cots.har.IMG.0547.jpg MS letter, ink, on letterhead of the Editorial Rooms of the Constitution; original in the Cable Collection, Howard-Tilton Memorial Library, Tulane.
1883: 28 July.
My Dear Mr Cable:
Will you permit me to pester you a moment? D Duglas /sic/, Edinburgh, has just sent me a copy of Old Creole Days. He wants to get out two or three of my jaw-breaking affairs in the series; but he makes no offer. What does he pay you? The inquiry is made bluntly on purpose so that if it is impertinent you can hit me a diff in the face and eyes, and I'll make no protest.
Pray present my kindest regards to Mrs. Cable, to your mother, to your sister, and to the dear little children, and believe me
Always faithfully yours:
Joel Chandler Harris.