Please permit me to call you by the old title by which I have known you so long,
and from my heart to thank you for that most beautiful notice of my Unc' Edinburg which I have just seen. I have
nothing to say of the praise you have bestowed except that it has positively
humbled me. You dont know it, but I know you well. When Uncle Remus first made his appearance, I said, Here he is, and
read him and reread him, laughed over him, cried over him, went back again and
sat in the clearing corner with him, with the flesh creeping on my back and
every nerve and sense tingling and delighted as I used to do when I was a little
boy. I gave him around to my boy friends and now he has given me a new pleasure
that of his recognition and praise. I really do not know how sufficiently to
thank you or to show my appreciation of your kindness. My adminstration and I
may say my affection
have been yours so long—I feel as if I were talking to one of my very own—Not
only Uncle Remus in all of his reminiscences
and experiences, but the Little Squir'l on his way to the Bobby one, the Whip'O
Will who had no peace of mine
, Free Joe, and all your old friends have been mine
too. I hope in no long time we may meet and if it be here in my home in Rich'd
all the better for me.
Again declaring my inability to say how much pleasure your notice has given me I am