mawnin', he tuck'n slick hisse'f up, he did, en put out ter call on 'er.
W'en Brer Rabbit git ter whar Miss Motts live, she done gone off some'rs.
"the creatures was constant going a-courting. If it wasn't Miss Meadows and the gals they was flying around, it was Miss Motts. They was constant a-couring. And it wasn't none of this here 'Howdy-do- ma'm-I-expect-I-better- be-going, never. It was go after breakfast and stay till after supper. Brother Rabbit, he got took with a-liking for Miss Motts, and soon one morning, he took and slick hisself up, he did, and put out to call on her.
When Brother Rabbit get to where Miss Motts live, she done gone of somewheres.

"Some folks 'ud er sot down en wait twel Miss Motts come back, en den ag'in some folks 'ud er tuck der foot in der han' en went back; but old Brer Rabbit, he aint de man fer ter be outdone, en he des tuck'n go in de kitchen en light he seegyar, en den he put out fer ter pay a call on Miss Meadows en de gals. "Some folks would of sat down and wait till Miss Motts come back, and then again some folks would of took the foot in there hand and went back; but old Brother Rabbit, he ain't the man for to be outdone, and he just took and go in the kitchen and light his cigar, and den he put out fer to pay a call on Miss Meadows and the gals.

"W'en he git dar, lo en beholes, he fine Miss Motts dar, en he tipped in, ole Brer Rabbit did, en he galanted 'roun' mungs um, same lak one er dese yer town chaps, w'at you see come out ter Harmony Grove meetin'-house. De talk en dey laff; dey laff en dey giggle. Bime by, 'long todes night, Brer Rabbit 'low he better be gwine. De wimmen folks dey all ax 'im fer ter stay twel atter supper, kaze he sech lively comp'ny, but Brer Rabbit fear'd some er de yuther creeturs be hidin' out fer 'im; so he tuck'n pay his 'specks, he did, en start fer home. "When he get there, lo and behold, he find Miss Motts there, and he tipped in, old Brother Rabbit did, and he galanted around among them, same like one of these here town chaps, what you see come out to Harmony Grove meeting-house. The talk and the laugh; they laugh and they giggle. By and by, along towards night, Brother Rabbit allow he better be going. The women folks they all ask him for to stay till after supper, cause he such lively company, but Brother Rabbit feared some of the other creatures be hiding out for him; so he took and pay his respects, he did, and start for hom.

"He aint git fur twel he come up wid a great big basket settin' down by de side er de big road. He look up de road; he aint see nobody. He look down de road; he aint see nobody. He look befo', he look behime, he look all 'roun'; he aint see nobody. He lissen, en lissen; he aint year nothin'. He wait, en he wait; nobody aint come. "He ain't got far till he come up with a great big basket setting down by the side of the big road. He look up the road; he ain't see nobody. He look down the road; he ain't see nobody. He look before, he look behind, he look all around; he ain't see nobody. He listen, and listen; he ain't hear nothing. He wait, and he wait; nobody ain't come.

"Den, bimeby Brer Rabbit go en peep in de basket, en it seem lak it half full er green truck. He retch he han' in, he did, en git some en put it in he mouf. Den he shet he eye en do lak he studyin' 'bout sump'n. Atter w'ile,
he 'low ter hisse'f, 'Hit look lak sparrer-grass, hit feel like sparrer-grass, hit tas'e lak sparrer-grass, en I be bless ef 'taint sparrer-grass.'
"Then, by and by Brother Rabbit go and peep in the basket, and it seem like it half full of green truck. He reach his hand in, he did, and get some and put it in his mouth. Then he shut his eye and do like he studying about something. After while,
he allow to hisself'It look like sparrer- grass, it feel like sparrer-grass, it taste like sparrar-grass, and I be bless if it ain't sparrer-grass.'

"Wid dat Brer Rabbit jump up, he did, en crack he heel tergedder, en he fetch one leap en lan' in de basket, right spang in 'mungs de sparrer-grass. Dar whar he miss he footin'," "With that Brother Rabbit jump up, he did, and crack his heel together, and he fetch one leap and land in the basket, right spang in amongs the sparrer-grass. There where he miss his footing," continued Uncle Remus, rubbing his beard meditatively, "kaze w'en he jump in' mungs de sparrer- grass, right den en dar he jump in 'mungs ole Brer Wolf, w'ich he wer' quile up at de bottom." "cause when he jump in amongs the sparrer- grass, righ then and there he jump in amongs old Brother Wolf, which he were curled at the bottom."

"Dar now!" "There now!" exclaimed Aunt Tempy, enthusiastically. "W'at I tell you? W'at make him pester t'er folks doin's ? I boun' Brer Wolf nail't 'im." "What I tell you? What make him pester the other folks doings? I bound Brother Wolf nail it him."

"Time Brer Wolf grab 'im," "Time Brother Wolf grab him," continued Uncle Remus, "Brer Rabbit knowed he uz a gone case; yit he sing out, he did: "Brother Rabbit knowned he was a gone case; yet he sing out, he did:

"‘I des try in' ter skeer you, Brer Wolf; I des tryin' ter skeer you. I know'd you 'uz in dar, Brer Wolf. I know'd you by de smell!' sez Brer Rabbit, sezee. "'I just trying to scare you, Brother Wolf; I just trying to scare you. I knowed you was in there, Brother Wolf. I knowed you by the smell!' says Brother Rabbit, says he.

"Ole Brer Wolf grin, he did, en lick he chops, en up'n say: "Old Brother Wolf grin, he did, and lick his chops, and up and say:

"‘Mighty glad you know'd me, Brer Rabbit, kaze I know'd you des time you drapt in on me. I tuck'n tell Brer Fox yistiddy dat I 'uz gwine take a nap 'longside er de road, en I boun' you 'ud come 'long en wake me up, en' sho' nuff, yer you come en yer you is,' sez Brer wolf, sezee." "'Mighty glad you knowed me, Brother Rabbit, cause I knowed you just time you dropped in on me. I took and tell Brother Fox yesterday that I was going take a nap alongside of the road, and I bound you would come along and wake me up, and sure enough, here you come and here you is,' says Brother Wolf, says he."

"Oh-ho, Mr. Rabbit! How you feel now?" exclaimed Aunt Tempy, her sympathies evidently with Brother Wolf.


"W'en Brer Rabbit year dis," "When Brother Rabbit hear this," said Uncle Remus, paying no attention to the interruption, "he 'gun ter git mighty skeer'd, en he whirl in beg Brer Wolf fer ter please tu'n 'im loose; but dis make Brer Wolf grin wusser, en he toof look so long en shine so w'ite, en he gum look so red, dat Brer Rabbit hush up en stay still. He so skeerd dat he bref come quick, en he heart go lak flutter-mill. He chune up lak he gwine cry: "he begun to get mighty scared and he whirl in beg Brother Wolf for to please turn him loose; but this make Brother Wolf grin worser, and he teeth look so long and shine so white, and his gum look so red, that Brother Rabbit hush up and stay still. He so scared that he breath come quick, and his heart go like flutter-mill. He chune up like he going to cry:

"'Whar you gwine kyar me, Brer Wolf?' 'Where you going to carry me, Brother Wolf?'

"'Down by de branch, Brer Rabbit.' 'Down by the branch, Brother Rabbit.'

"'W'at you gwine down dar fer, Brer Wolf?' 'What you going down there for, Brother Wolf?'

"'So I kin git some water ter clean you wid atter I done skunt you, Brer Rabbit.' 'So I can get some water to clean you with after I done skinned you, Brther Rabbit.'

"'Please, sir, lemme go, Brer Wolf.' 'Please, sir, let me go, Brother Wolf.'

"'You talk so young you make me laff, Brer Rabbit.' 'You talk so young you make me laugh, Brother Rabbit.'

"'Dat sparrer-grass done make me sick, Brer Wolf.' 'That sparrer-grass done make me sick, Brother Wolf.'

"'You ull be sicker'n dat 'fo' I git done wid you, Brer Rabbit.' 'You'll be sicker than that before I get done with you, Brother Rabbit.'

"'Whar I come fum nobody dast ter eat sick folks, Brer Wolf.' 'Where I come from nobody has to eat sick folks, Brother Wolf.'

"'Whar I come fum dey aint dast ter eat no yuther kin', Brer Rabbit.' 'Where I come from they ain't has to eat no other kin/kind, Brother Rabbit.' "

"'Ole Mr. Rabbit wuz a-talkin', mon," "'Old Mr. Rabbit was a-talking, man," said Aunt Tempy, with a chuckle that caused her to shake like a piece of jelly.

"Dey went on dis away," "They went on this a-way,' continued Uncle Remus, "plum twel dey git ter de branch. Brer Rabbit, he beg en cry, en cry en beg, en Brer Wolf, he 'fuse en grin, en grin en 'fuse. W'en dey come ter de branch, Brer Wolf lay Brer Rabbit down on de groun' en hilt 'im dar, en den he


study how he gwine make way wid 'im. He study en he study, en w'iles he studyin' Brer Rabbit, he tuck'n study some on he own hook.
"plum till they get to the branch. Brother Rabbit, he beg and cry, and cry and beg, and Brother Wolf, he refuse and grin, and grin and refuse. When they come to the branch, Brother Wolf lay Brother Rabbit down on the ground and held him there, and then he


study how he going make way with him. He study and he study, and whiles he studying Brother Rabbit, he took and study some on his own hook.

"Den w'en it seem lak Brer Wolf done fix all de 'rangerments, Brer Rabbit, he make lak he cryin' wusser en wusser; he des fa'rly blubber." "Then when it seem like Brother Wolf done fix all the arrangments, Brother Rabbit, he make like he crying worser and worser; he just fairly blubber."

Uncle Remus gave a ludicrous imitation of Brother Rabbit's wailings.

"'Ber--ber--Brer Wooly--ooly--oolf! Is you gwine--is you gwine ter sakerfice-t me right now--ow --ow?' "Bro--bro--Brother Wooly--ooly--oolf! Is you going--is you going to sacrifice-t me right now--ow--ow?'

"‘Dat I is, Brer Rabbit; dat I is.' 'That I is, Brother Rabbit; that I is.'

"‘Well, ef I blee-eedz ter be kilt, Brer Wooly--ooly --oolf, I wants ter be kilt right, en ef I blee-eedz ter be e't, I wants ter be e't ri--ight, too, now!' 'Well, if I plea-sed to be killed, Brother Wooly--ooly --oolf, I wants to be killed right, nd If I plea-sed to be ate, I wants to be ate ri--ight, too, now!'

"‘How dat, Brer Rabbit?' 'How that, Brother Rabbit?'

"‘I want you ter show yo' p'liteness, Brer Wooly-- ooly--oolf!' 'I want to show your politeness, Brother Wooly--ooly--oolf!'

"‘How I gwine do dat, Brer Rabbit?' 'How I going do that, Brother Rabbit?'

"‘I want you ter say grace, Brer Wolf, en say it quick, kase I gittin' mighty weak.' 'I want you to say grace, Brother Wolf, and say it quick, cause I getting mighty weak.'

"‘How I gwine say grace, Brer Rabbit?' 'How I going to say grace, Brother Rabbit?'

"‘Fol' yo' han's und' yo' chin, Brer Wolf, en shet yo' eyes, en say: ‘Bless us en bine us, en put us in crack whar de Ole Boy can't fine us.' Say it quick, Brer Wolf, kaze I failin' mighty fas'.' 'Fold your hands under your chin, Brother Wolf, and shut your eyes, and say: 'Bless us and bind us, and put us in crack where the Old Boy can't find us.' Say it quick, Brother Wolf, cause I failing mighty fast.' "

"Now aint dat des too much!" "Now ain't that just too much!" exclaimed Aunt Tempy, as delighted as the little boy. Uncle Remus laughed knowingly and went on:


"Brer Wolf, he put up he han's, he did, en shot he eyes, en low, 'Bless us en bine us'; but he aint git no furder, kaze des time he take up he han's, Brer Rabbit fotch a wiggle, he did, en lit on he foots, en he des nataly lef a blue streak behime 'im." Brother Wolf, he put up his hands, he did, and shut his eyes, and allow, 'Bless us and bind us; but he ain't get no further, cause just time he take up his hands, Brother Rabbit fetch a wiggle, he did, and let on his foots, and he just naturally left a blue streak behind him."

"Ah-yi-ee!" exclaimed Daddy Jack, while Aunt Tempy allowed her arms to drop helplessly from her lap as she cried "Dar now!" "There now!" and the little boy clasped his hands in an ecstasy of admiration.

"Oh, I just knew Brother Rabbit would get away," the child declared.

"Dat's right, honey," "That's right, honey," said Uncle Remus. "You put yo' pennunce in Brer Rabbit en yo' wont be fur out er de way." "You put your penance in Brother Rabbit and you wont be far out of the way."

There was some further conversation among the negroes, but it was mostly plantation gossip. When Aunt Tempy rose to go, she said:

"Goodness knows, Brer Remus, ef dis de way you all runs on, I'm gwine ter pester you some mo'. Hit come 'cross me like ole times, dat it do." "Goodness knows, Brother Remus, if this the way you all runs on, I'm going to pester you more. It come across me like old times, that it do."

"Do so, Sis Tempy, do so," "Do so, Sister Tempy, do so," said Uncle Remus, with dignified hospitality. "You allers fine a place at my h'ath. Ole times is in about all we got left'." "You always find a place at my hearth. Old times in about all we got left."

"Trufe, too!" "Truth, too!" exclaimed Aunt Tempy; and with that she took the child by the hand and went out into the darkness.



It was not many nights before the same company was gathered in Uncle Remus's cabin,--Daddy Jack, Aunt Tempy, and the little boy. The conversation took a turn that thrilled the child with mingled fear and curiosity. Uncle Remus had inquired as to the state of Aunt Tempy's health, when the latter came in, and her response was:

"I feelin' mighty creepy, Brer Remus, sho'. Look like I bleedz ter hunt compn'y. we'n I come 'long down I felt dat skittish twel ef a leaf had blow'd 'crost de paff, I'd 'a' des in about drapt in my tracks." "I feeling mighty creepy, Brother Remus, shoot. Look like I please to hunt company. W/when I come along down I felt that skittish till if a leaf had blowed acrossed the path, I'd just in about dropped in my tracks."

"How come dat, Sis Tempy?" "How come that, Sister Tempy?" Uncle Remus inquired.

"You know dat little gal er Riah's? Well, I uz settin' up dar in my house 'w'ile ergo, w'en, bless gracious! fus news I know, I year dat chile talkin' in the yuther room. I 'low ter myself, she aint talkin' ter Riah, kaze Riah aint come yit, un den I crope up, un dar wuz de chile settin' right flat in de middle er de flo', laflin un talkin' un makin' motions like she see somebody in de cornder. I des stood dar un watch 'er, un I aint a livin' human ef she don't do like dey uz somebody er n'er in dar wid 'er. She ax um fer ter stay on dey own side, un den, w'en it seem like dey come todes 'er, den she say she gwine git a switch un drive um back. Hit make
me feel so cole un kuse dat I des tuck'n' come 'way fum dar, un ef dey's sump'n n'er dar, hit'll be dem un Riah fer't."
"You know that little gal of Riah's? Well, I was sitting up there in my house while ago, when, bless gracious! first news I know, I hear that child talking in the other room. I allow to myself, she ain't talking to Riah, cause Riah ain't come yet, and then I crept up, and there was the child sitting right flat in the middle of the floor, laughing and talking and making motions like she see somebody in the corner. I just stood there and watch her, and I ain't a living human if she don't do like they was somebody or another there with her. She ask them for to stay on they own side, and then, when it seem like they come towards her, then she say she going get a switch and drive them back. It make
me feel so cool and curious that I just took and come away from there, and if there's something in there, it'll be them and Riah for it."

"'E do talk wid ghos'; 'e is bin larf wit' harnt," "He do talk with ghost; he is been laugh with haunt," exclaimed Daddy Jack.

"I speck dat's 'bout de upshot un it," "I suspect that's about the upshot of it," said Uncle Remus. "Dey tells me dat w'ence you year chilluns talkin' en gwine on periently wid deyse'f, der er bleedz ter see ha'nts." "They tells me that once you hear children talking and going on apparently with theyself, they are pleased to see haunts.

The little boy moved his stool closer to his venerable partner. Daddy Jack roused himself.

"Oona no bin-a see dem ghos'? Oona no bin-a see dem harnt? Hi! I is bin-a see plenty ghos'; I no 'fraid dem; I is bin-a punch dem 'way wit' me cane. I is bin-a shoo dem 'pon dey own siëd da road. Dem is bin walk w'en da moon stan' low; den I is bin shum. Oona no walk wit' me dun. 'E berry bahd. Oona call, dey no answer. Wun dey call, hol' you' mout' shet. 'E berry bahd fer mek answer, wun da' harnt holler. Dem call-a you 'way fum dis lan'. I yeddy dem call; I shetty me y-eye, I shekkey me head. "Oona no been-a see them ghost? Oona no been-a see them haunt? Hi! I is been-a see plenty ghosts; I no afraid them; I si been-a punch them away with me care. I si been-a shoo them upon they own side the road. Them is been walk when the moon stand low; then I is been shum. Oona no walk with me then. He bery bad. Oona call, there no answer. When they call, hold your mouth shut. He very bad for make answer, when the haunt holler. Them call-a you away from this land. I heardy them call; I shutty me y-eye, I shakey me head.

"Wum I is bin noung mahn, me der go fer git water, un wun I der dip piggin 'neat' da' crik, I yeddy vi'ce fer call me--‘Jahck! O Jahck!' I stan', I lissen, I yeddy de vi'ce--'Jahck! Jahck! O Jahck!' I tink 'e bin Titty Ann;

Sissy Ann. [back]

I ahx um: "When I is been noung man, me there go for get water, and when I there dip piggin beneath the creek, I heardy vice for call me--'Jahck! O Jahck!' I stand, I listen, I heady the vice--'Jahck! Jahck! O Jahck!' I think he been Sissy Ann; I ask him:

"'Wey you bin call-a me, Titty Ann?' Titty Ann 'tretch 'e y-eye big: "'Where you been call-a me, Sissy Ann?' Sissy Ann strectch his y-eye big:


"'I no bin-a call. Dead ghos' is bin-a call. Dem harnt do call-a you.' "'I no been-a call. Dead ghost is been-a call. Them haunt do call-a you.'

"Dun I rise me y-eye, un I is bin shum gwan by sundown; 'e is bin gwun bahckwud. I tell Titty Ann fer look at we nuncle, gwan bahckwud by sundown. Titty Ann pit 'e two han' 'pon me y-eyes, un 'e do bline me. 'E say I bin-a see one dead ghos'." "Then I rise me y-eye, and I is been shum gone by sundown; he is been gone backward. I tell Sissy Ann for look at we nuncle, gone backward by sundown. Sissy Ann put his two hands upon my y-eyes, and he do blind me. He say I been-a see one dead ghost."

"What then, Daddy Jack?" asked the little boy, as the old African paused.

"Ki! nuff dun. Kaze bumbye, so long tam, folks come fetch-a we nuncle 'tretch out. 'E is bin-a tek wit' da' hecup; 'e trow 'e head dis way; 'e trow 'e head dat way." "Ki! enough done. Casue by and by, so long time, folks come fetch-a we nuncle stretch out. He is been-a tek with that hecup; he through his head this way; he throw his head that way." Daddy Jack comically suited the action to the word. "'E is bin tek-a da' hecup; da' hecup is bin tek um--da' cramp is bin fetch um. I is bin see mo' dead ghos', but me no spot um lak dis. He is been tek-a the hecup; the hecup is been tek/take them--the cramp is been fetch them. I is been see more dead ghosts, but me no spot them like this. "

"I boun' you is," "I bound you is," said Uncle Remus. "Dey tells me, Brer Jack," "They tells me Brother Jack," he continued, "dat w'en you meets up wid one er deze ha'nts, ef you'll tak'n' tu'n yo' coat wrong- sud-outerds, dey won't use no time in makin der disappearance." "that when you meets up with one of these haunts, if you'll take and turn your coat wrong- southwards, they won't lose not time in making the disappearance."

"Hey!" exclaimed Daddy Jack, "tu'n coat no fer skeer dead ghos'. 'E skeer dem Jack-me-Lantun. One tam I is bin-a mek me way troo t'ick swamp. I do come hot, I do come cole. I feel-a me bahck quake; me br'et' come fahs'. I look; me ent see nuttin'; I lissen; me ent yeddy nuttin. I look, dey de Jack-me-Lantun mekkin 'e way troo de bush; 'e comin' stret by me. 'E light bin-a flick-flicker; 'e git close un close. I yent kin
stan' dis; ono foot git heffy, da' heer 'pon me head lif' up. Da' Jack-me-Lantun, 'e git-a high, 'e git-a low, 'e come close. Dun I t'ink I bin-a yeddy ole folks talk tu'n you' coat-sleef wun da Jack-me-Lantum is bin run you. I pull, I twis', I yerk at dem jacket; 'e yent come. 'E is bin grow on me babck. Jack-me-Lantun fly close. I say me pray 'pon da jacket; 'e is bin-a yerk loose; da sleef e do tu'n. Jack-me-Lantun, 'e see dis, 'e lif' up, 'e say 'Phew!' 'E done gone! Oona no walk in da' swamp 'cep' you is keer you' coat cross da' arm. Enty!"
"turn coat no for scared dead ghost. He scared them Jack-me-Latern. One time I is been-a mek me way through thick swamp. I do come hot, I do come cold. I feel-a me back quack; me breath come fast. I look; me ain't see nothing; I listen; me ain't heady nothing. I look, there the Jack-me-Latern makking his way through the bush; he coming straight by me. He light been-a flick-flicker; he get close and close. I ain't can
stand this; ono foot get heavy, the hair upon my head lift up. The Jack-me-Latern, he get-a high, he get-a low, he come close The I think i been-a heardy old folks talk turn you coat-sleeve when the Jack-me-Latern is been around you. I pull, I twist, I jerk at them jacket; he ain't come. He is been grow on my back. Jack-me-Latern fly close. I say my pray upon the jacket; he is been-a jerk loose; the sleeve he do turn. Jack-me-Latern, he see just, he ift up, he say Phew!' He done gone! Oona no walk in the swamp except you is carry your coat cross the arm. Isn't he!

"Dat w'at make me say," "That what make me say," remarked Aunt Tempy, with a little shiver, "dat 'oman like me, w'at aint w'ar no jacket, aint got no business traipsin un trollopin' 'roun' thoo the woods atter dark." "that woman like me, what ain't what wear no jacket, ain't got no business traipsiong and trolloping around through the woods after dark."

"You mout tu'n yo' head-hankcher, Sis Tempy," "Your mouth turn your head-handkerchief, Sister Tempy," said Uncle Remus, reassuringly, "en ef dat aint do no good den you kin whirl in en gin um leg-bail." "and if that ain't do no good then you can whirl in and give them leg-bail."

"I year tell," "I hear tell," continued Aunt Tempy, vouchsafing no reply to Uncle Remus, "dat dish yer Jacky-ma-Lantun is a sho nuff sperit. Sperits aint gwine to walk un walk less'n dey got sump'n n'er on der min', un I year tell dat dish yer Jacky-ma-Lantun is 'casioned by a man w'at got kilt. Folks kilt 'im un tuck his money, un now his ha'nt done gone un got a light fer ter hunt up whar his money is. Mighty kuse ef folks kin hone atter money w'en dey done gone. I dunner w'at he wanter be ramblin' 'roun wid a light w'en he done dead. Ef anybody got any hard feelin's 'g'in me, I want um ter take
it out w'ile deyer in de flesh, we'n dey come a ha'ntin' me, den I'm done--I'm des done."
"that this here Jacky-my-Latern is a sure enough spirit. Spirits ain't going to walk and walk less and they got something near the mind, and I hear tell that this here Jacky-my-Latern is occasioned by a man what got killed. Folks killed him and took his money, and now his hadn't gone and got a light for to hunt up where his money is. Mighty curious if folks can hunt after money when they done gone. I don't know what he want to be rambling around with a light when he done dead. If anybody got any hard feelings g'in me, I want them to take
it out while they are in the flesh, when they come a haunting me, then I'm done--I'm just done."

"Are witches spirits?" the little boy asked.

The inquiry was not especially directed at Daddy Jack, but Daddy Jack was proud of his reputation as a witch, and he undertook to reply:

"None 't all. Witch,'e no dead ghos'--'e life folks, wey you shekky han' wit'. Oona witch mebbe; how you is kin tell?" "None at all. Witch, he no dead ghost--he life folks, where you shakey hand with. Oona witch maybe; how you can tell? "

Here Daddy Jack turned his sharp little eyes upon the child. The latter moved closer to Uncle Remus, and said he hoped to goodness he wasn't a witch.

"How you is kin tell diffran 'cep' you bin fer try um?" "How you is can tell different except you been for try them?" continued Daddy Jack. "'E good ting fer be witch; 'e mek-a dem folks fred. 'E mek-a dem fred; 'e mek-a dem hol' da' bre't', wun dey is bin-a come by you' place." "He good thing for be witch; he make-a them fold afraid. He make-a them afraid; he mek-a them hold the breath, when they is been-a come by your place."

"In de name er de Lord, Daddy Jack, how kin folks tell wh'er dey er witches er no?" "In the name of the Lord, Daddy Jack, how can folks tell where they are witches or no? asked Aunt Tempy.

"Oo! 'e easy nuff. Wun da' moon is shiun low, wet-a you' han' wit' da' pot-licker grease; rub noung heifer 'pon 'e nose; git 'pon' 'e bahck. Mus' hol' um by 'e year; mus' go gallop, gallop down da' lane, tell 'e do come 'cross one-a big gully. Mus' holler, ‘Double, double, double up! double, double, double up! Heifer jump, oona witch; heifer no jump, oona no witch." "Oo! he easy enough. When the moon is shining low, wet-a your handwith the pot-licker grease; rub noung heifer upon his nose; get upon his back. Must hold him by his ear; must go gallop down the lane, till he do come across one-a big gully. Must holler,'Double, double, double up! double, double, double up! Heifer jump, oona witch; heifer no jump, oona no witch."

"Did you ever ride a heifer, Daddy Jack?" asked the little boy.

"Mo' tam es dem," "More time as them," replied the old negro, holding up the crooked fingers of one withered hand.


"Did--did she jump across the big gully?"

The child's voice had dropped to an awed whisper, and there was a glint of malicious mischief in Daddy Jack's shrewd eyes, as he looked up at Uncle Remus. He got his cue. Uncle Remus groaned heavily and shook his head.

"Hoo!" exclaimed Daddy Jack, "wun I is bin-a tell all, dey no mo' fer tell. Mus' kip some fer da' Sunday. Lilly b'y no fred dem witch; 'e no bodder lilly b'y. Witch, 'e no rassel wit' 'e ebry-day 'quaintan'; 'e do go pars 'e own place." "when I is been-a tell all, they no more for tell. must keep some for the Sunday. Little boy no afraid them witch; he do go past he own place."

It was certainly reassuring for the child to be told that witches didn't trouble little boys, and that they committed their depredations outside of their own neighborhood.

"I is bin-a yeddy dem talk 'bout ole witch. 'E do leaf 'e skin wey 'e is sta't fum. Man bin-a come pars by; 'e is fine dem skin. 'E say: "I is bin-a heardy them talk about old witch. He do leave his skin where he is start from. Man bin-a come past by; his is fine them skin. He say:

"‘Ki! 'E one green skin; I fix fer dry um.' "'Ki! He one green skin; I fix for dry them.'

"Man hang um by da' fier. Skin,'e do swink, 'e do swivel. Bumbye 'e do smell-a bahd; man, 'e hol' 'e nose. 'E do wait. Skin swink, skin stink, skin swivel. 'E do git so bahd, man pitch um in da' ya'd. 'E wait; 'e is wait, 'e is lissen. Bumbye,'e yeddy da' witch come. Witch, 'e do sharp' 'e claw on-a da' fence; 'e is snap 'e jaw--flick! flick! flick! 'E come-a hunt fer him skin. 'E fine un. 'E trey um on dis way; 'e no fit. 'E trey 'um on dat way; 'e no fit. 'E trey um on turrer way; 'e no fit. 'E pit um 'pon 'e head; skin 'e no fit. 'E
pit um 'pon 'e foot; skin 'e no fit. 'E cuss, 'e sweer; skin 'e no fit. 'E cut 'e caper; skin 'e no fit. Bumbye 'e holler:
"Man hang them by the fire. Skin, he do swing, he do swivel. By and by he do smell-a bad; man, he hold his nose. He do wait. Skin swing, skin stink, skin swivel. By and by he do get so bad, man pitch them in the yard. He wait; he is wait, he is listen. By and by, he heardy the witch come. Witch he do sharp he claw on-a the fence; he is snap his jaw--flick! flick! flick! He come-a hunt for him skin. He find one. He try them on this way; he no fit. He try them on that way; he no fit. He try them on the other way; he no fit. He put them upon his head; skin he no fit. He
put him upon his foot; skin he no fit. He cuss, he swear; skin he no fit. He cut his caper; skin he no fit. By and by he holler:

"'Tiss-a me, Skin! wey you no know me? Skin, 'tiss-a me! wey you no know me?" "'Tiss/Listen-a me, Skin! why you know me? Skin, 'tiss/listen-a me! why you no know me?"

"Skin, 'e no talk nuttin' 'tall. Witch 'e do jump, 'e do holler; à mek no diffran. Skin 'e talk nuttin' 'tall. Man, 'e tekky to'ch, 'e look in ya'd. 'E see big blahck Woolf lay by da' skin. 'E toof show; 'e y-eye shiün. Man drife um 'way; 'e is come bahck. Man bu'n da' skin; 'e is bin-a come bahck no mo'." "Skin, he no talk nothing at all. Witch he do jump, he do holler; à make no difference. Skin he talk nothin at all. Man, he taky touch, he look in hard. He see big black Woolf lay by the skin. He tooth show;he y-eye shiün. Man drive them away; he is come back. Man burn the skin; he is been-a come back no more."

The little boy asked no more questions. He sat silent while the others talked, and then went to the door and looked out. It was very dark, and he retumed to his stool with a troubled countenance.

"Des wait a little minnit, honey," "Just wait a little minute, honey," said Uncle Remus, dropping his hand caressingly on the child's shoulder. "I bleedz ter go up dar ter de big house fer ter see Mars John, en I'll take you 'long fer comp'ny." "I pleased to go up there to the big house for to see Master John, and I'll take you along for company."

And so, after a while, the old man and the little boy went hand in hand up the path.



The next time the little boy visited Uncle Remus he persuaded 'Tildy to go with him. Daddy Jack was in his usual place, dozing and talking to himself, while Uncle Remus oiled the carriage-harness. After a while Aunt Tempy came in.

The conversation turned on Daddy Jack's story about "haunts" and spirits. Finally 'Tildy said:

"W'en it come ter tales 'bout ha'nts," "When it come to tales about haunts," said she, "I year tell er one dat'll des natally make de kinks on yo' head onquile deyse'f." "I hear tell of one taht'll just naturally make the kinks on your head uncurl theyself."

"W'at tale dat, chile?" "What tale that, child?" asked Aunt Tempy.

"Unk' Remus, mus' I tell it?" "Uncle Remus, must I tell it?"

"Let 'er come," "Let her come," said Uncle Remus.

"Well, den," "Well, then," said 'Tildy, rolling her eyes back and displaying her white teeth, "one time dey wuz a 'Oman en a Man. Seem like dey live close ter one er n'er, en de Man he sot his eyes on de 'Oman, en de 'Oman, she des went 'long en ten' ter her bizness. Man, he keep his eyes sot on 'er. Bimeby, de 'Oman, she ten' ter her bizness so much tell she tuck'n tuck sick en die. Man, he up'n tell de folks she dead, en de folks dey come en fix 'er. Dey lay 'er out, en dey light some candles, en dey
sot up wid 'er, des like folks does now; en dey put two great big roun' shiny silver dollars on 'er eyes fer ter hol' 'er eyeleds down."
"one time there was a Woman and a Man. Seem like they live close to one or another, and the Man he set his eyes on the Woman, and the Woman, she just went along and tend to her business. Man, he keep his eyes set on her. By and by, the Woman, she tend to her business so much till she took and took sick and die. Man, he up and tell the folks she dead, and the folks they come and fix her. They lay her out, and theh light some candles, and they
set up with her, just like folks does now; and they [ut two great big round shiny silver dollars on her eyes for to hold her eyelids down."

In describing the silver dollars 'Tildy joined the ends of her thumbs and fore-fingers together, and made a figure as large as a saucer.

"Dey wuz lots bigger dan dollars is deze days," "They was lots bigger than dollars is these days," she continued, "en dey look mighty purty. Seem like dey wuz all de money de 'Oman got, en de folks dey put um on 'er eyeleds fer to hol' um down. Den w'en de folks do dat dey call up de Man en take'n tell 'im dat he mus' dig a grave en bury de 'Oman, en den dey all went off 'bout der bizness. "and they look mighty pretty. Seem like they was all the money the Woman got, and the folks they put them on her eyelids for to hold them down. Then when the folks do that they call up Man and take and tell him that he must dig a grave and bury the Woman, and then they all went off about their business.

"Well, den, de Man, he tuck'n dig de grave en make ready fer ter bury de 'Oman. He look at dat money on 'er eyeleds, en it shine mighty purty. Den he tuck it off en feel it. Hit feel mighty good, but des 'bout dat time de Man look at de 'Oman, en he see 'er eyeleds open. Look like she lookin' at 'im, en he take'n put de money whar he git it fum. "Well, then, the Man, he took and dig the grave and make ready for to bury the Woman. He look at that money on her eyelids, and it shine mighty pretty. Then he took it off and feel it. It feel good, but just about that time the Man look at the Woman, and he see her eyelids open. Look like she looking at him, and he take and put the money where he get it from.

"Well, den, de Man, he take'n git a waggin en haul de 'Oman out ter de buryin'-groun', en w'en he git dar he fix ever'thing, en den he grab de money en kivver up de grave right quick. Den he go home, en put de money in a tin box en rattle it 'roun'. Hit rattle loud en hit rattle nice, but de Man, he aint feel so good. Seem like he know de 'Oman eyeled stretch wide open lookin' fer 'im. Yit he rattle de money 'roun', en hit rattle loud en hit rattle nice. "Well, then, the Man, he take and get a working and haul the Woman out to the burying-ground, and when he get there he fix everything, and then he grab the money and cover up the grave right qucik. Then he go home, and put the money in a tin box and rattle it around. It rattle loud and it rattle nice, but the Man, he ain't feel so good. Seem like he know the Woman eyelid stretch wide open looking for him. Yet he rattle the mony around, and it rattle loud and it rattle nice.

"Well, den, de Man, he take'n put de tin box w'at de
money in on de mantel-shel-uf. De day go by, en de night come, en w'en night come de win' 'gun ter rise up en blow. Hit rise high, hit blow strong. Hit blow on top er de house, hit blow und' de house, hit blow 'roun' de house. Man, he feel quare. He set by de fier en lissen. Win' say 'Buzz-zoo-o-o-o-o!' Man lissen. Win' holler en cry. Hit blow top er de house, hit blow und' de house, hit blow roun' de house, hit blow in de house. Man git closte up in de chimbly-jam. Win' fin' de cracks en blow in um. 'Bizzy, bizzy, buzz-zoo-o-o-o-o!'
"Well, then, the Man he take and put the tin box what the
money in on the mantle-shelf-uf. The day go by, and the night come, and when night come the wind begun to rise up and blow. It rise high, it blow strong. It blow on top of the house, it blow under the house, it blow around the house. Man, he feel queer. He set by the fire and listen. Wind say 'Buzz-zoo-o-o-o-o!' Man listen. Wind holler and cry, It blow top of the house, it blow under the house, it blow around the house, it blow top of the house, it blow under the house, it blow around the house, it blow in the house. Man get close up in the chimmney-jam. Wind find the cracks and blow in them.'Bizzy, bizzy, buzz-zoo-o-o-o-o!'

"Well, den, Man, he lissen, lissen, but bimeby he git tired er dis, en he low ter hisse'f dat he gwine ter bed. He tuck'n fling a fresh light'd knot in de fier, en den he jump in de bed, en quile hisse'f up en put his head und' de kiwer. Win' hunt fer de crack--bizzy-buzz, bizzy- buzz, buzz-zoo-o-o-o-o-o! Man keep his head und' de kivver. Light'd knot flar' up en flicker. Man aint dast ter move. Win' blow en w'issel Phew-fee-e-e-e! Light'd knot flicker en flar'. Man, he keep his head kivvud. "Well, then, Man, he listen, listen, but by and by he get tired of this, and he allow to hisself that he going to bed, and curl hisself up and put his head under the cover. Wind hunt for the crack--bizzy-buzz, bizzy- buzz, buzz-zoo-o-o-o-o-o! Man keep his head under the cover. Lighted knot flare up and flicker. Man ain't dares to move. Wind blow and wistle Phew-fee-e-e-e! Lighted knot flicker and flare. Man, he keep his head covered.

"Well, den, Man lay dar, en git skeer'der en skeer'der. He aint dast ter wink his eye skacely, en seem like he gwine ter have swamp agur. W'iles he layin'dar shakin', en de win' a blowin', en de fier flickin', he year some yuther kind er fuss. Hit mighty kuse kind er fuss. Clinkity, clinkalinkle! Man 'low: "Well, then, Man lay there, and get scareder and scareder. He ain't dares to wink his eye scarcely, and seem like he going to have swamp agur. Whiles he laying there shaking, and the wind a blowing, and the fire flicking, he hear some other kind of fuss. It mighty curious kind of fuss. Clinkity,clinkalinkle! Man allow:

"'Hey! who stealin' my money?' "'Hey! who stealing my money?'

"Yit he keep his head kivvud w'iles he lay en lissen. He year de win' blow, en den he year dat yuther kinder fuss--Clinkity, clink, clinkity, clinkalinkle! Well,
den, he fling off de kivver en sot right up in de bed. He look, he aint see nothin'. De fier flicker en flar' en de win' blow. Man go en put chain en bar 'cross de do'. Den he go back to bed, en he aint mo'n totch his head on de piller tell he year de yuther fuss--clink, clink, clinkity, clinkalinkle! Man rise up, he aint see nothin' 'tall. Mighty quare!
"Yet he keep his head coverd whiles he lay and listen. He hear the wind blow, and then he hear that other kind of fuse--Clinkity, clink, clinkity, clinkalinkle! Well,
then, he fling off the cover and sat right up in the bed. He look, he ain't see nothing. The fire flicker and flare and the wind blow. Man go and put chain and bar across the door. Then he go back to bed, and he ain't more than touched his head on the pillow till he hear the other fuss--clink, clink, clinkity, clinkalinkle! Man rise up, he ain't see nothing at all. Mighty queer!

"Des 'bout time he gwine ter lay down 'gin', yer come de fuss--clinkity, clinkalinkle. Hit soun' like it on de mantel-shel-uf; 'let 'lone dat, hit soun' like it in de on de mantel-shel-uf; 'let 'lone dat, hit soun' like it de money in de tin box on de mantel-shel-uf. Man say: "Just about time he going to lay down again, here come the fuss--clinkity, clinkalinkle. It sound like ti on the mantel-shelf-uf; let alone that, it sound like it in de on de mantel-shelf-uf; let alone that, it sound like it the money in the tin box on the mantel-shelf-uf. Man say:

"'Hey! rat done got in box!' "'Hey! rat done got in box!'

"Man look; no rat dar. He shet up de box, en set it down on de shel-uf. Time he do dat yer come de fuss-- clinkity, clinkity, clinkalinkle! Man open de box en look at de money. Dem two silver dollars layin' in dar des like he put um. W'iles de man dun dis, look like he kin year sump'n say 'way off yander: "Man look; no rat there, He shut up the box, and set it down on the shelf-uf. Time he do that here come the fuss-- clinkity, clinkity, clinkalinkle! Man open the box and look at the money. Them two silver dollars laying in there just like he put them. Whiles the man done this, look like he can hear something say a-way off yonder:

"'Whar my money? Oh, gimme my money!' "'Where my money? Oh, give me my money!'

"Man, he sot de box back on de shel-uf, en time he put it down he year de money rattle--clinkity, clinkalinkle, clink!--en den fum 'way off yander sump'n say: "Man, he sat the box back on the shelf-uf, and time put it down he hear the money rattle-- clinkity, clinkalinkle, clink!--and then from a-way off yonder something say:

"'Oh, gim me my money! I want my money!' "'"Oh, give me my money! I want my money!'

"Well, den, de Man git skeer'd sho nuff, en he got er flat-iün en put on de tin box, en den he tuck'n pile all de cheers 'gin de do', en run en jump in de bed. He des know dey's a booger comin'. Time he git in bed en kivver
his head, de money rattle louder, en sump'n cry 'way off yander:
"Well, then, the Man get scared sure enough, and he got her flat-iün and put on the tin box, and then he took and pile all the chairs again of do, and run and jump in the bed. He just know they's a booger coming. Time he get in bed and cover
his head, the money rattle louder, and something cry way off yonder:

"‘I want my money! Oh, gim me my money!' "'I want my money! Oh, give me my money!'

"Man, he shake en he shiver; money, hit clink en rattle; booger, hit holler en cry. Booger come closter, money clink louder. Man shake wusser en wusser. Money say: ‘Clinkity, clinkalinkle!' Booger cry, ‘Oh, gim me my money!' Man holler, ‘O Lordy, Lordy!' "Man, he shake and shiver; money, it clink and rattle; booger, it holler and cry. Booger come closer, money clink louder. Man shake worser and worser. Money say: 'Clinkity, clinkalinkle!' Booger cry,'Oh give me my money!' Man holler, ' O Lordy, Lordy!'

"Well, den, hit keep on dis away, tell dreckly Man year de do' open. He peep fum und' de kivver, en in walk de 'Oman w'at he done bury in de buryin'-groun'. Man shiver en shiver, win' blow en blow, money rattle en rattle, 'Oman cry en cry. ‘Buzz-zoo-o-o-o-o!' sez de win'; ‘Clinkalink!' sez de box; ‘Oh, gim me my money!' sez de 'Oman; ‘O Lordy!' sez de Man. 'Oman year de money, but look like she aint kin see, en she grope 'roun', en grope 'roun', en grope 'roun' wid 'er han' h'ist in de a'r des dis away." "Well, then it keep on this a-way, till directly Man hear the door open. He peep from under the cover, and in walk the Woman what he done bury in the burying-ground. Man shiver and shiver, wind blow and blow, money rattle and rattle, Woman cry and cry. 'Buzz-zoo-o-o-o-o!' says the wind; ‘Clinkalink!' says the box; ‘Oh, give me my money!' says the Woman; 'O Lordy!' says the Man. Woman hear the money, but look like she ain't can see, and she grope around, and grope around, and grope around with her hand h'ist/just in the are just this a-way."

Here 'Tildy stood up, pushed her chair back with her foot, raised her arms over her head, and leaned forward in the direction of Daddy Jack.

"Win' blow, fier flicker, money rattle, Man shake en shiver, 'Oman grope 'roun' en say, ‘Gim me my money! Oh, who got my money?'" "Wind blow, fire flicker, money rattle, Man shake and shiver, Woman grope around and say, ' Give me my money! Oh, who got my money?'"

'Tildy advanced a few steps.

"Money look like it gwine ter t'ar de tin box all ter flinders. 'Oman grope en cry, grope en cry, tell bimeby she jump on de man en holler: "Money look like it going to tear the tin box all to flingers. Woman grope and cry, grope and cry, tell by and by she jump on the man and holler:

"‘You got my money!'" "'You got my money!'"


As she reached this climax, 'Tildy sprang at Daddy Jack and seized him, and for a few moments there was considerable confusion in the corner. The little boy was frightened, but the collapsed appearance of Daddy Jack convulsed him with laughter. The old African was very angry. His little eyes glistened with momentary malice, and he shook his cane threateningly at 'Tildy. The latter coolly adjusted her ear-rings, as she exclaimed:

"Dar, now! I know'd I'd git even wid de ole vilyun. Come a-callin' me pidjin-toed!" "There, now! I know'd I'd get even with the old villian. Come a-calling me pigeon-toed!"

"Better keep yo' eye on 'im, chile," "Better keep your eye on him, child," said Aunt Tempy. "He 'witch you, sho." "He bewitch you, sure."

"'Witch who? Ef he come witchin' 'roun' me, I lay, I break his back. I tell you dat right pine-blank." "Bewitch who? If he come witching around me, I lay, I break his back. I tell you that right pine-blank."


The little boy was very glad, one night shortly after he had heard about Daddy Jack's ghosts and witches and 'Tildy's "ha'nts," "haunts to find Uncle Remus alone in his cabin. The child liked to have his venerable partner all to himself. Uncle Remus was engaged in hunting for tobacco crumbs with which to fill his pipe, and in turning his pockets a rabbit foot dropped upon the hearth.

"Grab it, honey!" he exclaimed. "Snatch it up off'n
de h'ath. In de name er goodness, don't let it git in de embers; kase ef dat ar rabbit foot git singe, I'm a goner, sho!"
"Snatch it up off of
the hearth. In the name of goodness, don't let it get in the embers; cause if that there rabbit foot get singed, I'm a goner, sure!"

It was the hind foot of a rabbit, and a very large one at that, and the little boy examined it curiously. He was in thorough sympathy with all the superstitions of the negroes, and to him the rabbit foot appeared to be an uncanny affair. He placed it carefully on Uncle Remus's knee, and after the pipe had been filled, he asked:

"What do you carry that for, Uncle Remus?"

"Well, honey," responded the old man, grimly, "ef you want me ter make shorts out'n a mighty long tale, dat rabbit foot is fer ter keep off boogers. W'en I hatter run er'n's fer myse'f all times er night, en take nigh cuts thoo de woods, en 'cross by de buryin'-groun', hits monst'us handy fer ter have dat ar rabbit foot. Keep yo' head studdy, now; mine yo' eye; I aint sayin' deyer any boogers anywhars. Brer Jack kin say w'at he mineter; I aint sayin' nothin'. But yit, ef dey wuz any, en dey come slinkin' atter me, I let you know dey'd fine out terreckly dat de ole nigger heel'd wid rabbit foot. I'ud hol' it up des dis away, en I boun' you I'd shoo um off'n de face er de yeth. En I tell you w'at," "if you want me to make shorts out of a mighty long tale, that rabbit foot is for to keep off boogers. When I have to run or n's for myself all time of night, and take nigh cuts throw the woods, and across the burying-grounds, its monstrous handy for to have that there rabbit foot. Keep your hand steady, now; mind your eye; I ain't saying there're any boogers anywheres. Brother Jack can say what he mineter; I ain't saying nothing. But yet, if there was any, and they come slinking after me, I let you know they'd find out directly that the old nigger healed with rabbit foot. I'd hold it up just this a-way, and I bound you I'd shoo them off the face of the earth. And I tell you what," continued Uncle Remus, seeing that the little boy was somewhat troubled, "w'en it come to dat pass dat you gotter be dodgin' 'roun' in de dark, ef you'll des holler fer me, I'll loan you dish yer rabbit foot, en you'll be des ez safe ez you is w'en Miss Sally stannin' by yo' bed wid a lit can'le in ' er han'. "when it come to that pass that you got to be dodging aroun in the dark, if you'll just holler for me, I'll loan you this here rabbit foot, and you'll be just as safe as you is when Miss Sally standing by your bed with a lit candle in her hand.


"Strip er red flannil tied 'roun' yo' arm'll keep off de rheumatis; stump-water'll kyo 'spepsy; some good fer one 'zeeze,

Disease. [back]

en some good fer n'er, but de p'ints is dat dish yer rabbit foot 'll gin you good luck. De man w'at tote it mighty ap' fer ter come out right een' up wen dey's any racket gwine on in de neighborhoods, let 'er be whar she will en w'en she may; mo' espeshually ef de man w'at got it know 'zactly w'at he got ter do. W'ite folks may laugh," "Strip of flannel tied around your arm'll keep off the rheumatis; stump-water'll cure 'spepsy/epilepsy; some good for one disease, and some good for another, but the points is that there rabbit foot'll give you good luck. The mand what tote it mighty app for to come out right een'/even up when she may; more especially if the man what got it know exactly what he got to do. White folks may laught," Uncle Remus went on, "but w'en rabbit run 'cross de big road front er me, w'at does I do? Does I shoo at um? Does I make fer ter kill um? Dat I don't --dat I don't! I des squots right down in de middle er de road, en I makes a cross-mark in de san des dis way, en den I spits in it." "but when rabbit run across the big road front of me, what does I do? Does I shoo at them? Does I make for to kill them? That I don't--that I don't! i just squats right down in the middle of the road, and I makes a cross-mark in the sand just this way, and then I spits in it."

If, as some ethnologists claim, the animal myths are relics of zoötheism, there can scarcely be a doubt that the practice here described by Uncle Remus is the survival of some sort of obeisance or genuflexion by which the negroes recognized the presence of the Rabbit, the great central figure and wonder-worker of African mythology. [back]

Uncle Remus made a practical illustration by drawing a cross-mark in the ashes on the hearth.

"Well, but, Uncle Remus, what good does all this do?" the little boy asked.

"Lots er good, honey; bless yo' soul, lots er good. W'en rabbit crosses yo' luck, w'at you gwine do, less'n you sets down en crosses it out, right den and dar? I year talk er folks shootin' rabbit in de big road, yit I notices dat dem w'at does de shootin' aint come ter no good een'--dat w'at I notices." "Lots of good, honey; bless your soul, lots of good. When rabbit crosses your luck, what you going to do, unless you sets down and crosses it out, right then and there? I hear talk of folks, shooting rabbit in the big road, yet I notices that them what does do shooting ain't come to no good even--that what I notices."

"Uncle Remus," the little boy asked, after a while,
"how did people happen to find out about the rabbit's foot?"

"Oh, you let folks 'lone fer dat, honey! You des let um 'lone. W'at de wimmen aint up'n tell bidout anybody axin' un um, folks mighty ap' fer ter fine out fer deyse'f. De wimmen, dey does de talkin' en de flyin', en de mens, dey does de walkin' en de pryin', en betwixt en betweenst um, dey aint much dat don't come out. Ef don't come out one day it do de nex', en so she goes--Ant'ny over, Ant'ny under--up one row en down de udder, en clean acrosst de bolly-patch!" "Oh, you let folks alone for that, honey! You just let them alone. What the women ain't up and tell bidout anybody asking one of them, folks mighty app for to find out for theyself. The women, they does the talking and they flying, and the mens, they does the walking and the prying, and betweixt and betweenst them, there ain't much that don't come out. If don't come out one day it do the next, and so she goes--Ain't any over, Ain't any under--up one row and down the other, and clean acrossed the bolly-patch!"

It may be that the child didn't understand all this, but he had no doubt of its wisdom, and so he waited patiently for developments.

"Dey's a tale 'bout de rabbit foot," "There's a tale about the rabbit foot," continued Uncle Remus, "but yo' eye look watery, like ole man Nod 'bout ter slip up behime you; en let 'lone dat, I speck Miss Sally clock clickin' fer you right now." "but your eye look watery, like old man Nod about to slip up behind me now."

"Oh, no, it isn't, Uncle Remus," said the child, laughing. "Mamma said she'd make 'Tildy call me."

"Dar, now!" "There, now!" exclaimed the old man, indignantly, "'Tildy dis en 'Tildy dat. I dunner w'at yo' mammy dreamin' 'bout fer ter let dat nigger gal be a-holl'in' en a-bawlin' atter you all 'roun' dish yer plan'ation. She de mos' uppity nigger on de hill, en de fus' news you know dey ull all hatter make der bows en call 'er Mistiss. Ef ole Miss wuz 'live, dey wouldn't be no sech gwines on roun yer. But nummine.

Never mind. [back]

You des let 'er come a-cuttin'
up front er my do', en I lay you'll year squallin'. Now, den," "'Tildy this and 'Tildy that. I don't know what your mammy dreaming about for to let that nigger gal be a-hollering and a-bawling after you all around this here plantation. She the most uppity nigger on the hill, and the first news you know they will all have to make the bows and call her Mistress. If old Miss was alive they wouldn't be no such goings on around here. But nevermind. You just let her come a-cutting
up front of my door, and I lay you'll hear squalling. Now then,"
continued the old man, settling himself back in his chair, "wharbouts wuz I?" "whereabouts was I?"

"You said there was a tale about the rabbit foot," the little boy replied.

"So dey is, honey! so dey is!" "So they is, honey! so they is!" Uncle Remus exclaimed, "but she got so many crooks en tu'ns in 'er dat I dunner but w'at I aint done gone en fergotted some un um off'n my min'; kaze ole folks lak me knows lots mo' dan w'at dey kin 'member. "but she got so many crooks and turns in there that I don't know but what I ain't done and forgotted some one them off in my mind; cause old folks like me knows lots more than what they can remember.

"In de days w'ence Brer Rabbit wuz sorter keepin' de neighborhoods stirred up, de yuther creeturs wuz studyin' en studyin' de whole blessid time how dey gwine ter nab 'im. Dey aint had no holiday yit, kaze w'en de holiday come, dey'd go ter wuk, dey would, en juggle wid one er n'er fer ter see how dey gwine ter ketch up with Brer Rabbit. Bimeby, w'en all der plans, en der traps, en der jugglements aint do no good, dey all 'gree, dey did, dat Brer Rabbit got some cunjerment w'at he trick um wid. Brer B'ar, he up'n low, he did, dat he boun' Brer Rabbit is a nat'al bawn witch; Brer Wolf say, sezee, dat he speck Brer Rabbit des in cahoots wid a witch; en Brer Fox, he vow dat Brer Rabbit got mo' luck dan smartness. Den Jedge B'ar, he drap he head one side, he did, en he ax how come Brer Rabbit got all de luck on he own side. De mo' dey ax, de mo' dey git pestered, en de mo' dey git pestered, de wuss dey worry. Day in en day out dey wuk 'wid dis puzzlement; let 'lone dat, dey sot up nights; en bimeby dey 'gree
'mungs deyse'f dat dey better make up wid Brer Rabbit, en see ef dey can't fine out how come he so lucky.
"In the days when Brother Rabbit was sort of keeping the heighborhoods stirred up, the other creatures was studying and studying the whole blessed time how they going to nab him. They ain't had no holiday yet, cause when the holiday come, they'd got to work, they would, and juggle with one or another for to see how they going to catch up with Brother Rabbit. By and by, when all their plans, and the traps, and their jugglements ain't do no good, they all agree, they did, that Brother Rabbit got some conjurement what he trick them with. Brother Bear, he up and allow, he did, that he bound Brother Rabbit is a natural born witch; Brother Wolf say, says he, that he suspect Brother Rabbit just in cahoots with a witch; and Brother Fox, he vow that Brother Rabbit got more luch than smartness. Then Juge Bear, he drop his head one side, he did, and he ask how come Brother Rabbit got all the luck on his own side. The more they ask, the mroe they get pestered, and the more they get pestered, the worse they worry. Day in and day out they work with the puzzlement; let alone that, they sat up nights; and by and by they agree
amongs theyself that they better make up with Brother Rabbit, and shee if they can't find out how come he so lucky.

"W'iles all dis gwine on, ole Brer Rabbit wuz a-gallopin' 'roun' fum Funtown ter Frolicville, a-kickin' up de devilment en terrifyin' de neighborhoods. Hit keep on dis away, twel one time, endurin' de odd-come-shorts,

Sometime, any time, no time. Thus: "Run fetch me de ax, en I wait on you one er deze odd-come-shorts." [back]

ole Jedge B'ar sont wud dat one er his chilluns done bin tooken wid a sickness, en he ax wont ole Miss Rabbit drap 'roun' en set up wid im. Ole Miss Rabbit, she say, co'se she go, en atter she fill 'er satchy full er yerbs en truck, off she put. "Whiles all this going on, old Brother Rabbit was a-galloping around from Funtown to Frolicville, a-kicking up the devilment and terrifying the neighborhoods. It keep on this a-way, till one time, enduring the odd-come-shorts, old Judge Bear sont would that one of his children done been taken with a sickness, and he ask wont old Miss Rabbit drop around and sit up with him. Old Miss Rabbit, she say, of course she go, and after she fill her satchy full of herbs and truck, off she put.

"I done fergit," "I done forgot," said Uncle Remus, scratching his head gravely, "w'ich one er dem chilluns wuz ailin'. Hit mout er bin Kubs, en hit mout er bin Klibs; but no marter fer dat. W'en ole Miss Rabbit git dar, ole Miss B'ar wuz a-settin' up in de chimbly-cornder des a-dosin' en a-nussin' de young un; en all de wimmin er de neighborhoods wuz dar, a-whispun en a-talkin', des fer all de worl' lak wimmin does deze days. It uz: "which one of them children was ailing. It might of been Kubs, and it might of been Klibs; but no matter for that. When old Miss Rabbit get there, old Miss Bear was a-sitting up in the chimeny-corner just a-dosing and a nursing the youngin; and all the women of the neighborhoods was there, a-whispering and a-talking, just fer all the world like women does these days. It uz

"‘Come right in, Sis Rabbit! I mighty proud to see you. I mighty glad you fotch yo' knittin', kaze I'm pow'ful po' comp'ny w'en my chillun sick. Des fling yo' bonnet on de bed dar. I'm dat flustrated twel I dunner w'ich een's up, skacely. Sis Wolf, han' Sis Rabbit dat rockin'-cheer dar, kaze 'taint no one step fum her house ter mine.' 'Come right in, Sister Rabbit! I mighty proud to see you. I mighty glad you fetched your knitting, cause I'm powerful poor company when my children sick. Just fling your bonnet on the bed there. I'm that flustrated till I don't know which end's up, scarcely. Sister Wolf, hand Sister Rabbit that rocking-chair there, cause it ain't no one step from her house to mine.'

"Dat de way ole Miss B'ar run on," "That the way old Miss Bear run on," continued Uncle
Remus, "en dey set dar en dey chatter an dey clatter. Ole Brer Wolf, he 'uz settin' out on de back peazzer smokin' en noddin'. He 'ud take en draw a long whiff, he would, en den he 'ud drap off ter noddin' en let de smoke oozle out thoo he noze. Bimeby ole Sis Rabbit drap 'er knittin' in 'er lap, en sing out, sez she: "and they sit there and they chatter and they clatter. Old Brother Wolf, he was sitting out the back peazzer smokind and nodding. He would take and draw a long whiff, he would, and then he would drop off to nodding and let the smoke oozle out through his nose. By and by old Sister Rabbit drop her knitting in her lap, and sing out, says she:

"‘Law, Sis B'ar! I smells 'barker smoke,' sez she. "Lord, Sister Bear! I smelss 'barker smoke,' says she.

"Ole Sis B'ar, she jolt up de sick baby, en swap it fum one knee ter de yuther, en 'low: "Old Sister Bear, she jolt up the sick baby, and swap it from one knee to the other, and allow:

"'My ole man bin smokin' 'roun' yer de whole blessid day, but soon'z dish yer chile tuck sick, I des tuck'n tole 'im, sez I, fer ter take hisse'f off in de woods whar he b'long at, sez I. Yessum! I did dat! I pities any 'oman w'at 'er ole man is fe'r'verlastin' stuck 'roun' de house w'en dey's any sickness gwine on,' sez she. "'My old man been smoking around here the whole blessed day, but soons this here child took sick, I just took and told him, says I, for to take hisself off in the woods where he belong at, says I. Yes ma'am! I did that! I pities any woman what her old man is foreverlasting stuck around the house when there is any sickness going on,' says she.

"Ole Brer Wolf sot out dar on de back peazzer, en he shot one eye, he did, en open um 'g'in, en let de smoke oozle out'n he nose. Sis B'ar, she jolt de sick baby en swap it fum one knee ter de yuther. Dey sot dar en talk twel bimeby der confab sorter slack up. Fus news dey know Sis Rabbit drap 'er knittin' en fling up 'er han's en squall out: "Old Brother Wolf sat out there on the back peazzer, and he shot one eye, he did, and open them again, and let the smoke oozle out of his nose. Sister Bear, she jolt the sick baby and swap it from one knew to the other. They sat there and talk till by and by there confab/conversation sort of slack up. First news they know Sister Rabbit drop her knitting and fling up her hand and squall out:

"‘De gracious en de goodness! Ef I aint done come traipsin off en ler my ole man money-pus, en he got sump'n in dar w'at he wont take a purty fer, needer! I'm dat fergitful,' sez she, ‘twel hit keep me mizerbul mighty nigh de whole time,' sez she. "'The gracious and the goodness! If I ain't done come traiping off and lure my old man money-purse, and he got something in there what he wont take a purty/pretty for, neither! I'm that forgetful,' says she, 'till it keep me miserable mighty near the whold time,' says she.

"Brer Wolf, he lif' up he year en open he eye, en let de smoke oozle out'n he nose. Sis B'ar, she jolt de sick
baby wuss en wuss, en bimeby, she up'n say, sez she:
"Brother Wolf, he lift up his ear and open his eye, and let the smoke oozle out of his nose. Sister Bear, she jolt the sick
baby worse and worse, and by and by, she up and say, says she:

"‘I mighty glad 'taint me, dat I is,' sez she, ‘bekase ef I wuz ter lef' my ole man money-pus layin' 'roun' dat away, he'd des nat'ally rip up de planks in de flo', en t'ar all de bark off'n de trees,' sez she. "'I mighty glad it ain't me, that I is,' says she, 'because if I was to left my old man money-purse laying around that a-way, he'd just naturally rip ud the planks in the floor, and tear all the bark off of the trees,' says she.

"Ole Miss Rabbit, she sot dar, she did, en she rock en study, en study en rock, en she dunner w'at ter do. Ole Sis B'ar, she jolt en jolt de baby. Ole Brer Wolf, he let de 'barker smoke oozle thoo he nose, he did, en den he open bofe eyes en lay he pipe down. Wid dat, he crope down de back steps en lit out fer Brer Rabbit house. Brer Wolf got gait same lak race-hoss, en it aint take 'im long fer ter git whar he gwine. W'en he git ter Brer Rabbit house, he pull de latch-string en open de do', en w'en he do dis, one er de little Rabs wake up, en he holler out: "Old Miss Rabbit, she sat there, she did, and she rock and studym and study and rock, and she don't know what to do. Old Sister Bear, she jolt and jolt the baby. Old Brother Wolf, he let the 'barker smoke oozle through his nose, he did, and then he open both eyes and lay his pipe down. With that, he crept down the back steps and lit out for Brother Rabbit house. Brother Wolf got gait like race-horse, and it ain't take him long for to get where he going. When he get to Brother Rabbit house, he pull the latch-string and open the dorr, and when he do this, one of the little Rabbits wake up, and he holler out:

"‘Dat you, mammy?' "'That you, mammy?'

"Den Brer Wolf wish he kin sing ‘Bye-O-Baby,' but fo' he kin make answer, de little Rab holler out 'g'in: "Then Brother Wolk wish he cn sing 'Bye-O-Baby,' but before he can make answer, the little Rabbit holler out again:

"‘Dat you, mammy?' "'That you, mammy?'

"Ole Brer Wolf know he got ter do sump'n, so he tuck'n w'isper, he did: "Old Brother Wolf know he got to do something, so he took and whisper, he did:

"‘Sh-sh-sh! Go ter sleep, honey. De boogers 'll git you!' en wid dat de little Rab 'gun ter whimple, en he whimple hisse'f off ter sleep. "'Sh-sh-sh! Go to sleep, honey. The boogers'll get you!' and with that the little Rabbit begun to whimple, and he whimple hisself off to sleep.

"Den w'en it seem lak de little Rabs, w'ich dey wuz mighty nigh forty-eleven un um, is all gone ter sleep, Brer Wolf he crope 'roun', he did, en feel on de mantel-shelf,
en feel, en feel, twel he come ter ole Brer Rabbit money-pus. Ef he want so light wid he han',"
"Then when it seem like the little Rabbits, which the was mighty nigh forty-eleven of them, is all gone to sleep, Brother Wolf he crept around, he did, and fell on the mantel-shelf,
and feel, and feel, till he come to old Brother Rabbit money-purse. If he want so light with his hand,"
Uncle Remus went on, glancing quizzically at the child, "he'd a knock off de pollygollic vial w'at ole Miss Rabbit put up dar. But nummine! Brer Wolf, he feel, en feel, twel he come ter de money-pus, en he grab dat, he did, en he des flew'd away fum dar. "he'd a knock off the pollygollic vial what old Miss Rabbit put up there. But nevermind! Brother Wolf, he feel, and feel, till he come to the money-purse, and he grab that, he did, and he just flew away from there.

"W'en he git out er sight en year'n', Brer Wolf look at de money-pus, en see w'at in it. Hit 'uz one er deze yer kinder money-puz wid tossle on de een' en shiny rings in de middle. Brer Wolf look in dar fer ter see w'at he kin see. In one een' dey wuz a piece er calamus-root en some collard-seeds, en in de t'er een' dey wuz a great big rabbit foot. Dis make Brer Wolf feel mighty good, en he gallop off home wid de shorance

Assurance. [back]

un a man w'at done foun' a gol' mine." "When he get out of sight and hearing, Brother Wolf look at the money-purse, and see what in it. It was one of these here kind of money-purse with tossle on the een' and shiny rings in the middle. Brother Wolf look in there for to see what he can see. In one end they was a piece of calamus-root and some collard-seeds, and in the other end there was a great big rabbit foot. This make Brother Wolf feel mighty good, and he gallop off home with the assurance and a man what done found a gold mine."

Here Uncle Remus paused and betrayed a disposition to drop off to sleep. The little boy, however, touched him upon the knee, and asked him what Brother Rabbit did when he found his foot was gone. Uncle Remus laughed and rubbed his eyes.

"Hit's mighty kuse 'bout Brer Rabbit, honey. He aint miss dat money-pus fer mighty long time, yit w'en he do miss it, he miss it mighty bad. He miss it so bad dat he git right-down sick, kaze he know he bleedz ter fine dat ar foot let go w'at may, let come w'at will. He study en he study, yit 'taint do no good, en he go all 'roun' 'lowin' ter hisse'f: "It's mighty curious about Brother Rabbit, honey. He ain't miss that money-purse for mighty long time, yet when he do miss it, he miss it mighty bad. He miss it so bad that he get right-down sick, cause he know he pleased to find that our foot let go what may, let come what will. He study and he study, yet it ain't do no good, and he go all around allowing to hisself:


"'I know whar I put dat foot, yit I dunner whar I lef' um; I know whar I put dat foot, yit I dunner whar I lef' um.' "'I know where I put that foot, yet I don't know where I left them; I know where I put that foot yet I don't know where I left them.'

"He mope en he mope 'roun'. Look lak Brer Wolf got all de luck en Brer Rabbit aint got none. Brer Wolf git fat, Brer Rabbit git lean; Brer Wolf run fas', Brer Rabbit lope heavy lak ole Sis Cow; Brer Wolf feel funny, Brer Rabbit feel po'ly. Hit keep on dis away, twel bimeby Brer Rabbit know sump'n n'er bleedz ter be done. Las' he make up he min' fer ter take a journey, en he fix up he tricks, he do, en he go en see ole Aunt Mammy-Bammy Big-Money." "He mope and he mope around. Look like Brother Wolf got all the luck and Brother Rabbit ain't got none. Brother Wolf get fat, Brother Rabbit get lean; Brother Wolf run fast, Brother Rabbit lope heavy like old Sister Cow; Brother Wolf feel funny, Brother Rabbit feel poorly. It keep on this a-way, till by and by Brother Ravvit know something another pleased to be done. Last he make up he mind for to take a journey, and he fix up tricks, he do, and he go and see old Aunt Mammy-Bammy Big-Money."

"And who was old Aunt Mammy-Bammy Big-Money, Uncle Remus?" the little boy inquired.

"Ah-yi!" exclaimed Uncle Remus, in a tone of triumph, "I know'd w'en I fotch dat ole creetur name up, dey want gwine ter be no noddin' 'roun' dish yer h'ath. In dem days," "I know'd when I fetched that old creature name up, they weren't going to be no nodding around this here hearth. In them days," he continued, "dey wuz a Witch-Rabbit, en dat wuz her entitlements--ole Aunt Mammy-Bammy Big-Money. She live way off in a deep, dark swamp, en ef you go dar you hatter ride some, slide some; jump some, hump some; hop some, flop some; walk some, balk some; creep some, sleep some; fly some, cry some; foller some, holler some; wade some, spade some; en ef you aint monst'us keerful you aint git dar den. Yit Brer Rabbit he git dar atter so long a time, en he mighty nigh wo' out. "they was a Witch-Rabbit, and that was her entitlements--old Aunt Mammy-Bmmy Big-Money. She live way off in a deep, dark swamp, and if you go there you have to ride some, slide some; jump some, hump some; hop some, flop some; walk some, balk some, creap some; sleep some; fly some, cry some; follow some, holler some; wade some, spade some; and if you ain't monstrous careful you ain't get there then. Yet Brother Rabbit he get there after so long a time, and he mighty near wore out.

"He sot down, he did, fer ter res' hisse'f, en bimeby he see black smoke comin' outer de hole in de groun' whar de ole Witch-Rabbit stay. Smoke git blacker and blacker,
en atter w'ile Brer Rabbit know de time done come fer 'im ter open up en tell w'at he want."
"He sat down, he did, for to rest hisself, and by and by he see black smoke coming out of the hole in the ground where the old Witch-Rabbit stay. Smoke get black and blacker,
and after a while Brother Rabbit know the time done come for him to open up and tell what he want."

As Uncle Remus interpreted the dialogue, Brother Rabbit spoke in a shrill, frightened tone, while the voice of the Rabbit-Witch was hoarse and oracular:

"'Mammy-Bammy Big-Money, I needs yo' he'p.' 'Mammy-Bammy Big-Money, I needs your help.'

"'Son Riley Rabbit, why so? Son Riley Rabbit, why so?' 'Son Riley Rabbit, why so? Son Riley Rabbit, why so?'

"'Mammy-Bammy Big-Money, I los' de foot you gim me.' 'Mammy-Bammy Big-Money, I lost the foot you give me.'

"'O Riley Rabbit, why so? Son Riley Rabbit, why so?' 'O Riley Rabbit, why so? Son Riley Rabbit, why so?'

"'Mammy-Bammy Big-Money, my luck done gone. I put dat foot down 'pon de groun'. I lef' um dar I know not whar.' 'Mammy-Bammy Big-Money, my luck done gone. I put that foot down upon the ground. I left them there I know where.'

"'De Wolf done tuck en stole yo' luck, Son Riley Rabbit, Riley. Go fine de track, go git hit back, Son Riley Rabbit, Riley.' 'The Wolf done took and stole your luck, Son Riley Rabbit, Riley. Go find the track, go get it back, Son Riley Rabbit, Riley.'

"Wid dat," "With that," continued Uncle Remus, "ole Aunt Mammy-Bammy Big-Money sucked all de black smoke back in de hole in de groun', and Brer Rabbit des put out fer home. W'en he git dar, w'at do he do? Do he go off in a cornder by hisse'f, en wipe he weepin' eye? Dat he don't--dat he don't. He des tuck'n wait he chance. He wait en he wait; he wait all day, he wait all night; he wait mighty nigh a mont'. He hang 'roun' Brer Wolf house; he watch en he wait. "old Aunt Mammy-Bammy Big-Money sucked all the black smoke back in the hole in the ground, and Brother Rabbit just put out for home. When he get there, what he do? Do he go off in a corner by hisself, and wipe his weeping eye? That he don't--that he don't. He just took and wait his chance. He wait and he wait; he wait all day, he wait all night; he wait mighty near a month. he hand around Brother Wolf house; he watch and he wait.

"Bimeby, one day, Brer Rabbit git de news dat Brer Wolf des come back fum a big frolic. Brer Rabbit know
he time comin', en he keep bofe eye open en bofe years h'ist up. Nex' mawnin' atter Brer Wolf git back fum de big frolic, Brer Rabbit see 'im come outer de house en go down de spring atter bucket water. Brer Rabbit, he slip up, he did, en he look in. Ole Miss Wolf, she 'uz sailin' 'roun' fryin' meat en gittin' brekkus, en dar hangin' 'cross er cheer wuz Brer Wolf wes'cut where he keep he money-pus. Brer Rabbit rush up ter do' en pant lak he mighty nigh fag out. He rush up, he did, en he sing out:
"By and by, one day, Brother Rabbit get the news that Brother Wolf just come back from a big frolic. Brother Rabbit know
his time coming, and he keep both eye open and both ears hoist up. Next morning after Brother Wolf get back from the big frolic, Brother Rabbit see him come out of the house and go down the spring after bucket water. Brother Rabbit, he slip up, he did, and he look in. Old Miss Wolf, she was sailing around frying meat and getting breakfast, and there hanging across the chair was Brother Wolf wescut where he keep his money-purse. Brother Rabbit rush up the door and pant like he mighty near fag out. He rush up, he did, and he sing out:

"‘Mawnin', Sis Wolf, mawnin'! Brer Fox sont me atter de shavin'-brush, w'ich he keep it in dat ar money-pus w'at I loant 'im.' 'Morning, Sister Wolf, morning! Brother Fox sent me after the shaving-brush, which he keep it in that there money-purse what I loant him.'

"Sis Wolf, she fling up 'er han's en let um drap, en she laugh en say, sez she: "Sister Wolf, she fling up her hands and let them drop, and she laugh and say, says she:

"‘I 'clar' ter gracious, Brer Rabbit! You gimme sech a tu'n, dat I aint got room ter be perlite skacely.' 'I declare to gracious, Brother Rabbit! You give me such a turn, that I ain't got room to polite scarcely.'

"But mos' 'fo' she git de wuds out'n 'er mouf, Brer Rabbit done grab de money-pus en gone!" "But most before she get the woods out of her mouth, Brother Rabbit done grabe the money-purse and gone!"

"Which way did he go, Uncle Remus?" the little boy asked, after a while.

"Well, I tell you dis," "Well, I tell you this," Uncle Remus responded emphatically, "Brer Rabbit road aint lay by de spring; I boun' you dat!" "Brother Rabbit road ain't lay by the spring; I bound you that!"

Presently Tildy put her head in the door to say that it was bedtime, and shortly afterward the child was dreaming that Daddy Jack was Mammy-Bammy Big-Money in disguise.



When the little boy next visited Uncle Remus the old man was engaged in the somewhat tedious operation of making shoe-pegs. Daddy Jack was assorting a bundle of sassafras roots, and Aunt Tempy was transforming a meal-sack into shirts for some of the little negroes,--a piece of economy of her own devising. Uncle Remus pretended not to see the child.

"Hit's des lak I tell you all," "It's just like I tell you all," he remarked, as if renewing a conversation; "I monst'us glad dey aint no bad chilluns on dis place fer ter be wadin' in de spring-branch, en flingin' mud on de yuther little chilluns, w'ich de goodness knows dey er nasty 'nuff bidout dat. I monst'us glad dey aint none er dat kinder young uns 'roun' yer--I is dat." "I monstrous glad they ain't no bad children on this place for to be wading in the spring-branch, and flinging mud on other little children, which the goodness knows they are nasty enough without that. I monstrous glad they ain't none of that kind of young ones around here--I is that."

"Now, Uncle Remus," exelaimed the little boy, in an injured tone, "somebody's been telling you something on me."

The old man appeared to be very much astonished.

"Heyo! whar you bin hidin', honey? Yer 'tis mos' way atter supper en you aint in de bed yit. Well--well --well! Sit over ag'in de chimbly jam dar whar you kin dry dem shoes. En de ve'y nex' time w'at I see you wadin' in dat branch, wid de sickly season comin' on, I'm a gwine ter take you 'cross my shoulder en kyar you ter
Miss Sally, en ef dat aint do no good, den I'll kyar you ter Mars John, en ef dat aint do no good, den I'm done wid you, so dar now!"
"Heyo! where you been hiding, honey? Here it is most way after supper and you ain't in the bed yet. Well--well --well! Sit over again the chimney jam there where you can dry them shoes. And the very next time what I see you wading in that branch, with the sickly season coming on, I'm going to take you across my shoulder and carry you to
Miss Sally, and if that ain't do no good, then I'll carry you to Master John, and if that ain't do no good, them I'm done with you, so there now!"

The little boy sat silent a long time, listening to the casual talk of Uncle Remus and his guests, and watching the vapor rise from his wet shoes. Presently there was a pause in the talk, and the child said:

"Uncle Remus, have I been too bad to hear a story?"

The old man straightened himself up and pushed his spectacles back on his forehead.

"Now, den, folks, you year w'at he say. Shill we pursue on atter de creeturs? Shill er shant?" "Now, then, folks, you hear what he say. Shall we pursue after the creatures? Shall or shant?"

"Bless yo' soul, Brer Remus; I mos' 'shame' myse'f, yit I tell you de Lord's trufe, I'm des ez bad atter dem ar tales ez dat chile dar." "Bless your soul, Brother Remus, I most ashamed myself, yet I tell you the Lord's truth, I'm just as bad after them tales as that child there."

"Well, den," "Well, then," said Uncle Remus, "a tale hit is. One time dey wuz a man, en dish yer man he had a gyardin. He had a gyardin, en he had a little gal fer ter min' it. I don't speck dish yer gyardin wuz wide lak Miss Sally gyardin, but hit 'uz lots longer. Hit 'uz so long dat it run down side er de big road, 'cross by de plum thicket, 'en back up de lane. Dish yer gyardin wuz so nice en long dat it tuck'n 'track de 'tention er Brer Rabbit; but de fence wuz built so close en so high dat he can't git in nohow he kin fix it." "a tale it is. One time there was a man, and this here man he had a garden. He had a garden, and he had a little gal for to mind it. I don't suspect this here garden was wide like Miss Sally garden, but it was lots longer. It was so long that it run down side of the big road, across by the plum thicket, and back up the land. This here garden was so nice and long that it took and attract the attention of Brother Rabbit; but the fence was built so close and so high that he can't get in nohow he can fix it."

"Oh, I know about that!" exclaimed the little boy. "The man catches Brother Rabbit and ties him, and the girl lets him loose to see him dance."


Uncle Remus dropped his chin upon his bosom. He seemed to be humbled.

"Sis Tempy," "Sister Tempy," he said, with a sigh, "you'll hatter come in some time w'en we aint so crowded, en I'll up en tell 'bout Billy Malone en Miss Janey." "you'll have to come in some time when we ain't so crowded, and I'll up and tell about Billy Malone and Miss Janey."

"That wasn't the story I heard, Uncle Remus," said the little boy. "Please tell me about Billy Malone and Miss Janey."

"Ah-yi!" exclaimed Uncle Remus, with a triumphant smile; "I 'low'd maybe I wa'n't losin' de use er my 'membunce, en sho nuff I aint. Now, den, we'll des wuk our way back en start fa'r en squar'. One time dey wuz a man, en dish yer man he had a gyar'din en a little gal. De gyardin wuz chock full er truck, en in de mawnin's, w'en de man hatter go off, he call up de little gal, he did, en tell 'er dat she mus' be sho en keep ole Brer Rabbit outer de gyardin. He tell 'er dis eve'y mawnin'; but one mawnin' he tuck en forgit it twell he git ter de front gate, en den he stop en holler back: "I allow'd maybe I wasn't losing the use of my rememberance, and sure enough I ain't. Now, then, we'll just work our way back and start fair and square. One time there was a man, and this here man he had a garden and a little gal. The garden was chock full of truck, and in the morning's, when the man have to go off, he call up the little gal, he did, and tell her that she must be sure and keep old Brother Rabbit out of the garden. He tell her this every morning; but one morning he took and forget to till he get to the front gate, and then he stop and holler back:

"'O Janey! You Janey! Min' w'at I tell you 'bout ole Brer Rabbit. Don't you let 'im get my nice green peas.' "O Janey! You Janey! Mind what I tell you about old Brother Rabbit. Don't you let him get you nice green peas.'

"Little gal, she holler back: 'Yes, daddy.'

"All dis time, Brer Rabbit he 'uz settin out dar in de bushes dozin'. Yit, w'en he year he name call out so loud, he cock up one year en lissen, en he 'low ter hisse'f dat he bleedz ter outdo Mr. Man. Bimeby, Brer Rabbit, he went 'roun' en come down de big road des ez natchul ez
ef he bin trafflin some'rs. He see de little gal settin' by de gate, en he up'n 'low:
"All this time, Brother Rabbit he was sitting out there in the bushes dosing. Yet, when he hear his name call out so loud, he cock up one ear and listen, and he allow to hisself that he pleased to outdo Mr. Man. By and by, Brother Rabbit, he went around and come down the big road just as naturally as
if he been traveling somewheres. He see the little gal sitting by the gate, and he up and allow:

"'Aint dish yer Miss Janey?' "Ain't there here Mis Janey?'

