The Tar Baby and the Tomahawk: Race and Ethnic Images in American Children's Literature, 1880-1939

October, 1921
Fifteen Cents a Copy




Published Monthly and Copyrighted by DuBois and Dill, Publishers, at 2 West 13th Street, New York, N. Y. Conducted by W. E. Burghardt DuBois; Jessie Redmon Fauset, Literary Editor; Augustus Granville Dill, Business Manager

VOL. 2. No. 10 October. 1921 WHOLE No. 22


THE DRAGON'S TOOTH. A Play. Willis Richardson, Illustrated by Hilda Rue Wilkinson 275
A SLIGHT MISTAKE. A Story. Annette C. Browne 279
WOLF AND HIS NEPHEW. African Folk Tales. Elsie Clews Parsons Illustrated by Clarence Day, Jr. 281
BABES' SLEEPLAND. A Poem. C. Leslie Frazier 287
PINOCCHIO. The Story of a Puppet. C. Collodi 290
PLAYTIME. Games. Arranged by Portia M. Wiley.Answers to Last Month's Puzzles. C. Leslie Frazier 291
OUR LITTLE FRIENDS. Seven Pictures 295
THE PINK BANANA. A Story. Maud Wilcox Niedermeyer 299
A NARROW ESCAPE. A Story. Sarah E. Lacy 300


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  • Entered as second class matter January 20, 1920, at the Post Office at New York, N.Y., under the Act of March 3, 1879.

[illustration - Baseball Team of Dupont Plant, Hopewell, Va. United War Workers ]

The Dragon's Tooth

[illustration - A PLAY




  • Julius
  • Thassan
  • Illea
  • Antonella
  • The Soothsayer

PLACE—The ancient world

TIME—When the coming of Christ and the fall of the Roman Empire were dreams of the distant future.

THE scene is a rocky place bare of trees, grass or anything growing from the earth. At the right is a pile of rocks, beyond which is a great cliff. Out of sight and below the cliff is a rocky valley to which ,a road at the right leads. A wide plateau stretches to the rear and to the left. Two boys and two girls are rolling a pretty ball from one to the other, and by accident the ball passes one of the girls and rolls down the path which leads to the valley. All four children go to the side of the cliff and watch the ball roll down.


There it goes rolling down the hill.


It will not stop until it reaches the bottom.


It's at the bottom, now. Let's go for it.


The great wolf may get us.


The monster down there is not a wolf, it's a lion.


How do you know it's a lion and not a wolf?


It roars like a lion.


So does it howl like a wolf.


And it screams like an owl at certain times.


Let's go down anyway. It may not hurt us.


No one has ever come from there alive.


I'd hate to lose the ball.


It's better to lose the ball than lose your life.


What will we have to play with then?


We'll have to find another, or something else.

Illea (Looking around on the ground)—

There's nothing here to find but old rough stones.


We can go back to the city.


Yes, we may find something there better than a ball to play with.

(They all start to the left and Julius sees someone coming.)


Here comes the king's soothsayer.
Let's ask him about the monster that lives down there.


How would he know about it?


He knows all things. He tells the prince the meaning of his dreams.


We'll see what he will say about the monster.


Who will ask him?


I will.


(In a whisper) Ask him everything you want to know.

(The Soothsayer appears. He is a tall, thin man with long white whiskers. His back is bent and he leans upon his rod.)

Julius—(Addressing him)

Are you the Soothsayer to the king?

The Soothsayer—(In hollow tones)



You tell the prince the meaning of his dreams?

The Soothsayer—


Thassan—(Pointing towards the cliff)—

Can you tell us about the monster that lives down there?

The Soothsayer—


(His monotone embarrasses the boys so Illea talks to him.)


We rolled our ball down there and cannot get it. We want to know if the monster is a wolf or a lion. Does he kill men? Would he kill little children? Tell us all about him !

(Not being able to reply to this volley of questions with the same monotone, The Soothsayer sits on a rock to talk to them.)

The Soothsayer—

The monster below is neither a wolf nor a lion.


What is it, then?

The Soothsayer—

A dragon, a wonderful strange dragon.


How is he strange?


How is he wonderful?


Sometimes he howls like a wolf ; sometimes he roars like a lion; and sometimes the sound he makes seems like the two combined. What is he like?

The Soothsayer—

His body is like a lion's and his head is like an alligator's; his teeth are like a shark's,—but most wonderful of all are his blazing eyes.


What are they like?

The Soothsayer—

Like two blazing suns. They blind who looks in them, and the looker dies of fright.


Have you ever seen him?

The Soothsayer—

No, I have not seen him.


How do you know so well how the monster looks?

The Soothsayer—

I know that as I know all other things; but what I've told you is not half the wonder.


Tell us all of it!

The Soothsayer—

Years ago, when I was young and strong, there lived two dragons in the cave below, with many young ones. At that time a spirit whispered in my ear that the female dragon had in her mouth a tooth on which was written the secret of the future good of the world. I told the king and he, in spite of my warning, sent two of his warriors down to kill the dragons; but these warriors never returned.


What happened to them?


You knew what would happen to them?

The Soothsayer—

I knew what would happen to them and warned the king, but he was too determined; so they died, although they killed the female.


How did they die?

The Soothsayer—

After they killed the female, they were frightened to death by the other dragon's eyes.


If you know so many things why don't you know the secret on the tooth?

The Soothsayer—

Only the gods know that. I know the secret is there and I can read it, but it must be brought to me.


Which monster has the wonderful strange tooth?

The Soothsayer—

The female one, the one the warriors killed.


And so the tooth is still in the monster's mouth?

The Soothsayer—

Not now; that has been years and years ago. Since then the wolves and vultures have eaten the flesh and scattered the bones so that there only remain the dragon's skull and teeth. Since then the little dragons have grown strong; and now, along with the older male, they watch the skull and teeth by turns as if these remnants of their mother's were sacred. No minute passes in the day or night when two large blazing eyes are not on watch. They watch more closely than Argus could have watched.


How will the secret of the future good of the world ever be gotten then and brought to you?

[illustration - They have the tooth! Hilda Rue Wilkinson ]

If the warrior covered in armor cannot do it, is it possible to do it?

The Soothsayer—

There are few things that are not possible. This is not one of them.


How can the thing be done, and who can do it?

The Soothsayer—

A child can do it better than a man. An innocent child, unarmored and weaponless, can bring the secret of the future good of the world. You can bring it if you are bold and careful.


I? You think that I could do so great a thing?

The Soothsayer—

Any child could do it who would be bold and careful.


If I should bring the secret of the future good of the world then I should be great forever throughout the world?

The Soothsayer—

Do not be selfish. If you should bring the secret of the future good of the world, all children would be great forever throughout the world; for to all children this secret belongs by right of youth and hope and innocence.


Tell me what I may do to bring it to you.

The Soothsayer—

You say your ball has fallen over the cliff?



The Soothsayer—

Then you and Thassan go down by the path and find the ball. When you find it, play about with it. Roll it here and there. Roll it close to the mouth of the dragon's cave and near the skull, then pull the longest, loosest tooth and bring it here to me. On it is written the secret of the future good of the world.


But how are we to outlive the blazing eyes that have destroyed so many?


How shall we escape the powerful paw?

The Soothsayer—

Keep your eyes on the ground, upon the skull and tooth. Do not look into the blazing eyes or you will be destroyed. He will not harm you otherwise. He will not strike you with his powerful paw. He will not notice you. He looks for warriors armed and clad in armor.


Come, Thassan.

The Soothsayer—

Do as I have said and you cannot fail.


We'll get it, Julius.

(They go down the path to the left.)


Suppose they fail to bring the dragon's tooth?

The Soothsayer—

Then the secret must remain hidden until it is brought.


I cannot see how anything could be written on a dragon's tooth.

The Soothsayer—

It was written there by the gods.


In what language is it written?

The Soothsayer—

In a language not known to you. In a language known to the gods and known to me.


It must be strange to know so many things.

The Soothsayer—

Look over the cliff and see what they are doing.

(The girls go to the edge of the cliff.)


We cannot see them.


I hope the dragon has not captured them.

The Soothsayer—

(His eyes closed) You cannot see them, but I can see them.


(Turning to him) How can you see them?

The Soothsayer—

As I see all things. Antonella—What are they doing?

The Soothsayer—

They are near the mouth of the cave, close to the skull.


