The Tar Baby and the Tomahawk: Race and Ethnic Images in American Children's Literature, 1880-1939

My dear Mrs. Harris:

It would give me great pleasure to lay hand on the letter from my dear Uncle Remus which I seem to have answered in mine of almost exactly thirty-three years ago; but I cannot.

If I remember aright I never wrote best this one letter to your father
and I have half a notion that it was in response to some printed word of his in possibly an "Open Letter" in the Country Magazine and not to anything received by me in letter form.

He was quite right in the statement he made as to the banjo not being an instrument much in use among the negro slaves in our Southern states. Why he should have had to defend his statement I do not now recall, but I remember that so it was.

I greatly appreciate your kind
recollections of my stories and my readings of them.

Wishing you great success in your writing of Uncle Remus's life, and that I could do more to help you,

I am ever,
Yours Truly
Geo.W. Cable