"Little gal say: 'My daddy call me Janey.'" Uncle Remus mimicked the voice and manner of a little girl. He hung his head, looked excessively modest, and spoke in a shrill tone. The effect was so comical that even Daddy Jack seemed to enjoy it.

"'My daddy call me Janey; w'at yo' daddy call you?' 'My daddy call me Janey; what your daddy call you?'

"Brer Rabbit look on de groun', en sorter study lak folks does w'en dey feels bad. Den he look up en 'low: "Brother Rabbit look on the ground, and sor to stuy like folks does when they feels bad. Then he look up and allow:

"'I bin lose my daddy dis many long year, but w'en he 'live he call me Billy Malone.' Den he look at de little gal hard en 'low: 'Well, well, well! I aint seed you sence you 'uz a little bit er baby, en now yer you is mighty nigh a grown 'oman. I pass yo' daddy in de road des now, en he say I mus' come en tell you fer ter gimme a mess er sparrer-grass.' "'I been lose my daddy this many long year, but when he alive he call me Billy Malone.' Then he look at the little gal hard and allow: 'Well, well, well! I ain't seed you since you was a little bit of baby, and now here you is mighty near a grown woman. I pass your daddy in the road just now, and he say I must come and tell you for to give me a mess of sparrer-grass.'

"Little gal, she fling de gate wide open, en let Mr. Billy Malone git de sparrer-grass. "Little gal, she fling the gate wide open, and let Mr. Billy Malone get the sparrer-grass.

"Man come back en see whar somebody done bin tromplin' on de gyarden truck, en den he call up de little gal, en up'n ax 'er who bin dar since he bin gone; en de little gal, she 'low, she did, dat Mr. Billy Malone bin dar. Man ax who in de name er goodness is Mr. Billy Malone. Little gal 'low hit's des a man w'at say 'er daddy sont 'im fer ter git some sparrer-grass on account er ole acquaintance. Man got his 'spicions, but he aint say nothin.' "Man come back and see where somebody done been trompling on the garden truck, and then he call up the little gal, and up and ask her who been there since he been gone; and the little gal, she allow, she did, that Mr. Billy Malone been there. Man ask who in the name of goodness is Mr. Billy Malone. Little gal allow it's just a man what shay her daddy sent him for to get some sparrer-grass on account of old acquaintance. Man got his suspicions, but he ain't say nothing.'


"Nex' day, w'en he start off, he holler en tell de little gal fer ter keep one eye on ole Brer Rabbit, en don't let nobody git no mo' sparrer-grass. Brer Rabbit, he settin' off dar in de bushes, en he year w'at de man say, en he see 'im w'en he go off. Bimeby, he sorter run 'roun', ole Brer Rabbit did, en he come hoppin' down de road, twell he git close up by de little gal at de gyardin gate. Brer Rabbit drapt 'er his biggest bow, en ax 'er how she come on. Den, atter dat, he 'low, he did: "Next day, when he start off, he holler and tell the little gal for to keep one eye on old Brother Rabbit, and don't let nobody get no more sparrer-grass. Brother Rabbit, he sitting off there inthe bushes, and he hear what the man say, and he see him when he go off. By and by, he sort of run around, old Brother Rabbit did, and he come hopping down the road, till he get close up by the little gal at the garden gate. Brother Rabbit dropped her his biggest bow, and ask her how she come on. Then after that, he allow, he did:

"'I see yo' daddy gwine 'long down de road des now, en he gimme a rakin' down kaze I make 'way wid de sparrer-grass, yit he say dat bein's how I sech a good fr'en' er de fambly I kin come en ax you fer ter gimme a mess er Inglish peas.' 'I see your daddy going along down the road just now, and he give me a raking down cause I make away with the sparrer-grass, yet he say that beings how I such a good friend of the family I can come and ask you for to give me a mess if English peas.'

"Little gal, she tuck'n fling de gate wide open, en ole Brer Rabbit, he march in, he did, en he git de peas in a hurry. Man come back atter w'ile, en he low: "Little girl, she took and fling the gate wide open, and old Brother Rabbit, he march in, he did, and he get the peas in a hurry. Man come back after while, and he allow:

"'Who bin tromplin down my pea-vines?' 'Who been trompling down my pea-vines?'

"'Mr. Billy Malone, daddy.'

"'Man slap he han' on he forrud

Forehead. [back]

; he dunner w'at ter make er all dis. Bimeby, he low: "'Man slap his hand on his forehead; he don't know what to make of all this. By and by, he allow:

"'W'at kinder lookin' man dish yer Mr. Billy Malone?' 'What kind of looking man this here Mr. Billy Malone?'

"'Split lip, pop eye, big year, en bob-tail, daddy.'

"Man say he be bless ef he aint gwine ter make de acquaintance er Mr. Billy Malone; en he went ter wuk, he did, en fix 'im up a box-trap, en he put some goobers in dar, en he tell de little gal nex' time Mr. Billy Malone
come fer 'vite 'im in. Nex' mawnin', Man git little ways fum de house en tuck'n holler back, he did:
"Man say he be bless if he ain't going to make the acquaintance of Mr. Billy Malone; and he went to work, he did, and fix him up a box-trap, and he put some goobers in there, and he tell the little gal next time Mr. Billy Malone
come for invite him in. Next morning, Man get little ways from the house and took and holler back, he did:

"'W'atsumever you does, don't you dast ter let nobody git no mo' sparrer-grass, en don't you let um git no mo' Inglish peas.' 'Whatsoever you does, don't you dares to let nobody get no more sparrer-grass, and don't you let them get no more English peas.'

"Little gal holler back: ‘No, daddy.'

"Den, atter dut, 'twan't long 'fo' yer come Mr. Billy Malone, hoppin' 'long down de big road. He drapt a bow, he did, en 'low: "Then, after that, it wasn't long before here come Mr. Billy Malone, hopping along down the big road. He dropped a bow, he did, and allow:

"'Mawnin', Miss Janey, mawnin'! Met yo' daddy down de big road, en he say dat I can't git no mo' sparrer-grass en green peas, but you kin gimme some goobers.' 'Morning, Miss Janey, morning! Met your daddy down the big road, and he say that I can't get no more sparrer-grass and green peas, but you can give me some goobers.'

"Little gal, she lead de way, en tell Mr. Billy Malone dar dey is in de box. Mr. Billy Malone, he lick he chops, he did, en 'low: "Little gal, she lead the way, and tell Mr. Billy Malone there they is in the box. Mr. Billy Malone, he lick his chops, he did, and allow:

"‘You oughter be monst'us glad, honey, dat you got sech a good daddy lak dat.' 'You ought to be montrous glad, honey, that you got such a good daddy like that.'

"Wid dat, Mr. Billy Malone wunk he off eye, en jump in de box." "With that, Mr. Billy Malone wink his off eye, and jump in the box."

"W'at I done tell you!" "What I done tell you! exclaimed Aunt Tempy.

"‘He jump in de box," "'He jump in the box," continued Uncle Remus, "en dar he wuz, en ef de little gal hadder bin a minnit bigger, I lay she'd 'a' tuck'n done some mighty tall winkin'." "and there he was, and if the little gal had of been a minute bigger, I lay she'd a took and done some mighty tall winking."

"Man aint gone fur, en 'twa'nt long 'fo' yer he come back. W'en Brer Rabbit year 'im comin' he bounce 'roun' in dar same ez a flea in a piller-case, but 'taint do no good. Trap done fall, en Brer Rabbit in dar. Man look thoo' de slats, en 'low: "Man ain't gone far, and it wasn't long before here he come back. When Brother Rabbit hear him coming he bounce around in there same as a flea in a pillow-case, but it ain't do no good. Trap done fall, and Brother Rabbit in there. Man look through the slats, and allow:

"‘Dar you is--same old hoppum-skippum run en
jumpum. Youer de ve'y chap I'm atter. I want yo' foot fer ter kyar in my pocket, I want yo' meat fer ter put in de pot, en I want yo' hide fer ter w'ar on my head.'
'There you is--some old hoppum-skippum run and
jumpum. You are the very chap I'm after. I want your foot for to carry in my pocket, I want your meat for to put in the pot, and I want your hide for to wear on my head.'

"Dis make cold chill rush up en down Brer Rabbit backbone, en he git more 'umble dan a town nigger w'at been kotch out atter nine erclock.

During slavery, the ringing of the nine-o'clock bell in the towns and villages at night was the signal for all negroes to retire to their quarters. [back]

He holler en cry, en cry en holler: "This make cold chill rush up and down Brother Rabbit backbone, and he get more tumble than a town nigger what beet caught out after nine o'clock. He holler and cry, and cry and holler:

"'Do pray, Mr. Man, tu'n me go! I done 'ceive you dis time, but I aint gwine ter 'ceive you no mo'. Do pray, Mr. Man, tu'n me go, des dislittle bit er time.' 'Do pray, Mr. Man, turn me go! I done deceive you this time, but I ain't going to deceive you no more. Do pray, Mr. Man turn me go,just this little bit of time.'

"Man he aint sayin' nothin'. He look lak he studyin' 'bout somep'n n'er way off yan', en den he take de little gal by de han' en go off todes de house." "Man he ain't saying nothing. He look like he studying about something or another way off yonder, and then he take the little gal by the hand and go off toward the house."

"Sholy Brer Rabbit time done come now!" "Surely Brother Rabbit time done come now!" exclaimed Aunt Tempy, in a tone of mingled awe and expectation.

Uncle Remus paid no attention to the interruption, but went right on:

"Hit seem lak dat Brer Rabbit got mo' luck dan w'at you kin shake a stick at, kase de man en de little gal aint good en gone skacely twell yer come Brer Fox a pirootin' 'roun'. Brer Fox year Brer Rabbit hollin' en he up'n ax w'at de 'casion er sech gwines on right dar in de broad open daylight. Brer Rabbit squall out: "It seem like that Brother Rabbit got more luck than what you can shake a stick at, cause the man and the little gal ain't good and gone scarcely till here come Brother Fox a pirooting around. Brother Fox hear Brother Rabbit holling and he up and ask what the occasion of such going on right there in the broad open daylight. Brother Rabbit squall out:

"'Lordy, Brer Fox! you better make 'as'e 'way fum yer, kaze Mr. Man ull ketch you en slap you in dish yer box en make you eat mutton twell you ull des nat'ally bus' right wide open. Run, Brer Fox, run! He bin
feedin' me on mutton the whole blessid mawnin' en now he done gone atter mo'. Run, Brer Fox, run!'
'Lordy, Brother Fox! you better make aways from here, cause Mr. Man'll catch you and slap you in this here box and make you eat mutton till you'll just naturally bust right wide open. Run, Brother Fox, run! He been
feeding me on mutton the whole blessed morning and now he done gone after more. Run, Brother Fox, run!'

"Yit, Brer Fox aint run. He up'n ax Brer Rabbit how de mutton tas'e. "Yet, Brother Fox ain't run. He up and ask Brother Rabbit how the mutton taste.

"‘He tas'e mighty good 'long at fus', but nuff's a nuff, en too much is a plenty. Run, Brer Fox, run! He ull ketch you, sho!' 'He taste mighty good along at first, but enough's enough, and too much is a plenty. Run, Brother Fox, run! He'll catch you, sure!'

"Yit, Brer Fox aint run. He up'n 'low dat he b'leeve he want some mutton hisse'f, en wid dat he onloose de trap en let Brer Rabbit out, en den he tuck'n git in dar. Brer Rabbit aint wait fer ter see w'at de upshot gwine ter be, needer--I boun' you he aint. He des tuck'n gallop off in de woods, en he laff en laff twell he hatter 'hug a tree fer ter keep fum drappin' on de groun'." "Yet, Brother Fox ain't run. He up and allow that he believe he want some mutton hisself, and with that he onloose the trap and let Brother Rabbit out, and then he took and get in there. Brother Rabbit ain't wait for to see what the upshot going to be, neither--I bound you he ain't. He just took and gallop off in the woods, and he laught and laugh till he have to hug a tree for to keep from dropping on the ground."

"Well, but what became of Brother Fox?" the little boy asked, after waiting some time for Uncle Remus to proceed.

"Now, den, honey," "Now then, honey," said the old man, falling back upon his dignity, "hit een about takes all my spar' time fer ter keep up wid you en Brer Rabbit, let 'lone keepin' up wid Brer Fox. Ole Brer Rabbit tuck'n tuck keer hisse'f, en now let Brer Fox take keer hisse'f." "it end about takes all my spare time for to keep up with you and Brother Rabbit, let alone keeping up with Brother Fox. Old Brother Rabbit took and took care hisself, and now let Brother Fox take care hisself."

"I say de word!" "I say the word!" exclaimed Aunt Tempy.



When Uncle Remus began his story of Billy Malone and Miss Janey, Daddy Jack sat perfectly quiet. His eyes were shut, and he seemed to be dozing; but, as the story proceeded, he grew more and more restless. Several times he was upon the point of interrupting Uncle Remus, but he restrained himself. He raised his hands to a level with his chin, and beat the ends of his fingers gently together, apparently keeping time to his own thoughts. But his impatience exhausted itself, and when Uncle Remus had concluded, the old African was as quiet as ever. When Brother Fox was left so unceremoniously to his fate, Daddy Jack straightened himself temporarily and said:

"Me yent bin a yerry da tale so. 'E nice, fer true, 'e mek larf come; oona no bin-a yerry um lak me." "Me ain't been heary the tale so. He nice, for true, he make laugh come; on a oona been-a heary them like me."

"No," said Uncle Remus, with grave affability, "I speck not. One man, one tale; 'n'er man, 'n'er tale. Folks tell um diffunt. I boun' yo' 'way de bes', Brer Jack. Out wid it--en we ull set up yer, en hark at you en laff wid you plum twell de chick'ns crow." "I suspect not. One man, one tale; another man, another tale. Folks tell them different. I bound you alway the best, Brother Jack. Out with it--and we'll set up here, and hark at you and laugh with you plum till the chickens crow."

Daddy Jack needed no other invitation. He clasped his knee in his hands and began:

"Dey is bin lif one Màn wut plan' some pea in 'e geerden
'E plan' some pea, but 'e mek no pea: B'er Rabbit, 'e is fine um. 'E fine um un 'e eat um. Màn mek no pea, B'er Rabbit'e 'stroy um so. 'E plan' dem pea; dey do grow, un 'e go off. 'E come bahk; pea no dere. B'er Rabbit teer um up un mek 'e cud wit' dem. So long tam, Màn say 'e gwan ketch um, un 'e no ketch um. Màn go, B'er Rabbit come; Màn come, B'er Rabbit go. Bumbye, Màn, 'e is git so mad, 'e y-eye bin-a come red; 'e crack 'e toof, 'e do cuss. 'E oby'e gwan ketch B'er Rabbit. nohow. Dun 'e is bin-a call 'e lilly gal. 'E talk, 'e tell 'im fer let B'er Rabbit go troo da geerden gett. Lil gal say yasser. 'E talk, 'e tell 'im wun B'er Rabbit go throo da gett, dun 'e mus' shed da gett, un no le'm come pas' no mo.' Lil gal say yasser.
"The is been left one Màn what planted some pea in he garden
He plant some pea, but he make no pea; Brother Rabbit, he is find them. He find them and he eat them. Màn make no pea, Brother Rabbity he destroy them so. He plant them pea; they do grow, and he go off. He come back; pea no there. Brother Rabbit tear them up and make he could with them. So long time, Màn say he going to catch him, and he not catch him. Màn go, Brother Rabbit come; Màn come, Brother Rabbit go. By and by, Màn, he is get so mad, he y-eye been-a come red; he crack a tooth, he do cuss. He oby'e gonna catch Brother Rabbit go through the garden gate. Little gal say yes sir. He talk, he tell him when Brother Rabbit go through the gate, then he must shed the gate, and no let him come pass no more. Little gal say yes sir.

"Ole Màn is bin-a gone 'bout 'e wuk; lil gal, 'e do lissun. B'er Rabbit, 'e come tippy-toe, tippy-toe; gone in da geerden; eat dem pea tell 'e full up; eat tell he mos' git seeck wit' dem pea. Dun 'e start fer go out; 'e fine da gett shed. 'Ee shek um, 'e no open; 'e push um, 'e no open; 'e fair grunt, 'e push so hard 'e no open. 'E bin-a call da lil gal; 'e say: "Old Màn is been-a gone about his work; little gal, he do listen. Brother Rabbit, he come tippy-toe, tippy-toe; gone in the garden; eat them pea tell he full up; eat till he most get sick with them pea. Then he start for go out; he find the gate shut. He shake them, he no open; he push them, he no open; he fair grunt, he push so hard he no open. He been-a call the little gal; he say:

"‘Lil gal, lil gal! cum y-open da gett. 'Tis hu't me feelin' fer fine da gett shed lak dis.' 'Little gal, little gal come y-open the gate. This hurt me feeling for find the gate shut like this.'

"Lil gal no talk nuttin'. E'er Rabbit say: "Little gal no talk nothing. Here Rabbit say:

"''Tis-a bin hu't me feelin', lil gal! Come y-open da gett, lil gal, less I teer um loose from da hinch.' "This-a been hurting me feeling, little gal! Come y-open the gate, little gal, less I tear them loose from the hinge.'

"Lil gal v'ice come bahk. 'E talk: "Little gal voice come back. He talk:

"‘Daddy say mus'n'.' 'Daddy say mustn't

"B'er Rabbit open 'e mout'. 'E say: "Brother Rabbit open his mouth. He say:


"'See me long sha'p toof? 'E bite you troo un troo!' 'See me long sharp tooth? He bite you through and through!'

"Lil gal skeer; 'e tu'n loose de gett un fly. B'er Rabbit gone! Ole Màn come bahk; 'e ahx 'bout B'er Rabbit. Lil gal say: "Little gal scare; he turn loose the gate and fly. Brother Rabbit gone! Old Màn come back; he ask about Brother Rabbit. Little gal say:

"''E done gone, daddy. I shed da gett, I hol' um fas'. B'er Rabbit bin show 'e toof; 'e gwan fer bite-a me troo un troo. I git skeer, daddy.' Màn ahx: "'He done gone, daddy. I shut the gate, I hold him fast. Brother Rabbit been show his tooth; he gonna bit-a me through and through. I get scared, daddy.' Màn ask:

"‘How 'e gwin fer bite you troo un troo, wun 'e toof fix bite grass? B'er Rabbit tell one big tale. 'E no kin bite-a you. Wun 'e come 'g'in, you shed dem gett, you hol' um tight, you no le'm go pas' no mo'.' Lil gal say yasser. "'How he going for to bite you through and through, when his tooth fix bite grass? Brother rabbit tell one big tale. He no can bite-a you. When he come again, you shut them gate, you hold tight, you no let him go past no more.' Little gal say yes sir.

"Nex' day mawnin', Màn go 'long 'bout 'e wuk. Lil gal, 'e play 'roun', un 'e play 'roun'. B'er Rabbit, 'e is come tippy-tippy. 'E fine gett open; 'e slip in da geerden. 'E chew dem pea, 'e gnyaw dem pea; 'e eat tell dem pea tas'e bad. Dun 'e try fer go out; gett shed fas'. 'E no kin git troo. 'E push, gett no open; 'e keek wit' um fut, gett no open; 'e butt wit' um head, gett no open. Dun 'e holler: "Next day morning, Màn go along about his work. Little gal, she play around, and she play around. Brother Rabbit, he is come tippy-tippy. He find gate open; he slip in the garden. He chew them pea, he gnaw them pea; he eat till them pea taste bad. Then he try for go out; gate shut fast. He no can get through. He push, gate no open; he kick with his foot, gate no open; he but with his head, gate no open. Then he holler:

"‘Lil gal, lil gal! come y-open da gett. 'E berry bad fer fool wit' ole man lak me. I no kin hol' me feelin' down wun you is do lak dis. 'E berry bad.' 'Little gal, little gal! come y-open the gate. She very bad for fool with old man like me. I no can hold my feeling down when you is do like this. She very bad.

"Lil gal hol' 'e head down; 'e no say nuttin'. B'er Rabbit say: "Little gal hold her head down; she no say nothing. Brother Rabbit say:

"‘Be shame, lil gal, fer do ole man lak dis. Me feelin' git wusser. Come y-open de gett 'fo' I is teer um down.' 'Be shame, little gal, for the old man like this. Me feeling get worser. Come y-open the gate before I is tear them down.'

"Lil gal say: ‘Daddy say mus'n'.' 'Daddy say mustn't.'


"B'er Rabbit open 'e y-eye wide; 'e is look berry mad. 'E say: "Brother Rabbit open his y-eye wide; he is look very mad. He say:

"'See me big y-eye? I pop dis y-eye stret at you, me kill-a you dead. Come y-open da gett 'fo' me y-eye pop.' 'See me big y-eye? I pop this y-eye straight at you, me kill-a you dead. Come y-open the gate before me y-eye pop.'

"Lil gal skeer fer true. 'E loose de gett, 'e fair fly. B'er Rabbit done gone! Lil gal daddy bahk. 'E ahx wey is B'er Rabbit. Lil gal say: "Little gal scared for true. She loose the gate, she fair fly. Brother Rabbit done gone! Little gal daddy back. He ask where is Brother Rabbit. Little gal say:

"''E done gone, daddy. I hol' gett fas'; 'e is bin-a 'come berry mad. 'E say he gwan pop 'e y-eye at me, shoot-a me dead.' 'He done gone, daddy. I hold gate fast; he is been-a become very mad. He say he gonna pop his y-eye at me, shoot-a me dead.' Màn say:

"'B'er Rabbit tell-a too big tale. How'e gwan shoot-a you wit' 'e y-eye? 'E y-eye sem lak turrer folk y-eye. Wun ' e come some mo', you shed dem gett, you hol' um fas'.' Lil gal say yasser. "'Brother Rabbit tell-a too big tale. How he gonna shoot-at you with his y-eye? His y-eye seem like truer folk y-eye. When he come some more, you shut them gate, you hold them fast.' Little gal say yes sir.

"Nex' day mawnin, Màn go, B'er Rabbit come. 'E is ma'ch in da gett un eat-a dem pea tell 'e kin eat-a no mo'. 'E sta't out; gett shed. 'E no kin come pas'. 'E shek, 'e push, 'e pull; gett shed. Dun'e holler: "Next day morning, Màn go, Brother Rabbit come. He is march in the gate and eat-a them pea till he can eat-a no more. He start out; gate shut. He no can come past. He shake, he push, he pull; gate shut. Then he holler:

"'Lil gal, lil gal! come y-open da gett. 'Tis berry bad fer treat you kin lak dis. C’me y-open da gett, lil gal. 'Tis full me up wit' sorry wun you do lak dis.' 'Little gal, little gal! come y-open the gate. This very bad for treat you kin like this. Come y-open the gate, little gal. This full me up with sorry when you do like this.'

"Lil gal, 'e no say nuttin'. B'er Rabbit say: "Little gal, she no say nothing. Brother Rabbit say:

"''E berry bad fer treat you' kin lak dis. Tu'n go da gett, lil gal.' Lil gal say: "'She very bad for treat your kin like this. Turn go the gate, little gal.' Little gal say:

"‘How you is kin wit' me, B'er Rabbit?' 'How you is kin with me, Brother Rabbit?'

"‘You' gran'daddy foller at' me nuncle wit' 'e dog. Da mek we is kin. Come y-open da gett, lil gal.' 'Your grandaddy follow after me uncle with the dog. That make we is kin. Come y-open the gate, little gal.' "

"Dat ole Rabbit wuz a-talkin', mon!" "That old Rabbit was a-talking, man!" exclaimed Aunt Tempy, enthusiastically.


"Lil gal no say nuttin' 'tall!" "Little gal no say nothing at all!" Daddy Jack went on, with renewed animation. "Dun B'er Rabbit say: "Then Brother Rabbit say:

"'See me long, sha'p toof, lil gal? Me bite-a you troo un troo.' Lil gal say: "'See me long, sharp tooth, little gal? Me bite-a you through and through.' Little gal say:

"'Me no skeer da toof. 'E bite nuttin' 'tall 'cep' 'e bite grass.' B'er Rabbit say: "'Me no scared the toothe. He bit nothing at all except he bite grass.' Brother Rabbit say:

"‘See me big y-eye? I pop um at you, shoot-a you dead.' Lil gal say: "'See me big y-eye? I pop them at you, shoot-a you dead.' Little gal say:

"'Me no skeer da y-eye. 'E sem lak turrer folk y-eye.' B'er Rabbit say: "'Me no scared the y-eye. He seem like truer folk y-eye.' Brother Rabbit say:

"‘Lil gal, you mek me 'come mad. I no lak fer hu't-a me kin. Look at me ho'n! I run you troo un troo.' 'Little gal, you make me become mad. I no like for hunt-a me kin. Look at me horn! I run you through and through.'

"B’er Rabbit lif' 'e two year up; 'e p'int um stret at da lil gal. Lil gal 'come skeer da ho'n; 'e do tu'n go da gett; 'e fly fum dey-dey." "Brother Rabbit lift his two ear up; he point them straight at the little gal. Little gal become scared the horn; she do turn go the gate; she fly from dey-dey."

"Well, ef dat don't beat!" "Well, if that don't beat!" exclaimed Aunt Tempy, laughing as heartily as the little boy. "Look at um one way, en Rabbit year does look lak sho 'nuff ho'ns." "Look at them one way, and Rabbit ear does look like sure enough horns."

"Lil gal tu'n go da gett," "Little gal turn go the gate," Daddy Jack continued; "B'er Rabbit gone! Màn come bahk; 'e ahx wey is B'er Rabbit. Lil gal cry; 'e say 'e skeer Brer Rabbit ho'n. Màn say'e is hab no ho'n. Lil gal is stan' um down 'e see ho'n. Màn say da ho'n is nuttin' 'tall but B'er Rabbit year wut 'e yeddy wit'. 'E tell lil gal nex' tam B'er Rabbit come, 'e mus' shed da gett; 'e mus' run fum dey-dey un leaf um shed. Lil gal say yasser. "Brother Rabbit gone! Màn come back; he ask where is Brother Rabbit. Little gal cry; she say she scare Brother Rabbit horn. Màn say he is have no horn. Little gal is stand them down she horn. Màn say the horn is nothin at all but Brother Rabbit ear what he ready with. He tell little gal next time Brother Rabbit come, she must shut the gate; she must run from dey-dey and leave them shut. Little gal say yes sir.

"Màn gone, B'er Rabbit come. 'E is go in du gett; 'e eat-a dem pea tell 'e tire'. 'E try fer go pas' da gett; gett shed. 'E call lil gal; lil gal gone! 'E call, call, call;
lil gal no yeddy. 'E try fer fine crack in ua palin': no crack dey. 'E try fer jump over: de palin' too high. 'E 'come skeer; 'e is 'come so skeer, 'e squot 'pun da groun'; 'e shek, 'e shiver.
"Màn gone, Brother Rabbit come. He is go in the gate; he eat-a them pea till he tired. He try for go past the gate; gate shut. He call little gal;little gal gone! He call, call, call;
little gal no ready. He try for find crack in ua palin': no crack there. He try for jump over: the palin' too high. He come scared; he is come so scared, he squat upon the ground; he shake, he shiver.

"Màn come bahk. 'E ahx wey B'er Rabbit. Lil gal say 'e in da geerden. Màn hug lil gal, 'e is lub um so. 'E go in da geerden; 'e fine B'er Rabbit. 'E ketch um --'e ca' um off fer kill um; 'e mad fer true. Lil gal come holler: "Màn come back. He ask where Brother Rabbit. Little gal say he in the garden. Màn hug little gal, he is love them so. He go in the garden; he find Brother Rabbit. He catch him --he carry him for kill him; he mad for true. Little gal come holler:

"‘Daddy, daddy! missus say run dere! 'E wan' you come stret dere!' 'Daddy, daddy! missus say run there! She want you come straight there!'

"Màn tie B'er Rabbit in da bag; 'e hang um on tree- lim'. 'E say: "Màn tie Brother Rabbit in the bag; he hand him on tree-limb. He say:

"‘I gwan come bahk. I l'arn you fer mek cud wit' me green pea.' 'I gonna come back. I learned you for make cut with me green pea.'

"Màn gone fer see 'e missus. Bumbye, B'er 'Possum is bin-a come pas'. 'E look up, 'e ketch glimp' da bag 'pun da lim'. 'E say: "Màn gone for see his missus. By and by, Brother Opossum is been-a come past. He look up, he catch glimpse the bag upon the limb. He say:

"‘Ki! Wut dis is bin-a hang in da bag 'pun da tree- lim'?' B'er Rabbit say: "'Hi! What this is been-a hang in the bag upon the tree-limb?' Brother Rabbit say:

"‘Hush, B'er 'Possum! 'Tis-a me. I bin-a lissen at dem sing in da cloud.' 'Hush, Brother Opossum! This-a me. I been-a listen at them sing in the cloud.'

"B'er 'Possum lissen. 'E say: "Brother Opossum listen. He say:

"‘I no yed dem sing, B'er Rabbit.' 'I no heard them sing, Brother Rabbit.'

"‘Hush, B'er 'Possum! How is I kin yeddy dem sing wun you is mek-a da fuss dey-dey?' 'Hush, Brother Opossum! How is I can heardy them sing when you is make-a the fuss dey-dey?'

"B'er 'Possum, 'e hol' 'e mout' still, 'cep' 'e do grin. B'er Rabbit say: "Brother Opossum, he hold his mouth still, except he do grin. Brother Rabbit say:


"'I yed dem now! I yed dem now! B'er 'Possum, I wish you is yeddy dem sing!' 'I heard them now! I heard them now! Brother Opossum, I wish you is heardy them sing!'

"B'er 'Possum say 'e mout' water fer yeddy dem sing in da cloud. B'er Rabbit, 'e say 'e is bin-a hab so long tam 'quaintun wit' B'er 'Possum, 'e le'm yeddy dem sing. 'E say: "Brother Opossum say he mouth water for heardy them sing in the cloud. Brother Rabbit, he say he is been-a have so long time aquainting with Brother Opossum, he let him heardy them sing. He say:

"'I git fum da bag, I tun-a you in tell you is yeddy dem sing. Dun you is git fum da bag, tell I do come bahk un 'joy mese'f.' 'I get from the bag, I turn-a you in till you is heardy them sing. Then you is get from the bag, till I do come back and enjoy meself.'

"B'er 'Possum, 'e do clam up da tree; 'e git dem bag, 'e bring um down. 'E tak off da string; 'e tu'n B'er Rabbit go. 'E crawl in un 'e quile up. 'E say: "Brother Opossum he do climb up the tree; he get them bag, he bring them down. He take off the string; he turn Brother Rabbit go. He crawl in he quile up. He say:

"‘I no yeddy dem sing, B'er Rabbit!' 'I no heardy them sing, Brother Rabbit!;

"‘Hi! wait tell da bag it tie, B'er 'Possum. You yed dem soon 'nuff!' 'E wait. "'Hi! wait till the bad it tie, Brother Opossum. You hear them soon enough!' He wait.

"‘I no yeddy dem sing, B'er Rabbit!' 'I no heardy them sing, Brother Rabbit!'

"'Hi! wait tell I clam da tree, B'er 'Possum. You yed dem soon 'nuff! ' 'E wait. "'Hi! wait till I climb the tree, Brother Opossum. You heard them soon enough!' He wait.

"‘I no yeddy dem sing, B'er Rabbit!' 'I no heardy them sing, Brother Rabbit!'

"‘Wait till I fix um 'pun da lim', B'er 'Possum. You yed dem soon 'nuff! ' 'E wait. "'Wait till I fix them upon the limb, Brother Opossum. You heard them soon enough!' He wait.

"B'er Rabbit clam down; 'e run 'way fum dey-dey; 'e hide in da bush side. Màn come bahk. 'E see da bag moof. B'er 'Possum say: "Brother Rabbit climb down; he run away from there-there; he hid in the bush side. Màn come back. He see the bag move. Brother Opossum say:

"‘I no yeddy dem sing. I wait fer yed um sing!' 'I no heardy them sing. I wait for heard them sing!'

"Màn tink 'e B'er Rabbit in da bag. 'E say: "Màn think he Brother Rabbit in the bag. He say:

"‘Ah-yi-ee! I mekky you yed dem sing! 'Ah-yi-ee! I makey you heard them sing! '

"Màn tek-a da bag fum da tree-lim' ; 'e do slam da bag 'gin ua face da ye't'. 'E tek-a 'e walkin'-cane, un 'e beat
B'er Possum wut is do um no ha'm tell 'e mos' kill um. Màn tink B'er Rabbit mus' bin dead by dis. 'E look in da bag; 'e 'tretch 'e y-eye big; 'e 'stonish. B'er Rabbit, 'e do come fum da bush side; 'e do holler, 'e do laff. 'E say:
"Màn take-a the bag from the tree-limb; he do slam the bag again ua face the ye't'. He take-a walking-cane, and he beat
Brother Opossum what is do them no harm till he most kill them. Màn think Brother Rabbit must been dead by this. He look in the bag; he stretch his y-eye big; he astonish. Brother Rabbit, he do come from the bush side; he do holler, he do laugh. He say:

"‘You no is ketch-a me! I t'ief you' green pea,--I t'ief um some mo', - I t'ief um tel I dead!' 'You no is catch-a me! I thief your green pea,--I thief them some more,-I thief them till I dead!'

"Màn, 'e 'come so mad, 'e is fling hatchet at B'er Rabbit un chop off 'e tail." "Màn, he become so mad, he fling hatchet at Brother Rabbit and chop off his tail."

At this moment Daddy Jack subsided. His head drooped forward, and he was soon in the land of Nod. Uncle Remus sat gazing into the fireplace, as though lost in reflection. Presently, he laughed softly to himself, and said:

"Dat's des 'bout de long en de short un it. Mr. Man clip off Brer Rabbit tail wid de hatchet, en it bleed so free dat Brer Rabbit rush off ter de cotton-patch en put some lint on it, en down ter dis day dat lint mos' de fus thing you see w'en Brer Rabbit jump out'n he bed en tell you good-bye." "That's just about the long and the short of it. Mr. Man clip off Brother Rabbit tail with the hatchet, and it bleed so free that Brother Rabbit rush off to the cotton-patch and put some lint on it, and down to this day lint most the first thing you see when Brother Rabbit jump out of his bed and tell you good-bye."

"But, Uncle Remus, what became of Brother 'Possum?"

Uncle Remus smacked his lips and looked wise.

"Don't talk 'bout Brer 'Possum, honey, ef dat ar Mr. Man wuz nice folks lak we all is, en I aint 'spute it, he tuck'n tuck Brer 'Possum en bobbycue 'im, en I wish I had a great big piece right now. Dat I does." "Don't talk about Brother Opossum, honey, if that are Mr. man was nice folks like we all is, and I ain't dispute it, he took and took Brother Opossum and barbequed him, and I wish I had a great big piece right now. That I does."



One night, while the little boy was watching Uncle Remus broil a piece of bacon on the coals, he heard a great commotion among the guinea-fowls. The squawking and pot-racking went on at such a rate that the geese awoke and began to scream, and finally the dogs added their various voices to the uproar. Uncle Remus leaned back in his chair and listened.

"I speck may be dat's de patter-rollers gwine by," "I suspect may be that's the patter-rollers going by," he said, after a while. "But you can't put no 'pen'unce in dem ar Guinny-hins, kaze dey'll wake up en holler ef dey year deyse'f sno'. Dey'll fool you, sho." "But you can't put no penence in them are Guinea-hens, cause they'll wake up and holler if they hear theyself snore. They'll fool you, sure."

"They are mighty funny, anyhow," said the little boy.

"Dat's it!" "That's it!" exclaimed Uncle Remus. "Dey looks quare, en dey does quare. Dey aint do lak no yuther kinder chick'n, en dey aint look lak no yuther kinder chick'n. Yit folks tell me," "They looks queer, and they does queer. They ain't do like no other kind of chicken, and they ain't look like no other kind of chicken. Yet folks tell me," the old man went on, reflectively, "dat dey er heap mo' kuse lookin' now dan w'at dey use' ter be. I year tell dat dey wuz one time w'en dey wuz all blue, 'stid er havin' all dem ar teenchy little spots on um." "that they are heap more curious looking now than what they used to be. I hear tell that there was one time when they was all blue, instead of having all them teenchy little spots on them."

"Well, how did they get to be speckled, Uncle Remus?" asked the little boy, seeing that the old man was disposed to leave the subject and devote his attention to his broiling bacon.


Uncle Remus did not respond at once. He turned his meat over carefully, watched it a little while, and then adroitly transferred it to the cover of a tin bucket, which was made to answer the purpose of a plate. Then he searched about in the embers until he found his ash-cake, and in a little while his supper was ready to be eaten.

"I aint begrudgin' nobody nothin'," "I ain't begrudging nobody nothing," said Uncle Remus, measuring the victuals with his eye; "yit I'm monst'us glad Brer Jack aint nowhar's 'roun', kaze dey aint no tellin' de gawm dat ole nigger kin eat. He look shaky, en he look dry up, en he aint got no toof, yit w'ence he set hisse'f down whar dey any vittles, he des nat'ally laps hit up. En let 'lone dat, he ull wipe he mouf en look 'roun' des lak he want mo'. Time Miss Sally see dat ole nigger eat one meal er vittles, I boun' you he hatter go back down de country. I aint begrudgin' Brer Jack de vittles," "yet I'm monstrous glad Brother Jack ain't nowheres around, cause there ain't no telling the game that old nigger can eat. He look shakey, and he look dry up, and he ain't got no tooth, yet when he set hisself down where they any vittles, he just naturally laps it up. And let along that, he'll wipe his mouth and look around just like he want more. Time Miss Sally see that old nigger eat one meal of vittles, I bound you he have to go back down the country. I ain't begrudging Brother Jack the vittle," Uncle Remus went on, adopting a more conciliatory tone, "dat I aint, kaze folks is got ter eat; but, gentermens! you be 'stonish' w'en you see Brer Jack 'pesterin' 'long er he dinner." "that I ain't, cause folks is got to eat; but, gentlemen! you be astonished when you see Brother Jack a pestering along of his dinner."

The little boy sat quiet awhile, and then reminded Uncle Remus of the guinea-fowls.

"Tooby sho, honey, tooby sho! W'at I doin'runnin' on dis a-way 'bout ole Brer Jack? W'at he done ter me? Yer I is gwine on 'bout Brer Jack, en dem ar Guinny-hins out dar waitin'. Well, den, one day Sis Cow wuz a-grazin' 'bout in de ole fiel' en lookin' atter her calf. De wedder wuz kinder hot, en de calf, he tuck'n stan', he did, in he mammy shadder, so he kin keep cool, en so
dat one flip un he mammy tail kin keep the flies off'n bofe 'un um. Atter w'ile, 'long come a drove er Guinnies. De Guinnies, dey howdied, en Sis Cow, she howdied, en de Gninnies, dey sorter picked 'roun' en sun deyse'f; en Sis Cow, she crap the grass en ax um de news er de neighborhoods. Dey went on dis a-way twell 'twant 'long 'fo' dey year mighty kuse noise out dar t'er side er de old fiel'. De Guinnies, dey make great 'miration, des lak dey does deze days, en old Sis Cow fling up 'er head en look all 'ronn'. She aint see nothin'.
"To by sure, honey, to be sure! What I doing running on this a-way about old Brother Jack? What he done to me? Here I is going on about Brother Jack, and them are Guinea-hens out there waiting. Well, then, one day Sister Cow was a-grazing about in the old field and looking after her calf. The weather was kind of hot, and the calf, he took and stand, he did, in his mammy shadow, so he can keep cool. and so
that one flip and his mammy tail can keep flies off of both of the. After while, along come a drove of Guineas. The Guineas, they howdied, and Sister Cow, she howdied, and the Guineas, they sort of picked around and sun theyself; and Sister Cow, she crap the grass and ask them the news of the neighborhoods. They wnt on this a-way till it wasn't long before they hear mighty curious noise out there the other side of the old field. The Guineas, they make great 'miration, just like they does these days, and old Sister Cow fling up her head and look all around. She ain't see nothing.

"Atter w'ile dey year de kuse fuss 'gin, en dey look 'roun', en bless gracious! stan'in' right dar, 'twix' dem en sundown, wuz a great big Lion!" "After while they hear the curious fuss again, and they look around, and bless gracious! standing right there, between them and sundown, was a great big Lion!"

"A Lion, Uncle Remus?" asked the little boy, in amazement.

"Des ez sho ez you er settin' dar, honey,--a great big Lion. You better b'leeve dey wuz a monst'us flutterment 'mungs de Guinnies, en ole Sis Cow, she looked mighty skeer'd. De Lion love cow meat mos' better dan he do any yuther kinder meat, en he shake he head en 'low ter hisse'f dat he'll des about ketch ole Sis Cow en eat 'er up, and take en kyar de calf ter he fambly. "Just as sure as you setting there, honey,--a great big Lion. You better believe there was a monstrous flutterment amongs the Guineas, and old Sister Cow, she looked mighty scared. The Lion love cow meat most better than he do any other kind of meat, and he shake his head and allow to hisself that he'll just about catch old Sister Cow and eat her up, and carry the calf to his family.

"Den he tuck'n shuck he head, de Lion did, en make straight at Sis Cow. De Guinnies dey run dis a-way, en dey run t'er way, en dey run all 'roun' en 'roun'; but ole Sis Cow, she des know she 'got ter stan' 'er groun', en w'en she see de Lion makin' todes 'er, she des tuck'n drapt'er head down en pawed de dirt. De Lion, he crope up, he did, en crope 'roun', watchin' fer good chance fer
ter make a jump. He crope 'roun', he did, but no diffunce which a-way he creep, dar wuz ole Sis Cow hawns p'intin' right straight at 'im. Ole Sis Cow, she paw de dirt, she did, en show'de white er her eyes, en beller way down in 'er stomach.
"Then he took and shook his head, the Lion did, and make staight at Sister Cow. The Guineas they run this a-way, and they run the other way, and they run all around and around; but old Sister Cow, she just know she got to stand her ground, and when she see the Lion making towards her, she just took and dropped her head down and pawed the dirt. The Lion, he crept up, he did, and crept around, watching for good chance for
to make a jump. He crept around, he did, but no difference which a-way he creep, there was old Sister Cow horns pointing right straight at him. Old Sister Cow she paw the dirt, she did, and show'd white of her eyes, and beller way down in her stomach.

"Dey went on dis a-way, dey did, twell bimeby de Guinnies, dey see dat Sis Cow aint so mighty skeerd, en den dey 'gun ter take heart. Fus' news you know, one un um sorter drap he wings en fuzzle up de fedders, en run out 'twix' Sis Cow en de Lion. W'en he get dar, he sorter dip down; he did, en fling up dirt des lak you see um do in de ash-pile. Den he tuck'n run back, he did, en time he git back, 'n'er one run out en raise de dus' 'twix' Sis Cow en de Lion. Den 'n'er one, he run out en dip down en shoo up de dus'; den 'n'er one run out en dip down, en 'n'er one, en yit 'n'er one, twell, bless gracious! time dey all run out en dip down en raise de dus', de Lion wuz dat blin' twell h’ aint kin see he han' befo' 'im. Dis make 'im so mad dat he make a splunge at Sis Cow, en de ole lady, she kotch him on her hawns en got 'im'down, en des nat'ally to’ intruls out." "They went on this a-way, they did, till by and by the Guineas, the see that Sister Cow ain't so mighty scared, and then they begun to take heart. First news you know, one of them sort of dropped his wings and fuzzle up the feathers, and run out between Sister Cow and the Lion. When he get there, he sort of dip down; he did, and fling up dirt just like you see them do in the ash-pile. Then he took and run back, he did, and time he get back, another on run out and raise the dust between Sister Cow and the Lion. Then another one, he run out and dip down and shoo up the dust; then another one run out and dip down, and another one, and yet another one, till bless gracious! time they all run out and dip down and raise the dust, the Lion was that blind till he ain't can see his hand before him. This make him so mad that he make a splunge at Sister Cow, and the old lady, she catch him on her horns and got him down, and just naturally to intrails out."

"Did she kill the Lion, Uncle Remus?" asked the little boy, incredulously.

"Dat she did--dat she did! Yit 'taint make 'er proud, kaze atter de Lion done good en dead, she tuck en call up de Guinnies, she did, en she 'low, dey bin so quick fer ter he'p 'er out, dat she wanter pay urn back. De Guinnies, dey say, sezee: "That she did--that she did! Yet it ain't make her proud, cause after the Lion done good and dead, she took and call up the Guineas, she did, and she allow, they been so quick for to help her out, that she want to pay them back. The Guineas, they say, says he:

"'Don't bodder 'long er we all, Sis Cow,' sezee. ‘You


had yo' fun en we all had ourn, en 'ceppin dat ar blood en ha'r on yo' hawn,' sezee, 'dey aint none un us any de wuss off,' sezee.
"'Don't bother along er we all, Sister Cow,' says he. 'You


had your fun and we all had our own, and excepting that ther blood and hair on your horn,' says he, 'they ain't none of us any the worse off. says he.

"But ole Sis Cow, she stan' um down, she did, dat she got ter pay um back, en den atter w'ile she ax um w'at dey lak bes'. "But old Sister Cow, she stand them down, she did, that she got to pay them back, and then after while she ask them what they like best.

"One un um up en make answer dat w'at dey lak bes', Sis Cow, she can't gi' um. Sis Cow, she up en 'low dat she dunno 'bout dat, en she ax um w'at is it. "On of them up and make that what they like best, Sister Cow, she can't give them. Sister Cow, she up and allow that she don't know about that, and she ask them what is it.

"Den de Guinnies, dey tuck'n huddle up, dey did,'en hol' er confab wid on er n'er, en w'iles dey er doin' dis, ole Sis Cow, she tuck'n fetch a long breff, en den she call up 'er cud, en stood dar chawin' on it des lak she aint had no tribalation dat day. "Then the Guineas, they took and huddle up, they did, and hold a conference with one another, and whiles they are doing this, old Sister Cow, she took and fetch a long breath, and then she call her upper cud, and stood there chawing on it just like she ain't had no tribulation that day.

"Bimeby one er de Guinnies step out fum de huddlement en make a bow en 'low dat dey all 'ud be mighty proud ef Sis Cow kin fix it some way so dey can't be seed so fur thoo de woods, kase dey look blue in de sun, en dey look blue in de shade, en dey can't hide deyse'f nohow. Sis Cow, she chaw on 'er cud, en shet 'er eyes, en study. She chaw en chaw, en study en study. Bimeby she 'low: "By and by one of the Guineas step out from the huddlement and make a bow and allow that they all would be mighty proud if Sister Cow can fix it some way so they can't be seen so far through the woods, cause they look blue in the sun, and they look blue in the shade, and they can't hide theyself nohow. Sister Cow, she chaw on her cud, and shut her eyes, and study. She chaw and chaw, and study and study. By and by she allow:

"‘Go fetch me a pail!' Guinny-hin laff! Guinea-hen laugh!

"‘Law, Sis Cow I w'at de name er goodness you gwine do wid a pail?' 'Laugh, Sister Cow and what the name or goodness you gonna do with a pail?"

"‘Go fetch me a pail!'

"Guinny-hin, she run'd off, she did, en atter w'ile yer she come trottin' back wid a pail. She sot dat pail down," "Guinea-hen, she runned off, she did, and after while here she come trotting back with a pail. She sat that pail down," continued Uncle Remus, in the tone of an eye-witness to the occurrence, "en Sis Cow, she tuck 'er stan'
over it, en she let down 'er milk in dar twell she mighty nigh fill de pail full. Den she tuck'n make dem Guinny-hins git in a row, en she dip 'er tail in dat ar pail, en she switch it at de fust un en sprinkle 'er all over wid de milk; en eve'y time she switch 'er tail at um she 'low:
"and Sister Cow, she took her stand
over it, and she let down her milk in there till she mighty near fill the pail full. Then she took and make them Guinea-hins get in a row, and she dip her tail in that there pail, and she switch it at the first and then sprinkle her all over with the milk; and every time she switch her tail at them she allow:

"‘I loves dis un!' Den she 'ud sing: "'I love this one!' Then she would sing:

"'Oh, Blue, go 'way! you shill not stay!'
Oh, Guinny, be Gray, be Gray!

"She tuck'n sprinkle de las' one un um, en de Guinnies, dey sot in de sun twell 'dey git dry, en fum dat time out dey got dem little speckles un um." "She took and sprinkle the last one of them, and the Guineas, they sat in the sun till they get dry, and from that time out they got them little speckles on them."


"Dey wuz one time," "There was one time," said Uncle Remus one night, as they all sat around the wide hearth,--Daddy Jack, Aunt Tempy, and the little boy in their accustomed places,-- "dey wuz one time w'en de t'er creeturs push Brer Rabbit so close dat he tuck up a kinder idee that may be he wa'nt ez smart ez he mout be, en he study 'bout dis plum twell he git humble ez de nex' man. 'Las' he 'low ter hisse'f d at he better make inquirements--" "there was one time when the other creatures push Brother Rabbit so close that he took up a kind of idea that maybe he wasn't as smart as he might be, and he study about theis plum till he get humble as the next man. Last he allow to hisself that he better make inquirements--"

"Ki!" exclaimed Daddy Jack, raising both hands and grinning excitedly, "wut tale dis? I bin yerry da tale wun I is bin wean't fum me mammy." "what tale this? I been heary the tale when I is been weaned from me mammy."

"Well, den, Brer Jack," "Well, then, Brothe Jack," said Uncle Remus, with instinctive
deference to the rules of hospitality, "I speck you des better whirl in yer en spin 'er out. Ef you git 'er mix up anywhars I ull des slip in front er you en ketch holt whar you lef' off." "I suspect you just better whirl in here and spin her out. If you get her mix up anywheres I will just slip in front of you and catch hold where you left off."

With that, Daddy Jack proceeded:

"One tam, B'er Rabbit is bin lub one noung leddy." "One time, Brother Rabbit is been love one young lady."

"Miss Meadows, I speck," "Miss Meadows, I suspect," suggested Uncle Remus, as the old African paused to rub his chin.

"'E no lub Miss Meadow nuttin' 'tall!" "He no love Miss Meadow nothing at all!" exclaimed Daddy Jack, emphatically. "'E bin lub turrer noung leddy fum dat. 'E is bin lub werry nice young leddy. 'E lub 'um hard, 'e lub 'um long, un 'e is gwan try fer mek dem noung leddy marry wit' 'im. Noung leddy seem lak 'e no look 'pon B'er Rabbit, un dis is bin-a mek B'er Rabbit feel werry bad all da day long. 'E moof 'way off by 'ese'f; 'e lose 'e fat, un 'e heer is bin-a come out. Bumbye, 'e see one ole Affiky mans wut is bin-a hunt in da fiel' fer root un yerrub fer mek 'e met'cine truck. 'E see um, un he go toze um. Affiky mans open 'e y-eye big; 'e 'stonish'. 'E say: "He been love truer young lady from that. He is been love very nice yound lady. He love them hard, he love them long, and he is gonna try for make them young lady marry with him. Young lady seem like he no look upon Brother Rabbit, and this is been-a make Brother Rabbit feel very bad all the day long. He move away off by hisself; he lose his fat, and his hair is been-a come out. By and by, he see an old Afriky mans what is been-a hunt in the field for root and yerrubfor make his medicine truck. He see him, and he go towards him. Africky mans open his y-eye big; he astonish. He say:

"‘Ki, B'er Rabbit! you' he'lt' is bin-a gone; 'e bin-a gone un lef you. Wut mekky you is look so puny lak dis? Who is bin hu't-a you' feelin'?' 'Hi, Brother Rabbit! your health is been-a gone; he bee-a gone and left you. what makey you is look so puny like this? Who is been hurt-a your feeling?'

"B'er Rabbit larf wit' dry grins. 'E say: "Brother Rabbit laugh with dry grins. He say:

"‘Shoo! I bin got well. Ef you is see me wun I sick 'fer true, 'twill mekky you heer stan' up, I skeer you so.' 'Shoo! I been got well. If you is see me when I sick for true, it'll make your hair stand up, I scare you so.'

"Affiky mans, 'e mek B'er Rabbit stick out 'e tongue; 'e is count B'er Rabbit pulse. 'E shekky 'e head; 'e do say: "Africky mans, he make Brother Rabbit stick out his tongue; he is count Brother Rabbit pulse. He shakey his head; he do say:


"‘Hi, B'er Rabbit! Wut all dis? You is bin ketch-a da gal-fever, un 'e strak in 'pon you' gizzud.' 'Hi, Brother Rabbit! What all this? You is been catch-a the gal-fever, and he strike in upon your gizzard.'

"Den B'er Rabbit, 'e is tell-a da Affiky mans 'bout dem noung leddy wut no look toze 'im, un da Affiky mans, 'e do say 'e bin know gal sem lak dat, 'e is bin shum befo'. 'E say 'e kin fix all dem noung leddy lak dat. B'er Rabbit, 'e is feel so good, 'e jump up high; 'e is bin crack 'e heel; 'e shekky da Affiky mans by de han'. "Then Brother Rabbit, he is tell-a Affricky mans about them young lady what no look towards him, and the Africky mans, he do say he been know gal seem like that, he is been shum before. He say he can fix all them young lady like that. Brother Rabbit, he is feel so good, he jump up high; he is been crack his heel; he shakey the Africky mans by the hand.

"Affiky mans, 'e say B'er Rabbit no kin git da gal 'cep' 'e is mek 'im one cha'm-bag. 'E say 'e mus' git one el'phan' tush, un 'e mus' git one 'gater toof, un 'e mus' git one rice-bud bill. B'er Rabbit werry glad 'bout dis, un 'e hop way fum dey-dey. "Africy mans, he say Brother Rabbit no can get the gal except he is make him one charm-bag. He say he must get one elephant tusk, and he must get one alligator tooth, and he must get one rice-bud bill. Brother Rabbit very glad about this, and he hop away from there-there.

"'E hop, 'e run, 'e jump all nex' day night, un bumbye 'e see one great big el'phan' come breakin' 'e way troo da woots. B'er Rabbit, 'e say: "He hop, he run, he jump all next day night, and by and by he see one great big elephant come breaking his way through the woods. Brother Rabbit, he say:

"'Ki! Oona big fer true! I bin-a yeddy talk 'bout dis in me y-own countree. Oona big fer true; too big fer be strong.' 'Hi! Oona big for true! I been-a heardy talk about this in me y-own country. Oona big for true; too big for be strong.'

"El'phan' say: 'See dis!' "Elephant say: 'See this!'

"'E tek pine tree in 'e snout; 'e pull um by da roots; 'e toss um way off. B'er Rabbit say: "He take pine tree in his snout; he pull them by the roots; he toss them way off. Brother Rabbit say:

"‘Hi! dem tree come 'cause you bin high; 'e no come 'cause you bin strong.' 'Hi! them tree come because you been high; he no come because you been strong.'

"El'phan' say: 'See dis!' "Elephant say: 'See this!'

"E rush troo da woots; 'e fair teer um down. B'er Rabbit say: "He rush through the woods; he fair tear them down. Brother Rabbit say:

"'Hoo! demo is bin-a saplin wey you 'stroy. See da big pine? Oona no kin 'stroy dem.' 'Hoo! them is been-a sapling where you destroy. See the big pine? Oona no can destroy them.'


"El'phan' say: 'See dis!' "Elephant say: 'See this!'

"'E run 'pon da big pine; du big pine is bin too tough. El'phan' tush stick in deer fer true; da big pine hol' um fas'. B'er Rabbit git-a dem tush; 'e feteh um wey da Affiky mans lif. Affiky mans say el'phan' is bin too big fer be sma't. 'E say 'e mus' haf one 'gater toof fer go wit' el'phan' tush. "He run upon the big pine; the big pin is been too tough. Elephant tusk stick in the for true; the big pine hold them fast. Brother Rabbit get-a them tusk; he fetch them where the Africky mans live. Africky mans say elephant is been too big for be smart. He say he must have one alligator tooth for go with elephant tusk.

"B'er Rabbit, 'e do crack 'e heel; 'e do fair fly fum dey-dey. 'E go 'long, 'e go'long. Bumbye 'e come 'pon 'gater. Da sun shiun hot; da 'gater do 'joy' 'ese'f. B'er Rabbit say: "Brother Rabbit, he do crack his heel; he do fair fly from there-there. He go along, he go along. By and by he come upon alligator. The sun shine hot; the alligator do enjoys hisself. Brother Rabbit say:

"'Dis road, 'e werry bad; less we mek good one by da crick-side.' This road, he very bad; less we make good one by the crick-side.'

"'Gater lak dat. 'E wek 'ese'f up fum 'e head to 'e tail. Dey sta't fer clean da road. 'Gater,'e do teer da bush wit' 'e toof; 'e sweep-a da trash way wit' e' tail. B'er Rabbit, 'e do beat-a da bush down wit' 'e cane. 'E hit lef', 'e hit right; 'e hit up, 'e hit down; 'e hit all 'roun'. 'E hit un 'e hit, tell bumbye 'e hit 'gater in 'e mout' un knock-a da toof out. 'E grab um up ; 'e gone fum dey-dey. 'E fetch-a da 'gater toof wey da Afliky mans lif. Affiky mans say: "Alligator like that. He wake hisself up from his head to his tail. They start for clean the road. Alligator, he do tear the bush with his tooth; he sweep-a the trash way with his tail. Brother Rabbit, he hit down; he hit all around. He hit and he hit, till by and by he hit alligator in the mouth and knock-a the tooth out. He grab him up; he gone from there-there. He fetch-a the alligator tooth where the Africky mans live. Africky mans say:

"''Gater is bin-a got sha'p toof fer true. Go fetch-a me one rice-bud bill.' 'Alligator is been-a got sharp tooth for true. Go fetch-a me one rice-bud bill.'

"B'er Rabbit gone! 'E go 'long, 'e go 'long, tell 'e see rice-bud swingin' on bush. 'E ahx um kin 'e fly "Brother Rabbit gone! He go along, he go along, till he see rice-bud swinging on bush. He ask them can he fly .

"Rice-bud say: 'See dis!' 'See this!'

"'E wissle, 'e sing, 'e shek'e wing; 'e fly all 'roun' un 'roun'. "'He whistle, he sing, he shakey wing; he fly all around and around.


"B'er Rabbit say rice-bud. kin fly wey da win' is bin blow, but 'e no kin fly wey no win blow. "Brother Rabbit say rice-bud. can fly where the wind is been blow, but he no can fly where no wind blow.

"Rice-bud say, ‘Enty!' 'Isn't he!'

"'E wait fer win' stop blowin'; 'e wait, un 'e fly all 'roun' un 'roun'. "'He wait for wind stop blowing; he wait, and he fly all around and around.

"B'er Rabbit say rice-bud yent kin fly in house wey dey no win'. "Brother Rabbit say rice-bud ain't can fly in house where there no wind.

"Rice-bud say, ‘Enty!' 'Isn't he!'

"'E fly in house, 'e fly all 'roun' un 'roun'. B'er Rabbit pull de do' shed; 'e look at dem rice-bud; 'e say, ‘Enty!' "He fly in house, he fly all around and around. Brother Rabbit pull the door shut; he look at them rice-bud; he say, 'Isn't he!'

"'E ketch dem rice-bud; 'e do git um bill, 'e fetch um wey da Affiky mans lif. Affiky mans says dem rice-bud bill sliek fer true. 'E tekky da el'phan' tush, 'e tekky da 'gater toof, 'e tekky da rice-bud bill, he pit um in lil bag; 'e swing dem bag 'pon B'er Rabbit neck: Den B'er Rabbit kin marry dem noung gal. Enty!" "He catch them rice-bud; he do get him bill, he fetch him where the Africky mans live. Africky mans says them rice-bud bill sleak for true. He takey the elephant tusk, he takey the alligator tooth, he takey the rice-bud bill, he put them in little bag; he swing them bad upon Brother Rabbit nec: Then Brother Rabbit can marry them young gal. Isn't he!"

Here Daddy Jack paused and flung a glance of feeble tenderness upon 'Tildy. Uncle Remus smiled contemptulously, seeing which 'Tildy straightened herself, tossed her head, and closed her eyes with an air of indescribable scorn.

"I dunner what Brer Rabbit mout er done, "I don't know what Brother Rabbit might of done, " she exclaimed; "but I lay ef dey's any ole nigger man totin' a cunjer-bag in dis neighborhood, he'll git mighty tired un it 'fo' it do 'im any good--I lay dat!" "but I lay if they's any old nigger man toting a conjur-bag in this neighborhood, he'll get mighty tired of it before it do him any good--I lay that!"

Daddy Jack chuckled heartily at this, and dropped off to sleep so suddenly that the little boy thought he was playing possum.



"Uncle Remus," said the child, "do you reckon Brother Rabbit really married the young lady?"

"Bless yo' soul, honey," "Bless your soul, honey," responded the old man, with a sigh, "hit b'long ter Brer Jack fer ter tell you dat. 'Taint none er my tale." "it belong to Brother Jack for tell you that. It ain't none of my tale."

"Wasn't that the tale you started to tell?"

"Who? Me? Shoo! I aint 'sputin' but w'at Brer Jack tale des ez purty. ez dey er any needs fer, yit 'taint none er my tale." "Shoot! I ain't disputing but what Brother Jack tale just as pretty. as there are any needs for, yet it ain't none of my tale."

At this, the little boy laid his head upon Uncle Remus's knee and waited.

"Now, den," "Now, then," said the old man, with an air of considerable importance, "we er got ter go 'way back behine dish yer yallergater doin's w'at Brer Jack bin mixin' us up wid. 'Ef I makes no mistakes wid my 'membrence, de place wharbouts I lef' off wuz whar Brer Rabbit had so many 'p'intments fer ter keep out de way er de t'er creeturs dat he 'gun ter feel monst'us humblyfied. Let um be who dey will, you git folks in a close place ef you wanter see um shed der proudness. Dey beg mo' samer dan a nigger w'en de patter-rollers ketch 'im. Brer Rabbit aint ko no beggin', kaze dey aint kotch; yit dey come so nigh it, he 'gun ter feel he weakness. "we are got to go away back behind this here alligator doings what Brother Jack been mixing us up with. If I makes no mistakes with my rememberance, the place whereabouts I left off was where Brother Rabbit had so many appointments for to keep out the way of the other creature that he begun to feel mounstrous humblefied.


"W'en Brer Rabbit feel dis a-way, do he set down flat er de groun' en let de t'er creeturs rush up en grab 'im? He mought do it deze days, kaze times done change; but in dem days he des tuck'n sot up wid hisse'f en study 'bout w'at he gwine do. He study en study, en las' he up 'n tell he ole 'oman, he did, dat he gwine on a journey. Wid dat, ole Miss Rabbit, she tuck 'en fry 'im up a rasher er bacon, en bake 'im a pone er bread. Brer Rabbit tied dis up in a bag en tuck down he walkin' cane en put out." "When Brother Rabbit feel this a-way, do he set down flat on the ground and let the other creatures rush up and grab him? He might do it these days, cause times done change; but in them days he just took and sat up with hisself and study about what he going do. He study and study, and last he up and tell his old woman, he did, that he going on a journey. With that, old Miss Rabbit, she took and fry him up a rasher of bacon, and bake him a pone of bread. Brother Rabbit tied this up in a bag and took down his walking can and up out."

"Where was he going, Uncle Remus?" asked the little boy.

"Lemme 'lone, honey! Lemme sorter git hit up, like. De trail mighty cole 'long yer, sho; kaze dish yer tale aint come 'cross my min' not sence yo' gran'pa fotch us all out er Ferginny, en dat's a monst'us long time ago. "Let me alone, honey! Let me sort of get hit up, like. The trail mighty cole along here, shoot; cause this here tale ain't come across my mind not since you grandpa fetched us all out of Ferginny, and that's a monstrous long time ago.

"He put out, Brer Rabbit did, fer ter see old Mammy-Bammy Big-Money." "He put out, Brother Rabbit did, for to see old Mammy-Bammy Big-Money."

"Dat uz dat ole witch-rabbit," "That was that old witch-rabbit," remarked Aunt Tempy, complacently.

"Yasser," "Yes sir," continued Uncle Remus, "de ve'y same ole creetur w'at I done tell you 'bout we'n Brer Rabbit los' he foot. He put out, he did, en atter so long a time he git dar. He take time fer ter ketch he win', en den he sorter shake hisse'f up en rustle 'roun' in de grass. Bimeby he holler: "the very same old creature what I done tell you about when Brother Rabbit lost his foot. He put out, he did, and after so long a time he get there. He take time for to catch his wind, and then he sort of shake hisself up and rustle around in the grass. By and by he holler:

"‘Mammy-Bammy Big-Money! O Mammy-Bammy Big-Money! I journeyed fur, I journeyed fas'; I glad I foun' de place at las'.' 'Mammy-Bammy Big-Money! O Mommy-Bammy Big-Money! I journeyed far, I journeyed fast; I glad I found the place at last.'


"Great big black smoke rise up out er de groun', en ole Mammy-Bammy Big-Money 'low: "Great big black smoke rise up out of the ground, and old Mammy-Bammy Big-Money allow:

"'Wharfo', Son Riley Rabbit, Riley? Son Riley Rabbit, wharfo'?' 'Wherefore, Son Riley Rabbit, Riley? Son Riley Rabbit, wherefore?'

"Wid dat," "With that," continued Uncle Remus, dropping the sing-song tone by means of which he managed to impart a curious dignity and stateliness to the dialogue between Brother Rabbit and Mammy-Bammy Big-Money,-- "wid dat Brer Rabbit up'n tell 'er, he did, 'bout how he fear'd he losin' the use er he min', kaze he done come ter dat pass dat he aint kin fool de yuther creeturs no mo', en dey push 'im so closte twell 'twont be long 'fo' dey 'll git 'im. De ole Witch-Rabbit she sot dar, she did, en suck in black smoke en puff it out 'gin, twell you can't see nothing 'tall but 'er great big eyeballs en 'er great big years. Atter w'ile she 'low: "with that Brother Rabbit up and tell her, he did, about how he feared he losing the use of his mind, cause he done come to that pass that he ain't can fool the other creatures no more, and they push him so close till it won't be long before they'll get him. The old Witch-Rabbit she sat there, she did, and suck in black smoke and puff it out again, till you can't see nothing at all but her great big eyeballs and her great big ears. After while she allow:

"'Dar sets a squer'l in dat tree, Son Riley; go fetch dat squer'l straight ter me, Son Riley Rabbit, Riley.' 'There sets a squirrel in that tree, Son Riley; go fetch that squirrel straight to me, Son Riley Rabbit, Riley.'

"Brer Rabbit sorter study, en den he 'low, he did: "Brother Rabbit sort of study, and then he allow, he did:

"'I aint got much sense lef', yit ef I can't coax dat chap down from dar, den hit's kaze I done got some zeeze w'ich it make me fibble in de min',' sezee. "'I ain't got much sense left, yet if I can't coax that chap down from there, then it's cause I done got some disease which it make me feeble in the mind,' says he.

"Wid dat, Brer Rabbit tuck'n empty de provender out'n he bag en got 'im two rocks, en put de bag over he head en sot down und'de tree whar he squir'l is. He wait little w'ile, en den he hit de rocks tergedder--blip! "With that, Brother Rabbit took and empty the povender out and he bag and got him two rocks, and put the bag over his head and sat down under the tree where his squirrel is. He wait little while, and then he hit the rocks together--blip!

"Squer'l he holler, "Squirrel he holler, 'Hey!'

"Brer Rabbit wait little, en den he tuck'n slap de rocks tergedder-- "Brother Rabbit wait little, and then he took and slap the rocks together-- blap!


"Squer'l he run down de tree little bit en holler, 'Heyo!' "Squirrel he run down the tree little bit and holler, 'Hey you!'

"Brer Rabbit aint sayin' nothin'. He des pop de rocks togedder--blop! "Brother Rabbit ain't saying nothing. He just pop the rocks together--blop!

"Squer'l, he come down little furder, he did, en holler, ‘Who dat?' "Squirrel, he come down little further, he did and holler, ‘Who that?'

"'Biggidy Dicky Big-Bag!'

"'What you doin' in dar?' 'What you doing in there?'

"'Crackin' hick'y nuts.' 'Cracking hickory nuts.'

"'Kin I crack some?' 'Can I crack some?'

"‘Tooby sho, Miss Bunny Bushtail; come git in de bag. 'To be sure, Miss Bunny Bushtail; come get in the bag. '

"Miss Bunny Bushtail pang back," continued Uncle Remus, chuckling; "but de long en de short un it wuz dat she got in de bag, en Brer Rabbit he tuck'n kyar'd 'er ter ole Mammy-Bammy Big-Money. De ole Witch-Rabbit, she tuck 'n' tu'n de squer'l a-loose, en 'low: "but the long and the short of it was that she got in the bag and Brother Rabbit he took and carried her to old Mammy-Bammy Big-Money. The old Witch Rabbit, she took and turned the squirrel a-loose, and allow:

"‘Dar lies a snake in 'mungs' de grass, Son Riley; go fetch 'im yer, en be right fas', Son Riley Rabbit, Riley.' 'There lies a snake in amongs the grass, Son Riley; go fetch him here, and be right fast, Son Riley Rabbit, Riley.'

"Brer Rabbit look 'roun', en sho 'nuff dar lay de bigges' kinder rattlesnake, all quile up ready fer business. Brer Rabbit scratch he year wid he behine leg, en study. Look lak he gwine git in trouble. Yit atter wi'le he go off in de bushes, he did, en cut 'im a young grape-vine, en he fix 'im a slip-knot. Den he come back. Snake 'periently look lak he sleep. Brer Rabbit ax 'im how he come on. Snake aint say nothin', but he quile up a little tighter, en he tongue run out lak it bin had grease on it. Mouf shot, yit de tongue slick out en slick back
'fo' a sheep kin shake he tail. Brer Rabbit, he 'low, he did:
"Brother Rabbit look around, and sure enough there lay the biggest kind of rattlesnake, all curled up ready for business. Brother Rabbit scratch his ear with his behind leg, and study. Look like he going get to trouble. Yet after while he go off in the bushes, he did, and cut him a young grape-vine, and he fix him a slip-knot. Then he come back. Snake apparently look like he sleep. Brother Rabbit ask him how he come on. Snake ain't say nothing, but he curled up a little tighter, nd his tongue run out like it been had grease on it. Mouth shut, yet the tongue slick out and slick back
before a sheep can shake his tail. Brother Rabbit, he allow, he did:

"'Law, Mr. Snake, I mighty glad I come 'cross you,' sezee. 'Me en ole Jedge Ba'r bin havin' a turrible 'spute 'bout how long you is. We bofe 'gree dat you look mighty purty w'en youer layin' stretch out full lenk in de sun; but Jedge B'ar, he 'low you aint but th'ee foot long, en I stood 'im down dat you 'uz four foot long ef not mo',' sezee. 'En de talk got so hot dat I come mighty nigh hittin' 'im a clip wid my walkin'-cane, en ef I had I boun' dey'd er bin some bellerin' done roun' dar,' sezee. "'Lord, Mr. Snake, I mighty glad I come across you,' says he. "'Me and old Judge Bear been having a terrible dispute about how long you is. We both agree that you look mighty pretty when you're laying stretch out full length in the sun; but Judge Bear, he allow you ain't but three foot long, and I stood him down that you was four foot long if not more,' says he. "'And the talk got so hot that I come mighty near hitting him a clip with my walking-cane, and if I had I bound they'd have been some bellering down around there,' says he.

"Snake aint say nothin', but he look mo' complassy

A mixture of "complacent" and "placid." Accent on the second syllable [back]

dan w'at he bin lookin'. "Snake ain't say nothing, but he look more complacent than what he been looking.

"'I up 'n' tole old Jedge B'ar,' sez Brer Rabbit, sezee, ‘dat de nex' time I run 'cross you I gwine take'n medjer you; en goodness knows I mighty glad I struck up wid you, kaze now dey wont be no mo' 'casion fer any'sputin' 'twix' me and Jedge B'ar,' sezee. "'I up and told old Judge Bear,' says Brother Rabbit, says he, 'that the next time I run across you I going take and measure you; and goodness knows I mighty glad I struck up with you, cause now they won't be no more occasion for any disputing between me and Judge Bear,' says he.

"Den Brer Rabbit ax Mr. Snake ef he wont be so good ez ter onquile hisse'f. Snake he feel mighty proud, he did, en he stretch out fer all he wuff. Brer Rabbit he medjer, he did, en 'low: "Then Brother Rabbit ask Mr. Snake if he wont be so good as to uncurl hisself. Snake he feel mighty proud, he did, and he stretch out for all his worth. Brother Rabbit he measure, he did, and allow:

"'Dar one foot fer Jedge B’ar; dar th'ee foot fer Jedge B'ar; en, bless goodness, dar four foot fer Jedge B'ar, des lak I say!' "'There one foot for Judge Bear; there three foot for Judge Bear; and, bless goodness, there four foot for Judge Bear, just like I say!'

"By dat time Brer Rabbit done got ter snake head, en des ez de las' wud drop out'n he mouf, he slip de loop
'roun' snake neck, en den he had 'im good en fas'. He tuck'n drag 'im, he did, up ter whar de ole witch-rabbit settin' at; but w'en he git dar, Mammy-Bammy Big- Money done make 'er disappearance, but he year sump'n way off yander, en seem lak it say:
"By that time Brother Rabbit done got to snake head, and just as the last word drop out of his mouth, he slip the loop
around snake neck, and then he had him good and fast. He took and drag him, he did, up to where the old witch-rabbit setting at; but when he get there, Mammy-Bammy Big-Money done make her disappearance, but he hear something way off yonder, and seem like it say:

"Ef you git any mo' sense, Son Riley, you'll be de ruination ev de whole settlement, Son Riley Rabbit, Riley." "If you get any more sense, Son Riley, you'll be the ruination of the whole settlement, Son Riley Rabbit, Riley."

"Den Brer Rabbit drag de snake 'long home, en stew 'im down en rub wid de grease fer ter make 'im mo' soopler in de lim's. Bless yo' soul, honey, Brer Rabbit mought 'er bin kinder fibble in de legs, but he wa'n't no ways cripple und' de hat."A version of this story makes Brother Rabbit capture a swarm of bees. Mr. W. O. Tuggle, of Georgia, who has made an exhaustive study of the Creek Indians, has discovered a variant of the legend. The Rabbit (Chufee) becomes alarmed because he has nothing but the nimbleness of his feet to take him out of harm's way. He goes to his Creator and begs that greater intelligence be bestowed upon him. Thereupon the snake test is applied, as in the negro story, and the Rabbit also catches a swarm of gnats. He is then told that he has as much intelligence as there is any need for, and he goes away satisfied.


"Then Brother Rabbit drag the snake along home, and stew him down and rub with the grease for to make him more soopler in the limbs. Bless your soul, honey, Brother Rabbit might have been kind of feeble in the legs, but he wasn't no ways cripple under the hat."



"Uncle Remus," said the little boy, one night, when he found the old man sitting alone in his cabin, "did you ever see Mammy-Bammy Big-Money?"

Uncle Remus placed his elbows on his knees, rested his chin in the palms of his hands, and gazed steadily in the fire. Presently he said:

"W'en folks 'gin ter git ole en no-'count, hit look lak der 'membunce git slack. Some time hit seem lak I done seed sump'n n'er mighty nigh de make en color er ole Mammy-Bammy Big-Money, en den ag'in seem lak I aint. W'en dat de case, w'at does I do? Do’s I stan' tiptoe en tetch de rafters en make lak I done seed dat ole Witch-Rabbit, w'en, goodness knows, I aint seed er? Dat I don't. No, bless you! I'd say de same in comp'ny, much less settin' in yer 'long side er you. De long en de short un it," exclaimed Uncle Remus, with emphasis, "is des dis. Ef I bin run 'crost ole Mammy-Bammy Big-Money in my day en time, den she tuck'n make 'er disappearance dat quick, twel I aint kotch a glimp' un 'er." "When folks begn to get old no-account, it look like their rememberance get slack. Some time it seem like I done seed something or another mighty near the make and color of old Mammy-Bammy Big-Money, and then again seem like I ain't. When that the case, what does I do? Do's I stand tiptoe and touch the rafters and make like I done seed that old Witch-Rabbit, when goodness knows, I ain't seed her? That I don't. No, bless you! I'd say the same in company, much less setting in here alongside of you. The long and the short of it," exclaimed Uncle Remus, with emphasis "is just this. If I been run acrossed old Mammy-Bammy Big Money in my day and time, then she took and make her disappearance that quick, till I ain't caught a glimpse of her."

The result of this good-humored explanation was that the child didn't know whether Uncle Remus had seen the Witch-Rabbit or not, but his sympathies led him to suspect
that the old man was thoroughly familiar with all her movements.

"Uncle Remus," the little boy said, after a while, "if there is another story about Mammy-Bammy Big-Money, I wish you would tell it to me all by my own-alone self."

The idea seemed to please the old man wonderfully, and he chuckled over it for several minutes.

"Now, den, honey," "Now, then, honey," he said, after a while, "you hit me whar I'm weak--you mos' sho'ly does. Comp'ny mighty good fer some folks en I kin' put up wid it long ez de nex' un, but you kin des take'n pile comp'ny 'pun top er comp'ny, en dey won't kyore de liver complaint. W'en you talk dat away you fetches me, sho', en I'll tell you a tale 'bout de Ole Witch-Rabbit ef I hatter git down yer on my all-fours en grabble it out'n de ashes. Yit dey aint no needs 'er dat, kaze de tale done come in my min' des ez fresh ez ef 'twas day 'fo' yistiddy. "you hit me where I'm weak--you most surely does. Company mighty good for some folks and I can put up with it long as the next one, but you can just take and pile company upon top of company, and they won't carry the liver complaint. When you talk that a-way you fetches me, shoot, and I'll tell you a tale about the Old Witch-Rabbit if I have to get down here on my all-fours and grabble it out of the ashes. Yet they ain't no needs of that, cause the tale done come in my mind just as fresh as if it was day before yesterday.

"Hit seem lak dat one time atter Brer Wolf tuck'n steal Brer Rabbit foot, dey wuz a mighty long fallin'-out 'twix' um. Brer Rabbit, he tuck'n got ashy kaze Brer Wolf tuck'n tuck he foot; en Brer Wolf, he tuck'n got hot kaze Brer Rabbit wuk en wuk 'roun' en git he foot ag'in. Hit keep on dis away twel bimeby de ole Witch-Rabbit sorter git tired er Brer Wolf, en one day she tuck'n sont wud ter Brer Rabbit dat she lak mighty well fer ter see 'im. "It seem like that one time after Brother Wolf took and steal Brother Rabbit foot, there was a mighty long falling-out between them. Brother Rabbit, he took and got ashy cause Brother Wolf took and took his foot; and Brother Wolf, he took and got hot cause Brother Rabbit work and work around and get his foot again. It keep on this a-way till by and by the old Witch-Rabbit sort of get tired of Brother Wolf, and one day she took and sont wud to Brother Rabbit that she like mighty well for to see him.

"Dey fix up det plans, dey did, en 'twa'n't so mighty long 'fo' Brer Rabbit run inter Brer Wolf house in a mighty big hurry, en he 'low, he did: "They fix up the plans, they did, and it wasn't so mighty long before Brother Rabbit run into Brother Wolf house in a mighty big hurry, and he allow, he did:


"‘Brer Wolf! O Brer Wolf! I des now come fum de river, en des ez sho' ez youer settin' in dat cheer, ole Big-Money layin' dar stone dead. Less 'Brother Wolf! Oh Brother Wolf! I just now come from the river, and just as sure as you're setting in that chair, old Big-Money laying there stone dead. Less

Let us; let's; less. [back]

we go eat 'er up.' we go eat her up.'

"‘Brer Rabbit, shol'y youer jokin'!' 'Brother Rabbit, surely you're joking!'

"‘Brer Wolf, I'm a ginin'

G hard. [back]

un you de fatal fack. Come on, less go!' "'Brother Wolf, I'm a giving' on you the fatal fact. Come on, let's go!'

"‘Brer Rabbit, is you sho' she dead?' 'Brother Rabbit, is you sure she dead?'

"‘Brer Wolf, she done dead; come on, less go!' 'Brother Wolf, she done dead; come one, let's go!'

"En go dey did. Dey went roun' en dey got all de yuther creeturs, en Brer Wolf, livin' so nigh, he let all he chilluns go, en 'twa'n't so mighty long 'fo' dey had a crowd dar des lak camp-meetin' times. "And go they did. They went round and they got all the other creatures, and Brother Wolf, living so near, he let all his chilluns go, and it wasn't so mighty long before they had a crowd there just like camp-meeting times.