And the dragon, what is he doing?

The Soothsayer—

The dragon does not notice them. They have the tooth! They are coming! Watch for them!

(The girls look over the cliff again.)


They are running this way. I know one of them has it!


Run Julius! Run Thassan! Here they are!

(Julius and. Thassan appear. Julius has the tooth in his hand.)


I have a tooth, the largest I could find ; but it has nothing on it.


Nothing but a few scratches.

The Soothsayer—

Give the tooth to me. (Julius gives him the tooth.) This is the one and the secret is written here.


I do not see it.

The Soothsayer—

You see it, but you do not understand it.


Interpret it for us.

The Soothsayer—

(Reading from the tooth) The secret of the future good of the world depends upon the growth of Love and Brotherhood. Liberty, Equality and Fraternity must
rule the world in the place of Inequality, Envy and Hate."


How can this future good be realized?

The Soothsayer—

Children such as you must bring this good about. It must grow in your hearts until you are men and women, and as you grow you must spread the truth abroad.


Let's go back to the city and tell what we have learned.

The Soothsayer—

Yes, go back to the city and tell the news.


What of the dragon?

The Soothsayer—

When he misses the tooth he'll call the younger ones and tell them what has happened. Then they will set up such a howl as you have never heard.


How can he tell them? Dragons cannot talk.

The Soothsayer—

They have a language all their own, the same as all other things.


Let's go back to the city before they howl!

(All start out towards the left, and as they are going, a great noise comes up from the right.)

Oh Tad! Who do you suppose has come?" Bessie, almost at the point of tears, flung herself breathlessly at her brother's side.

"Why," said Tad, quickly arousing himself from a reverie, "you mean the pear peddler, don't you?"

All morning Tad had been thinking of a certain pear peddler who had stopped by their home two days before, selling the sweetest and juiciest big yellow pears he had ever seen. Mother had told him to come back Saturday morning and she would take a bushel for canning. "The children won't be at school that day and they can help to peel them."

For once, the prospect of Saturday morning work did not worry Tad. He longed for its arrival and took this outburst of Bessie's for the announcement of the pear peddler.

"Oh, it's that horrible old kissing-bug." Bessie smiled ruefully.

"Do you mean Aunt Jane?" asked Tad, with his face set.

"I do," said Bessie solemnly. "I was on my way to the front gate when I saw that old white faced sorrel hitched there. I didn't stop to look at anything else then, but while I was running back here to tell you, I caught a glimpse of that old black striped skirt through the front window. I heard Mamma say, "I'll call the children in a minute."

"Well, I'll not be here when she calls," said Tad, rising. "I'm tired of having Aunt Jane kiss me like I was a year-old girl baby. Can't she see that we don't like it?"

"Ta-a-d! Oh, Bessie-e-e !" called Mother from the house just as Tad was slipping under the back fence.

"Come on," he said to Bessie, who stood undecided, "unless you want to go back and get your mouth and face smacked full of old smokey kisses." Aunt Jane used a pipe.

The corpulent, good-natured aunt of Tad and Bessie's father lived several miles distant in the country and every now and then she came to spend the day with her nephew's family. She had a heart chuck full of love for her
kinsfolk and her method of greeting them hailed back to the time when most all neighbors lived several miles apart, and kissing on meeting and leaving was a part of good country manners. Accordingly, Aunt Jane, from a point of custom when visiting "My nephew James' " family, kissed them all, and the children, "Bless their little hearts," she just loved to bite and squeeze them whenever they came near her—which wasn't often if they could help it.

Tad and Bessie could never forget the time when they, being back in the kitchen at the time of this relative's arrival, had sought to escape from the demonstration of her affections by bedaubing their faces with molasses and dust from the coal box while Aunt Jane called out from the other room, "Children, come in and let Auntie kiss you!"

When they entered, Aunt Jane threw up her hands in amazement; but blood being thicker than water, she said, "My! you children look awfully bad, but Auntie's going to kiss you anyhow !"

The two runaways were out of sight of home, not caring particularly where they were headed for. Anywhere seemed better than within the range of Aunt Jane's arms.

"Let's go over and play with Tom and Helen a while," suggested Bessie.

"No," said Tad. "Let's don't stop in the neighborhood at all, 'cause Mamma will be asking someone to tell us to come home if they see us. Let's go way off, down by the hollow."

"But let's don't go too far," said Bessie. "Maybe she just came in to peddle and will be gone in a little while."

"Oh now, Bessie, you know she always stays all day." The word "peddle" brought back the pears to Tad's mind. "Bothersome old thing to come and spoil my pleasure. I had planned to stay around the kitchen and eat pears all morning. They were the grandest pears, Bessie—so sweet and juicy! The man gave me one."

"Wouldn't you be willing to go back and suffer being kissed to get some pears?"

"Oh it wouldn't be so bad if I could take some and get out, but Mamma said that we were to help fix them and you know Aunt Jane would be lolling around the kitchen all morning."

"Well if we stayed away all morning, Mamma might save them until this afternoon and we'd be bothered just the same."

"Well I'm not—" but Tad's answer was interrupted by the sight of a man driving up the lane with a basket of pears in his express.

"Say, Mister! Sell me some pears?" he called out, drawing two nickels from his pocket.

"Can't, sonny," was the answer. "Just bought them myself from a fellow down the road."

"Does he live far from here?"

"Oh just down the road a little piece, in a green house with a big orchard in front."

"Let's go down there, Bessie," said Tad. "We can have our pears after all without being bothered."

"Oh Tad, I'm afraid to keep on going. Mamma will be worried." A big tear stood in Bessie's eye.

"Oh if you're going to be a cry baby, you might as well go on back and let Aunt Jane kiss your tears away. I'm going on to get some pears. The man said it wasn't far. Come on."

Bessie trudged along with Tad, wishing she had stayed home. Tad soon began to get tired, as he realized that "just down the road a little piece" was quite a big piece when one was on foot. However, he wouldn't let Bessie know; so he kept on walking, with her limping beside him.

"Oh Tad, I'm not going any farther!" cried Bessie at last. "I'm too tired to make another step," she sobbed, dropping down by the roadside.

"Well don't cry," said Tad. "We'll wait here until some one comes along who'll give us a ride back home. Look! I see someone now, away down the road."

Keeping their eyes on the coming vehicle, the first thing that caught their attention was a white faced sorrel. Tad and Bessie gasped and caught each other's hands. Next appeared the edge of a black striped skirt and just as Bessie felt that she was going to faint, the express stopped at the roadside and Aunt Jane exclaimed as she climbed out, "Well! Well! Here's Auntie's sweeties sitting down by the road. Lord love them!" Smack! Smack! Tad and Bessie found themselves wrapped in the tightest embrace they'd ever known.

"How in the world did you happen to be way down here by yourselves? You look tired
to death." More kisses. "Auntie was on the way to see her children, and she's going to take them right home."

Tad and Bessie's feelings, as they rode along, can hardly be described. Each one cast reproachful glances at the other but Aunt Jane did most of the talking, which she now and then punctuated with a hug or a kiss.

It was a very shamed faced little pair that entered their home beside their aunt. "Why here's Aunt Jane!" cried the worried mother. "And where have you children been?"

"I found them huddled down by the roadside, over two miles off," said Aunt Jane, as she embraced her nephew's wife vigorously. "They looked so tired and worn out. I cannot understand what the poor little things were doing so far from home."

"Nor can I," said the mother angrily, "especially when I had ordered a bushel of pears for canning this morning with their help, and without my permission, they went trampling off down the country road. Go to bed, both of you! I won't whip you because Auntie is here, but you've got to be punished."

"Now don't be so hard on the poor little dears, Mary. They just wanted to stroll a bit and went too far."

"Yes, but they knew better. They must go to bed. I guess they're tired enough to go anyway. No, you cannot carry any pears to bed with you."

"Now just give me an apron, Mary, and we'll get those pears out of the way in no time," said Aunt Jane. "Poor darlings," she added, kissing them again, "Auntie's going to save you some pears."

As they were leaving the room, Tad and Bessie heard their mother say, "I made sure I saw you coming here early this morning, Aunt Jane. A woman, who looked like you, drove up to the gate with a horse like yours ; but it was the wife of the man from whom I engaged these pears. She brought them and she reminded me so much of you."


