The M/s received. think I can do them satisfactory when I can get at them. I am at work
now on some things for Harpers which will take me about a week or 10 days After that I'll
tackle the Uncle Remus. You have delayed sending them somewhat and in the
meantime I have taken other work. I want to do any thing in the way of
illustrating that I am in sympathy with and
I like the Brer Rabbit biz, so if
you wait I'll tackle them.
I find now a very fair market for my paintings at good prices and
they of course pay me far better than any illustrating but
I realize the fact of the audience one gets
the wood engraving and publishers. And I also appreciate your efforts
in the way of putting book illustration up to its present standard. so
I shall always be ready [?]to hear from you and shall
the effort to please you. Even if I do not succeed
During the week I shall seek the haunts of the Guinea Hen and the Rabbit and prepare myself in case you say it wont be too late
possibly run in an illustration during the 10 days—