"W'en dey git dar, sho' nuff, dar lay ole Big-Money all stretch out on de river bank. Dis make Brer Wolf feel mighty good, en he tuck'n stick he han's in he pocket en strut 'roun dar en look monst'us biggity. Atter he done tuck'n 'zamine ole Big-Money much ez he wanter, he up'n low, he did, dat dey better sorter rustle 'roun' en make a fa'r dividjun. He ax Brer Mink, he ax Brer Coon, he ax Brer 'Possum, he ax Brer Tarrypin, he ax Brer Rabbit, w'ich part dey take, en dey all up'n 'low, dey did, dat bein' ez Brer Wolf de biggest en de heartiest in de neighborhoods er de appetite, dey speck he better take de fus choosement. "When they get there, sure enough, there lay old Big-Money all stretch out on the river bank. This make Brother Wolf feel mighty good, and he took and stick his hands in his pocket and strut around there and look monstrous biggity. After he done took and examine old Big-Money much as he want to, he up and low, he did, that they better sort of rustle around and make a fair dividjun. He ask Brother Mink, he ask Brother Racoon, he ask Brother Opossum, he ask Brother Tarrypin, he ask Brother Tarrypin, he ask Brother Rabbit, which part they take, and they all up and allow, they did, that being as Brother Wolf the biggest and the heartiest in the neighborhoods or the appetite, they suspect he better take the first choosement.

"Wid dat Brer Wolf, he sot down on a log, en hang he head ter one side, sorter lak he 'shame' er hisse'f. Bimeby, he up'n 'low "With that Brother Wolf, he sat down on a log, and hang his head to one side, sort of like he ashamed of hisself. By and by, he up and allow :


"‘Now, den, folks en fr'en's, sence you shove it on me, de shortest way is de bes' way. Brer Coon, we bin good fr'en's a mighty long time; how much er dish yer meat ought a fibble

Feeble. [back]

ole man lak me ter take?' sezee. "'Now, then, folks and friends, since you shove it on me, the shortest way is the best way. Brother Racoon, we been good friends a mighty long time; how much of this here meat ought a feeble old man like me to take?' says he.

"Brer Wolf talk mighty lovin'. Brer Coon snuff de a'r, en 'low: "Brother Wolf talk mighty loving. Brother Racoon sniffed the air, and allow:

"‘I speck you better take one er de fo'-quarters, Brer Wolf,' sezee. "'I suspect you better take one of the four-quarters, Brother Wolf,' says he.

"Brer Wolf look lak he 'stonish'. He lif' up he han's, en 'low: "Brother Wolf look like he astonished. He lift up his hands, and allow:

"‘Law, Brer Coon, I tuck you ter be my fr'en', dat I did. Man w'at talk lak dat aint got no feelin' fer me. Hit make me feel mighty lonesome,' sezee. "'Lord, Brother Racoon, I took you to be my friend, that I did. Man what talk like that ain't got no feeling for me. It make me feel mighty lonesome,' says he.

"Den Brer Wolf tu'n 'roun' en talk mighty lovin' ter Brer Mink: "Then Brother Wolf turn around and talk mighty loving to Brother Mink:

"‘Brer Mink, many's de day you bin a-knowin' me; how much er dish yer meat you speck oughter fall ter my sheer?' sezee. "'Brother Mink, many's the day you been a-knowing me; how much or this here meat you suspect ought to fall to my sheer?' says he.

"Brer Mink sorter study, en den he 'low: "Brother Mink sort of study, and then he allow:

"‘Bein' ez you er sech a nice man, Brer Wolf, I speck you oughter take one er de fo'-quarters, en a right smart hunk off'n de bulge er de neck,' sezee. "'Being as you are such a nice man, Brother Wolf, I suspect you ought to take one of the four-quarters, and right smart hunk off of the bulge of the neck,' says he.

"Brer Wolf holler out, he did:

"‘Go 'way, Brer Mink! Go'way! You aint no 'quaintance er mine!' 'Go away, Brother Mink! Go away! You ain't no acquaintance of mine!'

"Den ole Brer Wolf tu'n 'roun' ter Brer' Possum en talk lovin': "Then old Brother Wolf turn around to Brother Opossum and talk loving:


"‘Brer 'Possum, I done bin tuck wid a likin' fer you long time 'fo' dis. Look at me, en den look at my fambly, en den tell me, ef you be so good, how much er dish yer meat gwine ter fall ter my sheer.' 'Brother Opossum, I done been took with a liking for you long time before this. Look at me, and then look at my family, and then tell me, if you be so good, how much of this here meat going to fall to my sheer.'

"Brer 'Possum, he look 'roun', de did, en grin, en he up'n 'low: "Brother Opossum, he look around, he did, and grin, and he up and allow:

"‘Take half, Brer Wolf, take half!' 'Take half, Brother Wolf, take half!'

"Den ole Brer Wolf holler out: "Then old Brother Wolf holler out:

"‘Shoo, Brer 'Possum! I like you no mo'.' 'Shoot, Brother Opossum! I like you no more.'

"Den Brer Wolf tu'n to Brer Tarrypin', en Brer Tarrypin say Brer Wolf oughter take all 'cep' one er de behime quarters, en den Brer Wolf 'low dat Brer Tarrypin aint no fr'en' ter him. Den he up'n ax Brer Rabbit, en Brer Rabbit, he tuck'n 'spon, he did: "Then Brother Wolf turn to Brother Tarrypin, and Brother Tarrypin say Brother Wolf ought to take all except one of the behind quarters, and then Brother Wolf allow that Brother Tarrypin ain't no friend to him. Then he up and ask Brother Rabbit, and Brother Rabbit, he took and respond, he did:

"‘Gentermuns all! you see Brer Wolf chillun? Well dey er all monst'us hongry, en Brer Wolf hongry hisse'f. Now I puts dis plan straight at you: less we all let Brer Wolf have de fus' pass at Big-Money; less tie 'im on dar, en le'm eat much ez he wanter, en den we kin pick de bones,' sezee. 'Gentlemans all! you see Brother Wolf children? Well they are all monstrous hungry, and Brother Wolf hungry hisself. Now I puts this plan straight at you: less we all let Brother Wolf have the first pass at Big- Money; less tie him on there, and let him eat much as he want to, and then we can pick the bones,' says he.

"‘Youer my pardner, Brer Rabbit!' sez Brer Wolf, sezee; ‘youer my honey-pardner!' "'You're my partner, Brother Rabbit!' says Brother Wolf, says he; 'You're my honey-partner, Brother Rabbit!'

"Dey all 'gree ter dis plan, mo' 'speshually ole Brer Wolf, so den dey tuck'n tie 'im onter Big-Money. Dey tie 'im on dar, dey did, en den ole Brer Wolf look all 'roun' en wunk at de yuthers. Brer Rabbit, he tuck'n wunk back, en den Brer Wolf retch down en bite Big- Money on de back er de neck. Co'se, w'en he do dis,
Big-Money bleedz ter flinch; let 'lone dat, she bleedz ter jump. Brer Wolf holler out:
"They all agree to this plan, most especially old Brother Wolf, so then they took and tie him onto Big-Money. They tie him on there, they did, and then old Brother Wolf look all around and woke at the others. Brother Rabbit, he took and winked back, and then Brother Wolf reached down and bite Big-Money on the back of the neck. Of course, when he do this,
Big-Money pleased to flinch; let alone that, she pleased to jump. Brother Wolf holer out:

"‘Ow! Run yer somebody! Take me off! She aint dead. O Lordy! I feel 'er move!' 'Ow! Run here somebody! Take me off! She ain't dead. O Lordy! I feel her move!'

Brer Rabbit holler back:

"‘Nummine de flinchin', Brer Wolf. She done dead; I done year er sesso

Say so. [back]

, 'erse'f. She dead, sho'. Bite er ag'in, Brer Wolf, bite 'er ag'in!' 'Nummine the flinching, Brother Wolf. She done dead; I done hear say so, herself. She dead, sure. Bit her again, Brother Wolf, bite her again!'

"Brer Rabbit talk so stiff, hit sorter tuck de chill off'n Brer Wolf, en he dipt down en bit ole Big-Money ag'in. Wid dat, she 'gun ter move off, en Brer Wolf he holler des lak de woods done kotch a-fier: "Brother Rabbit talk so stiff, it sort of took the chill off and Brother Wolf, and he dipped down and bit old Big-Money again. With that, she begun to move off, and Brother Wolf he holler just like the woods done caught a-fier:

"‘Ow! O Lordy! Ontie me, Brer Rabbit, ontie me! She aint dead! Ow! Run yer, Brer Rabbit, en ontie me !' 'Ow! Oh Lordy! Untie me, Brother Rabbit, untie me! She ain't dead! Ow! Run here, Rabbit, and untie me!'

"Brer Rabbit, he holler back: "Brother Rabbit, he holler back:

"'She er sho'ly dead, Brer Wolf! Nail er, Brer Wolf! Bite 'er! gnyaw 'er!' 'She or surely dead, Brother Wolf! Nail her, Brother Wolf! Bit her! gnaw her!'

"Brer Wolf keep on bitin', en Big-Money keep on movin' off. Bimeby, she git ter de bank er de river, en she fall in--cumberjoom!--en dat 'uz de las' er Brer Wolf." "Brother Wolf keep on biting, and Big-Money keep on moving off. By and by, she get to the bank of the river, and she fall in--cumberjoom!--and that was the last of Brother Wolf."

"What did Brother Rabbit do?" the little boy asked, after a while.

"Well," responded Uncle Remus, in the tone of one anxious to dispose of a disagreeable matter as pleasantly as possible, "you know w'at kinder man Brer Rabbit is. He des went off some'rs by he own-alone se'f en tuck a big laugh." "you know what kind of man Brother Rabbit is. He just went off somewheres by his own-alone self and took a big laught."



The next night Daddy Jack was still away when the little boy went to see Uncle Remus, and the child asked about him.

"Bless yo' soul, honey! don't ax me 'bout Brer Jack. He look lak he mighty old en trimbly, but he mighty peart nigger, mon. He look lak he shufflin' 'long, but dat ole nigger gits over groun', sho'. Forty year ergo, maybe I mought er kep' up wid 'im, but I let you know Brer Jack is a way 'head er me. He mos' sho'ly is." "Bless your soul, honey! don't ask me about Brother Jack. He look like he mighty old and chimney, but he mighty peart nigger, man. He look like he shuffling along, but that old nigger gets over ground, sure. Forty year ago, maybe I might of kept up with him, but I let you know Brother Jack is way ahead of me. He most surely is."

"Why, he's older than you are, Uncle Remus!" the child exclaimed.

"Dat w'at I year tell. Seem lak hit mighty kuse, but sho' ez youer bawn Brer Jack is a heap mo' pearter nigger dan w'at ole Remus is. He little, yit he mighty hard. Dat's Brer Jack, up en down." "Tat what I hear tell. Seem like it mighty curious, but sure as you're born Brother Jack is a heap more pearter nigger than what old Remus is. He little, yet he mighty hard. That's Brother Jack, up and down."

Uncle Remus paused and reflected a moment. Then he went on:

"Talkin' 'bout Brer Jack put me in min' 'bout a tale w'ich she sho'ly mus' er happen down dar in dat ar country whar Brer Jack come fum, en it sorter ketch me in de neighborhoods er de 'stonishment kaze he aint done up'n tell it. I speck it done wuk loose fum Brer Jack 'membunce." "Talking about Brother Jack put me in mind about a tale which she surely must of happen down there in that there country where Brother Jack come from, and it sort of catch me in the neighborhoods of the astonishment cause he ain't done up and tell it. I suspect it done work loose from Brother Jack remembrance."


"What tale was that, Uncle Remus?"

"Seem lak dat one time w'en eve'ything en eve'ybody was runnin' 'long des lak dey bin had waggin' grease 'pun urn, ole Brer Wolf" "Seem like that one time when everything and everybody was running along just like they been hand wagging grease upon urn, old Brother Wolf." --

The little boy laughed incredulously and Uncle Remus paused and frowned heavily.

"Why, Uncle Remus! how did Brother Wolf get away from Mammy-Bammy Big-Money?"

The old man's frown deepened and his voice was full of anger as he replied:

"Now, den, is I'm de tale, er is de tale me? Tell me dat! Is I'm de tale, er is de tale me? Well, den, ef I aint de tale en de tale aint me, den how come you wanter take'n rake me over de coals fer?" "Now, then, is I'm the tale, of is the tale me? Tell me that! Is I'm the tale, or is the tale me? Well, then, if I ain't the tale and the tale ain't me, then how come you want to take and rake me over the coals for?"

"Well, Uncle Remus, you know what you said. You said that was the end of Brother Wolf."

"I bleedz ter 'spute dat," "I pleased to dispute that," exclaimed Uncle Remus, with the air of one performing a painful duty; "I bleedz ter 'spute it. Dat w'at de tale say. Ole Remus is one nigger en de tale, hit's a n'er nigger. Yit I aint got no time fer ter set back yer en fetch out de oggyments." "I pleased to dispute it. That what the tale say. Old Remus is one nigger and the tale, it's another nigger. Yet I ain't got no time for to set back here and fetch out the oinments."

Here the old man paused, closed his eyes, leaned back in his chair, and sighed. After a while he said, in a gentle tone:

"So den, Brer Wolf done dead, en yer I wuz runnin' on des same lak he wuz done 'live. Well! well! well!" "So then, Brother Wolf done dead, and here I was running on just same like he was done alive. Well! well! well!"

Uncle Remus stole a glance at the little boy, and immediately relented.

"Yit," "Yet," he went on, "ef I'm aint de tale and de tale aint me, "if I'm ain't the tale and the tale ain't me,


hit aint skacely make no diffunce whe'er Brer Wolf dead er whe'er he's a high-primin' 'roun' bodder'n 'longer de yuther creeturs. Dead er no dead, dey wuz one time w'en Brer Wolf live in de swamp down dar in dat ar country whar Brer Jack come fum, en, mo'n dat, he had a mighty likely gal. Look lak all de yuther creeturs wuz atter 'er. Dey 'ud go down dar ter Brer Wolf house, dey would, en dey 'ud set up and court de gal, en 'joy deyse'f. it ain't scarcely make no difference whether Brother Wolf dead or whether he's a high-priming around bodder and longer the other creatures. Dead of no dead, there was one time when Brother Wolf live in the swamp down there in that there country where Brother Jack come from, and morn than that, he had a mighty likely gal. Look like all the other creatures was after her. They would go down there to Brother Wolf house, they would, and they would set up and court the gal, and enjoy theyself.

"Hit went on dis away 'twel atter w'ile de skeeters 'gun ter git monst'us bad. Brer Fox, he went flyin' 'roun' Miss Wolf, en he sot dar, he did, en run on wid 'er en fight skeeters des es big ez life en twice-t ez natchul. Las' Brer Wolf, he tuck'n kotch Brer Fox slappin' en fightin' at he skeeters. Wid dat he tuck'n tuck Brer Fox by de off year en led 'im out ter de front gate, en w'en he git dar, he 'low, he did, dat no man w'at can't put up wid skeeters aint gwine ter come a-courtin' his gal. "It went on this a-way till after while the misquitoes begun to get monstrous bad. Brother Fox, he went flying around Miss Wolf, and he sat there, he did, and run on with he and fight skeeters just as big as life and twiced as natural. Last Brother Wolf, he took and caught Brother Fox slapping and fighting at skeeters. With that he took and took Brother Fox by the off ear and led him out to the front gate, and when he get there, he allow, he did, that no man what can't put up with misquitoes ain't going to come a-courting his gal.

"Den Brer Coon, he come flyin' 'roun' de gal, but he aint bin dar no time skacely 'fo' he 'gun ter knock at de skeeters; en no sooner is he done dis dan Brer Wolf show 'im de do'. Brer Mink, he come en try he han', yit he bleedz ter fight de skeeters, en Brer Wolf ax 'im out. "Then Brother Racoon, he come flying around the gal, but he ain't been there no time scarcely before he begun to knock at the misquitoes; and no sooner is he done this than Brother Wolf show him the door. Brother Mink, he come and try his hand, yet he pleased to fight the misquitoes, and Brother Wolf ask him out.

"Hit went on dis away twel bimeby all de ereeturs bin flyin' 'roun' Brer Wolf's gal 'ceppin' it's ole Brer Rabbit, en w'en he year w'at kinder treatments de yuther creeturs bin ketchin' he 'low ter hisse'f dat he b'leeve in he soul he mus' go down ter Brer Wolf house en set de gal out one whet ef it's de las' ack. "It went on this a-way till by and by all the creatures been flying around Brother Wolf's gal excepting it's old Brother Rabbit, and when he hear what kind of treatments the other creatures been catching he allow to hisself that he believe in his soul he must go down to Brother Wolf house and set the gal out on what if it's the last act.

"No sooner say, no sooner do. Off he put, en 'twa'n't
long 'fo' he fine hisse'f knockin' at Brer Wolf front do'. Ole Sis Wolf, she tuck'n put down 'er knittin' en she up'n 'low, she did:
"No sooner say, no sooner do. Off he put, and it wasn't

"'Who dat?' 'Who that?'

"De gal, she uz stannin' up 'fo' de lookin'-glass sorter primpin', en she choke back a giggle, she did, en 'low: "The gal, she was standing up before the looking-glass sort of primping, and she choke back a giggle, she did, and allow:

"'Sh-h-h! My goodness, mammy! dat's Mr. Rabbit. I year de gals say he's a mighty prop-en-tickler

Proper and particular. [back]

gentermun, en I des hope you aint gwine ter set dar en run on lak you mos' allers does w'en I got comp'ny 'bout how much soap-grease you done save up en how many kittens de ole cat got. I gits right 'shame' sometimes, dat I does!' 'Sh-h-h! My goodness, mammy! that's Mr. Rabbit. I hear the gals say he mighty proper and particular gentleman, and I just hope you ain't going to set there and run on like you most always does when I got company about how much soap-grease you done save up and how many kittens the old cat got. I gets right ashamed sometimes, that I does!' "

The little boy looked astonished.

"Did she talk that way to her mamma?" he asked.

"Shoo, chile! 'Mungs' all de creeturs dey aint no mo' kuse creeturs dan de gals. Ole ez I is, ef I wuz ter start in dis minnit fer ter tell you how kuse de gals is, en de Lord wuz ter spar' me plum twel I git done, yo' head 'ud be gray, en Remus 'ud be des twice-t ez ole ez w'at he is right now." "Shoot, child! Amongs all the creatures there ain't no more curious creatures than the gals. Old as I is, if I was to start in this minute for to tell you how curious the gals is, and the Lord was to spare me plum till I get doen, you head would be gray, and Remus would be just twiced as old as what he is right now."

"Well, what did her mamma say, Uncle Remus?"

"Ole Sis Wolf, she sot dar, she did, en settle 'er cap on 'er head, en snicker, en look at de gal lak she monst'us proud. De gal, she tuck'n shuck 'erself 'fo' de lookin'-glass a time er two, en den she tipt ter de do' en open' it little ways en peep out des lak she skeer'd some un gwine
ter hit 'er a clip side de head. Dar stood ole Brer Rabbit lookin' des ez slick ez a race-hoss. De gal, she tuck'n laff, she did, en holler:
"Old Sister Wolf, she sat there, she did, and settle her cap on her head, and snicker, and look at the gal like she monstrous proud. The gal, she took and shook herself before the looking-glass a time or two, and then she tipped to the door and open it little ways and peeped out just like she scared something going to hit her a clip side the head. There stood old Brother Rabbit looking just as slick as a race-horse. The gal, she took and laugh, she did, and holler:

"'W'y law, maw! hit's Mr. Rabbit, en yer we bin 'fraid it 'uz some 'un w'at aint got no business 'roun' yer!' 'Why lord, ma! it's Mr. Rabbit, and here we been afraid it was someone what ain't got no business around here!'

"Ole Sis Wolf she look over 'er specks, 'en snicker, en den she up'n 'low: "Old Sister Wolf she look overher specks, and snicker, and then she up and allow:

"'Well, don't keep 'im stannin' out dar all night. Ax 'im in, fer goodness sake.' 'Well, don't keep him standing out there all night. Ask him in, for goodness sake.'

"Den de gal, she tuck'n drap 'er hankcher, en Brer Rabbit, he dipt down en grab it en pass it ter 'er wid a bow, en de gal say she much 'blige, kaze dat 'uz mo'den Mr. Fox 'ud er done, en den she ax Brer Rabbit how he come on, en Brer Rabbit 'low he right peart, en den he ax 'er wharbouts 'er daddy, en ole Sis Wolf 'low she go fine 'im. "Then the gal, she took and drop her handkerchief, and Brother Rabbit, he dipped down and grab it and pass it to her with a bow, and the gal say she much obliged, cause that was more then Mr. Fox would've done, and then she ask Brother Rabbit how he come on, and Brother Rabbit allow he right peart, and then he ask her whereabouts her daddy, and old Sister Wolf allow she go fine him.

"'Twa'n't long 'fo' Brer Rabbit year Brer Wolf stompin' de mud off'n he foots in de back po'ch, en den bimeby in he come. Dey shuck han's, dey did, en Brer Rabbit say dat w'en he go callin' on he 'quaintunce, hit aint feel natchul 'ceppin' de man er de house settin' 'roun' some'rs. "It wasn't long before Brother Rabbit hear Brother Wolf stomping the mud off of his foots in the back porch, and then by and by in he come. They shook hands, they did, and Brother Rabbit sayy that when he go calling on hie acquaintance, it ain't feel natural accepting the man of the house setting around somewheres.

"'Ef he don't talk none,' sez Brer Rabbit, sezee, 'he kin des set up ag'in' de chimbly-jam en keep time by noddin'.' "'If he don't talk none," says Brother Rabbit, says he, 'he can just set up against the chimney-jam and keep time by nodding.'

"But ole Brer Wolf, he one er deze yer kinder mens w'at got de whimzies,

In these latter days a man with the whimzies, or whimsies, is known simply as a crank. [back]

en he up'n 'low dat he don't let
hisse'f git ter noddin' front er comp'ny. Dey run on dis away twel bimeby Brer Rabbit year de skeeters come zoonin' 'roun', en claimin' kin wid 'im." "But old Brother Wolf, he one of these here kind of mens what got the whimzies, and he up and allow that he don't let
hisself get to nodding front of company. They run on this a-way till by and by Brother Rabbit hear the misquitoes come zomming around, and claiming kin with him."

The little boy laughed; but Uncle Remus was very Dey run on dis de skeeters come serious. very They run on this of misquitoes come serious

"Co'se dey claim kin wid 'im. Dey claims kin wid folks yit, let 'lone Brer Rabbit. Manys en manys de time w'en I year um sailin' 'roun' en singin' out 'Cousin! Cousin!' en I let you know, honey, de skeeters is mighty close kin w'en dey gits ter be yo' cousin. "Course they claim kin with him. They claims kin with folks yet, let alone Brother Rabbit. Manys and manys the time when I hear them sailing around and singing out 'Cousin! Cousin!' and I let you know, honey, de misquitoes is migty close kin when they gets to be your cousin.

"Brer Rabbit, he year um zoonin'," "Brother Rabbit, he hear them zooming," the old man continued, "en he know he got ter do some mighty nice talkin', so he up'n ax fer drink er water. De gal, she tuck'n fotch it. "and he know he got to do some mighty nice talking, so he up and ask for drink of water. The gal, she took and fetch it.

"'Mighty nice water, Brer Wolf.' 'Mighty nice water, Brother Wolf.' (De skeeters dey zoon.) (The misquitoes they zoom.)

The information in parentheses is imparted in a low, impressive, confidential tone. [back]

"'Some say it too full er wiggletails,

Is it necessary to say that the wiggletail is the embryo mosquito? [back]

Brer Rabbit.' 'Some say it too full of wiggletails, Brother Rabbit.' (De skeeters, dey zoon en dey zoon.) (The misquitoes, they zoom and they zomm.)

"'Mighty nice place you got, Brer Wolf.' 'Mighty nice place you got, Brother Wolf.' (Skeeters dey zoon.) (Misquitoes they zoom.)

"'Some say it too low in de swamp, Brer Rabbit.' 'Some say it too low in the swamp, Brother Rabbit.' (Skeeters dey zoon en dey zoon.) (Misquitoes they zoom and they zoom.)

"Dey zoon so bad," "They zoom so bad," said Uncle Remus, drawing a long breath, "dat Brer Rabbit 'gun ter git skeer'd, en w'en dat creetur git skeer'd, he min' wuk lak one er deze yer' flutter-mills. Bimeby, he 'low: "that Brother Rabbit begun to get scared, and when that creature get scared, he mind work like one of these here flutter-mills. By and by, he allow:


"'Went ter town t'er day, en dar I seed a sight w'at I never speckted ter see.' 'Went to town the other day, and there I seed a sighty what I never suspected to see.'

"'W'at dat, Brer Rabbit?' 'What that, Brother Rabbit?'

"'Spotted hoss, Brer Wolf.' 'Spotted horse, Brother Wolf.'

"'No , Brer Rabbit!' , Brother Rabbit!'

"'I mos' sho'ly seed 'im, Brer Wolf.' 'I most surely seed him, Brother Wolf.'

"Brer Wolf, he scratch he head, en de gal she hilt up 'er han's en make great 'miration 'bout de spotted hoss. (De skeeters dey zoon, en dey keep on zoonin'.) Brer Rabbit, he talk on, he did: "Brother Wolf, he scratch his head, and the gal she held up her hands and make gret admiration about the spotted horse. (The misquitoes they zoom, and they keep on zooming.) Brother Rabbit, he talk on, he did:

"''Twa'n't des one spotted hoss, Brer Wolf, twuz a whole team er spotted hosses, en dey went gallin'-up

Galloping. [back]

des lak de yuther hosses,' sezee. 'Let 'lone dat, Brer Wolf, my gran daddy wuz spotted,' sez Brer Rabbit, sezee. "'It wasn't just one spotted horse, Brother Wolf, it was a whole team of spotted horses, and they went galloping-up just like the other horses,' says he. 'Let along that, Brother Wolf, my gran daddy was spotted,' says Brother Rabbit, says he.

"Gal, she squeal en holler out: "Gal, she squeal and holler out:

"'W'y, Brer Rabbit! aint you 'shame' yo'se'f fer ter be talkin' dat away, en 'bout yo' own-'lone blood kin too?' 'Why, Brother Rabbit! ain't you ashamed yourself for to be talking that away, and about your own-alone blood kin too?'

"'Hit's de naked trufe I'm a ginin'

G hard as in give. [back]

un you,' sez Brer Rabbit, sezee. (Skeeter zoon en come closeter.) "'It's the naked truth I'm a giving and you,' says Brother Rabbit says he. (Misquitoes zoom and come closter.)

"Brer Wolf 'low 'Well-well-well!' Ole Sis Wolf, she 'low 'Tooby sho'ly, tooby sho'ly!' (Skeeter zoon en come nigher en nigher.) Brer Rabbit 'low: "Brother Wolf allow 'Well-well-well!' Old Sister Wolf, she allow 'To by surely, to be surely!' (Misquitoes zoom and come nearer and nearer.) Brother Rabbit allow:

"'Yasser! Des ez sho' ez youer settin' dar, my grandaddy wuz spotted. Spotted all over. (Skeeter come zoonin' up and light on Brer Rabbit jaw.) He wuz dat. He had er great big spot right yer!'" "'Yes sire! Just as sure as you're setting there, my granddaddy was spotted. Spotted allover. (Misquitoes come zooming up and light on Brother Rabbit jaw.) He was that. He had a great big spot right here!'"


Here Uncle Remus raised his hand and struck himself a resounding slap on the side of the face where the mosquito was supposed to be, and continued:

"No sooner is he do dis dan ne'r skeeter come zoonin' 'roun' en light on Brer Rabbit leg. Brer Rabbit, he talk en he talk: "No sooner is he do this than another misquitoe come zooming around and light on Brother Rabbit leg. Brother Rabbit, he talk and he talk:

"‘Po' ole grandaddy! I boun' he make you laff, be look so funny wid all dem spots and speckles. He had spot on de side er de head, whar I done show you, en den he had n'er big spot right yer on de leg,' sezee. "'Poor old grandaddy! I bound he make you laugh, be look so funny with all them spots and speckles. He had spoton the side of the head, where I done show you, and then he had another big spot right here on the leg,' says he.

Uncle Remus slapped bimself on the leg below the knee, and was apparently so serious about it that the little boy laughed loudly. The old man went on:

"Skeeter zoon en light 'twix' Brer Rabbit shoulder- blades. Den he talk: "Misquitoe zoom and light between Brother Rabbit shoulder-blades. Then he talk:

"‘B'leeve me er not b'leeve me ef you min' too, but my grandaddy had a big black spot up yer on he back w'ich look lak saddle-mark.' "'Believe me or not believe me if you mind too, but my grandaddy had a big black spot up here on his back which look like saddle-mark.'

"Blip Brer 'Rabbit tuck hisse'f on de back! "Blip Brother Rabbit took hisself on the back!

"Skeeter sail 'roun' en zoon en light down yer beyan de hip-bone. He say be grandaddy got spot down dar. "Misquitoe sail around and zoom and light down here beyond the hip-bone. He say grandaddy got spot down there

" Blip he tuck hisse'f beyan de hip-bone. Blip he took hisself beyond the hip-bone.

"Hit keep on dis away," "It keep on this away," continued Uncle Remus, who had given vigorous illustrations of Brer Rabbit's method of killing mosquitoes while pretending to tell a story, "twel bimeby ole Brer Wolf en ole Sis Wolf dey lissen at Brer Rabbit twel dey 'gun ter nod, en den ole Brer Rabbit en de gal dey sot up dar en kill skeeters right erlong." "till by and by olk Brother Wolf and old Sister Wolf they listen at Brother Rabbit till they begun to nod, and then old Brother Rabbit end the gal they sat up there and kill misquitoes right erelong."


"Did he marry Brother Wolf's daughter?" asked the little boy.

"I year talk," "I hear talk," replied Uncle' Remus, "dat Brer Wolf sont Brer Rabbit wud nex' day dat he kin git de gal by gwine atter 'er, but I aint never year talk 'bout Brer Rabbit gwine. De day atterwuds wuz mighty long time, en by den, Brer Rabbit moughter had some yuther projick on han'." "that Brother Wolf sought Brother Rabbit would next day that he can get the gal by going after her, but I ain't never hear talk about Brother Rabbit going. The day afterwards was mightt long time, and by then, Brother Rabbit might've had some other project on hand."

This story, the funniest and most characteristic of all the negro legends, cannot be satisfactorily told on paper. It is full of action, and all the interest centres in the gestures and grimaces that must accompany an explanation of Brother Rabbit's method of disposing of the mosquitoes. The story was first called to my attention by Mr. Marion Erwin, of Savannah, and it is properly a coast legend, but I have heard it told by three Middle Georgia negroes. [back]


One night, when the little boy had grown tired of waiting for a story, he looked at Uncle Remus, and said:

"I wonder what ever became of old Brother Tarrypin."

Uncle Remus gave a sudden start, glanced all around the cabin, and then broke into a laugh that ended in a yell like a view-halloo.

"Well, well, well! How de name er goodness come
you ter know w'at runnin' on in my min', honey? Mon, you skeer'd me; you sho'ly did; en w'en I git skeer'd I bleedz ter holler. Let 'lone dat, ef I keep on gittin' skeerder en skeerder, you better gimme room, kaze ef I can't git 'way fum dar somebody gwine ter git hurted, en deyer gwine ter git hurted bad. I tell you dat right pine-blank."
"Well, well, well! How the name of goodness come
you to know what running on in my mind, honey? Man, you scared me: you surely did; and when I get scared I please to holler. Let along that, if I keep on getting scareder and scareder, you better give me room, cause if I can't get away rom there somebody going to get hurted, and they're going to get hurted bad. I tell you that right point-blank."

Point-blank. [back]

"Ole Brer Tarrypin!" "Old Brother Tarrypin!" continued Uncle Remus in a tone of exultation. "Ole Brer Tarrypin! Now, who bin year tell er de beat er dat? Dar you sets studyin' 'bout ole Brer Tarrypin, en yer I sets studyin' 'bout ole Brer Tarrypin. Hit make me feel so kuse dat little mo' en I'd a draw'd my Rabbit-foot en shuck it at you." "Old Brother Tarrypin! Now, who been hear tell of the beat of that? There you sets studying about old Brother Tarrypin, and here I sets studying about old Brother Tarrypin. It make me feel so curious that little more and I'd a draw'd my Rabbit-foot and shook it at you."

The little boy was delighted when Uncle Remus went off into these rhapsodies. However nonsensical they might seem to others, to the child they were positively thrilling, and he listened with rapt attention, scarcely daring to stir.

"Ole Brer Tarrypin? Well, well, well!-- "Old Brother Tarrypin? Well, well, well!--

"'W'en in he prime "When in his prime
He tuck he time!'

"Dat w'at make he hol' he age so good. Dey tells me dat somebody 'cross dar in Jasper county, tuck'n kotch a Tarrypin w'ich he got marks cut in he back dat 'uz put dar 'fo' our folks went fer ter git revengeance in de Moccasin war. Dar whar yo' Unk' Jeems bin," "That what make him hold his age so good. They tells me that somebody across there in Jasper county, took and caught a Tarrypin which he got marks cut in his back that was put there before our folks went for to get revengeance in the Moccasin war. There where you Uncle Jems been," Uncle Remus explained, noticing the little boy's look of astonishment.


"Oh!" exclaimed the child, "that was the Mexican war."

"Well," responded Uncle Remus, closing his eyes with a sigh, "I aint one er deze yer kinder folks w'at choke deyse'f wid names. One name aint got none de 'vantage er no yuther name. En ef de Tarrypin got de marks on 'im hit don't make no diffunce whe'er yo' Unk' Jeems Abercrombie git his revengeance out'n de Moccasin folks, er whe'er he got it out'n de Mackersons." "I ain't one of these here kind of folks what choke theyself with names. One name ain't got none the advantage of no other name. And if the Tarrypin got the marks on him it don't make no difference where you Uncle Jeems Abercrombie get his revengeance out of the Moccasin folks, or whether he got it out of the Mackersons."

"Mexicans, Uncle Remus."

"Tooby sho', honey; let it go at dat. But don't less pester ole Brer Tarrypin wid it, kaze he done b'long ter a tribe all by he own 'lone se'f.--I 'clar' ter gracious," "To be sure, honey; let it go at that. But don't lets pester old Brother Tarrypin with it, cause he done belong to a tribe all by his own alone self,--I declare to gracious," exclaimed the old man after a pause, "ef hit don't seem periently lak 'twuz yistiddy!" "if it don't seem apparently like it was yesterday!"

"What, Uncle Remus?"

"Oh, des ole Brer Tarrypin, honey; des ole Brer Tarrypin en a tale w'at I year 'bout 'im, how he done tuck'n do Brer Fox." "Oh, just old Brother Tarrypin, honey; just old Brother Tarrypin and a tale what I hear about him, how he done took and do Brother Fox."

"Did he scare him, Uncle Remus?" the little boy asked, as the old man paused.

"No, my goodness! Wuss'n dat!" "No, my goodness! Worse than that!"

"Did he hurt him?"

"No, my goodness! Wuss'n dat!" "No, my goodness! Worse than that!"

"Did he kill him?"

"No, my goodness! Lots wuss'n dat!" "No, my goodness! Lots worse than that!"

"Now, Uncle Remus, what did he do to Brother Fox?"

"Honey!"--here the old man lowered his voice as if
about to describe a great outrage--"Honey! he tuck'n make a fool out'n 'im!" "Honey! he took and make a fool out of him!"

The child laughed, but it was plain that he failed to appreciate the situation, and this fact caused Uncle Remus to brighten up and go on with the story.

"One time w'en de sun shine down mighty hot, ole Brer Tarrypin wuz gwine 'long down de road. He 'uz g wine 'long down, en he feel mighty tired; he puff, en he blow, en he pant. He breff come lak he got de azmy 'way down in he win'-pipe; but, nummine! he de same ole Creep-um-crawl-um Have-some-fun-um. He 'uz gwine 'long down de big road, ole Brer Tarrypin wuz, en bimeby he come ter de branch. He tuck'n crawl in, he did, en got 'im a drink er water, en den he crawl out on t'er side en set down und' de shade un a tree. Atter he sorter ketch he win', he look up at de sun fer ter see w'at time er day is it, en, lo en beholes! he tuck'n skivver dat he settin in de shade er de sycamo' tree. No sooner is he skivver dis dan he sing de old song: One time when the sun shine down mighty hot, old Brother Tarrypin was going along down the road. He was a going along down, and he feel mighty tired; he puff, and he blow and he pant. He breath come like he got the ashma a-way down in his wind-pipe; but, no mind! he the same old Cree-um-crawl-um Have-some-fun-um. He was going along down the big road, old Brother Tarrypin was, and by and by he come to the branc. He took and crawl in, he did, and got him a drink of water, and then he crawl out on the other side and set dwon under the shade and a tree. After he sort of catch his wind, he look up at the sun for to see what time of day is it, and, lo and beholds! he took and discover that he settingin the shade of the sycamore tree. No sooner is he discover this than he sing the old song.

"'Good luck ter dem w'at come and go, "'Good luck to them what come and go,
W'at set in de shade er de sycamo'.' What set in the shade of the sycamore.'

"Brer Tarrypin he feel so good en de shade so cool, dat twa'n't long fo' he got ter noddin', en bimeby he drapt off en went soun' asleep. Co'se, Brer Tarrypin kyar he house wid 'im eve'ywhar he go, en w'en he fix fer ter go ter sleep, he des shet de do' en pull too de winder-shetters, en dar he is des ez snug ez de ole black cat und' de barn. "Brother Tarrypin he feel so good and the shade so cool, that it wasn't long before he got to nodding, and by and by he dropped off and went sound asleep. Course, Brother Tarrypin carry his house with him everywhere he go, and when he fix for to go to sleep, he just shut the door and pull too the window-shutters, and there he is just as snug as the old black cat under the barn.

"Brer Tarrypin lay dar, he did, en sleep, en sleep. He
dunner how long he sleep, but bimeby he feel somebody foolin' 'long wid 'im. He keep de do' shet, en he lay dar en lissen. He feel somebody tu'nin' he house 'roun' en 'roun'. Dis sorter skeer Brer Terrypin, kaze he know dat ef dey tu'n he house upside down he 'ull have all sorts er times gittin' back. Wid dat, he open de do' little ways; en he see Brer Fox projickin' wid 'im. He open de do' little furder, he did, en he break out in a great big hoss-laff, en holler:
"Brother Tarrypin lay there, he did, and sleep, and sleep. He
don't know how long he sleep, but by and by he feel somebody fooling along with him. He keep the door shut, and he lay there and listen. He feel somebody turning his house around and around. This sor of scare Brother Tarrypin, casue he know that if they turn his house upside down he will have all sorts of times getting back. With that, he open the door little ways; and he see Brother Fox projecting with him. He open the door little further, he did, and he break out in a great big horse-laugh, and holler:

"‘Well! well, well! Who'd a thunk it! Ole Brer Fox, cuter dan de common run, is done come en kotch me. En he come at sech a time, too! I feels dat full twel I can't see straight skacely. Ef dey wuz any jealousness proned inter me, I'd des lay yer en pout kaze Brer Fox done fine out whar I gits my Pimmerly Plum.' 'Well! well, well! Who'd a thunk it! Old Brother Fox, cuter than the common run, is done come caught me. And He come at such a time, too! I feels that full till I can't see straight scarcely. If there was any jealousness proned into me, I'd just lay here and pout cause Brother Fox done found out where I gets my Pimmerly Plum.'

"In dem days," "In them days," continued Uncle Remus, speaking to the child's look of inquiry, "de Pimmerly Plum wuz monst'us skace. Leavin' out Brer Rabbit en Brer Tarrypin dey wa'n't none er de yuther creeturs dat yuvver got a glimp' un it, let 'lone a tas'e. So den w'en Brer Fox year talk er de Pimmerly Plum, bless gracious! he h'ist up he head en let Brer Tarrypin 'lone. Brer Tarrypin keep on laffin' en Brer Fox 'low: "the Pimmerly Plum was monstrous scarce. Leaving out Brother Rabbit and Brother Tarrypin they wasn't none of the other creatures that ever got a glimpse on it, let along a taste. So them when Brother Fox hear talk of the Pimmerly Plum, bless gracious! he h'ist up his head and let Brother Tarrypin alone. Brother Tarrypin keep on laughing and Brother Fox allow:

"‘Hush, Brer Tarrypin! you makes my mouf water! Whar'bouts de Pimmerly Plum?' 'Hush, Brother Tarrypin! you makes my mouth water! Whereabouts the Pimmerly Plum?'

"Brer Tarrypin, he sorter cle'r up de ho'seness in he throat, en sing: "Brother Tarrypin, he sort of clear up the hoarseness in his throat, and sing:

"'Poun' er sugar, en a pint er rum, "Pound of sugar, and a pint of rum,'
Aint nigh so sweet ez de Pimmerly Plum!' Ain't near so sweet as the Pimmerly Plum!'


"Brer Fox, he lif' up he han's, he did, en holler: "Brother Rox, he lift up his hands, he did, and holler:

"‘Oh, hush, Brer Tarrypin! you makes me dribble! Whar'bouts dat Pimmerly Plum?' 'Oh hush, Brother Tarrypin! you makes me dribble! Whereabouts that Pimmerly Plum?'

"‘You stannin' right und' de tree, Brer Fox!' 'You standing right under the tree, Brother Fox!'

"‘Brer Tarrypin, sho'ly not!' 'Brother Tarrypin, surely not!'

"‘Yit dar you stan's, Brer Fox!' 'Yet there you stands, Brother Fox!'

"Brer Fox look up in de tree dar, en he wuz 'stonish'." "Brother Fox look up in the tree there, and he was astonished."

"What did he see in the sycamore tree, Uncle Remus?" inquired the little boy.

There was a look of genuine disappointment on the old man's face, as he replied:

"De gracious en de goodness, honey! Aint you nev' is see dem ar little bit er balls w'at grow on de sycamo' tree?" "The gracious and the goodness, honey! Ain't you never is see them or little bit of balles what grow on the sycamore tree?"

In another version of this story, current among the negroes the sweet-gum tree takes the place of the sycamore. [back]

The little boy laughed. There was a huge sycamore tree in the centre of the circle made by the carriage way in front of the "big house," and there were sycamore trees of various sizes all over the place. The little balls alluded to by Uncle Remus are very hard at certain stages of their growth, and cling to the tree with wonderful tenacity. Uncle Remus continued:

"Well, den, w'en ole Brer Tarrypin vouch dat dem ar sycamo' balls wuz de ginnywine Pimmerly Plum, ole Brer Fox, he feel mighty good, yit he dunner how he gwine git at um. Push 'im clos't, en maybe he mought beat Brer Tarrypin clammin' a tree, but dish yer sycamo' tree


wuz too big fer Brer Fox fer ter git he arms 'roun'. Den he up'n low:
"Well, then, when old Brother Tarrypin vouch that them are sycamore balls was the genuine Pimmerly Plume, old Brother Fox, he feel mighty good, yet he don't know how he going to get at them. Push him close to it, and maybe he might beat Brother Tarrypin climbing a tree, but this here syacamore tree


was too big for Brother Fox to get his arms around. Then he up and allow:

"‘I sees um hangin' dar, Brer Tarrypin, but how I gwine git um?' 'I sees them hanging there, Brother Tarrypin, but how I going to get them?'

"Brer Tarrypin open he do' little ways en holler out: "Brother Tarrypin open his door little ways and holler out:

"'Ah-yi! Dar whar ole Slickum Slow-come got de 'vantage! Youer mighty peart, Brer Fox, yit somehow er nudder you aint bin a keepin' up wid ole Slickum Slow-come.' 'Ah-yi! There where old Slickum Slow-come got the advantage! You're mighty peart, Brother Fox, yet somehow or another you ain't been a keepin gup with old Slickum Slow-come.'

"‘Brer Tarrypin, how de name er goodness does you git um?' 'Brother Tarrypin, how the name of goodness does you get them?'

"‘Don't do no good fer ter tell you, Brer Fox. Nimble heel make restless min'. You aint got time fer ter wait en git um, Brer Fox.' 'Don't do no good for to tell you, Brother Fox. Nimble heel make restless mind. You ain't got time for to wait and get them, Brother Fox.'

"‘Brer Tarrypin, I got all de week befo' me.' "'Brother Tarrypin, I got all the week before me.'

"‘Ef I tells you, you'll go en tell all de t'er creeturs, en den dat'll be de las' er de Pimmerly Plum, Brer Fox.' "'If I tells you, you'll go and tell all the other creatures, and then that'll be the last of the Pimmerly Plum, Brother Fox.'

"'Brer Tarrypin, dat I won't.' Des try me one time en see.' 'Brother Tarrypin, that I won't.' Just try me one time and see.'

"Brer Tarrypin shet he eye lak he studyin', en den he 'low: "Brother Tarrypin shut his eye like he studying, and then he allow:

"'I tell you how I does, Brer Fox. W'en I wants a bait er de Pimmerly Plum right bad, I des takes my foot in my han' en comes down yer ter dish yer tree. I comes en I takes my stan'. I gits right und' de tree, en I r'ars my head back en opens my mouf. I opens my mouf, en w'en de Pimmerly Plum draps, I boun' you she draps right spang in dur. All you got ter do is ter set en wait, Brer Fox.' 'I tell you how I does, Brother Fox. When I wants a bite of the Pimmerly Plum right bad, I just takes my foot in my hand and comes down here to this here tree. I comes and I takes my stand. I gets right under the tree, and I rears my head back and opens my mouth. I opens my mouth, and when the Pimmerly Plum drops. I bound you she drops right spang in there. All you got to do is to sit and wait, Brother Fox.'


"Brer Fox aint sayin' nothin'. He des sot down und' de tree, he did, en r'ar'd he head back, en open he mouf, en I wish ter goodness you mought er bin had er chance fer ter see 'im settin' dar. He look scan'lous, dat's de long en de short un it; he des look scan'lous." "Brother Fox ain't saying nothing. He just sat down under the tree, he did, and reared his head back, and open his mouth, an dI wish to goodness you might of been had a chance for to see him sitting there. He look scandolous, that's the lond and the short of it; he just look scandolous."

"Did he get the Pimmerly Plum, Uncle Remus?" asked the little boy.

"Shoo! How he gwine git plum whar dey aint no plum?" "Shoot! How he going to get plum where they ain't no plum?"

"Well, what did he do?"

"He sot dar wid he mouf wide open, en eve'y time Brer Tarrypin look at 'im, much ez he kin do fer ter keep from bustin' aloose en laffin. But bimeby he make he way todes home, Brer Tarrypin did, chucklin' en laffin', en 'twa'n't long 'fo' he meet Brer Rabbit tippin' 'long down de road. Brer Rabbit, he hail 'im. "He sat there with his mouth wide open, and everytime Brother Tarrypin look at him, much as he can do for to keep from busting a-loose and laughing. But by and by he make his way towards home, Brother Tarrypin did, chuckling and laughing, and it wasn't long before he meet Brother Rabbit tipping along down the road. Brother Rabbit, he hail him.

"'W'at 'muze you so mighty well, Brer Tarrypin?' "'What amuse you so mighty well, Brother Tarrypin?"

"Brer Tarrypin kotch he breff atter so long a time, en he 'low: "Brother Tarrypin caught his breath after so long a time, and he allow:

"‘Brer Rabbit, I'm dat tickle' twel I can't shuffle 'long, skacely, en I'm fear'd ef I up'n tell you de 'casion un it, I'll be tooken wid one er my spells whar folks hatter set up wid me kaze I laugh so loud en laugh so long.' "'Brother Rabbit, I'm that tickle till I can't shuffle along, scarcely, and I'm feared if I up and tell you the occasion of it, I'll be taken with one of my spells where folks have to set up with me cause I laugh so loud and laugh so long.'

"Yit atter so long a time, Brer Tarrypin up'n tell Brer Rabbit, en dey sot dar en chaw'd terbacker en kyar'd on des lak sho' nuff folks. Dat dey did!" "Yet after so long a time, Brother Tarrypin up and tell Brother Rabbit, and they sat there and chewed tobacco and carried on just like sure enough folks. That they did!"

Uncle Remus paused; but the little boy wanted to know what became of Brer Fox.

"Hit's mighty kuse," "It's mighty curious," said the old man, stirring around
in the ashes as if in search of a potato, "but endurin' er all my days I aint nev' year nobody tell 'bout how long Brer Fox sot dar waitin' fer de Pimmerly Plum." "but even during of all my days I ain't never hear nobody tell about how long Brother Fox sat there waiting for the Pimmerly Plum."


The next time the little boy called on Uncle Remus a bright fire was blazing on the hearth. He could see the light shining under the door before he went into the cabin, and he knew by that sign that the old man had company. In fact, Daddy Jack had returned, and was dozing in his accustomed corner, Aunt Tempy was sitting bolt upright, nursing her contempt, and Uncle Remus was making a curious-looking box. None of the negroes paid any attention to the little boy when he entered, but somehow he felt that they were waiting for him. After a while Uncle Remus finished his curious-looking box and laid it upon the floor. Then he lifted his spectacles from his nose to the top of his head, and remarked:

"Now, den, folks, dar she is, en hit's bin so long sence I uv made one un um, dat she make me sweat. Yasser! She did dat. Howsumev', hit aint make no diffunce wid me. Promise is a promise, dough you make it in de dark er de moon. Long time ago, I tuck'n promise one er my passin' 'quaintance dnt some er deze lonesome days de ole
nigger'd whirl in en make 'im a rabbit-trap ef he'd des be so good ez to quit he devilment, en l'arn he behaveishness."
"Now, then, folks, ther she is, and it's been so long since I've made one of them, that she make me sweat. Yes sir! She did that. Howsoever, it ain't make no difference with me. Promis is a promise, though you make it in the dark or the moon. Long time ago, I took and promis one of my passing acquiantaince dnt some of these lonesome days the old
nigger'd whirl in and make him a rabbit- trap if he'd just be so good as to quit his devilment, and learn he behavishness."

"Is that my rabbit-trap, Uncle Remus?" exclaimed the child. He would have picked it up for the purpose of examining it, but Uncle Remus waved him off with a dignified gesture.

"Don't you dast ter tetch dat ar trap, honey, kaze ef you does, dat spiles all. I'll des hatter go ter wuk en make it bran-new, en de Lord knows I aint got no time fer ter do dat." "Don't you dare to touch that there trap, honey, cause if you does, that spoils all. I'll just have to go to work and make it brand-new, and the Lord knows I ain't got no time for to do that."

"Well, Uncle Remus, you've had your hands on it."

"Tooby sho' I is--tooby sho' I is! En w'at's mo' dan dat, I bin had my han's in tar-water. "To be sure I is--to be sure I is! And what's more than that, I been had my hands in tar-water. "

"I year talk er dat," "I hear talk of that," remarked Aunt Tempy, with an approving nod.

"Yasser! in de natal tar-water," "Yes sir! in the natural tar-water," continued Uncle Remus. "You put yo' han' in a pa'tridge nes', en he'll quit dem premises dough he done got 'lev'm dozen aigs in dar. Same wid Rabbit. Dey aint got sense lak de ole-time Rabbit, but I let you know dey aint gwine in no trap whar dey smell folks han's--dat dey aint. Dat w'at make I say w'at I does. Don't put yo' han' on it; don't tetch it; don't look at it skacely." "You put your hand in a patridge nest, and he'll quit them premises thought he done got elevn dozen eggs in there. Same with Rabbit. They ain't got sense like the old-time Rabbit, but I let you know they ain't going in no trap where they smell folks hands--that they ain't. That what make I say what I does. Don't put your hand on it; don't touch it; don't look at it scarcely."

The little boy subsided, but he continued to cast longing looks at the trap, seeing which Uncle Remus sought to change the current of his thoughts.

"She bin er mighty heap er trouble, mon, yet I mighty glad I tuck'n make dat ar trap. She's a solid un, sho',
en ef dey wuz ter be any skaceness er vittles, I lay dat ar trap 'ud help us all out."
"She been her mighty heap of trouble, man, yet I mighty glad I took and make that there trap. She's as solid one, sure,
and if there was to be any scarceness of vittles, I lay that there trap would help us all out."

"De Lord knows," "The Lord knows," exclaimed Aunt Tempy, rubbing her fat hands together, "I hope dey aint gwine ter be no famishin' 'roun' yer mungs we all." "I hope they ain't going to be no famishing around here amongs we all."

"Likely not," said Uncle Remus, "yet de time mought come w'en a big swamp rabbit kotch in dat ar trap would go a mighty long ways in a fambly no bigger dan w'at mine is." "yet the time might come when a big swamp rabbit catch in that there trap would go a mighty long ways in a family no bigger than what mine is."

"Mo' speshually," "Most especially," remarked Aunt Tempy, "ef you put dat wid w'at de neighbors mought sen' in." "if you put that with what the neighbors might send it."

"Eh-eh!" Uncle Remus exclaimed, "don't you put no 'pennunce in dem neighbors--don't you do it. W'en famine time come one man aint no better dan no yuther man 'ceppin' he be soopless; en he got ter be mighty soople at dat." "don't you put no penance in them neighbors--don't you do it. When famine time come one man ain't no better than no other man excepting he be soupless; and he got to be mighty supple."

The old man paused and glanced at the little boy. The child was still looking longingly at the trap, and Uncle Remus leaned forward and touched him lightly on the shoulder. It was a familiar gesture, gentle and yet rough, a token of affection, and yet a command to attention; for the venerable darkey could be imperious enough when surrendering to the whims of his little partner.

"All dish yer talk 'bout folks pe'shin' out," "All this here tolk about folks perishing out," Uncle Remus went on with an indifferent air, "put me in min' er de times w'en de creeturs tuck'n got up a famine mungs deyse'f. Hit come 'bout dat one time vittles wuz monst'us skace en high, en money mighty slack. Long ez dey wuz any vittles gwine 'roun', Brer Rabbit, he 'uz
'boun' ter git he sheer un um, but bimeby hit come ter dat pass dat Brer Rabbit stomach 'gun ter pinch 'im; en w'iles he gettin' hongry de yuther creeturs, dey uz gettin' hongry deyse'f. Hit went on dis away twel one day Brer Rabbit en Brer Wolf meet up wid one er n'er in de big road, en atter dey holler howdy dey sat down, dey did, en make a bargain.
"put me in mind of the times when the creatures took and got up a famine amongs theyself. It come about that one time vittles was monstrous scarce and high, and money mighty slack. Long as there ws any vittles going around, Brother Rabbit, he was
bound to get his share of them, but by and by it come to that pass tht Brother Rabit stomach begun to pinch him; and whiles he getting hungry the other creatures, the was getting hungry theyself. It went on this a-wy till one day Brother Rabbit and Brother Wolf meet up with one another in the big road, and after they holler howdy they sat down, they did, and make a bargin.

"Dey tuck'n 'gree wid one er n'er dat dey sell der mammy en take de money en git sump'n n'er ter eat. Brer Wolf, he 'low, he did, dat bein's hit seem lak he de hongriest creetur on de face er de yeth, dat he sell his mammy fus', en den, atter de vittles gin out, Brer Rabbit he kin sell he own mammy en git some mo' grub. "They took and agree with one another that they sell th mammy and take the money and get something or another to eat. Brother Wolf, he allow, he did, that being's it seem like he the hungriest creature on the face of the earth, that he seel his mammy first, and then, after the vittle gin out, Brother Rabbit he can seel his own mammy and get some more grub.

"Ole Brer Rabbit, he chipt in en 'greed, he did, en Brer Wolf, he tuck'n hitch up he team, en put he mammy in de waggin, en den him en Brer Rabbit druv off. Man come 'long: "Old Brother Rabbit, he crept in and agreed, he did, and Brother Wolf, took and hitch up his team, and put his mammy in the wagon, and then he and Brother Rabbit drove off. Man come along:

"'Whar you gwine?' "'Where you going?'

"'Gwine 'long down ter town, "'Going along down to town,
Wid a bag er co'n fer ter sell; "With a bag of corn for to sell;
We aint got time fer ter stop en talk, We ain't got time for to stop and talk,
Yit we wish you mighty well!' Yet we wish you mighty well!'

"Did they talk poetry that way, Uncle Remus?" the little boy inquired.

"Shoo! lot's wuss dan dat, honey. Dey wuz constant a gwine on dat away, en ef I wa'n't gittin' so mighty weak-kneed in de membunce I'd bust aloose yer en I'd fair wake you up wid de gwines on er dem ar creeturs. "Shoot! lot's worse than that, honey. They was constant a going on that a-way, and if I wasn't getting so mighty weak-kneed in the rememberance I'd bust aloose here and I'd fair wake you up with the goings on of them there creatures.


"Now, den, dey tuck'n kyar Brer Wolf mammy ter town en sell 'er, en dey start back wid a waggin-load er vittles. De day wuz a wanin' en de sun wuz a settin'. De win' tuck'n blow up sorter stiff, en de sun look red when she settin'. Dey druv on, en druv on. De win' blow, en de sun shine red. Bimeby, Brer Wolf scrooch up en shiver, en 'low: "Now, then, they took and carry Brother Wolf mammy to town and sell her, and they start back with a wagon-load of vittles. The day was a waning and the sun was a setting. Then window took and blow up sort of stiff, and the sun look red when she setting. They drove on, and drove on. The wind blow, and the sun shine red. By and by, Brother Wolf scrooch up and shiver, and allow:

"'Brer Rabbit, I'm a gittin' mighty cole.' 'Brother Rabbit, I'm a getting mighty cold.'

"Brer Rabbit, he laugh en 'low: "Brother Rabbit, he laugh and allow:

"'I'm a gittin' sorter creepy myself, Brer Wolf.' 'I'm getting sort of creepy myself, Brother Wolf.'

"Dey druv on en druv on. Win' blow keen, sun shine red. Brer Wolf scrooch up in little knot. Bimeby he sing out: "They drove and drove on. Wind blow keen, sun shine red. Brother Wolk scrooch up in little knot. By and by he sang out:

"'Brer Rabbit, I'm freezin'! I'm dat cole I dunner w'at ter do!' 'Brother Rabbit, I'm freezing! I'm that cold I don't know what to do!'

"Brer Rabbit, he p'int ter de settin' sun en say: "Brother Rabbit, he point to the setting sun and say:

"'You see dat great big fier 'cross dar in de woods, Brer Wolf? Well, dey aint nothin' ter hender you fum gwine dar en wommin' yo'se'f en I'll wait yer fer you. Gimme de lines, Brer Wolf, en you go wom yo'se'f all over.' 'You see that great big fire across there in the woods, Brother Wolf? Well, there ain't nothing to hinder you from going there and warming yourself and I'll wait here for you. Give me the lines, Brother Wolf, and you go warm yourself all over.'

"Wid dat Brer Wolf, he put out des ez hard ez he kin, fer ter see ef he can't fin' de fier, en wiles he wuz gone, bless goodness, w'at should Brer Rabbit do but cut off de hosses' tails en stick um down deep in de mud--" "With that Brother Wolf, he put out just as hard as he can, for to see if he can't find the fire, and whiles he was gone, bless goodness, what should Brother Rabbit do but cut off the horses' tails and stick them down deep in the mud--"

"Le' 'im 'lone, now! Des le' 'im 'lone!" "Let him alone, now! Just let him alone!" exclaimed Aunt Tempy in an ecstasy of admiration.

"He stick de hosses' tails down in de mud," "He stick the horses' tails down in the mud," continued
Uncle Remus, "en den he tuck'n druv de waggin 'way off in de swamp en hide it. Den he tuck'n come back, ole Brer Rabbit did, fer ter wait fer Brer Wolf. "and then he took and drove the wagon way off in the swamp and hide it. Then he took and come back, old Brother Rabbit did, for to wait for Brother Wolf.

"Atter so long a time, sho' nuff, yer come Brer Wolf des a gallin-up back. Brer Rabbit he hail 'im. "After so long a time, sure enough, here come Brother Wolf just a gallin-up back. Brother Rabbit he hail him.

"'Is you wom yo'se'f, Brer Wolf?' 'Is you warm yourself, Brother Wolf?'

"'Brer Rabbit, don't talk! Dat de mas' seetful fier w'at I had any speunce un. I run, en I run, en I run, en de mo w'at I run de furder de fier git. De nigher you come ter dat fier de furder hit's off.' 'Brother Rabbit, don't talk! That the most deceitful fire waht I had any speunce on. I run, and I run, and I run, and the more what I run the further the fire get. The nearer you come to that fire the further it's off.'

"Brer Rabbit, he sorter scratch hisse'f behime de shoulder-blade, en 'low: "Brother Rabbit, he sort of scratch hisself behind the shoulder-blade, and allow:

"‘Nummine 'bout de fier, Brer Wolf. I got sump'n yer dat'll wom you up. Ef you aint nev' bin wom befo', I lay you'll get wom dis time.' 'Nevermind about the fire, Brother Wolf. I got something here that'll warm you up. If you ain't never been warm before, I lay you'll get warm this time.'

"Dis make Brer Wolf sorter look 'roun', en w'en he see Brer Rabbit hol'in' on ter de two hoss-tails, he up'n squall out, he did: "This make Brother Wolf sort of look around, and when he see Brother Rabbit holding on to the two horse-tails, he up ans squall out, he did:

"‘Lawdy mussy, Brer Rabbit! Whar my vittles? Whar my waggin? Whar my hosses?' 'Lord have mercy, Brother Rabbit! Where my vittles? Where my wagon? Where my horses?'

"‘Dey er all right yer, Brer Wolf; dey er all right yer. I stayed dar whar you lef' me twel de hosses gun ter git restless. Den I cluck at um, en, bless gracious, dey start off en lan' in a quicksan'. W'en dey gun ter mire, I des tuck'n tu'n eve'y thing a-loose en grab de hosses by de tail, en I bin stan'in' yer wishin' fer you, Brer Wolf, twel I done gone gray in de min'. I 'low ter myse'f dat I'd hang on ter deze yer hoss-tails ef it killt eve'y cow in de islan'. Come he'p me, Brer Wolf, en I


lay we'll des natally pull de groun' out but wat we'll git deze creeturs out.'
'They are all right here, Brother Wolf; they are all right here. I stayed there where you left me till the horses begun to get restless. Then I cluck at the, and bless gracious, they start off and land in a quicksand. When they begun to mire, I just took and turn everything a-loose and grab the horses by the tail, and I been standing here wishing for you, Brother Wolf, till I done gone gray in the mind. I allow to myself that I'd hand on to these here horse-tails if it killed every cow in the island. Come help me, Brother Wolf, and I


lay we'll just naturally pull the ground out but what we'll get these creatures out.'

"Wid dat, Brer Wolf, he kotch holt er one hoss-tail, en Brer Rabbit, he kotch holt er de yuther, en w'en dey pull, co'se de tails come out'n de mud. Dey stood dar, dey did, en dey look at de tails en den dey look at one n'er. Bimeby Brer Rabbit 'low: "With that, Brother Wolf, he caught hold of one horse-tail, and Brother Rabbit, he caught hold of the other, and when they pull, course the tails come out of the mud. They stood there, they did, and they look at the tails and then they look at one another. By and By Brother Rabbit allow:

"'Well, sir, Brer Wolf; we pull so hard twel we pull de tails plum out!' 'Well, sir, Brother Wolf; we pull so hard till we pull the tails plum out!'

"'Ole Brer Wolf, he dunner w'at ter do, but it gun ter git dark, en 'twa'n't long 'fo' he tell Brer Rabbit good-by, en off he put fer home. Dat ar Brer Rabbit," "'Old Brother Wolf, he don't know what to do, but it begun to get dark, and it wasn't long before he tell Brother Rabbit good-bye, and off he put for home. That our Brother Rabbit," Uncle Remus went on, "he des tuck'n wait twel Brer Wolf git out'n yearin', en den he went into de swamp en druv de hosses home en git all de vittles, en he aint hatter sell he ole mammy n'er. Dat he aint." "he just took and wait till Brother Wolf get out and hearing, and then he went into the swamp and drove the horses home and get all the vittles, and he ain't have to sell his old mammy never. That he ain't."


To all appearances Daddy Jack had taken no interest in Uncle Remus's story of the horses' tails, and yet, as soon as the little boy and Aunt Tempy were through laughing at a somewhat familiar climax, the old African began to twist and fidget in his chair, and mumble to himself in a lingo which might have been understood on
the Guinea coast, but which sounded out of place in Uncle Remus's Middle Georgia cabin. Presently, however, his uneasiness took tangible shape. He turned around and exclaimed impatiently:

"Shuh-shuh! w'en you sta't fer tell-a dem tale, wey you no tell um lak dey stan'? 'E bery bad fer twis' dem tale 'roun' un 'roun'. Wey you no talk um stret?" "Shuh-shuh! when you start for tell-a them tale, why you not tell them like they stand? He very bad for twist them tale around and around. Why you no talk them straight?"

"Well, Brer Jack," "Well, Brother Jack," said Uncle Remus, smiling good- humoredly upon the queer little old man, "ef we done gone en got dat ar tale all twis' up, de way fer you ter do is ter whirl in en ontwis' it, en we-all folks 'll set up yer en he'p you out plum twel Mars. John comes a hollerin' en a bawlin atter dish yer baby; en atter he done gone ter bed, den me en sis Tempy yer we ull set up wid you plum twel de chickens crow fer day. Dem's de kinder folk we all is up yer. We aint got many swimps en crabs up yer in Putmon county, but w'en it come ter settin' up wid comp'ny en hangin' 'roun' atter dark fer ter make de time pass away, we er mighty rank. Now den, Brer Jack, I done call de roll wid my eye, en we er all yer 'ceppin' dat ar 'Tildy gal, en 'twon't be long 'fo' she'll be a drappin' in. Run over in yo' min', en whar my tale 'uz wrong, des whirl in en put 'er ter rights." "if we done gone and got that there tale all twisted up, the way for you to do is to whirl in and untwist it, and we-all folks'll set up here and help you out plum till tomorrow. John comes a hollering and a bawling after this here baby; and after he done gone to bed, then me and sis Tempy here we will set up with you plum till the chickens crow for day. Them's the kind of folk we all is up here. We ain't got many shrimps and crabs, up here in Putmon county, but when it come to settin gup with company and hanging around after dark for to make the time pass away, we are mighty rank. Now then, Brother Jack, I done call the roll with my eye, and we are all here expecting that there 'Tildy gal, and it won't be long before she'll be a dropping in. Run over in your mind, and where my tale was wrong, just whirl in and put her to rights."

"Shuh-shuh!" exclaimed the old African, "Oona no git dem tale stret. I yed dem wey me lif; 'e soun' lak dis : One tam dem bittle bin git bery skace. Da rice crop mek nuttin; da fish swim low; da bud fly high. Hard times bin come dey-dey. 'E so hard, dem creeturs do git honkry fer true. B'er Rabbit un B'er Wolf dey come pit
bote 'e head tergerrer; dey is mek talk how honkry dey is way down in da belly.
"Oona no get them tale straight. I heard them where me live; he sound like this : One time them vittle been get very scarce. The rice crop make nothing; the fish swim low; the bud fly high. Hard times been come there-there. He so hard, them creatures do get hungry for true. Brother Rabbit and Brother Wolf they come put
both their heads together; they is make talk how hungry they is way down in the belly.

"Bumbye, B'er Rabbit, 'e shed 'e y-eye, 'e say dey mus' kill dey gran'mammy. B'er Wolf say 'e mek 'e y-eye come wat'ry fer yeddy da talk lak dat. B'er Rabbit say: "By and by, Brother Rabbit, he shade his y-eye, he say there must kill the grandmammy. Brother Wolf say he make his y-eye come watery for any the talk like that. Brother Rabbit say:

"‘Ki, B'er Wolf! da water come in you' eye wun you is bin honkry. Me y-eye done bin-a come wat'ry so long tam befo' I bin talky wit' you 'bout we granmammy. 'Ki, Brother Wolf! the water com ein your eye when you is been hungry. Me y-eye done been-a come watery so long time before I been talky with you about we granmammy. '

"B'er Wolf, 'e der keep on cryin'; 'e wipe 'e y-eye 'pon 'e coat-sleef. B'er Rabbit, 'e bin say:

"‘Ef you is bin tek it so ha'd lak dis, B'er Wolf, 'e bery good fer kill-a you granmammy fus, so you is kin come glad ag'in.' 'If you is been take it so hard like this, Brother Wolf, he very good for kill-a you granmammy first, so you is can come glad again.'

"B'er Wolf, 'e go dry 'e y-eye un kill 'e granmammy, un dey is bin tek 'im granmammy off un sell um fer bittle. Dun dey is bin eat dis bittle day un night tell 'e all done gone. Wun-a tam come fer B'er Rabbit fer kill 'e granmammy, B'er Wolf, 'e go bisitin 'im. 'E say: "Brother Wolf, he go dry his y-eye and kill his granmammy, and they is been take him granmammy off and sell them for vitle. Then they is been eat this vittle day and night till they all done gone. When-a time come for Brother Rabbit for kill his granmammy, Brother Wolf, he go visiting him. He say:

"‘B'er Rabbit, I is bin-a feel honkry troo un troo. Less we kill-a you' granmammy.' 'Brother Rabbit, I is been-a feel hungry through and through. Less we kill-a your granmammy.'

"B'er Rabbit lif', up 'e head high; 'e lahff. E' shekky one year, 'e shed-a one eye. 'E say: "Brother Rabbit lift, up his head high; he laugh. He shakey one ear, he shed-a one eye. He say:

"‘Eh-eh, B'er Wolf, you tink I gwan kill-a me granmammy? Oh, no, B'er Wolf I Me no kin do dat.' 'Eh-eh, Brother Wolf, you think I gonna kill-a me granmammy? Oh, no, Brother Wolf i Me no can do that.'

"Dis mek B'er Wolf wuss mad den 'e is bin befo'. 'E fair teer de yet' wit' 'e claw; 'e yowl sem lak Injun mans. 'E say 'e gwan make B'er Rabbit kill 'e granmammy no-how. "This make Brother Wolf worse mad than he is been before. He fair tear the gate with his claw; he yowl seem like Injun mans. He say he gonna make Brother Rabbit kill his granmammy no-how.


"B'er Rabbit say 'e gwan see 'im 'bout dis. 'E tek 'e granmammy by da han'; 'e lead um way off in da woods; 'e hide um in da top one big cocoanut tree; 'e tell um fer stay deer." "Brother Rabbit say he gonna see him aobut this. He take his granmammy by the hand; he lead them way off in the woods; he hide her in the top one big coconut tree; he tell her for stay there."

The mention of a cocoanut tree caused the little boy to glance incredulously at Uncle Remus, who made prompt and characteristic reply:

"Dat's it, honey; dat's it, sho. In dem days en in dem countries dey wuz plenty er cocoanut trees. Less we all set back yer en give Brer Jack a livin' chance." "That's it, honey; that's it, shoot. In them days and in them countries there was plenty or coconut trees. Lets we all set back here and give Brother Jack a living chance."

"'E hide 'e granmammy in top cocoanut tree," "He hid his granmammy in top coconut tree," continued Daddy Jack, "un 'e gi' um lilly bahskit wit' cord tie on um. In de day-mawnin', B'er Rabbit, 'e is bin go at da foot da tree. 'E make 'e v'ice fine; 'e holler: "and he get them little basket with cord tie on it. In the day-morning, Brother Rabbit, he is been go at the foot the tree. He make his device fine; he holler;

"‘Granny!--Granny!--O Granny! Jutta cord-la!'

"Wun 'e granny yeddy dis, 'e let bahskit down wit' da cord, un B'er Rabbit 'e fill um wit' bittle un somet'ing t'eat. Ebry day dey is bin-a do dis ting; ebry day B'er Rabbit is come fer feed 'e granny. "When his granny heardy this, he let basket down with the cord, and Brother Rabbit he fill them with vittle and something to eat. Every day they is been-a do this thing; every day Brother Rabbit is come for feed his granny.

"B'er Wolf 'e watch, 'e lissun; 'e sneak up, 'e creep up, 'e do lissun. Bumbye,'e do yeddy B'er Rabbit call; 'e see da bahskit swing down, 'e see um go back. Wun B'er Rabbit bin-a go way fum dey-dey, B'er Wolf, 'e come by da root da tree. 'E holler; 'e do say: "Brother Wolf he watch, he listen; he sneak up, he creep up, he do listen. By and by, he do heardy Brother Rabbit call; he see the basket swing down, he see them go back. When Brother Rabit been-a go way from there-there, Brother Wolf, he come by the root that tree. He holler; he do say:

"'Granny!--Granny!--O Granny! Shoot-a cord-la!'

"Da ole Granny Rabbit lissun; 'e bin lis sun well. 'E say: "The old Granny Rabbit listen; she been listening well. He say:


"‘Ki! how come dis? Me son is no talky lak dis. 'E no shoot-a da cord lak dat.' 'Ki! how come this? Me son is no talky like this. He no shoot-a da cord like that.'

"Wen B'er Babbit cum back da granny is b'in-a tell um 'bout someting come-a holler shoot-a da cord-la, un B'er Rabbit, 'e lahff tell 'e is kin lahff no mo'. B'er Wolf, 'e hid in' close; 'e yed B'er Rabbit crackin' 'e joke; 'e is git bery mad. "When Brother Rabbit come back the granny is been-a-tell him about something come-a holler shoot-a da cord-la, and Brother Rabbit, he laught till he is can laugh no more. Brother Wolf, he hid in close; he heard Brother Rabbit cracking his joke; he is get very mad.

"Wun B'er Rabbit is gone way, Brer Wolf bin-a come back. 'E stan' by da tree root; 'e holler: "When Brother Rabbit is gone away, Brother Wolf been-a come back. He stand by the tree root; he holler:

"‘Granny!--Granny!--O Granny! Jutta cord-la!'

"Granny Rabbit hol' 'e head 'pon one side; 'e lissun good. 'E say:

"‘I bery sorry, me son, you bin hab so bad col'. You' v'ice bin-a soun' rough, me son.'

"Dun Granny Rabbit is bin peep down; 'e bin say: "Then Granny Rabbit is been peep down; he been say:

"‘Hi! B'er Wolf! Go way fum dey-dey . You no is bin fool-a me lak dis. Go way, B'er Wolf!' 'Hi! Brother Wolf! Go away from there-there. You no is been fool-a me like this. Go away, Brother Wolf!'

"B'er Wolf, 'e come bery mad; 'e grin tell 'e tush bin shiun. 'E go in da swamp; 'e scratch 'e head; 'e t'ink. Bumbye, 'e go bisitin' one Blacksmit', un'e ahx 'im how kin 'e do fer make 'e v'ice come fine lak B'er Rabbit v'ice. Da Blacksmit', 'e say: "Brother Wolf, he come very mad; he grin till his tooth been shown. He go in the swamp; he scratch his head; he think. By and by, he go visiting one Blacksmith, and he ask him how can he do for make his voice come fine like Brother Rabbit voice. The Blacksmith, he say:

"‘Come, B'er Wolf; I run, dis red-hot poker in you' t'roat, 'e mekky you talk easy.' "'Come, Brother Wolf; I run, this red-hot poker in your throat, he makey you talk easy.'

"B'er Wolf say, 'Well, I lak you for mekky me v'ice fine.' "Brother Wolf say, 'Well, I like you for makey me voice fine.'

"Dun da Blacksmit' run da red-hot poker in B'er Wolf t'roat, un 'e hu't um so bad, 'tiss-a bin long tam' befo' B'er
Wolf kin tekky da long walk by da cocoanut tree. Bumbye 'e git so 'e kin come by, un wun 'e git dey-dey, 'e holler:
"Then the Blacksmith run the red-hot poker in Brother Wolf throat, and he hurt him so bad, it's-a been long time before Brother
Wolf can takey the long walk by the coconut tree. By and by he get so he can come by, and when he get there-there, he holler:

"'Granny!--Granny!--O Granny! Jutta cord-la!'

"Da v'ice soun' so nice un fine da' Granny Rabbit is bin t'ink 'e B'er Rabbit v'ice, un 'e is bin-a let da bahskit down. B'er Wolf, 'e shekky da cord lak 'e is put some bittle in da bahskit, un dun 'e is bin-a git in 'ese'f. B'er Wolf, 'e keep still. Da Granny Rabbit pull on da cord; 'e do say: "The voice sound so nice and fine the Granny Rabbit is been think he Brother Rabbit voice, and she is been-a let the basket down. Brother Wolf, he skakey the cord like he is put some vittle in the basket, and then he is been-a get in hisself. Brother Wolf, he keep still. The Granny Rabbit pull on the cord; she do say:

"‘Ki! 'e come he'ffy; 'e he'ffy fer true. Me son, 'e love 'e Granny heap.' 'Ki! he come heavy; he heavy for true. Me son, he love his Granny heap.'

"B'er Wolf, 'e do grin; 'e grin, un 'e keep still. Da Granny Rabbit pull; 'e do pull ha'd. 'E pull tell 'e is git B'er Wolf mos' by da top, un dun'e stop fer res'. B'er Wolf look-a down, 'e head swim; 'e look up, 'e mout' water; 'e look-a down 'g'in, 'e see B'er Rabbit. ‘E git skeer, 'e juk on da rope. B'er Rabbit, 'e do holler: "Brother Wolf, he do grin; he grin, and he keep still. The Granny Rabbit pull; she do pull hard. She pull till she is get Brother Wolf most by the top, and the she stop for rest. Brother Wolf look-a down, his head swim; he look up, his mouth water; he look-a down again, he see Brother Rabbit. He get scared, he jerk on the rope. Brother Rabbit, he do holler:

"‘Granny!--Granny!--O Granny! Cutta cord-la!'

"Da Granny Rabbit cut da cord, un B'er Wolf is fall down un broke 'e neck." "The Granny Rabbit cut the cord, and Brother Wolf is fall down and broke his neck."



The little boy observed that Aunt Tempy was very much interested in Daddy Jack's story. She made no remarks while the old African was telling it, but she was busily engaged in measuring imaginary quilt patterns on her apron with her thumb and forefinger,--a sure sign that her interest had been aroused. When Daddy Jack had concluded--when, with a swift, sweeping gesture of his wrinkled hand, he cut the cord and allowed Brother Wolf to perish ignominiously--Aunt Tempy drew a long breath, and said:

"‘Dat ar tale come 'cross me des like a dream. Hit put me in mine er one w'at I year w'en I wuz little bit er gal. Look like I kin see myse'f right now, settin' flat down on de h'ath lis'nin' at ole Unk Monk. You know'd ole Unk Monk, Brer Remus. You bleeze ter know'd 'im. Up dar in Ferginny. I 'clar’ ter goodness, it make me feel right foolish. Brer Remus, I des know you know'd Unk Monk." "'That there tale come across me just like a dream. It put he in mind of one what I hear when I was little bit of a gal. Look like I can see myself right now, sitting flat down on the hearth listening at old Uncle Monk. You know'd old Uncle Monk, Brother Remus. You pleased to know'd him. Up there in Virginny. I declare to goodness, it make me feel right foolish. Brother Remus, I just know you know'd Uncle Monk."

For the first time in many a day the little boy saw Uncle Remus in a serious mood. He leaned forward in his chair, shook his head sadly, as he gazed into the fire.

"Ah, Lord, Sis Tempy!" he exclaimed sorrowfully,
"don't less we all go foolin' roun' mungs dem ole times. De bes' kinder bread gits sour. Wat's yistiddy wid us wuz 'fo' de worl' begun wid dish yer chile. Dat's de way I looks at it." "don't let's we all go fooling around amongs them old times. The best kind of bread gets sour. What's yesterday with us was before the world begun with this here child. That's the way I looks at it."

"Dat's de Lord's trufe, Brer Remus," "That's the Lord's truth, Brother Remus," exclaimed Aunt Tempy with unction, "un I mighty glad you call me ter myse'f’. Little mo' un I'd er sot right yer un 'a' gone 'way back to Ferginny, un all on 'count er dat ar tale w'at I year long time ago." "nd I mighty glad you call me to myself. Little more and I'd of sat right here and a-gone away back to Virginny, and all on account of that there tale what I hear long time ago."

"What tale was that, Aunt Tempy?" asked the little boy.

"Eh-eh, honey!" replied Aunt Tempy, with a display of genuine bashfulness; "eh-eh, honey! I 'fraid you all 'll set up dar un laugh me outer de house. I aint dast ter tell no tale 'long side er Brer Remus un Daddy Jack yer. I 'fraid I git it all mix up." "eh-eh, honey! I afraid you all will sit up there and laugh me out of the house. I aint dares to tell no tale along side of Brother Remus and Daddy Jack here. I afraid I get it all mix up."

The child manifested such genuine disappointment that Aunt Tempy relented a little.