Do you know where the Cape Verde Islands are? No? They are off the most western point of Africa—Cape Verde, the green cape. In those islands now and for several centuries some of the best story tellers, I believe, in the world have been telling one another stories which once travelled, some of them, from the African mainland, some of them from the Hispanic peninsula. For stories, you know, travel like people, from one end of the world to the other. How? Guess.

We catch the stories somewhere on their travels, but we seldom learn where they started from. The stories I am going to tell you I caught in Rhode Island, after they came over to this country from the Cape Verde Islands, and, as I said, some of them reached the Islands from Portugal and some from Senegambia or Sierra Leone; but whence they came to those countries, who knows? Perhaps from Arabia. perhaps from India, perhaps from some old, old African kingdom. At any rate, they have been moving about the world a long time, a very long time.

After you have read about these tricks which Wolf, the big, greedy, slow fellow, and Peter, his quick and sly little nephew, play on each other, tell the story in your turn to somebody who likes stories. Remember, these tales are tales not to write but to speak. I have written them down for you only because I can't reach you with my voice for which written words are only a makeshift, a lifeless sort of makeshift. But if you tell the story to somebody in your own words, you will make it come to life again.

PETER had a place in the country, where the food was good. One day he met his Uncle Wolf. Wolf said to him, "Ah, Nephew, "where have you been and what have you been
eating to make you so fine and fat? Your Uncle has been around here without being able to find a thing to eat. Do take me where you get your food."

"Uncle, I won't take you where I get my food. You're too greedy. They'd catch you and kill you."

Wolf begged. "No, I won't be greedy. Take me! Take me!"

"All right. Tomorrow at dawn I'll take you."

That night Wolf did not sleep at all, and at midnight he knocked at Peter's door. Peter said, "Oh, Uncle Wolf! Go home. It's still the middle of the night. Nobody would 'go at this hour."

At one o'clock Wolf began to crow like a cock, —"Cocorico! Cocorico! Cocorico!" Then he went and knocked at Peter's door. Peter got up and said to him. "It's too early yet. Go home! Do go home! It's too early yet. It's you crowing like a cock. I know you. Go home!"

Wolf had a little house. He went back to it and waited a little while, then he set the house on fire. He went back and knocked again on Peter's door. Peter got up and saw the light of the fire. Wolf said to him, "See the light? It's dawn. Time to go. See the light?"

[illustration - See the light? It's dawn!]

"Uncle Wolf," said Peter, "I don't know what to do with you. Here you are setting fire to your house. Now you will have to live on the street. Well, let's go."

They went to the house of Aunt Goose. On the way Peter said to his uncle, "Uncle Wolf, if Aunt Goose catches us, she will kill us. We must work quickly. Eat only one egg to every fifty you put in your bag."

"All right, Nephew," said Wolf. But to every fifty eggs Wolf ate, he put only one in his bag. Peter put into his bag one hundred eggs to' every one he ate.

"Time to leave, Uncle Wolf," said Peter.

"I have still an empty place in my stomach,"

said Wolf. "I have still to eat for my grandmother and for my mother and for my father and for my wife and for my children."

But Peter would not wait. "I am going, Uncle." he said. "When you are ready to come out say 'Cushac! Cushac!' for the door to open, and when you are outside say 'Cubic! Cubic!' for the door to close."

"All right," said Wolf, and he went on eating. After he finished eating all he could and wanted to leave he called out, "Cubic! Cubic!" The door shut tight. "Cubic! Cubic!" he shouted. The door shut tighter. "Cubic! Cubic! Cubic!!!" The more he shouted, the tighter it closed.

Aunt Goose was coming. Away on a little hill stood Peter. He saw her and sang: "Little stick, little stick,

Are you going to beat Sir Wolf?

Aunt Goose comes from gathering wood." Inside the door, Wolf heard Peter singing and sang back :

"Nephew, my nephew,

You are a sly one!

Into someone's house you bring me to feed, When you know I am unlucky.

Cubic! Cubic!"

Outside Aunt Goose sang:

"Wan! Wan! Dew falls, sun shines, And I am coming."

Peter sang again : "Little stick, little stick, Are you going to beat Sir Wolf? Aunt Goose comes from gathering wool."

Now Aunt Goose came up to her door with her bundle of wood. She put it down and said, "Cushac! Cushac!" The door started to open. when from inside Wolf called, "Cubic! Cubic!" and it closed again. Again Goose said. "Cushac Cushac!"—"Cubic! Cubic!" said Wolf. Goose sat down before the door. "Door," she said. "why don't you open? Other days you open when I say, Cushac Cushac!" The door flew open.

Wolf ran under the bed. Then Aunt Goose made herself some coffee. She drank it and lay down to rest, She belched.

"You pig!" exclaimed Wolf under the bed.

Aunt Goose looked around everywhere. She couldn't see anybody. She went back to bed. She belched again.

"You dirty pig. Don't you see a man is under the bed?" called out Wolf.


This time she saw him. She dashed at him. He jumped out and caught hold of the roof truss. "Come down so I can kill you," said Goose. But Wolf held on until he grew tired.

"I'm tired hanging here, Aunt Goose," he said.

"If you're tired hanging by your hands, hang by your feet," she said.

"I'm tired hanging by my feet," Wolf called out again.

"If you're tired hanging by your feet. hang by your belly," said Goose. Wolf let go with his feet. He fell into a pile of ashes by the fireplace and was lost to sight.

Just then Peter passed by. "Peter ! Oh Peter: Come in here." said Goose. "Your uncle was here, but now I can't see where he is. He fell down. He must be dead."

Peter called out, "Our yellow race never dies without belching."

Wolf heard him. He belched. The ashes scattered and there was Wolf in full sight. Aunt Goose began to beat him. She beat him almost to death.

[illustration - Aunt Goose beat him]

THERE was a Goat that had three kids, named Melo, Maria, Sane. She raised them in a house she could lock up, and every day she would come in from the fields to suckle them. She sang:

"Melo, Maria, Sane,

Open the door for me to suckle you."

One day Wolf heard this song and while Goat was away, he came to the door and sang in a gruff voice:

"Melo, Maria, Sane,

Open the door for me to suckle you."

"Oh, Sir Wolf ! We're not going to open to you," cried the kids. "You're not going to get us to eat."

So Wolf went to the doctor to ask him how he could make his voice soft like a goat's. "Get a woolen blanket, a pot of water, and a bundle of wood," said the doctor, "Make a fire and heat the water. Jump into the pot and tell your nephew to cover it with the blanket. In this way your voice will become soft." Wolf [illustration - Get in, said the doctor] did this and stayed three days in the pot. Then he went to Goat's house and sang:

"Melo, Maria, Sane,

Open the door for me to suckle you." They opened the door, and he swallowed them down, all three of them.

Then he went to the well for a drink. "Sir Wolf," the Well asked, "what have you eaten to make you so thirsty?"

"I have eaten goose-eggs." answered Wolf. Mistress Goat was going along, crying for her children. She met a Donkey. Donkey said to her, "Mistress Goat, how is it that every day I meet you singing and dancing, but today you are in tears?"

"I have reason to cry, Sir Donkey; Wolf has eaten up my three kids."

"Come along with me," said Donkey. "I'll turn Wolf over to you."

When Wolf saw Donkey coming towards him he said. "Come here, Donkey old boy. You're the very fellow I am looking for to eat." Donkey ran away.

Goat met an Ox. Ox said to her. "Mistress Goat, how is it that every day I meet you singing and dancing, but today you are in tears?"

"I have reason to cry, Sir Ox ; Wolf has eaten up my three kids."

"Come along with me," said Ox. "I'll turn Wolf over to you."

When Wolf saw Ox coming towards him he said, "Come here. Big-neck. You're the very fellow whose blood I want to drink."


Ox ran away.

"Not until you let out all the kids," said Ant.

Goat met a Horse. Horse said to her, "Mistress Goat, how is it that every day I meet you ringing and dancing, but today you are in tears?" Wolf let out the last kid. Goat took the three kids and went off to the fields.

"I have reason to cry, Sir Horse; Wolf has eaten up my three kids." From this, you see that you must not disparage anyone because he is little, for Ant, little though she was, gave back to Goat her three kids.

"Come along with me." said Horse. "I'll turn Wolf over to you."

When Wolf saw Horse coming towards him. he said, "Come here, Horse, old fellow. You're [illustration - I have reason to cry] the very one I want to wrestle with." Horse made towards Wold, but as soon as Wolf came on, too, Horse Kicked up his heels and ran away.

Goat met an Ant. Ant said to her, "Mistress Goat, how is it that every day I meet you singing and dancing, but today you are in tears?"

"I have reason to cry, Mistress Ant; Wolf has eaten up my three kids."

"Come along with me," said Ant. "I'll turn Wolf over to you."

"I don't think you can turn Wolf over to me," raid Goat. "Big fellows like Donkey, Ox and Horse couldn't, how can a little creature like you?" Ant sang:

"I am a little Ant.

Smoke doesn't blacken me,

Sun doesn't burn."

She went on up to Wolf and Wolf swallowed her. Then she bit into Wolf's guts. Wolf cried. "Ant, let me alone!".

"I won't let you alone until you let out the three children of Mistress Goat."

Wolf let out one. "That's all," he said. "Mistress Ant, I have three children," said Goat.

Ant bit Wolf again. Wolf said, "Ant, do let me alone!"

"Not until you let out all the kids," said Ant. Wolf let out the last kid. Goat took the three kids and went off to the fields.

From this, you see that you must not disparage anyone because he is little, for Ant, little though she was, gave back to goat her three kids.

WOLF and Peter, his nephew, went into the country and stole a pig. They took it to a cave and made a fire and put on the pot. Wolf was sitting on one side of the fire, and Peter on the other. When the pig was almost cooked, Peter took a little stone and threw it up to the roof of the cave. As the stone was falling down he said, "Look, Uncle Wolf, look! The cave is falling down on us. Get up and hold it up." While Wolf went to hold up the cave, Peter took the pot outside and ate up all the food. He went away, leaving Wolf holding up the cave.

For three days Wolf stood there holding the cave up, then he jumped aside and fell and cut his head. He went home and asked his wife if she had seen Peter.

She said, "No, I haven't seen Peter. You better leave that boy alone and stay home. He'll kill you yet."

"I'm the one who's going to kill him! Isn't he my nephew?"

Next day Peter smeared his head with molasses and went to see his uncle. When he came in he said, "Mistress Isabel, where's Uncle Wolf ?" Wolf was hidden under the bed. He wanted to catch Peter. As Peter took off his hat, Isabel saw the molasses and thought it was blood, so she screamed.

Wolf came out from under the bed. He cried out, "Oh, Peter, my nephew! Who has done this to you?"

Peter answered, "Oh that's nothing, my uncle. I told a man to hit me on the head with his axe, and that came out."

Wolf touched Peter's head and then he put his fingers in his mouth. My! but it was sweet! "Isabel! Isabel!" he called to his wife. "Get the axe and hit me, too, on the head." She hit him and drew blood. He cried, "Hit me again, hit me again! It isn't sweet yet. Hit me again!!" She almost split his head in two. Then she had to go and get herbs to make a plaster to cure it.

After his head was healed, Wolf started out to the beach to find Peter. Peter was a fisherman.
On the beach Wolf began to pick up snails and crabs to eat. A claw stuck in his teeth. Peter was at the other end of the beach when he saw his uncle. He came up to him and said, "Uncle, I'll get that claw out for you." Peter had a needle in his hand.

"No, Nephew, not with that," objected Wolf. "Don't you remember that the shroud of your mother was sewed with a needle?"

Peter got out a pin. "No, Nephew. Don't you remember that pins were used for nails in the coffin of your mother?"

Peter picked up a straw. "No, Nephew. Don't you remember it was a straw that cooked your mother to death? Why don't you take it out with your fingers?"

Peter started to take it out with his fingers and Wolf snapped his teeth on his fingers and bit a piece out.

"Nephew, you are a smart fellow, but I am smarter than you. Remember I am your uncle."

Peter said, "Uncle Wolf, I came to tell you where you could get something good to eat. Now you've bitten a piece out of my finger, I won't tell you."

"Oh, Nephew, do tell me. I'll put the piece back on your finger, even if I have to take a piece out of my own finger."

"Well, Uncle Wolf, I'll take you there," said Peter, "but you've got to learn the rule."

It was a fig-tree. You could not reach the tree, it was too high up. You had to say, "Come down! Come down ! Come down!" and the tree would come down, and you could climb on it and say, "Go up! Go up! Go up!" and it would go up as far as you wished. Then you said, "Stop!" When you got enough to eat you would say, "Come down ! Come down! Come down!" and it would come down.

Wolf said to the tree, "Come down! Come down! Come down!" and the tree came down and he climbed on it and said: "Go up! Go up! Go up!" He said, "Stop." and he began to eat. He ate so much that he forgot the rule and when he wanted to come down he said, "Go up! Go up! Go up!" and the tree kept going up. It went all the way up to Heaven.

When Wolf got there God said to him, "What are you doing here? How are you going to get down again?"

"I don't know," said Wolf.

"Well, take this piece of leather," said God, "go to the river and wash it and bring it back to me. I'll make a drum for you. and I'll tie a string on you and let you down. When you reach the bottom, play your drum and I'll know you're there and cut the string."

When Wolf went to wash the leather, he was so hungry that he ate it. When he came back he told God the current had carried away the leather while he was washing it. God gave him another piece of leather. He was still hungry and he ate it and told God again that the current had washed it away. God gave him another piece of leather and this time God sent Saint Peter along with him to watch him and see if he was telling the truth. Every time Wolf started to carry the leather to his mouth, Saint Peter said, "Pst! What are you doing?"

"Oh! I ain't eating it, I'm just smelling it," said Wolf.

[illustration - I'm just smelling it]

God made him the drum and tied him to a string. "When you get down, play the drum and I'll cut the string," said God.

On the way down Wolf saw a Bluejay. He called out, "Eh there. Bluejay! Give me a piece of your meat." (Bluejay has a red mouth and it. looks like meat.)

Bluejay said, "Play your drum for me, and I'll give you a piece."

Wolf was hungry, so he began to play his drum. He played "St. John of God" in double quick time. God heard him playing and cut the string. As Wolf was tumbling down over and over, he kept hollering to Peter, "Nephew! Oh. Nephew! Put some mattresses and straw down for me to fall on." Bluejay laughed at him and flew away, and when Peter heard him he took all his knives and forks and razors and pins and all the sharp things he could find and put them there for his uncle to fall on.

THERE was a famine in the land and people were looking about for something to eat.


The day Wolf reached the king's house, the king was marrying off his daughter. For three days Sir Wolf had had nothing to eat. At the king's house he started to cry. The king said to him, "What is the matter with you?"

He said, "I'm not crying for myself. I'm crying because your daughter is going to ride to her wedding on an old pack saddle, just a straw saddle, and I who know how to make leather saddles—"

"Good!" said the king. "I'll put off the day of the wedding, and I'll give you a week to make saddles for us all to ride on to the wedding. Go into my store-house and make up all the skin which is there into saddles."

Wolf said, All right ! I'll make it all up in a week." Every day for a week they passed food and water in through the window of the storehouse for Wolf. He ate up the food and drank the water, three buckets each day, and each day he ate up a skin. On the seventh day, when the king went into the store-house, he found only a cow's tail.

The king invited Peter to the wedding, to be the best man. He knew Peter would invite his uncle to go with him, and in this way he could catch Wolf and give him a beating. Peter did invite Wolf. "There is no one to go with me but you, Uncle Wolf. You are my uncle."

But Wolf said, "I can't go. I stole all his skins from the king. I ate them up. I'm not going to his house."

Peter said, "You better go. The king is a rich man. He won't bother about the skins. He's forgotten all about it."

"Well, I'll go with you," said Wolf, "but I'll have to go as your horse, so the king won't know me. The only thing I ask of you is not to forget me when you get there—send me out a bucket of bones."

Peter agreed and started to put a saddle on his uncle.

"Don't put that on me, I don't like it!" shouted Wolf.

"But every one has a saddle on his horse. If I don't put one on you, the king will know it's you." After Peter put the saddle on. he started to put the bridle in Wolf's mouth.

"Don't put that thing in my mouth! I can't eat with that thing in my mouth!"

"But I'll take it off when we get there."

"All right, but be sure you take it off."

Then Peter started to fasten on his spurs.

"But you will rip me up. I won't be able to hold my food," grumbled Wolf.

"I won't touch you with my spurs. Everybody wears spurs. If I don't, it will look queer."