"Ef you all laugh, now," "If you all laugh, now," she said, with a threatening air, "I'm des gwine ter pick up en git right out er dish yer place. Dey aint ter be no laughin', kaze de tale w'at I year in Ferginny aint no laughin' tale." "I'm just going to pick up and get right out of this here place. There ain't to be no laughing, cause the tale what I hear in Virginny ain't no laughing tale."

With this understanding Aunt Tempy adjusted her head-handkerchief, looked around rather sheepishly, as Uncle Remus declared afterwards in confidence to the little boy, and began:

"Well, den, in de times w'en Brer Rabbit un Brer Fox live in de same settlement wid one er n'er, de season's tuck'n come wrong. De wedder got hot un den a long
dry drouth sot in, un it seem like dat de natal leaf on de trees wuz gwine ter tu'n ter powder."
"Well, then, in the times when Brother Rabbit and Brother Fox live in the same settlement with one another near, the season's took and come wrong. The weather got hot and then a long
dry drought sat in, and it seem like that the natural leaf on the tree was going to turn to powder."

Aunt Tempy emphasized her statements by little backward and forward movements of her head, and the little boy would have laughed, but a warning glance from Uncle Remus prevented him.

"De leaf on de trees look like dey gwine ter tu'n ter powder, un de groun' look like it done bin cookt. All de truck w'at de creeturs plant wuz all parched up, un dey wa'n't no crops made nowhars. Dey dunner w'at ter do. Dey run dis away, dey run dat away; yit w'en dey quit runnin' dey dunner whar dey bread comin' frun. Dis de way it look ter Brer Fox, un so one day w'en he got a mighty hankerin' atter sumpin' sorter joosy, he meet Brer Rabbit in de lane, un he ax um, sezee: "The leaf on the trees look like they going to turn to powder, and the ground look like it done been cooked. All the truck what the creatures plant was all parched up, and they wasn't no crops made nowheres. They didn't know what to do. They run this a-way, they run that a-way; yet when they quit running they don't know where their bread coming from. This the way of it look to Brother Fox, and so one day when he got a mighty hankering after something sort of juicey, he meet Brother Rabbi in the lane, and he ask him, says he:

"'Brer Rabbit, whar'bouts our bread comin' frun?' 'Brother Rabbit, whereabouts our bread coming from?'

"Brer Rabbit, he bow, he did, un answer, sezee: "Brother Rabbit, he bow, he did, and answer, says he:

"'Look like it mought be comin' frun nowhar,' sezee. "'Look like it might be coming from nowhere,' says he.

"You see dat, honey!" "You see that, honey!" exclaimed Uncle Remus, condescending to give the story the benefit of his patronage; "You see dat! Brer Rabbit wuz allus a-waitin' a chance fer ter crack he jokes." "You see that! Brother Rabbit was all of us a-waiting a chance for to crack his jokes."

"Yas, Lord!" "Yes, Lord!" Aunt Tempy continued, with considerable more animation; "he joke, un joke, but bimeby, he aint feel like no mo' jokin', un den he up'n say, sezee, dat him un Brer Fox better start out'n take der fammerlies wid um ter town un swap um off for some fresh-groun' meal; un Brer Fox say, sezee, dat dat look mighty fa'r and squar', un den dey tuck'n make dey 'greements. "he joke, and joke, but by and by, he ain't feel like no more joking, and then he up and say, says he, that him and Brother Fox better start out and take their families with them to town and swamp them off for some fresh-ground meal; and Brother Fox say, says he, that that look mighty fair and square, and then they took and make their agreements.


"Brer Fox wuz ter s'ply de waggin un team, un he promise dat he gwine ter ketch he fammerly un tie um hard un fast wid a red twine string. Brer Rabbit he say, sezee, dat he gwine ter ketch he fammerly un tie um all, un meet Brer Fox at de fork er de road. "Brother Fox was to supply the wagon and team, and he promise that he going to catch his family and tie them hard and fast with a red twine string. Brother Rabbit he say, says he, that he going to catch his family and tie them all, and meet Brother Fox at the fork of the road.

"Sho' nuff, soon in de mawnin', w'en Brer Fox draw up wid he waggin, he holler 'Wo!' un Brer Rabbit he tuck'n holler back, 'Wo yo'se'f!' un den Brer Fox know dey 'uz all dar. Brer Fox, he tuck'n sot up on de seat, un all er he fammerly, dey wuz a-layin' under de seat. Brer Rabbit, he tuck'n put all he fammerly in de behime een' er de waggin' un he say, sezee, dat he speck he better set back dar twel dey git sorter usen ter dey surrounderlings, un den Brer Fox crack he whip, un off dey wen toze town. Brer Fox, he holler ev'y once in a w'ile, sezee: "Sure enough, soon in the morning, when Brother Fox draw up with his wagon, he holler 'Wo!' and Brother Rabbit he took and holler back, 'Wo yourself!' and then Brother Fox know they was all there. Brother Fox, he took and sat up on the seat, and all of his family, they was a-laying under the seat. Brother Rabbit, he took nd put all his family in the behind end of the wagon and he say, says he, that he suspect he better set back there till they get sort of used to their surroundings, and then Brother Fox crack his whip, and off they went towards town. Brother Fox, he holler every once in a while, says he:

"'No noddin' back dar, Brer Rabbit!' 'No nodding back there, Brother Rabbit!'

"Brer Rabbit he holler back, sezee: "Brother Rabbit he holler back, says he:

"'Brer Fox, you miss de ruts en de rocks, un I'll miss de noddin'.' 'Brother Fox, you miss the roots and the rocks, and I'll miss the nodding.'

"But all dat time, bless yo' soul! Brer Rabbit wuz settin dar ontyin' he ole 'oman un he childun, w'ich dey wuz sev'm uv um. W'en he git um all ontie, Brer Rabbit, he tuck'n h'ist hisse'f on de seat 'long er Brer Fox, un dey sot dar un talk un laugh 'bout de all-sorts er times dey gwine ter have w'en dey git de co'n meal. Brer Fox sez, sezee, he gwine ter bake hoecake; Brer Rabbit sez, sezee, he gwine ter make ashcake. "But all that time, bless your soul! Brother Rabbit was sitting there untying his old woman and his children, which they was seven of them. When he get them all untie, Brother Rabbit, he took and hoist hisself on the seat along of Brother Fox, and they sat there and talk and laugh about the all-sorts of times they going to have when they get the corn meal. Brother Fox says, says he, he going to bake hoecake; Brother Rabbit says, says he, he going to make ashcake.

"Des 'bout dis time one er Brer Rabbit's childun raise
hisse'f up easy un hop out de waggin. Miss Fox, she sing out:
"Just about this time one of Brother Rabbit's children raise
hisself up easy and hop out the wagon. Miss Fox, she sing out:

"'One frun sev'm "'One from seven
Don't leave 'lev'm.' Don't leave eleven.'

"Brer Fox hunch he ole 'oman wid he foot fer ter make 'er keep still. Bimeby 'n'er little Rabbit pop up un hop out. Miss Fox say, se' she: "Brother Fox hunch his old woman with his foot for to make her keep still. By and by another little Rabbit pop up and hop out. Miss Fox say, says she:

"'One frun six "'One from six
Leaves me less kicks.'

"Brer Fox go on talkin' ter Brer Rabbit, un Brer Rabbit go on talkin' ter Brer Fox, un 'twa'n't so mighty long 'fo' all Brer Rabbit fammerly done pop up un dive out de waggin, un ev'y time one 'ud go Miss Fox she 'ud fit it like she did de yuthers." "Brother Fox go on talking to Brother Rabbit, and Brother Rabbit go on talking to Brother Fox, and it wasn't so mighty long before all Brother Rabbit family done pop up and dive out of the wagon, and every time one would go Miss Fox she would fit it like she did the others."

"What did she say, Aunt Tempy?" asked the little boy, who was interested in the rhymes.

"Des lemme see--

"'One frun five "'One from five
Leaves four alive;

"'One frun four "'One from four
Leaves th'ee un no mo'; Leaves three and no more;

"'One frun th'ee "'On from three
Leaves two ter go free; Leaves two to go free;

"'One frun one, "'One from one
Un all done gone.'" And all done gone.'"

"What did Brother Rabbit do then?" inquired the little boy.


"Better ax w'at Brer Fox do," "Better ask what Brother Fox do," replied Aunt Tempy, pleased with the effect of her rhymes. "Brer Fox look 'roun' atter w'ile un w'en he see dat all Brer Rabbit fammerly done gone, he lean back un holler 'Wo!' un den he say, sezee: "Brother Fox look around after while and when he see that all Brothe Rabbit family done gone, he lean back and holler 'Wo!' and then he say, says he:

"'In de name er goodness, Brer Rabbit! whar all yo' folks?' 'In the name of goodness, Brother Rabbit! where all your folks?'

"Brer Rabbit look 'roun', un den he make like he cryin'. He des fa'rly boo-hoo'd, un he say, sezee: "Brother Rabbit look around, and then he make like he crying. He just fairly boo-hoo'd, and he say, says he:

"'Dar now, Brer Fox! I des know'd dat ef I put my po' little childuns in dar wid yo' folks dey'd git e't up. I des know'd it!' 'There now, Brother Fox! I just know'd tht if I put my poor little children in there with your folks they'd get eat up. I just know'd it!'

"Ole Miss Fox, she des vow she aint totch Brer Rabbit fammerly. But Brer Fox, he bin wantin' a piece un um all de way, un he begrudge um so dat he git mighty mad wid he ole 'oman un de childuns, un he say, sezee: "Old Miss Fox, she just vow she ain't touch Brother Rabbit family. But Brother Fox, he been wanting a piece of them all the way, and he begrudge them so that he get mighty mad with his old woman and the children, and he say, says he:

"'You kin des make de most er dat, kaze I'm a gwine ter bid you good riddance dis ve'y day;' un, sho' 'nuff, Brer Fox tuck'n tuck he whole fammerly ter town un trade um off fer co'n. "'You can just make the most of that, cause I'm a going to bid you good riddance this very day;' and, sure enough, Brother Fox took and took his whole family to town and trade them off for corn.

"Brer Rabbit wuz wid 'em, des ez big ez life un twice ez natchul. Dey start back, dey did, un w'en dey git four er five mile out er town, hit come 'cross Brer Fox min' dat he done come away un lef' a plug er terbacker in de sto', en he say he bleeze ter go back atter it. "Brother Rabbit was with them, just as big as life and twice as natural. They start back, they did, and when they get four or five mile out of town, it come across Brother Fox mind that he done come away and left a plug of tobbacco in the store, and he say he pleased to go back after it.

"Brer Rabbit, he say, sezee, dat he'll stay en take keer er de waggin, w'ile Brer Fox kin run back un git he terbacker. Soon ez Brer Fox git out er sight, Brer Rabbit laid de hosses under line un lash un drove de waggin
home, un put de hosses in he own stable, un de co'n in de smoke-house, un de waggin in de barn, un den he put some co'n in he pocket, un cut de hosses tails off, un went back up de road twel he come ter a quog-mire, un in dat he stick de tails un wait fer Brer Fox.
"Brother Rabbit, he say, says he, that he'll stay and take care of the wagon, while Brother Fox run back and get his tobacco. Soon as Brother Fox get out of sight, Brother Rabbit laid the horses undeer line and lash and drove the wagon
home, and put the horses in his own stable, and the corn in the smoke-house tails off, and went back up the road till he come to a quag-mire, and in that he stick the tails and wiat for Brother Fox.

"Atter w'ile yer he come, un den Brer Rabbit gun ter holler un pull at de tails. He say, sezee: "After while here he come, and then Brother Rabbit begun to holler and pull at the tails. He say, says he:

"'Run yer, Brer Fox! run yer! Youer des in time ef you aint too late. Run yer, Brer Fox! run yer!' 'Run here, Brother Fox! run here! You're just in time if you ain't too late. Run here, Brother Fox! run here!'

"Brer Fox, he run'd en juk Brer Rabbit away, un say, sezee: "Brother Fox, he run'd and jerk Brother Rabbit away, and say, says he:

"'Git out de way, Brer Rabbit! You too little! Git out de way, un let a man ketch holt.' 'Get out the way, Brother Rabbit! You too little! Get out the way, and let a man catch hold.'

"Brer Fox tuck holt," "Brother Fox took hold," continued Aunt Tempy, endeavoring to keep from laughing, "un he fetch'd one big pull, un I let you know dat uz de onliest pull he make, kaze de tails come out un he tu'n a back summerset. He jump up, he did, en 'gun ter grabble in de quog-mire des ez hard ez he kin. "and he fetched one big pull, and I let you know that was the onliest pull he make, cause the tails come out and he turn a back summerset. He jump up, he did, and begun to grabble in the quag-mire jut as hard as he can.

"Brer Rabbit, he stan' by, un drop some co'n in onbeknowns' ter Brer Fox, un dis make 'im grabble wuss un wuss, un he grabble so hard un ‘e grabble so long dat 'twa'n't long 'fo' he fall down dead, un so dat uz de las' er ole Brer Fox in dat day un time." "Brother Rabbit, he stand by, and drop some corn in unbeknowns' to Brother Fox, and this make him grabble worse and worse, and he grabble so hard and he grabble so long that it wasn't long before he fall down dead, and so that was the last of old Brother Fox in that day and time."

As Aunt Tempy paused, Uncle Remus adjusted his spectacles and looked at her admiringly. Then he laughed heartily.

"I declar', Sis Tempy," "I delcare, Sister Tempy," he said, after a while, "you gives
tongue same ez a lawyer. You'll hatter jine in wid us some mo'."
"you gives
tongue same as a lawyer. You'll have to join in with us some more."

Aunt Tempy closed her eyes and dropped her head on one side.

"Don't git me started, Brer Remus," Don't get me started, Brother Remus," she said, after a pause; "kaze ef you does you'll hatter set up yer long pas' yo' bed-time. "cause if you does you'll have to set up here long past your bed-time. "

"I b'leeve you, Sis Tempy, dat I does!" "I believe you, Sister Tempy, that I does!" exclaimed the old man, with the air of one who has made a pleasing discovery.


"We er sorter bin a waitin' fer Sis Tempy," "We are sort of been a waiting for Sister Tempy," Uncle Remus remarked when the little boy made his appearance the next night; "but somehow er n'er look lak she fear'd she hatter up en tell some mo' tales. En yit maybe she bin strucken down wid some kinder ailment. Dey aint no countin' on deze yer fat folks. Dey er up one minnit en down de nex'; en w'at make it dat away I be bless ef I know, kaze w'en folks is big en fat look lak dey oughter be weller dan deze yer long hongry kinder folks. but somehow or another look like he feared she have to up and tell some more tales. And yet maybe she been strucken down with some kind of ailment. They ain't no counting on these here fat folks. They are up one minute and down the next; and what make it that a-way I be bless if I know, cause when folks is big and fat look like they ought to be weller than these here long hungry kind of folks.

"Yit all de same, Brer Jack done come," "Yet all the same, Brother Jack done come," continued
Uncle Remus, "en we ull des slam de do' shet, en ef Sis Tempy come she'll des hatter hol' 'er han's 'fo' 'er face en holler out:-- "and we all just slam the door shut, and if Sister Tempy come she'll just have to hold her hands before her face and holler out:--

"'Lucky de Linktum, chucky de chin, "'Lucky the Linktum, chucky the chin,
Open de do' en let me in!' Open the dorr and let me in!'

"Oh, you kin laugh ef you wanter, but I boun' you ef Sis Tempy wuz ter come dar en say de wuds w'at I say, de button on dat ar do' 'ud des natally twis' hitse'f off but w'at 'twould let 'er in. Now, I boun' you dat!" "Oh, you can laugh if you want to, but I bound you if Sis Tempy was to come there and say the words what I say, the button on that there door would just naturally twist itself off but what it would let her in. Now, I bound you that!"

Whatever doubts the child may have had he kept to himself, for experience had taught him that it was useless to irritate the old man by disputing with him. What effect the child's silence may have had in this instance it is impossible to say, for just then Aunt Tempy came in laughing.

"You all kin des say w'at you please," "You all can just say what you please," she exclaimed, as she took her seat, "but dat ar Shucky Cordy in de tale w'at Daddy Jack done tole, bin runnin' 'roun' in my min' en zoonin' in my years all de time." "but that there Shucky Cordy in the tale what Daddy Jack done told, been running aroun din my mind and zooning in my years all the time."

"Yer too!" "You too!" exclaimed Uncle Remus, with emphasis. "Dat's me up en down. Look lak dat ar cricket over dar in de cornder done tuck it up, en now he gwine, "That's me up and down. Look like that are cricket over there in the corner done took it up, and now he going, Shucky-cordy! Shucky-cordy!'"

"Shuh-shuh!" exclaimed Daddy Jack, with vehement contempt, "'e jutta cord-la! 'E no ‘shucky-cordy' no'n 'tall."

"Well, well, Brer Jack," "Well, well, Brother Jack," said Uncle Remus, soothingly, "in deze low groun's er sorrer, you des got ter lean back
en make 'lowances fer all sorts er folks. You got ter 'low fer dem dat knows too much same ez dem w'at knows too little. A heap er sayin's en a heap er doin's in dis roun' worl' got ter be tuck on trus'. You got yo' sayin's, I got mine; you got yo' knowin's, en I got mine. Man come 'long en ax me how does de wum git in de scaly-bark.

A species of hickory-nut. The tree sheds its bark every year, hence the name, which is applied to both tree and fruit. [back]

I tell 'im right up en down, I dunno, sir. N'er man come 'long en ax me who raise de row 'twix' de buzzud en de bee-martin.

The king-bird. [back]

I tell 'im I dunno, sir. Yit, kaze I dunno," "in these low grounds or sorrer, you just got to lean back and make allowances for all sorts of folks. You got to allow for them that knows too much same as them what knows too little. A heap of sayings and a heap of doings in this round world got to be took on trust. You got your sayings, I got mine; you got your knowings, and I got mine. Man come along and ask me how does the worm get in the scaly-bark. I tell him righ tup and down, I don't know, sir. Never man come along and ask me who raise the row between the buzzed and the bee-martin. I tell him I don't know, sir. Yet cause I don't know," continued Uncle Remus, "dat don't hender um. Dar dey is, spite er dat,--wum in de scaly-bark, bee-martin atter de buzzud." "that don't hinder them, There they is, spite of that,--worm in the scaly-bark, bee-martin after the buzzed."

"Dat's so," "That's so," exclaimed Aunt Tempy, "dat's de 'Lord's trufe!" "that's the Lord's truth!"

"Dat ar pullin' at de string," "That are pulling at the strings," Uncle Remus went on, "en dat ar hollerin' 'bout shucky-cordy" "and that are hollering about shucky-cordy" --

"Jutta cord-la!" said Daddy Jack, fiercely.

"'Bout de watsizname," "About the whatsitsname," said Uncle Remus, with a lenient and forgiving smile,--"all dish yer hollerin' en gwine on 'bout de watsizname put me in min' er one time w'en Brer Rabbit wuz gwine off fum home fer ter git a mess er green truck. "all this here hollering and going on about the whatsitname put me in mind of one time when Brother Rabbit was going off from hom for to get a mess of gree truck.

"W'en Brer Rabbit git ready fer ter go, he call all he chilluns up, en he tell um 'dat w'en he' go out dey mus' fas'n de do' on de inside, en dey mus'n tu'n nobody in, nohow, kaze Brer Fox en Brer Wolf bin layin' 'roun'
waitin' chance fer ter nab um. En he tuck'n tole um dat w'en he come back, he'd rap at de do' en sing:
"When Brother Rabbit get ready for to go, he call all his children up, and he tell them that when he go out they must fasten the door on the inside, and they mustn't turn nobody in, nohow, cause Brother Fox and Brother Wolf been laying around
waiting chance for to nab them. And he took and told them that when he come back, he'd rap at the door and sing:

"'I'll stay w'en you away, "'I'll stay when you away,
Kaze no gol' will pay toll!' Cause no gold will pay toll!"

"De little Rabs, dey hilt up der han's en promise dat dey won't open de do' fer nobody 'ceppin dey daddy, en wid dat, Brer Rabbit he tuck'n put out, he did, at a han'- gallop, huntin' sump'n n'er ter eat. But all dis time, Brer Wolf bin hidin' out behime de house, en he year eve'y wud dat pass, en ole Brer Rabbit want mo'n out'n sight 'fo' Brer Wolf went ter de do', en he knock, he did, --blip, blip, blip! "The little Rabs, they hold up their hands and promise that they won't open the door for nobody excepting they daddy, and with that, Brother Rabbit he took and put out, he did, at a hand-gallop hunting something near to eat. But all this time Brother Wolf been hiding out behind the house, and he hear every word that pass, and old Bother Rabbit want more than out of sight before Brother Wolf went to the door, and he knock, he did, --blip, blip, blip!

"Little Rab holler out, ‘Who dat?' "Little Rab holler out, 'Who that?'

Brer Wolf he sing:

"'I'll stay w'en you away, "'I'll stay when you away,
Kaze no gol' will pay toll!' Cause no gold will pay toll!'

"De little Rabs dey laugh fit ter kill deyse'f, en dey up'n 'low: "The little Rabs they laugh fit to kill theyself, and they up and allow:

"'Go 'way" Mr. Wolf, go 'way! You aint none er we-all daddy!' "'Go away Mr. Wolf, go away! You ain't none of we-all daddy!'

"Ole Brer Wolf he slunk off, he did, but eve'y time he thunk er dem plump little Rabs, he des git mo' hongry dan befo', en 'twant long 'fo' he 'uz back at de do'--blap, blap, blap! "Old Brother Wolf he slunk off, he did, but everytime he think of them plump little Rabs, he just get more hungry than before, and it wasn't long before he was back at the door--blap, blap, blap!

"Little Rab holler: 'Who dat?' "Little Rab holler; 'Who that?'

"Brer Wolf, he up'n sing: "Brother Wolf, he up and sing:

"'I'll stay w'en you away, "'I'll stay when you go away,
Kaze no goll will pay toll!' Cause no gold will pay toll!'

"De little Rabs dey laugh en roll on de flo', en dey up'n 'low: "The little Rabs they laugh and roll on the floor, and they up and allow:

"‘Go 'way, Mr. Wolf! We-all daddy aint got no bad col' lak dat.' "'Go away, Mr. Wolf! We=all daddy ain't got no bd cold like that.'

"Brer Wolf slunk off, but bimeby he come back, en dis time he try mighty hard fer ter talk fine. He knock at de do' "Brother Wolf slunk off, but by and by he come back, and this time he try mighty hard for to talk fine. He knock at the door --blam, blam, blam!

"Little Rab holler: ‘Who dat?' "Little Rab holler: 'Who that?'

"Brer Wolf tu'n loose en sing: "Brother Wolf turn loose and sing:

"'I'll stay w'en you away, "'I'll stay when you away,
Kaze no gol' will pay toll!' Cause no gald will pay toll!'

"Little Rab holler back, he did:

"‘Go 'way, Mr. Wolf! go 'way! We-all daddy kin sing lot's puttier dan d’t. Go 'way, Mr. Wolf! go 'way!' "'Go away, Mr. Wolf! go away! We-all daddy can sing a lot's prettier than that. Go away, Mr. Wolf! go away!'

"Brer Wolf he slunk off, he did, en he go 'way out in de woods, en he sing, en sing, twel he kin sing fine ez de nex'man. Den he go back en knock at de do', en we'n de little Rabs ax who dat, he sing dem de song; en he sing so nice, en he sing so fine, dat dey ondo de do', en ole Brer Wolf walk in en gobble um all up, fum de fus' ter de las'. "Brother Wolf he slunk off, he did, and he go away out in the woods, and he sing, and sing till he can sing fine as the next man. Then he go back and knock at the door, and when the little Rabs ask who that, he sing them the song; and he sing so nice, and he sing so fine, that they undo the door, an dold Brother Wolf walk in and gobble them all up, from first to last.

"W'en ole Brer Rabbit git back home, he fine de do' stannin' wide open en all de chilluns gone. Dey want no sign er no tussle; de h'ath 'uz all swep' clean, en eve'ything
wuz all ter ri’hts, but right over in de cornder he see a pile er bones, en den he know in reason dat some er de yuther creeturs done bin dar en make hash outen he chilluns.
"When old Brother Rabbit get back home, he find the door stannding wide open all the children gone. They want no sign of not tussle; the hearth was all sweep clean, and everything
was all to rights, but right over in the corner he see a pile of bones, and then he know in reason that some of the other creatures done been there and make hash out of his children.

"Den he go 'roun' en ax um 'bout it, but dey all 'ny it ; dey all 'ny it ter de las', en Brer Wolf, he 'ny it wuss'n all un um. Den Brer Rabbit tuck'n lay de case 'fo' Brer Tarrypin. Ole Brer Tarrypin wuz a mighty man in dem days," "Then he go around and ask them about it, but they all deny it; they all deny it to the last, and Brother Wolf, he deny it worst of all of them. Then Brother Rabit took and lay the case before Brother Tarrypin. Old Brother Tarrypin was a mighty man in them days," continued Uncle Remus, with something like a sigh,--"a mighty man, en no sooner is he year de state er de condition dan he up'n call all de creeturs tergedder. He call um tergedder, he did, en den he up'n tell um 'bout how somebody done tuck'n 'stroy all er Brer Rabbit chillun, en he low dat de man w'at do dat bleedz ter be kotch, kaze ef he aint, dey aint no tellin' how long it'll be 'fo' de same somebody 'll come 'long en 'stroy all de chillun in de settlement. "a mighty man, and no sooner is he hear the stat of the condition that he up and call all the creatures together. He call them together, he did, and then he up and tell them about how somebody done took and destroy all of Brother Rabbit children, and he allow that the man what do that pleased to be caught, cause if he ain't, they ain't no telling how long it'll be before the same somebody'll come along and destroy all the children in the settlement.

"Brer B'ar, he up'n ax how dey gwine fine 'im, en Brer Tarrypin say dey er allers a way. Den he 'low: "Brother Bear, he up and ask how they going to find him, and Brother Tarrypin say they are allers a way. Then he allow:

"‘Less dig a deep pit.' 'Let's dig a deep pit.'

"‘I'll dig de pit,' sez Brer Wolf, sezee. "'I'll dig the pit,' says Brother Wolf, says he.

"Atter de pit done dug, Brer Tarrypin say: "After the pit done dug, Brother Tarrypin say:

"'Less fill de pit full er lighter'd knots en bresh.' 'Let's fill the pit full of lighter'd knots and brush.'

"‘I'll fill de pit,' sez Brer Wolf, sezee. "'I'll fill the pit,' says Brother wolf, says he.

"Atter de pit done fill up, Brer Tarrypin say: "After the pit done fill up, Brother Tarypin say:

"‘Now, den, less set it a-fier.' 'Now, then, let's set it a-fire.'

"‘I'll kindle de fier,' 'I'll kindle the fire,' sez Brer Wolf, sezee. says Brother Wolf, says he.

"W'en de fier 'gun ter blaze up, Brer Tarrypin 'low dat de creeturs mus' jump 'cross dat, en de man w'at 'stroy Brer Rabbit chilluns will drap in en git bu'nt up.
Brer Wolf bin so uppity 'bout diggin', en fillin', en kindlin', dat dey all 'spected 'im fer ter make de fus' trial; but, bless yo' soul en body! Brer Wolf look lak he got some yuther business fer ter ten' ter.
"When the fire begun to blaze up, Brother Tarrypin allow that the creatures must jump across that, and the man what destroy Brothe rRabbit children will dropin and get burnt up.
Brother Wolf been so uppity about digging, and filling, and kindling, that they all suspected for to make the first trial; but, bless your soul and body! Brother Wolf look like he got some other business for to tend to.

"De pit look so deep, en de fier bu'n so high, dat dey mos' all 'fear'd fer ter make de trial, but atter w'ile, Brer Mink 'low dat he aint hunted none er Brer Rabbit chilluns, en wid dat, he tuck runnin' start, en lipt across. Den Brer Coon say he aint hunted um, en over he sailed. Brer B'ar say he feel mo' heavy dan he ever is befo' in all he born days, but he aint hurted none er Brer Rabbit po' little chilluns, en wid dat away he went 'cross de fier. Dey all jump, twel bimeby hit come Brer Wolf time. Den he 'gun ter git skeered, en he mighty sorry kase he dig dat pit so deep en wide, en kindle dat fier so high. He tuck sech a long runnin' start, dat time he git ter de jumpin' place, he uz done wo' teetotally out, en he lipt up, he did, en fetch'd a squall en drapt right spang in de middle er de fier." "The pit look so deep, and the fire burn so high, tht they most all feared for to make the trail, but after while, Brother Mink allow that he ain't hunted none of Brother Rabbit children, and with that, he took running start, and lept across. Then Brother Racoon say he ain't hunted them, and over he sailed. Brother Bear say he feel more heavy than he ever is before in all his born days, but he ain't hurted none of Brother Rabbit poor little children, wand with that away he went across the fire. They all jump, till by and by it come Brother Wolf time. Then he begun to get scard, and he mighty sorry cause he dig that pit so deep and wide, and kindle that fire so high. He took such a long running start, that time he get to the jumping place, he was done wore totally out, and he lept up, he did, and fetched a squall and dropped right spang in the middle of the fire."

"Uncle Remus," said the little boy, after a while, "did Brother Terrapin jump over the fire?"

"W'at Brer Tarrypin gwine jump fer? "What Brother Tarrypin going to jump for? " responded Uncle Remus, "w'en eve'ybody know Tarrypins aint eat Rabbits." "when everybody know Tarrypins ain't eat Rabbits."

"Well, you know you said everything was different then," said the child.

"Look yer, Brer Jack," "Look here, Brother Jack," exclaimed Uncle Remus, "ef you got any tale on yo' mine, des let 'er come. Dish yer youngster gittin' too long-headed fer me; dat he is." "if you got any tale on your mind, just let her come. This here youngster getting too long-headed for me; that he is."

1 See "Uncle Remus: His Songs and his Sayings," p.79. [back]



Daddy Jack, thus appealed to, turned half round in his seat, winked his bright little eyes very rapidly, and said, with great animation:

"Hoo! me bin yeddy one sing-tale; me yeddy um so long tam 'go. One tam dere bin one ole Affiky ooman, 'e call 'im name Coomba. 'E go walky troo da woots, 'e walky troo da fiel'. Bumbye'e is bin come 'pan one snake-nes' fill wit' aig. Snake big snake, aig big aig. Affiky oomans is bin want-a dem aig so bahd; 'e 'fraid fer tek um. 'E gone home; 'e is see dem aig in 'e dream, 'e want um so bahd. Wun da nex' day mornin' come, da Affiky oomans say 'e bleeze fer hab dem aig. 'E go way, 'e bin-a see da snake nes', 'e is git-a da aig; 'e fetch um at 'e own house; 'e cook um fer 'e brekwuss. "Hoo! me been heardy one sing-tale; me heardy them so long time ago. One time there been one old Africky woman, she call him name Coomba. She go walky through the woods, she walky through the field. By and by she is been come upon one snake-nest filled with eggs. Snake big snake, egg big egg. Africky woman is been want-a them so bad; she afraid for to take them. She gone home; she is see them egg in her dream, she want them so bad. When the next day morning come, the Africky womans say she pleased for have them egg. She go away, she been-a see the snake nest, she is get-a the egg; she fetch them at her own house; she cook them for her breakfast.

"Bumbye da snake bin a come by'e nes'. Aig done gone.' E pit 'e nose 'pon da groun', 'e is track da Affiky oomans by 'e own house. Snake come by da Affiky oomans house; 'e ahx 'bout 'e aig. Affiky oomans say 'e no hab bin see no aig. Snake see da skin wut bin 'pon 'e aig; 'e ahx wut is dis. Affiky oomans no say nuttin' 'tall. Snake 'e say: "By and by the snake been a come by his nest. Egg done gone.' He put his nose upon the ground, he is track the Africky womans by her own house. Snake come by the Africky woman's house; he ask about his egg. Africky womans say she no have been see no egg. Snake see the skin what been upon his egg; he ask what is this. Africky womans no say nothing at all. Snake he say:

"'Wey fer you come brek up me nes' un tekky me aig?' 'Why for you come break up me nest and takey me egg?'


"Affiky oomans 'e no say nuttin' 'tall. 'E toss 'e head, 'e mek lak 'e no yeddy da snake v'ice, 'e go 'bout 'e wuk. Snake, 'e say: "Africky woman she no say nothing at all. She toss her head, she make like she no heardy the snake voice, she go aobut her work. Snake, he say:

"'Ooman! you is bin yed me v'ice wun me cry out. You bin tekky me aig; you is bin 'stroy me chillun. Tek keer you' own; tek keer you' own.' 'Woman! you is been heard me voice when me cry out. You been takey me egg; you is been destroy me children. Take care your own; take care your own.'

"Snake gone 'way; 'e slick out 'e tongue, 'e slide 'way. Bimbye de Affiky oomans, 'e hab one putty lil pickaninny; 'e lub um ha'd all over. 'E is mine wut da snake say; 'e tote da pickaninny 'roun' 'pan 'e bahck. 'E call um Noncy, 'e tote um fur, 'e lub um ha'd. "Snake gone away; he slick out his tongue, he slide away. By and by Africky womans, she have one pretty little pickaninny; she love them hard all over. She is mine what the snake say; she tote the pickaninny around upon her back. She call them Noncy, she tote them far, she love them hard.

"Snake, 'e bin-a stay in da bush-side; 'e watch all day, 'e wait all night; 'e git honkry fer da pickaninny, 'e want um so bahd. 'E bin slick out 'e tongue, 'e bin slide troo da grass, 'e bin hanker fer da pickaninny. "Snake, he been-a stay in the bush-side; he watcha all day, he wait all night; he get hungry for the pickaninny, he want them so bad. He been slick out his tongue, he been slide through the grass, he been hanker for the pickaninny.

"Bimbye da Affiky oomans tote-a da Noncy til 'e git tire; 'e puff, 'e blow, 'e wuk 'e gill sem lak cat-fish." "By and by the Africky womans tote-a the Noncy till she get tired; she puff, she blow, she work she gill seem like cat-fish."

Aunt Tempy burst into loud laughter at this remarkable statement.

"Whoever is year de beat er dat!" "Whoever is hear the beat of that!" she exclaimed. "Daddy Jack you goes on owdashus bout de wimmen, dat you does!" "Daddy Jack you goes on audacious about the women, that you does!"

"'E puff, 'e blow, 'e pant; 'e say: "'She puff, she blow, she pant; she say:

"'Da pickaninny, 'e der git-a big lak one bag rice. 'E der git-a so heffy, me yent mos' know wut fer do. Me yent kin tote um no mo'.' 'The pickaninny, she there get-a big like one bag rice. She there get-a so heavy, my ain't most know what for do. Me ain't can tote them no more.'

"Da Affiky oomans is bin-a pit da pickaninny down 'pon da groun'. 'E mek up one sing

"'E mek up one sing." She composed a song and taught the child the refrain. [back]

in 'e head, un 'e
larn da lilly gal fer answer da sing. 'E do show um how fer pull out da peg in da do'. Snake,'e is bin lay quile up in da bush; 'e say nuttin 'tall. "The Africky womans is been-a put that pickaninny down upon the ground. She make up one sing in her head, and she
learned the little gal for answer the song. She do show them how for pull out the peg in the door. Snake, he is been lay curled up in the bush; he say nothing at all.

"Affiky oomans is larn-a da pickaninny fer answer da sing, un wun he sta't fer go off, 'e say: "Africky womans is learn-a the pickaninny for answer the song, and when she start for go off, she say:

"'Pit da peg in da do' un you no y-open um fer nobody 'cep' you is yeddy me sing.' 'Put the peg in the door and you no y-open them for noboddy except you is heardy me sing.'

"Lil gal, 'e say yassum, un da Affiky oomans gone off. Snake stay still. 'E quile up in 'e quile; 'e yent moof

Move; he aint move he tail; he hasn't even moved his tail. [back]

'e tail. Bumbye, toze night-time, da Affiky oomans come bahck wey 'e lif. 'E. stan' by da do'; 'e talk dis sing: "Little gal, she say yessum, and the Africky womans gone off. Snake stay still. He curl up in his curl; he ain't move his tail. By and by, towards night-time, the Africky womans come back where she live. She stand by the door; she talk this song:

"'Walla walla witto, me Noncy,
Walla walla witto, me Noncy,
Walla walla witto, me Noncy!'

"'E v'ice 'come finer toze da las' tel 'e do git loud fer true. Da lilly gal, 'e do mek answer lak dis: "Her voice come finer towards the last till she do get loud for true. The little gal, she do make answer like this:

''Andolee! Andoli! Andolo!'

"'E know 'e mammy v'ice, en 'e bin pull out da peg queek. 'E run to 'e mammy; 'e mammy der hug um up. Nex' day, 'e da sem ting; two, t'ree, sev'm day, 'e da sem ting. Affiky oomans holler da sing; da lilly gal mek answer 'pon turrer side da do'. Snake,'e lay. quile up in da bush. 'E watch da night, 'e lissun da day; 'e try fer l'arn-a da sing; 'e no say nuttin' 'tall. Bumbye, one tam
wun Affiky oomans bin gone 'way, snake, 'e wait til 'e mos' tam fer oomans fer come bahck. 'E gone by da do'; 'e y-open 'e mout'; 'e say:
"She know her mammy voice, and she been pull out the peg quick. She run to her mammmy; her mammy to hug them up. Next day, she the same thing; two, three, seven day, she the same thing. Africky womans haller the song; the little gal make answer upon the other side of the door. Snake, he lay curled up in the bush. He watch the night, he listen the day; he try for learn-a the song; he no say nothing at all. By and by, one time
when Africky womans been gone away sanke, he wiat till he most time for womans for come back. He gone by the door; he y-open his mouth; he say:

"'Wullo wullo widdo, me Noncy,
Wullo wullo widdo, me Noncy,
Wullo wullo widdo, me Noncy!'

"'E try fer mekky 'e v'ice come' fine lair da lil gal mammy; 'e der hab one rough place in 'e t'roat, un 'e v'ice come big. Lilly gal no mek answer. 'E no y-open da do'. 'E say: "He try for makey his voice come fine like the little gal mammy; he there have one rough place in his throat, and is voice come big. Little gal no make answer. She no y-open the door. She say:

"‘Go way fum dey-dey! Me mammy no holler da sing lak dat!' 'Go way from there-there! Me mammy no holler the sing like that!'

"Snake, 'e try one, two, t'ree time; 'e yent no use. Lilly gal no y-open da do', 'e no mek answer. Snake 'e slick out 'e tongue un slide 'way; 'e say 'e mus' l'arn-a da sing sho nuff. "Snake, he try one, two, three time; he ain't no use. Little gal no y-open the door, she no make answer. Snake he slick out his tongue and slide away; he say he must learn-a the song sure enough.

"Bumbye, da Affiky oomans come bahck. 'E holler da sing:

"'Walla walla witto, me Noncy,
Walla walla witto, me Noncy,
Walla walla witto, me Noncy!'

"Lilly gal say: ‘Da me mammy!' 'E answer da sing:

"'Andolee! Andoli! Andolo!'

"Snake, 'e quile up in da chimmerly-corner; 'e hol' 'e bre't' fer lissun; 'e der l'al'n-a da sing. Nex' day mornin'
da Affiky oornans bin-a gone 'way un lef' da lilly gal all by 'ese'f. All de da long da snake 'e tink about da song; 'e say um in e min', e say um forwud, e say um backwud. Bumbye, mos' toze sundown, 'e come at da do'; 'e come, 'e holler da sing:

"'Walla walla witto, me Noncy,
Walla walla witto, me Noncy,
Walla walla witto, me Noncy!'

"Da lil gal, 'e tink-a da snake bin 'e mammy; 'e is answer da sing: "The little gal, she think-a the snake been her mammy; she is answer the song:

"'Andolee! Andoli! Andolo!'

'E mek answer lak dat, un 'e y-open da do' queek. 'E run 'pon da snake 'fo' 'e is shum.

Before he see um. [back]

Snake,'e bin-a hug da lilly gal mo' sem dun 'e mammy; 'e is twis' 'e tail 'roun' um; 'e is ketch um in 'e quile. Lilly gal 'e holler, 'e squall; 'e squall, 'e holler. Nobody bin-a come by fer yeddy urn. Snake'e 'quees'

Squeeze. [back]

um tight, 'e no l'em go; 'e 'quees' um tight, 'e swaller um whole; 'e bre'k-a no bone; 'e tekky da lilly gal lak 'e stan'. 'She make answer like that, and she y-open the door quick. She run upon the snake before she is shum. Snake, he been-a hud that little gal more seem than her mammy; he is twist his tail around her; he is catch them in his curel. Little gal she holler, she squall; she squall, she holler. Nobody been-a come by for heardy urn. Snake he squeezes her tight, he no let her go; he squeezes her tight, he swallow her whole; he break-a no bone; he takey that little gal like he stand.

"Bumbye da lil mammy come home at 'e house. 'E holler da sing, 'e git-a no answer. 'E come skeer; 'e v'ice shek, 'e body trimple. 'E lissun, 'e no yeddy no fuss. 'E push de do' y-open, 'e no see nuttin 'tall; da lilly gal gone! Da ooman 'e holler, 'e cry; 'e ahx way 'e lilly gal
bin gone; 'e no git no answer. 'E look all 'roun', 'e see way da snake bin-a cross da road. 'E holler:
"By and by the little mammy come home at her house. She holler the song, she get-a no answer. She come scared; she voice shake, her body tremble. She listen, she no heardy no fuss. She push the door y-pen, she no see nothing at all; the little gal gone! The woman she holler, she cry; she ask where her little gal
been gone; she no get no answer. She look all around, she see where the snake been-a cross the road. She holler:

"'Ow, me Lard! da snake bin come swaller me lil Noncy gal. I gwan hunt 'im up; I gwan faller da snake pas' da een' da yet' 'Oh, my Lord! the snake been come swallow me little Noncy gal. I going to hunt him up; I gonna follow the snake past the end the earth .

Earth. Uncle Remus would say "Yeth." [back]

"'E go in da swamp, 'e cut'im one cane; 'e come bahck, 'e fine da snake track, un 'e do faller 'long wey 'e lead. Snake 'e so full wit de lilly gal 'e no walk fas'; lil gal mammy, 'e bin mad, 'e go stret'long. Snake'e so full wit da lilly gal, 'e come sleepy. 'E lay down, 'e shed- a 'e y-eye. 'E y-open um no mo'," "'Shee go in the swamp, she cut her on cane; she come back, shefind the snake track, and she do follow along where she lead. Snake she so full with the little gal she no walk fast; little gal mammy, she been mad, she go straight along. Snake he so full with the little gal, he come sleepy. He lay down, he shut- a his y-eye. He y-open them no more," continued Daddy Jack, moving his head slowly from side to side, and looking as solemn as he could. "Da ooman come 'pon de snake wun 'e bin lay dar sleep; 'e come 'pon 'im, un 'e tekky da cane un bre'k 'e head, 'e mash um flat. 'E cut da snake open, 'e fine da lilly gal sem lak 'e bin sleep. 'E tek um home, 'e wash um off. Bumbye da lilly gal y-open 'e y-eye, un soon 'e see 'e mammy, 'e answer da sing. 'E say: "The woman come upon the snake when he been lay there sleep; she come upon him, ans she takey the can and break his head, she mash him flat. She cut the snake open, and find the little gal seem like she been sleep. She take her home, she wash her of. By and by the little gal y-open her y-eye, and soon she see her mammy, she answer the sid. She say:

"'Andolee! Andoli! Andolo!'"

"Well, well, well" exclaimed Aunt Tempy, sympa-thetically. "Un de po' little creetur wuz 'live?" "And the poor little creature was alive?"

"Enty!" "Isn't she!" exclaimed Daddy Jack. No reply could possibly have been more prompt, more emphatic, or more convincing.



"Uncle Remus," said the little boy, one night when he found the old man alone, "I don't like these stories where somebody has to stand at the door and sing, do you? They don't sound funny to me."

Uncle Remus crossed his legs, took off his spectacles and laid them carefully on the floor under his chair, and made a great pretence of arguing the matter with the child.

"Now, den, honey, w'ich tale is it w'at you aint lak de mos'?" "Now, then, honey, which tale is it what you ain't like the most?"

The little boy reflected a moment and then replied:

"About the snake swallowing the little girl. I don't see any fun in that. Papa says they have snakes in Africa as big around as his body; and, goodness knows, I hope they won't get after me."

"How dey gwine git atter you, honey, w'en you settin' up yer 'long side er me en de snakes way 'cross dar in Affiky?" "How they going to get after you, honey, when you settin gup here along side of me and the snakes way across there in Africa?"

"Well, Daddy Jack, he came, and the snakes might come too."

Uncle Remus laughed, more to reassure the child than to ridicule his argument.

"Dem ar snakes aint no water-moccasin, not ez I
knows un. Brer Jack bin yer mighty long time, en dey aint no snake foller atter 'im yit."
"Them there snakes ain't no water-moccasin, not as I
knows one. Brother Jack been here mighty long time, and there ain't no snake follow after him yet."

"Now, Uncle Remus! papa says they have them in shows."

"I speck dey is, honey, but who's afear'd er snake stufft wid meal-bran? Not none er ole Miss gran-chillun, sho'!" "I suspect there is, honey, but who's afraid of snake stuffed with meal-bran? Not none of old Miss gran-children, shot!"

"Well, the stories don't sound funny to me."

"Dat mought be, yit deyer funny ter Brer Jack, en dey do mighty well fer ter pass de time. Atter w'ile you'll be a gwine' roun' runnin' down ole Brer Rabbit en de t'er creeturs, en somehow er n'er you'll take 'n git ole Remus mix up wid um twel you 'won't know w'ich one un um you er runnin' down, en let 'lone dat, you won't keer needer. Shoo, honey! you aint de fus' chap w'at I done tole deze yer tales ter." "That mighty be, yet they're funny to Brother Jack, and they do mighty well for to pass the time. After while you'll be going around running down old Brother Rabbit and the other creatures, and somehow or another you'll take and get old Remus mix up with them tillyou won't know which one of them you are running down, and let alone, that you won't care neither. Sure, honey! you ain't the first chap what I done told these here tales to."

"Why, Uncle Remus," exclaimed the little boy, in a horrified tone, "I wouldn't, you know I wouldn't!"

"Don't tell me!" insisted the old man, "you er outgrowin' me, en you er outgrowin' de tales. Des lak Miss Sally change de lenk er yo' britches, des dat away I got ter do w'ence I whirl in en persoo atter de creeturs. Time wuz w'en you 'ud set down yer by dish yer h'ath, en you'd take'n holler en laugh en clap yo' han's w'en ole Brer Rabbit 'ud kick outen all er he tanglements' but deze times you sets dar wid yo' eyes wide open, en you don't crack a smile. I say it!" "you are outgrowing me, and you are outgrowing the tales. Just like Miss Sally change the length of your britches, just that away I got to do whence I whirl in and a person after the creatures. Time was when you would set down here by this here hearth, and you'd take and holler and laugh and clap your hands when old Brother Rabbit would kick out of all of his tanglements' but these times you sits there with your eyes wide open, and you don't crack a smile. I say it!" Uncle Remus exclaimed, changing his tone and attitude, as if addressing some third person concealed in the room. "I say it! Stidder
j'inin' in wid de fun, he'll take'n lean back dar en 'spute 'long wid you des lak grow'd up folks. I'll stick it out dis season, but w'en Chrismus come, I be bless ef I aint gwine ter ax Miss Sally fer my remoovance papers, en I'm gwine ter hang my bundle on my walkin'-cane, en see w'at kinder dirt dey is at de fur een' er de big road."
"I say it! Instead of
joining in with the fun, he'll take and lean back there and dispute along with you just like grow'd up folks. I'll stick it out this season, but when Christmas come, I be bless if I ain't going to aske Miss Sally for my removance papers, and I'm going to hang my bundle on my walking-can, and see what kind of dirt there is at the far end of the big road."

"Yes!" exclaimed the little boy, triumphantly, "and, if you do, the patter-rollers will get you."

"Well," replied the old man, with a curious air of resignation, "ef dey does, I aint gwine ter do lak Brer Fox did w'en Brer Rabbit showed him de tracks in de big road." "if they does, I ain't going to do like Brother Fox did when Brother Rabbit showed him the tracks in the big road."

"How did Brother Fox do, Uncle Remus?"

"Watch out, now! Dish yer one er de tales w'at aint got no fun in it." "Watch out, now! This here one of the tales what ain't got no fun in it."

"Uncle Remus, please tell it."

"Hol' on dar! Dey mought be a snake some'rs in it-- one er deze yer meal-bran snakes." "Hold on there! There might be snake somewheres in it-- one of these here meal-bran snakes."

"Please, Uncle Remus, tell it."

The old man never allowed himself to resist the artful pleadings of the little boy. So he recovered his specks from under the chair, looked up the chimney for luck, as he explained to his little partner, and proceeded:

"One day w'en Brer Fox went callin' on Miss Meadows en Miss Motts en de t'er gals, who should he fine settin' up dar but ole Brer Rabbit? Yasser! Dar he wuz, des ez sociable ez you please. He 'uz gwine on wid de gals, en w'en Brer Fox drapt in dey look lak dey wuz mighty tickled bout sump'n n'er Brer Rabbit bin sayin'. Brer
Fox, he look sorter jub'ous, he did, des lak folks does w'en dey walks up in a crowd whar de yuthers all a gigglin'. He tuck'n kotch de dry grins terreckerly. But dey all howdied, en Miss Meadows, she up'n say:
"One day when Brother Fox went calling on Miss Meadows and Miss Motts and the other gals, who should he find sitting up there but old Brother Rabbit? Yes sir! There he was, just as socialbe as you please. He was going on with the gals, and when Brother Fox dropped in they look like there was mighty tickled about something another Brother Rabbit been saying. Brother
Fox, he look sort of jub'ous, he did, just like folks does when they walks up in a crowd where the others all a giggling. He took and caught the dry grins terreckerly But they all howdied, and Miss Meadows, she up and say:

"'You'll des hatter skuse us, Brer Fox, on de 'count er dish yer gigglement. Tooby sho', hit monst'us disperlite fer we-all fer to be gwine on dat a-way; but I mighty glad you come, en I sez ter de gals, s'I, "'Fo' de Lord, gals! dar come Brer Fox, en yer we is a gigglin' en a gwine on scan'lous; yit hit done come ter mighty funny pass," s'I, "ef you can't run on en laugh 'fo' home folks," s'I. Dat des 'zactly w'at I say, en I leave it ter ole Brer Rabbit en de gals yer ef 'taint.' 'You'll just have to excuse us, Brother Fox, on the account of this here gigglement. To be sure, it monstrous dispolite for we all for to be going on that a-way; but I mighty glad you come, and I says to the gals, says I, "Before the Lord, gals! there come Brother Fox, and here we is a giggling and a going on scandlous; yet it done come to mighty funny pass," says I, "if you can't run on and laugh before home folks," says I. That just exactly what I say, and I leave it to old Brother Rabbit and the gals her if it ain't.'

"De gals, dey tuck'n jine in, dey did, en dey make ole Brer Fox feel rigbt splimmy-splammy, en dey all sot dar en run on 'bout dey neighbors des lak folks does deze days. Dey sot dar, dey did, twel atter w'ile Brer Rabbit look out todes sundown, en 'low: "The gals, they took and join in, they did, and they make old Brother Fox feel right splimmy-splammy, and they all sat there and run on about they neighbors just like folks does these days. They sat there, they did, till after a while Brother Rabbit look out towards sundwon, and allow:

"'Now, den, folks and fr'en's, I bleedz ter say goo' bye. Cloud comin' up out yan, en mos' 'fo' we know it, de rain 'll be a po'in' en de grass 'll be a growin'.' 'Now, then, folks and friends, I pleased to say good bye. Cloud coming up out yonder, and most before we know it, the rain'll be a pouring and the grass'll be a growing.' "

"Why, that's poetry , Uncle Remus!" interrupted the little boy.

"Tooby sho' 'tis, honey! tooby sho' 'tis. I des let you know Brer Rabbit 'uz a mighty man in dem days. Brer Fox, he se de cloud comin' up, en he up'n 'low he speck he better be gittin' 'long hisse'f, kaze he aint wanter git he Sunday-go-ter-meetin' cloze wet. Miss Meadows en Miss Motts, en de gals, dey want um ter stay, but bofe er dem
ar creeturs 'uz mighty fear'd er gittin' der foots wet, en atter w'ile dey put out.
"To be sure it is, honey! to be sure it is. I just let you know Brother Rabbit was a mighty man in them days. Brother Fox, he see the cloud coming up, and he up and allow his speck he better be getting along hisself, cause he ain't want to get his Sunday-go-to-meeting clothes wet. Miss Meadows and Miss Motts, and the gals, they want them to stay, but both of them
are creatures was mighty feared of getting they're foots wet, and after while they put out.

"W'iles dey 'uz gwine down de big road, jawin' at one er n'er, Brer Fox, he tuck'n stop right quick, en 'low: "Whiles they was going down the big road, jawing at one or another, Brother Fox, he took and stop right quick, and allow:

"'Run yer, Brer Rabbit! run yer! Ef my eye aint 'ceive me yer de signs whar Mr. Dog bin 'long, en mo'n dat dey er right fresh.' 'Run here, Brother Rabbit! run here! If my eye ain't recieve me here the signs where Mr. Dog been along, and more than that they are right fresh.'

"Brer Rabbit, he sidle up en look. Den he 'low: "Brother Rabbit, he sidle up and look. Then he allow:

"'Dat ar track aint never fit Mr. Dog foot in de 'roun' worl'. W'at make it mo' bindin',' sezee, 'I done gone en bin 'quainted wid de man w'at make dat track, too long 'go ter talk 'bout,' sezee. "'That there track ain't never fit Mr. Dog foot in the around world. What make i more binding,' says he, 'I done gone and been acquainted with the man what make that track, too long ago to talk about,' says he.

"'Brer Rabbit, please, sir, tell me he name.' 'Brother Rabbit, please, sir, tell me his name.'

"Brer Rabbit, he laugh lak he makin' light er sump'n n'er. "Brother Rabbit, he laugh like he making light of something or another.

"'Ef I aint make no mistakes, Brer Fox, de po' creetur w'at make dat track is Cousin Wildcat; no mo' en no less.' 'If I ain't no mistakes, Brother Fox, the poor creature what make that track is Cousin Wildcat; no more and no less.'

"'How big is he, Brer Rabbit?' 'How big is he, Brother Rabbit?'

"'He des 'bout yo' heft, Brer Fox.' Den Brer Rabbit make lak he talkin' wid hisse'f. 'Tut, tut, tut! Hit mighty funny dat I should run up on Cousin Wildcat in dis part er de worl'. Tooby sho', tooby sho'! Many en manys de time I see my ole Grandaddy kick en cuff Cousin Wildcat, twel I git sorry 'bout 'im. Ef you want any fun, Brer Fox, right now de time ter git it.' "'He just about your heft, Brother Fox.' Then Brother Rabbit make like he talking with hisself. 'Tut, tut, tut! It mighty funny that I should run up on Cousin Wildcat in this part of the world. To be sre, to be sure! Many and manys the time I see my old Grandaddy kick and cuff Cousin Wildcat, till I get sorry about him. If you want any fun, Brother Fox, right now the time to get it.'

"Brer Fox up'n ax, he did, how he gwine have any fun. Brer Rabbit, he 'low: "Brother Fox up and ask, he did how he going to have any fun. Brother Rabit, he allow:


"'Easy nuff; des go en tackle ole Cousin Wildcat, en lam 'im 'roun'.' 'Easy enough; just go and tackle old Cousin Wildcat, and lam him around.'

"Brer Fox, he sorter scratch he year, en 'low: "Brother Fox, he sort of scratch his ear, and allow:

"‘Eh-eh, Brer Rabbit, I fear'd. He track too much lak Mr. Dog.' 'Eh-eh, Brother Rabbit, I feared. He track too much like Mr. Dog.'

"Brer Rabbit des set right flat down in de road, en holler en laugh. He 'low, sezee: "Brother Rabbit just set right flat down in the road, and holler and laugh. He allow, says he:

"'Shoo, Brer Fox! Who'd a thunk you 'uz so skeery? Des come look at dish yer track right close. Is dey any sign er claw anywhar's?' 'Shoot, Brother Fox! Who'd a thunk you was so scaredy? Just come look at this here track close. Is there any sign of claw anywheres?'

"Brer Fox bleedz ter 'gree dat day want no sign er no claw. Brer Rabbit say:-- "Brother Fox pleased to agree that day want no sign of no claw. Brother Rabbit say:--

"‘Well, den, ef he aint got no claw, how he gwine ter hu't you, Brer Fox?' 'Well, then, if he ain't got no claw, how he going to hunt you, Brother Fox?'

"‘W'at gone wid he toofs, Brer Rabbit?' 'What gone with his tooths, Brother Rabbit?'

"‘Shoo, Brer Fox! Creeturs w'at barks

Gnaws the bark from the trees. [back]

de trees aint gwine bite.' 'Shoot, Brother Fox! Creatures what barks the trees ain't going to bite.'

"Brer Fox tuck'n tuck n'er good look at de tracks, en den him en Brer Rabbit put out fer ter foller um up. Dey went up de road, en down de lane, en 'cross de turnip patch, en down a dreen,

Drain or ditch. [back]

en up a big gully. Brer Rabbit, he done de trackin', en eve'y time he fine one, he up 'n holler: "Brother Fox took and took another good look at the tracks, and then him and Brother Rabbit put out for to follow him up. They went up the road, and down the land, and across the turnip patch, and down a dreen, and up a big gully. Brother Rabbit, he done the tracking, and every time he find one, he up and holler:

"‘Yer n'er track, en no claw dar! Yer n'er track, en no claw dar!' 'Here another track, and no claw there! Here another track, and no claw there!'

"Dey kep' on en kep' on, twel bimeby' dey run up wid de creetur. Brer Rabbit, he holler out mighty biggity: "They kept on and kept on, till by and by they run up with the creature. Brother Rabbit, he holler out mighty biggity:


"‘Heyo dar! W'at you doin'?' 'Heyo there! What you doing?'

"De creetur look 'roun', but he aint sayin' nothin'. Brer Rabbit 'low: "The creature look around, but he ain't saying nothin. Brother Rabbit allow:

"‘Oh, you nee'nter look so sullen! We 'ull make you talk 'fo' we er done 'long wid you! Come, now! W'at you doin' out dar?' 'Oh, you nee'nter look so sullen! We'll make you talk before we are done along with you! Come, now! What you going out there?

"De creetur rub hisse'f 'gin' a tree des lak you see deze yer house cats rub 'g'in a cheer, but he aint sayin' nothin'. Brer Rabbit holler: "The creature rub hisself against a tree just likeyou see these here house cats rub against a chair, but he ain't saying nothing. Brother Rabbit hollow:

"‘W'at you come pesterin' 'long wid us fer, w'en we aint bin a pesterin' you? You got de consate dat I dunner who you is, but I does. Youer de same ole Cousin Wildcat w'at my gran' daddy use ter kick en cuff w'en you 'fuse ter 'spon'. I let you know I got a better man yer dan w'at my gran'daddy ever is bin, en I boun' you he 'ull make you talk. Dat w'at I boun' you.' 'What you come pestering along with us for, when we ain't been a pestering you? You got the consate that I don't know who you is, but I does. You're the same old Cousin Wildcat what my grand daddy use to kick and cuff whenyou refuse to respond. I let you know I got a better man here than what you grand daddy ever is been, and I bound you he'll make you talk. That what I bound you.'

"De creetur lean mo' harder 'gin' de tree, en sorter ruffle up he bristle, but he aint sayin' nothin'. Brer Rabbit, he 'low: "The creature lean more harder against the tree, and sort of ruffle up his bristle, but he ain't saying nothing. Brother Rabbit, he allow:

"‘Go up dar, Brer Fox, en ef he 'fuse ter 'spon' slap 'im down! Dat de way my gran'daddy done. You go up dar, Brer Fox, en ef he dast ter try ter run, I'll des whirl in en ketch 'im.' 'Go up there, Brother Fox, and if he refuse to respond slap him down! That the way my grand daddy done. You go up there, Brother Fox, and if he dares to try to run, I'll just whirl in and catch him.'

"Brer Fox, he sorter jub'ous, but he start todes de creetur. Ole Cousin Wildcat walk all 'roun' de tree, rubbin' hisse'f, but he aint sayin' nothin'. Brer Rabbit, he holler: "Brother Fox, he sort of jubious, but he start towards the creature. Old Cousin Wildcat walk ll around the tree, rubbing hisself, but he ain't saying nothing. Brother Rabbit, he holler:

"‘Des walk right up en slap 'im down, Brer' Fox--
de owdashus vilyun! Des hit 'im a surbinder, en ef he dast ter run, I boun' you I'll ketch 'im.'
'Just walk right up and slap him down, Brother Fox--
the audacious villian! Just hit him a surbinder, and if he dares to run, I bound you I'll ketch him.'

"Brer Fox, he went up little nigher. Cousin Wildcat stop rubbin' on de tree, en sot up on he behime legs wid he front paws in de a'r, en he balance hisse'f by leanin' 'g'in de tree, but he aint sayin' nothin' . Brer Rabbit, he squall out, he did: "Brother Fox, he went up little nearer. Cousin Wildcat stop rubbing on the tree, and sat up on his behind legs with his front paws in the air, and he balance hisself by leaning against the tree, but he ain't saying nothing. Brother Rabbit, he squall out, he did:

"‘Oh, you nee'nter put up yo' han's en try ter beg off. Dat de way you fool my ole Grandaddy; but you can't fool we-all. All yo' settin' up en beggin' aint gwine ter he'p you. Ef youer so humble ez all dat, wa't make you come pesterin' 'longer we-all? Hit 'im a clip, Brer Fox! Ef he run, I'll ketch 'im!' 'Oh, you nee'nter put up your hands and try to beg off. That the way you fool my old Grandaddy; but you can't fool we-all. All your sitting up and begging ain't going to help you. If you're so humble as all that, what make you come pestering along we-all? Hit him a clip, Brother Fox! If he run, I'll catch him!'

"Brer Fox see de creetur look so mighty humble, settin' up dar lak he beggin' off, en he sorter take heart. He sidle up todes 'im, he did, en des ez he 'uz makin' ready fer ter slap 'im, old Cousin Wildcat drawd back en fotch Brer Fox a wipe 'cross de stomach." "Brother Fox see the creature look so mighty humble, setting up there like he begging off, and he sort of take heart. He sidle up towards him, he did, and jsut as he was making ready for to slap him, old Cousin Wildcat drawed back and fetch Brother Fox a wipe across the stomach."

Uncle Remus paused here a moment, as if to discover some term strong enough to do complete justice to the catastrophe. Presently he went on:

"Dat ar Cousin Wildcat creetur fotch Brer Fox a wipe 'cross de stomach, en you mought a yeard 'im squall fum yer ter Harmony Grove. Little mo' en de creetur would er to' Brer Fox in two. W'ence de creetur made a pass at 'im, Brer Rabbit knew w'at gwine ter happen, yit all de same, he tuck'n holler: "That there Cousin Wildcat creature fetch Brother Fox a wipe across the stomach, and you might a heard him squall from here to Harmony Grove. Little more and the creature would of tore Brother Fox in two. Whence the creature made a pass at him, Brother Rabbit knew what going to happen, yet all the same, he took and holler:

"‘Hit 'im ag'in, Brer Fox! Hit 'im ag'in! I'm
a-backin' you, Brer Fox! Ef he dast ter run, I'll inabout cripple 'im--dat I will. Hit 'im ag'in!'
'Hit him again, Brother Fox! Hit him again! I'm
a-backing you, Brother Fox! If he dares to run, I'll inabout cripple him--that I will. Hit him again!'

"All dis time, w'iles Brer Rabbit gwine on dis away, Brer Fox, he 'uz a squattin' down, hol'in' he stomach wid bofe han's en des a moanin': "All this time, whiles Brother Rabbit going on this a-way, Brother Fox, he was squatting down, holding his stomach with both hands and just a moaning:

"‘I'm ruint, Brer Rabbit! I'm ruint! Run fetch de doctor! I'm teetotally ruint!' 'I'm ruined, Brother Rabbit! I'm ruined! Run fetch the doctor! I'm totally ruined!'

"'Bout dat time, Cousin Wildcat, he tuck'n tuck a walk. Brer Rabbit, he make lak he 'stonish' dat Brer Fox is hurted. He tuck'n 'zamin' de place, he did, en he up'n 'low: "About that time, Cousin Wildcat, he took and took a walk. Brother Rabbit, he make like he astonished that Brother Fox is hurted. He took and examine the place, he did, an dhe up and allow:

"‘Hit look lak ter me, Brer Fox, dat dat owdashus vilyun tuck'n struck you wid a reapin'-hook.' 'It look like to me, Brother Fox, that that audacious villain took and struck you with a reaping-hook.'

"Wid dat Brer Rabbit lit out fer home, en w'en he git out er sight, he tuck'n shuck he han's des lak cat does w'en she git water on 'er foots, en he tuck'n laugh en laugh twel it make 'im sick fer ter laugh. "With that Brother Rabbit let out for home, and when he get out of sight, he took and shook hands just like cat does when she get water on her foots, and he took and laugh and laugh till it make him sick to laugh.


The little boy thought that the story of how the wildcat scratched Brother Fox was one of the best stories he had ever heard, and he didn't hesitate to say so. His hearty endorsement increased Uncle Remus's good-humor;
and the old man, with a broad grin upon his features, and something of enthusiasm in his tone, continued to narrate the adventures of Brother Rabbit.

"After Brer Fox git hurted so bad," "After Brother Fox get hurted so bad," said Uncle Remus, putting an edge upon his axe with a whetstone held in his hand, "hit wuz a mighty long time 'fo' he could ramble 'roun' en worry ole Brer Rabbit. Des time Cousin Wildcat fetch'd 'im dat wipe 'cross de stomach, he tuk'n lay de blame on Brer Rabbit, en w'en he git well, he des tuck'n juggle wid de yuther creeturs, en dey all 'gree dat dem en Brer Rabbit can't drink out er de same branch, ner walk de same road, ner live in de same settlement, ner go in washin' in de same wash-hole. "it was a mighty long time before he could ramble around and worry old Brother Rabbit. This time Cousin Wildcat fetched him that wipe across the stomcah, he took and lay the blame on Brother Rabbit, and when he get well, he just took and juggle with the other creatures, and they all agree that them and Brother Rabbit can't drink out of the same branch, nor walk the same road, nor live in the same settlement, nor go in washing in the same wash-hole.

"Tooby sho' Brer Rabbit bleedz to take notice er all dish yer kinder jugglements en gwines on, en he des tuck'n strenken he house, in de neighborhood er de winders, en den he put 'im up a steeple on top er dat. Yasser! A sho' 'nuff steeple, en he rise 'er up so high dat folks gwine 'long de big road stop en say, 'Hey! W'at kinder meetin'-house dat?'" "To be sure Brother Rabbit pleased to take notice of all this here kind of jugglements and goings on, and he just took and strengthen his house, in the neighborhood of the windows, and then he put him up a steeple on top of that. Yessir! A sure enough steeple, and he rise her up so high taht folks going along the big road stop and say, 'Hey! What kind of meeting-house that?'"

The little boy laughed loudly at Uncle Remus's graphic delineation of the astonishment and admiration of the passers-by. The old man raised his head, stretched his eyes, and seemed to be looking over his spectacles right at Brother Rabbit's steeple.

"Folks 'ud stop en ax, but Brer Rabbit aint got time fer ter make no answer. He hammer'd, he nailed, he knock'd, he lamm'd! Folks go by, he aint look up; creeturs come stan' en watch 'im, he aint look 'roun';
wuk, wuk, wuk, from sun-up ter sundown, twel dat ar steeple git done. Den ole Brer Rabbit tuck'n draw long breff, en wipe he forrerd, en 'low dat ef dem t'er creeturs w'at bin atter 'im so long is got any de 'vantage er him, de time done come fer um fer ter show it.
"Folks would stop and ask, but Brother Rabbit ain't got time for to make no answer. He hammered, he nailed, he knocked, he lammed! Folks go by, he ain't look up; creatures come stand and watch him, he ain't look around;
work, work, work, from sun-up to sundown, till that there steeple get done. Then old Brother Rabbit took and draw long breath, and wipe his forehead, and allow that if them other creatures what been after him so long is got any advantage of him, the time doen come for them for to showit.

"Wid dat he went en got 'im a snack er sump'n' t' eat, en a long piece er plough-line, en he tole he ole 'oman fer ter put a kittle er water on de fire, en stan' 'roun' close by, en eve'ything he tell 'er not ter do dat de ve'y thing she sho'ly mus' do. Den ole Brer Rabbit sot down in he rockin'-cheer en lookt out fum de steeple fer ter see how de lan' lay. "With that he went and got him a snack of something to eat, and a long piece of plough-line, and he told his old woman for to put a kettle of water on the fire, and stand around close by, and everything he tell her not to do that the very thing she surely must do. Then old Brother Rabbit sat down in his rocking-chair and look out from the steeple for to see how the land lay.

"'Twan't long 'fo' all de creeturs year talk dat Brer Rabbit done stop wuk, en dey 'gun ter come 'roun' fer ter see w'at he gwine do nex'. But Brer Rabbit, he got up dar, he did, en smoke he seegyar, en chaw he 'backer, en let he min' run on. Brer Wolf, he stan' en look up at de steeple, Brer Fox, he stan' en look up at it, en all de t'er creeturs dey done de same. Nex' time you see a crowd er folks lookin' at sump'n right hard, you des watch um, . honey. Dey'll walk 'roun' one er n'er en swap places, en dey'll be constant on de move. Dat des de way de creeturs done. Dey walk 'roun' and punch one er n'er en swap places, en look en look. Ole Brer Rabbit, he sot up dar, he did, en chaw he 'backer, en smoke he seegyar, en let he min' run on. "It wasn't long before all the creatures hear talk that Brother Rabbit done stop work, and they begun to come around for to see what he going do next. But Brother Rabbit, he got up there, he did, and smoke his cigar, and chow his tobacco, and let his mind run on. Brother Wolf, he stand and look up at the steeple, Brother Fox, he stand and look up at it, and all the other creatures they done the smae. Next tiem you see a crowd of folks looking at something and right hard, you just watch them, .honey. They'll walk around one another and swap places, and they'll be constant on the move. That just the way of creatures done. They walk around and punch one another and swap places, and look and look. Old Brother Rabbit, he sat up there, he did, and chew his tobacco, and smoke his cigar, and let his mind run on.

"Bimeby ole Brer Tarrypin come 'long, en ole Brer Tarrypin bin in cohoots wid Brer Rabbit so long dat he does nat'ally know dey wuz gwine ter be fun er plenty
'roun' in dem neighborhoods 'fo' de sun go down. He laugh 'way down und' de roof er he house, ole Brer Tarrypin did, en den he hail Brer Rabbit:
"By and by old Brother Tarrypin come along, and Brother Tarrypin been in cahoots with Brother Rabbit so long that he does naturally know there was going to be fun of plenty
around in them neighborhoods before the sun go down. He laugh a-way down under the roof of his house, old Brother Tarrypin did, and then he hail Brother Rabbit:

"'Heyo, Brer Rabbit! W'at you doin' 'way up in de elements lak dat?' 'Heyo, Brother Rabbit! What you doing a-way up in the elements like that?'

"'I'm a sojourneyin' up yer fer ter res' myse'f, Brer Tarrypin. Drap up en see me.' 'I'm a sojourneying up here for to rest myself, Brother Tarrypin. Drop up and see me.'

"'Twix' you en me, Brer Rabbit, de drappin's all one way. S'posin' you tu'n loose en come. Man live dat high up bleedz ter have wings. I aint no high-flyer myse'f. I fear'd ter shake han's wid you so fur off, Brer Rabbit.' 'Betwixt you and me, Brother Rabbit, the dropping's all one way. Supposing you turn loose and come. Man live that high up pleased to have wings. I ain't no high-flyer myself. I feared to shake hands with you so far off, Brother Rabbit.'

"'Not so, Brer Tarrypin, not so. My sta'rcase is a mighty limbersome one, en I'll des let it down ter you.' 'Not so, Brother Tarrypin, not so. My staircase is a mighty limbersome one, and I'll just let it down to you.'

"Wid dat, Brer Rabbit let down de plough-line. "With that, Brother Rabbit let down the plough-line.

"'Des ketch holt er dat, Brer Tarrypin,' sez Brer Rabbit, sezee, 'en up you comes, linktum sinktum binktum boo!' sezee." "'Just catch hold of that, Brother Tarrypin,' says Brother Rabbit, says he, "'and up ypu comes, linktum sinktum binktum boo!' says he."

"What was that, Uncle Remus?" "What was that, Uncle Remus?" said the little boy, taking a serious view of the statement.

"Creetur talk, honey--des creetur talk. Bless yo' soul, chile!" "Creature talk, honey--just creature talk. Bless your soul, child!" the old man went on, with a laughable assumption of dignity, "ef you think I got time fer ter stop right short off en stribbit

Distribute. [back]

out all I knows, you er mighty much mistaken--mighty much mistaken.

"Ole Brer Tarrypin know mighty well dat Brer Rabbit ain't got nothin' 'g'in 'im, yet he got sech a habit er lookin' out fer hisse'f, dat he tuck'n ketch de plough-line
in he mouf, he did, en try de strenk un it. Ole Brer Rabbit, he holler ‘Swing on, Brer Tarrypin!' en Brer Tarrypin, he tuck'n swung on, en 'twant long 'fo he uz settin' up dar side er Brer Rabbit.
"Old Brother Tarrypin know mighty well that Brother Rabbit ain't got nothing against him, yet he got such a habit of looking out for hisself, the he took and catch the plough-line
in his mouth, he did, and try the strength on it. Old Brother Rabbit, he holler'Swing on, Brother Tarrypin! and Brother Tarrypin, he took and swung on, and it wasn't long before he was setting up there side of Brother Rabbit.

"But I wish ter goodness you'd a bin dar," "But I wish to goodness you'd been there," continued Uncle Remus, very gracefully leaving it to be inferred that he was there; "I wish ter goodness you'd a bin dar so you could er seed ole Brer Tarrypin w'iles Brer Rabbit 'uz haulin' 'im up, wid he tail a-wigglin' en he legs all spraddled out, en him a whirlin' 'roun' en 'roun' en lookin' skeer'd. "I wish to goodness you'd a been there so you could of seen old Brother Tarrypin whiles Brother Rabbit was hauling him up, with his tail a-wiggling and his legs all spraddled out, and him a whirling around and around and looking scared.

"De t'er creeturs dey see Brer Tarrypin go up safe en soun', en dey see de vittles passin' 'roun', en day 'gun ter feel lak dey wanter see de inside er Brer Rabbit steeple. Den Brer Wolf, he hail 'im : "The other creatures they see Brother Tarrypin go up safe and sound, and they see the vittles passing around, and they begun to feel like they want to see the inside of Brother Rabbit steeple. Then Brother Wolf, he hail him

"‘Heyo dar, Brer Rabbit! Youer lookin' mighty scrumptious 'way up dar! How you come on?' 'Heyo there, Brother Rabbit! You're looking mighty scrumptious a-way up there! How you come on?'

"Brer Rabbit, he look down, he did, en he see who 'tis hollerin', en he 'spon': "Brother Rabbit, he look down, he did, and he see who it is hollering, and he respond:

"‘Po'ly, mighty po'ly, but I thank de Lord I'm able to eat my 'lowance.

Allowance; ration. [back]

Won't you drap up, Brer Wolf?' Poorly, mighty poorly, but I thank the Lord I'm able to eat my allowance. Won't you drop up, Brother Wolf?'

"‘Hit's a mighty clumsy journey fer ter make, Brer Rabbit, yit I don't keer ef I does.' 'It's a mighty clumsy journey for to make, Brother Rabbit, yet I don't care if I does.'

"Wid dat, Brer Rabbit let down de plough-line, en Brer Wolf kotch holt, en dey 'gun ter haul 'im up. Dey haul en dey haul, en w'en Brer Wolf git mos' ter de top, he year Brer Rabbit holler out: "With that, Brother Rabbit, let down the plough-line, and Brother Wolf caught hold, and they begun to haul him up. They haul and they haul, and when Brother Wolf get most to the top, he hear Brother Rabbit holler out:


"'Stir 'roun', ole 'oman, en set de table; but 'fo' you do dat, fetch de kittle fer ter make de coffee.' 'Stir around, old woman, and set the table; but before you do that, fetch the kettle for to make the coffee.'

"Dey haul and dey haul on de plough-line, en Brer Wolf year Brer Rabbit squall out: "They haul and they haul on the plough-line, and Brother Wolf hear Brother Rabbit squall out:

"'Watch out dar, ole 'oman ! You'll spill dat b'ilin' water on Brer Wolf!' 'Watch out there, old woman ! You'll spill that boiling water on Brother Wolf!'

"En, bless yo' soul!" "And, bless your soul!" continued Uncle Remus, turning half around in his chair to face his enthusiastic audience of one, "dat 'uz 'bout all Brer Wolf did year, kaze de nex' minit, down come de scaldin' water, en Brer Wolf des fetch one squall en turn't hisse'f aloose, en w'en he strak de groun' he bounce des same ez one er deze yer injun-rubber balls w'at you use ter play wid 'long in dem times 'fo' you tuck'n broke yo' mammy lookin'-glass. Ole Brer Rabbit, he lean fum out de steeple en 'pollygize de bes' he kin, but no 'pollygy aint gwine ter make ha'r come back whar de b'ilin' water hit." "that was about all Brother Wolf did hear, cause the next minute, down come the scalding water, and Brother Wolf just fetch one squall and turned hisself a loose, and when he stike the ground he bounce just same as one of these here injun-rubber balls what you use to play with along in them times before you took and broke your mammy looking-glass. Old Brother Rabbit, he lean from out the steeple and apologize the best he can, but no apology ain't going to make hair come back where the boiling water hit."

"Did they spill the hot water on purpose, Uncle Remus?" the little boy inquired.

"Now, den, honey, youer crowdin' me. Dem ar creeturs wuz mighty kuse--mo' speshually Brer Rabbit. W'en it come down ter dat," "Now then, honey, you're crowding me. Them there creatures was mighty curious--most especially Brother Rabbit. When it come down to that," said Uncle Remus, lowering his voice and looking very grave, "I speck ef youder s'arch de country fum hen-roost to river-bank,

Based on a characteristic negro saying. For instance: "Where's Jim?" "You can't keep up wid dat nigger. Des let night come, en he's runnin' fum hen-roost to river-bank." In other words, stealing chickens and robbing fish-baskets. [back]

you won't fine a no mo' kuser man dan Brer Rabbit. All I
knows is dat Brer Rabbit en Brer Tarrypin had a mighty laughin' spell des 'bout de time Brer Wolf hit de groun'." "I suspect if you'd of searched the country from hen-roost to river-bank, you won't find a no more curious man than Brother Rabbit. All I
knows is that Brother Rabbit and Brother Tarrypin had a mighty laughing spell just about the time Brother Wolf hit the ground."


"En still we er by ourse'fs," "And still we are by ourselves," exclaimed Uncle Remus, as the little boy ran into his cabin, the night after he had heard the story of how Brother Rabbit scalded Brother Wolf. "We er by ourse'fs en time's a passin'. Dem ar folks dunner w'at dey er missin'. We er des gittin' ter dat p'int whar we kin keep de run er creeturs, en it keeps us dat busy we aint got time fer ter bolt our vittles skacely. "We are by ourselves and time's a passing. Them there folks don't know what they are missing. We ar just getting to that point where we can keep the run of creatures, and it keeps us that busy we ain't got time for to bolt our vittles scarcely.

"I done tell you 'bout Brer Rabbit makin' 'im a steeple; but I aint tell you 'bout how Brer Rabbit got ole Brer Wolf out'n er mighty bad fix." "I done tell you about Brother Rabbit making him a steeple; but I ain't tell you about how Brother Rabbit got old Brother Wolf out'n a mighty bad fix."

"No," said the little boy, "you haven't, and that's just what I have come for now."

Uncle Remus looked at the rafters, then at the little boy, and finally broke into a loud laugh.

"I 'clar ter goodness," "I declare to goodness," he exclaimed, addressing the imaginary third person to whom he related the most of his grievances, "I 'clar ter goodness ef dat ar chile aint gittin'
so dat he's eve'y whit ez up-en-spoken ez w'at ole Miss ever bin. Dat he is!"
"I declare to goodness if that there child ain't getting
so that he's every whit as up-and-spoken as what old Miss ever been. That he is!"