[illustration - Wolf was a good runner]

"All right, put them on. but if you use them to me, I'll kill you when we get back home."

Wolf was a good runner. When Peter dug the spurs into him he ran so fast that in fifteen minutes he was at the king's house. Peter tied him to the foot of a tree at the street door. The other guests arrived, and Wolf pawed the ground to make them think he was a horse. Then the servants began to pass by with food. Wolf begged, "Give me something to eat! Oh! do give me something to eat!"

The servants said "What's that? If that isn't a horse talking! We are going to tell the king."

"No, no, don't say anything, don't mention it!" cried Wolf. But they went and told the king. The king loaded his gun and shot at Wolf. He hit him in the eye. Before he could shoot again, Wolf pulled back on the rope and broke it and ran away.

After the wedding the king gave Peter twenty cows. Peter took them out to pasture and within six months he had thirty head. As his pasturage was too small. he moved to another place. It was just where Wolf happened to he. When Peter saw his uncle he called out. "Uncle Wolf, I've been looking for you. Here are the cattle the king has sent you. That shot was not aimed at you. They were just shooting a gun off for the wedding."

"Very well," said Wolf, "I accept the cows and I'll make you my cowherd. I'll give you one cow out of every thirty to milk for yourself."


But Wolf was so greedy that he had milked all his twenty-nine cows before Peter began to milk his one cow. So Wolf began to beg him, "My nephew, give me that cow of yours to milk today and tomorrow I'll give you two cows."

Peter was afraid of Wolf, so he gave him back the cow. Next day Wolf gave Peter two black cows; but before Peter began to milk, Wolf had finished milking his cows and he said, "My nephew, give me those black cows because black cow milk is very sweet; tomorrow I'll give you three cows."

Next day Wolf gave Peter three white cows: but before Peter began to milk them Wolf had finished milking his cows and said. "My nephew, give me those white cows, because white cow milk is just like cream; tomorrow I'll give you four cows."

Peter said, "For three days I have had nothing to eat. I'm hungry. I won't give them to you."

Wolf said, "All the cows are mine anyhow," and he began to beat Peter.

Peter ran away to a hill and Wolf began to milk the white cows. There on the hill Peter 'yelled out, "If you are looking for that blind horse, you'll find him down there in the ravine milking a white cow, one of the cows you sent him."

Wolf stopped milking. He looked up. He called out to Peter, "Is it that king asking for me?"

Peter did not answer but yelled again, "Run, run, if you want to catch him. He's a good runner. If you don't run fast you won't catch him!"

Wolf left the cow and started to run. Peter yelled again, "Better run fast after Wolf ! If he gets to the sea down there, you'll lose him! He's a good swimmer. You won't be able to catch him in the sea, he's too good a swimmer." Wolf ran down to the beach. He was not able to swim, but he heard what Peter said, and so he believed that he could swim and he jumped into the sea and was drowned. Peter came down from the hill and took the cows and enjoyed his life without his uncle.

Yesterday I came from there and left Peter having the happiest time in the world.

Little shoes run up the hill and down.
Bee kidney, mosquito liver,
Who runs the quickest can have it.
Who can tell a better one, tell it.

Babes' Sleepland


CAN'T you hear the bells a-ringing?
Can't you hear the birds a-singing?
Can't you see the Sandman bringing
Sand o' sleep to close your eyes?
Can't you hear the echoes swelling
With the song that's ever telling
Babes that there's a place o' dwelling
For them far beyond the sky?
Don't you want to make a visit
To this land that's so exquisite?
Surely you don't want to miss it,
For 'tis such a rare, rare treat.
Don't you want to feel my kisses,
In this land where naught but bliss is;
Land o' baby lads and misses,—
In this land o' pleasant sleep?
Can't you take me with you there,
Where all is pure and sweet and fair ;
Where rarest perfumes fill the air—
Oh, can't you take me, little lady?
Take me with you for a while,
Let me see your Sleepland smile,
Lead me by the brooklets mild,
Down the straight lanes shady.
I was there once on a time,
Sharing all its joys sublime;
But that necromancer—Time—
Bid me long ago, "Adieu".
Now as I see you gently creeping
Into realms o' babehood's sleeping,
I would like to take a peep in
This fair land with you.


Little People of the Month

IT happened in Washington, D. C. The occasion was the "Convention for Amity Between the White and Colored Races."

Upon the scene comes Lenoir Cook, singing "Mammy."

The Daily Star says: "A young white woman walked up to a group centered around the youngster. She delved nervously into a silver handbag which she carried, took something out and handed it to the boy. In the boy's hand was a handsome diamond in a beautiful setting of platinum. Then every one present sought to learn the identity of the generous stranger. But this she had successfully concealed. As sung by the colored youth, the song had apparently touched a tender spot in the heart of the woman."

Will Marion Cook, Lenoir's uncle, composed the music to "Mammy," the words of which were written by Lester A. Walton.

Lenoir completed the eighth grade at the Lucretia Mott School in June of this year. His final marks were "excellent" in every subject save one, and "good" in that. He was selected as the leading character in a drama, "The Oak of Geismar," given by the pupils and was the Class Day orator.

THE group of little Brownies are children of Los Angeles, Cal. At the fashion show, given by the Phip-Art-Lit-Mo Club, they were kewpies and vampires!

[illustration - Kewpies and Vampires!]
[illustration - Lenoir Cook Ruth Marie Thomas Marguerite Jackson Lingham Kermit A. Brunner Mabel Agenor]

KERMIT E. BRUNNER won the State Gold medal in the Declamatory Contest among the Colored High Schools of Maryland. His subject was The Fourth of July Address of Frederick Douglass." A silver cup is being made by the State Department of Education for presentation to the Frederick Colored High School, where Kermit is a student. Professor Maurice E. Reid, a graduate of Howard University, Washington, D. C., is principal of the school. This Brownie, who is thirteen, is the youngest student in the school, and he was the youngest speaker at the contest. He was only twelve years of age when he enrolled in High School.

Kermit's father, Mr. John W. Brunner, has been County Supervisor of Colored Schools in Frederick County, Maryland, for ten years, and his mother, Mrs. Jeannette C. Brunner, has been a teacher in the North Frederick Public School for eight years. Kermit's aim is to become a lawyer.

IN 1917 Ruth Marie Thomas was graduated from Public School No. 119, in New York City, as salutatorian of her class. Last June she was graduated from Wadleigh High School where her name appeared on both the Junior and the Senior Honor Rolls, which was a recognition of fine scholarship. During her senior year she was admitted into the Arista, an honorary society existing in New York High Schools for scholarship and fine ideals of character.

Miss Thomas hopes to become a high school teacher.

DURING her course at the Technical High School, Providence, Rhode Island, Marguerite Jackson Lingham averaged 90 percent and over in all of her subjects. Having made such a high record during the preceding three years, in the fourth year she was permitted to apply for one of the ten scholarships given each year by Brown University.

The University gave nine $50 and one $100 scholarships. Of those who applied, Miss Lingham was considered to be most worthy of the $100 award.

Miss Lingham, who is eighteen years old, will enter the Women's College of Brown University and specialize in French, Spanish and Latin.

MABEL AGENOR is a Brownie of our Southland, for she lives in New Orleans. She is very much devoted to her home, but there is also another place that claims her affection—the St. Louis School, where she is a pupil. Mabel has always been among the best students in her class, so no one was surprised when she won the prize at the end of the school year for having attained the highest average in the sixth grade. Mabel's average in arithmetic was 98 percent; in geography, 95 percent; in English, 95 percent.


The Story of a Puppet

HOW many Brownies have read this delightful fairy tale?

Pinocchio, a puppet, gets into such funny difficulties. He means well, but just the same, he is a naughty puppet. Then we read:

One morning he said to his father: "I am going to the neighboring market to buy myself a jacket, a cap, and a pair of shoes. When I return," he added, laughingly, "I shall be so well dressed that you will take me for a fine gentleman."

And, leaving the house, he began to run merrily and happily along. All at once he heard himself called by name, and turning round he saw a big Snail crawling out from the hedge.

"Do you not know me?" asked the Snail.

"It seems to me. . . . and yet I am not sure. . . ."

"Do you not remember the Snail who was
lady's maid to the Fairy with the blue hair? Do you not remember the time when I came downstairs to let you in, and you were caught by your foot, which you had stuck through the house door?"