The old man paused long enough to give the little boy some uneasiness, and then continued:

"Atter ole Brer Fox git de natal hide tuck off'n 'im on de 'count er Brer Rabbit kittle, co'se he hatter go way off by hisse'f fer ter let de ha'r grow out. He 'uz gone so long dat Brer Rabbit sorter 'low ter hisse'f dat he speck he kin come down out'n he steeple, en sorter rack 'roun' mungs de t'er creeturs. "After old Brother Fox get the natal hide took off and him on the account of Brother Rabbit kettle, course he have to go way off by hisself for to let the hair grow out. He was gone so long that Brother Rabbit sort of allow to hisself that he suspect he can come down out of his steeple, and sort of rack around amongs the other creatures.

"He sorter primp up, Brer Rabbit did, en den he start out 'pun he journeys hether en yan.

Hither and yon. [back]

He tuck'n went ter de cross-roads, en dar he stop en choose 'im a road. He choose 'im a road, he did, en den he put out des lak he bin sent fer in a hurry. "He sort of primp up, Brother Rabbit did, and then he start out upon he journeys hither and yon. He took and went to the cross-roads, and there he stop and choose him a road. He choose him a road, and then he put out just like he been sent for in a hurry.

"Brer Rabbit gallop on, he did, talkin' en laughin' wid hisse'f, en eve'y time he pass folks, he'd tu'n it off en make lak he singin'. He 'uz gwine on dis away, w'en fus' news you know, he tuck'n year sump'n. He stop talkin' en 'gun ter hum a chune, but he aint meet nobody. Den he stop en lissen en he year sump'n holler: "Brother Rabbit gallop on, he did, talking and laughing with hisself, and every time he pass folks, he'd turn it off and make like he singing. He was going on this away, when first news you know, he took year something. He stop talking and begun to hum a tune, but he ain't meet nobody. Then he stop and listen and he hear something holler:

"'O Lordy! Lordy! Won't somebody come he'p me?' 'O Lordy! Lordy! Won't somebody come help me?' "

The accent of grief and despair and suffering that Uncle Remus managed to throw into this supplication was really harrowing.

"Brer Rabbit year dis, en he stop en lissen. 'Twan't long 'fo' sump'n n'er holler out: "Brother Rabbit hear this, and he stop and listen. It wasn't long before something near holler out:


"‘O Lordy, Lordy! Please, somebody, come en he'p me.' 'O Lordy, Lordy! Please, somebody, come and help me.'

"Brer Rabbit, he h'ist up he years, he did, en make answer back: "Brother Rabbit, he hoist up his ears, he did, and make answer back:

"‘Who is you, nohow, en w'at de name er goodness de marter?' 'Who is you, nohow, and what the name of goodnes the matter?'

"‘Please, somebody, do run yer!' 'Please, somebody, do run here!'

"Brer Rabbit, he tuck'n stan' on th'ee legs fer to make sho er gittin' a good start ef dey 'uz any needs un it, en he holler back: "Brother Rabbit, he took and stand on three legs for to make sure of getting a good start if there wasy any needs of it, and he hooler back:

"'Wharbouts is you, en how come you dar?' 'Whereabout is you, and how come you there?'

"'Do please, somebody, run yer en he'p a po' mizerbul creetur. I'm down yer in de big gully und' dish yer great big rock.' 'Do please, somebody, run here and help a poor miserable creature. I'm down here in the big gully under this here great big rock.'

"Ole Brer Rabbit bleedz ter be mighty' 'tickler in dem days, en he crope down ter de big gully en look in, en who de name er goodness you speck he seed down dar?" "Old Brother Rabbit pleased to be mighty particular in them days, and he crept down to the big gully and look in, and who the name of goodness you suspect he seed down there?"

Uncle Remus paused and gave the little boy a look of triumph, and then proceeded without waiting for a reply:

"Nobody in de roun' worl' but dat ar ole Brer Wolf w'at Brer Rabbit done bin scalted de week 'fo' dat. He 'uz layin' down dar in de big gully, en, bless gracious! 'pun top un 'im wuz a great big rock, en ef you want ter know de reason dat ar great big rock aint teetotally kilt Brer Wolf, den you'll hatter ax some un w'at know mo' 'bout it dan w'at I does, kaze hit look lak ter me dat it des oughter mash 'im flat. "Nobody in the round world but that there old Brother Wolf what Brother Rabbit done been scalled the week before that. He was laying down there in the big gully, and, bless gracious! upon top of him was a great big rock, and if you want to know the reason that there great big rock ain't totally killed Brother Wolf, then you'll have to ask some one what know more about it than what I does, cause it look lik to me that it just ought to mash him flat.

"Yit dar he wuz, en let 'lone bein' kilt, he got strenk nuff lef' fer ter make folks year 'im holler a mile off, en
he holler so lonesome dat it make Brer Rabbit feel mighty sorry, en no sooner is he feel sorry dan he hol' he coattails out de way en slid down de bank fer ter see w'at he kin do.
"Yet there he was, and let alone being killed, he got strength enough left for to make folks hear him holler a mile off, and
he holler so lonesome that it make Brother Rabbit feel mighty sorry, and no sooner is he feel sorry than he hold his coattails out the way and slide down the bank for to see what he can do.

W'en he git down dar Brer Wolf ax 'im please, sir, kin he he'p 'im wid de removance er dat ar rock, en Brer Rabbit 'low he speck he kin; en wid dat Brer Wolf holler en tell 'im fer mussy sake won't he whirl in en do it, w'ich Brer Rabbit tuck'n ketch holt er de rock en hump hisse'f, en 'twant long 'fo' he git a purchis on it, en, bless yo' soul, he lif 'er up des lak nigger at de log-rollin'. When he get down there Brother Wolf ask him please, sir, can he help him with the removance of that there rock, and Brother Rabbit allow he suspect he can; and with that Brother Wolf holler and tell him for mercy sake won't he whirl in and do it, which Brother Rabbit took and catch hold of the rock and hump hisself, and it wasn't long before he get a purchase on it, and, bless your soul, he lift her up just like nigger at the log-rolling.

"Hit tu'n out dat Brer Wolf aint hurted much, en w'en he fine dis out, he tuck'n tuck a notion dat ef he ev' gwine git he revengeance out'n Brer Rabbit, right den wuz de time, en no sooner does dat come 'cross he min' dan he tuck'n grab Brer Rabbit by de nap er de neck en de small er de back. "It turned out that Brother Wolf ain't hurted much, and when he find this out, he took and took a notion that if he ever going to get his revengence out of Brother Rabbit, right then was the time, and no sooner does that come across his mind than he took and grab Brother Rabbit by the nap of the neck and the small of the back.

"Brer Rabbit he kick en squeal, but 'taint do no manner er good, kaze de mo' w'at he kick de mo' tighter Brer Wolf clamp 'im, w'ich he squoze 'im so hard dat Brer Rabbit wuz feard he 'uz gwine ter cut off he breff. Brer Rabbit, he 'low: "Brother Rabbit he kick an squeal, but, it ain't do no manner of good, cause the more what he kick the more tighter Brother Wolf clamp him, which he squeeqed him so hard that Brother Rabbit was feared he was going to cut off his breathe. Brother Rabbit, he allow:

"'Well, den, Brer Wolf! Is dish yer de way you thanks folks fer savin' yo' life?' 'Well, then, Brother Wolf! Is this here they way you thanks folks for saving you life?'

"Brer Wolf grin big, en den he up'n 'low: "Brother Wolf grin big, and then he up and allow:

"‘I'll thank you, Brer Rabbit, en den I'll make fresh meat out'n you.' 'I'll thank you, Brother Rabbit, and then I'll make fresh meat out of you.'

"Brer Rabbit 'low, he did: "Brother Rabbit allow, he did:


"‘Ef you talk dat away, Brer Wolf, I never is to do yer n'er good turn w'iles I live.' 'If you talk that a-way, Brother Wolf, I never is to do you another good turn whiles I live.'

"Brer Wolf, he grin some mo' en 'low: "Brother Wolf, he grin some more and allow:

"'Dat you won't, Brer Rabbit, dat you won't! You won't do me no mo' good turn tell you er done dead.' "That you won't, Brother Rabbit, that you won't! You won't do me no more good turn till you are done dead.'

"Brer Rabbit, he sorter study ter hisse'f, he did, en den he 'low : "Brother Rabbit, he sort of study to hisself, he did, and then allow:

"'Whar I come fum, Brer Wolf, hit's agin' de law fer folks fer to kill dem w'at done done um a good turn, en I speck hits de law right 'roun' yer.' 'Where I come from, Brother Wolf, it's against the law for folks for to kill them what done done them a good turn, and I suspect it's the law right around here.'

"Brer Wolf say he aint so mighty sho' 'bout dat. Brer Rabbit say he willin' fer ter lef' de whole case wid Brer Tarrypin, en Brer Wolf say he 'gree'ble. "Brother Wolf say he ain't so mighty sure about that. Brother Rabbit say he willing for to leave the whole case with Brother Tarrypin, and Brother Wolf say he agreeable.

"Wid dat, dey put out, dey did, en make der way ter whar ole Brer Tarrypin stay, en w'en dey git dar, Brer Wolf he tuck'n tell he side, en den Brer Rabbit he tuck'n tell he side. Ole Brer Tarrypin put on he specks en cle'r up he th'oat, en den he 'low: "With that, they put out, they did, and make the way to where old Brother Tarrypin stay, and when they get there, Brother Wolf he took and tell his side, and then Brothe rRabbit he took and tell his side. Old Brother Tarrypin put on his specks and clear up his throat, and then he allow:

"'Deys a mighty heap er mixness in dish yer 'spute, en 'fo' I kin take any sides you'll des hatter kyar me fer ter see de place wharbouts Brer Wolf wuz w'en Brer Rabbit foun' 'im,' sezee. "'There's a mighty heap of mixness in this here dispute, and before I can take any sides you'll just have to carry me for to see the place where about Brother Wolf was when Brother Rabbit found him,' says he.

"Sho nuff, dey tuck'n kyar'd ole Brer Tarrypin down de big road twel dey come ter de big gully, en den dey tuck 'im ter whar Brer Wolf got kotch und' de big rock. Ole Brer Tarrypin, he walk 'roun', he did, en poke at de place wid de een' er he cane. Bimeby he shuck he head, he diu, en 'low: "Sure enough, they took and carried old Brother Tarrypin down the big road till they come to the big gully, and then they took him to where Brother Wolf got caught under the big rock. Old Brother Tarrypin, he walk around, he did, and poke at the place with the end of his cane. By and by he shook his head, he did, and allow:

"'I hates might'ly fer ter put you all gents ter so much
trouble; yit, dey aint no two ways, I'll hatter see des how Brer Wolf was kotch, en des how de rock wuz layin' 'pun top un 'im,' sezee. ‘De older folks gits, de mo' trouble dey is,' sezee, ‘en I aint 'nyin' but w'at I'm a ripenin' mo' samer dan a 'simmon w'at's bin strucken wid de fros',' sezee.
"'I hates mightily for to put you all gents to so much
trouble; yet, they ain't no two ways, I'll have to see just how Brother Wolf was caught, and just how the rock was laying upon top of him,' says he. 'The older folks gets, the more trouble they is,' says he, 'and I ain't denying but what I"m a ripening more samer than a persimmon what's been strucken with the frost,' says he.

"Den Brer Wolf, he tuck'n lay down wha’ he wuz w'en Brer Rabbit foun' 'im, en de yuthers dey up'n roll de rock 'pun top un 'im. Dey roll de rock 'pun 'im," "Then Brother Wolf, he took and lay down where he was when Brother Rabbit found him, and the others they up and roll the rock upon top of him. The roll the rock upon him," continued Uncle Remus, looking over his spectacles to see what effect the statement had on the little boy, "en dar he wuz. Brer Tarrypin, he walk all 'roun' en 'roun', en look at'im. Den he sot down, he did, en make marks in de san' wid he cane lak he studyin' 'bout sump'n n'er. Bimeby, Brer Wolf, he open up: "and there he was. Brother Tarrypin, he walk all around and aroun, and look at him. Then he sat down, he did, and make marks in the sand with his can like he studying about something or another. By and by, Brother Wolf, he open up:

"‘Ow, Brer Tarrypin! Dish yer rock gittin' mighty heavy!' 'Ow, Brother Tarrypin! This here rock getting mighty heavy!'

"Brer Tarrypin, he mark in de san', en study, en study. Brer Wolf holler: "Brother Tarrypin, he mark in the sand, and study, and study. Brother Wolf holler:

"‘Ow, Brer Tarrypin! Dish yer rock mashin' de breff out'n me.' 'Ow, Brother Tarrypin! This here rock mashing the breathe out of me.'

"Brer Tarrypin, he r'ar back, he did, en he 'low, sezee: "Brother Tarrypin, he roar back, he did, and he allow says he:

"‘Brer Rabbit, you wuz in de wrong. You aint had no business fer ter corne bodderin' 'longer Brer Wolf w'en he aint bodderin' 'longer you. He 'uz 'ten'in' ter he own business en you oughter bin 'ten'in' ter yone.' 'Brother Rabbit, you was in the wrong. You ain't had no business for to come bothering along Brother Wolf when he ain't bothering along you. He was attending to his own business and you ought to been attending to yours.'

"Dis make Brer Rabbit look 'shame' er hisse'f, but Brer Tarrypin talk right erlong: "This make Brother Rabbit look ashamed of hisself, but Brother Tarrypin talk right erelong:




"'W'en you 'uz gwine down dish yer road dis mawnin', you sho'ly mus' bin a gwine som'ers. Ef you wuz gwine som'ers you better be gwine on. Brer Wolf, he wa'n't gwine nowhars den, en he aint gwine nowhars now. You foun' 'im und' dat ar rock, en und' dat ar rock you lef' 'im.' 'When you was going down this here road this morning, you surely must of been a going somewheres. If you was going somewheres you better be going on. Brother Wolf, he wasn't going nowheres then, and he ain't going nowheres now. You found him under that there rock, and under that there rock you left him.'

"En, bless gracious!" "And, bless gracious!" exclaimed Uncle Remus, "dem ar creeturs racked off fum dar en lef' ole Brer Wolf und' dat ar rock." "them there creatures racked off from there and left old Brother Wolf under that there rock."


"I wonder where Daddy Jack is," said the little boy, one night after he had been waiting for some time for Uncle Remus to get leisure to tell him a story.

Uncle Remus, who was delightfully human in his hypocrisy, as well as in other directions, leaned back in his chair, looked at the little boy with an air of grieved resignation, and said:

"I boun' you does, honey, I boun' you does. Ole Brer Jack look mighty weazly ter de naked eye, but I lay he's a lots mo' likelier nigger dan w'at ole Remus is. De time done gone by w'en a po' ole no-'count nigger lak me kin hol' he han' wid a bran new nigger man lak Brer Jack." "I bound you does, honey, I bound you does. Old Brother Jack look mighty weazley to the naked eye, but I lay he's a lots more likelier nigger than what old Remus is. The time done gone by when a poor old no-account nigger like me can hold his hand with a brand new nigger man like Brother Jack."

The child stared at Uncle Remus with open-eyed astonishment.


"Now, Uncle Remus! I didn't mean that; you know I didn't," he exelaimed.

"Bless yo' heart, honey! hit don't pester me. I done got de speunce un it. Dat I is. Plough-hoss don't squeal en kick w'en dey puts n'er hoss in he place. Brer Jack got de age on 'im but he new ter you. Ole er young, folks is folks, en no longer 'n day 'fo' yistiddy, I year you braggin' 'bout how de vittles w'at dey feeds you on up at de big house aint good ez de vittles w'at yuther childun gits. Nummine ole Remus, honey; you en Brer Jack des go right erlong en I'll be much 'blige ef you'll des lemme set in de cornder yer en chunk de fier. Sho'ly I aint pas' doin' dat." "Bless your heart, honey! it don't pester me. I done got the experience of it. That I si. Plough-horse don't squeal and kick when they puts near horse in his place. Brother Jack got the age on him but he new to you. Old or young, folks is folks, and no longer than day before yesterday, I hear you bragging about how the vittles what they feeds you on up at the big house ain't good as the vittle what other children gets. Nevermind old Remus, honey; you and Brother Jack just go right erelong and I'll be much obliged if you'll just let me sit in the corner here and chunk the fire. Surely I ain't past doing that."

The child was troubled to think that Uncle Remus should find it necessary to depreciate himself, and he made haste to explain his position.

"I thought that if Daddy Jack was here he could tell me a story while you are working, so you wouldn't be bothered."

A broad grin of appreciation spread over Uncle Remus's face. He adjusted his spectacles, looked 'around and behind him, and then, seeing no one but the child, addressed himself to the rafters and cobwebs:

"Well! well! well! ef dish yer don't beat all! Gentermens! dish yer little chap yer, he puny in de legs, yit he mighty strong in de head." "Well! well! well1 if this here don't beat all! Gentlemens! this here little chap here, he puny in the legs, yet he mighty strong in the head."

He paused, as if reflecting over the whole matter, and then turned to the child:

"Is dat w'at make you hone atter Daddy Jack, honey--
des kaze you wan ter set back dar en lissen at a tale? Now, den, ef you hadn't a got me off'n de track, you'd a bin settin' yer lis'nen at one un um dis blessid minnit, kaze des time I year talk dat Mars. John gwine ter have dat ar long-hornded steer kilt fer beef, hit come 'cross my min' 'bout de time w'ence Brer Rabbit en Brer Fox jined in wid one er n'er en kilt a cow."
"Is that what make you hone after Daddy Jack, honey--
just cause you want to set back there and listen at a tale? Now, then, if you hadn't a got me off of the track, you'd a been setting here listening at one of them this blessed minute, cause for beef, it come across my mind about the time when Brother Rabbit and Brother Fox joined in with one another and killed a cow."

"Killed a cow, Uncle Remus?"

"Des ez sho' ez youer settin' dar," "Just as sure as you're sitting there," replied the old man with emphasis. "Look lak dey want no kinder doin's w'at dem ar creeturs want up ter, mo' speshually ole Brer Rabbit. Day in en day out, fum mawnin' twel night en fum night twel mawnin', he 'uz constant a studyin' up some bran new kinder contrapshun fer ter let de yuther creeturs know he 'uz some'rs in de neighborhoods. "Look like they want no kind of doings what them there creatures want up to, more especially old Brother Rabbit. Dany in and day out, from morning till night and from night till morning, he was constant a studying up some brand new kind of contrapsion for to let the other creatures know he was somewheres in the neighborhoods.

"Come down ter dat, you kin b'leeve me er not b'leeve me, des ez you er min' ter; you kin take yo' choosement; but ole Brer Rabbit en ole Brer Fox, spite er dey fallin' out, dey tuck'n go inter cahoots en kilt a cow. Seem lak I disremember who de cow b'long ter," "Come down to that, you can believe me or not believe me, just as you of mind to; you can take your choosement; but old Brother Rabbit and old Brother Fox, spite of their falling out, they took and go into cahoots and killed a cow. Seem like I disremember who the cow belong to," conlinued the old man, frowning thoughtfully, and thus, by a single stroke, imparting an air of reality to the story; "but she sho'ly b'long'd ter some er de neighbors, kaze you kin des put it down, right pine-blank, dat Brer Rabbit aint gwine ter kill he own cow, en needer is Brer Fox. "but she surely belong to some of the neighbors, cause you can just put it down, right pine-blank, that Brother Rabbit ain't going to kill his own cow, and neither is Brother Fox.

"Well, den, dey tuck'n kilt a cow, en 'twan't dey own cow, en atter dey done skunt 'er Brer Rabbit, he up'n 'low, he did, dat ef Brer Fox wanter git de good er de game,
he better run home en fetch a tray er sump'n fer put de jiblets in."
"Well, then, they took and killed a cow, and it wasn't their own cow, and after they done skunked her Brother Rabbit, he up and allow, he did, that if Brother Fox want to get the good of the game,
he better run home and fetch a tray of something for put the jiblets in."

"Jiblets, Uncle Remus?"

"Tooby sho', honey. Dats w'at we-all calls de liver, de lights, de heart, en de melt. Some calls um jiblets en some calls um hasletts, but ef you'll lemme take um en kyar' um home, you kin des up en call um mos' by any name w'at creep inter yo' min'. You do de namin'," "To be sure, honey. That's what we-all calls the liver, the lights, the heart, and the melt. Some calls them jiblets and some calls them hasletts, but if you'll let me take them and carry them home, you can just up and call them most any name what creep into your mind. You do the naming," the old man went on, smacking his lips suggestively, "en I'll do de eatin', en ef I'm de loser, I boun' you won't year no earn plaints fum me. "and I'll do the eating, and if I'm the loser, I bound you won't hear no earn plaints from me.

"But, law bless me! w'at is I'm a doin'? De time's a passin', en I'm aint skacely got start on de tale. Dey kilt de cow, dey did, en Brer Rabbit tell Brer Fox 'bout de jiblets, en w'iles Brer Fox gwine on home atter de bucket fer ter put um in, he say ter hisse'f dat Brer Rabbit aint bad ez he crackt up ter be. But no sooner is Brer Fox outer sight dan Brer Rabbit cut out de jiblets, he did, en kyar'd um off en hide um. Den he come back en tuck a piece er de meat en drap blood 'way off de udder way. "But, lord bless me! what is I'm a doing? The time's a passing, and I'm ain't scarcely got start on the tale. They killed the cow, they did, and Brother Rabbit tell Brother Rox about the jiblets, and whiles Brother Fox going on home after the bucket for to put them in, he say to hisself that Brother Rabbit ain't bad as he cracked up to be. But no sooner is Brother Fox out of sight than Brother Rabbit cut out the jiblets, he did, and carried them off and hide them. Then he come back and took a piece of the meat and dropped blood a-way off the other way.

"Bimeby yer come Brer Fox wid he bucket, en w'en he git dar Brer Rabbit wuz settin' down cryin'. Mon, he uz des a boo-hooin'. Brer Fox, he 'low: "By and by you come Brother Fox with his bucket, and when he get there Brother Rabbit was sitting down crying. Man, he was just a boo-hooing. Brother Fox, he allow:

"‘Name er goodness, Brer Rabbit! w'at de marter?' 'Name of goodness, Brother Rabbit! what the matter?'

"‘Nuff de marter--nuff de marter. I wish you'd a stayed yer w'iles you wuz yer--dat I does, Brer Fox!' 'Enough the matter--enough the matter. I wish you'd stayed here whiles you was here--that I does, Brother Fox!'

"‘How come, Brer Rabbit,--how come?' 'How come, Brother Rabbit,--how come?'

"‘Man come, Brer Fox, en stole all yo' nice jiblets. I bin a runnin' atter 'im, Brer Fox, but he outrun me.' 'Man come, Brother Fox, and stole all your nice jiblets. I been a running after him, Brother Fox but he outrun me.'


"‘W'ich away he go, Brer Rabbit?' "Which a-way he go, Brother Rabbit?'

"‘Yer de way he went, Brer Fox; yer whar he chap de blood. Ef you be right peart, Brer Fox, you'll ketch 'im.' 'Here the way he went, Brother Fox; here where he chap the blood. If you be right peart, Brother Fox, you'll catch him.'

"Brer Fox he drapt de bucket, he did, en put out atter de man w'at tuck de jiblets, en he wan't out'n sight good, 'fo' ole Brer Rabbit sail in en cut out all de fat en taller, en kyar' it off en hide it. Atter w'ile, yer come Brer Fox back des a puffin' en a pantin'. He aint see no man. Brer Rabbit, he hail 'im: "Brother Fox he dropped the bucket, he did, and put ou after the man what took the jiblets, and he wasn't out of sight good, before old Brother Rabbit sail in and cut out all the fat and taller, and carry it off and hide it. After while, here come Brother Fox back just a puffing and a panting. He ain't see no man. Brother Rabbit, he hail him:

"‘You aint come a minnit too soon, Brer Fox, dat you aint. W'iles you bin gone n'er man come 'long en kyar'd off all de taller en fat. He went right off dat away, Brer Fox, en ef you'll be right peart, you'll ketch 'im.' 'You ain't come a minute too soon, Brother Fox, that you ain't. Whiles you been gone another man come along and carried off all the taller and fat. He went right off that a-way, Brother Fox, and if you'll be right peart, you'll catch him.'

"Brer Fox, he tuck'n put out, he did, en run, en run, yit he aint see no man. W'iles he done gone Brer Rabbit kyar off one er de behime quarters. Brer Fox come back; he aint see no man. Brer Rabbit holler en tell 'im dat ne'r man done come en got a behime quarter en run'd off wid it. "Brother Fox, he took and put out, he did, and run, and run, yet he ain't see no man. Whiles he done gone Brother Rabbit carry off one of the behind quarters. Brother Fox come back; he ain't see no man. Brother Rabbit holler and tell him that another man done come and got a behind quarter and runned off with it.

"Brer Fox sorter study 'bout dis, kaze it look lak nobody yuver see de like er mens folks passin' by dat one lonesome cow. He make out he gwine ter run atter de man w'at steal de behime quarter, but he aint git fur 'fo' he tuck'n tu'n 'roun' en crope back, en he 'uz des in time fer ter see Brer Rabbit makin' off wid de yuther behime quarter. Brer Fox mighty tired wid runnin' hether en yan, en backards en forrerds, but he git so mad w'ell he see Brer Rabbit gwine off dat a way, dat he dash up en ax 'im whar is he gwine wid dat ar beef. "Brother Fox sort of study about this, cause it look like nobody ever see the like of mens folk passing by that one lonesome cow. He make out he going to run after the man what steal the behind quarter, but he ain't get far before he took and turn around and crept back, and he was just in time for to see Brother Rabbit making off with the other behind quarter. Brother Fox mighty tired with running hither and yon, and backwards and forwards, but he get so mad w'ell he see Brother Rabbit going off that a way, that he dash up and ask him where is he going with that there beef.


"Brer Rabbit lay de beef down, he did, en look lak he feelin's hurted. He look at Brer Fox lak he feel mighty sorry fer folks w'at kin ax foolish questions lak dat. He shake he head, he did, en 'low: "Brother Rabbit lay the beef down, he did, and look like he feeling's hurted. He look at Brother Fox like he feel mighty sorry for folks what can ask foolish questions like that. He shake his head, he did and allow:

"‘Well, well, well! Who'd a thunk dat Brer Fox would a come axin' me 'bout dish yer beef, w'ich anybody would er know'd I 'uz a kyar'n off fer ter save fer 'im, so nobody couldn't git it?' 'Well, well, well! Who'd a thunk that Brother Fox would a come for to save him, so nobody couldn't get it?'

"But dish yer kinder talk don't suit Brer Fox, en he tuck'n make a motion 'zef

As if. [back]

ter ketch Brer Rabbit, but Brer Rabbit he 'gun 'im leg bail, en dar dey had it thoo de woods twel Brer Rabbit come 'pon a holler tree, en inter dat he went, des lak one er deze streaked lizzuds goes inter a hole in de san'." "But this here kind of talk don't suit Brother Fox, and he took and make a motion as if to catch Brother Rabbit, but Brother Rabbit he begun him leg bail, and there they had it through the woods till Brother Rabbit come upon a hollow tree, and into that he went, just like one of these streaked lizards goes into a hole in the sand."

"And then," said the little boy, as Uncle Remus paused, "along came Brother Buzzard, and Brother Fox set him to watch the hole, and Brother Rabbit said he had found a fat squirrel which he would run out on the other side; and then he came out and ran home."

This was the climax of a story that Uncle Remus had told a long time before, and he looked at his little partner with astonishment not unmixed with admiration.

"I 'clar' ter gracious, honey!" "I declare to gracious, honey!" he exclaimed, "ef yu hol's on ter yo' pra'r's lak you does ter deze yer tales youer doin' mighty well. But don't you try ter hol' Brer Rabbit down ter one trick, you won't never keep up wid 'im in de 'roun' worl'--dat you won't. "if you holds on to your pra'r's like you does to these here tales you're doing mighty well. But don't you try to hold Brother Rabbit down to on trick, you won't never keep up with him in the around world--that you won't.


"Ole Brer Buzzard wuz dar, en Brer Fox ax 'im fer ter watch de hole, but he aint bin dar long 'fo' Brer Rabbit sing out: "Old Brother Buzzard was there, and Brother Fox ask him for to watch the hole, but he ain't been there long before Brother Rabbit sing out:

"‘I got de 'vantage un you, dis whet, Brer Buzzard, I sho'ly is.' 'I got the advantage and you, just wait, Brother Buzzard, I surely is.'

"‘How dat, Brer Rabbit?' 'How that, Brother Rabbit?'

"‘Kaze I kin see you, en you can't see me.' 'Cause I can see you, and you can't see me.'

"Wid dat Brer Buzzard stuck he head in de hole, en look up, en no sooner is he do dis dan Brer Rabbit fill he eyes full er san', en w'iles he gone ter de branch fer ter wash it out, Brer Rabbit he come down outer de holler, en went back ter whar de cow wuz; en mo' dan dat, Brer Rabbit got de ballunce un de beef." "With that Brother Buzzard stuck his head in the hole, and look up, and no sooner is he do this than Brother Rabbit fill his eyes full of sand, and whiles he gone to the branch for to wash it out, Brother Rabbit he come down out of the hollow, and went back to where the cow was; and more than that, Brother Rabbit got the ballance of the beef."


"Uncle Remus," said the little boy, after a pause, "where did Brother Rabbit go when he got out of the hollow tree?"

"Well, sir," exclaimed Uncle Remus, "you aint gwine ter b'leeve me, skacely, but dat owdashus creetur aint no sooner git out er dat ar tree dan he go en git hisse'f mix up wid some mo' trouble, w'ich he git mighty nigh skeer'd out'n he skin. "you ain't going to believe me, scarcely, but that audacious creatrue ain't no sooner get out of that there tree than he go and get hisself mix up with some more trouble, which he get mighty near scared out of his skin.

"W'en Brer Rabbit git out'n de holler tree, he tuck'n
fling some sass back at ole Brer Buzzard, he did, en den he put out down de big road, stidder gwine 'long back home en see 'bout he fambly. He 'uz gwine 'long-- lickety-clickety, clickety-lickety--w'en fus news you know he feel sump'n n'er, drap down 'pun 'im, en dar he wuz. Bless yo' soul, w'en Brer Rabbit kin git he 'membunce terge'er, he feel ole Mr. Wildcat a huggin' 'im fum behime, en w'ispnn in he year."
"When Brother Rabbit get out of the hollow tree, he took and
fling some sass back at old Brother Buzzard, he did, and then he put out down the big road, stidder going along back home and see about his family. He was going along--lickety-clickety, clickety-lickety--when first news you know he feel something another, drop down upon him, and there he was. Bless your soul, when Brother Rabbit can get his remembrance together, he feel old Mr. Wildcat a hugging him from behind, and whispering in his ear."

"What did he whisper, Uncle Remus?" asked the little boy.

"Dis, dat' en de udder, one thing en a nudder." "This, that and the other, on thing and another."

"But what did he say?"

"De way un it wuz dis," "The way of it was this," said Uncle Remus, ignoring the child's question, "Brer Rabbit, he 'uz gallin-up down de road, en old Mr. Wildcat, he uz layin' stretch' out takin' a nap on a tree-lim' hangin' 'crosst de road. He year Brer Rabbit come a lickity-clickitin' down de road, en he des sorter fix hisse'f, en w'en Brer Rabbit come a dancin' und' de lim', all Mr. Wildcat got ter do is ter drap right down on 'im, en dar he wuz. Mr. Wildcat hug 'im right up at 'im, en laugh en w'isper in he year." "Brother Rabbit, he was galling-up down the road, and old Mr. Wildcat, he was laying stretched out taking a nap on a tree limb hanging acrossed the road. He hear Brother Rabbit come lickit-clickiting down the road, and he just sort of fix hisself, and when Brother Rabbit come a dancing under the limb, all Mr. Wildcat got to do is to drop right down on him, and there he was. Mr. Wildcat hug him right up at him, and laugh and whisper in his ear."

"Well, Uncle Remus, what did he say?" persisted the little boy.

The old man made a sweeping gesture with his left hand that might mean everything or nothing, and proceeded to tell the story in his own way.

"Ole Mr. Wildcat hug Brer Rabbit up close en w'isper in he year. Brer Rabbit, he kick, he squall. Bimeby he ketch he breff en 'low: "Old Mr. Wildcat hug Brother Rabbit up close and whisper in his ear. Brother Rabbit, he kick, he squall. By and by he catch his breath and allow:


"‘Ow! O Lordy-lordy! W'at I done gone en done now?' 'Ow! O Lordy-lordy! What I done gone and done now?'

"Mr. Wildcat, he rub he wet nose on Brer Rabbit year, en make cole chill run up he back. Bimeby he say: "Mr. Wildcat, he rub his wet nose on Brother Rabbit ear, and make cold chill run up his back. By and by he say:

"‘O Brer Rabbit, I des natally loves you! You bin a-foolin' all er my cousins en all er my kinfolks, en taint bin so mighty long sence you set Cousin Fox on me, en little mo' en I'd a-to' 'im in two. O Brer Rabbit! I des natally loves you,' sezee. "'O Brother Rabbit, I just naturally loves you! You been a-fooling all of my cousins and all of my kinfolks, and it ain't been so mighty long since you set Cousin Fox on me, and little more and I'd a-tore him in two. O Brother Rabbit! I just naturally loves you,' says he.

"Den he laugh, en he toofs strak terge'er right close ter Brer Rabbit year. Brer Rabbit, he 'low, he did: "Then he laugh, and he tooths strak together right close to Brother Rabbit ear. Brother Rabbit, he allow, he did:

"‘Law, Mr. Wildcat, I thunk maybe you mought lak ter have Brer Fox fer supper, en dat de reason I sent 'im up ter whar you is. Hit done come ter mighty purty pass w'en folks can't be fr'en's 'ceppin' sump'n n'er step in 'twix' en 'tween um, en ef dat de case I aint gwine ter be fr'en's no mo'--dat I aint.' 'Lord, Mr. Wildcat, I thunk maybe you might like to have Brother Fox for supper, and that the reason I sent him up to where you is. It done coem to mighty pretty pass when folks can't be friends excepting something another step in betwixt and between him, and if that the case I asin't going to be friends no more--that I ain't.'

"Mr. Wildcat wipe he nose on Brer Rabbit year, en he do sorter lak he studyin'. Brer Rabbit he keep on talkin'. He 'low: "Mr. Wildcat wipe his nose on Brother Rabbit ear, and he do sort of like he studying. Brother Rabbit he keep on talking. He allow:

"'Endurin' er all dis time, is I ever pester 'long wid you, Mr. Wildcat?' 'Enduring as all this time, is I ever pestering along with you , Mr. Wildcat?'

"‘No, Brer Rabbit, I can't say ez you is.' 'No, Brother Rabbit, I can't say as you is.'

"‘No, Mr. Wildcat, dat I aint. Let 'lone dat, I done my level bes' fer ter he'p you out. En dough you done jump on me en skeer me scan'lous, yit I'm willin' ter do you n'er good tu'n. I year some wild turkeys yelpin' out yan', en ef you'll des lem me off dis time, I'll go out dar en call um up, en you kin make lak you dead, en
dey'll come up en stretch dey neck over you, en you kin jump up en kill a whole passel un um 'fo' dey kin git out de way.'
'No, Mr. Wildcat, that I ain't. Let alone that, I done my level best for to help you out. And though you done jump on me and scare me scandulous, yet I'm willing to do you another good turn. I hear some wild turkeys yelping out yonder, and if you'll just let me off this time, I'll go out there and call them up, and you can make like you dead, and
they'll come up and stretch the neck over you, and you can jump up and kill a whole passel of them before they can get out the way.'

"Mr. Wildcat stop en study, kaze ef dey er one kinder meat w'at he lak dat meat is turkey meat. Den he tuck'n ax Brer Rabbit is he jokin'. Brer Rabbit say ef he 'uz settin' off some'rs by he own-'lone se'f he mought be jokin', but how de name er goodness is he kin joke w'en Mr. Wildcat got 'im hug up so tight? Dis look so pleezy-plozzy

No doubt this means that Brother Rabbit's proposition was pleasant and plausible. [back]

dat 'twan't long 'fo' Mr. Wildcat 'low dat he 'uz mighty willin' ef Brer Rabbit mean w'at he say, en atter w'ile, bless yo' soul, ef you'd a-come 'long dar, you'd er seed ole Mr. Wildcat layin' stretch out on de groun' lookin' fer all de wul' des lak he done bin dead a mont', en you'd er yeard ole Brer Rabbit a yelpin' out in de bushes des lak a sho nuff tukky-hen." "Mr. Wildcat stop and study, cause if there are on kind of meat what he like that meat is turkey meat. Then he took and ask Brother Rabbit is he joking. Brother Rabbit say if he was setting off somewheres by his own-alone self he might be joking, but how the name of goodness is he can joke when Mr. Wildcat got him hug up so tight? Just look so pleezy-plozzy that it wasn't long before Mr. Wildcat allow that he was mighty willing if Brother Rabbit mean what he say, and after while, bless your soul, if you'd a-come along there, you'd a see old old Mr. Wildcat laying stretch out on the ground looking for all the world just like he done been dead a month, and you'd of heard old Brother Rabbit yelping out in the bushes just like a sure enough turkey-hen."

The little boy was always anxious for a practical demonstration, and he asked Uncle Remus how Brother Rabbit could yelp like a turkey-hen. For reply, Uncle Remus searched upon his rude mantel-piece until he found a reed, which he intended to use as a pipe-stem. One end of this he placed in his mouth, enclosing the other in his hands. By sucking the air through the reed with his mouth, and regulating the tone and volume by opening or closing his hands, the old man was able to produce a marvellous imitation of the call of the turkey-hen, much to the delight and astonishment of the little boy.




"Ah, Lord!" exclaimed Uncle Remus, after he had repeated the call until the child was satisfied, "manys en manys de time is I gone out in de woods wid old marster 'fo' de crack er day en call de wile turkeys right spang up ter whar we could er kilt um wid a stick. W'en we fus move yer fum Ferginny, dey use ter come right up ter whar de barn sets, en mo'n dat I done seed ole marster kill um right out dar by de front gate. But folks fum town been comin' 'roun' yer wid der p'inter dogs twel hit done got so dat ef you wanter see turkey track you gotter go down dar ter de Oconee, en dat's two mile off." "manys and manys the time is I gone out in the woods with old master before the crack of day and call the wild turkeys right spang up to where we could of killed them with a stick. When we first move here from Virginny, they used to come right up to where the barn sets, and more than that I done seen old master kill them right out there by the front gate. But folk from town been comming around here with the pointer dogs till it done got so that if you want to se turkey track you got to go down there to the Oconee, and that's two mile off."

"Did the Wildcat catch the turkeys?" the little boy inquired, when it seemed that Uncle Remus was about to give his entire attention to his own reminiscences.

"De gracious en de goodness!" "The gracious and the goodness!" exclaimed the old man. "Yer I is runnin' on en dar lays Mr. Wildcat waitin' fer Brer Rabbit fer ter yelp dem turkeys up. En 'taint take 'im long nudder, kaze, bless yo' soul, ole Brer Rabbit wuz a yelper, mon. "Here I is running on and there lays Mr. Wildcat waiting for Brother Rabbit old Brother Rabbit was a yelper, man.

"Sho nuff, atter w'ile yer dey come, ole Brer Gibley Gobbler wukkin' in de lead. Brer Rabbit, he run'd en meet um en gun um de wink 'bout ole Mr. Wildcat, en by de time dey git up ter whar he layin', Brer Gibley Gobbler en all his folks wuz jined in a big 'spute. One 'low he dead, n'er one 'low he aint, n'er one 'low he stiff, udder one 'low he amt, en t'udder 'low he is. So dar dey had it. Dey stretch out dey neck en step high wid dey foot, yit dey aint git too close ter Mr. VVildcat.

"He lay dar, he did, en he aint move. Win' ruffle up
he ha'r, yit he aint move; sun shine down 'pun 'im, yit he aint move. De turkeys dey gobble en dey yelp, but dey aint go no nigher; dey holler en dey 'spute, but dey aint go no nigher; dey stretch dey neck en dey lif' dey foot high, yit dey aint go no nigher.
"He lay there, he did, and he ain't move. Wind ruffle up
his hair, yet he ain't move; sun shine down upon him, yet he ain't move. The turkeys they gobble and they yelp, but they ain't go no nearer; they holler and they dispute, but they ain't go no nearer; they stretch they neck and they lift they foot high, yet they ain't go no nears.

"Hit keep on dis away, twel bimeby Mr. Wildcat git tired er waitin', en he jump up, he did, en make a dash at de nighest turkey; but dat turkey done fix, en w'en Mr. Wildcat come at 'im, he des riz in de a'r, en Mr. Wildcat run und' 'im. Den he tuck'n run at n'er one, en dat un fly up; en dey keep on dat away twel 'twan't long 'fo' Mr. Wildcat wuz so stiff in de j'ints en so short in de win' dat he des hatter lay down on de groun' en res', en w'en he do dis, ole Brer Gibley Gobbler en all er he folks went on 'bout dey own business; but sence dat day deyer constant a 'sputin' 'long wid deyse'f en eve'ybody w'at come by. Ef you don't b'leeve me," "Hit keep on this a-way, till by and by Mr. Wildcat get tired of waiting, and he jumpup, he did, and make a dash at the nearest turkey; but that turkey done fix, and when Mr. Wildcat come at him, he just rise in the air, and Mr. Wildcat run under him. Then he took and run at another one, and that one fly up; and they keep that a-way till it wasn't long before Mr. Wildcat was so stiff in the joints and so short in the wind that he just have to lay down on the gorund and rest, and when he do this, old Brother Gibley Gobbler and all of his folks went on about they own business; but since that day their constant a disputing along with theyself and everybody what come by. If you don't believe me," with an air of disposing of the whole matter judicially, "you kin des holler. at de fus' Gobbler w'at you meets, en ef he 'fuse ter holler back atter you, you kin des use my head fer a hole in de wall; en w'at mo' kin you ax dan dat?" "you can just holler. at the first Gobbler what you meets, and if he refuse to holler back after you, you can just use my head for a hole in the wall; and what more can you ask than that?"

"What became of Brother Rabbit, Uncle Remus?"

"Well, sir, Brer Rabbit tuck'n lef' dem low-groun's. W'iles de 'sputin' wuz gwine on, he tuck'n bowed his goodbyes, en den he des put out fum dar. Nex' day ole Brer Gibley Gobbler tuck'n sent 'im a turkey wing fer ter make a fan out'n, en Brer Rabbit, he tuck'n sent it ter Miss Meadows en de gals. En I let you know," "Well, sir, Brother Rabbit took and left them low-grounds. Whiles the disputing was going on, he took and bowed his goodbyes, and then he just put out form there. Next day old Brother Gibley Gobbler took and sent him a turkey wing for to make a fan out of, and Brother RAbbit, he took and sent it to Miss Meadows and the gals. And I let you," continued the old man, chuckling heartily to himself, "dey make great 'miration 'bout it." "they make great admiration about it."



"I speck we all dun gone en fergot ole Mr. Benjermun Ram off'n our min'," "I suspect we all done gone and forgot old Mr. Benjamin Ram off of our minds," said Uncle Remus, one night, as the little boy went into the cabin with a large ram's horn hanging on his arm.

"About his playing the fiddle and getting lost in the woods!" exclaimed the child. "Oh, no, I haven't forgotten him, Uncle Remus. I remember just how he tuned his fiddle in Brother Wolf's house."

"Dat's me!" "That's me!" said Uncle Remus with enthusiasm; "dat's me up en down. Mr. Ram des ez fresh in my min' now ez he wuz de day I year de tale. Dat ole creetur wuz a sight, mon. He mos' sho'ly wuz. He wrinkly ole hawn en de shaggy ha'r on he neck make 'im look mighty servigous,

Wild; fierce; dangerous; courageous. The accent is on the second syllable, ser-vi-gous; or, ser-vi-gus, and the g is hard. Aunt Tempy would have said "vigrous." [back]

en w'ence he shake he head en snort, hit seem lak he gwine ter fair paw de yeth fum und' 'im. "that's me up and down. Mr. Ram just as fresh in my mind now as he was the day I hear the tale. That old creature was a sight, man. He mostly surely was. He wrinkly old horn and the shaggy hair on his neck make him look mighty servigous, and when he shake his head and snort, it seem like he going to fair paw the earth from under him.

"Old Brer Fox bin pickin' up ole Mr. Benjermun Ram chilluns w'en dey git too fur fum home, but look lak he aint never bin git close ter de ole creetur. "Old Brother Fox been picking up old Mr. Benjamin Ram children when they get too far from home, but look like he ain't never been get close to the old creature.

"So one time w'en he 'uz comin' on down de road,
talkin' 'long wid Brer Wolf, he up'n 'low, old Brer Fox did, dat he mighty hongry in de neighborhoods er de stomach. Dis make Brer Wolf look lak he 'stonish'd, en he ax Brer Fox how de name er goodness come he hongry w'en ole Mr. Benjermun Ram layin' up dar in de house des a rollin' in fat.
"So one time when he was coming on down the road,
talking along with Brother Wolf, he up and allow, old Brother Fox did, that he mighty hungry in the neighborhoods of the stomach. This make Brother Wolf look like he astonished, and he ask Brother Fox how the name of goodness come he hungry when old Mr. Benjamin Ram laying up there in the house just a rolling in fat.

"Den Brer Fox tuck'n 'low, he did, dat he done bin in de habits er eatin' Mr. Benjermun Ram chillun, but he sorter fear'd er de ole creetur kaze he look so bad on de 'count er he red eye en he wrinkly hawn. "Then Brother Fox took and allow, he did, that he done been in the habits of eating Mr. Benjamin Ram children, but he sort of feared of the old creature cause he look so bad on the account of his red eye and wrinkly horn.

"Brer Wolf des holler en laugh, en den he 'low: "Brother Wolf just holler and laugh, and then he allow:

"‘Lordy, Brer Fox! I dunner w'at kinder man is you, nohow! W'y, dat ar ole creetur aint never hurted a flea in all he born days--dat he aint,' sezee. "'Lordy, Brother Fox! I don't know what kind of man is you, no how! Why, that there old creature ain't never hurted a flea in a ll his born days--that he ain't,' says he.

"Brer Fox, he look at Brer Wolf right hard, he did, en den he up'n 'low: "Brother Fox, he look at Brother Wolf right hard, he did, and then he up and allow:

"‘Heyo, Brer Wolf! manys de time dat you bin hongry 'roun' in deze diggin's en I aint year talk er you makin' a meal off'n Mr. Benjermun Ram,' sezee. "'Heyo, Brother Wolf! manys the time that you been hungry around in these diggings and I ain't hear talk of you making a meal off of Mr. Benjamin Ram,' says he.

"Brer Fox talk so close ter de fatal trufe, dat Brer Wolf got tooken wid de dry grins, yit he up'n 'spon', sezee: "Brother Fox talk so close to the fatal truth, that Brother Wolf got tooken with the dry grins, yet he up and respond, says he:

"‘I des lak ter know who in de name er goodness wanter eat tough creetur lak dat ole Mr. Benjermun Ram--dat w'at I lak ter know,' sezee. "'I just like to know who in the name of goodness want to eat tough creature like that old Mr. Benjamin Ram--that what I like to know,' says he.

"Brer Fox, he holler en laugh, he did, en den he up'n say: "Brother Fox, he holler and laugh, he did, and then he up and say:

"‘Ah-yi, Brer Wolf! You ax me w'at I goes hongry fer, w'en ole Mr. Benjermun Ram up dar in he house, yit
you done bin hongry manys en manys de time, en still ole Mr. Benjermun Ram up dar in he house. Now, den, how you gwine do in a case lak dat?' sez Brer Fox, sezee.
"'Ah-yi, Brother Wolf! You ask me what I goes hungry for, when old Mr. Benjamin Ram up there in his house, yet
you done been hungry manys and manys the time, and still old Mr. Benjamin Ram up there in his house. Now, then, how you going to do in a case like that?' says Brother Fox, says he.

"Brer Wolf, he strak de e'en er he cane down 'pun de groun', en he say, sezee: "Brother Wolf, he strike the end of his cane down upon the ground, and he say, says he:

"'I done say all I got ter say, en w'at I say, dat I'll stick ter. Dat ole creetur lots too tough.' "I done say all I got to say, and what I say, that I'll stick to. That old creature lots too tough.'

"Hongry ez he is, Brer Fox laugh way down in he stomach. Atter w'ile he 'low: "Hungry as he is, Brother Fox laugh way down in his stomach. After while he allow:

"'Well, den, Brer Wolf, stidder 'sputin' 'longer you, I'm gwine do w'at you say; I'm gwine ter go up dar en git a bait er ole Mr. Benjermun Ram, en' I wish you be so good ez ter go 'long wid me fer comp'ny,' sezee. "'Well, then, Brother Wolf, stidder disputing alonger you, I'm going to do what you say; I'm going to go up there and get a bite of old Mr. Benjamin Ram, and I wish you be so good as to go along with me for company,' says he.

"Brer Wolf jaw sorter fall w'en he year dis, en he 'low: "Brother Wolf jaw sort of fall when he hear this, and he allow:

"'Eh-eh, Brer Fox! I druther go by my own 'lone se'f,' sezee. "'Eh-eh, Brother Fox! I'd rather go by my own alone self,' says he.

"'Well, den,' sez Brer Fox, sezee, 'you better make 'as'e,' sezee, 'kaze taint gwine ter take me so mighty long fer ter go up dar en make hash out'n old Mr. Benjermun Ram,' sezee. "'Well, then,' says Brother Fox, says he, 'you better make haste,' says he, 'cause it ain't going to take me so mighty long for to go up there and make hash out of old Mr. Benjamin Ram,' says he.

"Brer Wolf know mighty well," "Brother Wolf know mighty well," said Uncle Remus, snapping his huge tongs in order to silence a persistent cricket in the chimney, "dat ef he dast ter back out fum a banter lak dat he never is ter year de las' un it fum Miss Meadows en Miss Motts en de gals, en he march off todes Mr. Benjermun Ram house. "that if he dares to back out from a banter like that he never is to hear the last of it from Miss Meadows and Miss Motts and the gals, and he march off towards Mr. Benjamin Ram house.

"Little puff er win' come en blow'd up some leafs, en Brer Wolf jump lak somebody shootin' at 'im, en he fly
mighty mad w'en he year Brer Fox laugh. He men' he gait, he did, en 'twan't 'long 'fo' he 'uz knockin' at Mr. Benjermun Ram do'.
"Little puff of wind come and blowed up some leaves, and Brother Wolf jump like somebody shooting at him, and he fly
mighty mad when he hear Brother Fox laugh. He mend his gait, he did, and it wasn't long before he was knocking at Mr. Benjamin Ram door.

"He knock at de do', he did, en co'se he speck somebody fer ter come open de do', but stidder dat, lo' en beholes yer come Mr. Benjermun Ram 'roun' de house. Dar he wuz--red eye, wrinkly hawn en shaggy head. Now, den, in case lak dat, w'at a slim-legged man lak Brer Wolf gwine do? Dey aint no two ways, he gwine ter git 'way fum dar, en he went back ter whar Brer Fox is mo' samer dan ef de patter-rollers wuz atter 'im. "He knock at the door, he did, and course he suspect somebody for to come open the door, but stidder that, low and beholds here come Mr. Benjamin Ram around the house. There he was--red eye, wrinkly horn and shaggy head. Now, then, in case like that, what a slim-legged man like Brother Wolf going do? They ain't no two ways, he going to get away from there, and he went back to where Brother Fox is more samer than if the patter-rollers was after him.

"Brer Fox, he laugh en he laugh, en ole Brer Wolf, he look mighty glum. Brer Fox ax 'im is he done kilt en e't Mr. Benjermun Ram, en ef so be, is he lef' any fer him. Brer Wolf say he aint feelin' well, en he don't lak mutton nohow. Brer Fox 'low: "Brother Fox, he laugh, and old Brother Wolf, he look mighty glum. Brother Fox ask him is he done killed and ate Mr. Benjamin Ram, and if so be, is he left any for him. Brother Wolf say he ain't feeling well, and he don't like mutton no how. Brother Fox allow:

"'You may be puny in de min', Brer Wolf, but you aint feelin' bad in de leg, kaze I done seed you wuk um.' 'You may be puny in the mind, Brother Wolf, but you ain't feeling bad in the leg, cause I done seed you work them.'

"Brer Wolf 'low he des a runnin' fer ter see ef twont mak 'im feel better. Brer Fox, he say, sezee, dat w'en he feelin' puny, he aint ax no mo' dan fer somebody fer ter git out de way en let 'im lay down. "Brother Wolf allow his just a running for to see if it won't make him feel better. Brother Fox, he say, says he, that when he feeling puny, he ain't ask no more than for somebody for to get out of the way and let him lay down.

"Dey went on in dis away, dey did, twel bimeby Brer Fox ax Brer Wolf ef he'll go wid 'im fer ter ketch Mr. Benjermun Ram. Brer Wolf, he 'low, he did: "They went on in this a-way, they did, till by and by Brother Fox ask Brother Wolf if he'll go with him for to catch Mr. Benjamin Ram. Brother Wolf, he allow, he did:

"‘Eh-eh, Brer Fox! I fear'd you'll run en lef' me dar fer ter do all de fightin'.' 'Eh-eh, Brother Fox! I feared you'll run and left me there for to do all the fighting.'

"Brer Fox, he 'low dat he'll fix dat, en he tuck'n got 'im a. plough-line, en tied one een' ter Brer Wolf en t'er een'
ter he own se'f. Wid dat dey put out fer Mr. Benjermun Ram house. Brer Wolf, he sorter hang back, but he 'shame' fer ter say he skeer'd, en dey went on en went on plum twel dey git right spang up ter Mr. Benjermun Ram house.
"Brother Fox, he allow that he'll fix that, and took and got him a plough-line, and tied one end to Brother Wolf and the other end
to his own self. With that they put out for Mr. Benjamin Ram house. Brother Wolf, he sort of hang back, but he ashamed for to say he scared, and they went on and went on plum till they et right spang up to Mr. Benjamin Ram house.

"W'en dey git dar, de ole creetur wuz settin' out in de front po'ch sorter sunnin' his se'f. He see um comin', en w'en dey git up in hailin' distance, he sorter cle'r up he th'oat, he did, en holler out: "When they get there, the old creature was sitting out in the front porch sort of sunning hisself. He see them coming, and when they get up in hailing distance, he sort of clear up his throat, he did, and holler out:

"'I much 'blije to you, Brer Fox, fer ketchin' dat owdashus vilyun en fetchin' 'im back. My smoke-'ouse runnin' short, en I'll des chop 'im up en pickle 'im. Fetch 'im in, Brer Fox! fetch 'im in!' 'I much obliged to you, Brother Fox, for catching that audacious villian and fetching him back. My smoke- house running short, and I'll just chop him up and pickle him. Fetch him in, Brother Fox! fetch him in!'

"Des 'bout dat time ole Miss Ram see dem creeturs a-comin', en gentermens! you mought er yeard er blate plum ter town. Mr. Benjermun Ram, he sorter skeer'd hisse'f, but he keep on talkin': "Just about that time old Miss Ram see them creatues a-coming, and gentlemens! you might of heard of blate plum to town. Mr. Benjamin Ram, he sort of scared hisself, but he keep talking:

"‘Fetch 'im in, Brer Fox! fetch'im in! Don't you year my ole 'oman cryin' fer 'im? She aint had no wolf meat now in gwine on mighty nigh a mont'. Fetch 'im in, Brer Fox! fetch 'im in!' 'Fetch him in, Brother Fox! fetch him in! Don't you hear my old woman for him? She ain't had no wolf meat now in going on mighty near a month. Fetch him in, Brother Fox! fetch him in!'

"Fus' Brer Wolf try ter ontie hisse'f, den he tuck'n broke en run'd, en he drag ole Brer Fox atter 'im des lak he aint weigh mo'n a poun', en I let you know hit 'uz many a long day 'fo' Brer Fox git well er de thumpin' he got."

"Uncle Remus," said the little boy after a while, "I thought wolves always caught sheep when they had the chance."

"Dey ketches lam's, honey, but bless yo' soul! dey
aint ketch deze yer ole-time Rams wid red eye en wrinkly hawn."
"They catches lambs, honey, but bless your soul! they
ain't catch these here old-time Rams with red eye and wrinkly horn."

"Where was Brother Rabbit all this time?"

"Now, den, honey, don't less pester wid ole Brer Rabbit right now. Des less gin 'im one night rest, mo' speshually w'en I year de seven stares say yo' bed-time done come. Des take yo' foot in yo' han' en put right out 'fo' Miss Sally come a callin' you, kaze den she'll say I'm a settin' yer a noddin' en not takin' keer un you." "Now then, honey, don't lets pester with old Brother Rabbit right now. Just lets give him one more night rest, more especially when I hear the seven stars say your bed-time done come. Just take your foot in your hand and put right out for Miss Sally come a calling you, cause then she'll say I'm sitting here nodding and not taking care of you."

The child laughed and ran up the path to the big-house, stopping a moment on the way to mimic a bull-frog that was bellowing at a tremendous rate near the spring.


Not many nights after the story of how Mr. Benjamin Ram frightened Brother Wolf and Brother Fox, the little boy found himself in Uncle Remus's cabin. It had occurred to him that Mr. Ram should have played on his fiddle somewhere in the tale, and Uncle Remus was called on to explain. He looked at the little boy with an air of grieved astonishment, and exclaimed:

"Well, I be bless if I ever ye ar der beat er dat. Yer you bin a-persooin' on atter deze yer creeturs en makin' der
'quaintunce, en yit look lak ef you 'uz ter meet um right up dar in der paff you'd fergit all 'bout who dey is."
"Well, I be bless if I ever hear the beat of that. Here you been a-pursing on after these here creatures and making the
acquaintance, and yet look like if you was to meet them right up there in the path you forget all about who they is."

"Oh, no, I wouldn't, Uncle Remus!" protested the child, glancing at the door and getting a little closer to the old man.

"Yasser! you'd des natally whirl in en forgit 'bout who dey is. Taint so mighty long sence I done tole you 'bout ole Mr. Benjermun Ram playin' he fiddle at Brer Wolf house, en yer you come en ax me how come he don't take en play it at 'im 'g'in. W'at kinder lookin' sight 'ud dat ole creetur a-bin ef he'd jump up en grab he fiddle en go ter playin' on it eve'y time he year a fuss down de big road?" "Yessir! you'd just naturally whirl in and forget about who they is. It ain't so mighty long since I done told you aobut old Mr. Benjamin Ram playing his fiddle at Brother Wolf house, and here you come and ask me how come he don't take and play it at him again. What kind of looking sight would that old creature a-been if he'd jump up and grab his fiddle and got to playing on it every time he hear a fuss down the big road?"

The little boy said nothing, but he thought the story would have been a great deal nicer if Mr. Benjamin Ram could have played one of the old-time tunes on his fiddle, and while he was thinking about it, the door opened and Aunt Tempy made her appearance. Her good-humor was infectious.

"Name er goodness!" "Name of goodness!" she exclaimed, "I lef' you all settin' yer way las' week; I goes off un I does my wuk, un I comes back, un I fines you settin' right whar I lef' you. Goodness knows, I dunner whar you gits yo' vittles. I dunner whar I aint bin sence I lef' you all settin' yer. I let you know I bin a-usin' my feet un I been a-usin' my han's. Dat's me. No use ter ax how you all is, kaze you looks lots better'n me." "I left you all sitting here way last week; I goes off and I does my work, and I comes back, and I finds you sitting right where I left you. Goodness knows, I don't know where you get your vittles. I don't know where I ain't been since I lfet you all sitting here. I let you know I been a-using my feet and I been a-using my hands. That's me. No use to ask how you all is, cuase you looks lots better than me."

"Yas, Sis Tempy, we er settin' yer whar you lef' us, en der Lord, he bin a pervidin'. W'en de vittles don't come
in at de do' hit come down de chimbly, en so w'at de odds? We er sorter po'ly, Sis Tempy, I'm 'blige ter you. You know w'at de jay-bird say ter der squinch-owl! ‘I'm sickly but sassy.'"
"Yes, Sister Tempy, we are sitting here where you left us, and the Lord, he ben providing. When the vittle don't come
in at the door it come down the chimney, and so what the odd? We aer sort of poorly, Sister Tempy, I'm obliged to you. You know what the jay-bird say to the squinch-owl! I'm sickly but sassy.'"

Aunt Tempy laughed as she replied: "I speck you all bin a havin' lots er fun. Goodness knows I wish many a time sence I bin gone dat I 'uz settin' down yer runnin' on wid you all. I aint bin gone fur--dat's so, yit Mistiss put me ter cuttin'-out, un I tell you now dem w'at cuts out de duds fer all de niggers on dis place is got ter wuk fum soon in de mawnin' plum tell bed-time, dey aint no two ways. Taint no wuk youk'n kyar' 'bout wid you needer, kaze you got ter spread it right out on de flo' un' git down on yo' knees. I mighty glad I done wid it, kaze my back feel like it done broke in a thous'n pieces. Honey, is Brer Remus bin a-tellin' you some mo' er dem ole-time tales?" "I suspect you all been a having lots of fun. Goodness knows I wish many times since I been gone that I was sitting down here running with you all. I ain't been gone for---that's so, yet Mistress put me to cutting-out, and I tellyou now them what cuts out the duds for all the nigger on the place is got to work from soon in the moringing plum till bed-time, there ain't no two ways. It ain't now work you can carry about with you neither, cause you got to spread it right out on the floor and get down on you knees. I mighty glad I done with it, cause my back feel like it done broke in a thousand pieces. Honey, is Brother Remus been a-telling you some more of them old-time tales?

Aunt Tempy's question gave the little boy an excuse for giving her brief outlines of some of the stories. One that he seemed to remember particularly well was the story of how Brother Rabbit and Brother Fox killed a cow, and how Brother Rabbit got the most and the best of the beef.

"I done year talk uv a tale like dat," "I done hear talk of a tale like that," exclaimed Aunt Tempy, laughing heartily, "but 'taint de same tale. I mos' 'shame' ter tell it." "but it ain't the same tale. I most ashamed to tell it."

"You gittin' too ole ter be blushin', Sis Tempy," "You getting too old to be blushing, Sister Tempy," said Uncle Remus with dignity.

"Well den," "Well then," said Aunt Tempy, wiping her fat face with her apron: "One time Brer Rabbit un Brer Wolf tuck'n
gone off som'ers un kilt a cow, un w'en dey come fer ter vide out de kyarkiss, Brer Wolf 'low dat bein's he de biggest he oughter have de mos', un he light in, he did, un do like he gwine ter take it all. Brer Rabbit do like he don't keer much, but he keer so bad hit make 'im right sick. He tuck'n walk all 'roun' de kyarkiss, he did, un snuff de air, un terreckly he say:
"One time Brother Rabbit and Brother Wolf took and pb facs="har1883.2007.001.0389.jpg"/> gone off somewheres and killed a cow, and when they come for to divide out the carcass, Brother Wolf allow that being as he the biggest he ought to have the most, and he light in, he did, and do like he going to take it all. Brother Rabbit do like he don't care much, but he care so bad it make him right sick. He took and walk all around the carcass, he did, and snuff the air and directly he say:

"‘Brer Wolf!--O Brer Wolf!--is dis meat smell 'zuckly right ter you?' 'Brother Wolf!--Oh Brother Wolf!--is this meat smell exactly right to you?'

"Brer Wolf, he cuttin' un he kyarvin' un he aint sayin' nothin'. Brer Rabbit, he walk all 'roun' un 'roun' de kyarkiss. He feel it un he kick it. Terreckly he say: "Brother Wolf, he cutting and he carrying on he ain't saying nothing. Brother Rabbit, he walk all around and around the carcass. He feel it and he kick it. Directly he say:

"‘Brer Wolf!--O Brer Wolf!--Dis meat feel mighty flabby ter me; how it feel ter you?' 'Brother Wolf!--Oh Brother Wolf!--This meat feel mighty flabby to me; how it feel to you?'

"Brer Wolf, he year all dat's said, but he keep on a cuttin' un a kyarvin'. Brer Rabbit say: "Brother Wolf, he hear all that's said, but he keep on cutting and a carrying on. Brother Rabbit say:

"‘You kin talk er not talk, Brer Wolf, des ez youer min' ter, yit ef I aint mistooken in de sign, you'll do some tall talkin' 'fo' youer done wid dis beef. Now you mark w'at I tell you!' 'You can talk or not talk, Brother Wolf, just as you've mind to, yet if I ain't mistooken in the sign, you'll do some tall talking before you've done with this beef. Now you mark what I tell you!"

"Brer Rabbit put out fum dar, en 'twan't long 'fo' yer he come back wid a chunk er fier, un a dish er salt. W'en Brer Wolf see dis, he say: "Brother Rabbit put out from there, and it wasn't long before here he come back with a chunk of fire, and a dish of salt. When Brother Wolf see this, he say:

"‘Wat you gwine do wid all dat, Brer Rabbit?' 'What you going to do with all that, Brother Rabbit?'

Brer Rabbit laugh like he know mo' dan he gwine tell, en he say: Brother Rabbit laugh like he know more than he going to tell, and he say:

"‘Bless yo' soul, Brer Wolf! I aint gwine ter kyar er poun' er dis meat home tell I fin' out w'at de matter wid it. No I aint--so dar now!' 'Bless your soul, Brother Wolf! I ain't going to carry a pound of this meat hom till I find out what the matter with it. No I ain't--so there now!'


"Den Brer Rabbit built 'im a fier un cut 'im off a slishe er steak un br'ilte it good un done, un den he e't little uv it. Fus' he'd tas'e un den he'd nibble; den he'd nibble un den he'd tas'e. He keep on tell he e't right smart piece. Den he went'n sot off little ways like he waitin' fer sump'n. "Then Brother Rabbit built him a fire and cut him off a slice of steak and broiled it good and done, and then he eat little of it. First he'd taste and then he'd nibble; then he'd nibble and then he'd taste. He keep on tell he eat right smart piece. Then he went and sat off little ways like he waiting for something.

"Brer Wolf, he kyarve un he cut, but he keep one eye on Brer Rabbit. Brer Rabbit sot up dar same ez Judge on de bench. Brer Wolf, he watch his motions. Terreckly Brer Rabbit fling bofe han's up ter he head un fetch a groan. Brer Wolf cut un kyarve un watch Brer Rabbit motions. Brer Rabbit sorter sway backerds un forrerds en fetch n'er groan. Den he sway fum side to side en holler 'O Lordy!' Brer Wolf, he sorter 'gun ter git skeer'd un he ax Brer Rabbit w'at de matter. Brer Rabbit, he roll on de groun' en holler: "Brother Wolf, he carve and he cut, but he keep one eye on Brother Rabbit. Brother Rabbit sat up there same as Judge on the bench. Brother Wolf, he watch his motions. Directly Brother Rabbit fling both hands up to his head and fetch a groan. Brother Wolf cut and carve and watch Brother Rabbit motions. Brother Rabbit sort of sway backwards and forwards and fetch another groan. Then he sway from side to side and holler 'O Lordy!' Brother Wolf, he sort of begun to get scared and he ask Brother Rabbit what the matter. Brother Rabbit roll on the ground and holler:

"'O Lordy, Lordy! I'm pizen'd, I'm pizen'd! O Lordy! I'm pizen'd ! Run yer, somebody, run yer! De meat done got pizen on it. Oh, do run yer!' 'O Lordy, Lordy! I'm poisoned, I'm poisoned! O Lordy! I'm poisoned! Run here, somebody, run here! The meat done got poison on it. Oh, do run here!

"Brer Wolf git so skeer'd dat he put out fum dar, un he want out er sight skacely 'fo' Brer Rabbit jump up fum dar un cut de pidjin-wing, un 'twan't so mighty long atter dat 'fo' Brer Rabbit done put all er dat beef in his smoke-house." "Brother Wolf get so scared that he put out from there, and he weren't out of sight scarcely before Brother Rabbit jump up from there and cut the pigeon-wing, and it wasn't so mighty long after that before Brother Rabbit done put all that beef in his smoke-house."

"What became of Brother Wolf?" the little boy inquired.

"Brer Wolf went atter de doctor," "Brother Wolf went after the doctor," continued Aunt Tempy, making little tucks in her apron, "un w'en he come back Brer Rabbit un de beef done gone; un, bless
goodness, ef it hadn't er bin fer de sign whar Brer Rabbit built de fier, Brer Wolf would er bin mightly pester'd fer ter fine der place whar de cow bin kilt."
"and when he come back Brother Rabbit and the beef done gone; and bless
goodness, if it hadn't of been for the sign where Brother Rabbit built the fire, Brother Wolf would of been mighty pestered to find the place where the cow been killed."

At this juncture, 'Tildy, the house-girl, came in to tell Aunt Tempy that one of the little negroes had been taken suddenly sick.

"I bin huntin' fer you over de whole blessid place," "I been hunting for you over the whole blessed place," said 'Tildy.

"No you aint--no you aint. You aint bin huntin' nowhar. You know'd mighty well whar I wuz." "No you ain't--no you ain't. You ain't been hunting nowhere. You knowed mighty well where I was."

"Law, Mam' Tempy, I can't keep up wid you. How I know you down yer courtin' wid Unk Remus?" "Lord, Mam' Tempy, I cant keep up with you. How I know you down here courting with Uncle Remus?"

"Yo' head mighty full er courtin', you nas' stinkin' huzzy!" "Your head mighty full of courting, you nasty stinking huzzy!" exclaimed Aunt Tempy.

Uncle Remus, strange to say, was unmoved. He simply said:

"W'en you see dat ar 'Tildy gal pirootin' 'roun' I boun' you ole Brer Affikin Jack aint fur off. 'Twon't be so mighty long 'fo' de ole creetur'll show up." "When you see that there 'Tildy gal pirouetting around I bound you old Brother African Jack ain't far off. It won't be so mighty long before the old creature'll show up."

"How you know dat, Unk Remus?" "How you know that, Uncle Remus?" exclaimed 'Tildy, showing her white teeth and stretching her eyes. "Hit's de Lord's trufe; Mass Jeems done writ a letter ter Miss Sally, an' he say in dat letter dat Daddy Jack ax 'im fer ter tell Miss Sally ter tell me dat he'll be up yer dis week. Dat ole Affikin ape got de impidence er de Ole Boy. He dunner who he foolin' 'longer!" "It's the Lord's truth; Master James done write a letter to Miss Sally, and he say in that letter that Daddy Jack ask him for to tell Miss Sally to tell me that he'll be up here this week. That old African ape got the impudence of the Old Boy. He don't know who he fooling alonger!"



The next night the little boy hardly waited to eat his supper before going to Uncle Remus's house; and when Aunt Tempy failed to put in an appearance as early as he thought necessary, he did not hesitate to go after her. He had an idea that there was a sequel to the story she had told the night before, and he was right. After protesting against being dragged around from post to pillar by children, Aunt Tempy said:

"Atter Brer Rabbit tuck'n make out he uz pizen'd un git all de beef, 'twant long 'fo' he chance to meet ole Brer Wolf right spang in de middle uv de road. Brer Rabbit, he sorter shied off ter one side, but Brer Wolf hail 'im: "After Brother Rabbit took and make out he was poisoned and get all the beef, it wasn't long before he chance to meet old Brother Wolf right spang in the middle of the road. Brother Rabbit, he sort of shied off to one side, but Brother Wolf hail him:

"'W'oa dar, my colty! don't be so gaily. You better be 'shame' yo'se'f 'bout de way you do me w'en we go inter cahoots wid dat beef.' 'Whoa there, my colty! don't be so gaily. You better be ashamed yourself about the way you do me when we go into cahoots with that beef.'

"Brer Rabbit, he up'n ax Brer Wolf how all his folks. Brer Wolf say: "Brother Rabbit, he up ans ask Brother Wolf how all his folks. Brother Wolf say:

"'You'll fin' out how dey all is 'fo' dis day gone by. You took'n took de beef, un now I'm a gwine ter take'n take you.' "You'll find out how they all is before this day gone by. You took and took the beef, and now I'm going to take and take you.'

"Wid dis Brer Wolf make a dash at Brer Rabbit, but he des lack a little bit uv bein' quick 'nuff, un Brer Rabbit he des went a sailin' thoo de woods. Brer Wolf, he tuck
atter 'im, un yer dey had it--fus' Brer Rabbit un den Brer Wolf. Brer Rabbit mo' soopler dan Brer Wolf, but Brer Wolf got de 'vantage er de win', en terreckly he push Brer Rabbit so close dat he run in a holler log.
"With this Brother Wolf make a dash at Brother Rabbit, but he just lack a little bit of being quick enough, and Brother Rabbit he jsut went a sailing through the woods. Brother Wolf, he took
after him, and here they had it--first Brother Rabbit and then Brother Wolf. Brother Rabbit more soopler than Brother Wolf, but Brother Wolf got the advantage of the wind, and directly he push Brother Rabbit so close that he run in a hollow log.

"Brer Rabbit bin in dat log befo' un he know dey's a hole at de t'er een', en he des keep on a'gwine. He dart in one een' an he slip out de udder. He aint stop ter say goo'-bye; bless you! he des keep on gwine. "Brother Rabbit been in that log before and he know there's a hole at the other end, and he just keep on a' going. He dart in one end and he slip out the other. He ain't stop to say good-bye; bless you! he just keep on going.

"Brer Wolf, he see Brer Rabbit run in de holler log, un he say ter hisse'f: "Brother Wolf, he see Brother Rabbit run in the hollow log, and he say to hisself:

"'Heyo, dey bin callin' you so mighty cunnin' all dis time, un yer you done gone un shot yo'se'f up in my trap.' 'Heyo, they been calling you so mighty cunning all this time, and here you done gone and shot yourself up in my trap.'

"Den Brer Wolf laugh un lay down by de een' whar Brer Rabbit went in, un pant un res' hisse'f. He see whar Brer B'ar burnin' off a new-groun, un he holler un ax 'im fer ter fetch 'im a chunk er fier, un Brer B'ar he fotch it, en dey sot fier ter de holler log, un dey sot dar un watch it till it burn plum up. Den dey took'n shuck han's, en Brer Wolf say he hope dat atter dat dey'll have some peace in de neighborhoods." "Then Brother Wolf laugh and lay down by the end where Brother Rabbit went in, and pant and rest hisself. He see where Brother Bear burning off a new-ground, and he holler and ask him for to fetch him a chunk of fire, and Brother Bear he fetched it, and they set fire to the hollow log, and they sat there and watch it till it burn plum up. Then they took and shook hands, and Brother Wolf say he hope that after that they'll have some peace in the neighborhoods."

Uncle Remus smiled a knowing smile as he filled his pipe, but Aunt Tempy continued with great seriousness:

"One time atter dat, Brer Wolf, he took'n pay a call down ter Miss Meadows, un w'en he git dar un see Brer Rabbit settin' up side uv one er de gals, he like to a fainted, dat he did. He 'uz dat 'stonish'd dat he look right down-hearted all endurin' uv de party. "One time after that, Brother Wolf, he took and pay a call down to Miss Meadows, and when he get there and see Brother Rabbit sitting up side of one of the gals, he like to a fainted, that he did. He was that astonished that he look right down-hearted all enduring of the party.

"Brer Rabbit, he bow'd his howdies ter Brer Wolf un
shuck han's 'long wid 'im, des like nothin' aint never happen 'twixt 'um, un he up'n say:
"Brother Rabbit, he bowed his howdies to Brother Wolf and
shook hands along with him, just like nothing ain't never happen betwixt them, and he up and say:

"'Ah-law, Brer Wolf! Youer much mo' my fr'en' dan you ever speckted ter be, un you kin des count on me right straight 'long.' 'Ah-Lord, Brother Wolf! You're much more my friend than you ever suspected to be, and you can just count on me right straight along.'

"Brer Wolf say he feel sorter dat away hisse'f, un he ax Brer Rabbit w'at make 'im change his min' so quick. "Brother Wolf say he feel sort of that a-way hisself, and he ask Brother Rabbit what make him change his mind so quick.

"'Bless you, Brer Wolf, I had needs ter change it,' sez Brer Rabbit, sezee. "'Bless you, Brother Wolf, I had needs to change it,' says Brother Rabbit, says he.

"Brer Wolf, he ax 'im how come. "Brother Wolf, he ask him how come.

"'All about bein' burnt up in a holler log, Brer Wolf, en w'en you gits time I wish you be so good ez ter bu'n me up some mo',' sez Brer Rabbit, sezee. "'All about being burnt up in a hollow log, Brother wolf, and when you gets time I wish you be so good as to burn me up some more,' says Brother Rabbit, says he.

"Brer Wolf, he ax 'im how so. Brer Rabbit say: "Brother Wolf, he ask him how so. Brother Rabbit say:

"'I'm fear'd ter tell you, Brer Wolf, kaze I don't want de news ter git out.' "I'm feared to tell you, Brother Wolf, cause I don't want the news to get out.'

"'Brer Wolf vow he won't tell nobody on de top side er de worl'. Brer Rabbit say: "'Brother Wolf vow he won't tell nobody on the top side of the world. Brother Rabbit say:

"'I done fin' out, Brer Wolf, dat' w'en you git in a holler tree un somebody sets it a-fier, dat de natal honey des oozles out uv it, un mor'n dat, atter you git de honey all over you, tain't no use ter try ter burn you up, kaze de honey will puzzuv you. Don't 'ny me dis favor, Brer Wolf, kaze I done pick me out a n'er holler tree,' sez Brer Rabbit, sezee. "'I done find out, Brother Wolf, that when you get in a hollow tree and somebody sets it a-fire, that the natural honey just oozles out of it, and morn than that, after you get the honey all over you, it ain't no use to try to burn you up, cause the honey will protect you. Don't envy me this favor, Brother Wolf, cause I done pick me out another hollow tree,' says Brother Rabbit, says he.

"Brer Wolf, he wanter put right out den un dar, un Brer Rabbit say dat des de kinder man w'at he bin huntin' fer. Dey took deyse'f off un 'twan't long 'fo' dey came ter de tree w'at Brer Rabbit say he done pick out. W'en
dey git dar, Brer Wolf, he so greedy fer ter git a tas'e er de honey dat he beg un beg Brer 'Rabbit fer ter let 'im git in de holler. Brer Rabbit, he hol' back, but Brer Wolf beg so hard dat Brer Rabbit 'gree ter let 'im git in de holler.
"Brother Wolf, he want to put right out then and there, and Brother Rabbit say that just the kind of man what he been hunting for. They took theyself off and it wasn't long before they came to the tree what Brother Rabbit say he dont pick out. When
they get there, Brother Wolf, he so greedy for to get a taste of the honey that he beg and beg Brother Rabbit for to let him get in the hollow. Brother Rabbit, he hold back, but Brother Wolf beg so hard that Brother Rabbit agree to let him get in the holloow.

"Brer Wolf, he got in, he did, un Brer Rabbit stuff de hole full er dry leaves un trash, un den he got 'im a chunk er fier un totch 'er off. She smoked un smoked, un den she bust out in a blaze. Brer Rabbit, he pile up rocks, un brush, un sticks, so Brer Wolf can't git out. Terreckly Brer Wolf holler: "Brother Wolf, he got in, he did, and Brother Rabbit stuff the hole full of dry leaves and trash, and then he got him a chunk of fire and touch her off. She smoked and smoked, and then she bust out in a blaze. Brother Rabbit, he pile up rocks, and brush, and sticks, so Brother Wolf can't get out. Directly Brother Wolf holler:

"‘Gittin' mighty hot, Brer Rabbit! I aint see no honey yit.' 'Getting mighty hot, Brother Rabbit! I ain't see no honey yet.'

Brer Rabbit he pile on mo' trash, un holler back: Brother Rabbit he pile on more trash, and holler back:

"‘Don't be in no hurry, Brer Wolf; you'll see it un tas'e it too.' 'Don't be in no hurry, Brother Wolf; you'll see it and taste it too.'

"Fier burn un burn, wood pop like pistol. Brer Wolf, he holler: "Fire burn and burn, wood pop like pistol. Brother Wolf, he holler:

"‘Gittin' hotter un hotter, Brer Rabbit. No honey come yit.' 'Getting hotter and hotter, Brother Rabbit. No honey came yet.'

"‘Hol' still, Brer Wolf, hit'll come.' 'Hold still, Brother Wolf, it'll come.'

"‘Gimme a'r, Brer Rabbit; I'm a-chokin'.' 'Give me air, Brother Rabbit; I'm a-choking.'

"‘Fresh a'r make honey sour. Des hol' still, Brer Wolf!' 'Fresh air make honey sour. Just hold still, Brother Wolf!'

"‘Ow! she gittin' hotter en hotter, Brer Rabbit!' she getting hotter and hotter, Brother Rabbit!'

"‘Des hol' right still, Brer Wolf; mos' time fer de honey!' 'Just hold right still, Brother Wolf; most time for the honey!'

"‘Ow!-ow! I'm a-burnin', Brer Rabbit!' I'm a-burning, Brother Rabbit!'

"‘Wait fer de honey, Brer Wolf.' 'Wait for the honey, Brother Wolf.'


"‘I can't stan' it, Brer Rabbit.' 'I can't stand it, Brother Rabbit.'

"‘Stan' it like I did, Brer Wolf.' 'Stand it like I did, Brother Wolf.'

"Brer Rabbit he pile on de trash un de leaves. He say: "Brother Rabbit he pile on the trash and the leaves. He say:

"‘I'll gin you honey, Brer Wolf; de same kinder honey you wanted ter gimme.' 'I'll give you honey, Brother Wolf; the same kind of honey you wanted to give me.'

"Un it seem like ter me," "And it seem like to me," said Aunt Tempy, pleased at the interest the little boy had shown, "dat it done Brer Wolf des right." "that it done Brother Wolf just right."


The little boy had heard Uncle Remus lamenting that his candle was getting rather short, and he made it his business to go around the house and gather all the pieces he could find. He carried these to the old man, who received them with the liveliest satisfaction.

"Now dish yer sorter look lak sump'n, honey. W'en ole Brer Jack come back, en Sis Tempy git in de habits er 'hangin' 'roun', we'll des light some er dese yer, en folks'll come by en see de shine, en dey'll go off en 'low dat hit's de night des 'fo' camp-meetin' at ole Remus house. "Now this here sort of look like something, honey. When old Brother Jack come back, and Sister Tempty get in the habits of a-hanging around, we'll just light some of these here, and folks'll come by and see the shine, and they'll go off and allow that it's the night just before camp-meeting at old Remus house.

"I got little piece dar in my chist w'at you brung me long time ergo, en I 'low ter myse'f dat ef shove ever git ter be push,

A plantation saying. It means if hard times get harder. A briefer form is "w'en shove 'come push"--when the worst comes to the worst. [back]

I'd des draw 'er out en light 'er up." "I got little piece there in my chest what you brung me long time ago, and I allow to myself that if shove ever get to be push, I'd just draw her out and light her up."


"Mamma says Daddy Jack is coming back Sunday," said the little boy.

"Dat w'at I year talk," "That what I hear talk," replied the old man.

"What did he go off for, Unele Remus?"

"Bless yo' soul, honey! Brer Jack bleedz ter go en see yo' Unk Jeems. He b'leeve de worl' go wrong ef he aint do dat. Dat ole nigger b'leeve he white, mon. He come up yer fum down de country whar de Lord done fersook um too long 'go ter talk 'bout,--he come up yer en he put on mo' a'rs dan w'at I dast ter do. Not dat I'm keerin', kaze goodness knows I aint, yit I notices dat w'en I has ter go some'rs, dey's allers a great ter-do 'bout w'at is I'm a gwine fer, en how long is I'm a gwine ter stay; en ef I aint back at de ve'y minit, dars Mars John a growlin', en Miss Sally a vowin' dat she gwine ter put me on de block." "Bless your soul, honey! Brother Jack pleased to go and see your Uncle James. He believe the world go wrong if he ain't do that. That old nigger believe he white, man. He come up here from down the country where the Lord done forsook them too long ago to talk about,--he come up here and he put on more airs than what I dares to. Not that I'm caring, cause goodness knows I ain't, yet I notices that when I has to go somewheres, there's always a great to-do about what is I'm going for, and how long is I'm going to stay; and if I ain't back at the very minute, there Master John a growling, and Miss Sally a vowing that she going to put me on the block."

That is to say, put him on the block, and sell him. [back]

Perhaps Uncle Remus's jealousy was more substantial than he was willing to admit; but he was talking merely to see what the little boy would say. The child, however, failed to appreciate the situation, seeing which the old man quickly changed the subject.

"Times is mighty diffunt fum w'at dey use ter wuz, kaze de time has bin dat ef ole Brer Rabbit had er run'd up wid Brer Jack w'iles he comin' fum yo' Unk Jeems place, he'd er outdone 'im des ez sho' ez de worl' stan's. Deze days de Rabbits has ter keep out de way er folks, but in dem clays, folks had ter keep out der way er ole Brer
Rabbit. Aint I never tell you 'bout how Brer Rabbit whirl in en outdo Mr. Man?"
"Times is mighty different from what they used to was, cause the time has been that if old Brother Rabbit had of runned up with Brother Jack whiles he coming from your Uncle James' place, he'd of outdone him just as sure as the world stands. These days the Rabbits has to keep out the way of folks, but in them days, folks had to keep out the way of old Brother
Rabbit. Ain't I never tell you about how Brother Rabbit whirl in and outdo Mr. Man?"

"About the meat tied to the string, Uncle Remus?"

"Shoo! Dat aint a drap in de bucket, honey. Dish yer wuz de time w'en ole Brer Rabbit wuz gwine 'long de big road, en he meet Mr. Man drivin' 'long wid a waggin chock full er money." "Shoot! That ain't a drop in the bucket, honey. This here was the time when old Brother Rabbit was going along the big road, and he meet Mr. Man driving along with a wagon chalk full of money."

"Where did he get so much money, Uncle Remus?"

"Bruisin' 'round en peddlin' 'bout. Mr. Man got w'at lot's er folks aint got--good luck, long head, quick eye, en slick fingers. But no marter 'bout dat, he got de money; en w'en you sorter grow up so you kin knock 'roun', twont be long 'fo' some un'll take en take you off 'roun' de cornder en tell you dat 'taint make no diffunce whar de money come fum so de man got it. Dey won't tell you dat in de meeting-house, but dey'll come mighty nigh it. "Bruising around and peddling about. Mr. Man got what lot's of folks ain't got--good luck, long head, quick eye, and slick fingers. But no matter about that, he got the money; and when you sort of grow up so you can knock around, it won't be long before some one'll take and take you off around the corner and tell you that it ain't make no difference where the money come from so the man got it. They won't tell you that in the meeting-house, but they'll come mighty near it.

"But dat aint needer yer ner dar. Mr. Man, he come a drivin’ 'long de big road, en he got a waggin full er money. Brer Rabbit, he come a lippity-clippitin' 'long de big road, en he aint got no waggin full er money. Ole Brer Rabbit, he up'n tuck a notion dat dey's sump'n wrong some'rs, kaze ef dey wan't, he'ud have des ez much waggin en money ez Mr. Man. He study, en study, en he can't make out how dat is. Birneby he up'n holler out: "But that ain't neither here nor there. Mr. Man, he come a driving along the big road, and he got a wagon full of money. Brother Rabbit, he come a lippity-clippiting along the big road, and he ain't got no wagon full of money. Old Brother Rabbit, he up and took a notion that there's something wrong somewheres, cause if there wasn't, he'd of have just as much wagon and money as Mr. Man. He study, and he can't make out how that is. By and by he up and holler out:

"‘Mr. Man, please, sir, lemme ride.' 'Mr. Man, please, sir, let me ride.'

"Mr. Man, he tuck'n stop he waggin, en 'low: "Mr. Man, he took and stop his wagon, and allow:

"‘Heyo, Brer Rabbit! how come dis? You comin' one way en I gwine nudder; how come you wanter ride?' 'Heyo, Brother Rabbit! how come this? You coming one way and I going another; how come you want to ride?'


"Brer Rabbit, he up'n scratch hisse'f on de back er de neck wid he behime foot, en holler out: "Brother Rabbit, he up and scratch hisself on the back of the neck with his behind foot, and holler out:

"'Mr. Man, yo' sho'ly can't be 'quainted 'long wid me. I'm one er dem ar ole-time kinder folks w'at aint a keerin' w'ich way deyer gwine long ez deyer ridin'.' 'Mr. Man, you surely can't be acquainted along with me. I'm one of them there old-time kind of folks what ain't caring which way they're going long as they're riding.' "

The little boy laughed a sympathetic laugh, showing that he heartily endorsed this feature of Brother Rabbit's programme.

"Atter so long a time," "After so long a time," Uncle Remus went on, "Mr. Man 'gree ter let Brer Rabbit ride a little piece. He try ter git Brer Rabbit fer ter ride up on de seat wid 'im so dey kin git ter 'sputin' 'bout sump'n n'er, but Brer Rabbit say he fear'd he fall off, en he des tuck'n sot right flat down in dey bottom er de waggin, en make lak he fear'd ter move. "Mr. Man agree to let Brother Rabbit ride a little piece. He try to get Brother Rabbit for to ride up on the seat with him so they can get to disputing about something or another, but Brother Rabbit say he feared he fall off, and he just took and sat right flat down in the bottom of the wagon, and make like he feared to move.

"Bimeby, w'iles dey goin' down hill, en Mr. Man hatter keep he eye on de hosses, Brer Rabbit he tuck'n fling out a great big hunk er de money. Dez ez de money hit de groun' Brer Rabbit holler out: "By and by, whiles they going down hill, and Mr. Man have to keep his eye on the horses, Brother Rabbit he took and fling out a great big hunk of the money. Just as the money hit the ground Brother Rabbit holler out:


"Mr. Man look 'roun' en ax w'at de marter. Brer Rabbit 'low: "Mr. Man look around and ask what the matter. Brother Rabbit allow:

"‘Nothin' 'tall, Mr. Man, 'ceppin' you 'bout ter jolt my jaw-bone a-loose.' 'Nothing at all, Mr. Man, excepting you about to jolt me jaw-bone a-loose.'

"Dey go on little furder, en Brer Rabbit fling out n'er hunk er de money. W'en she hit the groun', Brer Rabbit holler: "They go on little further, and Brother Rabbit fling out another hunk of the money. When she hit the ground, Brother Rabbit holler:



"Mr. Man look 'roun' en ax w'at de marter. Brer Rabbit 'low: "Mr. Man look around and ask what the matter. Brother Rabbit allow:

"‘Nothin' 'tall, Mr. Man, 'ceppin' I seed a jaybird flyin' long, en I make lak I had a gun.' 'Nothing at all, Mr. Man, excepting I seen you

"Hit keep on dis away twel fus' news you know Mr. Man aint got a sign er money in dat waggin. Seem lak Mr. Man aint notice dis twel he git a mighty fur ways fum de place whar Brer Rabbit drap out de las' hunk; but, gentermens! w'en he do fine it out, you better b'leeve he sot up a howl. "It keep on this a-way till first news you know Mr. Man ain't got a sign of money in that wagon. Seem like Mr. Man ain't notice this till he get a mighty far ways from the place where Brother Rabbit drop out the last hunk; but, gentlemens! when he do find it out, you better believe he sat up a howl.

"‘Whar my money? Whar my nice money? Whar my waggin full er purty money? O you long-year'd rascal! Whar my money? Oh, gimme my money!' 'Where my money? Where my nice money? Where my wagon full of pretty money? O you long-eared rascal! Where my money? Oh, give me my money!'

"Brer Rabbit sot dar en lissen at 'im lak he 'stonish'd. Den he up'n 'low: "Brother Rabbit sat there and listen at him like he astonished. Then up he and allow:

"‘Look out, Mr. Man! folks 'll come 'long en year you gwine on dat away, en dey'll go off. en say you done gone ravin' 'stracted.' 'Look out, Mr. Man! folks'll come along and hear you going on that a-way, and they'll go off and say you done gone raving distracted.'

"Yit Mr. Man keep on holler'n en beggin' Brer Rabbit fer ter gin 'im de money, en bimeby Brer Rabbit, he git sorter skeer'd en he up'n 'low: "Yet Mr. Man keep on hollering and begging Brother Rabbit for to give him the money, and by and by Brother Rabbit, he get sort of scared and he up and allow:

"‘Sun gittin' low, Mr. Man, en I better be gittin' 'way fum yer. De sooner I goes de better, kase ef you keep on lak you gwine, 'twon't be long 'fo' you'll be excusin' me er takin' dat ar money. I'm 'blige' fer de ride, Mr. Man, en I wish you mighty well.' 'Sun getting low, Mr. Man, and I better be gettin gaway from here. The sooner I goes the better, cause if you keep on like you going, it won't be long before you'll be excusing me of taking that there money. I obliged for the ride, Mr. Man, and I wish you mighty well.'

"Brer Rabbit got de money," "Brother Rabbit got the money," continued Uncle Remus, gazing placidly into the fire, "en hit's mighty kuse ter me dat he aint git de waggin en hosses. Dat 'tis!" "and it's mighty curious to me that he ain't get the wagon and the horses. That it is!"



"Eve'y time I run over in my min' 'bout the pranks er Brer Rabbit," "Every time I run over in my mind about the pranks of Brother Rabbit," Uncle Remus continued, without giving the little boy time to ask any more embarrassing questions about Mr. Man and his wagon full of money, "hit make me laugh mo' en mo'. He mos' allers come out on top, yit dey wuz times w'en he hatter be mighty spry." "it make me laugh more and more. He most always come out on top, yet there was times when he have to be mighty spry."

"When was that, Uncle Remus?" inquired the little boy.

"I min' me er one time w'en de t'er creeturs all git de laugh on 'im," "I mind me of one time when the other creatures all get the laugh on him," responded the old man, "en dey make 'im feel sorter 'shame'. Hit seem lak dat dey 'uz some kinder bodderment mungs de creeturs en wud went out dat dey all got ter meet terge'er some'rs en ontangle de tanglements. "en they make him feel sort of ashamed. It seem like that there was some kind of borderment amongs the creatures and would went out that they all got to meet together somewheres and untangle the tanglements.

"W'en de time come, dey wuz all un um dar, en dey hilt der confab right 'long. All un um got sump'n ter say, en dey talk dar, dey did, des lak dey 'uz paid fer talkin'. Dey all had der plans, en dey jabbered des lak folks does w'en dey call deyse'f terge'er. Hit come 'bout dat Mr. Dog git a seat right close by Brer Rabbit, en w'en he open he mouf fer ter say sump'n, he toofs look so long en so strong, en dey shine so w'ite, dat it feel mighty kuse. "When the time come, there was all of them there, and they hit the confab right along. All of them got something to say, and they talk there, they did, just like they was paid for talking. They all had their plans, and they jabbered just like folks does when they call theyself toghether. It come about that Mr. Dog get a seat right close by Brother Rabbit, and when he open he mouth for to say something, he tooths look so long and so strong, and they shine so white, that it feel mighty curious.


"Mr. Dog, he'd say sump'n, Brer Rabbit, he'd jump en dodge. Mr. Dog, he'd laugh, Brer Rabbit, he'd dodge en jump. Hit keep on dis away, twel eve'y time Brer Rabbit'd dodge en jump, de t'er creeturs dey'd slap der han's terge'er en break out in a laugh. Mr. Dog, he tuck'n tuck a notion dat dey uz laughin' at him, en dis make 'im so mad dat he 'gun ter growl en snap right smartually, en it come ter dat pass dat w'en Brer Rabbit'd see Mr. Dog make a motion fer ter say a speech, he'd des drap down en git und' de cheer. "Mr. Dog, he'd say something, Brother Rabbit, he'd jump and dodge. Mr. Dog, he'd laugh, Brother Rabbit, he'd dodge and jump. It keep on this a-way, till everytime Brother Rabbit'd dodge and jump, the other creture they'd slap their hands together and brak out ina laugh. Mr. Dog, he took and took a notion that they was laughing at him, and this make him so made that he begun to growl and snap right smartly, and it come to that pass that when Brother Rabbit'd see Mr. Dog make a motion for to say a speech, he'd just drap down and get under the cheer.

"Co'se dis make um laugh wuss en wuss, en de mo' dey laugh de madder it make Mr. Dog, twel bimeby he git so mad he fa'rly howl, en Brer Rabbit he sot dar, he did, en shuck lak he got er ager. "Course this make him laugh worse, and they more they laugh the madder it make Mr. Dog, till by and by he get so mad he fairly howl, and Brother Rabbit he sat there, he did, and shook like he got the ager.

"Atter w'ile Brer Rabbit git sorter on t'er side, en he make a speech en say dey oughter be a law fer ter make all de creeturs w'at got tushes ketch en eat der vittles wid der claws. All un um 'gree ter dis 'cep' hit's Mr. Dog, Brer Wolf, en Brer Fox. "After while Brother Rabbit get sort of on the other side, and he make a speech and say there ought to be a law for to make all the creatures what got tushes catch and eat the vittle with their claws. All of them agree to this except it's Mr. Dog, Brother Wolf, and Brother Fox.

"In dem days," "In them days," continued Uncle Remus, "ef all de creeturs aint 'gree, dey put it off twel de nex' meetin' en talk it over some mo', en dat's de way dey done wid Brer Rabbit projick. Dey put it off twel de nex' time. "if all the creatures ain't agree, they put it off till the next meeting and talk it over some more, and that's the way they done with Brother RAbbit project. They put it off till the next time.

"Brer Rabbit got a kinder sneakin' notion dat de creeturs aint gwine do lak he want um ter do, en he 'low ter Brer Wolf dat he speck de bes' way fer ter do is ter git all de creeturs ter 'gree fer ter have Mr. Dog mouf sew'd up, kaze he toofs look so venomous; en Brer Wolf say dey 'ull all go in fer dat. "Brother Rabbit got a kind of sneaking notion that the creatures ain't going to do like he want them to do, and he allow to Brother Wolf that he suspect the best way for to do is to get all the creatures to agree for to have Mr. Dog mouth sewed up, cause he tooths look so venomous; and Brother Wolf say they'll all go in for that.


"Sho nuff, w'en de day done come, Brer Rabbit he git up en say dat de bes' way ter do is have Mr. Dog mouf sew'd up so he toofs won't look so venomous. Dey all 'gree, en den Mr. Lion, settin' up in de arm-cheer, he ax who gwine do de sewin'. "Sure enough, when the day done come, Brother Rabbit he get up and say that the best way to do is have Mr. Dog mough sewed up so he tooths won't look so venomous. They all agree, and then Mr. Lion, sitting up in the arm-chair, he ask who going to do the sewing.

"Den dey all up'n 'low dat de man w'at want de sewin' done, he de man fer ter do it, kaze den he 'ull know it done bin done right. Brer Rabbit, he sorter study, en den he 'low: "Then all up and allow that the man what wnat the sewing done, he the man for to do it, cause he'll know it done been right. Brother Rabbit, he sort of study, and then he allow:

"‘I aint got no needle.' 'I ain't got no needle.'

"Brer B'ar, he sorter feel in de flap er he coat collar, en he 'low: "Brother Bear, he sort of feel in the flap of his coat collar, and he allow:

"‘Yer, Brer Rabbit; 'yer a great big one!' 'Here, Brother Rabbit; here a great big one!'

"Brer Rabbit, he sorter study 'g'in, en den he 'low: "Brother Rabbit, he sort of study again, and then he allow:

"‘I aint got no th'ead.' 'I ain't got no thread.'

"Brer B'ar, he tuck'n pull a rav'lin' rum de bottom er he wescut, en he 'low: "Brother Bear, he took and pull a raveling from the bottom of his wescut, and he allow:

"'Yer, Brer Rabbit; yer a great long one!' 'Here, Brother Rabbit; here a great long one!'

"Ef it had er bin anybody in de roun' worl' he'd er 'gun ter feel sorter ticklish," "If It had of been anybody in the round world he'd of begun to feel sort of ticklish," Uncle Remus went on. "But ole Brer Rabbit, he des tuck'n lay he finger cross he nose, en 'low: "But old Brother Rabbit, he just took and lay his finger cross his nose, and allow:

"‘Des hol' um dar fer me, Brer B'ar, en I'll be much 'blige ter you. Hit's des 'bout my time er day fer ter take a walk!' 'Just hold them there for me, Brother Bear, and I'll be much obliged to you. It's just about my time of day for to take a walk!' "

Uncle Remus laughed as heartily as the child, and added:

"Some folks say de creeturs had de grins on Brer Rabbit 'bout dat time; but I tell you right pine-blank dey aint grin much w'en dey year Brer Rabbit say dat." "Some folks say the creatures had the grins on Brother RAbbit aobut that time; but I tell you right pine-blank they ain't grin much when they hear Brother Rabbit say that."



At last Daddy Jack returned, and the fact that the little boy had missed him and inquired about him, seemed to give the old African particular pleasure. It was probably a new experience to Daddy Jack, and it vaguely stirred some dim instinct in his bosom that impelled him to greet the child with more genuine heartiness than he had ever displayed in all his life. He drew the little boy up to him, patted him gently on the cheek, and exclaimed:

"Ki! I bin want fer see you bery bahd. I bin-a tell you' nunk Jeem' how fine noung man you is. 'E ahx wey you no come fer shum. Fine b'y--fine b'y!" "Ki! I been want for see you bery bad. I been-a tell your Uncle James how fine young man you is. He ask why you no come for shame. Fine boy--fine boy!"

"Well, ef dat's de wey youer gwine on, Brer Jack, you'll spile dat chap sho'. A whole sack er salt won't save 'im." "Well, if that's the way you're going on, Brother Jack, you'll spoil that chap sure. A whole sack of salt won't save him."

"I dunno 'bout dat, Brer Remus," "I don't know about that, Brother Remus," said Aunt Tempy, who had come in. "Don't seem like he bad like some yuther childun w'at I seen. Bless you, I know childun w'at'd keep dish yer whole place tarryfied--dat dey would!" "Don't seem like he bad like some other children what I seen. Bless you, I know children what'd keep this here whole place terrified--that they would!"

"Well, sir," said Uncle Remus, shaking his head and groaning, "you all aint wid dat young un dar much ez I is. Some days w'en dey aint nobody lookin', en dey aint
nobody nowhar fer ter take keer un me, dat ar little chap dar 'll come down yer en chunk me wid rocks, en 'buze me en holler at me scan'lous."
"you all ain't with that young there much as I is. Some days when they ain't nobody looking, and there ain't
nobody nowhere for to take care of me, that there little chap there'll come down here and chunk me with rocks, and abuse me and holler at me scandalous."

The little boy looked so shocked that Uncle Remus broke into a laugh that shook the cobwebs in the corners; then, suddenly relapsing into seriousness, he drew himself up with dignity and remarked:

"Good er bad, you can't git 'long wid 'im less'n you sets in ter tellin' tales, en, Brer Jack, I hope you got some long wid you." "Good or bad, you can't get along with him unless you sets in to telling tales, and Brother Jack, I hope you got some long with you."

Daddy Jack rubbed his hands together, and said:

"Me bin yeddy one tale; 'e mekky me lahff tell I is 'come' tire'." "Me been heardy one tale; he makey me laugh till I is becomed tired."

"Fer de Lord sake less have it den!" "For the Lord sake let's have it then!" exclaimed Aunt Tempy, with unction. Whereupon, the small, but appreciative audience disposed itself comfortably, and Daddy Jack, peering at each one in turn, his eyes shining between his half-closed lids as brightly as those of some wild animal, began:

"One tam B'er Rabbit is bin traffel 'roun' fer see 'e neighbor folks. 'E bin mahd wit B'er Wolf fer so long tam; 'e mek no diffran, 'e come pas' 'e house 'e no see nuttin', 'e no yeddy nuttin'. 'E holler: "One time Brother Rabbit is been traveling around for see his neighbor folks. He been mad with Brother Wolf for so long time; he make no differance, he come past the house he no see nothing, he no heardy nothing. He holler:

"‘Hi, B'er Wolf! wey you no fer mek answer wun me ahx you howdy? Wey fer you is do dis 'fo' me werry face? Wut mekky you do dis?' 'Hi, Brother Wolf! where you no for make answer when me ask you howdy? Why for yo is do this before me very face? What makey you do this?'

"'E wait, 'e lissun; nuttin' no mek answer. B'er Rabbit, 'e holler: "He wait, he listen; nothing no make answer. Brother Rabbit, he holler:

"‘Come-a show you'se'f, B'er Wolf! Come-a show
you'se'f. Be 'shame' fer not show you'se'f wun you 'quaintun' come bisitin' wey you' lif!'
'Come-a show yourself, Brother Wolf! Come-a show
yourself. Be ashamed for not show yourself when you acquaintance come visiting where you live!'

"Nuttin' 'tall no mek answer, un B'er Rabbit 'come berry mahd. 'E 'come so mahd 'e stomp 'e fut un bump 'e head 'pon da fence-side. Bumbye 'e tek heart; 'e y-opun da do', 'e is look inside da house. Fier bu'n in da chimbly, pot set 'pan da fier, ole ooman sed by da pot. Fier bu'n, pot, 'e bile, ole ooman, 'e tek 'e nap. "Nothing at all no make answer, and Brother Rabbit become bery mad. He become so mad he stomp his foot and bump his head upon the fence-side. By and by he take heart; he y-open the door, he is look inside the house. Fire burn in the chimney, pot set upon the fire, old woman see the pot. Fire burn, pot, the vile, old woman, she take a nap.

"Da ole ooman, 'e ole Granny Wolf; 'e cripple in 'e leg, 'e bline in 'e y-eye, 'e mas' deaf in 'e year. 'E deaf, but 'e bin yeddy B'er Rabbit mek fuss at da do', un 'e is cry out: "the old woman, she old Granny Wolf; she cripple in the leg, she blind in the y-eye, she mostly deaf in the ear. She deaf, but she been heardy Brother Rabbit make fuss at the door, and she is cry out:

"‘Come-a see you' ole Granny, me gran'son--come-a see you' Granny! Da fier is bin bu'n, da pot is bin b'ile; come-a fix you' Granny some bittle,

Victuals. [back]

me gran'son.' 'Come-a see your old Granny, me grandson--come-a see your Granny! The fire is been burn, the pot is been boil; come-a fix your Granny some victuals, me grandson.' "

Daddy Jack's representation of the speech and action of an old woman was worth seeing and hearing. The little boy laughed, and Uncle Remus smiled good-humoredly; but Aunt Tempy looked at the old African with open-mouthed astonishment. Daddy Jack, however, cared nothing for any effect he might produce. He told the story for the story's sake, and he made no pause for the purpose of gauging the appreciation of his audience.

"B'er Rabbit, 'e is bin mek 'ese'f comfuts by da fier. Bumbye, 'e holler: "Brother Rabbit, he is been make hisself comforts by the fire. By and by, he holler:

"‘Hi, Granny! I bin cripple me se'f; me y-eye bin-a come bline. You mus' bile-a me in da water, Granny, so me leg is kin come well, un so me y-eye kin come see.' "Hi, Granny! I been cripple meself; me y-eye been-a come blind. You must boil-a me in the water, Granny, so me leg is can come well, and so me y-eye can come see.'


"B'er Rabbit, 'e mighty ha'd fer fool. 'E bin tek 'im one chunk woot, 'e drap da woot in da pot. 'E bin say: "Brother Rabbit, he mighty hard for fool. He been take him on chunk wood, he drop the wood in the pot. He been say:

"‘I is bin feelin' well, me Granny. Me leg, 'e comin' strong, me y-eye 'e fix fer see.' 'I is been feeling well, me Granny. Me leg, he coming strong, me y-eye he fix for see.'

"Granny Wolf, 'e shek 'e head; 'e cry: "Granny Wolf, she shake her head; she cry:

"‘Me one leg cripple, me turrer leg cripple; me one eye bline, me turrer y-eye bline. Wey you no fer pit me in da pot fer mek me well?' 'Me one leg cripple, me other leg cripple; me one eye blind, me other y-eye blind. Why you no for pit me in the pot for make me well?'

"B'er Rabbit laff in 'e belly; 'e say: "Brother Rabbit laugh in the belly; he say:

"‘Hol' you'se'f still, me Granny; I fix you one place in da pot wey you is kin fetch-a back da strenk in you' leg un da sight in you' eye. Hol' still, me Granny!' 'Hold yourself still, me Granny; I fix you one place in the pot where you is can fetch-a back the strength in your leg and the sight in your eye. Hold still, me Granny!'

"B'er Rabbit, 'e is bin tekky da chunk y-out da pot; 'e tekky da chunk, un 'e is bin pit Granny Wolf in dey place. 'E tetch da water, 'e holler: "Brother Rabbit, his is been takey the chunk y-out the pot; he takey the chunk, and he is been put Granny wolf in the plac. He touch the water, he holler:

"‘Ow! tekky me way fum dis!' 'Ow! takey me away from this!'

"B'er Rabbit say 'tiss not da soon nuff tam. Granny Wolf, 'e holler: "Brother Rabbit say it's not the soon enough time. Granny Wolf, she holler:

"'Ow! tekky me way fum dis! 'E bin too hot!' 'Ow! takey me way from this! He been too hot!'

"B'er Rabbit, 'e no tekky da Mammy Wolf fum da pot, un bumbye 'e die in dey. B'er Rabbit 'e tek 'e bone un t'row um way; 'e leaf da meat. 'E tek Granny Wolf frock, 'e tu'n um 'roun', 'e pit um on; 'e tek Granny Wolf cap, 'e tu'n 'roun', 'e pit um on. 'E sed deer by da fier, 'e hol' e'se'f in 'e cheer sem lak Granny Wolf. "Brother Rabbit, he not takey the Mammy Wolf from the pot, and by and by she die in there. Brother Rabbit he takey her bone and throw them awat; he leave the meat. He take Granny Wolf frock, he turn them around, and put them on; he takey Granny Wolf cap, and he turn around, he put them on. He sit there by the fire, he hold hisself in the chair seem like Granny Wolf.

"Bumbye B'er Wolf is bin-a come back. 'E walk in 'e house, 'e say: "By and by Brother Wolf is been-a come back. He walk in the house, he say:

"'Me honkry, Grinny-Granny! Me honkry, fer true!' 'Me hungry, Grinny-Granny! Me hongry, for true!'

"'You' dinner ready, Grin'son-Gran'son!' 'Your dinner ready, Grinny son-Grand son!'


"B'er Wolf, 'e look in da pot, 'e smell in da pot, 'e stir in da pot. 'E eat 'e dinner, 'e smack 'e mout'." "Brother Wolf, he look in the pot, he smell in the pot, he stir in the pot. He eat his dinner, he smake his mouth."

The little boy shuddered, and Aunt Tempy exclaimed, "In de name er de Lord!" "In the name of the Lord!" The old African paid no attention to either.

"B'er Wolf eat 'e dinner; 'e call 'e chilluns, 'e ahx um is dey no want nuttin' 'tall fer eat. 'E holler back: "Brother Wolf eat his dinner; he call the children, he ask thme is they want nothing at all for eat. They holler back:

"‘We no kin eat we Grinny-Granny!' "'We no can eat we Grinny-Granny!'

"B'er Rabbit, 'e run way fum dey-dey; 'e holler back: "Brother Rabbit, he run away from there-there; he holler back:

"'B'er Wolf, you is bin eat you' Grinny-Granny.' 'Brother Wolf, you is been eat your Grinny-Granny.'

"B'er Wolf bin-a git so mad 'e yent mos' kin see. 'E yeddy B'er Rabbit holler, un 'e try fer ketch um. 'E feer teer up da grass wey 'e run 'long. Bumbye 'e come 'pon B'er Rabbit. 'E is bin push um ha'd. B'er Rabbit run un-a run tell 'e yent kin run no mo'; 'e hide 'neat' leanin' tree. B'er Wolf, 'e fine um; B'er Rabbit 'e holler: "Brother Wolf been-a get so mad he ain't most can see. He yeddy Brother Rabbit holler, and he try for catch him. His fur tear up the grass where he run along. By and by he come upon Brother Rabbit. He is been push him hard. Brother Rabbit run and-a run till he ain't can run no more; he hide beneath leaning tree. Brother Wolf, he find him; Brother Rabbit he holler:

"‘Hi! B'er Wolf! mek 'as'e come hol' up da tree, 'fo' 'e is fall dey-dey; come-a hol' um, B'er Wolf, so I is kin prop um up.' 'Hi! Brother Wolf! make haste come hold up the tree, before he is fall there-there; come-a hold him, Brother Wolf, so I is can prop him up.'

"Be'r Wolf, 'e hol' up da tree fer B'er Rabbit; 'e hol' um till 'e do come tire'. B'er Rabbit gone!" "Brother Wolf, he hold up the tree for Brother Rabbit; he hold him till he do come tired. Brother Rabbit gone!"

Daddy Jack paused. His story was ended. The little boy drew a long breath and said:

"I didn't think Brother Rabbit would burn anybody to death in a pot of boiling water."

"Dat," "That," said Uncle Remus, reassuringly, "wuz endurin' er de dog days. Deyer mighty wom times, mon, dem ar dog days is." "was enduring of the dog days. They're mighty wom times, man, them there dog days is."


This was intended to satisfy such scruples as the child might have, and it was no doubt successful, for the youngster said no more, but watched Uncle Remus as the latter leisurely proceeded to fill his pipe.


Uncle Remus chipped the tobacco from the end of a plug, rubbed it between the palms of his hands, placed it in his pipe, dipped the pipe in the glowing embers, and leaned back in his chair, and seemed to be completely happy.

"Hit mought not er bin endurin' er de dog days," "It might not of been enduring of the dog days," said the old man, recurring to Daddy Jack's story, "kaze dey wuz times dat w'en dey push ole Brer Rabbit so close he 'uz des bleedz ter git he revengeance out'n um. Dat mought er bin de marter 'twix' him en ole Grinny-Granny Wolf, kaze w'en ole Brer Rabbit git he dander up, he 'uz a monst'us bad man fer ter fool wid. cause there was times that when they push old Brother Rabbit so close he was just pleased to get his revengance out of them. That might of been the matter betwixt him and old Grinny-Granny Wolf, cause when old Brother Rabbit get his dander up, he was a monstrous bad man for to fool with.

"Dey tuck atter 'im," "They took after him," continued Uncle Remus, "en dey 'buzed 'im, en dey tried ter 'stroy 'im, but dey wuz times w'en de t'er creeturs bleedz ter call on 'im fer ter he'p 'em out dey trouble. I aint nev' tell you 'bout little Wattle Weasel, is I?" "and they abused him, and they tried to destroy him, but there was times when the other creatures pleased to call on him for to help him out the trouble. I ain't never tell you about little Wattle Weasel, is I?" asked the old man, suddenly turning to the little boy.


The child laughed. The dogs on the plantation had killed a weasel a few nights before,--a very cunning-looking little animal,--and some of the negroes had sent it to the big-house as a curiosity. He connected this fact with Uncle Remus's allusions to the weasel. Before he could make any reply, however, the old man went on:

"No, I boun' I aint, en it come 'cross me right fresh en hot time I year talk er Brer Wolf eatin' he granny. Dey wuz one time w'en all de creeturs wuz livin' in de same settlement en usin' out'n de same spring, en it got so dat dey put all dey butter in de same piggin'. Dey put it in dar, dey did, en dey put it in de spring-house, en dey'd go off en 'ten' ter dey business. Den w'en dey come back dey'd fine whar some un been nibblin' at dey butter. Dey tuck'n hide dat butter all 'roun' in de spring-house; dey sot it on de rafters, en dey bury it in de san'; yit all de same de butter 'ud come up missin'. "No, I bound I ain't, and it come across me right fresh and hot time I hear talk of Brother Wolf eating his granny. There was one time when all the creatures was living in the same settlement and using out of the same spring, and it got so that they put all the butter in the same piggin'. They put it in there, they did, and they put it in the spring-house, and they'd go off and attend to their business. Then when they come back they'd fine where some one been nibbling at the butter. They took and hide that butter all around in the spring-house; they sat it on the rafters, and there bury it in the sand; yet all the same the butter would come up missing.

"Bimeby it got so dey dunner w'at ter do; dey zamin' de tracks, en dey fine out dat de man w'at nibble dey butter is little Wattle Weasel. He come in de night, he come in de day; dey can't ketch 'im. Las' de creeturs tuck'n helt er confab, en dey gree dat dey hatter set some un fer ter watch en ketch Wattle Weasel. "By and by it got so they don't know what to do; they examine the tracks, and they find out that the man what nibble the butter is little Wattle Weasel. He come in the night, he come in the day; they can't catch him. Last the creatures took and held a conversations, and they agree that they have to set some one for to watch and catch Wattle Weasel.

"Brer Mink wuz de fus' man 'p'inted, kaze he want mo'n a half a han'

That is could do no more than half the work of a man. [back]

no way you kin fix it. De t'er creeturs dey tuck'n went off ter dey wuk, en Brer Mink he tuck'n sot up wid de butter. He watch en he lissen, be lissen en he watch; he aint see nothin', he aint year nothin'. Yit be watch,
kaze der t'er creeturs done fix up a law dat ef Wattle Weasel come w'iles somebody watchin' en git off bidout gittin' kotch, de man w'at watchin' aint kin eat no mo' butter endurin' er dat year. "Brother Mink was the first man appointed, cause he want more than half a hand no way you can fix it. The other creatures they took and went off to the work, and Brother Mink he took and sat up with the butter. He watch and he listen, be listen and he watch, he ain't see nothing, he ain't hear nothing. Yet be watch,
cause the other creatures done fix up a law that if Wattle Weasel come whiles somebody watching and get off without getting caught, the man what watching ain't can eat no more butter enduring of that year.

"Brer Mink, he watch en he wait. He set so still dat bimeby he git de cramps in de legs, en des 'bout dat time little Wattle Weasel pop he head und' de do'. He see Brer Mink, en he hail 'im: "Brother Mink, he watch and he wait. He set so still that by and by he get the cramps in the legs, and just about that time little Wattle Weasel pop his head under the door. He see Brother Mink, and he hail him:

"‘Heyo, Brer Mink! you look sorter lonesome in dar. Come out yer en less take a game er hidin'-switch.' 'Heyo, Brother Mink! you look sort of lonesome in there. Come out here and let's take a game of hiding-switch.'

"Brer Mink, he wanter have some fun, he did, en he tuck'n jine Wattle Weasel in de game. Dey play en dey play twel, bimeby, Brer Mink git so wo' out dat he aint kin run, skacely, en des soon ez dey sets down ter res', Brer Mink, he draps off ter sleep. Little Wattle Weasel, so mighty big en fine, he goes en nibbles up de butter, en pops out de way he come in. "Brother Mink, he want to have some fun, he did, and he took and join Wattle Weasel in the game. They play and they play till, by and by, Brother Mink get so wore out that he ain't can run, scarcely, and just soon as they sets down to rest, Brother Mink, he drops off to sleep. Little Wattle Weasel, so mighty big and fine, he goes and nibbles up the butter, and pops out the way he come in.

"De creeturs, dey come back, dey did, en dey fine de butter nibbled, en Wattle Weasel gone. Wid dat, dey marks Brer Mink down, en he aint kin eat no mo' butter dat year. Den dey fix up n'er choosement en 'p'int Brer Possum fer ter watch de butter. "The creatures, they come back, they did, and they find the butter nibbled, and Wattle Weasel gone. With that, they marks Brother Mink down, and he ain't can eat no mor butter that year. Then they fix up another choosement and appoint Brother Possum for to watch the butter.

"Brer Possum, he grin en watch, and bimeby, sho nuff, in pop little Wattle Weasel. He come in, he did, en he sorter hunch Brer Possum in de short ribs, en ax 'im how he come on. Brer Possum mighty ticklish, en time Wattle Weasel totch 'im in de short ribs, he 'gun ter laugh. Wattle Weasel totch 'im ag'in en laugh wusser, en he keep on hunchin' 'im dat away twel bimeby Brer
Possum laugh hisse'f plum outer win', en Wattle Weasel lef 'im dar en nibble up de butter.
"Brother Opossum, he grin and watch, and by and by, sure enough, in pop little Wattle Weasel. He come in, he did, and he sort of hunch Brother Opossum in the short ribs, and ask him how he come on. Brother Opossum mighty ticklish, and time Wattle Weasel touch him in the short ribs, he begun to laugh. Wattle Weasel touch him again and laugh worser, and he keep on hunching him that a-way till by and by Brother
Opossum laugh hisself plum out of wind, and Wattle Weasel leave him there and nibble up the butter.

"De creeturs, dey tuckin mark Brer Possum down, en p'int Brer Coon. Brer Coon, he tuck'n start in all so mighty fine; but w'iles he settin' dar, little Wattle Weasel banter 'im fer a race up de branch. No sooner say dan yer dey went! Brer Coon, he faller de tu'ns er de branch, en little Wattle Weasel he take'n take nigh cuts, en 'twan't no time 'fo' he done run Brer Coon plum down. Den dey run down de branch, and 'fo' Brer Coon kin ketch up wid 'im, dat little Wattle Weasel done got back ter de noggin er butter, en nibble it up. "The creatures, they took and mark Brother Opossum down, and appoint Brother Coon. Brother Coon, he took and start in all so mighty fine; but whiles he sitting there, little Wattle Weasel banter him for a race up the branch, and little Wattle Weasel he take and take nigh cuts, and it wasn't no time before he done run Brother Coon plum down. Then they run down the branch, and before Brother Coon can catch up with him, that little Wattle Weasel done got back to the nogging of butter, and nibble it up.

"Den de creeturs tuck'n mark Brer Coon down, dey did, en 'p'int Brer Fox fer ter watch de butter. Wattle Weasel sorter 'fear'd er Brer Fox. He study long time, en den he wait twel night. Den he tuck'n went roun' in de ole fiel' en woke up de Killdees

Killdeers - a species of plover. [back]

en druv 'roun' todes de spring-house. Brer Fox year um holler, en it make he mouf water. Bimeby, he low ter hisse'f dat taint no harm ef he go out en slip up on one." "Then the creatures took and mark Brother Coon down, they did, and appoint Brother Fox for to watch the butter. Wattle Weasel sort of a-feared of Brother Fos. He study long time, and then he wait till night. Then he took and went round in the old field and woke up the Killdees and drove around towards the spring-house. Brother Rox hear them holler, and it make his mouth water. By and by, he allow to hisself that it ain't no harm if he go out and slip up on one."

"Dar now!" "There now!" said Aunt Tempy.

"Brer Fox tuck'n slip out, en Wattle Weasel he slicked in, en bless yo' soul! dar goes de butter!" "Brother Fox took and slip out, and Wattle Weasel he slicked in, and bless your soul! there goes the butter!"

"Enty!" "Isn't he!" exclaimed Daddy Jack.

"Brer Fox he git marked down," continued Uncle Remus, "en den de creeturs tuck'n p'int Brer Wolf fer ter be dey watcher. Brer Wolf, he sot up dar, he did, en sorter nod, but bimeby he year some un talkin' outside de
spring-house. He h'ist up he years en lissen. Look lak some er de creeturs wuz gwine by, en talkin' mungs deysef'; but all Brer Wolf kin year is dish yer:
"and then the creatures took and appoint Brother Wolf for to be the watcher. Brother Wolf, he sat up there, he did, and sort of nod, but by and by he hear some one talking outside the
spring house. He hoist up his ears and listen. Look like some of the creatures was going by, and talking amongs theyselves; but all Brother Wolf can hear is this here:

"‘I wonder who put dat ar young sheep down dar by de chinkapin tree, en I like ter know wharbouts Brer Wolf is.' 'I wonder who put that there young sheep down there by the chinkapin tree, and I like to know whereaobouts Brother Wolf is.'

"Den it seem lak dey pass on, en ole Brer Wolf, he fergotted w'at he in dar fer, en he dash down ter de chinkapin tree, fer ter git de young sheep. But no sheep dar, en w'en he git back, he see signs whar Wattle Weasel done bin in dar en nibble de butter. "Then it seem like they pass on, and old Brother Wolf, he forgotted what he in there for, and he dash down to the chinkapin tree, for to get the yound sheep. But no sheep there, and when he get back, he see signs where Wattle Weasel done been in there and nibble the butter.

"Den de creeturs tuck'n mark Brer Wolf down, en p'int Brer B'ar fer ter keep he eye 'pun de noggin er butter. Brer B'ar he tuck'n sot up dar, he did, en lick he paw, en feel good. Bimeby Wattle Weasel come dancin' in. He 'low: "Then the creatures took and mark Brother Wolf down, and appoint Brother Bear for to keep his eye upon the noggin of butter. Brother Bear he took ans at up there, he did, and lick his paw, and feel good. By and by Wattle Weasel come dancing in. He allow:

"‘Heyo, Brer B'ar, how you come on? I 'low'd I yeard you snortin' in yer, en I des drapt in fer ter see.' 'Heyo, Brother Bear, how you come on? I allow'd I heard you snortingin here, and I just dropped in for to see.'

"Brer B'ar tell him howdy, but he sorter keep one eye on 'im. Little Wattle Weasel 'low: "Brother Bear tell him howdy, but he sort of keep one eye on him. Little Wattle Weasel allow:

"'En you got ticks on yo' back, Brer B'ar?' 'And you got ticks on your back, Brother Bear?'

"Wid dat Wattle Weasel 'gun ter rub Brer B'ar on de back en scratch 'im on de sides, en 'twant long 'fo' he 'uz stretch out fast asleep en sno'in' lak a saw-mill. Co'se Wattle Weasel git de butter. Brer B'ar he got marked down, and den de creeturs aint know w'at dey gwine do skacely. "With that Wattle Weasel begun to rub Brother Bear on the back and scratch him on the sides, and it wasn't long before he was stretch out fast asleep and snoring like a saw-mill. Course Wattle Weasel get the butter. Brother Bear he got marked down, andthen the creatures ain't know what they going to do scarcely.

"Some say sen' fer Brer Rabbit, some say sen' fer Brer Tarrypin; but las dey sent fer Brer Rabbit. Brer Rabbit,
he tuck a notion dat dey 'uz fixin' up some kinder trick on im, en dey hatter beg mightily, man, 'fo' he 'ud come en set up 'long side er dey butter.
"Some say send for Brother Rabbit, some say send for Brother Tarrypin; but last they sent for Brother Rabbit. Brother Rabbit,
he took a notion that they was fixing up some kind of trick on him, and they have to beg mightily, man, before he would come and set up along side of the butter.

"But bimeby he 'greed, en he went down ter de spring-house en look roun'. Den he tuck'n got 'im a twine string, en hide hisse'f whar he kin keep he eye on de noggin er butter. He ain't wait long 'fo' yer come Wattle Weasel. Des ez he 'bout ter nibble at de butter, Brer Rabbit holIer out: "But by and by he agreed, and he went down to the spring-house and look round. Then he took and got him a twine string, and hide hisself where he can keep his eye on the noggin of butter. He ain't wait long before here come Wattle Weasel. Just as he about to nibble at the butter, Brother Rabbit holler out:

"'Let dat butter 'lone!' 'Let that butter alone!'

"Wattle Weasel jump back lak de butter bu'nt 'im. He jump back, he did, en say: "Wattle Weasel jump back like the butter burnt him. He jump back, he did, and say:

"'Sho'ly dat mus' be Brer Rabbit!' 'Surely that must be Brother Rabbit!'

"De same. I 'low'd you'd know me. Des let dat butter 'lone.' The same. I allow'd you know me. just let that butter alone.'

"'Des lemme git one little bit er tas'e, Brer Rabbit.' 'Just let me get one little bit of taste, Brother Rabbit.'

"'Des let dat butter 'lone.' 'Just let that butter alone.'

"Den Wattle Weasel say he want er run a race. Brer Rabbit 'low he tired. Wattle Weasel 'low he want er play hidin'. Brer Rabbit 'low dat all he hidin' days is pas' en gone. Wattle Weasel banter'd en banter'd 'im, en bimeby Brer Rabbit come up wid a banter er he own. "Then Wattle Weasel say he want to run a race. Brother Rabbit allow he tired. Wattle Weasel allow he want to play hiding. Brother Rabbit allow that all his hiding days is passed and gone. Wattle Weasel bantered and bantered him, and by and by Brother Rabbit come up with a banter of his own.

"'I'll take'n tie yo' tail,' sezee, 'en you'll take'n tie mine, en den we'll see w'ich tail de strongest.' LittIe Wattle Weasel know how weakly Brer Rabbit tail is, but he aint know how strong Brer Babbit bin wid he tricks. So dey tuck'n tie der tails wid Brer Rabbit twine string. "'I'll take and tie your tail,' says he, 'and you'll take and tie mine, and then we'll see which tail the strongest.' Little Wattle Weasel know how weakly Brother Rabbit tail is, but he ai't know how strong Brother Rabbit with his tricks. So they took and tie their tails with Brothe Rabbit twine string.

Wattle Weasel wuz ter stan' inside en Brer Rabbit wuz ter stan' outside en dey wuz ter pull 'g'in one er n'er wid
dey tails. Brer Rabbit, he tuck'n slip out'n de string, en tie de een' 'roun' a tree root, en den he went en peep at Wattle Weasel tuggin' en pullin'. Bimeby Wattle Weasel 'low:
Wattle Weasel was to stand inside and Brother Rabbit was to stand outside and they was to pull against one another with
their tails. Brother Rabbit, he took and slip out of the string, and tie the end around a tree root, and then he went and peep at Wattle Weasel tugging and pulling. By and by Wattle Weasel allow:

"‘Come en ontie me, Brer Rabbit, kaze you done out-pull me.' 'Come and untie me, Brother Rabbit, cause you done out-pull me.'

"Brer Rabbit sot dar, he did, en chaw he cud, en look lak he feel sorry 'bout sump'n. Bimeby all de creeturs come fer ter see 'bout dey butter, kaze dey fear'd Brer Rabbit done make way wid it. Yit w'en dey see little Wattle Weasel tie by de tail, dey make great miration 'bout Brer Rabbit, en dey 'low he de smartest one er de whole gang." "Brother Rabbit sat there, he did, and chaw his cud, and look like he feel sorry about something. By and by all the creatures come for to see about the butter, cause they feared Brother Rabbit done make way with it. Yet when they see little Wattle Weasel tie by the tail, they make great admiration about Brother Rabbit, and they allow he the smartest one of the whole gang."


There was some comment and some questions were asked by the little boy in regard to Wattle Weasel and the other animals; to all of which Uncle Remus made characteristic response. Aunt Tempy sat with one elbow on her knee, her head resting in the palm of her fat hand. She gazed intently into the fire, and seemed to be lost in thought. Presently she exclaimed:--

"Well, de Lord he'p my soul!" "Well, the Lord help mey soul!"

"Dat's de promise, Sis Tempy," "That's the promise, Sister Tempy," said Uncle Remus, solemnly.


Aunt Tempy laughed, as she straightened herself in her chair, and said:

"I des knowed dey wuz sump'n n'er gwine cross my min' w'en I year talk 'bout dat ar sheep by de chinkapin tree." "I just knowed there was something another going across my mind when I hear talk about that there sheep by the chinkapin tree."

"Out wid it, Sis Tempy," "Out with it, Sister Tempy," said Uncle Remus, by way of encouragement; "out wid it; free yo' min', en des make yo'se'f welcome." "out with it; free your mind, and just make yourself welcome."

"No longer'n Sunday 'fo' las', I'uz cross dar at de Spivey place un I tuck'n year'd a nigger man tellin' de same tale, un I 'low ter myse'f dat I'd take'n take it un kyar' it home un gin it out w'en I come ter pass de time wid Brer Remus un an uv um. I 'low ter myse'f I'll take it un kyar' it dar, un I'll des ten it my own way." "No longer than Sunday before last, I was cross there at the Spivey place and I took and heared a nigger man telling the same tale, and I allow to myself that I'd take and take it and carry it home and gin it out when I come to pass the time with Brother Remus un an uv them. I allow to myself I'll take it and carry it there, and I'll just turn it my own way."

"Well, den," "Well, then," said Uncle Remus, approvingly, "me en dish yer chap, we er willin' en a waitin', en ez fer Brer Jack over dar, we kin say de same fer him, kaze I up en year 'im draw mighty long breff des now lak he fixin' fer ter snort. But you neenter min' dat ole creetur, Sis Tempy. Des push right ahead." "me and this here cahp, we are willing and a waiting, and as for Brother Jack over there, we can say the same for him, cause I up and hear him draw mighty long breathe just now like he fixing for to snort. But you nevermind that old creatuer, Sister Tempy. Just push right ahead."

"Ah-h-h-e-e!" exclaimed Daddy Jack, snapping his bright little eyes at Uncle Remus with some display of irritation; "you tek-a me fer be sleep ebry tam I shed-a me y-eye, you is mek fool-a you'se'f. "you take-a me for be sleep every time I shut-a me y-eye, you is make fool-a yourself. Warrah yarrah garrah tarrah!"

This is simply "gullah" negro talk intended to be unintelligible, and therefore impressive. It means "One or the other is as good as t'other." [back]

"Brer Remus!" "Brother Remus!" said Aunt Tempy, in an awed whisper, "maybe he's a cunju'n un you." "maybe he's a conjuring on you."


"No-no!" exclaimed Daddy Jack, snappishly, "me no cuncher no'n' 'tall. Wun me cuncher you all you yeddy bone crack. Enty!" "n no conjurer not at all. When me conjure you all you heardy bone craack. Isn't he!"

"Well, in de name er de Lord, don't eo me a cunju'n wid me, kaze I'm des as peaceable ez de day's long," "Well, in the name of the Lord, don't eo me a conjuring with me, cause I'm just as peacealbe as the day's long," said Aunt Tempy.

Uncle Remus smiled and closed his eyes with an air of disdain, caught from his old Mistress, the little boy's grandmother, long since dead.

"Tell yo' tale, Sis Tempy," "Tell your tale, Sister Tempy," he said pleasantly, "en leave de talk er cunju'n ter de little nigger childun. We er done got too ole fer dat kinder foolishness." "and leave the talk of conjuring to the little nigger children. We've done got too old for that kind of foolishness."

This was for the ear of the little boy. In his heart Uncle Remus was convinced that Daddy Jack was capable of changing himself into the blackest of black cats, with swollen tail, arched back, fiery eyes, and protruding fangs. But the old man's attitude reassured Aunt Tempy, as well as the child, and forthwith she proceeded with her story:--

"Hit seem like dat one time w'en Brer Rabbit fine hisse'f way off in de middle er de woods, de win' strike up un 'gun ter blow. Hit blow down on de groun' un it blow up in de top er de timber, un it blow so hard twel terreckerly Brer Rabbit tuck a notion dat he better git out fum dar 'fo' de timber 'gun ter fall. "It seem like that one time when Brother Rabbit find hisself way off in the middle of the woods, and the wind strike up and begun to blow. It blow down on the ground and it blow up in the top of the timber, and it blow so hard till directly Brother Rabbit took a notion that he better get out from there before the timber begun to fall.

"Brer Rabbit, he broke 'en run, un, Man--Sir!An expression used to give emphasis and to attract attention; used in thc sense that Uncle Remus uses "Gentermens!"


w'en dat creetur run'd he run'd, now you year wat I tell yer!
He broke un run, he did, un he fa'rly flew 'way fum dar. W'iles he gwine 'long full tilt, he run'd ag'in' ole Mr. Lion. Mr. Lion, he hail 'im; "Brother Rabbit, he broke and run, and, Man--Sir! when that creature runned he runned, now you hear what I tell you!
He broke and run, he did, and he fairly flew away from there. Whiles he going along full tilt, he runned against old Mr. Lion. Mr. Lion, he hail him;

"‘Heyo, Brer Rabbit! W'at yo' hurry?' 'Heyo, Brother Rabbit! What your hurry?'

"‘Run, Mr. Lion, run! Dey's a harrycane comin' back dar in de timbers. You better run!' 'Run, Mr. Lion, run! There's a hurricane coming back there in the timbers. You better run!'

"Dis make Mr. Lion sorter skeer'd. He 'low: "This make Mr. Lion sort of scared. He allow:

"‘I mos' too heavy fer ter run fur, Brer Rabbit. W'at I gwine do?' 'I most too heavy for to run far, Brother Rabbit. What I going to do?'

"‘Lay down, Mr. Lion, lay down! Git close ter ue groun'!' 'Lay down, Mr. Lion, lay down! Get close to the ground!'

"Mr. Lion shake his head. He 'low: "Mr. Lion shake his head. He allow:

"‘Ef win' lierbul fer ter pick up little man like you is, Brer Rabbit, w'at it gwine do wid big man like me?' 'If wind labor for to pick up little man like you is, Brother Rabbit, what it going to do with big man like me?'

"‘Hug a tree, Mr. Lion, hug a tree!' 'Hug a tree, Mr. Lion, hug a tree!'

"Mr. Lion lash hisse'f wid his tail. He 'low: "Mr. Lion lash hisself with his tail. He allow:

"‘W'at I gwine do ef de win' blow all day un a good part er de night, Brer Rabbit?' 'What I going to do if the wind blow all day and a good part of the night, Brother Rabbit?'

"‘Lemme tie you ter de tree, Mr Lion! lemme tie you ter de tree!' 'Let me tie you to the tree, Mr. Lion! let me tie you to the tree!'

"Mr. Lion, he tuk'n 'gree ter dis, un Brer Rabbit, he got 'im a hick'ry split

Hickory withe. [back]

un tie 'im hard un fast ter de tree. Den he tuck'n sot down, ole Brer Rabbit did, un wash his face un han's des same ez you see de cats doin'. Terreckerly Mr. Lion git tired er stan'in' dar huggin' de tree, un he ax Brer Rabbit w'at de reason he aint keep on runnin', un Brer Rabbit, he up'n 'low dat he gwine ter stay der un take keer Mr. Lion. "Mr. Lion, he took and agree to this, and Brother Rabbit, he got him a hickory split and tie him hard and fast to the tree. Then he took and sat down, old Brother Rabbit did, and wash his face and hands just same as you see the cats doing. Directly Mr. Lion get tired of standing there hugging the tree, and he ask Brother Rabbit what the reason he ain't keep on running, and Brother Rabbit, he up and allow that he goint to stay there and take care Mr. Lion.




"Terreckerly Mr. Lion say he aint year no harrycane. Brer Rabbit say he aint needer. Mr. Lion say he aint year no win' a-blowin'. Brer Rabbit say he aint needer. Mr. Lion say he aint so much ez year a leaf a-stirrin'. Brer Rabbit say he aint needer. Mr. Lion sorter study, un Brer Rabbit sot dar, he did, un wash his face un lick his paws. "Directly Mr. Lion say he ain't hear no hurricane. Brother Rabbit say he ain't neither. Mr. Lion say he ain't hear no wind a-blowing. Brother Rabbit say he ain't neither. Mr. Lion say he ain't so much as hear a leaf a-stirring. Brother Rabbit say he ain't neither. Mr. Lion sort of study, and Brother Rabbit sat there, he did, and wash his face and lick his paws.

"Terreckerly Mr. Lion ax Brer Rabbit fer ter onloose 'im. Brer Rabbit say he fear'd. Den Mr. Lion git mighty mad, un he 'gun ter beller wuss'n one er deze yer bull-yearlin's. He beller so long un he beller so loud twel present'y de t'er creeters dey 'gun ter come up fer ter see w'at de matter. "Directly Mr. Lion ask Brother Rabbit for to unloose him. Brother Rabbit say he feared. Then M. Lion get mighty mad, and he begun to bellow worse than one of these here bull-yearlings. He bellow so long and he bellow so loud till presently the other creatures they begun to come up for to see what the matter.

"Des soon ez dey come up, Brer Rabbit, he tuck'n 'gun ter talk biggity un strut 'roun', un, Man--Sir! w'en dem yuthers see dat Brer Rabbit done got Mr. Lion tied up, I let you know dey tuck'n walked way 'roun' 'im, un 'twuz many a long day 'fo' dey tuck'n pestered ole Brer Rabbit." "Just soon as the come up, Brother Rabbit, he took and begun to talk biggity and strut around, and, Man--Sir! when them other see that Brother Rabbit done got Mr. Lion tied up, I let you know they took and walked way around him, and it was many a long day before the took and pestered old Brother Rabbit."

Here Aunt Tempy paused. The little boy asked what Brother Rabbit tied Mr. Lion for; but she didn't know; Uncle Remus, however, came to the rescue.

"One time long 'fo' dat, honey, Brer Rabbit went ter de branch fer ter git a drink er water, en ole Mr. Lion tuck'n druv 'im off, en fum dat time out Brer Rabbit bin huntin' a chance fer ter ketch up wid 'im." "One time long before that, honey, Brother Rabbit went to the branch for to get a drink of water, and old Mr. Lion took and drove him off, and from that time out Brother Rabbit been hunting a chance for to catch up with him."

"Dat's so," "That's so," said Aunt Tempy, and then she added:

"I 'clare I aint gwine tell you all not na'er n'er tale, dat I aint. Kaze you des set dur en you aint crack a
smile fum de time I begin'. Ef dat'd a bin Brer Remus now, dey'd a bin mo' gigglin' gwine on dan you kin shake a stick at. I'm right down mad, dat I is."
"I declare I ain't going to tell you all not never another tale, that I ain't. Cause you just set there and you ain't crack a
smile from the time I begins. If that'd a been Brother Remus now, there'd a been more giggling going on than you can shake a stick at. I'm righ down mad, that I is."

"Well, I tell you dis, Sis Tempy," "Well, I telly you this, Sister Tempy," said Uncle Remus, with unusual emphasis, "ef deze yer tales wuz des fun, fun, fun, en giggle, giggle, giggle, I let you know I'd a-done drapt um long ago. Yasser, w'en it come down ter gigglin' you kin des count ole Remus out." "if there here tales was just fun, fun, fun, and giggle, down to giggling you can just count old Remus out."


The discussion over Aunt Tempy's fragmentary story having exhausted itself, Daddy Jack turned up his coat collar until it was as high as the top of his head, and then tried to button it under his chin. If this attempt had been successful, the old African would have presented a diabolical appearance; but the coat refused to be buttoned in that style. After several attempts, which created no end of amusement for the little boy, Daddy Jack said:

"Da Lion, 'e no hab bin sma't lak Brer Rabbit. 'E strong wit' 'e fut, 'e strong wit' 'e tush, but 'e no strong wit' 'e head, 'E bery foolish, 'cep' 'e is bin hab chance fer jump 'pon dem creetur. "The Lion, he no have been smart like Brother Rabbit. He stron with his foot, he strong with his tooth, but he no strong with his head, He very foolish, excepting his is been have chance for jump upon them creture.

"One tam 'e bin come by B'er Rabbit in da road; 'e
ahx um howdy; 'e ahx um wey 'e gwan. B'er Rabbit say 'e gwan git fum front de Buckra Man wut bin comin' 'long da road. B'er Rabbit say:
"One time he been come by Brother Rabbit in the road; he
ask him howdy; he ask him where he going. Brother Rabbit say he going to get from front the Buckra Man what been coming along the road. Brother Rabbit say:

"‘Hide you'se'f, B'er Lion; da Buckra ketch-a you fer true; 'e is bin ketch-a you tam he pit 'e y-eye 'pon you; 'e mekky you sick wit' sorry. Hide fum da Buckra, B'er Lion!' 'Hide yourself, Brother Lion; the Buckra catch-a you for true; he is been catch-a you time he put his y-eye upon you; he makey you sick with sorry. Hide from the Buckra, Brother Lion!'

"Da Lion, 'e shekky 'e head; 'e say: "The Lion, he shakey his head; he say:

"'Ki! Me no skeer da Buckra Màn. I glad fer shum. I ketch um un I kyar um wey I lif; me hab da Buckra Màn fer me bittle. How come you bein' skeer da Buckra Màn, B'er Rabbit?' 'Ki! Me no scared the Buckra Màn. I glad for shum. I catch him and I carry him where I live; me have the Buckra Màn for me vittle. How come you being scared of the Buckra Màn, Brother Rabbit?'

"B'er Rabbit look all 'bout fer see ef da Buckra bin comin'. ‘E say: "Brother Rabbit look all about for see if the Buckra been coming. He say:

"‘Me hab plenty reason, B'er Lion. Da Buckra Màn shoot-a wit one gun. 'E r'ise um too 'e y-eye, 'e pint um stret toze you; 'e say bang! one tam, 'e say bang! two tam: dun you is bin git hu't troo da head un cripple in da leg.' 'Me have plenty reason, Brother Lion. The Buckra Màn shoot-a with one gun. He raise them too his y-eye, he point them straight towards you; he say bang! one time, he say bang two time: then you is been get hurt through the head and cripple in the leg.'

"Lion, 'e shek 'e head; 'e say: "Lion, he shake his head; he say:

"'Me no skeer da Buckra Màn. I grab-a da gun. I ketch um fer me brekwus.' 'Me no scared the Buckra Màn. I grab-a the gun. I catch him for me breakfast.'

"B'er Rabbit, 'e lahff; 'e say: "Brother Rabbit, he laugh; he say:

"‘Him quare fer true. Me skeer da Buckra, me no skeer you; but you no skeer da Buckra. How come dis?' 'Him queer for true. Me sacred the Buckra, me no scared of you; but you no scared the Buckra. How come this?'

"Da Lion lash 'e tail; 'e say: "The Lion lash his tail; he say:

"‘Me no skeer da Buckra, but me skeer da Pa'tridge; me berry skeer da Pa'tridge.' 'Me no scared the Buckra, but me scared the Partridge; me very scared the Partridge.'


"B'er Rabbit, 'e lahff tell 'e kin lahff no mo'. 'E say: "Brother Rabbit, he laugh till he can laugh no more. He say:

"‘How come you skeer da Pa'tridge? 'E fly wun you wink-a you' eye; 'e run un 'e fly. Hoo! me no skeer 'bout dem Pa'tridge. Me skeer da Buckra.' 'How come you scare the Partridge? He fly when you wink-a your eye; he run and he fly. Hoo! me no scare about them Partridge. Me scare the Buckra.'

"Da Lion, 'e look all 'bout fer see ef da Pa'tridge bin comin'. 'E say: "The Lion, he look all about for see if the Partidge been coming. He say:

"‘I skeer da Pa'tridge. Wun me bin walk in da bush-side, da Pa'tridge 'e hol' right still 'pon da groun' tell me come dey-dey, un dun 'e fly up--fud-d-d-d-d-d-e-e! Wun 'e is bin do dat me is git-a skeer berry bahd.' 'I scare the Partridge been coming. When me been walk in the bush-side, the Partridge he hold right still upon the ground till me come there-there, and then he fly up--fud-d-d-d-d-d-e-e! When he is been do that me is get-a scare very bad.' "

No typographical device could adequately describe Daddy Jack's imitation of the flushing of a covey of partridges, or quail; but it is needless to say that it made its impression upon the little boy. The old African went on:

"B'er Rabbit, 'e holler un lahff; 'e say: "Brother Rabbit, he holler and laugh; he say:

"‘Me no skeer da Pa'tridge. I bin run dem up ebry day. Da no hu't-a you, B'er Lion. You hol' you' eye 'pon da Buckra Man. Da Pa'tridge, 'e no hab no gun fer shoot-a you wit'; da Buckra, 'e is bin hab one gun two tam.

One gun two times is a double-barrelled gun. [back]

Let da Pa'tridge fly, B'er Lion; but wun da Buckra Màn come you bes' keep in de shady side. I tell you dis, B'er Lion.' 'Me no scare the Partridge. I been run them up every day. They no hunt-a you, Brother Lion. You hold your eye upon the Buckra Man. The Patridge, he no have no gun for shoot-a you with; the Buckra, he is been have one gun two time. Let the Patridge fly, Brother Lion; but when the Buckra Màn come you best keep in the shady side. I tell you this, Brother Lion.'

"Da Lion, 'e stan' um down 'e no skeer da Buckra Màn, un bimeby 'e say goo'-bye; 'e say 'e gwan look fer da Buckra Màn fer true. "The Lion, he stand him down

"So long tam, B'er Rabbit is bin yeddy one big fuss in
da timber; 'e yeddy da Lion v'ice. B'er Rabbit foller da fuss tell 'e is bin come 'pon da Lion wey 'e layin' 'pon da groun'. Da Lion, 'e is moan; 'e is groan; 'e is cry. 'E hab hole in 'e head, one, two, three hole in 'e side; 'e holler, 'e groan. B'er Rabbit,'e ahx um howdy. 'E say:
"So long time, Brother Rabbit is been heardy one big fuss in
the timber; he heardy the Lion voice. Brother Rabbit follow the fuss till he is been come upon the Lion where he laying upon the ground. The Lion, he is moan; he is groan; he is cry. He have hole in his head, ohe, two three hole in his side; he holler, he groan. Brother Rabbit, he ask him howdy. He say:

"'Ki, B'er Lion, wey you hab fine so much trouble?' 'Ki, Brother Lion, where you have find so much trouble?'

"Da Lion, 'e moan, 'e groan, 'e cry; 'e say: "The Lion, he moan, he groan, he cry; he say:

"'Ow, ma Lord! I hab one hole in me head, one, two, t'ree hole in me side, me leg bin bruk!' 'Ow, my Lord! I have one hole in me head, one, two, three hole in me side, me leg been broke!'

"'B'er Rabbit bin hol' e' head 'pon one side; 'e look skeer. 'E say: "'Brother Rabbit been hold his head upon one side; he look scared. He say:

"'Ki, B'er Lion! I no know da Pa'tridge is so bahd lak dat. I t'ink 'e fly way un no hu't-a you. Shuh-shuh! wun I see dem Pa'tridge I mus' git 'pon turrer side fer keep me hide whole.' 'Ki, Brother Lion! I no know the Partridge is so bad like that. I think he fly way and no hurt-a you. Shuh-shuh! when I see them Partridge I must get upon the other side for keep me hide whole.'

"Da Lion, 'e groan, 'e moan, 'e cry. B'er Rabbit, 'e say: "The Lion, he groan, he moan, he cry. Brother Rabbit, he say:

"'Da Pa'tridge, 'e berry bahd; 'e mus' bin borry da Buckra Màn gun.' 'The Partridge, he very bad; he must been borrow the Buckra Màn gun.'

"Da Lion, 'e groan, 'e cry: "The Lion, he groan, he cry:

"''E no da Pa'tridge no'n 'tall. Da Buckra Màn is bin stan' way off un shoot-a me wit' 'e gun. Ow, ma Lord!' 'He no the Partridge no'n at all. The Buckra Màn is been stand way off and shoot-a me with a his gun. Ow, my Lord!'

"B'er Rabbit, 'e h'ist 'e han'; 'e say: "Brother Rabbit, he hoist his hand; he say:

"'Wut I bin tell-a you, B'er Lion? Wut I bin tell you 'bout da Buckra Màn? Da Pa'tridge no hu't-a. you lak dis. 'E mek-a da big fuss, but 'e no hu't-a you lak dis. Da Buckra Màn, 'e no mek no fuss 'cep' 'e p'int 'e gun at you--bang!' 'What I been tell-a you, Brother Lion? What I been tell you about the Buckra Màn? The Partridge no hurt-a. you like this. He make-a the big fuss, but he no hurt-a you like this. The Buckra Màn, he no make no fuss except he point his gun at you--bang!' "


"And what then?" the little boy asked, as Daddy Jack collapsed in his seat, seemingly forgetful of all his surroundings.

"No'n 'tall," "Nothing at all," replied the old African, somewhat curtly.

"De p'ints er dat tale, honey," "The points of that tale, honey," said Uncle Remus, covering the brusqueness of Daddy Jack with his own amiability, "is des 'bout lak dis, dat dey aint no use er dodgin' w'iles dey's a big fuss gwine on, but you better take'n hide out w'en dey aint no racket; mo' speshually w'en you see Miss Sally lookin' behine de lookin'-glass fer dat ar peach-lim' w'at she tuck'n make me kyar up dar day 'fo' yistiddy; yit w'en she fine it don't you git too skeer'd, kaze I tuck'n make some weak places in dat ar switch, en Miss Sally won't mo'n strak you wid it 'fo' hit 'll all come onjinted." "is just about like this, that there ain't no use of dodging whiles there's a big fuss going on, but you better take and hide out when they ain't no racket; most especially when you see Miss Sally looking behind the looking-glass for that there peach-limb what she took and make me carry up there day before yesterday; yet when she find it don't you get too scared, cause I took and make some weak places in that there switch, and Miss Sally won't more than strike you with it before it all come onjinted."

Parts of this moral the little boy understood thoroughly, for he laughed, and ran to the big-house, and not long afterwards the light went out in Uncle Remus's cabin; but the two old negroes sat and nodded by the glowing embers for hours afterwards, dreaming dreams they never told of.



"Uncle Remus," said the little boy, one night shortly after Daddy Jack's story of the lion's sad predicament "mamma says there are no lions in Georgia, nor anywhere in the whole country."

"Tooby sho'ly not, honey; tooby sho'ly not!" "To be surely not, honey; to be surely not!" exclaimed Uncle Remus. "I dunner who de name of goodness bin a-puttin' dat kinder idee in yo' head, en dey better not lemme fine um out, needer, kaze I'll take en put Mars. John atter um right raw and rank, dat I will." "I don't know who the name of goodness been a-putting that kind of idea in your head, and they better not let me find them out, neither, cause I'll take and put Master John after them right raw and rank, that I will."

"Well, you know Daddy Jack said that Brother Rabbit met the Lion coming down the road."

"Bless yo' soul, honey! dat's way 'cross de water whar ole man Jack tuck'n come fum, en a mighty long time ergo at dat. Hit's a way off yan, lots furder dan Ferginny yit. We-all er on one side de water, en de lions en mos' all de yuther servigous creeturs, dey er on t'er side. Aint I never tell you how come dat?" "Bless your soul, honey! that's way across the water where old man Jack took and come from, and a mighty long time ago at that. It's a way off yon, lots further than Virginny yet. We-all are on one side the water, and the lions and most all the other servigous creatures, they are on the other side. Ain't I never telly how come that?"

The little boy shook his head.

"Well, sir! I dunner w'at I bin doin' all dis time dat I aint tell you dat, kaze dat's whar de wussest kinder doin’s tuck'n happen. Yasser! de wussest kinder doin's;
en I'll des whirl in en gin it out right now 'fo' ole man Jack come wobblin' in.
"Well, sir! I don't know what I been doing all this time that I ain't tell you that, cause that's where the worsest kind of doings took and happen. Yes sir! the worsest kind of doings;
and I'll just whirl in and gin it out right now before old man Jack come wobbling in.

"One time way back yonder, 'fo' dey wuz any folks afoolin' 'roun', Mr. Lion, he tuck'n tuck a notion dat he'd go huntin', en nothin' 'ud do 'im but Brer Rabbit must go wid 'im. Brer Rabbit, he 'low dat he up fer any kinder fun on top side er de groun'. Wid dat dey put out, dey did, en dey hunt en hunt clean 'cross de country. "One time way back yonder, before there was any folks a-fooling around, Mr. Lion, he took and took a notion that he'd go hunting, and nothing would do him but Brother RAbbit must go with him. Brother Rabbit, he allow that he up for any kind of fun on top side of the ground. With that they put out, they did, and they hunt and hunt clean across the country.

"Mr. Lion, he'd lam aloose en miss de game, en den Brer Rabbit, he'd lam aloose en fetch it down. No sooner is he do dis dan Mr. Lion, he'd squall out: "Mr. Lion, he'd lam aloose and miss the game, and then Brother Rabbit, he'd lam aloose and fetch it down. No sooner is he do this than Mr. Lion, he'd squall out:

"‘Hit's mine! hit's mine! I kilt it!' 'It's mine! it's mine! I killed it!'

"Mr. Lion sech a big man dat Brer Rabbit skeer'd ter 'spute 'long wid 'im, but he lay it up in he min' fer to git even wid 'im. Dey went on en dey went on. Mr. Lion, he'd lam aloose en miss de game, en ole Brer Rabbit, he'd lam aloose en hit it, en Mr. Lion, he'd take'n whirl in en claim it. "Mr. Lion such a big man that Brother Rabbit scared to dispute along with him, but he lay itup in his mind for to get even with him. They went on and they went on. Mr. Lion, he'd lam aloose and miss the game, and old Brother Rabbit, he'd lam aloose and hit it, and Mr. Lion, he'd take a whirl in and claim it.

"Dey hunt all day long, en w'en night come, dey 'uz sech a fur ways fum home dat dey hatter camp out. Dey went on, dey did, twel dey come ter a creek, en w'en dey come ter dat, dey tuck'n scrape away de trash en built um afire on de bank, en cook dey supper. "They hunt all day long, and when night come, they was such a far ways from home that they have to camp out. They went on, they did, till they come to a creek, and when they come to that, they took and scrape away the trash and built them a fire on the bank, and cook the supper.

"Atter supper dey sot up dar en tole tales, dey did, en Brer Rabbit, he tuck'n brag 'bout w'at a good hunter Mr. Lion is, en Mr. Lion, he leant back on he yelbow, en feel mighty biggity. Bimeby, w'en dey eyeleds git sorter heavy, Brer Rabbit, he up'n 'low: "After supper they sat up there and told tales, they did, and Brother Rabbit, he took and brag about what a good hunter Mr. Lion is, and Mr. Lion, he leant back on his elbow, and feel mighty biggity. By and by, when they eyelids get sort of heavy, Brother Rabbit he up and allow:

"'I'm a monstus heavy sleeper, Mr. Lion, w'en I gits
ter nappin', en I hope en trus' I ain't gwine 'sturb you dis night, yit I got my doubts.'
'I'm a monstrous heavy sleeper, Mr. Lion, when I gets
to napping, and I hope and trust I ain't going to disturb you this night, yet I got my doubts.'

"Mr. Lion, he roach he ha'r back outen he eyes, en 'low: "Mr. Lion, he roach his hair back out of his eyes, and allow:

"'I'm a monst'us heavy sleeper, myse'f, Brer Rabbit, en I'll feel mighty glad ef I don't roust you up in de co'se er de night.' 'I'm a monstrous heavy sleeper, myself, Brother Rabbit, and I'll feel mighty glad if I don't roust you up in the course of the night.'

"Brer Rabbit, he tuck'n change his terbacker fum one side he mouf ter de yuther, he did, en he up'n 'low: "Brother Rabbit, he took and change his tobbacco from one side of his mouth to the other, he did, and he up and allow:

"'Mr. Lion, I wish you be so good ez ter show me how you sno' es 'fo' you git soun' asleep.' 'Mr. Lion, I wish you bee so good as to show me how you snore as before you get sound asleep.'

"Mr. Lion, he tuck'n draw in he breff sorter hard, en show Brer Rabbit; den Brer Rabbit 'low: "Mr. Lion, he took and draw in his breathe sort of hard, and show Brother Rabbit; then Brother Rabbit allow:

"'Mr. Lion, I wish you be so good ez ter show me how you sno' atter you done git soun' asleep.' 'Mr. Lion, I wish you be so good as to show me how you snore after you done get sound asleep.'

"Mr. Lion, he tuck'n suck in he breff, en eve'y time he suck in he breff it soun' des lak a whole passel er mules w'en dey whinney atter fodder. Brer Rabbit look 'stonish'. He roll he eye en 'low: "Mr. Lion, he took and such in his breathe, and every time he such in her breathe it sound just like a whole passel of mules when they whinney after fodder. Brother Rabbit look astonished. He roll his eye and allow:

"'I year tell youer mighty big man, Mr. Lion, en you sho'ly is.' 'I hear tell you're mighty big man, Mr. Lion, and you surely is.'

Mr. Lion, he hol' he head one side en try ter look 'shame', but all de same he aint feel 'shame'. Bimeby, he shot he eye en 'gun ter nod, den he lay down en stretch hisse'f out, en 'twan't long 'fo' he 'gun ter sno' lak he sno' w'en he aint sleepin' soun'. Mr. Lion, he hold his head one side and try to look ashamed, but all the same he ain't feel ashamed. By and by, he shot his eye and begun to nod, then he lay down and stretch hisself out, and it wasn't long before he begun to snore like he snore when he ain't sleeping sound.

"Brer Rabbit, he lay dar. He aint sayin' nothin'. He lay dar wid one year h'ist up en one eye open. He lay dar, he did, en bimeby Mr. Lion 'gun ter sno' lak he sno' w'en he done gone fas' ter sleep. "Brother Rabbit, he lay there. He ain't saying nothing. He lay there with one year hoist up and one eye open. He lay there, he did, and by and by Mr. Lion begun to snore like he snore when he done gone fast to sleep.


"W’en ole Brer Rabbit year dis, he git up fum dar, en sprinkle hisse'f wid de cole ashes 'roun' de fier, en den he tuck'n fling er whole passel der hot embers on Mr. Lion. Mr. Lion, he jump up, he did, en ax who done dat, en Brer Rabbit, he lay dar en kick at he year wid he behime foot, en holler 'Ow!' "When old Brother Rabbit hear this, he get up from there, and sprinkle hisself with the cold ashes around the fire, and then he took and fling the whole passel of hot embers on Mr. Lion. Mr. Lion, he jump up, he did, and ask who done that, and Brother Rabit, he lay there and kick at his ear with his behind foot, and holler' Ow!'.

"Mr. Lion see de ashes on Brer Rabbit, en he dunner w'at ter think. He look all 'roun', but he aint see nothin'. He drap he head en lissen, but he aint year nothin'. Den he lay down 'g'in en drap off ter sleep. Atter w'ile, w'en he 'gun ter sno' lak he done befo', Brer Rabbit, he jump up en sprinkle some mo' cole ashes on hisse'f, en fling de hot embers on Mr. Lion. Mr. Lion jump up, he did, en holler: "Mr. Lion see the ashes on Brother Rabbit, and he don't know what to think. He look all around, but he ain't see nothing. He drop his head and listen, but he ain't hear nothing. Then he lay down again and drop off to sleep. After while, when he begun to snow like he done before, Brother Rabbit, he jump up and sprinkle some more cold ashes on hisself, and fling the hot embers on Mr. Lion. Mr. Lion jump up, he did, and holler:

"'Dar you is ag'in!' 'There you is again!'