"I remember it all!" shouted Pinocchio. "Tell me quickly, my beautiful little Snail, where have you left my good Fairy? What is she doing? Has she forgiven me? Does she still remember me? Does she still wish me well? Is she far from here? Can I go and see her?"

To all these rapid, breathless questions the Snail replied in her usual phlegmatic manner: "My dear Pinocchio, the poor Fairy is lying in bed at the hospital!"

"At the hospital?"

"It is only too true. Overtaken by a thousand misfortunes she has fallen seriously ill, and she has not even enough to buy herself a mouthful of bread."

"Is it really so? . . . Oh, what sorrow you have given me! Oh, poor Fairy! poor Fairy! poor Fairy! . . . If I had a million I would run and carry it to her . . . but I have only forty pence . . . here they are; I was going to buy a new coat. Take them, Snail, and carry them at once to my good Fairy."

Whilst he slept he thought he saw the Fairy smiling and beautiful, who, after having kissed him, said to him: 'Well done, Pinocchio!. To reward you for your good heart, I will forgive you all that is past."

At this moment his dream ended, and Pinocchio opened his eyes and awoke.

But imagine his astonishment when upon awakening he discovered that he was no longer a wooden puppet, but that he had become instead a boy, like all other boys.

"Satisfy my curiosity! dear Papa," said Pinocchio, throwing his arms around his neck and covering him with kisses; "how can this sudden change be accounted for?"

If you, too, are curious, you can get "Pinocchio" at the Public Library and read all about this little puppet. The Collodi edition has colored illustrations, some of which are: "The donkey threw the poor puppet into the middle of the road"; "The doctors came immediately—a Crow, an Owl, and a Talking— Cricket"; "The green fisherman plunged him alive five or six times in the flour."

And won't you please write and tell us how much you liked "Pinocchio"?



It has not been many years ago since I was a child and delighted to spend the after-school hours and holidays with the other children of the neighborhood playing "rings." And yet, within that short time, childhood games have seen a change. Many of the games I used to play either are not played by my little brothers and sisters, or have been "modernized" by them. After all, childhood games are like folk-songs. They are handed down from generation to generation. They undergo a change each time they are passed on to a new generation.

I have compiled some of the popular "ring" games I used to play. Many of these games are still played in the streets, in the school-yards, at the play-grounds. Perhaps you little Brownies will delight in staging a revival of old games.



1. Walter, Walter, wild flower,
Growing up so high ;
All the nice young ladies
Are expecting him to die,
2. Except Miss⎯
She is the wildest flower ;
Wild flower. wild flower,
Turn your back and tell your beau's name.
3. Mr.⎯ is a nice young man,
He comes to the door with his hat in his hand;
He asks is Miss⎯ in,
Tomorrow, tomorrow the wedding will begin.
4. Doctor, doctor, can you tell
What will make poor⎯ well;
He is sick and going to die,
That will make poor⎯ Cry.

The group form a ring, joining hands and moving round in a circle, and sing the first stanza. One of the group is named in the second stanza. During the singing of the last line of the second stanza, the one named turns her back, joining hands with the girls on her left and right, and remains in the ring, moving around with her back to the center of the ring. In the third verse, the girl's beau is named in the first line, and her name is sung in the third line. In the fourth verse the boy's name is used in the second line, the girl's name being used in the last line. The game continues from the beginning.


Go in and out the window,
Go in and out the window,
Go in and out the window,
For we are all so gay.


Go kneel before your lover,
Go kneel before your lover,
Go kneel before your lover,
For we are all so gay.


I kneel because I love you,
I kneel because I love you,
I kneel because I love you,
For I am young and gay.


I stand because I hate you,
I stand because I hate you,
I stand because I hate you,
For I am young and gay.

The players stand in a ring, an arm's length apart. A leader is outside the ring. During the singing of the first stanza, the leader walks in and out of the space between each girl. She stands before one of the group during the singing of the second stanza. The leader sings the third and fourth stanzas. At the word "kneel" the leader kneels. At the word "stand" she stands with her back to the one chosen. The game then starts from the beginning, the one chosen being the leader.


Here comes a duke a-riding,
Riding, riding;
Here comes a duke a-riding,
So ransom, tansom, titty mo tee,
Ransom, tansom, tay.


And what are you riding here for?
Here for, here for?
And what are you riding here for?
So ransom, tansom, titty mo tee,
Ransom, tansom, tay.



I'm riding here to get married,
Married, married;
I'm riding here to get married,
So ransom, tansom, titty mo tee,
Ransom, tansom, tay.


And who do you think will have you?
Have you, have you?
And who do you think will have you?
So ransom, tansom, titty mo tee,
Ransom, tansom, tay.


I think Miss⎯ will have me,
Have me, have me;
I think Miss⎯ will have me,
So ransom, tansom, titty mo tee,
Ransom, tansom, tay.

The players stand in a horizontal line. A leader stands in front and continues to walk up to the group and away, while they sing the first and second stanzas.

The leader then answers, singing the third stanza: The group sing the fourth stanza. The leader sings the fifth stanza, naming someone as a partner.

The one named is chased around the group by the leader. If the one chased is caught before she can return to her position in the line, she then joins the leader's side, and they both continue the game from the beginning, singing, of course, "Here Comes Two Dukes," "Three Dukes," etc., as the number of dukes increases.

If the first duke does not succeed in catching the first partner named, he continues the game alone, naming another partner, and so on until he has added another to his side.


Hidden Negro Notables: 1. Allen. 2. Work. 2. Young. 4. Small. 5. Fortune. 6. Price. 7. Noble. 8. Attucks. 9. Revels. 10. Gans.

Printers' Pi :—

Winter Sweetness

The little house is sugar,
Its roof with snow is piled,
And from its tiny window,
Peeps a maple-sugar child.
—From Brownies' Book, Jan., 1921.

Letter-words : 1. BM (beam). 2. MT (empty). 3. PK (pekay). 4. CL (seal). 5. DL (deal). 6. KL (kale). 7. CM (seam). 8. TM (team). 9. BN (bean). 10. EL (eel). 11.CT (city).

Harriet Tubman

Negro History:—

1. First missionary to Liberia.

2. Singer, composer and holder of a Spingarn medal.

3. Author ; editor of the CRISIS.

4. Mutual Savings Bank, Portsmouth, Va.

5. Abysinnia, Liberia. Haiti and Santo Domingo.

6. Talliaferro.

7. September 17, 1861, at Fortress Monroe, Va.

8. Teacher at the above mentioned school.

9. First Negro physician in the United States.

10. Abolitionist.

11. By Columbus in 1492.

12. No. "Blind Tom's" name was Thomas G. Bethune, and the other, John Boone.

Conundrum :—Infant tree. (Infantry.)



"GEE!" thinks Billie, "I wish it was three o'clock."

It is just two o'clock and Billie faces an hour's struggle with English. His rating in this subject is "poor"—and the teacher says "English books," Billie begins to think of marbles, and skates, and kites.

On Saturday afternoon Billie reminds the Brownies of their visit to The Judge. "Ain't you ready, Wilhelmina?" exclaims Billie, in disgust.

"Why is it that you will not speak correctly, Billie?" asks Wilhelmina.

"Aw, you know what I said—so what's the difference, Miss Know-It-All!"

"Wilhelmina is right to correct you, Billie," says William. "'Ain't' is not a proper word to use."

"I'll ask The Judge!"

They journey along in silence. Billie is pouting.

It is a smiling Billie, however, who greets The Judge. When they all are seated, Billie casts a revengeful look at Wilhelmina and William. Then, very proudly, he says, "Mr. Judge, it don't sound—"

"Wait a minute, Billie," interrupts The Judge. "You should have said—tell him, Wilhelmina."

"It doesn't!" exclaims Wilhelmina, with a haughty toss of her head.

"That's correct, Wilhelmina," says The Judge. "Suppose we have a lesson in English?" he suggests.

Wilhelmina and William draw their chairs nearer to The Judge. Billie is trying desperately to interest Billikens in a plot to escape, when the Judge says, "Billie, if your teacher should ask you to supply is or are in the sentence 'two and two,' which word would you use?"

Billie moves around uneasily: then he says: "Two and two is four."

"Two and two are four!" chirps in Billikens

"There, Smarty! says William. "And do you know, Mr. Judge—this afternoon Wilhelmina corrected Billie when he used 'ain't.' Billie told her that she knew what he meant, so what difference did it make if he did say 'ain't.'"