"Brer Rabbit, he kick en squall, en 'low: "Brother Rabbit, he kick and squall, and allow:

"'You oughter be 'shame' yo'se'f, Mr. Lyon, fer ter be tryin' ter bu'n me up.' 'You ought to be ashamed yourself, Mr. Lion, for to be trying to burn me up.'

"Mr. Lion hol' up he han's en des vow 'tain't him. Brer Rabbit, he look sorter jubous, hut he aint say nothin'. Bimeby he holler out: "Mr. Lion hold up his hand and just vow it ain't him. Brother Rabbit, he look sort of dubious, but he ain't say nothing. By and by he holler out:

"'Phewee! I smells rags a bu'nin'!' 'Phewee! I smells rags a burning!'

"Mr. Lion, he sorter flinch, he did, en 'low: "Mr. Lion, he sort of flinch, he did, and allow:

"''Tain't no rags, Brer Rabbit; hit's my ha'r a sinjin'.' 'It ain't no rags, Brother Rabbit; it's my hair a singeing.'

"Dey look all 'roun', dey did, but dey aint see nothin' ner nobody. Brer Rabbit he say he gwine do some tall watchin' nex' time, kaze he bonn' ter ketch de somebody w'at bin playin' dem kinder pranks on um. Wid dat,
Mr. Lion lay down 'g'in, en 'twan't long 'fo' he drap ter sleep.
"They look all around, the did, but they ain't see nothing nor nobody. Brother Rabbit he say he going to do some tall watching next time, cause he bound to catch the somebody what been playing them kind of pranks on them. With that,
Mr. Lion lay down again, and it wasn't long before he drop to sleep.

"Well, den," "Well, then," continued Uncle Remus, taking a long breath, "de ve'y same kinder doin's tuck'n happen. De cole ashes fall on Brer Rabbit, en de hot embers fall on Mr. Lion. But by de time Mr. Lion jump up, Brer Rabbit, he holler out: "the very same kind or doings took and happen. The cold ashes fall on Brother Rabbit, and the hot embers fall on Mr. Lion. But by the time Mr. Lion jump up, Brother Rabbit, he holler out:

"‘I seed um, Mr. Lion! I seed um! I seed de way dey come fum 'cross de creek! Dey mos' sho'ly did!' 'I seen him, Mr. Lion! I seen him! I seen the way they come from across the creek! They most surely did!'

"Wid dat Mr. Lion, he fetch'd a beller en he jumped 'cross de creek. No sooner is he do dis," "With that Mr. Lion, he fetched a beller and he jumped across the creek. No sooner is he do this," Uncle Remus went on in a tone at once impressive and confidential, "no sooner is he do dis dan Brer Rabbit cut de string w'at hol' de banks togedder, en, lo en beholes, dar dey wuz!" "no sooner is he do this than Brother Rabbit cut the string what hold the banks together, and, low and beholds, there they was!"

"What was, Uncle Remus?" the little boy asked, more amazed than he had been in many a day.

"Bless yo' soul, honey, de banks! Co'se w'en Brer Rabbit tuck'n cut de string, de banks er de creek, de banks, dey fall back, dey did, en Mr. Lion can't jump back. De banks dey keep on fallin' back, en de creek keep on gittin' wider en wider, twel bimeby Brer Rabbit en Mr. Lion aint in sight er one er n'er, en fum dat day to dis de big waters bin rollin' 'twix um." "Bless your soul, honey, the banks! Course when Brother Rabbit took and cut the string, the banks of the creek, the banks, they fall back, they did, and Mr. Lion can't jump back. The banks they keep on falling back, and the creek keep on getting wider and wider, till by and by Brother Rabbit and Mr. Lion ain't in sight of one or another, and from that day to this the big waters been rolling betwixt them."

"But, Uncle Remus, how could the banks of a creek be tied with a string?"

"I aint ax um dat, honey, en darfo' you'll hatter take um ez you git um. Nex' time de tale-teller come roun' I'll up'n ux 'im, en if you aint too fur off, I'll whirl in
en sen' you wud, en den you kin go en see fer yo'se'f. But 'taint skacely wuth yo' wile fer ter blame me, honey, 'bout de creek banks bein' tied wid a string. Who put um dar, I be bless ef I knows, but I knows who onloose um, dat w'at I knows!"
"I ain't ask them that, honey, and therefore you'll have to take them as you get them. Next time the tale-teller come around I'll up and ux him, and if you ain't too far off, I'll whirl in
and send you word, and then you can go and see for yourself. But it ain't scarcely worth your while for to blame me, honey, about the creek banks being tied with a string. Who put them there, I be bless if I knows, but I knows who unloose them, that what I knows!"

It is very doubtful if this copious explanation was satisfactory to the child, but just as Uncle Remus concluded, Daddy Jack came shuffling in, and shortly afterwards both Aunt Tempy and 'Tildy put in an appearance, and the mind of the youngster was diverted to other matters.


After the new-comers had settled themselves in their accustomed places, and 'Tildy had cast an unusual number of scornful glances at Daddy Jack, who made quite a pantomime of his courtship, Uncle Remus startled them all somewhat by breaking into a loud laugh.

"I boun' you," "I bound you," exclaimed Aunt Tempy, grinning with enthusiastic sympathy, "I boun' you Brer Remus done fine out some mo' er Brer Rabbit funny doin's; now I boun' you dat." "I bound you Brother Remus done find out some more of Brother Rabbit funny doings: now I bound you that."

"You hit it de fus clip, Sis Tempy, I 'clar ter gracious
ef you aint. You nailed it! You nailed it,"
"You hit it the first clip, Sister Tempy, I declare to gracious
if you ain't. You nailed it. You nailed it,"
Uncle Remus went on, laughing as boisterously as before, "des lak ole Brer Rabbit done."

The little boy was very prompt with what Uncle Remus called his "inquirements," and the old man, after the usual "hems" and "haws," began.

"Hit run'd cross my min' des lak a rat 'long a rafter, de way ole Brer Rabbit tuk'n done Brer Fox. 'Periently, atter Brer Rabbit done went en put a steeple on top er he house, all de yuther creeturs wanter fix up dey honse. Some put new cellars und' um, some slapped on new winderblines, some one thing and some er n'er, but ole Brer Fox, he tuck a notion dat he'd put some new shingles on de roof. "It runned cross my mind just like a rat along a rafter, they way old Brother Rabbit took and done Brother Fox. Apparently, after Brother Rabbit done went and put a steeple on top of his house, all the other creatures want to fix up they house. Some put new cellar under them, some slapped on new windowblinds, some one thing and some or another, but old Brother Fox, he took a notion that he'd put some new shingles on the roof.

"Brer Rabbit, he tuck'n year tell er dis, en nothin'd do but he mus' rack roun' en see how ole Brer Fox gittin' on. W'en he git whar Brer Fox house is, he year a mighty lammin' en a blammin', en lo en beholes, dar 'uz Brer Fox settin' straddle er de comb er de roof nailin' on shingles des hard ez he kin. "Brother Rabbit, he took and hear tell of this, and nothing'd do but he must rack round and see how old Brother Fox getting on. When he get where Brother Fox house is, he hear a mighty lamming and a blamming, and low and beholds, there was Brother Fox setting straddle of the comb of the roof nailing on shingles just at hard as he can.

"Brer Rabbit cut he eye 'roun' en he see Brer Fox dinner settin' in de fence-cornder. Hit 'uz kivered up in a bran new tin pail, en it look so nice, dat Brer Rabbit mouf 'gun ter water time he see it, en he 'low ter hisse'f dat he bleedz ter eat dut dinner 'fo' he go 'way fum dar. "Brother Rabbit cut his eye around and he see Brother Fox dinner setting in the fence-corner. It was covered up in a brand new tin pail, and it look so nice, that Brother Rabbit mouth begun to water time he see it, and he allow to hisself that he pleased to eat the dinner before he go away from there.

"Den Brer Rabbit tuck'n hail Brer Fox, cn ax 'im how he come on. Brer Fox 'low he too busy to hol' any confab. Brer Rabbit up en ax 'im w'at is he doin' up dar.
Brer Fox 'low dat he puttin' roof on he house 'gin de rainy season sot in. Den Brer Rabbit up en ax Brer Fox w'at time is it, en Brer Fox, he 'low dat hit's wukkin time wid him. Brer Rabbit, he up en ax Brer Fox ef he aint stan' in needs er some he'p. Brer Fox, he 'low he did, dat ef be does stan' in needs er any he'p, he dunner whar in de name er goodness he gwine to git it at.
"Then Brother Rabbit took and hail Brother Fox, and ask him how he come on. Brother Fox allow he too busy to hold any conversation. Brother Rabbit up and ask him what is he doing up there.
Brother Fos allow that he putting roof on his house before the rainy season set in. Then Brother Rabbit up and ask Brother Fox what time is it, and Brother Fox, he allow tht it's working time with him. Brother Rabbit, he up ans ask Brother Fox if he ain't standing in needs of some help. Brother Fox, he allow he did, that if be does stand in needs of any help, he don't know where in the name of goodness he going to get it at.

"Wid dat, Brer Rabbit sorter pull he mustarsh, en 'low dat de time wuz w'en he 'uz a mighty handy man wid a hammer, en he aint too proud fer to whirl in en he'p Brer Fox out'n de ruts. "With that, Brother Rabbit sort of pull his mustach, and allow that the time was when he was a mighty handy man with a hammer, and he ain't too proud for to whirl in and help Brother Fox out of the ruts.

"Brer Fox 'low he be mighty much erblige, en no sooner is he say dat dan Brer Rabbit snatched off he coat en lipt up de ladder, en sot in dar en put on mo' shingles in one hour dan Brer Fox kin put on in two. "Brother Fox allow he be mighty much obliged, and no sooner is he say that than Brother Rabbit snatched off his coat and lift up the ladder, and sat in there and put on more shingles in one hour than Brother Fox can put on in two.

"Oh, he 'uz a rattler--ole Brer Rabbit wuz," "Oh, he was a rattler--old Brother Rabbit was," Uncle Remus exclaimed, noticing a questioning look in the child's face. "He 'uz a rattler, man, des ez sho' ez youer settin' dar. Dey want no kinder wuk dat Brer Rabbit can't put he han' at, en do it better dan de nex' man. "He was a rattler, man, just as sure as you're sitting there. They want no kind of work that Brother Rabbit can't put his hand at, and do it better than the next man.

"He nailed on shingles plum twel he git tired, Brer Rabbit did, en all de time he nailin', he study how he gwine git dat dinner. He nailed en he nailed. He 'ud nail one row, en Brer Fox 'ud nail n'er row. He nail'd en he nail'd. He kotch Brer Fox en pass 'im--kotch 'im en pass 'im, twel bimeby wiles he nailin' 'long, Brer Fox tail git in he way. "He nailed on shingles plum till he get tired, Brother Rabbit did, and all the time he nailing, he study how he going to get that dinner. He nailed and he nailed. He would nail one row, and Brother Fox would nail another row. He nailed and the nailed. He caught Brother Fox and pass him--caught him and pass him, till by and by whiles he nailing along, Brother Fox tail get in his way.

"Brer Rabbit 'low ter hisse'f he did dat he dunner w'at de name er goodness make folks have such long tails
fer, en he push it out de way. He aint no mo'n push it out'n de way, 'fo' yer it come back in de way. Co'se,"
"Brother Rabbit allow to hisself he did that he don't know what the name of goodness make folks have such long tails
for, and he push it out the way. He ain't no more than push it out of the way, beofer here it come back in the way. Course,"
continued Uncle Remus, beginning to look serious, "w'en dat's de case dat a soon man lak Brer Rabbit git pester'd in he min', he bleedz ter make some kinder accidents some'rs. "when that's the case that a soon mak like Brother Rabbit get pestered in his mind, he pleased to make some kind of accidents somewhers.

"Dey nail'd en dey nail'd, en, bless yo' soul! 'twa'n't long 'fo' Brer Fox drap eve'ything en squall out: "The nailed and they nailed, and bless your soul! it wasn't long before Brother Fox drop everything and squall out:

"'Laws 'a' massy, Brer Rabbit! You done nail my tail. He'p me, Brer Rabbit, he'p me! You done nail my tail!' 'Lords a mercy, Brother Rabbit! You done nail my tail. Help me Brother Rabbit, help me! You done nail my tail!'

Uncle Remus waved his arms, clasped and unclasped his hands, stamped first one foot and then the other, and made various other demonstrations of grief and suffering.

"Brer Rabbit, he shot fus one eye en den de yuther en rub hisse'f on de forrer'd, en 'low: "Brother Rabbit, he shut first one eye and then the other and rub hisself on the forehead, and allow:

"‘Sho'ly I aint nail yo' tail, Brer Fox; sho'ly not. Look right close, Brer Fox, be keerful. Fer goodness sake don' fool me, Brer Fox!' 'Surely I ain't nail your tail, Brother Fox; surely not. Look right close, Brother Fox, be careful. For goodness sake don't fool me, Brother Fox!'

"Brer Fox, "Brother Fox, he holler, he squall, he kick, he squeal.

"‘Laws 'a' massy, Brer Rabbit! You done nail'd my tail. Onnail me, Brer Rabbit, onnail me!' 'Lord a mercy, Brother Rabbit! You done nailed my tail. Unnail me, Brother Rabbit, unnail me!'

"Brer Rabbit, he make fer de ladder, en w'en he start down, he look at Brer Fox lak he right down sorry, en he up'n 'low, he did: "Brother Rabbit, he make for the lader, and when he start down, he look at Brother Fox like he right down sorry, and he up and allow, he did:

"‘Well, well, well! Des ter think dat I should er l amm'd aloose en nail Brer Fox tail. I dunner w'en I year tell er anything dat make me feel so mighty bad; en ef I hadn't er seed it wid my own eyes I wouldn't er bleev'd it skacely--dat I wouldn't!' 'Well, well, well!Just to think that I should of l amm'daloose and nail Brother Fox tail. I don't know when I hear tell of anything that make me feel so mighty bad; and if I hadn't of see it with my own eyes I wouldn't of believed it scarecely--that I wouldn't!'


"Brer Fox holler, Brer Fox howl, yit 'taint do no good. Dar he wuz wid he tail nail hard en fas'. Brer Rabbit, he keep on talkin' w'iles he gwine down de ladder. "Brother Fox holler, Brother Fox howl, yet it ain't do no good. There he was with his tail nail hard and fast. Brother Rabbit, he keep on talking whiles he going down the ladder.

"'Hit make me feel so mighty bad,' sezee, 'dat I dunner w'at ter do. Time I year tell un it, hit make a empty place come in my stomach,' sez Brer Rabbit, sezee. "'It make me feel so mighty bad,' says he, 'that I don't know what to do. Time I hear tell of it, it make a empty place in my stomach,' says Brother Rabbit, says he.

"By dis time Brer Rabbit done git down on de groun', en w'iles Brer Fox holler'n, he des keep on a talkin'. "By this time Brother Rabbit done get down on the ground, and whiles Brother Fox hollering, he just keep on a talking.

"'Deys a mighty empty place in my stomach,' sezee, 'en ef I aint run'd inter no mistakes dey's a tin-pail full er vittles in dish yer fence-cornder dat'll des 'bout fit it,' sez ole Brer Rabbit, sezee. "'There's a mighty empty place in my stomach,' says he, 'and if I ain't runned into no mistakes there's a tin-pail full of vittles in this here fence-corner that'll just about fit it,' says old Brother Rabbit, says he.

"He open de pail, he did, en he eat de greens, en sop up de 'lasses, en drink de pot-liquor, en w'en he wipe he mouf 'pun he coat-tail, he up'n 'low: "He open the pail, he did, and he eat the green, and sop up the molasses, and drink the pot-liquor, and when he wipe his mouth upon his coat-tail, he up and allow:

"'I dunner w'en I bin so sorry 'bout anything, ez I is 'bout Brer Fox nice long tail. Sho'ly, sho'ly my head mus' er bin wool-getherin' w'en I tuck'n nail Brer Fox fine long tail,' sez ole Brer Rabbit, sezee. "'I don't know when I been so sorry about anything, as I is aobut Brother Fox nice long tail. Surely, surely my head must of been wool-gethering when I took and nail Brother Fox fine long tail,' says old Brother Rabbit, says he.

"Wid dat, he tuck'n skip out, Brer Rabbit did, en 'twan't long 'fo' he uz playin' he pranks in some yuther parts er de settlement." "With that, he took and skip out, Brother Rabbit did, and it wasn't long before he was playing his pranks in some other parts of the settlement."

"How did Brother Fox get loose?" the little boy asked.

"Oh, you let Brer Fox 'lone fer dat," "Oh, you let Brother Fox alone for that," responded Uncle Remus. "Nex' ter Brer Rabbit, ole Brer Fox wuz mos' de shiftiest creetur gwine. I boun' you he tuck'n tuck keer hisse'f soon ez Brer Rabbit git outer sight en year'n." "Next to Brother Rabbit, old Brother Fox was most the shiftiest creature going. I bound you he took and took care hisself soon as Brother Rabbit get out of sight and hearing."



While the negroes were talking of matters which the little boy took little or no interest in, he climbed into Uncle Remus's lap, as he had done a thousand times before. Presently the old man groaned, and said:

"I be bless ef I know w'at de marter, honey. I dunner whe'er I'm a gittin' fibble in de lim's, er whe'er youer outgrowin' me. I lay I'll hatter sen' out en git you a nuss w'at got mo' strenk in dey lim's dan w'at I is." "I be bless if I know what the matter, honey. I don't know where I'm a getting feeble in the limbs, or whether you're outgrowing me. I lay I'll have send out and get a nurse what got more strength in the limbs than what I is."

The child protested that he wasn't very heavy, and that he wouldn't have any nurse, and the old man was about to forget that he had said anything about nurses, when Daddy Jack, who seemed to be desirous of appearing good-humored in the presence of 'Tildy, suddenly exclaimed:

"Me bin yeddy one tale 'bout da tam w'en da lil Bear is bin nuss da 'Gator chilluns. 'E bin mek fine nuss fer true. 'E stan' by dem lilly 'Gator tell dey no mo' fer stan' by." "Me been heardy one tale about the time when the little Bear is been nurse the Alligator children. He been make fine nurse for true. He standd by them little Aliigator till they no more for stand by."

Seeing that Daddy Jack manifested symptoms of going to sleep, the little boy asked if he wouldn't tell the story, and, thus appealed to, the old African began:

"One tam dey is bin one ole Bear; 'e big un 'e strong.
'E lif way in da swamp; 'e hab nes' in da holler tree. 'E hab one, two lilly Bear in da nes'; 'e bin lub dem chillun berry ha'd. One day, 'e git honkry; 'e tell 'e chillun 'e gwan way off fer git-a some bittle fer eat; 'e tell dem dey mus' be good chillun un stay wey dey lif. 'E say 'e gwan fer fetch dem one fish fer dey brekwus. Dun 'e gone off.
"One time they is been one old Bear in the nest; he been love them children very hard. One day, he get hungry; he tell his children he going way off for get-a some vittle for eat; he tell them they must be good children and stay where they live. He say he going for fetch them one fish for they breakfast. Then he gone off.

"Da lil Bear chillun hab bin sleep till dey kin sleep no mo'. Da sun, 'e der shine wom, 'e mekky lilly Bear feel wom. Da lil boy Bear, 'e rub 'e y-eye, 'e say 'e gwan off fer hab some fun. Da lil gal Bear, 'e say: "The little Bear children have been sleep till they can sleep no more. The sun, she just shine warm, she makey little Bear feel warm. The little boy Bear, he rub his y-eye, he say he going off for have some fun. The little gal Bear, she say:

"‘Wut will we mammy say?' "'What will we mammy say?'

"Lil boy Bear, 'e der lahff. 'E say: "Little boy Bear, he just laugh. He say:

"‘Me gwan down by da crik side fer ketch some fish 'fo' we mammy come.' "'Me going down by the creek side for catch some fish before we mammy come.'

"Lil gal Bear, 'e look skeer; 'e say: "Little gal Bear, she look scared; she say:

"‘We mammy say somet'ing gwan git-a you. Min' wut 'e tell you.' "'We mammy say something going get-a you. Mind what she tell you.'

"Lil boy Bear, 'e keep on lahff. 'E say: "Little Bear, he keep on laugh. He say:

"‘Shuh-shuh! 'E yent nebber know less you tell um. You no tell um, me fetch-a you one big fish.' "'Shuh-Shuh! Shee wont never know unless you tell her. You no tell her, me fetch-a you one big fish.'

"Lil boy Bear, 'e gone! 'E gone by da crik side, 'e tek 'e hook, 'e tek 'e line, 'e is go by da crik side fer ketch one fish. Wun 'e come dey-dey, 'e see somet'ing lay dey in de mud. 'E t'ink it bin one big log. 'E lahff by 'ese'f; 'e say: "Little boy Bear, he gone! He gone by the creek side, he take his hook, he take his line, he is go by the creek side for catch one fish. When he come there-there, he see something lay there in the mud. He think it been one big log. He laugh by hisself; he say:

"‘'E one fine log fer true. Me 'tan' 'pon da log fer ketch-a da fish fer me lil titty.'

Sissy. [back]

"'He no find long for true. Me stand upon the log for catch-a the fish for me little Sissy.'




"Lil boy Bear, 'e der jump down; 'e git 'pon da log; 'e fix fer fish; 'e fix 'e hook, 'e fix 'e line. Bumbye da log moof. Da lil boy Bear holler: "Little boy Bear, he just jump down' he get upon the log; he fix for fish; he fix his hook, he fix the line. By and by the log move. The little boy Bear holler:

"'Ow ma Lordy!' "'Ow my Lordy!'

"'E look down; 'e skeer mos' dead. Da log bin one big 'Gator. Da 'Gator 'e swim 'way wit' da lil boy Bear 'pon 'e bahck. 'E flut'e tail, 'e knock da lil boy Bear spang in 'e two han'. 'E grin wide, 'e feel da lil boy Bear wit' 'e nose; 'e say: "He look down; he sacred most dead. The log been on big Alligator. The Alligator he swim away with the little boy Bear upon his back. He flutter tail, he knock the little boy Bear spang in his two hand. He grin wide, he feel the little boy Bear with his nose; he say:

"'I tekky you wey me lif; me chillun is hab you fer dey brekwus.' "'I takey you where me live; me children is have you for they breakfast.'

"Da 'Gator, 'e bin swim toze da hole in da bank wey 'e lif. 'E come by da hole, 'e ca' da lil boy Bear in dey. 'E is call up 'e chillun; 'e say: "The Alligator, he been swim towards the hole in the bank where he live. He come by the hole, he carry the little boy in there. He is call up his children; he say:

"'Come see how fine brekwus me bin brung you.' "'Come see how fine breakfast me been brung you.'

"Da ole 'Gator, 'e hab seben chillun in 'e bed. Da lil boy Bear git skeer; 'e holler, 'e cry, 'e beg. 'E say: "The old Alligator, he have seven children in the bed. The little boy Bear get scared; he holler, he cry, he beg. He say:

"'Please, Missy 'Gator, gib me chance fer show you how fine nuss me is--please, Missy 'Gator. Wun you gone 'way, me min' dem chillun, me min' um well.' "'Please, Missy Alligator, give me chance for show you how fine nurse me is--please, Miss Alligator. When you gone away, me mind them children, me mind them well.'

"Da 'Gator flut 'e tail; 'e say: "The Alligator flut his tail: he say:

"I try you dis one day; you min' dem lil one well, me luf you be.' "I try you this one day; you mind them little one well, me leave you be.'

"Da ole 'Gator gone way; 'e luf da lil boy Bear fer min' 'e chillun. 'E gone git somet'ing fer dey brekwus. Da lil boy Bear, 'e set down dey-dey; 'e min' dem chillun; 'e wait un 'e wait. Bumbye,'e is git honkry. 'E wait un 'e wait. 'E min' dem chillun. 'E wait un 'e
wait. 'E 'come so honkry, 'e yent mos' kin hol' up 'e head. 'E suck 'e paw. 'E wait un 'e wait. Da 'Gator no come. 'E wait un 'e wait. Da 'Gator no come some mo'. 'E say:
"The old Alligator gone away; he leave the little boy Bear for mind his children. He gone get something for they breakfast. The little boy Bear, he sit down there-there; he mind them children; he wait and he wait. By and by, he is get hungry. He wait and he wait. He mind them children. He wiat and he
wait. He become so hungry, he ain't most can hold up his head. He such his paw. He wait and he wait. The Alligator no come. He wait and he wait. The Alligator no come some more. He say:

"‘Ow! me no gwan starf me se'f wun da planty bittle by side er me!' "'Ow! me no going starve meself when the planty vittle by side of me!'

"Da lil boy Bear grab one da lil 'Gator by 'e neck; 'e tek um off in da bush side; 'e der eat um up. 'E no lea' 'e head, 'e no leaf 'e tail; 'e yent leaf nuttin tall. 'E go bahck wey da turrer lil 'gator bin huddle up in da bed. 'E rub 'ese'f 'pon da 'tomach; 'e say: "The little boy Boear grab one the little Alligator by the neck; he take them off in the bush side; he there eart them up. He no leave the head, he no leave the tail; he ain't leave nothing at all. He go back where the other little alligator been huddle up in the bed. He rub hisself upon the stomach; he say:

"'Hoo! me feel-a too good fer tahlk 'bout. I no know wut me gwan fer tell da ole 'Gator wun 'e is come bahck. Ki! me no keer. Me feel too good fer t'ink 'bout dem t'ing. Me t'ink 'bout dem wun da 'Gator is bin come; me t'ink 'bout dem bumbye wun da time come fer t'ink.' "'Hoo! me feel-a too good for talk about. I no know what me going for tell the old Alligator when he is come back. Ki! me no care. Me feel too good for think about them thing. Me think about them when the Alligator is been come; me think about them by and by when the time come for think.'

"Da lil boy Bear lay down; 'e quile up in da 'Gator bed; 'e shed 'e y-eye; 'e sleep ha'd lak bear do wun ef full up. Bumbye mos' toze night, da 'Gator come; 'e holler: "The little boy Bear lay down; he curl up in the Alligator bed; he she his y-eye; he sleep hard like bear do when if full up. By and by most towards night, the Alligator come; he holler:

"‘Hey! lil boy Bear! How you is kin min' me chillun wun you is gone fer sleep by um?' "'Hey! little boy Bear! How you is can mind me children when you is gone for sleep by them?'

"Da lil boy Bear, 'e set up 'pon 'e ha'nch; 'e say: "The little boy Bear, he set up upon his haunch; he say:

"‘Me y-eye gone fer sleep, but me year wide 'wake.' "'Me y-eye gone for sleep, but me here wide awake.'

"Da 'Gator flut 'e tail; 'e say: "The Alligator flut his tail; he say:

"Wey me chillun wut me leaf you wit'?' "Where me children what me leave you with?'

"Da lil boy Bear 'come skeer; 'e say: "The little boy Bear become scared; he say:


"‘Dey all dey-dey, Missy 'Gator. Wait! lemme count dem, Missy 'Gator: "'They all there-there, Missy Alligator. Wait! let me count them, Missy Alligator:

"'Yarrah one, yarrah narrah, "'There-a one, there-a another,
Yarrah two 'pon top er tarrah, There-a two upon top of the other,
Yarrah t'ree, pile up tergarrah!'1

Here is one, here's another; here are two on top of t'other; here are three piled up together. [back]

"Da 'Gator y-open 'e mout, 'e grin wide; 'e say: "The Alligator y-open his mouth, he grin wide; he say:

"‘Oona nuss dem well, lil boy Bear; come, fetch-a me one fer wash un git 'e supper.' "Oona nuss them well, little boy Bear; come, fetch-a me one for wash and get his supper.'

"Da lii boy Bear, 'e ca' one, 'e ca' nurrer, 'e ca' turrer, 'e ca' um all tel 'e ca' six, den 'e come skeer. 'E t'ink da 'Gator gwan fine um out fer true. 'E stop, 'e yent know wut fer do. Da 'Gator holler: "The little boy Bear, he carry one, he carry another, he carry the other, he carry them all till he carry six, then he come scared. He think the Alligator going find them out for true. He stop, he ain't know what to do. The Alligator holler:

"‘Fetch-a me turrer!' "'Fetch-a me the other!'

"Da lil boy Bear, 'e grab da fus one, 'e wullup um in da mud, 'e ca' um bahck. Da 'Gator bin wash un feed um fresh; 'e yent know da diffran. "The little boy Bear, he grab the first one, he roll up them in the mud, he carry them back. The Alligator been wash and feed them fresh; he ain't know the differance.

"Bumbye, nex' day mornin', da 'Gator gone 'way. Da lil boy Bear stay fer nuss dem lil 'Gator. 'E come honkry; 'e wait, but 'e come mo' honkry. 'E grab nurrer lil 'Gator, 'e eat um fer 'e dinner. Mos' toze night, da 'Gator come. It sem t'ing: "By and by, next day morning, the Alligator gone away. The little boy Bear stay for nurse them little Alligator. He become hungry; he wait, but he become more hungry. He grab another little Alligator, he eat them for his dinner. Most toze night, the Alligator come. It seem thing:

"'Wey me chillun wut me leaf you fer nuss?' "'Where me children what me leave you for nurse?'

"‘Dey all dey-dey, Missy Gator. Me count um out: "They all there-there, Missy Gator. Me count them out:

"'Yarrah one, yarrah narrah, "'There one, there another,
Yarrah two 'pon top er tarrah, There two upon top of the other,
Yarrah t'ree, pile up tergarrah!' There three, pile up top the other!'


"'E ca' um one by one fer wash un git dey supper. 'E ca' two bahck two tam. Ebry day 'e do dis way tell 'e come at de las'. 'E eat dis one, un 'e gone luf da place wey da 'Gator lif. 'E gone down da crik side tell 'e is come by da foot-log, un 'e is run 'cross queek. 'E git in da bush, 'e fair fly tell 'e is come by da place wey 'e lil titty bin lif. 'E come dey-dey, un 'e yent go way no mo'." "He carry them one by one for wash and et the supper. He carry two back two time. Every day he do this way till he come at the last. He eat this one, and he gone left the place where the Alligator live. He gone down the creek side till he is come by the foot-log, and he is run across queek. He get in the bush, he fair fly till he is come by the place where he little titty been left. He come there-there, and he ain't go way no more."


The little boy was not particularly pleased at the summary manner in which the young Alligators were disposed of; but he was very much amused at the somewhat novel method employed by the Bear to deceive the old Alligator. The negroes, however, enjoyed Daddy Jack's story immensely, and even 'Tildy condescended to give it her approval; but she qualified this by saying, as soon as she had ceased laughing:

"I 'clar' ter goodness you all got mighty little ter do fer ter be settin' down yer night atter night lis'nin' at dat nigger man." "I declare to goodness you all got mighty little to do for to be setting down here night after night listening at that nigger man."

Daddy Jack nodded, smiled, and rubbed his withered hands together apparently in a perfect ecstacy of good-humor, and finally said:


"Oona come set-a by me, lil gal. 'E berry nice tale wut me tell-a you. Come sit-a by me, lil gal; 'e berry nice tale. Ef you no want me fer tell-a you one tale, dun you is kin tell-a me one tale." "Oona come set-a by me, little gal. He very nice tale what me tell-a you. Come sit-a by me, little gal; he very nice tale. If you no want me for tell-a you one tale, then you is can tell-a me one tale."

"Humph!" exclaimed 'Tildy, contemptuously, "you'll set over dar in dat cornder an dribble many's de long day 'fo' I tell you any tale." "you'll set over there in that corner an dribble many's the long day before I tell you any tale."

"Look yer, gal!" "Look here, gal!" said Uncle Remus, pretending to ignore the queer courtship that seemed to be progressing between Daddy Jack and 'Tildy, "you gittin' too ole fer ter be sawin' de a'r wid yo' head en squealin' lak a filly. Ef you gwine ter set wid folks, you better do lak folks does. Sis Tempy dar aint gwine on dat away, en she aint think 'erse'f too big fer ter set up dar en jine in wid us en tell a tale, needer." "you getting too old for to be sawing the air with your head and squealing like a filly. If you going to sit with folks, you better do like folks does. Sister Tempy there ain't going on that a-way, and she ain't think herself too big for to set up there and join in with us and tell a tale, neither."

This was the first time that Uncle Remus had ever condescended to accord 'Tildy a place at his hearth on an equality with the rest of his companny, and she seemed to be immensely tickled. A broad grin spread over her comely face as she exclaimed:

"Oh! I 'clar' ter goodness, Unk Remus, I thought dat ole nigger man wuz des a projickin' 'long wid me. Ef it come down ter settin' up yer 'long wid you all an' tellin' a tale, I aint 'nyin' but w'at I got one dat you all aint never year tell un, kaze dat ar Slim Jim w'at Mars. Ellick Akin got ont'n de speckerlater

Speculator's wagon. [back]

waggin, he up'n tell it dar at Riah's des 'fo' de patter-rollers tuck'n slipt up on um." "Oh! I declare to goodness, Uncle Remus, I though that old nigger man was just a projecting along with me. If it come down to setting up here along with you all and telling a tale, I ain't denying but what I got one that you all ain't never hear till one, cause that are Slim Jim what Master Ellick Akin got ont'n the speculator wagon, he up and tell it there t Riah's just before the potter-rollers took and slipped up on them."


"Dar now!" remarked Aunt Tempy. 'Tildy laughed boisterously.

"W'at de patter-rollers do wid dat ar Slim Jim?" Uncle Remus inquired.

"Done nothin'!" "Done nothing!" exclaimed 'Tildy, with an air of humorous scorn. "Time dey got in dar Slim Jim 'uz up de chimbly, an' Riah' uz noddin' in one cornder an' me in de udder. Nobody never is ter know how dat ar long-leg nigger slick'd up dat chimbly--dat dey aint. He put one foot on de pot-rack,

A bar of iron across the fireplace, with hooks to hold the pots and kettles. The original form of the crane. [back]

an' whar he put de t'er foot I can't tell you." "Time there got in there Slim Jim was up the chimmney, and Riah' was nodding in one corner and me in the other. Nobody never is to know how that are long-leg nigger slicked up that chimmeny--that they ain't. He put one foot on the pot-rack, and where he put the other foot I can't tell you."

"What was the story?" asked the little boy.

"I boun' fer you, honey!" "I bound for you, honey!" exclaimed Uncle Remus.

"Well den," "Well then," said 'Tildy, setting herself comfortably, and bridling a little as Daddy Jack manifested a desire to give her his undivided attention,--" well, den, dey wuz one time w'en ole Brer Rabbit 'uz bleedz ter go ter town atter sump'n n'er fer his famerly, an' he mos' 'shame' ter go kaze his shoes done wo' tetotally out. Yit he bleedz ter go, an' he put des ez good face on it ez he kin, an' he take down he walkin'-cane an' sot out des ez big ez de next un. "well, then, there was one time when old Brother Rabbit was pleased to go to town after something or another for his family, and he most ashamed to go cause his shoes done wore totally out. Yet he pleased to go, and he put this as good face on it as he can, and he take down his walking-cane and sat out this as big as the next one.

"Well, den, ole Brer Rabbit go on down de big road twel he come ter de place whar some folks bin camp out de night befo', an' he sot down by de fier, he did, fer ter worn his foots, kaze dem mawnin's 'uz sorter cole, like
deze yer mawnin's. He sot dar an' look at his toes, an' he feel mighty sorry fer hisse'f.
"Well, then, old Brother Rabbit go on down the big road till he come to the place where some folks been camp out the night before, and he sat down by the fire, hedid, for to worn his foots, casue them mornings was sort of cold, like
just here mornings. he sat there and look at his toes, and he feel mighty sorry for hisself.

"Well, den, he sot dar, he did, en 'twan't long 'fo' he year sump'n n'er trottin' down de road, an' he tuck'n look up an' yer come Mr. Dog a smellin' an' a snuffin' 'roun' fer ter see ef de folks lef' any scraps by der camp-fier. Mr. Dog 'uz all dress up in his Sunday-go-ter-meetin' cloze, an' mo'n dat, he had on. a pa'r er bran new shoes. "Well, then he sat there, he did, and it wasn't long before he hear something another trotting down the road, and he took and look up and here come Mr. Dog a smelling and a snuffing around for to see if the folks left any scraps by the camp-fire. Mr. Dog was all dress up in his Sundy-go-to-meeting close, and more than that, he had on. a pair of brand new shoes.

"Well, den, w'en Brer Rabbit see dem ar shoes he feel mighty bad, but he aint let on. He bow ter Mr. Dog mighty perlite, an' Mr. Dog he bow back, he did, an' dey pass de time er day, kaze dey 'uz ole 'quaintance. Brer Rabbit, he say: "Well, then, when Brother Rabbit see them there shoes he feel mighty bad, but he ain't let on. He bow to Mr. Dog mighty polite, and Mr. Dog he bow back, he did, and they pass the time of day, cause they was old acquaintance. Brother Rabbit, he say:

"‘Mr. Dog, whar you gwine all fix up like dis?' 'Mr. Dog, where you going all fix up like this?'

"‘I gwine ter town, Brer Rabbit; whar you gwine?' 'I going to town, Brother Rabbit; where you going?'

"‘I thought I go ter town myse'f fer ter git me new pa'r shoes, kaze my ole uns done wo' out en dey hu'ts my foots so bad I can't w'ar um. Dem mighty nice shoes w'at you got on, Mr. Dog; whar you git um?' 'I thought I go to town myself for to get me new pair shoes, cause my old ones done wore out and they hurts my foots so bad I can't wear them. Them mighty nice shoes what you got on, Mr. Dog; where you get the?'

"‘Down in town, Brer Rabbit, down in town.' 'Down in town, Brother Rabbit, down in town.'

"‘Dey fits you mighty slick, Mr. Dog, an' I wish you be so good ez ter lemme try one un um on.' 'They fits you mighty slick, Mr. Dog, and I wish you be so good as to let me try one of them on.'

"Brer Rabbit talk so mighty sweet dat Mr. Dog sot right flat on de groun' an' tuck off one er de behime shoes, an' loant it ter Brer Rabbit. Brer Rabbit, he lope off down de road en den he come back. He tell Mr. Dog dat de shoe fit mighty nice, but wid des one un um on, hit make 'im trot crank-sided. "Brother Rabbit talk so mighty sweet that Mr. Dog sat right flat on the ground and tok off one of the behind shoes, and loaned it to Brother Rabbit. Brother Rabbit, he lope off down the road and then he come back. He tell Mr. Dog that the shoe fit mighty nice, but with just one of them on, it make him trot crank-sided.

"Well, den, Mr. Dog, he pull off de yuther behime
shoe, an' Brer Rabbit trot off an' try it. He come back, he did, an' he say:
"Well, then Mr. Dog, he pull off the other behind
shoe, and Brother Rabbit trot off and try it. He come back, he did, and he say:

"‘Dey mighty nice, Mr. Dog, but dey sorter r'ars me up behime, an' I dunner 'zackly how dey feels.' 'They mighty nice, Mr. Dog, but they sort of roars me up behind, and I don't know exactly how they feels.'

"Dis make Mr. Dog feel like he wanter be perlite, an' he take off de befo' shoes, an' Brer Rabbit put um on an' stomp his foots, an 'low: "This make Mr. Dog feel like he want to be polite, and he take off the before shoes, and Brother Rabbit put them on and stomp his foots, and allow:

"‘Now dat sorter feel like shoes;' an' he rack off down de road, an' w'en he git whar he oughter tu'n 'roun', he des lay back he years an' keep on gwine; an' 'twan't long 'fo' he git outer sight. 'Now that sort of feel like shoes; and he rack off down the road, and when he get where he ought to turn around, he just lay back his years and keep on going; and it wasn't long before he get out of sight.

"Mr. Dog, he holler, an' tell 'im fer ter come back, but Brer Rabbit keep on gwine; Mr. Dog. he holler, Mr. Rabbit, he keep on gwine. An' down ter dis day," Mr. Dog, he holler, and tell him for to come back, but Brother Rabbit keep on going; Mr. Dog. he holler, Mr. Rabbit, he keep on going. And down to this day," continued 'Tildy, smacking her lips, and showing her white teeth, "Mr. Dog bin a runnin' Brer Rabbit, an' ef you'll des go out in de woods wid any Dog on dis place, des time he smell de Rabbit track, he'll holler an' tell 'im fer ter come back." "Mr. Dog been a running Brother Rabbit, and if you'll just go out in the woods with any Dog on this place, just time he smell the Rabbit track, he'll holler and tell him for to come back."

"Dat's de Lord's trufe!" "That's the Lord's truth!" said Aunt Tempy.



Daddy Jack appeared to enjoy 'Tildy's story as thoroughly as the little boy.

"'E one fine tale. 'E mekky me lahff tell tear is come in me y-eye," the old African said. And somehow or other 'Tildy seemed to forget her pretended animosity to Daddy Jack, and smiled on him as pleasantly as she did on the others. Uncle Remus himself beamed upon each and everyone, especially upon Aunt Tempy; and the little boy thought he had never seen everybody in such good-humor.

"Sis Tempy," "Sister Tempy," said Uncle Remus, "I speck it's yo' time fer ter put in." "I suspect it's your time for to put in."

"I des bin rackin' my min'," "I just been racking my mind," said Aunt Tempy, thoughtfully. "I see you fixin' dat ar hawn, un terreckerly hit make me think 'bout a tale w'at I aint year none un you tell yit." "I see you fixing that there horn, and directly it make me think about a tale what I ain't hear none and you tell it."

Uncle Remus was polishing a long cow's-horn, for the purpose of making a hunting-horn for his master.

"Hit come 'bout one time dat all de creeturs w'at got hawns tuck a notion dat dey got ter meet terge'er un have a confab fer ter see how dey gwine take keer deyse'f, kaze
dem t'er creeturs w'at got tush un claw, dey uz des a snatchin' um fum 'roun' eve'y cornder."
"It come about one time that all the creatures what got horns took a notion that they got to meet together and have a conversation for to see how they going take care theyself, cause
them other creatures what got tooth and claw, they was just a snatching them from around every corner."

"Tooby sho!" "To be sure!" said Uncle Remus, approvingly.

"Dey sont out wud, de hawn creeturs did, un dey tuck'n meet terge'er way off in de woods. Man--Sir!-- dey wuz a big gang un um, un de muster dey had out dar 'twan't b'ar tellin' skacely. Mr. Bull, he 'uz dar, un Mr. Steer, un Miss Cow" "They sent out word, the horn creatures did, and they took and meet together way off in the woods. Man--Sir!-- there was a big gang and them, and the muster they had out there it wasn't are telling scarecly. Mr. Bull, he was there, and Mr. Steer, and Miss Cow" --

"And Mr. Benjamin Ram, with his fiddle," suggested the little boy.

--"Yes, 'n Mr. Billy Goat, un Mr. Unicorn"--

"En ole man Rinossyhoss," said Uncle Remus.

--"Yes, 'n lots mo' w'at I aint know de names un. Man--Sir!--dey had a mighty muster out dar. Ole Brer Wolf, he tuck'n year' bout de muster, un he sech a smarty dat nothin' aint gwine do but he mus' go un see w'at dey doin'. --"Yes, and lots more what I ain't know the names and. Man--Sir!--they had a mighty muster out there. Old Brother Wolf, he took and hear about the muster, and he such a smarty that nothing ain't going to do but he must go and see what they doing.

"He study 'bout it long time, un den he went out in de timber un cut 'im two crooked sticks, un tie um on his head, un start off ter whar de hawn creeturs meet at. W'en he git dar Mr. Bull ax 'im who is he, w'at he want, whar he come frum, un whar he gwine. Brer Wolf, he 'low: "He study about it long time, and then he went out in the timber and cut him two crooked sticks, and tie them on his head, an start off to where the horn creatures meet at. When he get there Mr. Bull ask him who is he, what he want, where he come from, and where he going. Brother Wolf, he allow:

"‘Ba-a-a! I'm name little Sook Calf!'"

"Eh-eh! Look out, now!" exclaimed 'Tildy, enthusiastically.

"Mr. Bull look at Brer Wolf mighty hard over his specks, but atter a w'ile he go off some'rs else, un Brer Wolf take his place in de muster. "Mr. Bull look at Brother Wolf mighty hard over his specks, but after a while he go off somewheres else, and Brother Wolf take his place in the muster.


"Well, den, bimeby, terreckerly, dey got ter talkin' un tellin' der 'sperence des like de wite folks does at class- meetin'. W'iles dey 'uz gwine on dis away, a great big hoss-fly come sailin' 'roun', un Brer Wolf tuck'n fergit hisse'f, un snap at 'im. "Well, then, by and by, directly, they got to talking and telling the disappearance just like the white folks does at class-meeting. While they was going on this a-way, a great big hoss-fly come sailing around, and Brother Wolf took and forget hisself, and snap at him.

"All dis time Brer Rabbit bin hid in' out in de bushes watchin' Brer Wolf, un w'en he see dis he tuck'n break out in a laugh. Brer Bull, he tuck'n holler out, he did: "All this time Brother Rabbit been hiding out in the bushes watching Brother Wolf, and when he see this he took and break out in a laugh. Brother Bull, he took and holler out, he did:

"‘Who dat laughin' un showin' der manners?' 'Who that laughing and showing the manners?'

"Nobody aint make no answer, un terreckerly Brer Rabbit holler out: "Nobody ain't make no answer, and directly Brother Rabbit holler out:

"'O kittle-cattle, kittle-cattle, whar yo' eyes? "'O kittle-cattle, kittle-cattle, where your eyes?
Who ever see a Sook Calf snappin' at flies?' Who ever see a Sook Calf snapping at flies?'

"De hawn creeturs dey all look 'roun' un wonder w'at dat mean, but bimeby dey go on wid dey confab. 'Twan't long 'fo' a flea tuck'n bite Brer Wolf 'way up on de back er de neck, un 'fo' he know what he doin', he tuck'n squat right down un scratch hisse'f wid his behime foot." "The horn creature they all look around and wonder what that mean, but by and by they go on with the conversation. It wasn't long before a flea took and bite Brother Wolf away up on the back of the neck, and before he know what he doing, he took and squat right down an d scratch hisself with his behind foot."

"Enty!" exclaimed Daddy Jack. "Dar you is!" "There you is!" said Tildy.

"Brer Rabbit, he tuck'n broke-out in n'er big laugh un 'sturb um all, un den he holler out: "Brother Rabbit, he took and broke-out in another big laugh and disturb them all, and then he holler out:

"'Scritchum-scratchum, lawsy, my laws!
Look at dat Sook Calf scratchin' wid claws!' Look at that Sook Calf scratching with claws!'

"Brer Wolf git mighty skeer'd, but none er de hawn creeturs aint take no notice un 'im, un 'twan't long 'fo' Brer Rabbit holler out ag'in: "Brother Wolf get mighty scared, but none of the horn creatures ain't take no notice and him, and it wasn't long before Brother Rabbit holler out again:

"'Rinktum-tinktum, ride 'im on a rail! "'Rinktum-tinktum, ride him on a rail!
Dat Soak Calf got a long bushy tail!' That Soak Calf got a long bushy tail!'

"De hawn creeturs, dey go on wid der confab, but Brer Wolf git skeerder un skeerder, kaze he notice dat Mr. Bull got his eye on 'im. Brer Rabbit, he aint gin 'im no rest'. He holler out: "The horn creatures, they go on with their conversation, but Brother Wolf get scareder and scareder, cause he notice that Mr. Bull got his eye on him. Brother Rabbit, he ain't give him no rest. He holler out:

"'One un one never kin make six, "'One and one never can make six,
Sticks aint hawns, un hawns aint sticks!' Sticks ain't horns, and horns ain't sticks!'

"Wid dat Brer Wolf make ez ef he gwine way fum dar, un he wau't none too soon, needer, kaze ole Mr. Bull splunge at 'im, en little mo' un he'd er natally to' 'im in two." "With that Brother Wolf make as if he going way from there, nd he wouldn't none too soon, neither, cause old Mr. Bull splunge at him, and little more and he'd of naturally tore him in two."

"Did Brother Wolf get away?" the little boy asked.

"Yas, Lord!" "Yes, Lord!" said Aunt Tempy, with unction; "he des scooted 'way fum dar, un he got so mad wid Brer Rabbit, dat he tuck'n play dead, un wud went 'roun' dat dey want all de creeturs fer ter go set up wid 'im. Brer Rabbit, he went down dar fer ter look at 'im, un time he see 'im, he ax: "he just scooted away from there, and he got so mad with Brother Rabbit, that he took and play dead, and word went around that they want all the creatures for to so set up with him. Brother Rabbit, he went down there for to look at him, and time he see him, he ask:

"‘Is he grin yit?' 'Is he grin yet?'

"All de creeturs dey up'n say he aint grin, not ez dey knows un. Den Brer Rabbit, he 'low, he did: "All the creatures they up and say he ain't grin, not as they knows one. Then Brother Rabbit, he allow, he did:

"‘Well, den, gentermuns all, ef he aint grin, den he aint dead good. In all my 'speunce folks aint git dead good tell dey grins.' 'Well, then, gentlemans all, if he ain't grin, then he ain't dead good. In all my 'speunce folks ain't get dead good till they grins.'

See "Uncle Remus: His Songs and his Sayings," p. 60. [back]

"W'en Brer Wolf year Brer Rabbit talk dat away, he
tuck'n grin fum year ter year, un Brer Rabbit, he picked up his hat un walkin'-cane un put out fer home, un w'en he got way off in de woods he sot down un laugh fit ter kill hisse'f."
"When Brother Wolf hear Brother Rabbit talk that a-way, he
took and grin from year to year, and Brother Rabbit, he picked up his hat and walking-cane up put out for home, and when he got way off in the woods he sat down and laugh fit to kill hisself."

Uncle Remus had paid Aunt Tempy the extraordinary tribute of pausing in his work to listen at her story, and when she had concluded it, he looked at her in undisguised admiration, and exclaimed:

"I be bless, Sis Tempy, ef you aint wuss'n w'at I is, en I'm bad nuff, de Lord knows I is!" "I be bless, Sister Tempy, if you ain't worse than what I is, and I'm bad enough, the Lord knows I is!"


Aunt Tempy did not attempt to conceal the pleasure which Uncle Remus's praise gave her. She laughed somewhat shyly, and said:

"Bless you, Brer Remus! I des bin a settin' yer l'arnin. 'Sides dat, Chris'mus aint fur off un I speck we er all a feelin' a sight mo' humorsome dan common." "Bless you, Brother Remus! I just been a setting here learning. Besides that, Christmas ain't far off and I suspect we are all a feeling a sight more humorsome than common."

"Dat's so, Sis Tempy. I'uz comin' thoo de lot des 'fo' supper, en I seed de pigs runnin' en playin' in de win', en I 'low ter myse'f, sez I, 'Sholy dey's agwine ter be a harrycane,' en den all at once hit come in my min' dat
Chris'mus mighty close at han', en den on ter dat yer come de chickens a-crowin' des now en 'tain't nine er'clock. I dunner how de creeturs know Chris'mus comin', but dat des de way it stan's."
"That's so, Sister Tempy. I was coming through the lot just before supper, and I seen the pigs running and playing in the wind, and I allow to myself, says I, Surely there's a-going to be a hurrican, and then all at once it come in my mind that
Christmas mighty close at hand, and then on to that here come the chickens a-crowing just now and it ain't nine o'clock. I don't know how the creatures know Christmas coming, but that just the way it stands."

The little boy thought it was time enough to think about Christmas when the night came for hanging up his stockings, and he asked Uncle Remus if it wasn't his turn to tell a story. The old man laid down the piece of glass with which he had been scraping the cow's horn, and hunted around among his tools for a piece of sandpaper before he replied. But his reply was sufficient. He said:

"One time w'iles Brer Rabbit wuz gwine tho a de woods he tuck'n strak up wid ole Brer Fox, en Brer Fox 'low, he did, dat he mighty hongry. Brer Rabbit 'low dat he aint feelin' dat away hisse'f, kaze he des bin en had er bait er w'ite muscadimes, en den he tuck'n smack he mouf en lick he chops right front er Brer Fox. Brer Fox, he ax, sezee: "One time whiles Brother Rabbit was going through a the woods he took and strike up with old Brother Fox, and Brother Fox allow, he did, that he mighty hungry. Brother Rabbit allow that he ain't feeling that a-way hisself, cause he just been and had of bite of white muscadimes, and then he took and smack his mouth and lick his chops right front of Brother Fox. Brother Fox, he ask, says he:

"'Brer Rabbit, whar de name er goodnes is deze yer w'ite muscadimes, en how come I'm aint never run 'crosst um?' sezee. "'Brother Rabbit, where the name of goodness is these here white muscadimes, and how come I'm ain't never un acrossed them?' says he.

"‘I dunner w'at de reason you aint never come up wid um,' sez Brer Rabbit, sezee; ‘some folks sees straight, some sees crooked, some sees one thing, some sees n'er. I done seed dem ar w'ite muscadimes, en let 'lone dat, I done wipe um up. I done e't all dey wuz on one tree, but I lay dey's lots mo' un um 'roun' in dem neighborhoods,' sezee. "'I don't know what the reason you ain't never come up with them,' says Brother Rabbit, says he; 'some folks sees straight, some sees crooked, some sees one thing, some sees neither. I done seen them there white muscadimes, and let along that, I done wipe thme up. I done eat all there was on one tree, but I lay there's lots more than one them around in the neighborhoods,' says he.


"Ole Brer Fox mouf 'gun to water, en he git mighty restless. "Old Brother Fox mouth begun to water, and he get mighty restless.

"‘Come on, Brer Rabbit; come on! Come show me whar dem ar w'ite muscadimes grows at,' sezee. "'Come on, Brother Rabbit; come on! Come show me where them are white muscadimes grows at,' says he.

"Brer Rabbit, he sorter hang back. Brer Fox, he 'low: "Brother Rabbit, he sort of hang back. Brother Fox, he allow:

"'Come on, Brer Rabbit, come on!' 'Come on, Brother Rabbit, come on!'

"Brer Rabbit, he hang back, en bimeby he 'low: "Brother Rabbit, he hang back, and by and by he allow:

"'Uh-uh, Brer Fox! You wanter git me out dar in de timber by myse'f en do sump'n ter me. You wanter git me our dar en skeer me.' 'Uh-uh, Brother Fox! You want to get me out there in the timber by myself and do something to me. You want to get out there and scare me.'

"'Ole Brer Fox:, he hol' up he han's, he do, en he 'low: "'Old Brother Fox:, he holdup his hands, he do, and he allow:

"'I des 'clar' 'fo' gracious, Brer Rabbit, I aint gwine do no sech uv a thing. I dunner w'at kinder 'pinion you got 'bout me fer ter have sech idee in yo' head. Come on, Brer Rabbit, en less we go git dem ar w'ite muscadimes. Come on, Brer Rabbit.' 'I just declare before gracious, Brother Rabbit, I ain't going do no such of a thing. I don't know what kind of opnion you got about me for to have such idea in your head. Come on, Brother Rabbit, and less we go get them there white muscadimes. Come on, Brother Rabbit.'

"'Uh-uh, Brer Fox! I done year talk er you playin' so many prank wid folks, dat I fear'd fer ter go 'way off dar wid you.' 'Uh-uh, Brother Fox I done hear talk of you playing so many prank with folks, that I feared for to go away off there with you.'

"Dey went on dat away," "They went on that a-way," continued Uncle Remus, endeavoring to look at the little boy through the crooked cow's horn, "twel bimeby Brer Fox promise he aint gwine; ter bodder 'long er Brer Rabbit, en den dey tuck'n put out. En whar you speck dat ar muscheevous Brer Rabbit tuck'n kyar' Brer Fox?" "till by and by Brother Fox promise he ain't going; to bother along of Brother Rabbit, and then they took and put out. And where you suspect that there mischevious Brother Rabbit took and carry Brother Fox?"

Uncle Remus paused and gazed around upon his audience with uplifted eyebrows, as if to warn them to be properly astonished. Nobody made any reply, but all looked expectant, and Uncle Remus went on:


"He aint kyar 'im nowhars in de roun' worl' but ter one er deze yer great big scaly-bark trees. De tree wuz des loaded down wid scaly-barks, but dey want ripe, en de green hulls shined in de sun des lak dey bin whitewash'. Brer Fox look 'stanish'. Atter w'ile he up'n 'low: "He ain't carry him nowheres in the round world but to one of these here great big scaly-bark trees. the tree was just loaded down with scaly-barks, but they want ripe, and the green hulls shined in the sun just like they been whitewashed. Brother Fox look astonished. After while he up and allow:

"'Is dem ar de w'ite muscadimes? Mighty funny I aint fine it out 'fo' dis.' 'Is them there the white muscadimes? Mighty funny I ain't fine it out before this.'

"Ole Brer Rabbit, he scratch hisse'f en 'low: "Old Brother RAbbit, he scratch hisself and allow:

"‘Dems um. Dey mayn't be ripe ez dem w'at I had fer my brekkus, but dems de w'ite muscadimes sho' ez youer bawn. Dey er red bullaces

Another name for muscadines. [back]

en dey er black bullaces, but deze yer, dey er de w'ite bulluces.' 'Thems them. htey mayn't be ripe as them what I had for my bullaces and they are black bullaces, but these here, they are the white bulluces.'

"Brer Fox, sezee, ‘How I gwine git um?' "Brother Fox, says he, 'How I going get them?'

"Brer Rabbit, sezee, ‘You'll des hatter do lak I done.' "Brother Rabbit, says he, 'You'll just have to do like I done.'

"Brer Fox, sezee, ‘How wuz dat?' "Brother Fox, says he, 'How was that?'

"Brer Rabbit, sezee, ‘You'll hatter clam fer 'm.' "Brother Rabbit, says he, 'You'll have to clam for him.'

"Brer Fox, sezee, ‘How I gwine clam?' "Brother Fox, says he, 'How I going clam?'

"Brer Rabbit, sezee, ‘Grab wid yo' han's, clamp wid yo' legs, en I'll push behime!'" "Brother Rabbit, says he, 'Grab with your hands, clamp with your legs, and I'll push behind!'"

"Man--Sir!--he's a talkin' now!" exclaimed Aunt Tempy, enthusiastically.

"Brer Fox, he clum, en Brer Rabbit, he push, twel, sho' nuff, Brer Fox got whar he kin grab de lowmos' lim's, en dar he wuz! He crope on up, he did, twel he come ter whar he kin retch de green scaly-bark, en den he tuck'n pull one en bite it, en, gentermens! hit uz dat rough en dat bitter twel little mo' en he'd' a drapt spang out'n de tree. "Brother Fox, he clum, and Brother Rabbit, he push, till, sure enough, Brother Fox got where he can grab the lowest limbs, and there he was! He crept on up, he did, till he comet to where he can reach the green scacly-bark, and then he took and pull one and bite it, and, gentlmens! it was that rough and that bitter till little more and he'd a dropped spang out of the tree.


"He holler 'Ow!' en spit it out'n he mouf des same ez ef'twuz rank pizen, en he make sech a face dat you wouldn't b'leeve it skacely less'n you seed it. Brer Rabbit, he hatter cough fer ter keep fum laughin', but he make out ter holler, sezee: "He holler 'Ow!' and spit it out of his mouth just same as if it was rank poison, and he make such a face that you wouldn't believe it scarcely unless you'd seen it. Brother Rabbit, he have to cough for to keep from laughing, but he make out to holler, says he:

"'Come down, Brer Fox! Dey aint ripe. Come down en less go some'rs else.' 'Come down, Brother Fox! They ain't ripe. Come down and let's go somewheres else.'

"Brer Fox start down, en he git 'long mighty well twel he come ter de lowmos' lim's, en den w'en he git dar he can't come down no furder, kaze he aint got no claw fer cling by, en not much leg fer clamp. "Brother Fox start down, and he get along mighty well till he come to the lowmost limbs, and then when he get there he can't come down no further, cause he ain't got no claw for cling by, and not much leg for clamp.

"Brer Rabbit keep on hollerin', 'Come down!' en Brer Fox keep on studyin' how he gwine ter come down. Brer Rabbit, he 'low, sezee: "Brother Rabbit keep on hollering, 'Come down!' and Brother Fox keep on studying how he going to come down. Brother Rabbit, he allow, says he:

"'Come on, Brer Fox! I tuck'n push you up, en ef I 'uz dar whar you is, I'd take'n push you down.' 'Come on , Brother Fox! I took and push you up, and if I was there where you is, I'd take and push you down.'

"Brer Fox sat dar on de lowmos' lim's en look lak he skeer'd. Bimeby Brer Rabbit tuck he stan' way off fum de tree, en he holler, sezee: "Brother Fox sat there on the lowmost limb and look like he scared. By and by Brother Rabbit took he stand way off from the tree. and he holler, says he:

"'Ef you'll take'n jump out dis way, Brer Fox, I'll ketch you.' 'If you'll take and jump out this way, Brother Fox, I'll catch you.'

"Brer Fox look up, he look down, he look all 'roun'. Brer Rabbit come little closer, en 'low, sezee: "Brother Fox look up, he look down, he look all around. Brother Rabbit come little closer, and allow says he:

"'Hop right down yer, Brer Fox, en I'll ketch you.' 'Hop right down here, Brother Fox, and I'll catch you.'

"Hit keep on dis away, twel, bimeby, Brer Fox tuck a notion to jump, en des ez he jump Brer Rabbit hop out de way en holler, sezee: "It keep on this a-way, till, by and by, Brother Fox took a notion to jump, and just as he jump Brother Rabbit hop out the way and holler says he:

"'Ow! Scuze me, Brer Fox! I stuck a brier in my foot! Scuze me, Brer Fox! I stuck a brier in my foot!' 'Ow! Excuse me, Brother Fox! I stuck a briar in my foot! Excuse me, Brother Fox! I stuck a briar in my foot!'


"En dat ole Brer Fox," "And that old Brother Fox," continued Uncle Remus, dropping his voice a little, "dat ole Brer Fox, gentermens! you oughter bin dar! He hit de groun' like a sack er taters, en it des natally knock de breff out'n 'im. W'en he git up en count hisse'f fer ter see ef he all dar, he aint kin walk skacely, en he sat dar en lick de so' places a mighty, long time 'fo' he feel lak he kin make he way todes home." "that old Brother Fox, gentlemen! you ought to been there! He hit the ground like a sack of taters, and it just naturally knock the breathe out of him. When he get up and count hisself for to see if he all there, he ain't can walk scarecly, and he sat there and lick the sour places a mighty, long time before he feel like he can make his way towards home."

When the little boy wanted to know what become of Brother Rabbit Uncle Remus said:

"Shoo! don't you pester 'bout Brer Rabbit. He kick up he heels en put out fum dar." "Shoot! don't you pester about Brother Rabbit. He kick up his heels and put out from there. Then he added: "Dem ar chick'ns crowin' 'g'in, honey. Done gone by nine er'clock. Scoot out fum dis. Miss Sally'll be a rakin me over de coals." "Them are chickens crowing again honey. Done gone by nine o'clock. Scoot out from this. Miss Sally'll be raking me over the coals.


One night the little boy ran into Uncle Remus's cabin singing:

"T-u Turkey, t-u Ti
T-u Turkey Buzzard's eye!"

Uncle Remus, Daddy Jack, Aunt Tempy, and 'Tildy were all sitting around the fire, for the Christmas weather was beginning to make itself rather severely felt. As
they made room for the child, Daddy Jack flung his head back, and took up the song, beating time with his foot:

"T-u Tukry, t-u Ti,
T-u Tukry-Buzzud y-eye!
T-u Tukry, t-u Ting,
T-u Tukry-Buzzud wing!"

"Deyer mighty kuse creeturs," "They're mighty curious creatures," said 'Tildy, who was sitting rather nearer to Daddy Jack than had been her custom,--a fact to which Aunt Tempy had already called the attention of Uncle Remus by a motion of her head, causing the old man to smile a smile as broad as it was wise. "Deyer mighty kuse, an' I'm fear'd un um," "They're mighty curious, and I'm afeared of them," 'Tildy went on. "Dey looks so lonesome hit makes me have de creeps fer ter look at um." "They looks so lonesome it makes me have the creeps for to look at them."

"Dey no hu't-a you," "They no hurt-a you," said Daddy Jack, soothingly. "You flut you' han' toze um dey fly way fum dey-dey." "You flut your hand towards them they fly away from there-there."

"I dunno 'bout dat," "I don't know about that," said 'Tildy. "Deyer bal'-beaded, an' dat w'at make me 'spize um." "They're bald-headed, and that what make me despise them."

Daddy Jack rubbed the bald place on bis head with such a comical air that even 'Tildy laughed. The old African retained his good-humor.

"You watch dem Buzzud," "You watch them Buzzard," he said after awhile, adressing himself particularly to the little boy. "'E fly high, 'e fly low, 'e fly way 'roun'. Rain come, 'e flup 'e wings, 'e light 'pon dead pine. Rain fall, 'e hug 'cse'f wit 'e wing, 'e scrooge 'e neck up. Rain come, win' blow, da, Buzzud bin-a look ragged. Da, Buzzud bin-a, wink 'e y-eye, 'e say: "He fly high, he fly low, he fly way around. Rain come, he flup his wings, he light upon dead pine. Rain fall, he hug hisself with his wing, he scrooge his neck up. Rain come, wind blow, the, Buzzard been-a look ragged. The, Buzzard been-a, wink his y-eye, he say:

"'Wun da win' fer stop blow un da rain fer stop drip,
me go mek me one house. Me mek um tight fer keep da rain out; me pit top on strong fer keep da win' out.'
"When the wind for stop blow and the rain for stop drip,
me go make me one house. Me make them tight for keep the rain out; me put top on strong for keep the wind out.'

"Dun da rain dry up un da win' stop. Da Buzzud, 'e stan' 'pon top da dead pine. Wun da sun bin-a shine, 'e no mek um no house no'n 'tall. 'E stay 'pon da dead pine; 'e 'tretch 'e wing wide open; 'e bin dry hisse'f in da sun. 'E hab mek no house sence 'e bin born. 'E one fool bud." "Then the rain dry up and the wind stop. The Buzzard, he stand upon top the dead pine. When the sun been-a shine, he no make them no house none at all. He stay upon the dead pine; he stretch his wing wide oen; he been dry hisself in the sun. He have make no house since he been born. He one fool bird."

"En yit," "And yet," said Uncle Remus, with a grave, judicial air, "I year tell er one time w'en ole Brer Buzzard want so mighty fur outer de way wid he notions." "I hear tell of one time when old Brother Buzzard want so mighty far out of the way with his notions."

"Me yent yeddy tahlk 'bout dis," "Me ain't ready talk about this," Daddy Jack explained.

"I speck not," "I suspect not," responded Uncle Remus. "Hit seem lak dat dey wuz one time w'en Mr. Hawk come sailin' 'roun' huntin' fer sump'n n'er t'eat, en he see Brer Buzzard settin' on a dead lim', lookin' mighty lazy en lonesome. "It seem like that there was one time when Mr. Hawk come sailing around hunting for something or another to eat, and he see Brother Buzzard sitting on a dead limb, looking mighty lazy and lonesome.

"Mr. Hawk, sezee, "Mr. Hawk, says he, ‘How you come on, Brer Buzzard?' 'How you come on, Brother Buzzard?'

"Brer Buzzard, sezee, "Brother Buzzard, says he, ‘I'm mighty po'ly, Brer Hawk; po'ly en hongry.' 'I'm mighty poorly, Brother Hawk; poorly and hungry.'

"Mr. Hawk, sezee, "Mr. Hawk, says he, ‘W'at you waitin' yer fer ef you hongry, Brer Buzzard?' 'What you waiting here for if you hungry, Brother Buzzard?'

"Brer Buzzard, sezee, "Brother Buzzard, says he, ‘I'm a waitin' on de Lord.' 'I'm waiting on the Lord.'

"Mr. Hawk, sezee, ‘Better run en git yo' brekkus, Brer Buzzard, en den come back en wait.' "Mr. Hawk, says he, 'Better run and get your breakfast, Brother Buzzard, and then come back and wiat.'

"Brer Buzzard, sezee, ‘No, Brer Hawk, I'll go bidout my brekkus druther den be biggity 'bout it.' "Brother Buzzard, says he, 'No, Brother Hawk, I'll go bide out my breakfast rather than be biggity abou it.'

"Mr. Hawk, he 'low, sezee, ‘Well, den, Brer Buzzard, you got yo' way en I got mine. You see dem ar chick'ns
down dar in Mr. Man hoss-lot? I'm a gwine down dar en git one un um, en den I'll come back yer en wait 'long wid you.'
"Mr. Hawk, he allow says he, 'Well, then, Brother Buzzard, you got your way and I got mine. You see them there chickens
down there in Mr. Man horse-lot? I'm going down there and get on of them, and then I"ll come back here and wait along with you.'

"Wid dat, Mr. Hawk tuck'n sail off, en Brer Buzzard drop he wings down on de lim' en look mighty lonesome. He sot dar en look mighty lonesome, he did, but he keep one eye on Mr. Hawk. "With that, Mr. Hawk took and sail off, and Brother Buzzard drop his wings down on the limb and look mighty lonesome. He sat there and look mighty lonesome, he did, but he keep one eye on Mr. Hawk.

"Mr. Hawk, he sail 'roun' en 'roun', en he look mighty purty. He sail 'roun' en 'roun' 'bove de hoss-lot--'roun' en 'roun'--en bimeby he dart down at chick'ns. He shot up he wings en dart down, he did, des same ef he 'uz fired out'n a gun." "Mr. Hawk, he sail around and around, andhe look mighty purty. He sail around and around above the horse-lot--around and around--and by and by he dart dwon at chickens. He shot up his wings and dart down, he did, just same if he was fired out of a gun."

"Watch out, pullets!" exclaimed 'Tildy, in a tone of warning.

"He dart down, he did," continued Uncle Remus, rubbing his hand thoughtfully across the top of his head, "but stidder he hittin' de chick'ns, he tuck'n hit 'pon de sharp een' un a fence-rail. He hit dar, he did, en dar he stuck." "but stidder he hitting the chickens, he took and hit upon the sharp and of a fence-rail. He hit there, he did, and there he stuck."

"Ah-yi-ee!" exclaimed Daddy Jack.

"Dar he stuck. Brer Buzzard. sot en watch 'im. Mr. Hawk aint move. Brer Buzzard sot en watch 'im some mo'. Mr. Hawk aint move. He done stone dead. De mo' Brer Buzzard watch 'im de mo' hongrier he git, en bimeby he gedder up he wings, en sorter clean out he year wid he claw, en 'low, sezee: "There he stuck. Brother Buzzard sat and watch him. Mr. Hawk ain't move. Brother Buzzard sat and watch him some more. Mr. Hawk ain't move. He done stone dead. The more Brother Buzzard wath him the more hungrier he get, and by and by he gather up his wings, and sort of clean out his ear with his claw, and allow, says he:

"'I know'd de Lord. 'uz gwineter pervide.' 'I know'd the Lord was going to provide.' "

"Trufe too!" "Truth too!" exclaimed Aunt Tempy. "'Taint bin in my min' dat Buzzard got sense lak dat!" "It ain't been in my mind that Buzzard got sense like that!"


"Dar's whar you missed it, Sis Tempy," "There's where you missed it, Sister Tempy," said Uncle Remus, gravely. "Brer Buzzard, he tuck'n drap down fum de dead lim', en he lit on Mr. Hawk, en had 'im fer brekkus. Hit's a mighty 'roun' about way fer ter git chick'n-pie, yit hit's lots better dan no way." "Brother Buzzard, he took and rop down from the dead limb, and he lit on Mr. Hawk, and had him for breakfast. It's a mighty around about way for to get chicken-pie, yet it's lots better than no way."

"I speck Hawk do tas'e like chicken," "I suspect Hawk do tast like chicken," remarked 'Tildy.

"Dey mos' sho'ly does," "They most surely does, said Uncle Remus, with emphasis.


"I year tell er one time," "I hear tell of one time," said 'Tildy, "w'en ole Mr. Hawk tuck'n kotch Brer Rabbit, but 'taint no tale like dem you all bin tellin'." "when old Mr. Hawk took and caught Brother Rabbit, but it ain't no tale like them you all been telling."

"Tell it, anyhow, ‘Tildy," said the little boy.

"Well, 'taint no tale, I tell you dat now. One time Brer Rabbit wuz gwine 'long thoo de bushes singin' ter hisse'f, an' he see a shadder pass befo' 'im. He look up, an' dar 'uz Mr. Hawk sailin' 'roun' an' 'roun'. Time he see 'im, Brer Rabbit 'gun ter kick up an' sassy 'im. "Well, it ain't no tale, I tell you that now. One time Brother Rabbit was going along through the bushes singing to hisself, and he see a shadow pass before him. He look up, and there was Mr. Hawk sailing around and around. Time he see him, Brother Rabbit begun to kick up and sassy him.

"Mr. Hawk aint pay no 'tention ter dis. He des sail all 'roun' an' 'roun'. Eve'y time he sail 'roun', he git little closer, but Brer Rabbit aint notice dis. He too busy wid his devilment. He shuck his fis' at Mr. Hawk, an' chunk'd at 'im wid sticks;

That is to say, threw sticks at Mr. Hawk. [back]

an' atter w'ile he tuck'n
make out he got a gun, an' he tuck aim at Mr. Hawk, an' 'lowd, 'Pow!' an' den he holler an' laugh. "Mr. Hawk ain't pay no attention to this. He just sail all around and around. Every time he sail around, he get little closer, but Brother Rabbit ain't notice this. He too busy with his devilment. He shook his fist a Mr. Hawk, and chunked at him with sticks; and after while he took and
make out he got a gun, and he took aim at Mr. Hawk, and allowed, 'Pow!' and then he holler and laugh.

"All dis time Mr. Hawk keep on sailin' 'roun' an' 'roun' an' gittin' nigher an' nigher, an' bimeby down he drapt right slam-bang on Brer Rabbit, an' dar he had 'im. Brer Rabbit fix fer ter say his pra'rs, but 'fo' he do dat, he talk to Mr. Hawk, an' he talk mighty fergivin'. He 'low he did: "All this time Mr. Hawk keep on sailing around and around and getting nearer and nearer, and by and by down he dropped right slam-bang on Brother Rabbit, and there he had him. Brother Rabbit fix for to say his prayers, but before he do that, he talk to Mr. Hawk, and he talk mighty forgiving. He allw he did:

"'I 'uz des playin', Mr. Hawk; I 'uz clez a playin'. You oughtn' ter fly up an' git mad, wid a little bit er man like me.' 'I was just playing, Mr. Hawk; I was just a playing. You ought not to fly up and get mad. with a little bit of man like me.'

"Mr. Hawk ruffle up de fedders on his neck an' say: "Mr. Hawk ruffle up the feathers on his neck and say:

"'I aint flyin' up, I'm a flyin' down, an' w'en I fly up, I'm a gwine ter fly way 'wid you. You bin a playin' de imp 'roun' in dis settlement long nuff, an' now ef you got any will ter make, you better make it quick, kaze you aint got much time.' 'I ain't flying up, I'm flying sown, and when I fly up, I'm a going to fly away with you. You been a playing the imp aroun din this settlement long enough, and now if you got any will to make, you better make it quick, cause you ain't got much time.'

"Brer Rabbit cry. He say:

"'I mighty sorry, Mr. Hawk, dat I is. I got some gol' buried right over dar in fence cornder, an' I wish in my soul my po' little childuns know whar 'twuz, kaze den dey could git long widout. me fer a mont' er two.' I mighty sorry, Mr. Hawk, that is is. I got some goald buried right over there in fence corner, and I wish in my soul my poor little childrens know where it was, cause then they could get long without me. for a month or two.'

"Mr. Hawk 'low, 'Wharbouts is all dis gol'?' "Mr. Hawk allow, 'Whereabouts is all this gold?'

"Brer Rabbit 'low, 'Right over dar in de fence cornder.' "Brother Rabbit allow, 'Right over there in the fence corner.'

"Mr. Hawk say show it ter 'im. Brer Rabbit say he don't keer ef he do, an' he say: "Mr. Hawk say show it to him. Brother Rabbit say he don't care if he do, and he say:

"'I'd a done show'd it ter you long 'fo' dis, but you hol' me so tight, I can't wink my eye skacely, much less walk ter whar de gol' is.' 'I'd a done show'd it to you long before this, but you hold me so tight, I can't wink my eye scarcely, much less walk to where the gold is.'


"Mr. Hawk say he fear'd he gwineter try ter git 'way. Brer Rabbit say dey aint no danger er dat, kaze he one er deze yer kinder mens w'en dey er kotch once deyer kotch fer good. "Mr. Hawk say he feared he going to try to get away. Brother Rabbit say there ain't no danger of that, cause he one of these here kind of mens when they are caught once they're caught for good.

"Mr. Hawk sorter let Brer Rabbit loose, an' dey went todes de fence-cornder. Brer Rabbit, he went 'long so good dat dis sorter ease Mr. Hawk min' 'bout he gittin' way. Dey got ter de place an' Brer Rabbit look all 'roun', an' den he frown up like he got some mighty bad disap'intment, an' he say: "Mr. Hawk sort of let Brother Rabbit loose, and they went towards the fence-corner. Brother Rabbit, he went along so good that this sort of ease Mr. Hawk mind about he getting away. They got to the place and Brother Rabbit look all around, and then he frown up like he got some mighty bad disappointment, and he say:

"‘You may b'lieve me er not, Mr. Hawk, but we er on de wrong side er de fence. I hid dat gol' some'rs right in dat cornder dar. You fly over an' I'll go thoo.' 'You may believe me or not, Mr. Hawk, but we ar on the wrong side of the fence. I hid that gold somewheres right in that corner there. You fly over and I'll go through.'

"Tooby sho' dis look f'ar, an' Brer Rabbit, he crope thoo' de fence, an' Mr. Hawk flewd 'cross. Time he lit on t'er side, Mr. Hawk year Brer Rabbit laugh." "To be sure this look fair, and Brother Rabbit, he crept through the fence, and Mr. Hawk flewd acress. Time he lit on the other sied, Mr. Hawk hear Brother Rabbit laugh."

The little boy asked what Brother Rabbit laughed for, as 'Tildy paused to adjust a flaming red ribbon-bow pinned in her hair.

"Caze dey wuz a brier-patch on t'er side de fence," "Cause there was a briar-patch on the other side of the fence," said 'Tildy, "an' Brer Rabbit wuz in dar." "and Brother Rabbit was in there."

"I boun' you!" "I bound you!" Aunt Tempy exclaimed. "He 'uz in dar, an' dar he stayed tell Mr. Hawk got tired er hangin' 'roun' dar." "He was in there, there he stayed till Mr. Hawk got tired of hanging around there."

"Ah, Lord, chile!" "Ah, Lord, child!" said Uncle Remus, with the candor of an expert, "some er dat tale you got right, en some you got wrong." "some of that tale you got right, and some ou got wrong."

"Oh, I know'd 'twan't no tale like you all bin tellin'," "Oh, I knowed it wasn't no tale like you all been telling," replied 'Tildy, modestly.


"Tooby sho' 'tis," "To be sure it is," continued Uncle Remus, by way of encouragement; "but w'iles we gwine 'long we better straighten out all de kinks dat'll b'ar straightenin'." "but whiles we going along we better straighten out all the kinks that'll bear straightening."

"Goodness knows I aint fittin' ter tell no tale,' "Goodness knows I ain't fitting to tell no tale,' persisted 'Tildy.

"Don't run yo'se'f down, gal," "Don't run yourself down, gal," said Uncle Remus, encouragingly; "ef dey's to be any runnin' down let yuther folks do it; en, bless yo' soul, dey'll do 'nuff un it bidout waitin' fer yo' lettin'. "if there's to be any running down let other folks do it; and, bless your soul, they'll do enough and it bide out waiting for your letting.

"Now, den, old man Hawk,--w'ich dey call 'im Billy Bluetail in my day en time,--ole man Hawk, he tuck'n kotch Brer Rabbit des lak you done said. He kotch 'im en he hilt 'im in a mighty tight grip, let 'lone dat he hilt 'im so tight dat it make Brer Rabbit breff come short lak he des come off'n a long jurney. "Now, then, old man Hawk,--which they call him Billy Bluetail in my day and time,-- old man Hawk, he took and caught Brother Rabbit just like you done siad. He caust him and he held him in a mighty tight grip, let alone that he held him so tight that it make Brother Rabbit breathe come short like he just come off of an long journey.