The Judge beckons to Billie.

"It makes a world of difference," he says. "I know a boy who goes to school and pays attention to his lessons. He learns, Billie-boy. He is a cultured lad, with a bright future." He pauses. "Do you know the other boy, Billie?"

"Yes, Mr. Judge," answers the guilty Billie, "but from now on, I'm going to pay attention to my lessons and be a cultured boy, too!"

The Judge extends his hand, which Billie shakes heartily.

"And what you have said, Mr. Judge," says Wilhelmina, "applies to girls, too. Doesn't it?"

"Of course," says The Judge, with a smile. "And now, shall we have some ice cream?"

The Judge and his guests, seated around the table, have a delightful time.

"Mr. Judge," says Wilhelmina off departing, "I wish you would suggest something for us to think of when we don't want to go to school, and study, study, study!"

"Let me see," The Judge says thoughtfully. "I know a proverb," he adds.

"All right," answer the Brownies with enthusiasm. "Wilhelmina," says William, "you write it so that we can memorize it."

The Judge continues, slowly—"'It was a saying of his, that education was an ornament in prosperity and a refuge in adversity.' "

Wilhelmina repeats the words solemnly.

Billie, who is showing his gratitude, exclaims, "Dear Mr. Judge, that's an easy one to learn!"

"Yes," joins in William," but do you know what it means?"

"I can say it," Billie answers in a challenging tone.

"But you and Billikens," The Judge adds, "should ask Mother to explain the proverb to you."

[illustration - OUR LITTLE FRIENDS]
[illustration - AS THE CROW FLIES]


HOW wonderful it is to be a Crow! But how much more wonderful it is to be a little Brownie! And may I take you on a flying trip, Brownie-dear? There are so many things of interest across the sea. Caw! Caw! Caw!

  • The unveiling of Lorraine's monument to the American Expeditionary Forces has been held in Fliery, France. Representatives of the American Legion witnessed the ceremony.
  • Emir Feisal, son of the King of the Hejaz, has become King of the Irak region. This is the new Arab State of Mesopotamia.
  • Demetrios Rhallys is dead in Athens. He was a former Premier of Greece.
  • Angora, the Turkish nationalist capital, has fallen to the Greek army.
  • The second assembly of the League of Nations has opened in Geneva. Forty-eight nations are represented.
  • Mathias Erzberger has been assassinated in Germany. He was formerly Vice-Chancellor and Minister of Finance.
  • Six hundred tons of rice and sugar have reached Russia for the starving children of Moscow, and 165 tons of food have been sent from the United States. Colonel Edward W. Ryan, American Red Cross Commissioner in the Baltic, reports that relief for Russia will cost $1,000,000 a day, and that 2,000,000 people will die in spite of all the help the world can give.
  • In Petrograd, eight Russian Communist leaders were assassinated during the past two months. On August 24, 61 persons were shot. They had been sentenced to death by the Cheka, or Bolshevik inquisition, for participation in a plot against the Soviet Government.
  • Abd-el-Krin has conceived the idea of forming a new Morrocan empire which will extend further than most of the old Morrocan possessions. Abd-el-Krin is a leader of the Moor-ish troops who are opposing the Spaniards on the Barbary Coast. Spanish artillerymen, however, are shelling Moorish positions near Melilla. The Associated Press says, "The crowded city receives a hail of rifle bullets from hidden marksmen, night after night."
  • President Obregon in his message to Congress, dealing with foreign relations, says that the signing of a treaty with the United States is "neither possible, convenient, nor necessary, and contrary to Mexican constitutional precepts, in that it creates special privileges for Americans." The discovery of a plot to assassinate President Obregon has resulted in the arrest of three Generals in the Mexican Army.
  • British labor leaders are demanding of Premier Lloyd George that he either convene Parliament at once and take steps to relieve the unemployment situation or provide finances to support the idle.
  • The British dirigible R-38, near the end of a 35-hour test flight, collapsed and burned in the vicinity of Hull, England. Forty-two persons, sixteen of whom were Americans, were killed. The flying machine, after the test flight, was to have been turned over to the American Navy as the ZR 2.
  • Rioters in the Malabar districts of British India have looted a treasury of $190,000, freed convicts, and murdered an auto bus crew. The Moplah revolutionists are proclaiming Home Rule. They have hoisted their emblem—a green flag—at Pallipu.
  • Treaties of peace between the United States and Germany and the United States and Austria have been signed in Berlin and Vienna, respectively.
  • The disclosing of trade secrets will be considered "high treason" by the German Government. This is to prevent the secret of German chemical processes from becoming known abroad.
  • The Sinn Feiners, replying to Lloyd George's
    proffer of peace, have rejected the Dominion plan. They offer, however, to meet the Premier again if he will discuss "government by consent of the governed."
  • Sir Sam Hughes, former Canadian Minister of Militia, is dead in Lindsay, Ontario, in his 68th year. He was known as the "father of the Canadian Army."

AND now that we are home again, shall we see what has been going on here? America, you know, is a very important place. Caw! Caw! Caw!

  • After bombing tests against ex-German vessels, the Army and Navy Board has concluded that the battleship is still the greatest factor of naval strength.
  • The Court of Appeals has declared the New York State soldier bonus act as unconstitutional.
  • Major-General Leonard Wood has accepted the post of Governor-General of the Philippines.
  • By winning both the singles and doubles tennis matches against representatives from Japan the United States retains the international Davis Cup for another year.
  • A receivership has been asked for by creditors of the New York Interborough Rapid Transit Company. The indebtedness of the company is upwards of $3,000,000.
  • The American Federation of Labor asserts that the wilful stoppage of production by employers is responsible for the unemployment of 5,500,000 people in the United States. It has called upon the Government to aid the unemployed.
  • Another reduction in wages of mill workers—which brings the pay down to $.30 an hour—is announced by the United States Steel Corporation. The new rate became effective August 29.
  • Striking coal miners in West Virginia in their revolt against the operators have given up their fight. Two thousand Federal troops have taken charge.
  • Secretary of State Hughes has sent identical notes to Great Britain, France, Japan and Italy on the subject of mandates. The American policy of open door, with equal policy for all the Allies in surrendered territory, is repeated.
  • Director of the Budget Dawes has created the office of Surveyor-General of Real Estate. The duty of the surveyor will be to make economical use of land owned and leased by the Government.
  • According to the Department of Labor, retail food prices increased 2.7 per cent in July over June; wholesale foodstuffs, 1.5 per cent; wholesale farm products, 1.75 per cent.
  • The Rockefeller Foundation has given $1,785,000 to establish a new school of public health at Harvard University. The Laura Spellman Rockefeller Memorial and John D. Rockefeller, Jr., have pledged $750,000 and $250,000, respectively, toward the Y. M. C. A. retirement fund, provided the remainder of $4,000,000 is pledged by December 31, 1922.
  • >Railroad labor leaders have voted to distribute strike ballots to the 409,000 members of the Big Four Brotherhood and Switchmen's Union. Low wages and poor working conditions are the reasons for this action.
  • President Harding has signed a bill which appropriates $48,500,000 for the expenses of the Shipping Board to January 1 of next year, and $200,000 for expenses of the Disarmament Conference.
  • Dry leaders, in an effort to drive the anti- beer bill through the Senate prior to the recess of Congress, were defeated.
  • American troops now in Germany are to be brought home within a fairly short period.
  • William J. Burns of New York has been appointed Director of the Bureau of Investigation of the Department of Justice. He succeeds William J. Flynn.
  • The second Pan-African Congress has convened in Paris, Brussels and London, with Dr. W. E. B. DuBois, of New York, as secretary. Thirty Negroes from America were in attendance. Resolutions for the uplift of the darker races were adopted.
  • The Ku Klux Klan, a heinous organization of Reconstruction days, is being revived. The New York World and other papers have begun an exposé, and the Klan is now to be investigated by Federal authorities.
  • The American Bar Association has passed a resolution "unqualifiedly condemning" Federal Judge Kenesaw M. Landis, of Chicago, for accepting private employment and compensation while active on the Federal bench. He was national arbiter of baseball.

[illustration - THE JURY]


I WISH to let you know how much I enjoy reading THE BROWNIES' BOOK every month.

Last month about 60,000 school children in this city were formed into a large wheel. We sang several beautiful songs to President and Mrs. Harding, who were also presented with thousands of lovely flowers by us.