"He holler en he beg, but dat aint do no good; he squall en he cry, but dat aint do no good; he kick en he groan, but dat aint do no good. Den Brer Rabbit lay still en study 'bout w'at de name er goodness he gwine do. Bimeby he up'n 'low: "He holler and he be, but that ain't do no good; he squall and he cry, but that ain't do no good; he kick and he groan, but that ain't do no good. Then Brother Rabbit lay still and study about what the name of goodness he going to do. By and by he up and allow:

"‘I dunner w'at you want wid me, Mr. Hawk, w'en I aint a mouf full fer you, skacely!' 'I don't know what you want with me, Mr. Hawk, when I ain't a mouth full for you, scarcely!'

"Mr. Hawk, sezee, ‘I'll make way wid you, en den I'll go ketch me a couple er Jaybirds.' "Mr. Hawk, says he, 'I'll make way with you, and then I'll go catch me a couple of Jaybirds.'

"Dis make Brer Rabbit shake wid de allovers, kaze ef dey's any kinder creetur w'at he natally spize on de topside er de yeth, hits a Jaybird. "This make Brother Rabbit shake with the all overs, cause if there's any kind of creature what he naturally despise on the topside of the earth, it's a Jaybird.

"Brer Rabbit, sezee, ‘Do, pray, Mr. Hawk, go ketch dem Jaybirds fus', kase I can't stan' um bein' on top
er me. I'll stay right yer, plum twel you come back,' sezee.
"Brother Rabbit, says he, 'Do, pray, Mr. Hawk, go catch them Jaybirds first, cause I can't stand them being on top
of me. I'll stay right here, plum till you come back,' says he.

"Mr. Hawk, sezee, ‘Oh-oh, Brer Rabbit, you done bin fool too many folks. You aint fool me,' sezee. "Mr. Hawk, says he, 'Oh-oh, Brother Rabbit, you done been fool too many folks. You ain't fool me,' says he.

"Brer Rabbit, sezee, ‘Ef you can't do dat, Mr. Hawk, den de bes' way fer you ter do is ter wait en lemme git tame, kaze I'm dat wil' now dat I don't tas'e good.' "Brother Rabbit, says he, 'If you can't do that, Mr. Hawk, then the best way for you to do is to wait and let me get tame, cause I'm that wild now that I don't taste good.'

"Mr. Hawk, sezee, "Mr. Hawk, says he, ‘Oh-oh!'

"Brer Rabbit, sezee, ‘Well, den, ef dat won't do, you better wait en lemme grow big so I'll be a full meal er vittles.' "Brother Rabbit, says he, 'Well, then, if that won't do, you better wait and let me grow big so I'll be full meal of vittles.'

"Mr. Hawk, sezee, ‘Now youer talkin' sense!' "Mr. Hawk, says he, 'Now you're talking sense!'

"Brer Rabbit, sezee, ‘En I'll rush 'roun' mungs de bushes, en drive out Pa'tridges fer you, en we'll have mo' fun dan w'at you kin shake a stick at.' "Brother Rabbit, says he, 'And I'll rush around amongs the bushes, and drive out Partridges for you, and we'll have more fun than what you can shake a stick at.'

"Mr. Hawk sorter study 'bout dis, en Brer Rabbit, he beg en he splain, en de long en de short un it wuz," "Mr. Hawk sort of study about this, and Brother Rabbit, he beg and he explain, and the long and the short of it was," said Uncle Remus, embracing his knee with his hands, "‘dat Brer Rabbit tuck'n git loose, en he aint git no bigger, en needer is he druv no Pa'tridges fer Mr. Hawk." "that Brother Rabbit took and get loose, and he ain't get no bigger, and neither is he drove no Partridges for Mr. Hawk."

"De Lord he'p my soul!" "The Lord help my soul!" exclaimed 'Tildy, and this was the only comment made upon this extraordinary story.



All this talk about Hawks and Buzzards evidently reminded Daddy Jack of another story. He began to shake his head and mumble to himself; and, finally, when he looked around and found that he had attracted the attention of the little company, he rubbed his chin and grinned until his yellow teeth shone in the firelight like those of some wild animal, while his small eyes glistened under their heavy lids with a suggestion of cunning not unmixed with ferocity.

"Talk it out, Brer Jack," "Talk it out, Brother Jack," said Uncle Remus; "talk it out. All nex' week we'll be a fixin' up 'bout Chris'mus. Mars. Jeems, he's a comin' up, en Miss Sally 'll have lots er yuther comp'ny. 'Tildy yer, she'll be busy, en dish yer little chap, he won't have no time fer ter be settin' up wid de ole niggers, en Sis Tempy, she'll have 'er han's full, en ole Remus, he'll be a pirootin' 'roun' huntin' fer dat w'at he kin pick up. Time's a passin', Brer Jack, en we all er passin' wid it. Des whirl in en gin us de upshot er w'at you got in yo' min'." "talk it out. All next week we'll be a fixing up about Christmas. Master James, he's a coming up, and Miss Sally'll have lots of other company. 'Tildy here, she'll be busy, and this here little chap, he won't have not time for to be sittin gup with the old niggers, and Sister Tempy, she'll have her hands full, and old Remus, he'll be a pirouting around hunting for that what he can pick up. Time's a passing, Brother Rzck, and we all are passing with it. Just whirl in the give us the upshop of what you got in your mind."

"Enty!" "Isn't he!" exclaimed Daddy Jack, by way of approval. "One time dey bin two bud. One bin sma't bud; da turrer, 'e bin fool bud. Dey bin lif' in da sem countree;
da bin use in da sem swamp. Da sma't bud, 'e is bin come 'pon da fool bud; 'e bin tahlk. 'E bin say:
"One time they been two bird. One been smart bird; the truer, he been fool bird. They been lived in the same country;
the been use in the same swamp. The smart bird, he is been come upon the fool bird; he been talk. He been say:

"‘Ki! you long in da leg, you deep in da craw. You bin 'tan' well; you bin las' long tam.' "'Ki! you long in the leg, you deep in the craw. You been stand well; you been last long time.'

"Fool bud, 'e look proud, 'e toss 'e head, 'E say: "Fool bird, he look proud, he toss his head, He say:

"‘Me no mekky no brag.' "'Me no makey no brag.'

"Sma't bud, 'e say: "Smart bird, he say:

"‘Less we try see fer how long tam we is kin go 'dout bittle un drink.' "'Unless we try see for how long time we is can go without vittle and drink.'

"Fool bud 'e 'tretch 'e neck, 'e toss 'e head; 'e say: "Fool bird he stretch his neck, he toss his head; he say:

"‘All-a right; me beat-a you all day ebry day. Me beat-a you all da tam.' "'All-a right; me beat-a you all day every day. Me beat-a you all the time.'

"Sma't bud, 'e say: "Smart bird, he say:

"‘Ef you bin 'gree wit' dis, less we tek we place. You git 'pon da creek-side un tekky one ho'n, I git 'pon da tree y-up dey, un tekky nurrer ho'n. Less we 'tan' dey-dey tell we see how long tam we is kin do 'dout bittle un drink. Wun I blow 'pon me ho'n dun you blow 'pon you' ho'n fer answer me; me blow, you blow, dun we bote blow.' "'If you been agree with this, let's we take we place. You get upon the creek-side and takey one horn, I get upon the tree y-up there, and takey another horn. Lte's we stand there-there till we see how long time we is can do without vittle and drink. When I blow upon me horn then you blow upon your horn for answer me; me blow, you blow, then we both blow.'

"Fool bud walk 'bout big; 'e say:

"‘Me will do um!' "'Me will do them!'

"N ex' day mornin' come. Da sma't bud bin tekky one ho'n un fly 'pon da tree. De fool bud bin tekky one nurreI' ho'n un set by da crik-side. Dey bin sta't in fer starf dey se'f. Da fool bud, 'e stay by da crik-side wey dey bin no'n 'tall fer eat; 'e no kin fin' no bittle dey-dey. Sma't bud git in da tree wey da y-ant un da bug swa'm in da' bark plenty. 'E pick dem ant, 'e y-eat dem ant; 'e
pick dem bug, 'e y-eat dem bug. 'E pick tell 'e craw come full; he feel berry good.
"Next day morning come. The smart bird been takey one horn and fly upon the tree. The fool bird been takey one nurreI' horn and sit by the creek-side. They been start in for starve theyself. The fool bird, he stay by the creek-side where they been nothing at all for eat; he no can find no vittle there-there. Smart bird get in the tree where the y-ant and the bug swarm in the bark plenty. He pick them ant, he y-eat them ant; he
pick them bug, he y-eat them bug. He pick till he claw come full; he feel very good.

"Fool bud, 'e down by da crik side. 'E set down, 'e come tire'; 'e 'tan' up, 'e come tire'; 'e walk 'bout, 'e come tire'. 'E 'tan' 'pon one leg, he 'tan' 'pon turrer; 'e pit 'e head need 'e wing; still he come tire. Sma't bud shed 'e y-eye; 'e feel berry good. Wun 'e come hongry, 'e pick ant, 'e pick bug, tell 'e hab plenty, toze dinner time 'e pick up 'e ho'n, 'e toot um strong-- "Fool bird, he down by the creek side. He sit down, he come tired; he stand up, he come tired; he walk about, he come tired. He stand upon one leg, he stand upon the other; he put his head beneath his wing; still he come tired. Smart bird shut his y-eye; he feel very good. When he come hungry, he pick ant, he pick bug, till he have plenty, towards dinner time he pick up his horn, he toot them strong--

"'Tay-tay, tenando wanzando waneanzo!'

"Fool bud craw bin empty, but 'e hab win'. 'E tekky da ho'n, 'e blow berry well; he mek um say: "Fool bird claw been empty, but he have wind. He takey the horn, he blow very well; he make them say:

"'Tay-tay tenando wanzando olando!'

"Sma't bud pick ant plenty; 'e git full up. 'E wati tell mos' toze sundown; 'e blow 'pon da ho'n-- "Smart bird pick ant plenty; he get full up. He wait till most towards sundown; he blow upon the horn--

"'Tay-tay tenando wanzando waneanzo!'

"Fool bud mek answer, but'e come weak; 'e yent hab eat nuttin' 'tall. Soon nex' day mornin' sma't bud tek'o ho'n un toot um. 'E done bin eat, 'e done bin drink dew on da leaf. Fool bud, 'e toot um ho'n, 'e toot um slow. "Fool bird make answer, but he come weak; he ain't have eat nothing at all. Soon next day morning smart bird take'o his horn and toot them. He done been eat, he done been drink dew on the leaf. Fool bird, he toot them horn, he toot them slow.

"Dinner-time, sma't bud bin tek 'e ho'n un blow; 'e yent bin honkry no'n 'tall; 'e hab good feelin'. Fool bud toot um ho'n; 'e toot um slow. Night tam come, 'e
no toot um no mo'. Sma't bud come down, 'e fin' um done gone dead.
"Dinner-time, smart bird been take his horn and blow; he ain't been hungry none at all; he have good feeling. Fool bird toot them horn; he toot them slow. Night time come, he
no toot them no more. Smart bird come down, he find them done gone dead.

"Watch dem 'ceitful folks; 'e bin do you bad."

Mrs. H. S. Barclay, of Darien, who sends this story, says it was told by a native African woman, of good intelligence, who claimed to be a princess. She had an eagle tattooed on her bosom--a sign of royalty. [back]

"Watch them deceitful folks; he been do you bad."


"Dat tale," "That tale," said Uncle Remus, "puts me in min' er de time w'en ole Brer Tarrypin had a tussle wid Brer Mink. Hit seem lak," "puts me in mind of the time when old Brother Tarrypin had a tussle with Brother Mink. It seem like," he went on, in response to inquiries from the little boy, "dat dey bofe live 'roun' de water so much en so long, dat dey git kinder stuck up long wid it. Leasways dat 'uz de trouble wid Brer Mink. He jump in de water en swim en dive twel he 'gun ter b'leeve dey want nobody kin hol' der han' long wid 'im. "that day before live around the water so much and so long, that they get kind of stuck up long with it. At leastways that was the trouble with Brother Mink. He jump in the water and swim and dive till he begun to believe there weren't nobody can hold the hang long with him.

"One day Brer Mink 'uz gwine long down de creek wid a nice string er fish swingin' on he walkin'-cane, w'en who should he meet up wid but ole Brer Tarrypin. De creeturs 'uz all hail feller wid ole Brer Tarrypin, en no sooner is he seed Brer Mink dan he bow 'im howdy. Ole Brer Tarrypin talk 'way down in he th'oat lak he got bad col'. He 'low: "One day Brother Mink was going along down the creek with a nice string of fish swinging on his walking-cane, when who should he meet up with but old Brother Tarrypin. The creatures was all hail feller with old Brother Tarrypin, and no sooner is he seen Brother MInk than he bow him howdy. Old Brother Tarrypin talk a-way down in this throat like he got bad cold. He allow:

"'Heyo, Brer Mink! Whar you git all dem nice string er fish?' 'Heyo, Brother Mink! Where you get all them nice string of fish?'


"Brer Mink 'uz mighty up-en-spoken in dem days. He 'low, he did: "Brother Mink was mighty up-and-spoken in them days. He allow he did:

"‘Down dar in de creek, Brer Tarrypin.' 'Down there in the creek, Brother Tarrypin.'

"Brer Tarrypin look 'stonish'. He say, sezee: "Brother Tarrypin look astonished. He say, says he:

"‘Well, well, well! In de creek! Who'd er b'leev'd it?' 'Well, well, well! In the creek! Who'd of believed it?'

"Brer Mink, sezee: ‘Whar I gwine ketch um, Brer Tarrypin, ef I aint ketch um in de creek?' "Brother Mink, says he: 'Where I going to catch them, Brother Tarrypin, if I ain't catch them in the creek?'

"Ole Brer Tarrypin, sezee: ‘Dat's so, Brer Mink; but a highlan' man lak you gwine in de creek atter fish! Hit looks turrible, Brer Mink--dat w'at it do; hit des looks turrible!' "Old Brother Tarrypin, says he: 'That's so, Brother Mink; but a highland man like you going in the creek

"Brer Mink, sezee: ‘Looks er no looks, dar whar I got um.' "Brother Mink, says he: 'Looks or no looks, there where I got them.'

"Brer Tarrypin sorter sway he head fum side ter side, en 'low: "Brother Tarrypin sort of sway head from side to side, and allow:

"‘Ef dat de case, Brer Mink, den sho'ly you mus' be one er dem ar kinder creeturs w'at usen ter de water.' 'If that the case, Brother Mink, then surely you must bee one of them there kind of creatures what used to the water.'

"‘Dat's me,' sez Brer Mink, sezee. "'That's me,' says Brother Mink, says he.

"‘Well, den,' sez Brer Tarrypin, sezee, ‘I'm a highlan' man myse'f, en it's bin a mighty long time sence I got my foots wet, but I don't min' goin' in washin' 'long wid you. Ef youer de man you sez you is, you kin outdo me,' sezee. "'Well, then,' says Brother Tarrypin, says he, 'I'm a highland man myself, and it's been a mighty long time since I got my foots wet, but I don't mind going in washing along with you. If you're the man you says you is, you can outdo me,' says he.

"Brer Mink, sezee: ‘How we gwine do, Brer Tarrypin?' "Brother Mink, says he: 'How we going to do, Brother Tarrypin?'

"Ole Brer Tarrypin, sezee: ‘We 'ull go down dar ter de creek, en de man w'at kin stay und' de water de longest, let dat man walk off wid dat string er fish.' "Old Brother Tarrypin, says he: 'We'll go down there to the creek, and the man what can stay under water the longest, let that man walk off with that string of fish.'

"Brer Mink, sezee: ‘I'm de ve'y man you bin lookin' fer.' "Brother Mink, says he: 'I'm the very man you been looking for.'


"Brer Mink say he don't wanter put it off a minnit. Go he would, en go he did. Dey went down ter creek en make der 'rangerments. Brer Mink lay he fish down on der bank, en 'im en ole Brer Tarrypin wade in. Brer Tarrypin he make great 'miration 'bout how col' de water is. He flinch, he did, en 'low: "Brother Mink say he don't want to put it off a minute. Go he would, and go he did. They went down to creek and make the arrangements. Brother Mink lay his fish downon the bank, and him and old Brother Tarrypin wade in. Brother Tarrypin he make great admiration about how cold the water i. He flinch, he did, and allow:

"‘Ow, Brer Mink! Dish yer water feel mighty col' and 'taint no mo'n up ter my wais'. Goodness knows how she gwine feel w'en she git up und' my chin.' 'Ow, Brother Mink! This here water feel mighty cold and it ain't no more than up to my waist. Goodness knows how she going to feel shen she get up under my chin.'

"Dey wade in, dey did, en Brer Tarrypin say, sezee: "They wade in, they did, and Brother Tarrypin say, says he:

"‘Now, den, Brer Mink, we'll make a dive, en de man w'at stay und' de water de longest dat man gits de fish.' 'Now, then, Brother Mink, we'll make a dive, and the man what stay under the water the longest that man gets the fish.'

"Brer Mink 'low dat's de way he look at it, en den Brer Tarrypin gun de wud, en und' dey went. Co'se," "Brother Mink allow that's the way he look at it, and then Brother Tarrypin gun or begun the word, and under they went. Of course," said Uncle Remus, after a little pause, "Brer Tarrypin kin stay down in de water longer'n Brer Mink, en Brer Mink mought er know'd it. Dey stay en dey stay, twel bimeby Brer Mink bleedz ter come up, en he tuck'n kotch he breff, he did, lak he mighty glad fer ter git back ag'in. Den atter w'ile Brer Tarrypin stuck he nose out er de water, en den Brer Mink say Brer Tarrypin kin beat'im. Brer Tarrypin 'low: "Brother Tarrypin can stay down in the water longer than Brother Mink, and Brother Mink might of knowed it. They stay and they stay, till by and by Brother Mink pleased to come up, and he took and catch his breath, he did, like he mighty glad for to get back again. Then after while Brother Tarrypin stuch his nose out of the water, and then Brother Mink say Brother Tarrypin can beat him. Brother Tarrypin allow:

"‘No, Brer Mink; hit's de bes' two out er th'ee. Ef I beats you dis time den de fish, deyer mine; ef I gits beated, den we kin take n'er trial.' 'No, Brother Mink; it's the best two out of three. If I beats you this time then the fish, they're mine: if I gets beated, then we can take another trial.'

"Wid dat, down dey went, but Brer Tarrypin aint mo'n dove, 'fo' up he come, en w'iles Brer Mink 'uz down dar honin' fer fresh a'r, he tuck'n gobble up de las' one er
de fish, ole Brer Tarrypin did. He gobble up de fish, en he 'uz fixin' fer ter pick he toof, but by dis time Brer Mink bleedz ter come up, en ole Brer Tarrypin, he tuck'n slid down in de water. He slid so slick,"
"With that, down they went, but Brother Tarrypin ain't more than dove, before up he come, and whiles Brother Mink was down there honing for fresh air, he took and gobble up the last one of
the fish, old Brother Tarrypin did. He gobble up the fish, and he was fixing for to pick his tooth, but by this time Brother Mink pleased to come up, and old Brother Tarrypin, he took and slide down in the water. He slid so slick,"
said Uncle Remus, with a chuckle, "dat he aint lef' a bubble. He aint stay down long, n'er, 'fo' he come up en he make lak he teetotally out er win'. "that he ain't left a bubble. He ain't stay down long, niether, before he come up and he make like he totally out of wind.

"Ole Brer Tarrypin come up, he did, en look 'roun', en 'fo' Brer Mink kin say a wud, he holler out: "Old Brother Tarrypin come up, he did, and look around, and before Brother Mink can say a word, he holler out:

"'Youer nice man, Brer Mink! Youer mighty nice man!'

"‘W'at I done now, Brer Tarrypin?' 'What I done now, Brother Tarrypin?'

"‘Don't ax me. Look up dar whar you bin eatin' dem fish en den ax yo'se'f. Youer mighty nice man!' 'Don't ask me. Look up there where you been eating them fish and then ask yourself. You're mighty mice man!'

"Brer Mink look 'roun' en, sho nuff, de fish done gone. Ole Brer Tarrypin keep on talkin': "Brother Mink look around and, sure enough, the fish done gone. Old Brother Tarrypin keep on talking:

"‘You tuck-'n come up fust, en w'iles I bin down dar in de water', natally achin' fer lack er win', yer you settin' up chawin' on de fish w'ich dey oughter bin mine!' 'You took-and come up first, and whiles I been down there in the waters, naturally aching for lack of wind, here you setting up chawing on the fish which they ought to been mine!'

"Brer Mink stan' 'im down dat he aint eat dem fish; he 'ny it ter de las', but ole Brer Tarrypin make out he don't b'leeve 'im. He say, sezee: "Brother Mink stand him down that he ain't eat them fish; he deny it to the last, but old Brother Tarrypin make out he don't believe him. He say says he:

"'You'll keep gwine on dis away, twel atter w'ile you'll be wuss'n Brer Rabbit. Don't tell me you aint git dem fish, Brer Mink, kaze you know you is.' 'You'll keep going on this a-way, till after while you'll be worse than Brother Rabbit. Don't tell me you ain't get them fish, Brother Mink, cause you know you is.'

"Hit sorter make Brer Mink feel proud kaze ole Brer Tarrypin mix 'im up wid Brer Rabbit, kaze Brer Rabbit wuz a mighty man in dem days, en he sorter laugh, Brer Mink did, lak he know mo' dan he gwine tell. Ole Brer Tarrypin keep on grumblin': "It sort of make Brother Mink feel proud cause old Brother Tarrypin mix him up with Brother Rabbit, cause Brother Rabbit was a mighty man in them days, and he sort of laugh, Brother Mink did, like he know more than he going to tell. Old Brother Tarrypin keep on grumbling:


"‘I aint gwine ter git mad long wid you, Brer Mink, kaze hit's a mighty keen trick, but you oughter be 'shame' yo'se'f fer ter be playin' tricks on a ole man lak me--dat you ought!' 'I ain't goint to get mad long with you, Brother Mink, cause it's a mighty keen trick, but you ought to be ashamed yourself for to be playing tricks on a old man like me--that you ought!'

"Wid dat ole Brer Tarrypin went shufflin' off, en atter he git outer sight he draw'd back in he house en shot de do' en laugh en laugh twel dey want no fun in laughin'." "With that old Brother Tarrypin went shuffling off, and after he get out of sight he drawed bak in his house and shut the door and laught and laught till there weren't no fun in laughing."


The next time the little boy had an opportunity to visit Uncle Remus the old man was alone, but he appeared to be in good spirits. He was cobbling away upon what the youngster recognized as 'Tildy's Sunday shoes, and singing snatches of a song something like this:

"O Mr. Rabbit! yo' eye mighty big-- "O Mr. Rabbit! your eye mighty big--
Yes, my Lord! dey er made fer ter see; Yes, my Lord! they are made for to see;
O Mr. Rabbit! yo' tail mighty short-- O Mr. Rabbit! your tail mighty short--
Yes, my Lord! hit des fits me!" Yes, my Lord! it just fits me!"

The child waited to hear more, but the song was the same thing over and over again--always about Brother Rabbit's big eyes, and his short tail. After a while Uncle Remus acknowledged the presence of his little partner by remarking:


"Well, sir, we er all yer. Brer Jack and Sis Tempy en dat ar 'Tildy nigger may be a pacin' 'roun' lookin' in de fence cornders fer Chris'mus, but me en you en ole Brer Rabbit, we are all yer, en ef we aint right on de spot, we er mighty close erroun'. Yasser, we is dat; mo' speshually old Brer Rabbit, wid he big eye and he short tail. Don't tell me 'bout Brer Rabbit!" "Well, sir, we are all here. Brother Jack and Sister Tempy and that there Tildy nigger may be a pacing around looking in the fence corners for Christmas, but me and you and old Brother Rabbit, we are all here, and if we ain't right on the spot, we are mighty close around. Yes sir, we is that; most especially old Brother Rabbit, with his big eye and his short tail. Don't tell me about Brother Rabbit!" exclaimed Uncle Remus, with a great apparent enthusiasm, "kaze dey aint no use er talkin' 'bout dat creetur." "cause there ain't no use of talking about that creature."

The little boy was very anxious to know why.

"Well, I tell you," said the old man. "One time dey wuz a monst'us dry season in de settlement whar all de creeturs live at, en drinkin'-water got mighty skace. De creeks got low, and de branches went dry, en all de springs make der disappearance 'cep'n one gr’at big un whar all de creeturs drunk at. Dey'd all meet dar, dey would, en de bigges' 'ud drink fus', en by de time de big uns all done swaje der thuss

Assuaged their thirst. [back]

dey want a drap lef' fer de little uns skacely. "One time there was a monstrough dry season in the settlement where all the creatures live at, and drinking-water got mighy scarce. The creeks got low, and the branches went dry, and all the springs make the disappearance excepting one grat big one where all the creatures drunk at. They'd all meet there, they would, and the biggest would drink first, and by the time the big ones all done assuaged their thirst. They weren't a drop left for the little ones scarcely.

"Co'se Brer Rabbit uz on' de happy side. Ef anybody gwine git water Brer Rabbit de man. De creeturs 'ud see he track 'roun' de spring, but dey aint nev' ketch 'im. Hit got so atter w'ile dat de big creeturs 'ud crowd Brer Fox out, en den 'twan't long 'fo' he hunt up Brer Rabbit en ax 'im w'at he gwine do. "Of course Brother Rabbit was on the happy side. If anybody going to get water Brother Rabbit the man. The creatures would see his track around the spring, but they ain't never catch him. It got so after while that the big creatures would crowd Brother Fox out, and then it wasn't long before he hunt up Brother Rabbit an ask him what he going do.

"Brer Rabbit, he sorter study, en den he up'n tell Brer Fox fer ter go home en rub some 'lasses all on hisse'f en den go 'out en waller in de leafs. Brer Fox ax w'at he
mus' do den, en Brer Rabbit say he mus' go down by de spring en w'en de creeturs come ter de spring fer ter git dey water, he mus' jump out at um, en den atter dat he mus’ waller lak he one er dem ar kinder varment w'at got bugs on um.
"Brother Rabbit, he sort of study, and then he up and tell Brother Fox for to go home and rub some molasses all on hisself and then go out and wallow in the leafs. Brother Fox ask what he
must do then, and Brother rabbit say he must go down by the spring and when the creatures come to the spring for to get the water, he must jump out at them, and then after that he must wallow like he one of them there kind of varment what got bugs on them.

"Brer Fox, he put out fer home, he did, en w'en he git dar he run ter de cubbud

Cupboard. [back]

en des gawm hisse'f wid 'lasses, en den he went out in de bushes, he did, en waller in de leafs en trash twel he look mas' bad ez Brer Rabbit look w'en he play Wull-er-de-Wust on de creeturs. "Brother Fox, he put out for home, he did, and when he get there he run to the cupbard and just gawm hisself with molasses, and thenn he went out in the bushes, he did and wallow in the leafs and trash till he look most bad as Brother Rabbit look when he play Wull-er-de-Wust on the creatures.

"W'en Brer Fox git hisse'f all fix up, he went down ter de spring en hide hisse'f. Bimeby all de creeturs come atter der water, en w'iles dey 'uz a-scuffin' en a-hunchin', en a-pushin' en a scrougin', Brer Fox he jump out'n de bushes en sorter switch hisse'f 'roun', en, bless yo' soul, he look lak de Ole Boy. "When Brother Fox get hisself all fix up, he went down to the spring and hide hisself. By and by all the creatures come after the water, and whiles there was a-scuffing and a-hunching, and a-pushing and a scroughing, Brother Fox he jump out of the bushes and sort of switch hisself around, and bless your soul, he look lie the Old Boy.

"Brer Wolf tuck'n see 'im fus, en he jump spang over Brer B'ar head. Brer B'ar, he lip back, en ax who dat, en des time he do dis de t'er creeturs dey tuck'n make a break, dey did, lak punkins rollin' down hill, en mos' 'fo youk'n wink yo' eye-ball, Brer Fox had de range er de spring all by hisse'f. "Brother Wolf took and see him first, and he jump spang over Brother Bear head. Brother Bear, he lip back, and ask who that, and this time he do this the other creatures they took and make a break, they did, like pumpkins rolling down hill, and most before you can wink your eye-ball, Brother Fox had the range of the sping all by hisself

"Yit 'twan't fur long, kaze 'fo' de creeturs mov'd fur, dey tuck'n tu'n 'roun', dey did, en cope back fer ter see w'at dat ar skeery lookin' varment doin'. W'en dey git back in seein' distuns dar 'uz Brer Fox walkin' up en down switchin' hisse'f. "Yet it wasn't far long, cause before the creatures moved far, they took and turn around, they did, and cope back for to see what that there scary looking varment doing. When they get back in seeing distance there was Brother Fox walking up and down switching hisself.

"De creeturs dunner w'at ter make un 'im. Dey watch,
en Brer Fox march, dey watch, en he march. Hit keep on dis away twel bimeby Brer Fox 'gun ter waller in de water, en right dar,"
"The creatures don't know what to make of him. They watch,
and Brother Fox march, they watch, and he march. It keep on this a-way till by and Brother Fox begun to wallow in the water, and right there,"
continued Uncle Remus, leaning back to laugh, "right dar 'uz whar Brer Rabbit had 'im. Time he 'gun ter waller in de water de 'lasses 'gun ter melt, en twant no time skacely 'fo' de 'lasses en de leafs done all wash off, en dar 'uz ole Brer Fox des ez natchul ez life. "right there was where Brother Rabbit had them. Time he begun to wallow in the water the molasses begun to melt, and it wasn't no time scarcely before the molasses and the leafs done all wash off, and there was old Brother Fox just as natural as life.

"De fus Brer Fox know 'bout de leafs comin' off, he year Brer B'ar holler on top er de hill: "The first Brother Fox know about the leafs coming off, he hear Brother Bear holler on top of the hill:

"'You head 'im off down dar, Brer Wolf, en I'll head 'im off 'roun' yer!' 'You head him off down there, Brother Wolf, and I'll head him off around here!'

"Brer Fox look 'roun' en he see all de leafs done come off, en wid dat he make a break, en he wan't none too soon, n'er, kaze little mo' en de creeturs 'ud a kotch 'im." "Brother Fox look around and he see all the leafs done come off, and with that he make a break, and he wasn't none too soon, neither, cause little more and the creatures would a catch him."

Without giving the little boy time to ask any questions, Uncle Remus added another verse to his Rabbit song, and harped on it for several minutes:

"O Mr. Rabbit! yo' year mighty long-- "O Mr. Rabbit! your ear mighty long--
Yes, my Lord! dey made fer ter las'; Yes, my Lord! they're made for to last;
O Mr. Rabbit! yo' toof mighty sharp-- O Mr. Rabbit! your tooth mighty sharp--
Yes, my Lord! dey cuts down grass!" Yes, my Lord! they cuts down the grass!"



The little boy wanted Uncle Remus to sing some more; but before the old man could either consent or refuse, the notes of a horn were heard in the distance. Uncle Remus lifted his hand to command silence, and bent his head in an attitude of attention.

"Des listen at dat!" "Just listen at that!" he exclaimed, with some show of indignation. "Dat aint nothin' in de roun' worl' but ole man Plato wid dat tin-hawn er his'n, en I 'boun' you he's a-drivin' de six mule waggin, en de waggin full er niggers fum de River place, en let 'lone dat, I boun' you deyer niggers strung out behime de waggin fer mo'n a mile, en deyer all er comin' yer fer ter eat us all out'n house en home, des kaze dey year folks say Chris'mus mos' yer. Hit's mighty kuse unter me dat ole man Plato aint done toot dat hawn full er holes long 'fo' dis. "That ain't nothing in the round world but old man Plato with that tin horn or his, and i bound you he's a-driving the six mule wagon, and the wagon full of nigger from the River place, and let alone that, I bound you they're niggers strung out behind the wagon for morn than a mile, and they're all a coming here for to eat us all out of house andhome, just cause they hear folks say Christmas most here. It's mighty curious unto me that old man Plato ain't done toot that horn full of holes long before this.

"Yit I aint blamin' um," "Yet I ain't blaming them," Uncle Remus went on, with a sigh, after a little pause. "Dem ar niggers bin livin' way off dar on de River place whar dey aint no w'ite folks twel dey er done in about run'd wil'. I nint a blamin' um, dat I aint." "Them are niggers been living way off there on the River blaming them, that I ain't."

Plato's horn--a long tin bugle--was by no means unmusical. Its range was limited, but in Plato's hands its
few notes were both powerful and sweet. Presently the wagon arrived, and for a few minutes all was confusion, the negroes on the Home place running to greet the newcomers, who were mostly their relatives. A stranger hearing the shouts and outcries of these people would have been at a loss to account for the commotion.

Even Uncle Remus went to his cabin door, and, with the little boy by his side, looked out upon the scene,--a tumult lit up by torches of resinous pine. The old man and the child were recognized, and for a few moments the air was filled with cries of:

"Howdy, Unk Remus! Howdy, little Marster!" "Howdy, Uncle Remus! Howdy, little Master!"

After a while Uncle Remus closed his door, laid away his tools, and drew his chair in front of the wide hearth. The child went and stood beside him, leaning his head against the old negro's shoulder, and the two--old age and youth, one living in the Past and the other looking forward only to the Future--gazed into the bed of glowing embers illuminated by a thin, flickering flame. Probably they saw nothing tbere, each being busy with his own simple thoughts; but their shadows, enlarged out of all proportion, and looking over their shoulders from the wall behind them, must have seen something, for, clinging together, they kept up a most incessant pantomine; and Plato's horn, which sounded again, to call the negroes to supper after their journey, though it aroused Uncle Remus and the child from the contemplation of the fire, had no perceptible effect upon the Shadows.

"Dar go de vittles!" "There go the vittles!" said Uncle Remus, straightening
himself. "Dey tells me dat dem ar niggers on de River place got appetite same ez a mule. Let 'lone de vittles w'at dey gits from Mars John, dey eats oodles en oodles er fish. Ole man Plato say dat de nigger on de River place w'at aint got a fish-baskit in de river er Some intruss

Interest. [back]

in a fish-trap aint no 'count w'atsomever." "They tells me that them there niggers on the River place got appetite same as a mule. Let along the vittles what they gets from Master John, they eats oodles and oodles of fish. Old man Plato say that the nigger on the River place what ain't got a fish-baskit in the river of Some interest in a fish-trap ain't no account whatsoever."

Here Uncle Remus suddenly slapped himself upon the leg, and laughed uproariously; and when the little boy asked him what the matter was, he cried out:

"Well, sir! Ef I aint de fergittenest ole nigger twix' dis en Phillimerdelphy! Yer 'tis mos' Chris'mus en I aint tell you 'bout how Brer Rabbit do Brer Fox w'ence dey bofe un um live on de river. I dunner w'at de name er sense gittin de marter 'long wid me." "Well, sir! If I ain't de forgettingest old nigger betwixt this and Philadelphia! Here it's most Chrsitmas and I ain't tell you about how Brother Rabbt do Brother Fox whence they both of them live on the river. I don't know what the name of sense getting the matter along with me."

Of course the little boy wanted to know all about it, and Uncle Remus proceeded:

"One time Brer Fox en Brer Rabbit live on de river. Atter dey bin livin' dar so long a time, Brer Fox 'low dat he got a mighty hankerin' atter sump'n 'sides fresh meat, en he say he b'leeve he make 'im a fish-trap. Brer Rabbit say he wish Brer Fox mighty well, but he aint honin' att’r fish hisse'f, en ef he is he aint got no time fer ter make no fish-trap. "One time Brother Fox and Brother Rabbit live on the river. After they been living there so long a time, Brother Fox allow that he got a mighty hankering after something besides fresh meat, and he say he believe he make him a fish-trap. Brother Rabbit say he wish Brother Fox mighty well, but he ain't horning after fish hisself, and if he is he ain't got no time for to make no fish-trap.

"No marter fer dat, Brer Fox, he tuck'n got 'im out some timber, he did, en he wuk nights fer ter make dat trap. Den w'en he git it done, he tuck'n hunt 'im a good place fer ter set it, en de way he sweat over dat ar trap wuz a sin--dat 'twuz. "No matter for that, Brother Fox, he took and got him out some timber, he did, and he work nights for to make that trap. Then when he get it done, he took and hunt him a good place for to set it, and the way he sweat over that there trap was a sin--that it was.


"Yit atter so long a time, he got 'er sot, en den he tuck'n wash he face en han's en go home. All de time he 'uz fixin' un it up, Brer Rabbit 'uz settin' on de bank watchin' 'im. He sot dar, he did, en play in de water, en cut switches fer ter w'ip at de snake-doctors,

Dragon-flies. [back]

en all dat time Brer Fox, he pull en haul en tote rocks fer ter hol' dat trap endurin' a freshet. Yet after so long a time, he got her sat, and then he took and wash he face and hands and go home. All the time he was fixing and it up, Brother Rabbit was setting on the bank watching him. He sat there, he did, and play in the water, and cut switches for to whip at the snake doctors, and all that time Brother Fox, he pull and haul and tote rocks for to hold that trap enduring a freshet.

"Brer Fox went home en res' hisse'f, en bimeby he go down fer ter see ef dey any fish in he trap. He sorter fear'd er snakes, but he feel 'roun' en he feel 'roun', yit he aint feel no fish. Den he go off. "Brother Fox went home and rest hisself, and by and by he go down for to see if there any fish in his trap. He sort of feared of snakes, but he feel around and he feel around, yet he ain't feel no fish. Then he go off.

"Bimeby, 'long todes de las' er de week, he go down en feel 'roun' 'g'in, yit he aint feel no fish. Hit keep on dis away twel Brer Fox git sorter fag out. He go en he feel, but dey aint no fish dar. Atter w'ile, one day, he see de signs whar somebody bin robbin' he trap, en he low ter hisse'f dat he'll des in about watch en fine out who de somebody is. "By and by, along towards the last of the week, he go down and feel around again, yet he ain't feel no fish. It keep on this a-way till Brother Fox get sort of fag out. He go and he feel, but there ain't no fish there. After while, one day, he see the signs where somebody been robbing his trap, and he allow to hisself that he'll just in about watch and find out who somebody is.

"Den he tuck'n got in he boat en paddle und' de bushes on de bank en watch he fish-trap. He watch all de mornin'; nobody aint come. He watch all endurin' er atter dinner; nobody aint come. 'Long todes night, w'en he des 'bout makin' ready fer ter paddle off home, he year fuss on t'er side de river, en' lo en beholes, yer come Brer Rabbit polin' a boat right todes Brer Fox fish-trap. "Then he took and got in his boat and paddle under the bushes on the bank and watch his fish-trap. He watch all the morning; nobody ain't come. He watch all enduring or after dinner; nobody ain't come. Along towards night, when he just about making ready for to paddle off home, he hear fuss on the other side the river, and low and beholds, here come Brother Ravvit poling a boat right towards Brother Fox fish-trap.

"Look lak he dunner how to use a paddle, en he des had 'im a long pole, en he'd stan' up in de behime part er
he boat, en put de een' er de pole 'g'in de bottom, en shove 'er right ahead.
"Look like he don't know how to use a paddle, and he just had him a long pole, and he'd stand up in the behind part of
he boat, and put the end of the pole again the bottom, and shove her right ahead.

"Brer Fox git mighty mad w'en he see dis, but he watch en wait. He 'low ter hisse'f, he did, dat he kin paddle a boat pearter dan anybody kin pole um, en he say he sho'ly gwine ketch Brer Rabbit dis time. "Brother Fox get mighty mad when he see this, but he watch and wait. He allow to hisself, he did, that he can paddle a boat better than anybody can pole them, and he say he surely gowing to catch Brother Rabbit this time.

"Brer Rabbit pole up ter de fish-trap, en feel 'roun' en pull out a great big mud-cat; den he retch in en pull out n'er big mud-cat; den he pull out a big blue cat, en it keep on dis away twel he git de finest mess er fish you mos' ever laid yo' eyes on. "Brother Rabbit pole up to the fish-trap, and feel around and pull a great big mud-cat; then he reach in and pull out another big mud-cat; then he pull out a big blue cat, and it keep on this a-way till he get the finest mess of fish you most ever laid your eyes on.

"Des 'bout dat time, Brer Fox paddle out fum und' de bushes, en make todes Brer Rabbit, en he holler out: "Just about that time, Brother Fox paddle out from under the bushes, and make towards Brother Rabbit, and he holler out:

"‘Ah-yi! Youer de man w'at bin robbin' my fish-trap dis long time! I got you dis time! Oh, you nee'nter try ter run! I got you dis time sho'!' 'Ah-yi! You're the man what been robbing my fish-trap this long time! I got you this time! Oh, you nee'nter try to run! I got you this time shoot!'

"No sooner said dan no sooner done. Brer Rabbit fling he fish in he boat en grab up de pole en push off, en he had mo' fun gittin' way fum dar dan he y-ever had befo' in all he born days put terge'er." "No sooner said than no sooner done. Brother Rabbit fling his fish in his boat and grab up the pole and push off, and he had most fun getting away from there than he y-ever had before in all his born days put together."

"Why didn't Brother Fox catch him, Uncle Remus?" asked the little boy.

"Shoo! Honey, you sho'ly done lose yo' min' 'bout Brer Rabbit." "Shoot! Honey, you surely done lose your mind about Brother Rabbit."

"Well, I don't see how he could get away."

"Ef you'd er bin dur you'd er seed it, dat you would. Brer Fox, he wuz dar, en he seed it, en Brer Rabbit, he seed it, en e'en down ter ole Brer Bull-frog, a settin' on de bank, he seed it. Now, den," "If you'd of been there you'd of seed it, that you would. Brother Fox, he was there, and he seed it, and Brother Rabbit, he seed it, and even down to old Brother Bull-frog, a setting on the bank, he seed it. Now then," continued Uncle Remus,
spreading out the palm of his left hand like a map and pointing at it with the forefinger of his right, "w'en Brer Rabbit pole he boat, he bleedz ter set in de behime een', en w'en, Brer Fox paddle he boat, he bleedz ter set in de behime een'. Dat bein' de state er de condition, how Brer Fox gwine ketch 'im? I aint 'sputin' but wat he kin paddle pearter dan Brer Rabbit, but de long en de shorts un it is, de pearter Brer Fox paddle de pearter Brer Rabbit go." "when Brother Rabbit pole his boat, he pleased to set in the behind end, and when, Brother Fox paddle his boat, he pleased to set in the behind end. That being the state of the condition, how Brother Fox going to catch him? I ain't disputing but what he can paddle better than Brother Rabbit go."

The little boy looked puzzled. "Well, I don't see how," he exclaimed.

"Well, sir!" continued Uncle Remus, "w'en de nose er Brer Fox boat git close ter Brer Rabbit boat all Brer Rabbit got ter do in de roun' worl' is ter take he pole en put it 'g'in Brer Fox boat en push hisse'f out de way. De harder he push Brer Fox boat back, de pearter he push he own boat forrerd. Hit look mighty easy ter ole Brer Bull-frog settin' on de bank, en all Brer Fox kin do is ter shake he fist en grit he toof, w'iles Brer Rabbit sail off wid de fish." "when the nose of Brother Fox boat get close to Brother Rabbit boat all Brother Rabbit got to do in the round world is to take his pole and put it against Brother Fox boat and push hisself out of the way. The harder he push Brother Fox boat back, the better he push his own boat forward. It look mighty easy to old Brother Rull-frog setting on the bank, and all Brother Fox can do is to shake his fist and grit his tooth, whiles Brother Rabbit sail off with the fish."



The arrival of the negroes from the River place added greatly to the enthusiasm with which the Christmas holidays were anticipated on the Home place, and the air was filled with laughter day and night. Uncle Remus appeared to be very busy, though there was really nothing to be done except to walk around and scold at everybody and everything, in a good-humored way, and this the old man could do to perfection.

The night before Christmas eve, however, the little boy saw a light in Uncle Remus's cabin, and he interpreted it as in some sort a signal of invitation. He found the old man sitting by the fire and talking to himself:

"Ef Mars John and Miss Sally specks me fer ter keep all deze yer niggers straight deyer gwine ter be diserp'inted, --dat dey is. Ef dey wuz 'lev'm Remuses 'twouldn't make no diffunce, let 'lone one po' old cripple creetur lak me. Dey aint done no damage yit, but I boun' you by termorrer night dey'll tu'n loose en tu'n de whole place upside down, en t'ar it up by de roots, en den atter hit's all done gone en done, yer'll come Miss Sally a layin' it all at ole Remus do'. Nigger aint got much chance in deze yer low-
groun's, mo' speshually w'en dey gits ole en cripple lak I is."
"If Master John and Miss Sally suspects me for to keep all these here niggers straight they're going to be disappointed, --that they is. If they was eleven Remuses it wouldn't make no difference, let alone one poor old cripple creature like me. They ain't done no damage yet, but I bound you by tomorrow night they'll turn loose and turn the whole place upside down, and tear it up by the roots, and then after it's all done and gone and done, here'll come Miss Sally a laying it all at old Remus door. Nigger ain't got much chance in these here low-
grounds, most especially when they gets old and cripple like I is."

"What are they going to do to-morrow night, Uncle Remus?" the little boy inquired.

"Now w'at make you ax dat, honey?" "Now what make you ask that, honey?" exclaimed the old man, in a grieved tone. "You knows mighty well how dey done las' year en de year 'fo' dat. Dey tuck'n cut up 'roun' yer wuss'n ef dey uz wil' creeturs, en termorrer night dey'll be a hollin' en whoopin' en singin' en dancin' 'fo' it git dark good. I wish w'en you go up ter de big house you be so good ez ter tell Miss Sally Jat ef she want any peace er min' she better git off'n de place en stay off twel atter deze yer niggers git dey fill er Chris'mus. Goodness knows, she can't speck a ole cripple nigger lak me fer ter ketch holt en keep all deze yer niggers straight." "You knows mighty well how they done last year and the year before that. They took and cut up around here worse than if they was wild creatures, and tomorrow night they'll be a hollering and whooping and singing and dancing before it get dark good. I wish when you go up to the big house you be so good as to tell Miss Sally that if she want any peace of mind she better get off of the place and stay off till after these here niggers get they fill of Christmas. Goodness knows, she can't suspect a old cripple nigger like me for to catch hold and keep all these here niggers straight."

Uncle Remus would have kept up his vague complaints, but right in the midst of them Daddy Jack stuck his head in at the door, and said:

"Oona bin fix da' 'Tildy gal shoe. Me come fer git dem shoe; me come fer pay you fer fix dem shoe." "Oona been fix the 'Tildy gal shoe. Me come for get them shoe: me come for pay you for fix them shoe."

Uncle Remus looked at the grinning old African in astonishment. Then suddenly the truth dawned upon him and he broke into a loud laugh. Finally he said:

"Come in, Brer Jack! Come right 'long in. I'm sorter po'ly myse'f, yit I'll make out ter make you welcome. Dey wuz a quarter dollar gwine inter my britches-pocket on de 'count er dem ar shoes, but ef youer gwine ter pay fer um 'twon't be but a sev'mpunce." "Come in, Brother Jack! Come right along in. I'm sort of poorly myself, yet I'll make out to make you welcome. There was a quarter dollar going into my britches-pocket on the account of them there shoes, but if you're going to pay for them it won't be but a sev'mpunce."


Somehow or other Daddy Jack failed to relish Uncle Remus's tone and manner, and he replied, with some display of irritation:

"Shuh-shuh! Me no come in no'n 'tall. Mc no pay you se'mpunce. Me come fer pay you fer dem shoe; me come fer tek um 'way fum dey-dey." "Shuh-shuh! Me no come in none at all. Me no pay you sev'mpunce. Me come for pay you for them shoe; me come for take them away from there-there."

"I dunno 'bout dat, Brer Jack, I dunno 'bout dat. De las' time I year you en 'Tildy gwine on, she wuz 'pun de p'ints er knockin' yo' brains out. Now den, s'pozen I whirls in en gins you de shoes, en den 'Tildy come 'long en ax me 'bout um, w'at I gwine say ter 'Tildy?" "I don't know about that, Brother Jack, I don't know about that. The last time I hear you and 'Tildy going on, she was upon the points of knocking your brains out. Now then, supposing I whirls in and gives you the shoes, and then 'Tildy come along and ask me about them, what I going say to 'Tildy?"

"Me pay you fer dem shoe," "Me pay you for them shoe," said Daddy Jack, seeing the necessity of argument, "un me tek um wey da lil 'Tildy gal bin stay. She tell me fer come git-a dem shoe." "and me take them where the little 'Tildy gal been stay. She tell me for come get-a them shoe."

"Well, den, yer dey is," "Well, then, here they is," said Uncle Remus, sighing deeply as he handed Daddy Jack the shoes. "Yer dey is en youer mo' dan welcome, dat you is. But spite er dat, dis yer quarter you flingin' way on um would er done you a sight mo' good dan w'at dem shoes is." "Here they is and you're more than welcome, that you is. But despite of that, this here quarter you flinging away on them would of done you a sight more good than what them shoes is."

This philosophy was altogether lost upon Daddy Jack, who took the shoes and shuffled out with a grunt of satisfaction. He had scarcely got out of hearing before 'Tildy pushed the door open and came in. She hesitated a moment, and then, seeing that Uncle Remus paid no attention to her, she sat down and picked at her fingers with an air quite in contrast to her usual "uppishness," as Uncle Remus called it.

"Unk Remus," "Uncle Remus," she said, after awhile, in a subdued tone, "is dat old Affikin nigger bin yer atter dem ar shoes?" "is that old African nigger been here after them there shoes?"


"Yas, chile," "Yes, child," replied Uncle Remus, with a long-drawn sigh, "he done bin yer en got um en gone. Yas, honey, he done got um en gone; done come en pay fer 'm, en got um en gone. I sez, sez I, dat I wish you all mighty well, en he tuck'n tuck de shoes en put. Yas, chile, he done got em en gone." "he done been here and got them and gone. Yes, honey, he done got them and gone; done come and pay for them, and got them and gone. I says, says I, that I wish you all mighty well, and he took the shoes and put. Yes, child, he done got them and gone."

Something in Uncle Remus's sympathetic and soothing tone seemed to exasperate 'Tildy. She dropped her hands in her lip, straightened herself up and exclaimed:

"Yas I'm is gwine ter marry dat ole nigger an' I don't keel' who knows it. Miss Sally say she don't keer, an' t'er folks may keer ef dey wanter, an' much good der keerin' 'll do um." "Yes I'm is going to marry that old nigger and I don't care who knows it. Miss Sally say she don't care, and the other folks may care if they want to, and much good ther caring will do them."

'Tildy evidently expected Uncle Remus to make some characteristic comment, for she sat and watched him with her lips firmly pressed together and her eyelids half-closed, -- an attitude of defiance significant enough when seen, but difficult to describe. But the old man made no response to the challenge. He seemed to be very busy. Presently 'Tildy went on:

"Somebody bleedz to take keer er dat ole nigger, an' I dunner who gwine ter do it ef I don't. Somebody bleedz ter look atter 'im. Good win' come 'long hit 'ud in about blow 'im 'way ef dey want somebody close 'roun' fer ter take keer un 'im. Let 'lone dat, I aint gwineter have dat ole nigger man f'ever 'n 'ternally trottin' atter me. I tell you de Lord's trufe, Unk Remus," "Somebody pleased to take care of that old nigger, and I don't know who going to do it if I don't. Somebody pleased to look after him. Good wind come along it would in about blow him away if there weren't somebody close round for to take care of him. Let alone that, I ain't going to have that old nigger man forever and alternally trotting after me. i tell you the Lord's truth, Uncle Remus," continued 'Tildy, growing confidential, "I aint had no peace er min' sence dat ole nigger man come on dis place. He des hin a
pacin' at my heels de whole blessed time, an' I bleedz ter marry 'im fer git rid un 'im."
"I ain't had no peace of mind since that old nigger man come on this place. He just hin a
pacing at my heels the whole blessed time, and I pleased to marry him for get rid of him."

"Well," said Uncle Remus, "hit don't s'prize me. You marry en den youer des lak Brer Fox wid he bag. You know w'at you put in it, but you dunner w'at you got in it." "it don't suprise me. You marry and then you're just like Brother Fox with his bag. You know what you put in it, but you don't know what you got in it."

'Tildy flounced out without waiting for an explanation, but the mention of Brother Fox attracted the attention of the little boy, and he wanted to know what was in the bag, how it came to be there, and all about it.

"Now, den," "Now, then," said Uncle Remus, "hit's a tale, en a mighty long tale at dat, but I'll des hatter cut it short, kaze termorrer night you'll wan ter be a-settin' up lis'nen at de kyar'n's on er dem ar niggers, w'ich I b'leeve in my soul dey done los' all de sense dey ever bin bornded wid. "it's a tale, and a mighty long tale at that, but I'll just have to cut it short, casue tomorrow night you'll want to be a-setting up listening at the carrying on's of them there niggers, which I believe in my soul they done lost all the sense they ever been borned with.

"One time Brer Fox wuz gwine on down de big road, en he look ahead en he see ole Brer Tarrypin makin' he way on todes home. Brer Fox 'low dis a mighty good time fer ter nab ole Brer Tarrypin, en no sooner is he thunk it dan he put out back home, w'ich 'twan't but a little ways, en he git 'im a bag. He come back, he did, en he run up behime ole Brer Tarrypin en flip 'im in de bag en sling de bag 'cross he back en go gallin-up back home. "One time Brother Fox was going on down the big road, and he look ahead and he see old Brother Tarrypin making his way on towards home. Brother Fox allow this a mighty good time for to nab old Brother Tarrypin, and no sooner is he thunk it than he put out back home, which it wasn't but a little ways, and he get him a bag. He come back, he did, and he run up behind old Brother Tarrypin and flip him in the bag and sling the bag across his back and go galling-up back home.

"Brer Tarrypin, he holler, but 'taint do no good; he rip en he r'ar, but 'taint do no good. Brer Fox des keep on a-gwine, en 'twan't long 'fo' he had ole Brer Tarrypin slung up in de cornder in de bag, en de bag tied up hard en fas'. "Brother Tarrypin, he holler, but it ain't do no good; he rip and he roar, but it ain't do no good. Brother Fox just keep on a going on, and it wasn't long before he had old Brother Tarrypin slung up in the corner in the bag, and the bag tied up hard and fast.


"But w'iles all dis gwine on," "But whiles all this going on," exclaimed Uncle Remus, employing the tone and manner of some country preacher he had heard, "whar wuz ole Brer Rabbit? Yasser--dats it, whar wuz he?' En mo'n dat, w'at you speck he 'uz doin' en whar you reckon he wer' gwine? Dat's de way ter talk it; whar'bouts wuz he?" "where was old Brother Rabbit? Yes sir--thats it, where was he?' And more than that, what you suspect he was doing and where you reckon he were going? That's the way to talk it; whereabouts was he?"

The old man brought his right hand down upon his knee with a thump that jarred the tin-plate and cups on the mantel-shelf, and then looked around with a severe frown to see what the chairs and the work-bench, and the walls and the rafters, had to say in response to his remarkable argument. He sat thus in a waiting attitude a moment, and then, finding that no response came from anything or anybody, his brow gradually cleared, and a smile of mingled pride and satisfaction spread over his face, as he continued in a more natural tone:

"Youk'n b'leeve me er not b'leeve des ez youer min' ter, but dat ar long-year creetur--dut ar hoppity-skippity-- dat ar up-en-down-en-sail’n'-'roun' Brer Rabbit, w'ich you bin year me call he name 'fo' dis, he want so mighty fur off w'iles Brer Fox gwine 'long wid dat ar bag slung 'cross he back. Let 'lone dat, Brer Rabbit uz settin' right dar in de bushes by de side er de road, en w'ence he see Brer Fox go trottin' by, he ax hisse'f w'at is it dat creeter got in dat ar bag. "You can believe me or not believe just as you're mind to, but that there long-eared creature--that there hoppity-skippity-- that there up-and-down-and-sailing-around Brother Rabbit, which you been hear me call his name before this, he want so mighty far off whiles Brother Fox going along with that there bag slung across his back. Let along that, Brother Rabbit was sitting right there in the bushes by the side of the road, and whence he see Brother Fox go trotting by, he ask hisself what is it that creature got in that there bag.

"He ax hisse'f, he did, but he dunno. He wunder en he wunder, yit de mo' he wunder de mo' he dunno. Brer Fox, he go trottin' by, en Brer Rabbit, he sot in de bushes en wunder. Bimeby he 'low ter hisse'f, he did, dat Brer
Fox aint got no business fer ter be trottin' 'long down de road, totin' doin's w'ich yuther folks dunner w'at dey is, en he 'low dat dey won't be no great harm done ef he take atter Brer Fox en fine out w'at he got in dat ar bag.
"He ask hisself, he did, but he don't know. He wonder and he wonder, yet the more he wonder the more he don't know. Brother Fox, he go trotting by, and Brother Rabbit, he sat in the bushes and wonder. By and by he allow to hisself, he did, that Brother
Fox ain't got no business for to be trotting along down the road, toting doings which other folks don't know what there is, and he allow that there won't be no great harm done if he take after Brother Fox and find out what he got in that there bag.

"Wid dat, Brer Rabbit, he put out. He aint got no bag fer ter tote, en he pick up he foots mighty peart. Mo'n dat, he tuck'n tuck a nigh-cut, en by de time Brer Fox git home, Brer Rabbit done had time fer ter go roun' by de watermillion-patch en do some er he devilment, en den atter dat he tuck'n sot down in de bushes whar he kin see Brer Fox w'en he come home. "With that, Brother Rabbit, he put out. He ain't got no bag for to tote, and he pick up his foots mighty peart. More than that, he took and took a nigh-cut, and by the time Brother Fox get home, Brother Rabbit done had time for to go round by the watermelon-patch and do some of his devilment, and then after that he took and sat down in the bushes where he can see Brother Fox when he come home.

"Bimeby yer come Brer Fox wid de bag slung 'cross he back. He onlatch de do', he did, en he go in en sling Brer Tarrypin down in de cornder, en set down front er de h'ath fer ter res' hisse'f." "By and by here come Brother Fox with the bag slung across his back. He unlatch the door, he did, and he go in and sling Brother Tarrypin down in the corner, and set down front of the hearth to rest hisself."

Here Uncle Remus paused to laugh in anticipation of what was to follow.

"Brer Fox aint mo'n lit he pipe," "Brother Fox ain't more than lite his pipe," the old man continued, after a tantalizing pause, "'fo' Brer Rabbit stick he head in de do' en holler: "before Brother Rabbit stick his head in the door and holler:

"'Brer Fox! O Brer Fox! You better take yo' walkin'-cane en run down yan. Comin' 'long des now I year a mighty fuss, en I look 'roun' en dar wuz a whole passel er folks in yo' watermillion-patch des a tromplin' 'roun' en a t'arin' down. I holler'd at um, but dey aint pay no 'tention ter little man lak I is. Make 'a'se, Brer Fox! make 'a'se! Git yo' cane en run down dar. I'd go wid you myse'f, but my ole 'oman ailin' en I bleedz ter be makin' my way todes home. You better make 'a'se,
Brer Fox, ef you wanter git de good er yo' watermillions. Run, Brer Fox! run!'
'Brother Fox! O Brother Fox! You better take your walking-cane and run down yon. Coming along just now I hear a mighty fuss, and I look around and there was a whole passel of folks in your watermelon-patch just a trompling around and a t'arin' down. I hollered at them, but they ain't pay no attention to little man like I is. Make haste, Brother Fox! make haste! Get your cane and run down there. I'd go with you myself, but my old woman ailing and I pleased to be making my way towards home. You better make haste,
Brother Fox, if you want to get the good of your watermelons. Run, Brother Fox! run!'

"Wid dat Brer Rabbit dart back in de bushes, en Brer Fox drap he pipe en grab he walkin'-cane en put out fer he watermillion-patch, w'ich 'twer' down on de branch; en no sooner is he gone dan ole Brer Rabbit come out de bushes en make he way in de house. "With that Brother Rabbit dart back in the bushes, and Brother Fox drop his pipe and grab his walking-cane and put out for his watermelon-patch, which it were down on the branch; and no sooner is he gone than old Brother Rabbit come out the bushes and make his way in the house.

"He go so easy dat he aint make no fuss; he look roun' en dar wuz de bag in de cornder. He kotch holt er de bag en sorter feel un it, en time he do dis, he year sump'n holler: "He go so easy that he ain't make no fuss; he look round and there was the bag in the corner. He catch hold of the bag and sort of feel on it, and time he do this, he hear something holler:

"'Ow! Go 'way! Lem me 'lone! Tu'n me loose! Ow!' 'Ow! Go away! Let me alone! Turn me loose! Ow!'

"Brer Rabbit jump back 'stonish'd. Den 'fo' you kin wink yo' eye-ball, Brer Rabbit slap hisse'f on de leg en break out in a laugh. Den he up'n 'low: "Brother Rabbit jump back astonished. Then before you can wink your eye-ball, Brother Rabbit slap hisself on the leg and break out in a laugh. Then he up and allow:

"'Ef I aint make no mistakes, dat ar kinder fuss kin come fum nobody in de 'roun' worl' but ole Brer Tarrypin.' 'If I ain't make no mistakes, that there kind of fuss can come from nobody in the around world but old Brother Tarrypin.'

"Brer Tarrypin, he holler, sezee: 'Aint dat Brer Rabbit?' "Brother Tarrypin, he holler, says he: 'Ain't that Brother Rabbit?'

"'De same,' sezee. "'The same,' says he.

"'Den whirl in en tu'n me out. Meal dus' in my th'oat, grit in my eye, en I aint kin git my breff, skacely. Tu'n me out, Brer Rabbit.' 'Then whirl in and turn me out. Meal dust in my throat, grit in my eye, and I ain't can get my breath, scarcely. Turn me out, Brother Rabbit.'

"Brer Tarrypin talk lak somebody down in a well. Brer Rabbit, he holler back: "Brother Tarrypin talk like somebody down in a well. Brother Rabbit, he holler back:

"'Youer lots smarter dan w'at I is, Brer Tarrypin-- lots smarter. Youer smarter en pearter. Peart ez I
come yer, you is ahead er me. I know how you git in de bag, but I dunner how de name or goodness you tie yo'se'f up in dar, dat I don't.'
'You're lots smarter than what I is, Brother Tarrypin-- lots smarter. You're smarter and prettier. Prettier as I
come here, you is ahead of me. I know how you get in the bag, but I don't know how the name of goodness you tie yourself up in ther, that I don't.'

"Brer Tarrypin try ter splain, but Brer Rabbit keep on laughin', en he laugh twel he git he fill er laughin'; en den he tuck'n ontie de bag en take Brer Tarrypin out en tote 'im way off in de woods. Den, w'en he done dis, Brer Rabbit tuck'n run off en git a great big hornet-nes' wat he see w'en 'e comin' long--" "Brother Tarrypin try to explain, but Brother Rabbit keep on laughing, and he laugh till he get his fill of laughing; and then he took and untie the bag and take Brother Tarrypin out and tote him way off in the woods. Then, when he done this, Brother Rabbit took and run off and get a great big hornet-nest what he see when he coming long--"

"A hornet's nest, Uncle Remus?" exclaimed the little boy, in amazement.

"Tooby sho', honey. 'Taint bin a mont' sence I brung you a great big hornet-nes', en yer you is axin' dat. Brer Rabbit tuck'n slap he han' 'cross de little hole whar de hornets goes in at, en dar he had um. Den be tuck'n tuck it ter Brer Fox house, en put it in de bag whar Brer Tarrypin bin'. "To be sure, honey. It ain't beena month since I brung you a great big hornet-nest, and here you is asking that. Brother Rabbit took and slap his hand across the little hole where the hornets goes in at, and there he had them. Then be took and took it to Brother Fox house, and put it in the bag where Brother Tarrypin been.'

"He put de hornet-nes' in dar," "He put the hornet-nest in there," continued Uncle Remus, lowering his voice, and becoming very grave, "en den he tie up de bag des lak he'fine it. Yit 'fo' he put de bag back in de cornder, w'at do dat creetur do? I aint settin' yer," "and then he tie up the bag just like he find it. Yet before he put the bad in the corner, what do that creature do? I ain't sitting here," said the ole man, seizing his chair with both hands, as if by that means to emphasize the illustration, "I aint settin' yer ef dat ar creetur aint grab dat bag en slam it down 'g'in de flo', en hit it 'g'in de side er de house twel he git dem ar hornets all stirred up, en den he put de bag back in de cornder, en go out in de bushes ter whar Brer Tarrypin waitin', en den bofe un um sot out dar en wait fer ter see w'at de upshot gwine ter be. "I ain't sitting here if that there creature ain't grab that bag and slam it down again the floor, and hit it again the side of the house till he get them there hornets all stirred up, and then he put the bag back in the corner, and go out in the bushes to where Brother Tarrypin waiting, and then both of them sat out there and wait for to see what the upshot going to be.


"Bimeby, yer come Brer Fox back fum he watermillion-patch en he look lak he mighty mad. He strak he cane down 'pun de groun', en do lak he gwine take he revengeance out'n po' ole Brer Tarrypin. He went in de do', Brer Fox did, en shot it atter 'im. Brer Rabbit en Brer Tarrypin lissen', but dey aint year nothin'. "By and by, here come Brother Fox back from his watermelon-patch and he look like he mighty mad. He strik his cane down upon the ground, and do like he going to take his revengeance out on poor old Brother Tarrypin. He went in the door, Brother Fox did, and shut it after him. Brother Rabbit and Brother Tarrypin listen, but there ain't hear nothing.

"But bimeby, fus news you know, dey year de mos' owdashus racket, tooby sho'. Seem lak, fum whar Brer Rabbit en Brer Tarrypin settin' dat cley 'uz a whole passel er cows runnin' 'roun' in Brer Fox house. Dey year de cheers a fallin', en de table turnin' over, en de crock'ry breakin', en den de do' flew'd open, en out come Brer Fox, a-squallin' lak de Ole Boy wuz atter 'im. En sech a sight ez dem t'er creeturs seed den en dar aint never bin seed befo' ner sence. "But by and by, first news you know, they hear the most audacious racket, to be sure. Seem like, from where Brother Rabbit and Brother Tarrypin sitting that cley was a whole passel of cows running around in Brother Fox house. They hear the cheers a falling, and the table turning over, and the crockery breaking, and then the door flewed open, and out come Brother Fox, a-squalling like the Old Boy was after him. And such a sight as them other creatures seed then and there ain't never been seed before nor since.

"Dem ar hornets des swarmed on top er Brer Fox. 'Lev'm dozen un um 'ud hit at one time, en look lak dat ar creetur bleedz ter fine out fer hisse'f w'at pain en suffin' is. Dey bit 'im en dey stung 'im, en fur ez Brer Rabbit en Brer Tarrypin kin year 'im, dem hornets 'uz des a nailin' 'im. Gentermens! dey gun 'im binjer! "Them there hornets just swarmed on top of Brother Fox. Eleven dozen of them would hit at one time, and look like that there creature pleased to find out for hisself what pain and suffering is. They bit him and they stung him, and far as Brother Rabbit and Brother Tarrypin can hear him, them hornets was just a nailing him. Gentlemens! they gun him binjer!

"Brer Rabbit en Brer Tarrypin, dey sot dar, dey did, en dey laugh en laugh, twel bimeby, Brer Rabbit roll over en grab he stomach, en holler: "Brother Rabbit and Brother Tarrypin, they sat there, they did, and they laugh and laugh, till by and by, Brother Rabbit roll over and grab his stomach, and holler:

"'Don't, Brer Tarrypin! don't! One giggle mo' en you'll hatter tote me.' "'Don't, Brother Tarrypin! don't! One giggle more and you'll have to tote me.'

"En dat aint all," "And that ain't all," said Uncle Remus, raising his voice. "I know a little chap w'ich ef he set up yer 'sputin' 'longer
mo en de t'er creeturs, he won't have much fun termorrer night."
"I know a little chap which if he sit up here disputing 'longer
mo and the other creatures, he won't have much fun tomorrow night."

The hint was sufficient, and the little boy ran out laughing.


The day and the night before Christmas were full of pleasure for the little boy. There was pleasure in the big house, and pleasure in the humble cabins in the quarters. The peculiar manner in which the negroes celebrated the beginning of the holidays was familiar to the child's experience, but strange to his appreciation, and he enjoyed everything he saw and heard with the ready delight of his years,--a delight, which, in this instance, had been trained and sharpened, if the expression may be used, in the small world over which Uncle Remus presided.

The little boy had a special invitation to be present at the marriage of Daddy Jack and 'Tildy, and he went, accompanied by Uncle Remus and Aunt Tempy. It seemed to be a very curious affair, but its incongruities made small impression upon the mind of the child.

'Tildy wore a white dress and had a wreath of artificial flowers in her hair. Daddy Jack wore a high hat, which he persisted in keeping on his head during the ceremony,
and a coat the tails of which nearly dragged the floor. His bright little eyes glistened triumphantly, and he grinned and bowed to everybody again and again. After it was all over, the guests partook of cake baked by Aunt Tempy, and persimmon beer brewed by Uncle Remus.

It seemed, however, that 'Tildy was not perfectly happy; for, in response to a question asked by Aunt Tempy, she said:

"Yes'm, I'm gwine down de country 'long wid my ole man, an'I lay ef eve'ything don't go right, I'm gwineter pick up an' come right back." "Yes'm, I'm going down the country along with my old man, and I lay if everything don't go right, I'm going to pick up and come right back."

"No-no!" exclaimed Daddy Jack, "'e no come bahck no'n 'tall. 'E bin stay dey-dey wit' 'e nice ole-a man." "he no come back none at all. He been stay there-there with his nice old-a man."

"You put yo' pennunce in dat!" "You put your penance in that!" said 'Tildy, scornfully. "Dey aint nobody kin hol' me w'en I takes a notion, 'cep'n hits Miss Sally; en, goodness knows, Miss Sally aint gwine ter be down dar." "There ain't nobody can hold me when I takes a notion,excepting its Miss Sally; and, goodness knows, Miss Sally ain't going to be down there."

"Who Miss Sally gwine put in de house?" "Who Miss Sally going put in the house?" Aunt Tempy asked.

"Humph!" exclaimed 'Tildy, scornfully, "Miss Sally say she gwine take dat ar Darkess

Dorcas. [back]

nigger an' put 'er in my place. An' a mighty nice mess Darkess gwine ter make un 'it! Much she know 'bout waitin' on w'ite folks! Many's an' many's de time Miss Sally 'll set down in 'er rockin'-cheer an' wish fer 'Tildy--many's de time." "Miss Sally say she going to take that there Dorcas nigger and put here in my place. And a mighty nice mess Dorcas going to make of it! Much she know about waiting on white folks! Many's and many's the time Miss Sally'll sit down in her rocking-chair and wish for 'Tildy--many's the time."

This was 'Tildy's grievance,--the idea that some one could be found to fill her place; and it is a grievance with
which people of greater importance than the humble negro house-girl are more or less familiar.

But the preparations for the holidays went on in spite of 'Tildy's grievance. A large platform, used for sunning wheat and seed cotton, was arranged by the negroes for their dance, and several wagon-loads of resinous pine-- known as lightwood--were placed round about it in little heaps, so that the occasion might lack no element of brilliancy.

At nightfall the heaps of lightwood were set on fire, and the little boy, who was waiting impatiently for Uncle Remus to come for him, could hear the negroes singing, dancing, and laughing. He was just ready to cry when he heard the voice of his venerable partner.

"Is dey a'er passenger anywhar's 'roun' yer fer Thumptown? De stage done ready en de hosses a-prancin'. Ef dey's a'er passenger 'roun' yer, I lay he des better be makin' ready fer ter go." "Is there a'er passenger anywheres around here for Thumpton? The stage done ready and the horses a-prancing. If there's a'er passenger around here, I lay he just better be making ready for to go."

The old man walked up to the back piazza as he spoke, held out his strong arms, and the little boy jumped into them with an exclamation of delight. The child's mother gave Uncle Remus a shawl to wrap around the child, and this shawl was the cause of considerable trouble, for the youngster persisted in wrapping it around the old man's head, and so blinding him that there was danger of his falling. Finally, he put the little boy down, took off his hat, raised his right hand, and said:

"Now, den, I bin a-beggin' un you fer ter quit yo' 'haveishness des long ez I'm a gwineter, en I aint gwine beg
you no mo', kaze I'm des tetotally wo' out wid beggin', en de mo' I begs de wuss you gits. Now I'm done! You des go yo' ways en I'll go mine, en my way lays right spang back ter de big house whar Miss Sally is. Dat's whar I'm a-gwine!"
"Now, then, I been a-begging on you for to quit your haveishness just long as I'm going to, and I ain't going to beg
you no more, cause I'm just totally wore out with begging, and the more I begs the worse you gets. Now I'm done! You just go your ways and I'll go mine, and my way lays right spang back to the big house where Miss Sally is. That's where I'm a-going!"

Uncle Remus started to the house with an exaggerated vigor of movement comical to behold; but, however comical it may have been, it had its effect. The little boy ran after him, caught him by the hand, and made him stop.

"Now, Uncle Remus, please, don't go back. I was just playing."

Uncle Remus's anger was all pretence, but he managed to make it very impressive.

"My playin' days done gone too long ter talk about. When I plays, I plays wid wuk, dat w'at I plays wid." "My playing days done gone too long to talk about. When I plays, I plays with work, that what I plays with."

"Well," said the child, who had tactics of his own, "if I can't play with you, I don't know who I am to play with."

This touched Uncle Remus in a very tender spot. He stopped in the path, took off his spectacles, wiped the glasses on his coat-tail, and said very emphatically:

"Now den, honey, des lissen at me. How de name er goodness kin you call dat playin', w'ich or little mo' en I'd er fell down on top er my head, en broke my neck en yone too?" "Now then, honey, just listen at me. How the name of goodness can you call that playing, w'ich with or little more and I'd of fell down on top of my head, and broke my neck and yone, arm

The child promised that he would be very good, and Uncle Remus picked him up, and the two made their way to where the negroes had congregated. They were greeted with cries of "Dar's Unk Remus!" "There's Uncle Remus!" "Howdy,
Unk Remus!" "Yer dey is!" "Ole man Remus don't sing, but w'en he do sing--gentermens! des go 'way!" Uncle Remus!" "Here they is!" "Old man Remus don't sine, but when he do sing--gentlemens! just go away!"

All this and much more, so that when Uncle Remus had placed the little boy upon a corner of the platform, and made him comfortable, he straightened himself with a laugh and cried out:

"Howdy, boys! howdy all! I des come up fer ter jine in wid you fer one 'roun' fer de sakes er ole times, ef no mo'." "Howdy, boys! howdy all! I just come up for to join in with you for one round for the sakes of old times, if no more."

"I boun' fer Unk Remus!" "I bound for Uncle Remus!" some one said. "Now des hush en let Unk Remus 'lone!" "Now just just hush and let Uncle Remus along!" exclaimed another.

The figure of the old man, as he stood smiling upon the crowd of negroes, was picturesque in the extreme. He seemed to be taller than all the rest; and, notwithstanding his venerable appearance, he moved and spoke with all the vigor of youth. He had always exercised authority over his fellow-servants. He had been the captain of the corn-pile, the stoutest at the log-rolling, the swiftest with the hoe, the neatest with the plough, and the plantation hands still looked upon him as their leader.

Some negro from the River place had brought a fiddle, and, though it was a very feeble one, its screeching seemed to annoy Uncle Remus.

"Put up dat ar fiddle!" "Put up that there fiddle!" he exclaimed, waving his hand. "Des put 'er up; she sets my toof on aidje. Put 'er up en less go back ter ole times. Dey aint no room fer no fiddle 'roun' yer, kaze w'en you gits me started dat ar fiddle won't be nowhars." "Just put her up: she sets my tooth on edge. Put her up and let's go back to old times. There ain't no room for no fiddle around here, cause when you get me started that there fiddle won't be nowheres."

"Dat's so," "That's so," said the man with the fiddle and the irritating instrument was laid aside.


"Now, den," "Now, then," Uncle Remus went on, "dey's a little chap yer dat you'll all come ter know mighty well one er deze odd-come-shorts, en dish yer little chap aint got so mighty long fer ter set up 'long wid us. Dat bein' de case we oughter take'n put de bes' foot fo'mus' fer ter commence wid." "there's a little chap here that you'll all come to know mighty well one of these odd-come-shorts, and this here little chap ain't got so mighty long for to set up along with us. That being the case we ought to take and put the best foot foremost for to commence with."

"You lead, Unk Remus! You des lead en we'll foller." "You lead, Uncle Remus! You just lead and we'll follow."

Thereupon the old man called to the best singers among the negroes and made them stand near him. Then he raised his right hand to his ear and stood perfectly still. The little boy thought he was listening for something, but presently Uncle Remus began to slap himself gently with his left hand, first upon the leg and then upon the breast. The other negroes kept time to this by a gentle motion of their feet, and finally, when the thump--thump--thump of this movement had regulated itself to suit the old man's fancy, he broke out with what may be called a Christmas dance song.

His voice was strong, and powerful, and sweet, and its range was as astonishing as it volume. More than this, the melody to which he tuned it, and which was caught up by a hundred voices almost as sweet and as powerful as his own, was charged with a mysterious and pathetic tenderness.

The fine company of men and women at the big house --men and women who had made the tour of all the capitals of Europe--listened with swelling hearts and with tears in their eyes as the song rose and fell upon the air --at one moment a tempest of melody, at another a heartbreaking
strain breathed softly and sweetly to the gentle winds. The song that the little boy and the fine company heard was something like this--ridiculous enough when put in cold type, but powerful and thrilling when joined to the melody with which the negroes had invested it:


Hit's a mighty fur ways up de Far'well Lane, It's a mighty far ways up the Far'well Lane,
My honey, my love!
You may ax Mister Crow, you may ax Mr. Crane, You may ask Mister Crow, you may ask Mr. Cane,
My honey, my love!
Dey'll make you a bow, en dey'll tell you de same, They'll make you a bow, and they'll tell you the same,
My honey, my love!
Hit's a mighty fur ways fer to go in de night It's a mighty far ways for to go in the night ,
My honey, my love!
My honey, my love, my heart's delight--
My honey, my love!

Mister Mink, he creep twel he wake up de snipe, Mister Mink, he creep till he wake up the snipe,
My honey, my love!
Mister Bull-Frog holler, Come-a-light my pipe,
My honey, my love!
En de Pa'tridge ax, Aint yo' peas ripe? And the Partridge ask, Ain't your peas ripe?
My honey, my love!
Better not walk erlong dar much atter night, Better not walk erelong there much after night,
My honey, my love!
My honey, my love, my heart's delight--
My honey, my love!

De Bully-Bat fly mighty close ter de groun', The Bully-Bat fly mighty close to the ground,
My honey, my love!
Mister Fox, he coax 'er, Do come down! Mister Fox, he coax her, Do come down!
My honey, my love!
Mister Coon, he rack all 'roun' en 'roun', Mister Coon, he rack all around and around,
My honey, my love!

In de darkes' night, oh, de nigger, he's a sight! In the darkest night, oh, the nigger, he's a sight!
My honey, my love!
My honey, my love, my heart's delight--
My honey, my love!

Oh, flee, Miss Nancy, flee ter my knee, Oh, flee, Miss Nancy, flee to my knee,
My honey, my love!
'Lev'm big fat coons lives in one tree, Eleven big fat coons lives in one tree,
My honey, my love!
Oh, ladies all, won't you marry me?
My honey, my love!
Tu'n lef', tu'n right, we 'ull dance all night, Turn left, turn right, we'll dance all night,
My honey, my love!
My honey, my love, my heart's delight--
My honey, my love!

De big Owl holler en cry fer his mate, The big Owl holler and cry for his mate,
My honey, my love!
Oh, don't stay long! Oh, don't stay late!
My honey, my love!
Hit aint so mighty fur ter de Good-by Gate, It ain't so mighty for to the Good-by Gate,
My honey, my love!
Whar we all got ter go w'en we sing out de night, Where we all got to go when we sing out the night,
My honey, my love!
My honey, my love, my heart's delight--
My honey, my love!

After a while the song was done, and other songs were sung; but it was not long before Uncle Remus discovered that the little boy was fast asleep. The old man took the child in his arms and carried him to the big house, singing softly in his ear all the way; and somehow or other the song seemed to melt and mingle in the youngster's dreams. He thought he was floating in the air, while
somewhere near all the negroes were singing, Uncle Remus's voice above all the rest; and then, after he had found a resting-place upon a soft warm bank of clouds, he thought he heard the songs renewed. They grew fainter and fainter in his dreams until at last (it seemed) Uncle Remus leaned over him and sang