[illustration - Evelyn Washington]

I was the only child, in this large group of singers, with whom Mrs. Harding shook hands. Don't you think I ought to be proud or this honor? Indeed I am! The enclosed picture of me was taken a few months ago.

I am eight years old, and in Grade 4A.


THIS is the loveliest place! Just try to picture a great big nine-room country house up on a hill, with a front lawn filled with flowers. There's a great big back porch, with the kitchen off one end of it. In back of our house, in the yard, is a four-room house where the man who helps to take care of the place lives. Then there are the chicken-house, the barn, the ice-house, the hog-pen, the smoke-house, the carriage-house, the corn-house, and the cowbarn—and everything is white. A white rail fence is all around the house. A little ways off from the house is the cemetery. It's a big square plot with a fancy iron fence around it.

I almost forgot to tell you about the well, out in the yard. It is over fifty feet deep and the water is so nice and cold.

For dinner yesterday we had fried chicken, cabbage, beets, potatoes, ham, buttermilk and cake. And the table we ate on is of mahogany, over a hundred years old. It belonged to the Honorable William Jones from whom John Paul Jones took his name. This wonderful old house was at one time the big house owned by wealthy slave-owners. The parlor is furnished with beautiful old mahogany furniture handsomely carved. It has a big fire-place, with brass fenders and andirons.

I have a feather bed with a spread on it that my great grandmother wove. I just sink down in the feathers, and oh! how I sleep!

Farmville, Virginia.

I HAVE been reading THE BROWNIES' BOOK for almost a year now. My father gave it to me for a Christmas present, and I certainly have enjoyed every copy. I am very fond of English composition and I think I would like to write when I get big. I liked the Education Number very much, and I am very anxious to graduate from High School, so I can send you my picture. My father graduated from Fisk University and I want to go there some day. My mother told me that Dr. DuBois finished there, so I thought I'd mention it. I have a little sister and I always show her the pictures in THE BROWNIES' BOOK. She likes it as much as I do.

Salt Lake City, Utah.


OH, mother! Uncle Jack gave me a quarter and told me that I could buy anything I wanted to with it. Please, mother, you say yes." And Esther jumped up and down for joy.

Her mother looked at the shiny, new quarter and smiled as she said : "I believe I will let you do anything you like with it this once. Uncle Jack is entirely too generous, but I trust that you will not abuse his gift."

Esther flew to get her hat, scarcely heeding her mother's last words. But on the way to the grocery store, where they sold candy also, she remembered them. "Abuse Uncle Jack's present! How silly ! I couldn't do that, for I am going to have the grandest time!" And she skipped along, humming a little tune to herself.

The store was not far away and soon she was standing on tip-toe, peering into the glass case that held the long-coveted goodies. The man behind the counter smiled jovially as he asked :

"Well, what can I do for you, little lady?"

Esther smiled back and pointed her finger at some pink and white bananas, that were her favorites. "I'll take two pink and two white, please sir, and a chocolate mouse and some peppermint canes and three cocoanut balls and— and—"

"See here, young lady, are you going to buy me out?" asked the clerk, laughing as he slipped the candy into a large paper bag.

Esther laughed, too. "Oh, I forgot. I didn't want to spend but fifteen cents. How much is there?"

"We'll let this go at fifteen. I guess you're going to have a party."

Esther blushed, for it was to be a party for one, and the man's words suddenly made her feel selfish. But with the precious bag in one hand and the ten cents in the other, her spirit revived and she hurried on her way. She slackened her steps to take a peep into the bag. Ah, that chocolate mouse did look good. Esther shut her pearly teeth over him and off came his head! My, he was good! Next she ate a white banana; then a pink one ; then a cocoanut ball.

She had reached the bakery shop by now and she stopped to wipe her sticky fingers on a wee handkerchief. Then she caught sight of that wonderful window, full of tempting cakes. Such gorgeous charlotte russes! She must have one. But perhaps they cost more than ten cents. She opened the door of the shop and inquired the price of a pleasant-looking woman.

"Ten cents, little girl, and you can tell your Ma that they are absolutely fresh."

Ten cents! That was just what she had left. She had intended buying a toy for her baby brother, but she hastily decided to give him the remaining banana.

"I'll take one with the strawberry-colored cream," she said, and her eyes opened wide at the sight of the marvelous cake that was to be hers. "You needn't wrap it up, 'cause I'm going to eat it quick!';

Outside, once more she started for home. She turned the beautiful charlotte russe round and round. Where should she begin? The cream had been swirled on top, ending in a point. She ate the point first ; then the rest was easy. But such a funny little face as she had! There was a dab of pink cream on her nose, another on her chin, and one on each cheek. It was just the best cake she had ever eaten. By the time she reached home, and she walked very slowly, every bit of the beautiful pink thing was gone and the bag of candy was empty!

Her mother was busy in the kitchen and did not ask any questions. Esther played with her dolls a while, but she didn't feel just right somehow, and finally lay down in the hammock.

"Esther, dear, it is lunch time," said her mother.

"I'm not hungry, mother. I'd rather stay here."

Her mother glanced at the tell-tale face and wisely left her alone.

About two o'clock she came out again and said : "It is time you were getting ready for Irene's party, dear. Had you forgotten it?"

"I—I don't want any party," wailed Esther. "Something's wrong inside of me."

A little later the strangest thing happened. The pink and ..white bananas, the chocolate


mouse, the cocoanut balls, and the gorgeous charlotte russe, all tumbled out of Esther's tired little stomach into the basin that mother brought!

"Oh, oh!" moaned the little girl.

Then she went to sleep and, when she awoke, Irene's party was all over.

"Mother," said Esther, putting her arms about her mother's neck, "I guess I did abuse Uncle Jack's present. And I was awful selfish, too. I ate everything myself. But I guess Irene's party was a big price to pay for it. Please, mother, you tell me how to use presents after this."


DID you ever hear about my Uncle Jim? Well he was just the best man, and he knew the best stories you ever heard. At night in the wintertime, when the wind whistled through the garret and made the fire first red, then blue—Uncle Jim gathered us children around the fire and told us those wonderful stories.

One night Dot begged for a really true story, Johnny asked for a bear story, but I wanted to hear about the fairies.

"Tonight is Betty's night," Uncle said, so I curled up on the divan, with both of my ears opened real, real wide. And do you know, he told all about the fairies who made the days, the clouds, and just a host of beautiful things?

That night I dreamed many strange dreams. One especially I remember.

It was morning and I was walking in a beautiful wood. The birds sang sweetly, friendly squirrels and rabbits hopped here and there, and everything and everyone were happy as larks. Then from behind a tree came just the dearest little fairy you ever saw!

"Would you like to take a ride?" she asked, and almost before I knew it I found myself answering, "Yes." And, lo and behold, there appeared a pair of marble steps beside the tree and, not the least bit afraid, I walked, or climbed rather, to the top. But what do you think was up there? The dearest, fluffiest, whitest, little cloud !

"Hop on," the fairy said, "and good-bye, good luck," and with a cheery little smile, she touched the cloud with her wand, sending us high over the treetops and out of view.

On and on we traveled. The sun sank lower and lower, drifting all the while towards a huge mountain. The little cloud went faster and faster. Rivers, cities, lakes and forests fairly flew beneath us. But suddenly that cloud grew black! I gasped and wished fervently that I was home. The air grew warm and stifling! A storm was coming! And we would be right in its midst! Way off I noticed a huge, huge, black something making straight for us. Peering closer, I saw that it was a cloud. I closed my eyes and prayed a tiny prayer. Just then a terrific crash almost deafened me! Thunder ! The other cloud had run into us! A great streak of red ran across the sky, crackling like a whip. Oh, why had I taken that terrible, terrible ride? The rain began to descend in torrents. In a moment my cloud would be gone! I might as well go too, I thought, and so hurled myself from the cloud. Down, down, down I went with the rain. At last I came in sight of our barn. The wind carried me eastward, just missing the weathercock on the barn. I smashed into the chicken coop and, too dazed to move, lay quite still.

Presently I opened my eyes to find myself lying on the floor by my own bedside, with a terrible knot on my forehead. The sun was streaming in and Uncle Jim was calling me to come and go coasting. I stood up and rubbed my head thoughtfully. Gee! Hadn't I had a narrow escape?